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Entertaining Angels of Light

Rebecca Brown Expose’

Copyright © 1993 by Vadim Holliday, Ph.D.
First printing July 15,1993
2nd printing Jan. 2001
ISBN 1-884-785-02-6

Vadim Holliday, Ph.D.

P. O. Box 56527
Jacksonville, FL 32241
(904) 733-8318

All rights reserved. No part of this material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or unitized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage and retrieval system without
written permission from the copyright owner. Printed in the United States of America.
Chapter One Evil Shall Come
Chapter Two Human Spirits
Chapter Three Astral Projection, Rebecca Brown and Shirley McClaine
Chapter Four Right and Wrong
Chapter Five Rebecca Teaches Against---Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Chapter Six A Ministers Character
Chapter Seven Dr. Brown Loses Her Medical License
Chapter Eight Rebecca Brown --- Mrs. Daniel Michael Yoder (Married)

Rebecca Brown’s books are in every Christian bookstore in this country and the
world. Does she really know what she is doing doctrinally? Does she really set the
captives free? This book discerns her work from her writings. Christians should know
the truth because that is what sets us free. We deal with a subject that has been of
ceaseless controversy in the Church because it exposes the powers of Satan as he
works through human agents and the results of his influence over people lives. This
book also exposes the true New Age nature and deception of Dr. Rebecca Brown
Yoder writings who makes many bizarre claims.
On Dec. 10, 1989, she married Daniel Michael Yoder,
Satan uses human agents and knows biblical theologies. He cleverly covers his
false doctrines with verses of Scripture so as to deceive the unconverted and the weak
Christians of the Faith. He uses these human agents to disseminate his doctrines.
Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science is a perfect example to show why
Christians of our day must discern truth and error. It is not generally known that
before Mrs. Eddy founded her false religion she was treated for severe pain by a
process of Mesmerism, an early form of hypnotism. After that, she wrote 'Science
And Health',1 in which error blends with confusion.
In her later years, the crippling pain returned, and hypnosis was no longer of any
help. She is reported to have died under the influence of morphia. The use of pain
killing drugs effectively contradicts everything Mrs. Eddy has said and written about
the illusion of pain during her lifetime. The deceptive spirit which she received
through Mesmerism continues its work today through her writings." 2
If Mrs. Eddy's books had never been discerned by faithful Christians, her
false religion would have just become another Christian denomination filled with
religious confusion and delusion.
Today, we are being told not to discern contemporary writers’ errors because it
brings “disunity among the brethren.” I submit to you that it’s better to bring a little
disunity than to subject Christians to doctrines of devils that will then be led away
into the kingdom of darkness. I believe this book of exposure of Rebecca Brown
Ministry is undergirded by the Word of God.
American is becoming more Pagan and heathen day by day. Paganism is
replacing our Christian civilization in our beloved land. But, what is the characteristic
of paganism! What are the Pagan marks? We can see spiritual darkness is a mark
of paganism, (Eph. 4:18). Marks such as, Idol worship, ritualism—religious but
also lost, ignorance concerning God and His Word are prevalent. We are experiencing
a revival of Neo-paganism and it is the revival of the old gods and goddesses of pre-
Christian polytheistic mythologies, mystery cults, and nature religions, such as Celtic,
Greek, Egyptian, Roman, and Sumerian.
Prudence Jones and Caitlin Matthews write: “Pagans’ are people who follow
the Old Religion, the native religious tradition of Europe which predated more
abstract world religions such as Christianity . . . in a sense the new Pagans are neo-
Pagans, since they derive their impetus from a spiritual re emergence and restatement
of ancient Pagan principles.’
Neo-paganism also includes existing tribal religions, Native American religions,
and shamanism. It also includes new religions inspired by avant-garde science fiction
and fantasy works (e.g., the Church of All Worlds) as well as diverse occultic sources
and traditions related to witchcraft covens are other neo-pagan groups.3
There has been an occult revival that began festering in 1966, when Aton
LeVey began the first American Church of Satan. The Christian Church has
chosen to ignore this vast movement. 4 The results being many young people who
were raised in the Church have been led into strong supernatural powers that they do
not know how to deal with. The Bible does not say, “ignore the devil and he will flee
from you.” We are supposed to face him down with the authority of our Lord Jesus
Witchcraft is the belief that supernatural powers can be brought under
human control. Those who participate in witchcraft become like the entity they
follow. Often people get involved and participate in the witchcraft through curiosity
and in ignorance. There is NO such thing as INNOCENT participation, nor can you
study these to refute them (you will be poisoned if you study their material).
The Bible makes it clear in both the Old and New Testaments that occult
practices are abominations to the Lord. (Deut. 18:10-12), “There shall not be found
among you any . . . that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter,
or a witch, 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a
necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD.”
Another scripture passage that points out just how seriously God views the
occult and wizardry is (Acts 13:10), The Apostle Paul indicts Elymas the sorcerer
with these words, “O full of all subtlety (deceit) and all mischief (maliciousness),
thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert
the right ways of the Lord?”

The things that people keep in their hearts in the place that God is to have
an IDOL, whether it is an image of wood or stone or gold, or whether it is money
or desire for fame or love of pleasure or some secret sin which we will not give
up. If God does not really occupy the highest place in a heart, something else does
and that something else is an idol.
The Bible has many terms for idolatry, and their usage represents the horror with
which they filled the writers of the Bible [Adherents of Jewish faith maintain that the
Torah is the literal and eternally binding word of G-d]. Thus idols are stigmatized
"non-God" (Deut. 32:17, 21; Jer. 2:11, "things of naught" (Lev. 19:4) et passim,
"vanity" (Deut. 32), "iniquity" (1 Sam. 15:23), "wind and confusion" (Isa. 41:29),
"the dead" (Ps. 106:28), "carcasses" (Lev. 26:30; Jer. 16:18), "a lie" (Isa. 44:20), et
passim, and similar epithets.
Pagan idols are described as made of gold, silver, wood, and stone. They are
described as only the work of men's hands, unable to speak, see, hear, smell, eat,
grasp, or feel, and powerless either to injure or to benefit.
Idolatry and witchcraft are signs of the end times. (Rev 9:20-21), “And the rest
of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of
their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and
brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 21 Neither
repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of
their thefts.”
Idols were either designated in Hebrew by a term of general significance, or
named according to their material or the manner in which they were made. They said
to have been being placed upon pedestals, and fastened with chains of silver or nails
of iron lest they should fall over or be carried off, (Isa. 40:19, 41:7; Jer. 10:14), and
they were also clothed and colored, (Jer. 10:9; Ezek. 16:18).
At first the gods and their images were conceived of as identical; but in later
times a distinction was drawn between the god and the image. Nevertheless it was
customary to take away the gods of the vanquished, (Isa. 10:10-11, 36:19, 46:1; Jer.
48:7, 49:3; Hosea 10:5; Dan. 11:8), and a similar custom is frequently mentioned in
the cuneiform texts. 5

Witchcraft is seeking supernatural power from sources other than God.
This is idolatry. It does not matter that you thought you were just playing or that you
didn't believe its reality. These powers of darkness are spiritually alive and can
control you when you open a door to them.
The Bible warns, "They consult a wooden idol and are answered by a stick of
wood. A spirit of prostitution leads them astray; they are unfaithful to their God.
Their deeds do not permit them to return to their God. A spirit of prostitution is in
their heart; they do not acknowledge the Lord.” (Hos. 4:12; 5:4).
Adam Clarke's Commentary interprets (Rom 1:30),[Inventors of evil things]
Epheuretas kakoon. Those who have invented destructive customs, rites, fashions,
etc.; such as the different religious ceremonies among the Greeks and Romans-the
orgies of Bacchus, the mysteries of Ceres, the lupercalia, feasts of the Bona Dea,
(dead) etc. Multitudes of which evil things, destructive and abominable ceremonies
are to be found in every part of the pagan worship.6


Witchcraft is condemned in the Old Testament and the people of God are
forbidden to use any form of it.
Richard Cavandish, author of The Black Arts: Witchcraft, mentions: "Sacred
objects in use today are candles made of human fat, the head of a black cat fed on
human flesh, a bat drowned the blood, horns of a goat that has copulated with a young
girls and the skull of a parricide."7
We have seen widespread growth of witchcraft both for the purpose of
foretelling the future and diagnosing disease. More and more people are resorting
to fortune tellers, crystal ball gazers, palm readers and horoscopes, which are given
much space in many newspapers and magazines. It is estimated that more than more
than 100 million people around the world adhere to spiritism!
Twilah Fox, M.D., a Christian psychiatrist and now a deliverance minister, says,
“I find the greatest treatment in all the world is to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and
to come to know Him as a living being, to repent from our sins, to be born again, to
learn the precepts of God and to obey them. Obedience to the Commandments and
percepts of God to walk in them is imperative to be in mental and spiritual health.”8

The reality of witchcraft is playing openly in the world today. A case that
came to us in the eighties reveals how easy it is to be drawn into witchcraft.
"Margaret: The Lady of The Lights" (not her real name) is a woman that I wrote about
in my book, "Be Free. in the '70,s. She "innocently" got involved in witchcraft out of
fun and curiosity. This story shows that when one gets involved out of fun and
curiosity, still reaps the results of the bondages of witchcraft.9
Margaret says: "I read a book. It was on witchcraft. I didn't know what I was
doing. The book told me to look under my eyelids and I did for the next ten days. One
day, I was sitting at my home. I had forgotten all about it. There were pictures on my
coffee table of my family. Suddenly the pictures began to change before my eyes. The
people in the pictures became . . . younger. This seemed wonderful."
"What is this?” I asked myself. It was fascinating to see. I didn't know what to
think and I wanted to see more. Then, all of a sudden, a spirit appeared and said to
me, 'I can do wonderful things for you. she, (the demonic spirit) was so nice to me.
I wanted to please her.”
The spirit said to me, “Go to your bedroom and sit in front of your mirror.'”
I obeyed her and when I sat in front of the mirror, the whole mirror turned jet black!
Then, as I sat on my bed facing the mirror, lights appeared on the left side," and one
on the right side. As soon as that was finished, spirits in the thousands began to attack
me. I was so frightened. I screamed as they tore at my clothes." Crying
uncontrollably, I began crawling on the floor. I was all by myself and didn't know
what was going on. “What's the matter?” I wailed. “Oh, my God!” My front door just
opened by itself and falling down the steps, I found myself out on my front lawn. At
that time, I lived in a very quiet area. Nobody was around, I found myself sitting on
the front lawn and didn't even know why I was out there because I had no control
over myself!"
Margaret went on to say, "I knew I had to pull myself together and go back in the
house . . . When I went back inside, the spirits began to try to hypnotize me. The evil
things taunted me and began throwing lights at me! Then, the entire house was filled
with blinding, darting, lighten bolts and I could see them on the pictures . . . all over
the walls, covered with spirits . . . I could now feel the pain running up my body and
all though my body. I didn't know what was happening to me. The torment was
unbearable and I felt like a prisoner. Where could I go for help? This insanity went
on for seven days, I could not sleep and could see spirits, they were all over my legs.”
When Dr. Holliday wrote about Margaret's testimony in the seventies, this was
considered to be extremely bizarre stuff. Most Christians in America did not believe
that witches and wizards were real. They believed they were just fairy tales from
Disney World. Many Christians rejected me after writing the book, Be Free.
Margaret, after deliverance, lived for Jesus and was a regular church attender until
she died. 10
The Word says: "But if I cast out devils by the spirit of God, then the kingdom
of God is come unto you," (Matt. 12:28).Jesus said the Devil is "a liar and the father
of lies." (Jn. 8:44) In dealing with the demonic, you cannot expect them to deal in
truth. The Devil and his legion only seek to "steal, kill, and destroy." (Jn. 10:10) For
this reason, (Deut. 18), labels the practices of witchcraft, sorcery, divination, and
necromancy as detestable to the Lord. These practices brought judgment on the
Canaanites and expelled them from the land. God did not want such teachings to
infiltrate any culture. The church must not only present the danger of the occult, but
the message of life and victory found in Jesus Christ over the principalities of


The America Church has been protected from having knowledge
concerning the effects of witchcraft for two centuries. The Church could not
believe that these powers were real and if Christians believed it, it was something that
only happened in the pagan countries--- not here!. Christian pastors had heard things
about the mission fields and people in this country were sent thought psychological
centers. Psychology cannot cure demon possession . . . only the power of the name
of Jesus can. Therefore, according to the Word of God, Christians are really the only
answers to demon possession!
Even so, they have mainly sat on the sidelines while the occult revolution
thrived. Meanwhile the Devil is busy infiltrating many churches with his false
prophets and prophets, false ministers and false doctrines. Many churches thought
they could just sing and dance their way back to heaven! We have been taught
“plastic (surgery) ”; “better homes and garden Christianity; “ prosperity”; “Disney
World Christianity. Jesus has been put away to the sidelines while Satan’s agents are
flourishing in many churches.
It's simply because of the Church's spiritual blindness that books such as
Rebecca Brown" has been received. Rebecca Brown has great problems with her
theology, but she does describe Satanism very well.
This book was not written to disparage any one's reputation but point
unscriptural theologies and to alert Christians to the truth from a Scriptural viewpoint.
Witchcraft and Satanism have been rising up very strongly since the sixties. Many
Christian children have been drawn away from the Church and ensnared by the
powers of darkness through powerful witchcraft television and movies, heavy metal
rock stars and every pollution over their minds that you can think about. God wants
to set the captives free by the power of Jesus Christ and His Word.
The Scriptures predict that there will be a great increase in demonic activity in
the last days. Our age is characterized by an increasing flood of Satanic evil that is
influencing society, the Church and the entire world. The work and doctrine of
seducing spirits have enslaved multitudes of people, who find themselves suffering
mental, psychic, spiritual, and demonic dominion.

The Apostle Paul warns of the spread of heresy from the Christian faith. The
word Apostasy conveys the particular idea of falling away, a withdrawal, a
defection from the faith. Paul goes on to say in the scriptures, “Let no man deceive
you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,
and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,” (I Thess. 2:3). The Bible shows
in (II Thess. 2) the last days that a spirit of “strong delusion” will overtake the
whole world. Have you noticed that “another Jesus, another Gospel,” is being
preached everywhere?
Christians can no longer ignore what is happening in America. We must meet
this spiritual crisis with Biblical principles to set the captives of Satan's kingdom free.
We must begin to war in the heavenlies and break the strongholds that are
capturing millions in our country and the world.
We must get a burden for the lost! May God help us in these hours of darkness.
"The Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times, some shall depart from the
faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils," (1 Tim. 4:1).
Charles Williams wrote in Witchcraft: "It is cold, it is hungry, it is violent, it is
illusory. The warm blood and intercourse at the Sabbot do not satisfy it. It wants
something more, and it wants souls."
I may add to this, and witchcraft wants Christian souls.
In the seventies, a young man from Jacksonville, left his wife and children to
seek for a job in Miami. He saw a group of people with Bibles and he thought they
were Christians. He began to attend their meetings only to discover that he had
connected into a witchcraft group.
He eventually asked his Christian wife for a divorce so that he could marry a
female witch. Christians in Jacksonville began to pray for his recovery and he
eventually did return to his family. The group in Miami began working its spells and
witches began to soul travel into the man's bedroom at night. The witch that he had
wanted to leave his family for, would appear to tempt him to return to her. (A devil
impersonating the witch).

Rebecca Brown would teach you that these experiences are that group of
witches human spirits who were soul traveling or astral projecting. She believes that
Christians have no power over these so-called "human spirits,” (her definition -not
mine). I also believe that Rebecca Brown's teachings are occult based and are taught
in every witchcraft book that was ever written. If what she says is true, Jesus would
have warned us because He would not have left us defenseless against these human
There are many books that are Scripturally able to discern correctly. Witchcraft
powers are real. However, Rebecca Brown's books do not have answers to this
problem for the Church of Jesus Christ and could bring more confusion than
constructive judgements.
I believe that Christians should read Rebecca Brown's books very cautiously
and prayerfully.

Vadim Peter Medvedeff

June 19, 1988 Vadim Peter Medvedeff

The Witch and Christ's Grace

Curiosity killed the cat
Cauldron boils, herbs,
Green frog, a bat.
A weird trance.
A witch dance.

A shriek, a violent scream.

She joined the devil's team.
Gives her demonic a dream.
Finds herself no longer clean.

A woman riding on a broom.

Face of darkness full of gloom.
Cast a black shadow on the moon.
Chooses Satan as her groom.

Transported spiritually to a black dome.

A place she's never seen or known.
An enormous raging burning fire.
New Vows-becomes Satan's desire.
Satan appeared to take her hand.
Wedding a raiment-a golden band.
The moon looked like blood.
Witches bow, and praises flood.

Your soul filled with gross evil.

As she strives to serve the devil.
She surrendered everything to Satan.
Her life, her soul, joins his plan.
Your total surrender does not bring peace.
Power of darkness, destruction unleashed.
Escape Satan's clutches must be prepared.
Ties ore not easily broken once declared.

If Jesus is not your Savior,

You are lost.
Though you are dead in trespasses and sin,
He paid the cost.
The Bible says you are bound.
Jesus wore your sinner's crown.

See Jesus Christ in His sacrifice.

For you He suffered and paid the price.
A terrible struggle will take place.
As you seek to gaze into His awesome face.

Even for you, He will extend grace.

He'll cleanse your sin leaving no trace.
Singing Just As I Am, without one plea.
His power is able to make you free.

Give Jesus a chance to save your soul.

Discover the greatest story ever told.
A Woman bound by Satan's thousand ties.
The power of Christ, and sin dies.
Falling down into a burning ring of fire.
Making a pact with the Devil, not your desire.
Guilt of transgression that weighs you down.
Will disappear when Jesus you've found.
Chapter One
Evil Shall Come
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his
devices," (2 Cor. 2:11).


God’s purpose is to perfect us, to make us more like Jesus. Our warfare is in
the spiritual world, not a physical war. God wants us to exercise spiritual discernment
in our churches and our lives. Rebecca Brown has targeted the Body of Christ with
her books. She is not writing for the secular world. If her theology is erroneousness
and cannot stand Scriptural scrutiny, the Christians should welcome those who will
expose her books to protect our people from deceit.
I do not personally know Rebecca Brown. This book is based upon the
information that she wrote in her books and testimonies presented to the Body of
Christ as Christian doctrines. I have used her own words to uncover her erroneous
beliefs. I believe her books present a very powerful Devil and a very weak Jesus. I
also believe that her writings demonstrate more occult-witchcraft based religious
doctrines than Christianity. The Apostle Paul warns, “Who has bewitched you?”
The Bibles warns in (2 Cor. 2:11), “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us:
for we are not ignorant of his devices.” One of his devices is to use false testimonies
and ministries to sway the Church away from the truth. Dr. Rebecca Brown's books
minister more doubt than faith; more deception than truth; more sensationalism than
fact; more Satan than Jesus; more New Age than Christianity. I challenge you to
earnestly pray and seek the Holy Spirit concerning this topic.
The inspired Apostle Paul warned us: “Let no one deceive you” (2 Thess. 2:3).
It is apparent that we are vulnerable to deception and we must not forget it. We must
be on guard and protect ourselves against it. There is deception everywhere in the
religious world. We must be alert. Paul was certainly a “heretic hunter” as Paul
Crouch calls people that are trying to discern the writings and ministries of those who
give the church improper teachings that would harm their souls.
The words deceit, deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness, and deceive, are used
again and again in the Bible. These words are major themes and there are warnings
everywhere in Scripture about being deceived. There are numerous warnings about
the users and purveyors of deceit. The underlying Greek words for deceit cover
everything from self-deceit to the practice of deceit by unprincipled religious teachers
and con artists. So we are warned repeatedly and must be ready to protect ourselves,
(2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-14).
Deceit is defined as:
1. The act of representing as true what is known to be false; deceiving or
2. A dishonest action or trick; fraud or lie. 3. the quality of being deceitful. 11
British scholar W.E. Vine defines the Greek words apate and dolos that
underlie the various English words for deceit:
“APATE . . . to cheat, deceive, beguile, that which gives a false
impression, whether by appearance, statement or influence . . . In (Col. 2:8),
‘vain deceit’ suggests that deceit is void of anything profitable . . . DOLOS
. . . primarily a bait, snare; hence, craft, deceit, guile.”12
I prayerfully ask the Father to give you discernment concerning the contents of
this book. It is not intended to hurt anyone but its mission is to reveal the true
nature of Dr. Brown’s books and their possible spiritual devastation upon those
that read them. God bless you and according (Matt.18:18), I take authority and bind
religious spirits that may try to control your mind while reading this material and
loose the power of the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding, in the name of our
Lord Jesus, to help you understand His Word and all truth.
Closet Witches 1. and Closet Witches 2, these tapes are offered to the Body of
Christ and are considered to be sensationalistic and farfetched by many Christian
leaders. They can only be believed by “babes in Christ.” Knowledge of the word will
tell you that these testimonies are being given by spiritual fruitcakes.
Jack Chick, whose Chick Publications Company has published two cassette tapes.
Closet Witches 1. and Closet Witches 2. and two books. He Came To Set The
Captives Free and Prepare Ye For War, considers anyone who disputes these tapes
and books as a spiritual enemy.
In Closet Witches 2, Rebecca describes something called "counter petitioning
God" in which she pleads with God not to let Satan do things to other Christians. She
apparently gets flashes of insight into Satan's plans and then asks God not to let them
be carried out. She seems to serve a very cold-blooded, mean god!

Rebecca also details some unorthodox views of the character of God the Father
and Jesus Christ the Son. In Prepare Ye for War, Rebecca describes a conversation
she supposedly had with Jesus: "Suddenly, that gentle voice of the Lord spoke to me
again saying, 'Talk to me, child.' She tells the Lord Jesus, 'I can't talk to you, Lord,
I don't feel any different from before, and all you do is get mad!'' Jesus supposedly
tells Dr. Brown, “But I am not mad at you, I never have been. You see, I, Jesus, know
how you feel because I have experienced weakness. Father has never experienced
weakness, so He usually gets angry when His people are weak." 13 How absurd! This
truly a stupid statement concerning Jesus. Jesus is God and He is never weak.
On the tape, Closet Witches 2, Chick says, "I think the listeners should watch
carefully who in the Christian circles will attack Rebecca and Elaine (last name never
given) to destroy their credibility and the message on this tape. More than likely the
attackers just might turn out to be Satanists or witches pretending to be believers in
Christ and it is going to be very, very interesting to watch." 14
It is easy to attack believers who do not agree and believe the credibility of
Rebecca and Elaine as being valid and calling them names. However, as this book
will cause to be seen, Rebecca Brown’s writings are simply not sound in Christian
Doctrine. We are supposed to judge the preaching that presents “Christian” teachings
to our brothers and sisters in Christ. If these teachings do not line up with the Word
of God, then we are called to disclose their errors for the protection of Christians.
Whenever, someone claims to be Christian and chooses to write their beliefs to the
Body of Christ, hopefully, the scholars in the Church will examine our work to see
if it is good, sound doctrine for the Church, then, Scripturally expose it. Thankfully,
there were men who bravely discerned the works of Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons,
and a multitude of other false teachers. We know that demons disseminate false
doctrines, (I Tim. 4:1; II Pet. 2:1; II Cor. 11:13-15; Rev. 19:20).
(2 Cor 11:4), “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not
preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another
gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”
Jesus challenged us to become discerning Christians that we could not be
entrapped by “wolves in sheep clothing,” (Matt. 7:15). Then in (Matt. 7:22-23),
“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work
There are those that are preaching another Jesus and another gospel. If their
testimonies do not line up with the Word of God, junk it!
Chick Publications once known primarily as a publisher of Gospel tracts and has
gained notoriety as a publisher of sensational stories or tracts and books. Most
notably are those of a supposedly former witch called John Todd, who claimed to
possess knowledge of an occult, conspiratorial society called the Illuminate. The late
John Todd was uncovered by many respected ministers as being a false prophet.
Demons produce deception and bondage. They work through humans and we must
know how too recognized the work of demons in this last hour.
I was a hostess of a local talk show during the seventies, when Todd came to a
local independent Baptist church. He accused every major Charismatic ministry in
the world as receiving money from the Iluminati. He was casting aspersions on every
"Holy Spirit" filled ministries as “being of the Devil.” His entire ministry amounted
to accusing holy men and women of being connected to witchcraft and bribery from
the Illumnati.
Fortunately, Todd was exposed!
Now Chick Publications offers Rebecca Brown and a woman she calls (Elaine)
last names is never mentioned on tapes or books to the Body of Christ. The
interesting thing about Elaine is, she claims that she was a “former” bride of the devil.
She becomes in these books Dr. Brown's authority concerning occult experiences.
Rebecca always asks Elaine questions about witchcraft and then Brown writes
Elaine’s about them as though they were Christian doctrines.
Author’s Note
There are three key words identifying witchcraft: manipulation, domination and
intimidation. These words translate into “control.” Anytime someone asserts authority
not given by God it is call witchcraft; it is rebellion against delegated authority. When
one uses such illegitimate authority, one resorts to manipulating, dominating or
intimidating in order to rule over other people!
The so-called former witch, Elaine, gives her testimony of her entrance in the
dark world of witchcraft. She claims that she was born with a cleft palate that
required surgical repair. She says her family could not afford the cost of surgery. A
nurse told her mother the work could be done in exchange for nothing more than a
thimbleful of Elaine's blood. The blood would be for experimental use. Elaine claims
the blood was used in a ceremony in which she was sold to Satan. She tells of the
events that lead her to further involvement in witchcraft and Satanism.
Elaine describes being introduced to or forced into Satanism after being inducted
into Satan's service at a witchcraft camp. She made a blood pact with Satan by
signing her name in blood and began to climb the ladder of power in Satanism. She
recounts of becoming very powerful and contending for power in a national
competition of witches, she surpassed all her colleagues and was named top witch.15
Elaine claims that "A crown of gold was placed upon my head and my fellow
cult members members bowed down and gave homage to me ... I was treated like a
queen ... I was given all the beautiful clothes to wear that I could possibly want. I was
bathed, my hair fixed and I was waited on hand and foot by servants. There were
parties and I always had a handsome escort who was also my body guard ... My escort
always tasted all of my food before I ate to make sure that it wasn't poisoned." 16
"Elaine goes on to say, she married Satan himself, who donned a white tuxedo
and rented a Presbyterian church for the ceremony. After saying their vows, the
newlyweds were whisked off by limousine to the airport and Satan's luxurious private
jet... on their way to their "haunted honeymoon" at a mansion in California, Satan
sipped "very expensive wines and champagnes." 17
Elaine claims that she "became Satan's representative on an international level",
going around the world to meet with heads of state and foreign dignitaries to
negotiate the sale of arms.
Some of her activities as Satan's bride:

"I also made a number of trips to other countries. I have been to Mecca,
Israel, Egypt, also the Vatican in Rome to meet with the Pope. All my trips
were for the purpose of coordinating Satan's programs with satanists in other
lands, as well as meeting with various government officials to discuss aid to
their countries in the form of money. A few did not know that I was a satanist,
but thought I was associated with a powerful wealthy organization of some
kind. People asking for money don't ask too many questions. It was during this
time that I met many of the well known Rock music stars. They all signed
contracts with Satan in return for fame and fortune."18 She makes claim of
being possessed by a demon named Mann-Chan" and was able to speak foreign
languages fluently. 19
Elaine links the Roman Catholic Pope into the worldwide occult network she
says she supposedly headed. "The Pope knew very well who I was. We worked
closely both with the Catholics -- especially the Jesuits -- and the high-ranking
Masons." 20
Elaine tells Jack Chick, Satan told her there was a "'young smartly doctor' at his
'special' hospital in a nearby city. This doctor was not only greatly interfering by
'preaching and praying everywhere,' but had also actually dared to interfere with a
number of his top witches and their work at that institution." Elaine alleges "Satan
ordered me to organize a nationwide effort among all the top witches for that doctor's
destruction. He didn't care how we did it, but that doctor must be killed, and

The young doctor turned out to be Rebecca Brown, an intern. Elaine immediately
started working on her assignment. Still, Elaine says, "every time I did an incantation
in the direction of that doctor, the demons came back unable to get through."22 (This
is a very interesting statement because after Elaine’s “conversion,” according to
Rebecca Brown’s books, they were constantly under attack from both demons,
Satanist, and witches. They could never get any victory over demons, witches and
wizards. Dr. Brown never gives any testimony of victory concerning their demonic
warfare!) Elaine says her difficulty in ruining Rebecca spiritually turned into a defeat
for Satan. Through this supposed incident and other events, Elaine supposedly
became a Christian.

Satan was angry. "The first thing that they (Mann Chan, and fellow demons) did
was fly right off and tell Satan what I had done," Elaine tells Chick. "Then the fur
started to fly. That night after I had returned home Satan came to talk to me, but
things were strangely different. Usually Satan would come up to me and put his hands
on my shoulders or hold me in his arms. This time he stood back away from me and
shouted 'What the Hell do you think you are doing?' 'I'm leaving you,' I replied." 23

After a heated discussion ensued, and Elaine claims that she ordered him to
leave! Can you imagine that? She ordered Satan to leave? I have personally
ministered to many former witchcraft people, and I can tell you, I’ve never seen one
that thought that they could have order Satan to do anything! Elaine says "Satan
came to me nearly twenty times over the next two weeks. Sometimes in a very
charming mood, attempting to be a lover, but usually in a rage. He tried to persuade
me to change my mind."24
Truly, if you believe that testimony, you’d believe that dogs can have cats’
whiskers. Especially since she describes a human sacrifice and knows Satan’s
monstrous acts of terror and cold-blooded nature. "I watched in utter horror as a
crown of huge long thorns was driven into the young man's head. The thorns going
in so deep as to pierce into his skull . . . Finally, he was nailed to a wooden cross
which was then picked up and placed in a hole in the ground, just in front of the
middle of the platform. I will never forget the stench of the burned and tormented
flesh, the screams of the victim, his writhing agony, his pleas for mercy . . . " 25
And then, "Satan appeared in human form as usual, dressed completely in
shining white. But his eyes glowed red as a flame and he threw his head back and
gave a howl and a scream and a hideous laugh of victory as the high priest drove a
long spike through the man's head, pinning it to the cross, killing him. The crowd
went crazy, screaming and shouting and dancing in crazed ecstasy at the "victory."
They loudly proclaimed all victory and power and honor to their father Satan. Satan
vanished shortly after that to go on to the next Black Sabbath sacrifice. At his
departure the meeting turned into a sex orgy. Human with human, and demon with
human." 26
The various people over the years that I’ve ministered to, tell of a well organized
kingdom that is controled by terror and fear. No human being that is engulfed in
Satanism would ever attempt to challenge Satan’s power. If they come out, they have
to be taught that Jesus is the superior power and how to use His name, prayer, blood.
The deliverance minister usually has to cover them until they can stand in their new
Elaine reported that Satan's next move was to make Elaine ill and put her in "that
particular hospital," where she was placed under the care of Dr. Brown. Then the
story's narration is picked up by Rebecca. She states God told her Elaine still had
hundreds of demons and needed deliverance. She states "(God) told me that He
wanted me to have Elaine move in with me immediately as she did not yet have faith
enough to stand on her own. Her (earthly) husband had left her and remained with the
Satanists." Since the hospital was under the control of Satanists, Brown alleges she
and Elaine were targets of "the Brotherhood" (i.e., a group of people who are directly
controlled by, and worship, Satan). 27
Nowhere does Dr. Brown question Elaine's testimony. After persuading Elaine
to leave the "cult", she received a disturbing letter in the mail:

"The letter to me detailed my activities of the past two weeks perfectly, right
down to what I had bought at the grocery store. They knew my address and phone
number. The told me that if I ever spoke to or saw Elaine again that they would
come and get me and sacrifice me. Elaine's letter told her that if she ever saw me,
and that if she did not return and repent and serve Satan again, that they would get
her and sacrifice her at the upcoming Black Sabbath. One line in each of our
letters was very similar to the letter from the field commander of the king of
Assyria to King Hezekiah. They said, 'You two are fools if you think your God can
protect you from our Prince of Darkness!'"28

Dr. Brown goes on to describe weeks and months of daily life threatening battles
casting out demons from Elaine:

"The demons began to surface and speak through Elaine. I had never seen
anything like it. Her eyes, voice, and whole face changed. I will never forget the
first demon. Suddenly a guttural male voice said, 'I am Yaagogg, the demon of
death, and you are all fools, you cannot win, we WILL KILL this foul traitor. She
belongs to Satan and he will not permit her to live.' 29
From this testimony, Rebecca Brown weaves a powerful occult book that leads
her and her readers into the depths of the world of Satan’s darkness. The problem is,
Brown, seems to present a very prominent Devil and a weak Jesus Christ throughout
her books. Occult-witchcraft based philosophies are employed throughout Dr.
Browns books. She even describes her own experiences with the Prince of Darkness.
Dr. Brown relates her own encounter with the evil one:

"Suddenly, a shining figure appeared and sat down across the table from me.
He was in form as a man. As I sat staring at him in silent amazement the Holy
Spirit forcibly revealed to me who he was! This was the LAST being I had ever
expected to personally meet. This shining figure presenting himself in radiance as
an 'angel of light' was actually the Prince of Darkness, The Prince of the Power of
the Air, ruler over a vast kingdom of evil - Satan, himself!" 30

Satan has a conversation with Rebecca asking her if she really dared to come
against him and told her to count the cost. He said, "Woman you had better count the
cost because I tell you, I will make your life an agony and an anguish that you never
knew could even exist!"31

Dr, Brown has many interesting stories. Once she confronted a "werewolf".

"One evening at dusk I was driving from my office back to the hospital to see
a patient who had taken a turn for the worse. I was alone in the car and was
driving down a stretch of isolated country road where there were no houses or
buildings within at least a one mile radius. Suddenly, about a block ahead of me
a huge werewolf (sic) stepped out into the middle of the road. As I approached
closer, he raised up and stood on his hind legs. I put my foot down hard on the
accelerator intending to swerve around him but the car didn't respond. It glided to
a stop, motor still running, despite all my prayers and attempts to make it go. I sat
there staring in horror at the most incredibly ugly and fierce creature I had ever
seen. I felt as if I was drowning in the pure evil power that radiated from him. He
threw back his head and howled - a terrifying sound which I shall never forget.

Then he looked straight into my eyes and told me, 'You can't go anywhere -
see, I have stopped your car and there's nothing you can do about it. Now I'm
going to enjoy ripping your throat out and drinking your blood. You have been
interfering with Satan too long; I am going to punish you. You cannot stand
against my power.'"32
Author’s Note
Witchcraft is the use of a person employing Satanic power. It is Satan’s way of
imposing his will on your will and enforcing emotions, behaviors, or circumstances
on people they would not otherwise want. Witchcraft cause to be endured, its power
primarily though curses and spells. Many Christians get caught up in some prophetess
or prophet to tell them “what God is saying about them.” Really, if you want to know
what God is saying about you, study His Word.
Rebecca goes on to say God wanted to make another covenant with her to enter
into the "deliverance" ministry. Rebecca says she was told by God that this covenant
was her call to "directly combat Satan and his demons" which would result in
"loosing [sic] my career, my family, all my friends and nearly everything I held dear."
She felt that if she did not enter into this covenant with God that she would lose her
relationship with the Lord.33

Rebecca says she accepted the commission. Joining her was Elaine, fresh from
an eight-week exorcism of Mann-Chan and several hundred other demons. Together
they joined God to fight Satan.

Rebecca goes to say, “Their first challenge was the Satanists at the "nearby
hospital." Demons and witches -- the witches were doctors and nurses on the hospital
staff -- were making patients sick. Their ministry, Rebecca says, blocked much of the
witchcraft that was going on there. This defeat of Satan, coupled with the loss of his
bride -- Elaine -- "caused Satan to lose face in his kingdom," 34

Rebecca writes that Satan launched a counter-attack, threatening to make

Rebecca and Elaine human sacrifices. However, the Lord's protection prevailed and
Rebecca fulfilled His desire to "open a private solo practice so that I would have a
broader range of patients. This was necessary so that He could bring to me the people
I was to minister to, especially cult members." 35

Rebecca says that at her new, small-town location, she "was privileged to bring
close to a thousand people out of hard-core Satanism ... . Every penny I made went
to help these people with food, clothing, transportation out of the state, medical care
and so on." 36

Rebecca and Elaine go on to tell of encounters with Satan, his demons, Satanist
and witches, curses and counter-curses, being shot at and having their house bombed.
Another blow, Rebecca says, was that Satanist were "the instruments of my mother's
death." 37

One final blow sent them running for their lives, Rebecca says: "Satan struck one
of his final blows to our ministry in that area. The Satanists swept in, and in one
night, while Elaine and I were out of the house for a couple of hours, destroyed
everything we had. They axed everything in my home, even killing our precious pets.
They also destroyed my office and everything we had. Elaine and I escaped with our
lives and the clothes on our backs, that is all. Satan's attack was so well planned that
at the same time everyone turned against us ... . We had no choice but to flee the
state." 38


Is it possible for a so-called "human spirit to astral project (soul travel) from
one's body and enter another body that belongs to someone else and use that body?
Dr. Brown claims that “a human spirit” can possess a person’s body, even
superseding the will of the person! Before we start this expose’ of Rebecca Browns
weird ideas, I challenge you to send me scriptures confirming that another person’s
human spirit can invade another person’s body and where it is found in the Bible. It
is, for sure, witchcraft procession that is found in metaphysical books. Let me explain.
First: Astral projection, also known as soul travel is an occult teaching that a
person can "will" make their spirit body come out of their fleshly body and their spirit
body is able to go anywhere in the universe. The Bible does confirm witches and
wizard can soul travel!
(Ezek. 13:20), “Wherefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against your
pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from
your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.”
(I Sam. 8:19, 20), “And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have
familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek
unto their God? For the Living to the dead? “To the law and to the testimony: if they
speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” 39
This is the manner that Bishop Vagalas Kanco, The Witch Doctor and the Man,
described astral projection or soul travel. He says, “On the spur of the moment, my
father blasted forth with a strong whistle sound and instantly two very powerful
demons appeared. All of a sudden, I felt my spirit releasing itself out of my body. One
of the demons entered into my body and took control of it to keep my body alive
while my spirit was not there. I felt as free as a bird. My father's spiritual body was
moving to take my hand. I looked back to see our bodies, sitting on the rock, as we
started walking toward the sea. Our bodies appeared to be alive! It was eye-deceiving,
as the bodies were moving and gesturing to each other against the dusk of the night,
as demonic spirits occupied each body.” 40
However, if possible for a person to soul travel, as the occultist teach, then it
would be highly questionable as Dr. Rebecca Brown teaches, that a person's spirit
body could possess another person's body and take over their will without their
consent and make them do things that they would not want to. (Devils have to have
the consent of the person to possess them totally).Dr. Brown teaches that these
“human spirits” can do anything they want too because they are “not subject to
obedience to God!” If Dr. Browns theories are true, surely, we would find some
Scriptures to back up these practices in the Bible both Testaments of the Word. Yet,
these are things that are described in Rebecca Brown's book, He Came To Set The
Captives Free, And Prepare Ye For War," as Christian Biblical Theology..
The Bible does not tell us to cast human spirits out of a person but it does give
us the authority to cast out devils, Jesus nor the Apostles are not ever shown casting
out "human spirits." "Now The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience pierced with a hot
iron;Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath
created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."
(1 Tim. 4:1).
Chapter Two
Human Spirits
Rebecca Brown, M.D., wrote two books, "He Came To Set The Captives Free,"
and "Prepare Ye For War," Both books contain many gross scriptural errors. Her
Books are being distributed and accepted, promoted by both Pentecostal and
Charismatic Christians. The teaching in both books are totally in opposition to the
belief systems of Spirit Filled Christians. These books could very well deceive
Christians that do not have a firm foundation in the Word of God.
EXAMPLE: Dr. Brown writes in He Came to Set the Captives Free, on pages
114-117, about an encounter with "Sally," whom she says, "is a local witch." Dr.
Brown, claims a "human spirit that was in fact "Sally, had astral projected and had
possessed Elaine's body! "Sally, was now controlling Elaine's body and trying to kill
her (Brown) with a butcher knife.
Dr. Brown goes on to write that, "later when Sally's "human spirit," had left
Elaine's body. Brown was told by Elaine that she (Elaine) as a previous witch could
simply "enter into another person's body and move and talk through them. Elaine
explained to Brown that “she did not know how she did it but she did." sic. 41
Frankly, I find thisdoctrine false and extremely bizarre and without biblical
foundation. However, this is exactly the way that Dr. Brown disseminates her
occult-based beliefs into the Body of Christ. The occult activity happens, then Brown
gets Elaine to explain it. The Brown never shows any Scriptural documentation to
show that it is sound doctrines.
Elaine went on to say, "... it was one of the first things she had learned to do as
she grew in power. She said she could leave her body and go anywhere and do
anything she wanted. In occultism, this is called "Astral-projection, or soul travel."42
The conclusion of Elaine’s occult account of being able to possess a person
as a witch was interpreted by Dr. Brown from an occult viewpoint—not a
wrote that a witch could, at will, take their "human spirit," to possess and have control
to enter another "human's body," taking over their will and forcing them to do evil
things . . . even committing murder! 43
This is simply preposterous!
Dr. Brown also concluded that Christians, if angry with one another, could also
“project their human spirits" to attack their fellow Christian brothers or sisters. 44
(This teaches that Christians through anger go into witchcraft as a fully trained
witch!) If this could happen, there would be Biblical evidence, but there is none. God
simply would not have left the Church ignorant of such power.
There is absolutely no scriptural basis for this heretical teaching. It is purely
occult based. The most amazing thing about these books: Christian Ministers are
reading and not seeing these gross errors and many are actually promoting her books
as valid Christian doctrines. Sadly her books can be found in most Christian,
including Pentecostal and Charismatic books stores! Ministers who are ignorant
of the powers of witchcraft to deceive, blind and bewitch, as shown in the book of
Galatians, simply believe her testimony without question!
Dr. Brown points to Christian writers as her basis for her new doctrines.
She says, after reading Watchman Nee's book, "The Latent Power Of The Soul," and
“Soul and Spirit,” by Jesse Penn-Lewis and a few Scriptures taken out of context, that
she finally understood the "strange power," Elaine had used in "addition" to demons
as she learned about "Human spirits." She wrote that "many Warlocks and Witches
in the area come into Elaine with their spirit bodies to try to kill both of us." sic
(Remember, Elaine is supposed to be saved at this point) Yet the demons seem to
have power to take her over at their will! Where is the power of Jesus in this kind of
testimony? (The Author has read Jesse Penn-Lewis' book. Soul and Spirit, and there
is nothing in that book that sanctions this type of heresy).
You must understand that Elaine had supposedly received Jesus Christ as Savior
when these weird things were happening! You can not find these nutty things
happening in the Bible!
Personally, I believe Elaine was being "controlled" by demons that were
never successfully cast out. However, as a minister of deliverance of twenty years,
I have never seen a " human spirit" of any living person, witch or saint that could
come into another person’s body and take control of another's vessel!" If this activity
were possible, why didn't Jesus speak of it? Why didn't the Apostles write about
Dr. Brown writes in her book "He Came To Set The Captives Free" speaks
about a "difficulty," of making the "human spirits," accountable to the name of
Personally. I believe that if these human spirits were more powerful than the
name of Jesus, He would have warned us to be aware of these human spirits in His
Word. He would not have made only Rebecca Brown responsible for this information
to disseminate it to his Saints.
My Bible says: "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him
JESUS every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth." (Phil.
2-9-10. Mk. 16:17), "And these signs shall follow them that believe: IN MY NAME
shall they cast out devils.”
Dr. Pat Holliday, was ministering in a church in Miami, Florida. A Satanist
came to the Church to challenge the power of my ministry. When she arrived to
preach, the Christians were very frightened and stirred up because before the service,
the Satanist told them that he was there to challenge my power!
After preaching, she gave an altar call. He was the first one in the line. She asked
him, "What can I do for you? Did you come to get saved?"
"No," he replied, "I came here to show you that Satan has more power than
"Oh" I said, "You really believe that?"
"Yes, I do."
She pointed my finger at him and said, "The Word Of God says, "Every knee
shall bow and every tongue shall confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord -1 command you
in the name of Jesus Christ devil to bow your knee to the mighty name of Lord Jesus
The puny man fell to his knees. Those demons had to obey the Word of God! I
wish you could have seen the absolute shock on his face. The Elijah type battle was
over in a second. He soon jumped to his feet with a confused look on his face and
raced fearfully out of the church! He discovered the power of the name of Jesus and
His Word. The Saints were standing, cheering just like people who have just seen a
touch-down at a football game!

I know the power of the name of Jesus. I've used it thousands of times to set the
captives free. Don't try to teach me that there is something more powerful in the
universe than His Wonderful Name, it just is not so! Jesus Christ is Lord!
We see this in Scripture that some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits
tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demonized. They
would say, "In the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches. I command you to come out.
Seven sons of Sceva, and a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. The evil spirit
answered them, "Jesus I know and Paul I know about, but who are you?" Then
the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and over-powered them all. He gave
them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. When this
became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with


Perhaps Dr. Brown was trying to operate in an area that she had not been
prepared to minister . . . not trained by the Holy Spirit . . . in ignorance of the Word
of God. Demons know what you believe. They also know how deep your faith runs.
Many times when your faith runs out, they are there to minister to your mind
doctrines of devils. Remember, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God will always
Did Dr. Brown get her new doctrine of so-called human spirits from the Word
of God?
No! A thousand times no!
Notice the occult doctrine that Rebecca Brown has fed to the Christian Church
came directly from the lips of a former witch who has had no theological training but
evidently knows occult darkness! EACH TIME, ELAINE IS CALLED UPON TO
BODY OF CHRIST! Dr. Brown then gets into agreement with Elaine's explanation
and writes it as though it were Christian theology! I guess because Dr. Brown has a
medical degree, she is believed by so many by deception and doctrines of demons.
“In whom the god of light hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,
lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine
unto them," (2 Cor 4:4). Every thought suggested to the mind by evil spirits, and
accepted, is ground given to them. Our minds are the battleground through
misunderstanding God's truth. We simply can not accept suggestions of occult
experiences from the mouth of a former witch without the sure foundation of being
biblically based!
How sad that only a few in the Body of Christ can see this erroneous belief.
It is a time when every wind and doctrine is blowing and no one seems to be watching
for truth from God's Word
Dr. Brown goes on to say: that demons would leave rather easily by simply
rebuking them but her so-called "human spirits," could not be stopped in the same
manner. Supposedly the "Holy Spirit," floods Dr. Brown's mind and brought to her
remembrance Exodus Chapter 12 and said to her, "Since the death of Jesus, there
are no more blood sacrifices and that, "the counterpart (counterfeit) of the blood
today is oil."46
Christian Friends, this is pure heresy!
The devil always moves to remove the truth of the blood of Jesus. IT HAS
NEVER LOST ITS POWER! "Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter
the Most Holy Place BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS." Hebrew 10:19.
No Sir, that the counterpart of the blood today is oil, so says Dr. Brown, is
absolutely a lie! Dr. Brown, through such an absurd statement shows her ignorance
of Christian theology.
Not only is the physical life in the blood but also the spiritual life. “Without
the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.” (Heb 9:22-26), “And almost all
things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no
remission. 23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens
should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better
sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with
hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the
presence of God for us: 25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high
priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; 26 For then must
he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of
the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.”
(Heb 9:26), [For then must he often have suffered] In the counsel of God
Christ was considered the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, (Rev 13:8),
so that all believers before his advent were equally interested in his sacrificial death
with those who have lived since his coming. Humanly speaking, the virtue of the
annual atonement could not last long, and must be repeated; Christ's sacrifice is ever
the same; his life's blood is still considered as in the act of being continually poured
out. (See Rev 5:6). 47
The Blood of Christ offers a continual cleansing for the child of God. (I Jn. 1:7),
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” The Blood of Jesus
Christ His Son frees and take away all sin and guilt . . . keeps us cleansed from sin
in all its patterns and expressions."
I suggest to you, that it is a faulty translation of biblical doctrine which was given
to Dr. Brown to disseminate to the Body of Christ, and most definitely NOT GIVEN
TO HER BY THE HOLY SPIRIT! Remember the Holy Spirit and The Word always
agree. This false doctrine was received by Dr. Brown through Clairvoyance and an
impersonating spirit.
The teaching of the Blood of Jesus Christ in the Bible is as strong and effectual
for our needs today as when His blood was first shed. There is simply no counterpart
for the Blood of Jesus. Although oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, it certainly does
not replace the power of the Blood of Our Lord Jesus!
Satan always strikes by trying to silence the name and the blood of Jesus
because it is through Jesus' Blood that we find our salvation and overcoming
power. "They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their
testimony." (Rev. 12:11).
Dr. Brown's books have in essence denied the power of the blood of Jesus with
her strange occult doctrine of replacing it with "oil," which as no value.
I agree with the old song, "The Blood Has Never Lost Its Power!" The Blood of
Christ was the visible sign of a life given in sacrifice that men might be released from
death and reconciled to God. "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the
holies by the blood of Jesus." (Hebr. 10:19).
Perhaps the real "difficulty" Dr. Brown was having making those "Human
spirits" accountable to the name of Jesus was, that the demons were taking on the
appearance of "Sally" and were powerful, stubborn ones and Dr. Brown did not have
the power to cast them out!. These impersonating demons probably knew that Dr.
Brown was inexperienced and weak in the faith of Jesus' name and could not make
them move out."The evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know and Paul I know but who
are you? (Acts 19:15).
Devils know those who has the faith, power and biblical knowledge to cast
them out. They also know how to overcome those who try to use the name of Jesus
and are not called or anointed to cast them out.
The deliverance ministry is only for believers who have faith and are being
directed by the Holy Spirit. "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with
work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, "
(Hebr. 2:14).


Another gross, serious error Dr. Brown taught: "If the Lord shows you that you
personally are being afflicted by "human spirits" not only that of a Satanist, but even
of a Fellow Christian who has hatred in his heart for you; you'll find it most helpful
to be anointed with oil by a Christian brother or sister, praying and asking the Lord for
special shielding not only from demonic powers, but also from human spirits as
This statement shows the confusion in which this woman finds herself.
Previously she has told us that so-called "Human spirits" are not subjected to the
name of Jesus but now she tell's us that we can ask God to shield someone from these
so-called human spirits.
Dr. Brown's teachings concerning these impersonating devils can and probably
does sow discord and suspicion among biblically ignorant brethren and sisters. First,
this weird teaching does not divide the line between light and darkness. It says to the
Christian who may be walking in carnal (flesh) instead of the Spirit that there is no
difference between their power and those of any witch! "But if we walk in the light,
as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin," (1 Jn. 1:7).
Rebecca Brown's books bring confusion and wrong teaching to the Body of
Christ, causing some to zero in on brother's and sisters, accusing them of sending
"Human spirits," by astral-projecting from one's body to attack another Christian
because of anger!
The author remembers once that some deliverance ministers novices cast a so
called human spirit of "Vadim Holliday," out of a young boy that we were trying to
minister Jesus Christ and His deliverance power. The young man's real problem was
his involvement in voodoo practices. He had attended the horror-occult movie, "The
Serpent and The Rainbow." which is about voodoo practices. He was not saved at the
time. He told me that he came out of the movie feeling that "his soul had been
captured by an unseen force, capped and placed in a jar."
Our ministry was trying to bring this teenage boy into a proper knowledge of the
Lord and then into repentance, salvation and deliverance. I'm a known Christian leader
in this area with a twenty year record of service to our Lord Jesus.
The people that cast out the "Vadim Holliday," spirit did not discern this boy's
occult problem. After his strange deliverance, the young boy called Vadim Holliday
on the telephone threatening her life! This young man ended up in the mental hospital
in total confusion and delusion. Eventually he returned to doing voodoo blood
sacrifices. The Christian novices seemed unconcerned for the young man's fate but
were only interested in defending their names when the author tried to get them to a
meeting with local ministers for correction. They would not attend the meeting!
No Christian friends, the Bible does not tell us to cast human spirits out a
person, but it does give us the authority to cast out devils! This is not good fruit
and certainly not inspired by the Holy Spirit. May our Lord put able ministers into the
fields of harvest in our day that will study His Word and be led by His Divine Spirit,
apart from seeking out sensational teachers and famous names to do their Bible studies
for them.
Dr. Brown continues to teach about so-called human spirits in her second book.
Prepare Ye For War. She says, “Anoint your house. The Lord taught me this principle
early in our ministry. Elaine and I had, for months, endured unrelenting torment from
both demons and astral projected human spirits. Nightly, we would just fall asleep
only to be jerked out of our beds and thrown to the floor by unseen spirits. Objects
appeared and disappeared in my home. Furniture and other objects were thrown
through the air by unseen forces and so on. Exhausted, one night, I cried out to the
Lord in desperation, ‘Father please, what can we do? I feel like my house is an open
thoroughfare to any spirit of evil that wants to come through. You know how these
spirits are tormenting us. I just can't stand it anymore’!" She gives no answer from the
Lord. (The Biblical answer would be use the name of Jesus and the power of His
Blood)! Believe me, if a Christian came under this type of serious demonic attack, the
Holy Spirit would scripturally answer. The descriptions that she reveals here, is one
that is seen in occult-witchcraft homes-NOT Christian! Jesus is present in my home
and no devil has ever thrown me around and tormented like she describes. 49
Notice that this is her second book, and she and Elaine are still living in much
defeat concerning demonic powers. Yet, she is giving advice to ministers and pastors
all over the country concerning how to defeat Satanism! If the blind leads the blind,
they'll both fall into the ditch. Help us Lord Jesus!
She says, “at that point the Holy Spirit flooded into her mind the story of the
Passover lamb in (Exo. Chapter 12). Then she heard the Holy Spirit speak, "Since the
death of Jesus there are no more blood sacrifices. So. what would you say is the
counterpart (counterfeit) of the blood today?" (SHE TOTALLY THROWS JESUS’
"The oil?" Dr. Brown asked.
“That is right.” Then (her) lord also reminded me of the Scripture in (Exo.
chapter 40) where he had instructed 18 Moses to use the anointing oil. sic. She quotes
(Exo. 40:9).
As she pondered these Scriptures, (her) Lord showed her that she must take oil
and anoint her house sanctify it holy unto Him. So she took the oil (cooking oil) and
placed some on the door posts and lintels of all the doors, the doors themselves, and
on each of the windows, the fireplace, and every opening into her house. She asked
her Lord to sanctify her home holy unto Himself, and to seal it with a shield of His
precious blood. Then leaving the doors open she went back into the house and stood
in the middle of it and asked the Lord to cleanse it and drive out all the human spirits.
She then commanded all demons spirits in the name of Jesus Christ, to leave her home
forever. She says the change was immediate and dramatic. However, demonic activity
continues in her house when you read her other books!
She goes on to say," My house was sealed and no demons or human spirits
could get in from that point on." Note: I asked the Lord to drive the human spirits
out of my house as we do not have the same authority over human spirits as we do
over demonic spirits because she claims people are rebellious and do not subject
themselves to God. Also throughout her books, “human spirits” continue to harass
her and Elaine in her house!)
Again, I must point out this strange occult doctrine of human spirits are handled
differently than demons because according to Dr. Brown, “they are not subject to
humans nor the use of the name of Jesus.”
Then she says when asked about what kind of oil they used. Remember, the oil
is only a symbol. There is nothing magical about the oil itself. Oil is oil. I have used
motor oil on occasion when nothing else was available. The use of oil is a mark of
obedience and the oil itself is only a symbol. The cleansing and sealing is done by the
power Jesus Christ though His finished work on the cross of Calvary.
Believe me, if she got some relief there it was because of the mercy and power of
Jesus Christ through His finished work on the cross of Calvary .... or the demon
complied with her request in order to stay hidden --- not because of her moronic
understanding of the use of oil.
Chapter Three
Rebecca Brown and Shirley McClaine, Astral Projection
Dr. Brown again returns to her strange doctrine of astral projection on pages 250
through 261. She says: "The temporary separation of the spirit from the physical body
is called in the occult world, astral projection. Within Roman Catholicism, it is called
"bilocation." This phenomenon is defined in Catholic literature as follows:
“BILOCATION, multiple and simultaneous presence of same substance or soul in two
place distant from each other. Bilocations have bee frequently reported in the lives of
the saints.”50
Dr. Brown correctly identifies astral projection or bilocation as an occult
manifestation. She then identifies a few contemporary Catholics who have this ability
to bilocate.
Dr. Brown says Christians need to have a good understanding of the phenomenon
so that we can help these people. She is learning continuously. Then she says that she
is presenting to you concepts as the Lord supposedly taught them to her and as she has
experienced them in the seven years she has worked with people coming out of deep
occult bondage. 51 Remember if Jesus is teaching you, His words will always agree
with the Bible.
She says people ask her about the Scripture in James which says: “For as the
body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also,” (Jam. 2:26). She
states she is in complete agreement with this. When the spirit is finally completely
severed from the body, the body does indeed die.
Then she goes on to teach the occult doctrine that she claims the Lord showed her
and Elaine that the spirit can be temporarily separated from the physical body with
death. She writes, “In light of the many reference in the Bible to the soul departing at
death, I believe that at the time of death, the soul joins with the spirit forever and
departs the physical body.” 52
Dr. Brown’s presentation is very cleverly disseminated into the Body of Christ
as Christian doctrine but she does the most amazing thing. To make her point of her
belief of astral projection, she begins to quote Shirley McClaine.
She writes: “The final separation does not occur until the link between the body
and spirit is severed. This link is described by many people who experience astral
projection as a “Silver Cord.” As her authority for her statements, she points to the
biggest New Ager in the world. “Ms. McClaine makes reference to this silver in her
book, Out on a Limb, and demonstrated it very well as in the TV mini-series by the
same name which was aired on January 18 and 19, 1987.”53

Dr. Brown then quotes Shirley McClaine's occult experience of astral projection -
soul traveling, etc. As you know Shirley McClaine is a movie star that turned to the
New Age and then became a guru to the spiritually gullible. 54
Dr. Brown admits that Shirley, by staring into the candle, had blanked out her
mind, directly opening a doorway for the entrance of demons. She quotes Shirley's
writing again in this manner ... She (Shirley) eloquently described this by saying,
(my emphasis) Dr. Brown writes like a fan here! Can you imagine that pastors and
church leaders have become so dull spiritually, that many of them did not even pick
up on this blatant endorsement of an occultist?
Dr. Brown again continues to quote Shirley McClaine: "I physically felt a kind
of a tunnel open in my mind." As she opened herself up to this demonic power, the
link was forged between her conscious mind and spirit, thus enabling her to begin
experiencing and controlling her spirit body. This is why all forms of meditation are
so key in the Eastern religions." 55

Dr. Brown establishes the fact that Astral projection is purely an occult form and
pulls her reasoning from a New Age writer and experiential participant, Shirley
McClaine! Then she goes on to say: "Shirley's experience was real. (her emphasis) If
you try to tell her or anyone else who has experienced astral projection that it is just
an illusion or an hallucination, you will never make progress in sharing the gospel
with them. They know (emphasis) what they experienced. It is because of their
experience of the spirit world that they do not fear death, and are willing to
accept the theory of reincarnation as fact
Now check that out! She is actually teaching reincarnation as fact! The Bible says
in (Heb. 9:27 Heb 9:27), “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this
the judgment.”

Dr. Brown finds a Scripture that seems to substantiated the new doctrine that she
is trying to feed into the Body of Christ - the occult teaching on the silver cord. She
quotes (Eccl. 12: 3-7), “In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the
strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and
those that look out of the windows be darkened, 4 And the doors shall be shut in the
streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the
bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low; 5 Also when they shall be
afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall
flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man
goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets: 6 Or ever the silver
cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the
fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.7 Then shall the dust return to the earth
as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”
Then again she works to connect Scriptures to McClaine's teaching. Brown
writes: "This passage clearly refers to death, I believe the loosening of the silver cord
refers to the final breaking of the link of the spirit with the physical body at
death. Look at what Shirley wrote regarding the breaking of this cord."
Quoting Shirley McClaine: "So is that what happens when you die; your soul
just rises out of your body and floats and soars into the astral world," Shirley
asked her guru, David?
"Sure, replied David, except you're only dead if your silver cord snaps. The
cord snaps and breaks off when the body can no longer sustain the life force. It's
really very simple." 57
Dr. Brown cleverly again connects Shirley McClaine's false teaching with the
Scriptures. She states: "Solomon was learned in the Eastern religions and
practices. In fact, he fell in his later years into idol worship with his foreign wives. I
have no doubt he probably experienced astral projections. He states in the book of
Ecclesiastes that he had tried everything. I think the "wheel broken at the cistern"
refers to the wheel of reincarnation. Eastern religions believe that this wheel of
reincarnation can only be broken when the spirit gains unity with God, which
they call Brahman in Hinduism.
What those involved in the occult and Eastern religions overlook, is Solomon's
conclusions. "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God, and keep his
commandments. For this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work
into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
(Eccl. 12:13).
She does quote the Scripture that tells us we do not reincarnate. "And as it is
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment..."( Heb. 9:27). Then she
goes on to explain her theory: "We must not forget, that when we enter into contact
with the spirit world through demonic power and our own will rather than through the
power of the Holy Spirit and His will, everything we see and experience will be
demonically controlled. This is why witches don't see angels unless God specifically
overrules and permits them to do so. Elaine only saw angels on three occasions during
her seventeen years of serving Satan.” 58
Now friends, look at this confusion. She says that witches don't see angels but
Elaine saw them three times while serving Satan. Did I miss something here?
Next, Dr. Brown wants to establish her human spirit teaching so she again uses
Shirley McClaine's New Age teaching to do so. Brown writes: "Communication
from human spirit to human spirit and from demon to human occurs in the this
realm. Shirley alludes to it in her book.”59
Quoting Shirley:
"(David speaking) In the astral world you can go anywhere you feel like, meet all
kinds of other souls too. 60
The first thing true prophets of God will do, is preaching the gospel of Jesus
Christ. They will lift up the name of Jesus not their own name, a denominational name
or anything else. It will always be the Name of Jesus. We use the first part of (Mk.
16:17), as the authority to cast out demonic forces. It reads; “And these signs will
follow them who believe: IN MY NAME THEY WILL CAST OUT DEMONS . . .”
This works because it is the Word of God and this is what we are told to use. Of
course, you use it with no doubt. . . A true prophet knows Jesus said, "If I be lifted up,
I will draw all men unto me" (Jn. 12:32). The true prophet's main objective is to bring
souls to Christ. He knows it is most important to make Christians out of sinners (Jn.
3:36). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life” (Jn. 14:6). Who will abide in
Christ (Jn. 15:4?); who will walk after Christ (Lk. 9:23) who will be obedient to Christ
(Jn. 14:31); who is indwelt by Christ (Gal. 2:20); who will witness unto Christ (Acts
1:8) and who continually look for Christ's return (Phil. 3:30). The true prophet knows
the supreme glory of the Person of Christ as the Son of God and His superiority to
angels (Heb. 1:5-4,13).
There are many people preaching the Word today without power. Personally, I
believe the gospel and the power of God go hand in hand . . . SIGNS AND
today are denying the power of God . . . Wrong Belief, Neutrality, Indifference, Hard
Loveless Orthodoxy. The Scriptures affirm,” . . . in the last days perilous times shall
come, for men shall, have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof: from such
turn away" (II Tim. 3:1-5), God is simply not interested in religion but He is
tremendously involved with the well being of people.
We wish to open the doors of your life to the Deeper Spiritual Life. This can only
occur through the power of God. Billy Sunday wrote, "Let's quit 'fiddling' with
religion and do something to bring the world to Christ." 61

THE POWER OF GOD is the answer to the Church's need in this day . . . Signs
and wonders should follow them that believe. The Lord gave us an example of these
signs when He said in (Mk. 16:17), "THEY SHALL CAST OUT DEVILS.”
How many places can you go today and see devils cast out?'

Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters, I, Vadim Holliday, came out of the occult in
the seventies and I can truly tell you that every occult book that I ever, in the past, read
(I don't read occult books anymore) taught this error of soul travel, astral projection
and the silver cord! Flee from this nonsense. Don't read a mixture of the Christian faith
with occult teachers documenting their points!
Chapter Three
A Time to War
"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his
subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great
thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose
end shall be according to their works," (2 Cor. 11:14, 15 ).

Dr. Brown lived with Elaine for several years. In fact she and Elaine were still
roommates at the time of the writing of her books. She described their life back in
Indiana as follows: "After I finished my residency in internal medicine and critical
care, I opened a medical practice in a small town about 60 miles from the city in which
Elaine was initiated into Satanism. Over the next three years life was intense. Elaine
was ill continuously, often bedfast with many hospitalizations.

I made many contacts during that time and was privileged to bring close to a
thousand people out of hard-core Satanism. We ran sort of an underground railroad.
We lived out in the country so we hid people out in our barn, in a small apartment
attached to out garage, and also in an upstairs apartment over my office. Every penny
I made went to help these people with food, clothing, transportation out of the state,
medical care and so on. I averaged 3-4 hours of sleep per night. Towards the end of
that time the battle escalated, becoming more intense.62

Hidden Messages to inflict fear upon Christians who read her books?
Dr. Brown's first Book, He Came To Set The Captives Free. concerns her
ministry to a witch she called Elaine, (no last name ever given). The book opens with
a scene of a Christian pastor who had been tortured by the local Satanist. His body was
described as being partially skinned, multiple bums, stab wounds, lashes from whips;
and most horrifying of all, holes in the palms of his hands with spikes driven through
them. She says that "no one in the emergency room seemed to be alarmed but Dr.
“Hidden message: Pastors and the Church had better continue to ignore the rise
of Satanism in America or this may well happen to them if they meddle into the world
of demons.
(Remember, pastors on foreign mission fields have always fearlessly dealt with
and prayed for people who were involved in witchcraft and Satanism. Our Lord has
protected them and He can protect us!) openly, triumphing over them in it," (Col.

Dr. Brown says she was raised in a "very tight religious (Christian) group.
Outside she says that she was rejected, ridiculed and grew up very lonely ... And (was
always very sick with an incurable neuromuscular disease.
Hidden Message: Christianity brings undesirable childhood of bondage by
making one unpopular and sick.
She speaks to the pastor who had supposedly been tortured by Satanists. He tells
her about a Satanist group that he had cast demons out of and lead many of them to the
Lord. This, of course, according to Dr. Brown lead to his subsequent torture.
Hidden Message: Reinforcement of fear ... Leave them alone or else... don't
try to save them nor lead them to Christ because this could happen to you!
Then Dr. Brown says that there were an excessive number of deaths in ICU. She
tells a story about an elderly black lady she called Pearl. She claimed that Pearl was
a "strong Christian," but was having ICU "psychosis." Pearl tells Dr. Brown there was
no need for her to fight to stay alive, she could be easily be reincarnated into her
next life! (Strong Christians do not believe in reincarnation! ( Hebrews 9:28).
Dr. Brown goes on to say. Pearl called on the "higher power" (terminology used
by people who do not believe in Jesus Christ) to escort Pearl into the next "beautiful
life." (Christians do not believe in a "Higher power" - they believe in Jesus Christ).
Dr. Brown related that a nurse laid her hands on Pearl and spoke words a foreign
sounding language (tongues). Pearl recognized the language to be incantation from
her own heritage of voodoo and black magic and demons. (Previously Pearl was
a "strong Christian").
Dr. Brown said she sat with Pearl while she describes a powerful unseen hand
trying to squash her into the floor and an unseen force was trying to suck the life out
of her.
Hidden Message: These powers or forces of darkness are more powerful
than Pearl's "strong Christianity." The Spirit of God is unable to take care His

Elaine says she was recruited from something she calls "The Brotherhood," in
a PENTECOSTAL CHURCH CAMP! Here she says is when she was introduced into
all kinds of occultic Satanic Powers.
First: "The Brotherhood," is made up of men that's why it's called the
Brotherhood - no women allowed!
Second: Notice where she supposedly gets her occult powers - The Pentecostal
Hidden Message: Don't go to a Pentecostal Church because it is occult full
with witchcraft and Satanism!
She is giving the impression that the Pentecostal Church is a part of the
May I remind the Church, these books are coming from the same publisher
(Chick) that gave us a certain character in the seventies named John Todd. Todd who
was exposed by Rev. David Lewis and others, as never truly being delivered from
his witchcraft. Remember, he went about accusing every major Charismatic and
Pentecostal ministry in the country as being connected to or taking money from the
secret group of men that he called the "Illuminati." (A group of internationalist
Satanists that supposedly rule the world.)

Dr. Brown said, "her purpose is not to expose them (witches and Satanists) but
to control them and get them saved.63 (Emphasis mine) " (Eph. 5:11), "Have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."
Any Christian book concerning these things of darkness should be written for
exposure. Christians do not control anyone. We are supposed to witness to them and
the Word of God says, then the Holy Spirit draws them.
"Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of
God? Jesus answered and said unto them. This is the work of God, that ye believe on
him whom he hath sent," (Jn. 6:28,29).
Dr. Brown's chapter on "Destruction of Christian Churches." Elaine gives an
eight-point plan of attack that could be adapted to whatever denomination of church
they (witches and Satanists) were sent to.
Secret Message: This plan should be obvious to all pastors. It is a road map
for the infiltration and destruction of Christian churches. It is surprising that
many Spirit filled pastors and ministers are supporting this book.
I believe that occultists are now infiltrating many churches. However, I also
remember when Christian ministers could see when unbelievers were present. They
could see by the anointing and the Spirit of God. Today, many churches have joined
the spirit of the world to the degree, they can no longer see by the Spirit of God.
This first book is filled with error and should be avoided by people who are not
grounded in Christian Doctrines and the Word of God. It is not a book that Christian
ministers could recommend as a serious exposure of witchcraft and Satanism. Dr.
Brown constantly asks questions and lets Elaine, a former witch, who says she was
a bride of Satan, answer those questions. When you read the book, there is never any
indication of any Christian based teaching for Elaine and therefore, she is not
qualified to teach the body of Christ.
Yes, she may tell her testimony. However, a minister who has dealt in the area
of her problems should have written about the scriptural meanings of these
experiences. Dr. Brown may be licensed to practice medicine but is she able to
properly discern the scriptures?
The principles of Christian spiritual warfare lay the foundation for our authority.
Jesus received all power, and he has authorized our use of that power.
"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, ALL POWER (AUTHORITY) IS
GIVEN UNTO ME in heaven and earth,” (Matt.28:18).
Dr. Brown’s first book is very sensational and could be a stumbling block for
scripturally ignorant Christians and the ones who do not know who Jesus Christ is
and the power of his blood. It shows a powerful Satan and a weak Christ.
Rebecca Brown's books minister more doubt than faith; more deception
than truth; more sensationalism than fact; more Satan than Jesus; more New
Age than Christianity. I challenge you to earnestly pray and seek the Holy Spirit
concerning this matter.
God bless you and I bind religious spirits that may try to control your mind
while reading this material and loose the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of our
Lord Jesus, to help you understand His Word and all truth.
The readers of this expose’ should know that I am not against the
deliverance ministry. I personally have been in the ministry for twenty years and
have cast thousands of demons out on the mission fields as well as in America. (1 Jn.
3:21) says,"Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward
God." It is my intention, to show you the truth, as I see it, concerning Dr. Brown's
books. This material was not written to disparage anyone's ministry but it has been
written to show the Body that we must have a discerning eye when we read books.
Rebecca Brown's books minister more doubt than faith; more deception
than truth; more sensationalism than fact; more Satan than Jesus; more New
Age than Christianity. I challenge you to earnestly pray and seek the Holy Spirit
concerning this matter.
(Phil 4:7-8), “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are
true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are
pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be
any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
Chapter Four
Right And Wrong
The Word of God says, "The man without the Spirit does not accept the
things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he
(1 Cor. 2:14).

Vessel Of Honor Or Dishonor?

Jesus warned His people that truly perilous times would come and
Christians would have to vigilant. Today, no one wants to be a watchman on the
wall because they are highly criticized for breaking the “unity” or “touching
God’s anointed,”by the "unity" brethren. Meantime, wolves in sheep's clothing
are having a field day because if anyone is looking and seeing because they are
afraid to tell.
(Heb. 5:14), tells us, "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even
those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to DISCERN BOTH GOOD
Since I wrote most of this expose’ concerning Rebecca Brown in 1993,
Charisma Magazine has been revealing backslidden ministers. Recently, they
exposed some ministers who had fallen into adultery, homosexuality, teaching false
doctrines. They did an article on Joyce Meyers, a popular evangelist in the Word of
Faith Movement, together with Harrison House publishers, selling Meyers’ books to
Warner Faith Publishers. (Time Warner- AOL). This step will put these promoters of
hard-core witchcraft right in the midst of the Charismatic Movement! Of course it
will give Ms. Meyers a bigger audience to read her work. As Charisma Magazine
wrote, “Her message is relevant to both Christians and seekers,” said WF publisher
Rolf Zettersten. We will work very closely with her to develop new books and to
revisit her back list. Many of those titles deserve to be revised and repackaged
because she is reaching a vast new audience today that is unfamiliar with her earlier
works,” he said. Since when is Time Warner -AOL interested in evangelizing the
world for Jesus Christ rock bands.
The Bible says, (1 Cor 10:21), “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup
of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.”

The Bible says, what fellowship does light and darkness have? Also, you can not
sit at the table with the Devil and Jesus at the same time! Will anyone be brave
enough to expose this evil that has opened the doors for purveyors of the most evil-
hard core, witchcraft and pornography into the world? Time-Warner is the company
that produces evil films such as Harry Potter movies to our children and Satanic
Rock to our teens and every evil things you can think of. Since when did the Devil’s
people decide to promote so-called Christian ministries to help it to find “seekers?”
I remember in the eighties when Christian authors streamed out the Word
Publishing House because they were simply bought by one of the major television
networks. People like Catherine Marshall fled the publishing house to keep their
works in God fearing, Christian publishers.
I took a lot of flack from many Christians for writing this expose’ concerning
Rebecca Brown. Some book store even took my books out while they flood their
“Christian book stores with the Brown books!
How we have dropped in our standard. May God have mercy in this hour.


Victory in the Christian life is based on identification with the Word of God.
(Jn. 8:32) says, "the truth shall make you free,” (Rom. 10:8), “the Word of God is in
our mouth and in our heart, that Faith is built. Faith destroys the enemy's hold in our
life,” (Rom. 10:9,10), is the foundation of deliverance. The deliverance ministry is
most definitely shown in the Word of God. One can find all the answers to
demonology if the Word of God is studied and dependency on the Spirit of God is
sought. (Ps 119:15-16), “I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy
ways.16 I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word,” (Ps 119:23),
“Princes also did sit and speak against me: but thy servant did meditate in thy
statutes. (Ps 119:97), “O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. “ (Ps
119:148), “Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word.”
While there is a lack of knowledge concerning these deep things of God,
especially in America, we need not seek after information from someone that does not
understand the power of the Name of Jesus and His Word. My prayer is that you'll
prayerfully seek God for the truth that is revealed in this book.
The Bible shows that Jesus Christ has already defeated the Devil! "Having
spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over
them in it,” (Col. 2:15). Notice that this Scripture shows past tense!
Devils’ are simply stepping over their authority if the torment and attack
Christians as Dr. Brown mentions in her books!


Rebecca Brown's second book opens with supposedly a "Satanist Doctor"
warning Dr. Brown of a possible threat against her life. "Tim's face and voice
became icy and angry,” she says. "So be it. Your death is on your own head! You
can't say you weren't warned!” the Satanist Doctor warned.
Then she dwells on how defeated their lives have been since they are
supposedly serving Jesus. I have noticed that Dr. Brown's writings always reflect the
negatives of serving Jesus and the how she perceives a positive power of Satan. For
instance. Dr. Brown writes quoting the supposedly Satanist doctor saying: "Look at
Elaine, she has nothing! She's lost everything and she probably won't even live."64
Then "Satanist doctor" tells her, "Well, I wouldn't say your Jesus has done
such a great job for Elaine. Since she left Satan, not only has she lost everything,
but she has been in the hospital for almost six months now, and you are about to get
kicked out here if you keep fighting to keep her alive" 65 (Notice how she puts Jesus
down as a weakling. The entire scenario always depends upon what she does, not
what He has done or the power of His Word!)
Dr Brown wonders: "Why hadn't they reached a victory where Elaine was
concerned? She had been hospitalized almost immediately after her final
deliverance almost a year ago. And she was currently critically ill."
"Was she being foolish?” Dr. Brown asked herself. 66
I, Personally, have seen many Born-again Christians coming out of the occult
to serve Jesus Christ who are successful and their life styles never changed
financially. Also, they do not live under so much turmoil as Dr. Brown and Elaine
seem to face daily.
In (Heb. 2:8), "Thou hast put all thing in subjection under his feet. For in that he
put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him.” The
principles of Christian warfare lay the foundation for our authority. Jesus received all
power, and he has authorized our use of that power. As we apply the principles of
spiritual warfare, we are becoming more like Christ. We are then able to receive more
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the
gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to Heal The Brokenhearted, to preach Deliverance
to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are
oppressed," (Lk. 4:18).
Notice, we are called to be servants but we are servants with the overcoming
power of Jesus Christ. I have personally ministered to demonized people for
many years. Never! Never, have I seen the type of defeat that I see in Dr.
Brown's books. Frankly, according to Luke 4:18, Jesus has anointed us to preach
deliverance to the captives “ .... and to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” The
Holy Spirit is blowing a fresh wind of change and He is truly raising ministers who
believe the Word of God and experience the power of God for the purpose delivering
the captives. However, reading Dr. Brown's books persuades one to believe the
powers of darkness have much, much more power than Jesus Christ and His servants.
Jesus, the Word of God and His servants are more powerful.


According to Dr. Brown books, they were constantly harassed by demons, AND
"human spirits," and physical people, constantly attacked from every direction, and
Elaine was constantly sick . . . "
Dr. Brown then wants us to believe that the mediation powers of Jesus
Christ are void and nil. She even takes up the cloak of Elaine's salvation, look at
what she says: “an angel was sent by God to kill Elaine after she had become a
Christian," Rebecca relates her encounter with "a shining white-robed figure . . .
with a drawn sword in his hand. He was tall, very tall. His head nearly touched the
ceiling of the room. He radiated power and his countenance was fierce. His skin was
bronzed and the sword in his hand shown with a pure white light." 67
Imagine this. God sent an angel to KILL ELAINE! What god did this?
Surely, it is not the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe this new doctrine that
Dr. Brown is trying to feed the Body of Christ, strikes right to the heart of why Jesus
Christ came. If God could have used Dr. Brown to pay the price for Elaine's stubborn,
REBELLIOUS NATURE, why did He send His begotten Son, Jesus?
Dr. Brown describes Elaine's rebellious nature calling her "stubborn” and shows
Elaine as wanting to use her old powers to protect them from threatening Satanist.
"Elaine, you can't disobey the Lord."
"Why not," Elaine replies. When Satan commanded something, if I didn’t want
to do, then I just didn't do it. God is insulting me. Why should I ask Him to protect
us when I can fight just as well? 68
(Dear Christian brothers and sisters. This is NOT a statement from someone who
claims to be saved! This is ludicrous! (Over the years, this Author has ministered to
both former -Satanists former witches. They always say, that if they disobeyed Satan,
they would be attacked by demons so strongly that they dared never to disobey
Dr. Brown says, that God had sent an angel to KILL SOMEONE would not
make a covenant with Him to protect her from being killed. She continues to write
her trashing of the redeeming power of Jesus. “An Angel supposedly appeared to kill
Elaine who was so rebellious disobedient, she had angered THEIR (Dr. Brown and
Elaine's) god.” 69
(I thought repenting and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior was the Covenant
that every Christian walks under. There simply is no other covenant but the one that
Jesus Christ paid for with His life. Also, Christian judgment will take place at the
judgement seat of Jesus. (2 Cor. 5:10), For we (Christians) must all appear before
the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body,
according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”

Dr. Brown gets extremely dramatic in her psychotic strange beliefs which again
and her knowledge of the biblical Christianity as being flawed. She writes that she
"threw herself prone on her face on the floor pleaded with "Father" to spare
Elaine's life. Let your anger fall on me instead of Elaine," she sobs. "...Angry
‘Father’ grants her petitions." She writes, “ The angel placed his sword into its
sheath. ‘Arise, woman,' he said. "Your petition, has been and granted, then he
vanished." 70
This is absurd! The Bible says, in (1 Tim. 2:5-6), “For there is one God, and one
mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom
for all, to be testified in due time.” Lets let Dr. Brown’s words speak here as she
writes about the gift of prophecy and the words of knowledge on pages 180 and 181:
"Never is a human being glorified by the Holy Spirit. But never does the Holy Spirit
lay guilt on a Christian for some sin that has been confessed and forgiven. Demons
frequently do both."


God would not have instructed an angel to do the work that His dear Son has
already done for Elaine. The Bible
is a covenant that our God has cut with His servants. This covenant is just as
legal as any contract, deed, or judicial affirmation produced by any court of system
of law. In fact, it is the ultimate covenant by which all systems of law receive their
rights or powers. Man would have no power to make laws or establish legal authority
had he not received this right from the Lord. Apostle Paul affirmed this fact, “Let
every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the
powers that be are ordained of God,” (Rom.13:1).
Our God and His covenant of blood was created by the sacrifice of His Son,
Jesus Christ. (Not anything that Rebecca Brown could do). It is irreversible and will
soon be perfectly fulfilled in a total redemption of His universe. God is sovereign
over His creation nothing can hinder His perfect will. We are His creation and He
gave us the choice to obey His plan. He has a perfect will and we will be blessed and
hornored within His plan, but He will not force us to obey His plan. Millions have
destroyed themselves resisting the will of God. The Bible is a beautiful picture of
both those that obeyed and experienced His best and those that disobeyed and
experienced terrible failures. The Father has a plan that will assured His blessings, but
He will not make you a robot; forced to submit.71
It’s though God’s perfect covenant of the Blood of Jesus that our sins are
covered, not through some silly woman’s idea of self-sacrifice to cover another
woman’s rebellion! The Bible says, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth
sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that
nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity,” (2 Tim. 2:19).
Chapter Five
Rebecca Teaches Against---Gifts of the Holy Spirit


Let's Brown's own words speak for us here. She is writing against the gifts of
prophecy and the words of knowledge on pages 180 and 181: "Never is a human
being glorified by the Holy Spirit. But never does the Holy Spirit lay guilt on a
Christian for some sin that has been confessed and forgiven. Demons frequently do
both." 72 (Dr, Brown's emphasis).
Biblical intercession is praying for others. It is praying specific blessings for
specific people . . . for believers who have fallen into sin, (Gal. 6:1) and for one
another, (Jam. 5:16). Praying biblically for others would include praying that they
might comprehend the love of Christ (Eph. 3:14-16); that their love might grow and
abound (Phil. 1:9); that they might learn to test things and approve what is excellent
(Phil. 1:10); that they might be fruitful in every good work, increased in the
knowledge of God, strengthened with all might.” (Col. 1:9-11).
God is very pleased when one enters into intercession for another. "And the Lord
saw it... and wondered that there was no intercessor ...” (Isa. 59:15, 16), " ... Far be
it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you" (1 Sam.
The Scripture that should capture Dr. Brown's attention when fighting for
Elaine's freedom and deliverance is: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong - holds, casting down
imaginations (speculations) and every thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge
of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ,” (11
Cor. 10:4,5).
This is the mighty power of our spiritual weapons. We must pray that all of this
will be accomplished in the ones for concerned; that is, that the works of the Enemy
will be torn down.
Dr. Brown should have claimed the tearing down of all the works of Satan, such
as false doctrine, unbelief, atheistic teaching and hatred, which the Enemy may have
built up in Elaine's thinking. She should have prayed that her very thoughts would be
brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. It is with the authority of name of
the Lord Jesus, we claim deliverance from the power and persuasion of the Evil One
and from the love of the world and lust of the flesh. Dr. Brown should also pray that
her conscience may be convicted, that God may bring her to the point of repentance
and that she may believe as she hears or reads the Word Of God.
Dr. Brown goes on to say: "The battle had been unrelenting and they were
both exhausted and discouraged." Who was the angel Rebecca throws herself on
the floor asking God to let his anger fall upon her instead of Elaine - an angel of

Note from author

The Bible says, "Greater is he that is in you (Christ), than he that is in the world
(Satan). 1 John 4:4.
Anytime an angel appeared to a person in the Bible, there was always great
fear but angels would never let a person worship them but they always turned
the person to Jesus, not Moses, as Dr. Browns text seems to show.
Dr. Brown explains that she was following Moses example by asking God to let
His wrath fall upon her instead of Elaine because she had rebelled. 73
Note that the Bible says:" ... it is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth
nothing." John 6:63. The Enemy will use every possible means to silence our
intercession and to block a Christians attack against him. We must not only
understand our Enemy, but also our authority in Christ and how to use our
spiritual weapons. Every Christian should be taught how to wear the armor that God
has provided for our protection. Thus equipped and protected, we need not have any
Remember that we have no power and no authority other than that of Christ and
Jesus Christ is our one and only Mediator!
I don't know where Jesus, our mediator, is glorified among this Dr. Brown
unscriptural religious babble. To pray in the name of the Lord Jesus is to ask for,
or to claim, the things which the blood of Christ has secured. Therefore, each
individual for whom prayer is made should be claimed by name as God's purchased
possession, in the name of the Lord Jesus and on the basis of HIS SHED BLOOD
The next day Dr. Brown was struck with "the most incredible illness she had ever
"Lord," she asked, "Is this from Satan?" (The Word of God would have
shown her that this evil was not from God). "No," a spirit that talks to her says, "This
is my answer to your petitioning," was the quick response from supposedly the Holy
Dr. Brown's explanation that God put this illness upon her instead of Elaine,
is saying that God is evil. This is one of the most stupid concepts of our most Holy
God that I've ever read. Dr. Brown says it is through this punishment from God, that
Elaine comes to repentance. This is a convoluted explanation of God’s mercy and
has nothing to do with biblical repentance. Another words, Dr. Brown becomes
Elaine’s savior! Where do we find Jesus in this mess?
The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin but there is no scripture
reference that conveys that He punishes Christians to bring them to repentance. The
Bible, for sure, never teaches that we can suffer in someone else's place for their evil.
Dr. Brown said that she heard Satan petitioning (her) "God" to let him
sacrifice them at a black mass to show God how shallow their commitments
were! My God, if her god is entering into such dialogue with Satan, then He has
denied the death and purpose of Jesus Christ!
What hogwash!
This woman never shows Christianity in a positive light. She always writes
depicting Christians as defeated financially as well as socially.
Dr. Brown tells how her parents covenanted with God for another child, and that
after her birth, she could never remember feeling well in her whole life. She claims
she was saved by the age of 5 years old. She described the group that her parents
belonged to as being "demonically controlled and very evil."25
"After leaving the cult," she says, "she started to medical school, sic. I fully
expected that when I finally made such a sweeping and total commitment that I would
be struck by lightning and fall down on my face and speak in tongues - after all, that
is how it happened in all the books I had been reading. To my horror, nothing
happened. I didn't even feel different. I had made a terribly big commitment to the
Lord expecting Him to do something miraculous in return but He didn't choose do
She writes, describing a very confused dialogue concerning the baptism of the
Holy Ghost. She never makes a clear statement whether, she received this experience
nor does she admit receiving "tongues". She does make a broad statement saying,
"Most want power without the cross."
Everyone knows that Chick Publishers always is opposed Pentecostal-
Charismatic movements and always collides with the gift of tongues. Dr. Brown was
just pleasing her sponsor. The troubling thing to me is, why is it we mainly see
Pentecostal-Charismatic people supporting her looney books?


Dr. Brown says: “Why is it that we so easily tolerate sin in our lives? Yes we will
always be liable to sin as long as we are here in our earthly bodies, but in light of
Christ's specific commandment to be perfect, why are we so comfortable with a
certain level of sin in our lives? Why are we so willing to (accept anything less than
the fulfillment of the command? I'll tell you; because we want Christ to baptize us
with Holy Spirit, but we don't want Him to baptize us with fire!.” What form of
spiritual confusion is this? 74
Here it is again, friends. This woman has a way of implanting doubts in the
minds of Christians concerning the Scriptural truth of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
She, with her boorish-boldness, associates living in sin to the Baptism of The Holy
Ghost because Christians do not seek after the "Baptism of Fire." Millions Spirit
filled Christians believe that their Baptism Of The Holy Ghost, is pure holy and the
power that enables them to live fully for God. Dear Jesus, help our leaders to discern
in these perilous times.
Dr. Brown tells a testimony concerning a woman she calls Lea. "About ten
months after her conversion, as Lea was looking around for church, she ran into a
woman who claimed to be a Christian. This lady asked her if she had received the
"baptism of the Holy Spirit," writes Brown.
Lea did not know what this was, but, wanting everything the Lord wanted to
give, she listened to the woman. The woman took her to her house and laid her
hands on Lea trying get her to speak in tongues. Lea could not, and was
overwhelmed with guilt because the woman told her she was grieving the Holy
Spirit. The woman accused Lea of refusing to let Him speak through her in tongues.
Then she asked Lea to come to church with her the following night. A special guest
speaker would lay his hands on her and she would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
and she would speak in tongues. Lea did know from her intensive study of the Bible
that something like this occurred in Samaria." sic.
Dr. Brown then quotes (Acts 8:12-17), and then says: "However, please note
that the scripture does not mention specifically that these people spoke in
tongues. Also, Lea did not know how to test the spirits as found in (1 Jn. 4:1-2)."
Readers again notice how slickly that Dr. Brown comes against the gift of
tongues given by the Holy Spirit. She quotes and twist Scriptures to prove her own
doctrine that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit does not accompany tongues!


Superstitions have received a new treatment by Rebecca Brown, whose latest
book is more cabalistic than biblical; more mystical than scriptural; more supernatural
than spiritual.
The early church understood the principles of Satan’s power, opposite the
powers of God. If Satan was supernatural then the contest between the two would be
on an equal footing. This has never been the case and the Holy Scripture is filled with
Biblical certainty. Paul said, "To open their eyes, [and] to turn [them] from
darkness to light, and [from] the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith
that is in me." (Acts 26:18). Satan definitely has power, but it is only paranormal
power and it is totally helpless compared to the supernatural powers of God. 75

Dr. Brown tells about Lea attending church that night "with great expectations.
Lea goes forward at the altar call and lets the evangelist lay his hands upon her and
prayed." She writes: "Lea said that as she prayed she felt as if a ball of fire struck
her in her stomach with such force that she was thrown backwards onto her
back on the floor. The fire spread up into her chest and immediately she started
speaking in tongues. Everyone rejoiced, saying that she had received the Holy
"However," Dr. Brown continues to write, "the following years were to prove
that Lea had an unholy spirit (her emphasis)31
Notice how Dr. Brown associates a person seeking the Baptism of The Holy
Spirit and "God" giving her an unholy spirit! Millions receive the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit in exactly the manner that Lea did and they never receive an unholy spirit!
Here is what the Bible says about the Baptism in the Holy Ghost by the laying
on of hands.
(Acts 19:3-6), And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And
they said, Unto John's baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the
baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him
which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this,
they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.6 And when Paul had laid his
hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues,
and prophesied.
Still Dr. Brown does not leave it here. She goes on to associate demon
possession with the fact that Lea received the Baptism of Holy Spirit and the gift of
tongues! This is more than incredible!
Look what Dr. Brown says as she twists the scriptures to explain: "Troubles
started almost immediately. She had continual stomach and intestinal problems which
the doctors could neither diagnose nor cure. She began having difficulty hearing the
Lord speak to her and in reading her Bible. By the time I (Dr. Brown) met her, 16
years after her conversion, she was completely unable to maintain a clear mind long
enough to read the Bible for more than minute or two at a time. The only way she
could pray was in tongues. She was very ill, discouraged and depressed." 76 Brown
says, that because Lea received the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, she
received a devil. And then she charges that the Holy Ghost made her sick!
“Satan is the master imitator, but his inspiration can never be seen or used as a
kind of foundation for truth.” 77
My Lord, this totally blaspheming the Holy Ghost!
The Bible says, (Matt 7:10-11)–“Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a
serpent?11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children,
how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that
ask him?”
The Bible say Believers are temples of His Holy Spirit. Nothing that has
happened in the negative can destroy the truth revealed in Holy Scripture. Those who
speak as though the gifts of the Spirit have ceased have absolutely no Bible to stand

Brown states: I realized that Lea most likely had a demon of false tongues.
I asked her if she could speak in tongues any time she wanted. She said "yes,"
So I asked her to start speaking in tongues and keep speaking in tongues
regardless of what I said....
After taking authority over a spirit, speaking through Lea in tongues, in the name
of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, she claims that Lea started cursing.... Brown then
asked the question - "how could a demon of false tongues have gotten into Lea since
she was Christian? Wasn't she protected?" 33
Brown then answers her own question: "NO," because she disobeyed God's
commands given in the Bible. She subjected herself to a person whom she did not
know, accepting whatever he chose to give to her." Secondly, she again invalidated
God's word by not testing the spirit she received to be sure it was the Holy Spirit."34
She ends this tale with "Be very cautious about who you submit yourself and your
children to. There are many wolves in sheep's clothing."

Author’s Note
The Holy Ghost is Given by laying on of hands! It is for every believer, but
is not automatic with repentance and salvation. The house of Cornelius received
salvation and this baptism during the first sermon they ever heard. The
Anointed voice of the Apostle Peter was sounding on this home when the entire
congregation, as one person, was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost!
“While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which
heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished,
as many as come with peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out
the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify
God. Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be
baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?” (Acts 10:44:47).
There are many other corresponding Scriptures that lead us to this wonderful
experience with our God.
This is what Jesus said. (Matt 7:6-10) “Give not that which is holy unto the
dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under
their feet, and turn again and rend you. 7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that
asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall
be opened. 9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he
give him a stone? 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?”

Friends this woman is an absolute genius of the use of demonic

First, Dr. Brown seems to be saying we can't trust evangelists that is

invited by your pastor into the local church because we don't know them.
When a pastor invites an evangelist to a church, they usually know the
credentials of that person. Pastors certainly will answer to God, if they allow a
"wolf in sheep's clothing to preach to his people."
I believe most churches are careful about inviting evangelists. I also think
that Dr. Brown is again sowing seeds of doubt about the reality of the Baptism
of the Holy Spirit to please her publisher, Mr. Chick, who is a Fundamentalist,
preaches against tongues and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Pentecostal and
Second: How would Lea know how to "test the spirits?" This story shows
that she is a young Christian. Is our God so weak that we can't trust him to
protect us when we are ignorant?
Third: Dr. Brown wants Spirit filled Christians to believe that when they
seek after the Baptism of The Holy Spirit with the evidence of receiving a gift
from the Holy Spirit of tongues; they are endangered of becoming DEMON
Its incredible that these crazy, demonic twisted books are being sold in
Pentecostal and Charismatic book stores - WORLD WIDE! May God help us!


Dr. Brown writes: "I am increasingly concerned with the romance
going on between Christians and miracles"
Here she goes again! She writes a long discourse against signs and
wonders by quoting (Matt.16:4), again twisting and using a Scripture that was
never intended to be used against Christian ministers ministering in their
authority to heal the sick.
Dr. Brown seems to only believe in being healed by a doctor—not the
Holy Spirit’s anointing which is done in the name of Jesus!
She always attacks the biblical power of God and His Word as being
“false” but then she makes sure to give the Devil his due. He always has
more power than God in her books!
After quoting this Scripture, she then writes: "For false Christs and false
prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were
possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all
things.,” (Mk. 13 :22-23).
I am not going to bother to express to you the doubt that she plants
into her readers mind here but she quickly tells Christians that Buddhist
priests, African witch doctors, and American Indian medicine men, in
many parts of the world, are able to effect miraculous cures. She also
associates the New Age with its westernized version of Hinduism as offering
us an amazing variety of demonic miracles. Then she jumps on the Catholic
Church and the Charismatic Movement!
She then asks the question: How are we to sort out all of these false
miracles from the real ones? 37 (How about using the Word of God?)
Dr. Brown writes: "Many Christians open themselves up to demons
through a lusting for miracles ..... " At the end of this paragraph she warns:
"Don't get caught up in "Christian" show-biz!"38
What do we do with the prophecy in Isaiah? (Isa 53:5), But he was
wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
Do we base our faith on a silly woman’s interpretation or do we believe the
Apostle Peter’s interpretation of the power of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? (1
Pet. 2:24), “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we,
being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were
healed.” Dear Lord, open the eyes and ears of your Church leaders to see this
horrendous minister of the Angel of Light!

Dr. Brown writes in Vessels of Honor, “Within charismatic circles, a

very common demonic doorway is speaking in tongues, or in receiving a
"word of prophecy ". Satanists have no trouble whatsoever in recognizing
this activity as demonic; the only people who have trouble with recognizing it
are "Christian" people seeking experience over faith. Satan has discovered he
can dress up the experience to make it look, feel, and sound like Christianity,
thereby deceiving multitudes of people into thinking they are true Christians,
and are really going to Heaven?”
Dr. Brown goes on to write against "Tongues," and later against the
gifts of Prophecy and Words of Knowledge. I'm just not going to write
anymore about her nonsense but take it from me, it never gets any better.
Christian pastors and workers I hope you will awaken to protect your
sheep against this false book that is being read by about every Christian 1
personally know!
Chapter Five
Satanic Hostility


Dr. Brown explains why Elaine is still sick after her deliverance 6 years
ago! She concludes it is due the to law of sowing and reaping.
I wonder where Jesus' atonement disappeared? - Jesus the Savior, Sozo,
healer. Savior, and delivered has vanished.
In her descriptions concerning spiritual warfare, she continues to
depict an extremely powerless Jesus and an highly powerful Satan with
forceful demonic powers. These imbecilic books are filled with heresy and
biblical teachings that most classical Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches do
not teach nor believe! Her descriptions are truly out of balance. , she says that,
for most people involved into the occult, their major motivation for getting so
involved is their desire to look into the spirit world.

However, God forbids such activity.

2) Daniel 10 -- The entire chapter gives a glimpse into the spirit world,
and a better understanding of the spiritual warfare that is occurring every
single day in the realm of the Heavenlies in heaven, in outer space and in
the air surrounding earth. In this chapter, Daniel prayed to God for further
understanding as to when God would release His people from the capture of
Babylon. Daniel prayed and fasted partially for "three whole weeks". On the
21st day after he prayed, an angel came to him with God's answer. The angel
told Daniel that God had sent him from Heaven with His answer to Daniel's
prayer on the first day Daniel prayed. However, the angel was kept from
coming to Daniel for three weeks because he had been attacked by a very
powerful demon, who is identified as the "Hostile Prince of Persia". This
demon was personally responsible to Satan to keep the pagan king of Persia
making decisions that would move the country in the direction Satan wanted it
to go. This demon was so powerful, this holy angel had to call upon the
Archangel Michael, Israel's personal protector, to win the battle for him. This
definitely reveals levels of both demonic and God’s angels! Then, after he had
finished with Daniel, this angel stated that he would have to go help holy angels
fight against demons for the control of Greece. From this Scripture, we see that
Satan assigns his most powerful demons to personally attend to the leadership
of the various nations of the world, to try to move their policies in the paths
Satan would like them to go.
Even though the average Christian does not understand the reality of
spiritual warfare, practicing Satanists understand it very well. In fact, they are
specifically trained to carry out this type of spiritual warfare daily. Operating
in agreement with demons, DEMONIC DOORWAYS are open to them and
they can clearly see into the spiritual realms to do their dirty work!

Author’s Note:
The devil or Satan is introduced to us as a person who opposes God and
His work. (See Gen. 3:1; Rom.15:22.) He is the “god of this world,” who blinds
the minds of the people to the truths of God’s Word (2Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2).
Having rebelled against God, he was cast out of heaven; then he caused man’s
fall in paradise. Jesus calls him often as an “angel of light” (2Cor. 11:14),
seeking the ruin triumphed over him at the Cross of Calvary (1Jn. 3:8) and in
His resurrection, and he will finally be condemned and destroyed (Rev. 20).
There are many kinds of demons and they afflict people in various ways (see
Matt. 12:22, 17:15-18; LK. 12:16). Also, they bring false doctrine (1Tim. 4:1-
4), trying to seduce the elect (Matt. 24:24), oppressing (Acts 10:38), obsessing,
and possessing people. They know Jesus, and recognize His power and tremble
(Matt. 8:29). For them, hell is the final destination, as it is for Satan. 78
Jesus is shown throughout the Book of Matthew as having superior power
over the Devil. But throughout defeated by Jesus, Satan continues to wield
power in the world. Jesus is found by your free choice. Then too, Satan is
received by your free choice.
According to Josh McDowell and Don Stewart’s book, Understanding the
Occult, “If someone wanted to become a witch, there was an initiation process.
Some of the techniques were simple and some were complicated. However,
there were simple and some were complicated but there were usually two
requirement. The first requirement was that the would be witch must join of his
or her own free will. The second requirement was that the prospective which
must be willing to worship the devil.”79
Chapter Six
A Ministers Character

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about seeking whom he may devour;: Whom resist steadfast in the faith,
knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in
the world,” 1 Peter 5:8.


Rebecca Brown, MD., has written another book, "Becoming A Vessel of Honor
in The Master's Service," shows her detailed knowledge of Satanism and its
Frankly, from what I see, this third book Scripturally worse than the others. In
the introduction she says: "In the past few years, the antagonism against me
within the Christian community has escalated. I am hated by so many.
Newsletters are being printed all over the place supposedly “exposing me." Lies
and false accusations are flying . . . especially through the Christian
bookstores, by letters and word of mouth amongst Christians.” (Thank God for
Christians that are discerning her work from her books and her fruit) She says, “Not
once has anyone printing a newsletter contacted me to find out if there might be
another side to the story! (She tells her side of the story in her books. Everyone that
reads Mary Baker Eddy’s books and Ella White’s books, discerns their belief
systems from their books and see that they were not Biblically based). Brown goes
on to say, “ Rarely does any Christian stop to contact me to see if what is being said
is true. Few stop to think that Satan usually destroys people by framing them and
setting up all sorts of accusations against them, which is what happened to me. In
fact, I have discovered that many Christians love gossip above everything. They
justify it to themselves by calling their lies "exposing the truth." 80
(Note: I did not contact Dr. Rebecca Brown. This expose' is entirely based
on her books and also the reasons that she lost her Medical License which is a
matter of public record.) Plus her latest move, she weds a strange man who’s past
is just as checkered as her past seems to be.
The truth can bear public scrutiny. Truth will get past the noses of theologians
in the body of Christ! Truth always agrees with the Word of God.
No public ministry should expect to write books to Christians and not have
Christians proof read them to see if they are of the Faith of the Church.
One might say that because of the nature of the contents of Dr. Browns books,
that they were not received by the Body of Christ. In some cases that might be true.
However, other writers in this area of thought have been well received and their
books have passed the Scriptural test.
Truthfully, it is hard to get into these books if one is familiar with the
Word of God because there are so many errors. Sadly, these books have been
promoted all over the country and many people have been led down the wrong
pathways concerning the power of the Name of Jesus and His everlasting Blood.
I speak from the point of view of a ministry that has ministered to the
oppressed for twenty eight years. I have ministered to former Satanists and
witches. I have never experienced the turmoil that Dr. Brown describes in her three
books. Sure, there is warfare but Jesus is certainly stronger in my life than to leave
me in a constant state of depression and defeat. Also, over the years, though I have
experienced demons trying to attack me and even coming into my room, they
instantly leave when I command them to leave in the Name of Jesus.
The so-called human spirits that Dr. Brown promotes as being more
powerful than the name of Jesus, have never visited me or anyone that I have
ever known that ministers Deliverance. I personally believe these manifestations
that Dr. Brown describes in all her books are nothing more than impersonating devils
- Angels of Light.
Dr. Brown's third book continues its bizarre - sensationalistic format. This time
it is not being published by Chick. Chapter one continues its themes of powerful
demonic attack against her and Elaine. Rebecca continues to anoint and seal their
home with oil. They are under siege from dark figures that had gathered on the edge
of the property.
Her oil is not working!


This time, two new personalities, Betty and Esther, (no last names are given)
have entered the endless warfare against the devils and so-called human spirits.
Betty puts on some soft praise music and they all started to sing together. "Time
passed and the tension grew. Everything outside was deathly still, but the demonic
pressure built steadily. They peeked out the windows again. There seemed to be even
more shadowy figures out on the lawn, some were coming towards the house." 81
Betty spoke up. "Listen, it is silly for us to stand here and be nervous and afraid.
Let's do something constructive, like make chocolate chip cookies." Can you believe
that? Tension is building and these women agree to "bake cookies!" This book is a
riot, believe me.
In the second chapter again the animals are sick, Elaine is sick to the point of
death, the house is under Satanic siege, and to make a long story short, Rebecca
comes to the conclusion that there is an open door because the anointing and re-
anointing isn't helping the spiritual atmosphere. The seal on her house keeps
breaking according to the voice that leads her that she sometimes calls the Holy
Spirit or The Father.
Finally Rebecca zeros in on someone called Anne. "Now listen here," she said,
"I've had all I can take! I have no doubt you DO know those men. And, I am just as
sure you know how those Satanists knew where we are! You must have some kind
of demonic transmitter or horning device on you. You'd better start talking and fast,
or I'm going to put you out there and let them get you.
We've played this game long enough!"
Annie hung her head.
"I'm waiting, Annie" Rebecca said in an exasperated tone.
Finally, Annie spoke up. "Well, yes, those two men are Satanists. I was afraid
to tell you."
"So HOW did they know where to find us?"
Annie looked down and shuffled her feet uneasily. Finally she spoke again,
"Well, it might by my push-pins."
"What are push-pins?" Rebecca and Betty wanted to know.
Again, the occult doctrine is fed to the body of Christ by Elaine. She smacked
her forehead saying "Of course, why didn't I think of it?" 82
After some flaky dialogue Betty explains: "They are tiny metal pins which are
inserted under the skin in a special ritual that are dipped in acid. Demons are
attached to the pins for various functions enter the person when the pin is inserted."
It is explained that these push pins are used for the purposes of destruction. The
demons associated with the pins are supposed to destroy the person if he or she ever
leaves the craft." (This is called Voodoo in witchcraft.)
Rebecca turns to Elaine and says, "Did you have one of these push pins?" Elaine
goes into a long teaching session about these so-called push pins Again feeding the
Body of Christ some additional occult ideas.
After more dialogue, Rebecca says, "For two cents I'd like to take a knife and
just carve them out!"
Finally Annie says: "There is one in my leg and one in my hands." Rebecca got
the oil and covered the areas and prayed ... Father .. we corne to you in the name of
Jesus. She asked Him to vaporize or bum out this metal pin .... and completely
remove any and all demons associated with the pin."
Annie feels her leg is on fire. "Ask the Lord to stop! It's hurting to much." sic
"I will do no such thing! If you had told me earlier, we could have gotten
removed by a doctor with a local anesthetic. Now, you'll just have to put up with the
pain."83 (Look at this, a doctor can remove by drugs, but God must give you pain!)

Author’s Notes:
This ancient art has appeared in various forms in every period in the world’s
history. Until modern times, witchcraft has been properly regarded as traffic in evil
spirits and witches were considered as persons in a league with the Devil.
The Holy Scripture without equivocation assumes the existence of evil spirits
and they have the power to produce effects which cannot be explained as originating
from natural causes.
Sorcery is strictly forbidden in the Scriptures: “An the soul that turneth after
such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them. I will
even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people,”
(Lev. 20:6). And then, “A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit or that is a
wizard, shall surely be put to death: They shall stone them with stones: their blood
shall be upon them,” (Lev. 20:27). “And one more, “And when they shall say unto
you. Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizard that peep and that
mutter: should not a people seek unto their God For the living to the dead?” (Isa.


In the third chapter there is a conversation with a woman she calls Joyce. She
is supposed to be a former high priestess. I am not going to go into the strange
conversation but I will say it consists of Rebecca's constant harangue against
Christians: Examples - "The thing that irritates me is that the Christian community
is so eager to pass around those false accusations against you without even
wondering why none of the documents submitted in your defense are included with
the package of accusations. People just don't stop to think!" Joyce said. (Dr. Brown
didn't not show up for the hearing to fight for her license.) 84
They engage in a long conversation about how stupid Christians are and
how they resist "simple things, like the truth about Satanic infiltration of other
churches ...'
This line of conversation brings them to Joyce's infiltration of a crusade. " ....
We could move freely throughout the many people at the crusade and everyone
accepted us as being Christians without questioning us at all. It was during that
weekend that Mary (a fellow witch infiltrating) taught me more about slaying in the
spirit. Oh, I could already knock people unconscious just by touching them, but
Mary told me that wasn't enough. She told me that
because they were violating their own scriptures (Jam. 5:14) by allowing anyone to
lay hands on them and pray for them without even checking to see if they were a true
servant of Jesus or not, that we were free to do whatever we wanted. Their God
wouldn't protect them because they were in direct disobedience to His word."
Joyce goes on to say: "Mary understood that when people knelt before us, or
even bowed their heads before us, that they were actively submitting themselves to
us and accepting whatever we wanted to give to them. Of course they thought we
were praying for them, but their submission to us gave us the legal right to put
demons into them. They also directly opened the door for it by allowing their minds
to go blank without testing the spirit knocking them out. Mary showed me the proper
in incantations to do and how to have the people hold their hands up ... Chick
publishing cartoons- illustrations are shown. "Then she would tap them first on
one hand then on the other, then on their forehead, making the sign of an upside
down cross.”
"Out they would go, every time. She then did it to me and I fell over
unconscious. I guess I was out for five minutes or so. When I awoke, I found that I
had acquired a new ability to put demons into the people I prayed for. And so he did.
I'm sure that isn't the only way people put demons into people by having them hold
their hands like that, but that is how we did it."
(Evidently, these women have never been slain in the Spirit before. First
place, you don't lose consciousness and your mind doesn't go blank! Their
descriptions of this power simply does not fit the experience.)
They continue to tear down the Power Of The Holy Ghost by talking about
"false words of knowledge claiming that they were no more than a demon of
divination!” 85
This dumb book makes me sick to even have to discern it. Someone has to
tell the Body of Christ the Truth! I believe enough has been said to show you the
extreme religious spirit that is operating through these women. However, I can't
leave this expose' without showing one more crazy thing that Dr. Brown talks about.

Notes from Author:

Glory of the Holy Spirit Power
There has been a great deal of controversy in recent days centered around the
spiritual phenomenon known as "slain in the Spirit." While the terms "Slain in the
Spirit" or "Falling under the Power" are not found in the Scriptures, it is worthwhile
to investigate what the Scripture says in reference to this experience.
Physical evidence of the presence of the power of the Lord is not new. It has
always been an inseparable part of God's dealings with men. Whatever response is
given by people in the presence of the Lord, it is important to understand it is a sign
that God is present.
We find examples of this phenomenon in several places in the Scriptures:
none is so thrilling to me as the record of the dedication of Solomon's Temple. It is
a repeated passage, but for this study I am using the story as it appears in 2
Chronicles 5.
David had wanted to build the house of the Lord. However, God told him the
temple would be constructed by his son after his death. (1 Chron. 28). David had
even gone to the extent of amassing materials and supplies, drawing plans and laying
the charge to build upon Solomon. Solomon took it all in deep seriousness and built
the house for the Lord. The day came when it was finished and the dedication
services were set. It was a great day in Israel.
The dedication of Solomon's temple (2 Chron. 5) is a beautiful example of
God's slaying power. Solomon brought silver, gold, and musical instruments to the
temple as the Ark of the Covenant was set in its place. Trumpeters and singers began
to praise and thank the Lord in unison. Then the house was filled with the cloud of
the glory of God, the Shekinah, so that the priest could not stand to minister because
of the cloud.
The dedication services were highlighted by the placing of the Ark of the
Covenant in its place. The action required the purification and sanctification of the
priest as a body. They did not sanctify according to order or course, but as a body (2
Chron. 5:11).
One hundred and twenty priests stood clean before the Lord blowing their
trumpets in unison with the singers (vs. 12-13). A great cry of praise went up to
Heaven. This released the power and blessing of the Lord upon His people in
Solomon's day.
When the priests stood blowing their trumpets - all 120 of them in unison, and
the singers sang about the goodness and mercy of the Lord, something dynamic


The record is that the glory of the Lord filled the house of God (2Chron. 5:14)!
Solomon's own commentary upon this is found in (6:1). He referred to the Lord's
word that He would dwell in the thick cloud (Psa. 97:2). It wasn't a little cloud when
the people praised the Lord with the words which delighted the heart of God! It was
a cloud that filled the place, all pervasive and overpowering.
What was the result from the incoming of the presence of the Lord?
"So the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud,” (5:14). The
priests - all 120 of them were slain in the Spirit!
If it is objected that this is an unwarranted extension of the text, let my reader
turn to (2 Chron. 7:1-2). It would appear that when the glory of the Lord filled the
place, and the priests were unable to stand the blazing intensity of the power of the
divine presence. In chapter 7, they are seen to be outside the house of the Lord, and
unable to enter because of the glory.
What did they do? Just kept on praising the Lord with the same power-
releasing formula, "He is good; for His mercy endureth forever." (2 Chron. 7:3). It
was glory upon glory for the people of God that day. The blessing flowed from
Heaven in unbroken sequence, and the priests were so involved in the outflow that
they were unable to carry on their normal functions. For twenty-two days the power
of God lay on the people, and finally on the twenty-third day. Solomon sent the
people home.
The Lord told Solomon that He heard his prayers. The Lord said, that He
would stay among the people, (7:12). He further instructed them that if one should
enter to destroy the power and fellowship, the people could restore the lifelines by
repentance and prayer leading to divine forgiveness (7; 14).
Centuries later, "priests of royalty" (1 Pet. 2:9) stood before the Lord in an
attitude of expectant prayer. Our precious Lord Jesus, the Heavenly Ark, was in
position, seated at the right hand of the Father. There was absolute unity of heart and
mind (Acts 2:1). The glory of the Lord fell and filled the place. The Promise of the
Father was fulfilled. The Holy Spirit ushered in the Age of Power.
A. C. Gaebelein's work The Prophet Daniel, says: Daniel acted in faith . . . God
honored his faith. Then he talked with angels. Visions came to him. Gabriel appeared
next and afterwards was sent "Flying Swiftly' with a great message to Daniel. And
now after Daniel's prayer and fasting, the Lord Himself appeared to the prophet, who
had been so faithful. Thus, he went from glory to glory.
Yet . . . when he comes face to face with the Lord of Glory, he utterly
collapses and sinks into the dust in His Holy and glorious presence, and that is the
place which belongs to every saint . . .
Gaebelein's reasoning is, The Lord Jesus Christ made a personal appearance to
Daniel, and it was accompanied by the most astonishing physical phenomenon.
The similarity to the later experience of John is startling, even extending to the
touch of the hand of the Son of God. The passage reads in (Rev. 1:12), we find the
manifestation: "And when I saw him I fell at His feet as dead."


"All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable . . . " (2 Tim. 3:16).
John became so full of the glory of the Lord and the beauty of His person that he
just plainly "fell . . . as dead," ( Rev. 1:17). One thing I know: it is scriptural and it
is beautiful.
In (Acts 9:1-18), Paul was stopped by a bright light from heaven while on his way
to Damascus. When the presence of God confronted him, he fell to the earth and God
talked with him.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, (Jn. 18:3-6) as Judas arrived with a band of
soldiers, Jesus asked them whom they sought. They replied, "Jesus of Nazareth."
When Jesus said, "I Am He," thus, confirming His deity and declaring the presence
of God, they went backwards and fell to the ground. Six hundred soldiers, a Roman
cohort, accompanying the traitor Judas, had come upon the Master to capture Him
and take to trial. When He identified himself, every one of them seems to have hit
the ground backwards like so many dominoes!
What really happens when people are genuinely slain by the Spirit is that the
Holy Spirit reveals Jesus for whom He really is.
In (Rev. 1: 10), John said: "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard
behind me a great voice, and I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being
turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; and in the midst of the seven candlesticks
one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about
the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white
as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass, as if
they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in
his right-hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and
his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength and when I saw him, I fell at
his feet as dead." John got so full of the glory of the Lord and the beauty of His
presence that he fell as dead. Additional references: (Matt. 17:6, 28:4; Mk. 9:26;
Acts 22:7; Acts 26:14).
These scriptural references seem to indicate that those "slain in the Spirit"
sensed the presence and Glory of God to such a degree that they could not stand on
their feet.
The phenomenon of "Being slain in the Spirit" is scriptural; however, it should
not be taken as a sign of spiritual maturity. Some Spirit-filled people may never have
this experience.
At the time of falling under the power of the Spirit, people may experience
salvation, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, spiritual, emotional, or physical healing, or
deliverance. The phenomenon is a sovereign act of God and only the individual
being ministered to understand what God is doing with Him through this experience.
There can be counterfeit and soulish manifestations as in other spiritual
experiences, worked up by mental and emotional manipulation. However, we should
not reject the manifestation of falling under the power of God because of a few faked
instances. The genuine are best attested to by the counterfeit (1 Cor 11:19). While
ministering, one does not need to be God's helper; there is no need to push or strike
a person on the head, or rock him in order to help him fall. This is soulish. God will
manifest His presence. He doesn't need any help. So when a person is slain by the
Spirit, (falls under the power, falls to the ground, or falls down as dead), that
individual arises knowing that God has touched him and met his or her need.


George Whitefield arrived from England in 1738 to 1770 preaching from
Georgia to New Hampshire and Maine. Supernatural Physical manifestations
occurred. People went into trances, saw visions. Several stout men fell as though a
cannon had been discharged, and a ball had made its way through their hearts.
People had to be carried out of the meetings.
A feature of the revival in the West, was there were the physical
manifestations. These were seen at the time of the Great Awakening, but they
reached a high pitch in the Revival of 1800.
The "falling exercise" was the most common. When a person begins to be
affected, he generally sinks down in the place where he stood, and is for a few
minutes overwhelmed in tears. He then makes a weeping noise. Then his voice
becomes feeble, his features composed. Finally, he is motionless and speechless.
During this time his pulse is slow, his hands and feet are cold, the skin fresh and
clear, the eyes partly closed. Speech and motion return gradually.
When "faith is obtained" the person rises up and shouts 'glory to God,
remaining in a state of ecstasy." Then there were the "rolling exercises" (People
would roll over and over like a wheel. The "dancing exercises" (when the jerking
of legs looked like dancing). The "running exercises" (merely an attempt to "run
away" from the physical manifestations).
When God moves the spirit of man, he also touches in his emotions. Some
men are moved more violently then. Certainly, King Saul prophesied, David danced,
and Saul (Later Paul) fell blinded when the Spirit of God came upon them. Don't
doubt many of the physical manifestations of the Revival of 1800 were of God.
Pentecost in Los Angeles, W. J. Seymour, a Negro Holiness preacher, at 214
North Bonnie Brae Street, demonstrated the Slaying Power of God. Emma Cotton
writes: "People were not getting near the house. As the people came they would fall
under the power, and the whole city was stirred . . . "This meeting moved to Azusa
1906, a party from Azusa Street Mission visited Chicago. Miss Mable Smith
preached nightly to overflowing crowds and wonderful scenes were witnessed . . .
The first to receive the Baptism in Chicago were: J. C. Sinclair and W. E. Moody,
both of whom became active workers in the new movement. Pastor W. H. Durham,
who was in charge of the North Avenue Mission in Chicago, received the Baptism
on March 2, 1907, in Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles.
Throughout the great revivals of Charles Finney in the early part of the
nineteenth Century, this phenomenon was present. It seemed to be associated in his
ministry with great conviction of sin and resulting conversion. In his autobiography
he said, "I observed a woman, supposing she was in a fainting fit, she could not
speak. After lying in a speechless state for sixteen hours, Mrs. G's, mouth was
opened and a new song was given her. Dr. Charles Price, one of the greatest Spirit-
filled preachers in North America in this century, told of a time when he was "slain
in the Spirit." He did not want to have such an experience, but when he received the
first sign of the power of God, he lay on the floor for hours, while the Spirit burned
in and over him. This experience characterized his entire ministry. Many times as he
prayed for 500 people, ninety-five percent of them were "slain in the Spirit." People
fell where they stood, lay for hours, and arose covered with the glory of God.
Evangelist Maria Woodworth Etter, in the early 1900's had this phenomenon
working in her ministry. She says: "Hundreds were converted, many aged ones. I
don't think there were a dozen converted that were not over eighteen years of age .
. . Signs and wonders" truly followed. The Holy Ghost came in slaying, melting,
anointing and healing power."
Katheryn Kuhlman was known for the slaying sign in her ministry in the 60-
70,s. The author has this sign in her miracle-healing-deliverance ministry.
Sometimes the Lord will have me to sing in the Spirit under His anointing and
people will fall under the Power or be "Slain in the Spirit." It is a wonderful touch
from the Lord.
Today many are anointed with this sign in their ministries worldwide.


Jesus brought life and power by His resurrection from the grave. All hell could
not hold Him in death. A hundred or more armed soldiers stood around his grave to
guard against someone stealing His body. They sealed the sepulcher with the
governor's seal. It would have been a death sentence if the seal was broken.
There was a great supernatural battle fought. All the armies of heaven were
engaged with the hosts of hell around the tomb where the mangled body of Jesus, our
crucified Lord, lay cold in death.
Hear the demons, "We have won! He'll never be free! We will hold Him
captive. Where is your Prince? Where is Your King?
Listen! The battle turns. The Lord God Almighty came Himself with His great
Angel and rolled back the stone from the sepulcher and He sat upon it. His
countenance was like lightning raiment white as snow. For fear of Him the keepers
did quake, they fell as dead men! (Matt. 28:4).
Did you see it? The presence of God and the men fell as dead men!
"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. These signs
shall follow them that believe; (all that believe on me). These are some of the gifts
that I will give to men, In my name they cast out devils, they shall speak with new
tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison it shall not
hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover," (Mk. 16:17-19).
These were the Savior's last words before He was taken up. The Holy Ghost
was poured out with gifts on the Gentile nations, just the same as at Pentecost on the
Jews. He gave us gifts with all the Pentecostal power and glory. Our bodies are God's
Power House to be channels for the Holy Ghost to flow like a sign to the lost that
God is with us.


All gifts and workings of the Holy Ghost are for the edification of the body
of Christ. To make saints, God's people, perfect; to lead them in the same Pentecostal
power and gifts. Secondly, Ministers need Him with all these signs and gifts to
encourage them. It's a visible sign to the world that God is with them confirming the
Word with visible signs. Thirdly, It shows the world an invisible Christ. "For the
Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to ALL
God has only one body. If he were to give part of His people the supernatural
and strip part of it from another part, He would be guilty of having respect to
persons. He has one Body Not two!
"For there is no respect of persons with God," (Romans 2:11.)
Jesus is sovereign. We are his members. He is here Now. He is not the God
of the dead but the God the living, ( Matt. 22:23.)
Solomon and his priests, Daniel, Paul and John, early church leaders and later
church leaders are dead; but we are alive. God's name is not, "I used to be, I can, I
am able, or I will be, but His name has always been I AM! and it will always be I
AM.” To be "slain in the Spirit" is a beautiful and biblical experience.86
Brown says: "In purely demonic poisoning, many times the person can actually
feel a burning or tingling sensation traveling up his/her arm immediately after getting
their fingers in poison, or getting something such as a splinter in their hand. You
MUST anoint immediately with oil to stop the spread of demonic power into the rest
of their body, I learned this lesson the hard way. You must apply the oil like a
tourniquet above the level of the spread of demonic power, and then drive the
demons down and out of the extremity.”87
This just goofy!
She then draws a Chick type illustration of: (A) a hand and arm showing the
fingers infected. (B) picture shows the infection rising beyond the wrist and another
hand placing a circle of oil just beneath the elbow. © pictures show the infection
rising and two hands bathing oil.(D) the hands are pushing down the arm toward the
Then she says: If the person is alone and does not have someone to help them,
they should apply the "oil tourniquet" first, then wash the area thoroughly to remove
many physical poison, or remove the splinter or insert, and then drive the demons
down and out of the extremity by using the oil as in the illustration." Does this
sound like Christian doctrine to you?
One of the most important tools in the Church is to be able to discern and cast
out evil spirits when they are operating withing the Church. We are not cast out the
people, only the evil spirits! 88

Authors’s Note
The Greek word for demon is (De’munz). The modern definition of a demon
as an evil spirit is the result of a long development. The word frequently meant
something entirely differently to ancient writers. Originally, it referred to a sort of
anonymous god, operating alongside of, but somewhat less noticeable than the major
deities of the ancient world. Ancient writers speak of both good and bad demons or
The Hebrew word elohim, commonly translated “god,” is sometimes used in the
Old Testament to express this ancient concept. Often, when one id described as “a
man of god,” the meaning is that he possesses the ability to interpret omens, or some
such similar power, to interpret omens, or some such similar power, and that this
ability is attributable to a divine and that this ability is attributable to a divine power,
or demon, (see I Samuel 2:27; 9:6; I Kings 12:1; 2Kings 4:7). The Old Testament
also refers to the objects of pagan worship and to malign spirits, in the more familiar
sense, as demons. 89
In the New Testament the existence of demons, as responsible for all kinds of
disorder, is taken for granted. They are regarded as ministers of Satan, or Belial, or
Beelzebub. They are expelled by invoking of the name of God and by the preaching
of His redemptive power and are destined to final defeat by the forces of
righteousness, to be followed by consignment to ever lasting fire. As in the Old
Testament, the objects of pagan worship are occasionally referred to as demons. 90


The deliverance ministry is more controversial today than it was when Jesus
cast out devils. The religious people of His time charged that “He cast out devils by
Beelzebub.” (Lk. 11:13). Jesus did not have to teach the people the reality of demons.
They knew about realism of demonology. However, they had problems discerning
the source of his power. Jesus had compassion for His people to live above peer
pressure. It is a terrible thing to see someone who is entangled helplessly under the
power of demons.

God’s spiritual dominion is the most astonishing power in the universe.
God has always worked through humans to accomplish bring His kingdom to
the earth. We must take heaven by force. Just as God gave the people of Israel the
promise then told them to take it be force. The Apostle Paul gave the Church the
revelation knowledge of the powers and principalities in Ephesians 6. He disclosed
that the church was in spiritual warfare gave us the keys to spiritual warfare by using
our spiritual weapons. Jesus Christ also told us in (Matt. 11:12), “The kingdom of
heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force.”
What does God say about principalities and powers?
Jesus knows the subject of principalities and powers. He witnessed Lucifer, the
archangel of praise and worship, becomes a potentate of evil principalities and sinful
1. God says that Christ is the creator of all power. (Col. 1:16), “For by him
were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or
powers; all things were created by and for him.”
2. God says Christ is the head of all power.
God elevated Christ above all principalities and powers according (Col. 2:10).
“And ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power.” (Eph.
1:21), “Far above all principality and power and might, and dominion and every
name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.”
3. God says that Christ destroyed the Devil’s power.
According to (Col. 2:15), “An having spoiled principalities and powers, he
made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”
4. God reveals wisdom to the Church.
(Eph. 3:10), “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in
heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of
Isn’t this better than tying a tourniquet around someone’s arm and try to
squeeze the demon out of their fingers?
Look at the power that Jesus gave us! (Mk. 16:17-18), “And these signs shall
follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with
new tongues; 18.They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it
shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
Chapter Seven
Dr. Brown Loses Her Medical License

This information came from the court records concerning Dr. Brown’s loss of
her Medical License.
Rebecca Brown is really Ruth Bailey, a small-town physician who, after Indiana
authorities revoked her license in 1984, traveled to California and began promoting
her strange views of the occult and deliverance with the help of Christian tract and
comic book publisher, Jack T. Chick. Police reports, medical documents, newspaper
articles, and testimony of family and neighbors all verify her confused life and
spurious claims.
Rebecca Brown, M. D. changed her name from Ruth Irene Bailey, M.D. in
a petition to the Superior Court of California, County of San Bemardino.
Ruth Irene Bailey, of Apple Valley, Calif., dated Feb. 11, 1987, along with her
attorney, Robert Salisbury, of Anaheim, requested a name change to Rebecca Brown.
The reason given was: "petitioner has become known more by the proposed name
through use as a pen name and use of the name in ministry than by her present
This information appeared in a general-circulation newspaper where it was
published once a week for four weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition.
The name change then was officially registered April 25,1986.Rebecca's two books
were published in 1986 and 1987, before she became well known. 92
However could her name change be due to notoriety she had gained under her
old name? Ruth Irene Bailey was born in Shelbyville, Ind., to Ebner and Lois
Bailey on May 21, 1948. She was raised in Indianapolis. She completed high school,
then earned an A.A. degree in nursing at IUPUI (Indiana University - Purdue
University at Indianapolis) in May 1968. She worked as a nurse for seven years,31 (
on the tape, Closet Witches 1, she says she was a nurse for 10 years). She entered
Indiana University at Purdue in September 1976. 93
She transferred to Indiana University at Indianapolis School of Medicine. She
received her Doctor of Medicine degree on April 30,1979.JJ She moved to Muncie
Ind., to begin her internship and residency at Ball Memorial Hospital. This is the
"nearby hospital" she refers to repeatedly in her books and tapes as "one of Satan's
special hospitals."94
Ruth began her internship at Ball Memorial with good recommendations from
her school and two reputable physicians, Drs. Cavins and Steel of Indianapolis.
However, it appears that early in her internship, she developed an obsession with
demons and deliverance.
A spokesman from Ball Memorial, Dr. John Cullison, director of medical
education, told the Indianapolis News that ("Dr. Bailey provided ' very good care for
a couple of years' after joining the hospitals' residency staff in 1979. 'But then I
began getting reports she was exorcizing demons in the intensive care unit," he said.
'I asked her to leave." 95
During her internship and residency at Ball Memorial, her behavior became
more bizarre. She began using candles in the rooms during her exorcism.96 Many
times she told her patients "she was 'chosen' by God as the only physician able
to diagnose certain ailments and conditions which other physicians could not.
She believed that other physicians, including physicians
from Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, Ind., and St. John's Medical Center in
Anderson, Ind., were, in fact demons, devils and other evils spirits themselves." 97
Her behavior became more bizarre as her obsession with demons worsened her
mental state. At a later date, Medical licensing Board would hear that she had "
stated on numerous occasions that she possessed the capability of 'sharing' her
patients' illnesses in fighting the demons, devils and other evil spirits that were
allegedly causing the various ailments and conditions."
Brown also had during the first decade of her spiritual “career” an associate
named Elaine who claimed to be the bride of Satan, complete with a honeymoon,
who said she had been “Satan’’s representative” to the world who negotiated
weapon sales with foreign heads of state.98 Previous books by Brown tell stories of
the two teaming up to fight occultists in their small Indiana town and of Brown
delivering nearly 1,000 people from hard-core Satanism in just over two years. 99
Ruth and Elaine did meet at Ball Memorial and eventually began living
together. However, the real story of their meeting and relationship bears little
resemblance to the story told to and promoted by Jack Chick.
Edna Elaine Moses was Born Edna Elaine Knost in sleepy New Castle, Ind. in
1986 she legally returned to her maiden name.100 Interviews with family members
of Elaine disclosed her as living a life permeated with lies and fabrications. They
expressed little surprise at her wild
tales promulgated in Rebecca's books. Elaine's exaggerations proved, at times an
embarrassment for these family members, noting she would do almost anything to
receive attention. For instance, one method repeatedly utilized by Elaine was her
pretending to have seizures at public functions. 101
One medical record says Elaine has a "mixed personality disorder," and "is of
questionable reliability.”
Elaine describes a certain "camp" where she was inducted into witchcraft and
Satanism. She describes this "camp" in great detail: "I stepped directly into this cult
when I went to that summer camp with Sandy. I was very excited by the time we
arrived. With excitement you lose a lot of what you see and hear. We were taken to
the dorms where we were to stay and made to feel very welcome. The camp had
many facilities: museums, libraries, and different houses where you could go to
clairvoyants, hypnotists, palm readers, tarot card readers, voodoo experts, etc., Some
of these people lived there year 'round, some didn't. There was the place where the
cult officially meets with the unknowing public." 102
Based upon Elaine's description of the Camp and its location, she is probably
referring to a spiritualist camp known as Camp Chesterfield (Indiana Society of
Spiritualists) in the town of Chesterfield, Ind. The camp was established in 1886 by
Dr. J.W.Westerfield.103
Elaine says she signed her name in blood and became a part of "The
Brotherhood at this camp." She does not say how old she was when she did this but
says it took place during the summer." She says: "School was out at the time and as
I had nothing else to do, I decided to go."
This places the event some time during her youth, probably her mid-teens.
Interestingly, the caption next to her senior picture in her high schools' 1965 year
book mentions that she was a member of the school's Bible Club. 104
Rebecca and Elaine's story puts their first meeting at Ball Memorial Hospital
around 1980. Research into court records of Henry Country, Ind., found that Edna
Elaine Knost was married Dec. 18, 1966, by the minister of the Foursquare Church
of New Castle, Ind.105
The testimony of Rebecca, Chic and Elaine in the book and tapes, "... Her
husband had left and remained with the Satanists. Likewise on tape Closet Witches
I,..... her husband had left her. He remained in the cult." Documentary evidence
shows that the marriage was dissolved in 1967, some 13 years prior to what is
alleged in the book and cassette! 106
Shortly after separating from her husband, Elaine returned to live with her
mother and step-father. From that time, until the late 1970s, she remained in New
Castle working at various jobs which included a car-hop at a drive-in restaurant and
a car wash attendant. Also during this time Elaine was continually in and out of
hospitals in the New Castle area for assorted surgeries.107
The Quarterly Journal says: "Some direction seemed to come into Elaine's life
as she received training and was licensed by the State of Indiana as a Practical Nurse
(LPN), which allowed her employment at area nursing homes. Thus it can be
concluded through a definite verifiable chronology, Elaine's claims to have been
Satan's representative on an international level, meeting with foreign governmental
dignitaries who petitioned "for money for arms" and to have "been to Mecca, Israel,
Egypt, also the Vatican in Rome to meet with the Pope . . . for the purpose of
coordinating Satan's programs with Satanists in other lands," as well as meeting with
"many of the well-known Rock music stars" who "all signed contracts with Satan in
return for fame and fortune " are fictitious." 108
We can see that facts clearly demonstrate a life opposite the notoriety as she
alleges in the book. He Came To Set The Captives Free.
Officials asked Ball Hospital as Dr. Brown to leave due the her bizarre behavior
which had grown to include rites of exorcism in hospital rooms involving the use of
candles and claims that she was chosen by God as the only physician able to
diagnose certain ailments and conditions." Chick's literature never mentions her
dismissal from Ball Memorial. Rebecca just says: "After I finished my residency in
internal medicine and critical care, I opened a medical
practice in a small town about 60 miles from the city in which Elaine was initiated
into Satanism. Over the next three years life was intense." 109
The Quarterly Journal writes: "While St. John's Hospital would neither confirm
nor deny its financial assistance in establishing Rebecca's (Ruth Bailey's) private
practice, States Exhibit #16 (St. John's Medical Center, Anderson Indiana,
Chronology. Doctor Ruth Bailey {sic} on records a September 20, 1983 an interview
between Rebecca (Ruth Bailey) and hospital administrator Sister Michaeleen in
which Rebecca "expressed concern about her finances and how much she owed the
hospital particularly." Further, Lapel, Ind., residents and police officials (Detective
Samuel E. Hanna/Captain Tim R. Davis interview) indicate St. John's financial
involvement in Rebecca's opening a general medical practice in Lapel. Finally,
following her exodus from Lapel, possession of the house, which served as
Rebecca's Medical office, was transferred within a six week time period from
Rebecca to the State Bank of Lapel to St. John's Hospital (State of Indiana, Madison
Country Records, book 619, Pages 216 and 740)."110
Rebecca and Elaine deceived the public when they moved to Lapel. A front-
page story in the May 26,1982 The Lapel Review newspaper said Rebecca was
"establishing her general medical practice" there. The article under the headline" Dr.
Bailey (sic) to open practice in Lapel," stated, "She and her sister and two friends
working with her are very much looking forward to joining the community here."
(emphasis added).Rebecca and Elaine were passing themselves off as sisters Edna
Elaine Moses even took Ruth's last name and called herself Elaine Bailey! Lapel
residents confirmed that they claimed such a relationship.111
The story again goes strange as Rebecca and Elaine describe why they left
Lapel. She talks about the battle escalating, the Satanists killing her mother, Satanist
personal attacks against herself and Elaine destroying everything they had, killing
their pets, their church deciding they were serving Satan and refusing to help them,
etc., etc., etc. 112
As to Rebecca's claim the Satanists were instruments of her mother's death -
According to the official copy of the "Medical Certificate of Death from the Marion
County (Ind.) Health Department," Lois M. Bailey died Dec. 31, 1982 at St.
Vincent's Hospital in Indianapolis of a heart attack, she was 75 years old.113
Another detail Rebecca fails to mention is allegations that she abused Elaine.
Documents show that she indeed did abuse Elaine. On Oct. 17, 1983, officer Samuel
E. Hanna of the Madison County (Indiana) Police Department received a phone call
from a social worker at St. Vincent's Hospital in Indianapolis. The reason for the
call: A woman had been admitted into the hospital whose entire body was covered
with lesions. She was incoherent, had received an overdose of drugs and was near
death. The patient's name was Edna Elaine Moses, A preliminary investigation found
the prime suspect to be Dr. Ruth Bailey (Rebecca Brown).114
Officer Hanna, a born again Christian, was the party responsible for
spearheading the major investigation of Rebecca. Several months of investigative
work followed which involved the Attorney General's office, the Federal Drug
Enforcement Administration, St. John's Hospital, The Indiana Medical Licensing
Board and others.115
Based on the investigation the Indiana Medical Licensing Board issued an
"Emergency Suspension" Of Rebecca's License, which barred her from Moses shared
a bed, there were overflowing ashtrays, plates of leftover food and animal feces, she
testified. The house was full of demonology books."116

The Verdict
The Indiana Medical Licensing Boards hearing concluded and a "Findings of
Fact, Conclusions of Law & Order" was issued. The eight-page report called for the
immediate revocation of Rebecca's medical license. Among the most telling excerpts
"8. That on numerous occasions Respondent (Rebecca) has knowingly and
intentionally mis diagnosed her patients including, but not limited to her patients by
the names of Edna Elaine Moses, a/k/a Elaine Moses, a/k/a/ Elaine Bailey
(hereinafter collectively referred to as 'Edna Elaine Moses'), Claudia Moses, Lucia
Lively, Luccinda Sisson, Key Sisson, Cheryl Maynard, and (2) patients identified
only as 'V. B.' and 'K. W.'
9. That the mis diagnosis referred to in 'Finding of Fact' no. 8 above including
mis diagnosing alleged leukemia, various blood disorders, gall bladder disease, brain
tumors and various other ailments and conditions all of which Respondent Stated
were allegedly caused by demons, devils and other evil
10. That in fact, the patients referred to in "Finding of Fact' no. 8 above, were
not suffering from the diagnosed ailments and conditions referred to in "Finding of
Fact' no. 9, above.
11. Then on numerous occasions Respondent stated to her patients that she was
'chosen' by God as the only physician able to diagnose certain ailments and
conditions which other physicians could not because the other physicians, including
physicians from Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, Indiana and St. John's Medical
Center in Anderson, Indiana, were, in fact, 'demons, devils and other evil spirits'
12. The Respondent was inappropriately treating Edna Elaine Moses' purported
Leukemia with massive doses of Demerol and Phenobarbital to the point where the
patient would tolerate 600 to 900 cc injections of Demerol, a fatal dose of which was
normally in the 150 to 200 cc range, and up to three times the recommended
therapeutic dose of Phenobarbital.
13. That Respondent gave Claudia Moses, a 15 year-old mentally impaired
daughter of Edna Elaine Moses who possesses the intellectual age of an 8-year- old,
numerous injections of Demerol for alleged 'nausea' and allowed Claudia to
administer injections of Demerol to herself.
14. That on numerous occasions the Respondent would supply her patients with
excessive amount of legend drugs and/or controlled substances without any
explanation, instruction, or appropriate charting.
15. That numerous patients of the Respondent had to undergo detoxification and
withdrawal from excessive amounts of legend drugs and/or controlled substances
which the Respondent was prescribing and/or administering without valid
therapeutic reasons.
16. That while Edna Elaine Moses was under the immediate care and treatment
of Respondent, the family of Edna Elaine Moses had to have Edna admitted to St.
Vincent's Hospital Emergency Room in Indianapolis, Indiana and subsequently
committed to LaRue Carter Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, for detoxification from
the excessive amounts of controlled substances which Respondent was prescribing
and administering for Edna's purported leukemia and for treatment of the multiple
infections including infections of her urinary
tract and infections of various catheters including a "hickman' catheter used to
facilitate the administration of intravenous medications and also for treatment of
externally caused lesions.
20. The Respondent has stated on numerous occasions that she possessed the
capability of 'sharing' her patients' illnesses in fighting the demons, devils, and other
evil spirits that were allegedly causing the various ailments and conditions and that
she was, in fact, 'sharing' Edna Elaine Moses' leukemia.
21. That without a valid therapeutic reason the Respondent Self-diagnosed and
self-medicated herself with non-therapeutic amounts of Demerol for her ‘leukemia'
that she was allegedly 'sharing' with Edna Elaine Moses and also for treatment of an
alleged malignant brain tumor and myasthenia gravis.
22. That Respondent has been witnessed routinely receiving non-therapeutic
doses of at least 3 ccs of Demerol on an hourly basis by injecting herself in the backs
of her hands, inside of her thighs, or whatever she could locate a suitable vein.
23. That the Board-appointed psychiatrist who examined the Respondent and
reviewed statements made by her patients diagnosed the Respondent as suffering
from acute personality disorders including demonic delusions and/or paranoid
Finally, based upon the foregoing "Findings of Fact," the Board then made its
"conclusions of Law," about Rebecca, which included findings of her: addiction or
severe dependency upon alcohol or other drugs which endangers the public by
impairing a practitioner's ability to practice safely ....
3. Prescribing or administering a drug for other than generally accepted
therapeutic purposes; and,
4. Gross negligence in the practice of medicine."
The most important point of the medical report is the divulging of Demerol
overdoses by both Elaine and Rebecca. Addiction to Demerol, a depressant, has
clearly identifiable side effects. The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs describes
the side effects of a Demerol overdose: "Disorientation, hallucinations, unstable gait,
paradoxical behavioral disturbances may suggest psychotic disorder." The Guide
goes on: weakness, fainting, disorientation, dizziness, impaired concentration,
dependence, confusion, convulsions.117
As one would expect the board issued and "Order" as follows:
"1. That Respondent's license to practice medicine in the State of Indiana,
license no. 29402, is hereby revoked."
The Indianapolis News relates other details:
"Testimony for 19 witnesses revealed that Dr. Bailey, a former registered nurse,
began an impressive medical career in 1979 after excelling in medical school.
Over the last three years she deteriorated into a woman plagued by drug
addiction, religious extremism and a belief that patients and colleagues were
possessed by devils, witnesses said.
Several witnesses declined to reveal their current addresses saying they
feared retaliation from Dr. Bailey. The physician carries a handgun and has
threatened to harm people she claims are possessed, they said.
'Her diagnosis was that I was possessed by many demons, including one like an
octopus with long tentacles...'" 118
According the witnesses interviewed in the article according the witnesses
interviewed in the article, Dr. Bailey claimed to have attended a human sacrifice
ceremony; that a demon had attacked Dr. Bailey and she responded by severing the
demon's arms, legs and head and afterward God took Dr. Bailey to heaven and gave
her a drink from a silver cup. 119
Also submitted into evidence at the hearing were 11 photographs taken at St.
Vincent showing bluish-yellow sores over most of Mrs. Edna Elaine Moses' body
apparently caused by repeated injections. 120
The article goes on, "Several witnesses said they saw Dr. Bailey inject herself,
Mrs. Moses and Mrs. Moses teenage daughter with Demerol and morphine. Great
quantities of drugs were kept on hand, and the Bailey home was littered with used
needles and syringes." 121
The Quarterly Journal article I mentioned earlier gives much of the same
information I have given here and the authors investigated a number of specific
factual details related by 'Elaine' and Dr. Brown. For example, Dr. Bailey says that
the Satanists were the instrument of her mother's death. The Journal article
uncovered the death certificate which gave a heart attack as the cause of death for
this 75 year old woman. 122
It is impossible to determine how much, if any, real contact with Satan Elaine
and Rebecca had while under the influence of drugs. But one can be sure that their
drug-influenced state brought no direct revelation from God. Possibly both were
feeding and fueling the interpretations of their fantasies. Rebecca and Elaine's
perception of the facts and personal experience are akin to the image one sees in a
fun house mirror - the image is there but is a complete distortion of reality.
Rebecca and Elaine's story, as to Chick, with its extra-biblical claims and sinful
origins cause it to be found wanting when held up to the standard of God's Word.
Further we cannot ignore the vast amount of documentation and testimony given by
police, doctors, lawyers, family members and acquaintances; nor can we give heed
to the claim that they all are part of Satan's ploy to discredit Rebecca and Elaine.
Ruth Bailey's medical career had been cut short as she had "deteriorated into a
woman plagued by drug addiction, religious extremism and a belief that patients and
colleagues were possessed by devils." 123
Jack Chick continues to deceive the public with his promotion of questionable
and sensationalistic testimonies. The advancement of such in no way edifies the body
of Christ. It appears Chick has, himself, fallen prey to Satan's wiles. We hope in the
future he acknowledges, the sordid and suspicious past of these women and admits
he has been deceived. Our prayer, too, is that Rebecca and Elaine will repent of the
lies and deceptions which cause evil suspicions among Christians and serve to harm
the Church.124
Chapter Eight
Rebecca Brown Becomes Mrs. Daniel Michael Yoder
My father used to say, “Birds of a feather, flock together.” Dr. Brown's claims
are particularly extreme because she claims to have had physical contact with
demons, devils and Satan himself.
Brown also wrote that in the mid-1980s, before she moved to California, she
made a covenant with God that included the condition she “would eventually lay
down [her] life out here for the Lord.”7 Despite that covenant, Brown dissolved her
partnerships with Elaine and Jack Chick and left California. On Dec. 10, 1989, she
married Daniel Michael Yoder, who was living in Phoenix, Ariz., at the time.
The problem that the church face is that people unquestionably follow men and
women who lead them into unbiblical principles, the Apostle Paul said, “Follow me,
as I follow Jesus.” Jesus said, “The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee,
and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, follow me,” (Jn. 1:4).
Spiritual blindness is the greatest tragedy of our age. The Bible warns, "Study
to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth," (11 Tim. 2:15).
The Lord says that false prophets will come to us in sheep's clothing. That is to
say, they will be disguised as true Christians but he says inwardly they are ravening
wolves. We know that wolves are a serious life threat to sheep. If left to do as they
please, the wolf will attack, kill, and feed on a sheep. Just of itself, a wolf is a serious
threat to a sheep. Yet, if the wolf is given the disguise of another sheep, the threat is
even worse. Just think about it -- if it was obvious that the false teachers were not
God's ministers, then Christians wouldn't follow them, and they wouldn't be a threat.
However, Satan has given them clever disguises, because it is his desire for them to
destroy us. Jesus tells us, though, that we will know them by their fruits. Their
disguise may be clever, but their fruits -- their words, actions, lifestyles, etc. -- will
give them away. But we must open our eyes and be aware that there are wolves
among us disguised as one of us! Don't blindly follow anyone. God has given us the
Bible so that it can be our guide and so that we can distinguish truth from error.
Witchcraft is known as the "Old Religion" and is an ancient practice dating back
to biblical times. Witchcraft can be defined as the performance of magic
forbidden by God for non-biblical ends. The word witchcraft is related to the old
English word (wiccian), "practice of magical arts."
The disciples all had a great burden for the purity of the faith. Sloppy
Christianity has been around since the beginning. This is way we must contend for
the faith. The word contend means to firmly have confidence and assert your faith.
The Apostle Jude said, “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about
the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith
that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain men whose condemnation
was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless
men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus
Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.,” (Jude 1:3-4).
Timothy also warned of false teachers of our time, “For the time will come
when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they
will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want
to hear,” (2 Tim. 4:3). He also warned them in (1 Tim. 4:16), to “Watch your life
and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both
yourself and your hearers,” In (2 Thess. 2:15), continues to affirm the necessity of
having a unfaltering grasp on what you choose to accept and believe. “ So then,
brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by
word of mouth or by letter.”
If those who call themselves apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers
teach against the core doctrines of the Christian Faith, whether explicitly or
implicitly, we are to admonish them once or twice and if they do not repent we are to
reject them as heretics. (Tit. 3:10), tells us to warn a divisive person once, and then
warn him/her a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him/her.


Brown spins another yarn in the biographical sketch of her husband in Unbroken
Curses. 125She writes that her husband was born into “a very wealthy Jewish family
of international bankers” (She claims he was born into the Rothschild family of
England and they had $100,000 death contract on his head) because he fled away
from “their witchcraft” control. 126
She claims when he was six years old, his parents sent him to Switzerland to
study under Rabbinical and Cabalistic (Jewish mysticisms) teachers in an “exclusive
boarding school.” According to Brown, Yoder continued his schooling there until age
19 and later completed graduate studies in Switzerland. 127
Reminiscent of Elaine’’s tall tales of ritualistic abuse, Yoder also speaks of
descriptions of unrestrained torture and abuse by the Cabalists “through his
years at school.” Upon his arrival at the boarding school, young Daniel was taken
into the “subterranean levels” of the institution and “placed in a small windowless
room” where he was kept as a prisoner. Following a failed escape attempt, Yoder
found himself in a “small round room, just a few feet in diameter.” Here the evil
rabbis “removed the lid from the top [of the chamber], and dumped thousands of
spiders down on top of him, many of them poisonous.”128

As the spiders began to crawl over and bite him, Yoder cried out in anguish.
“Immediately, a brilliant shaft of light pierced down through that building, down into
the cold little room where Daniel was cowering, shivering and crying on the floor,”
Brown writes. Two arms reached forth from the light and cradled the child as he
“slept in the arms of Jesus. ” “When he awoke, all of his spider bites were healed, ”
Brown writes. 129

Brown ’s account says that after completing his schooling, Yoder inherited a
fortune, quickly rose to power in his grandfather’ s business, then his family ’s
business, and finally formed corporations of his own. “Wealth became a play toy;
power was his god,” Brown writes. At thirty years of age, Yoder’’s parents ordered
him into a “forced marriage” with a woman named Kai, claiming the wedlock would
“further the family fortune.” According to Brown, Kai, too, had been, “terribly
abused because of being raised in Cabalism.” 130

Following their marriage, Kai “found Jesus Christ and gladly accepted Him as
her Lord and Messiah.” Because of her conversion to Christianity, the couple ’s
families had “hired men to capture them and to force Kai to renounce Christ or kill
her.” For three months they eluded capture, but “in God ’s permissive will ” they
were finally abducted. Brown writes, “They were flown to Israel where Daniel was
chained to a wall and forced to watch as Kai, his first and only love, was tortured to

Yoder then allegedly “fled to the United States where he hid in a cabin in the
mountains and studied Kai ’s Bible for a whole year.” As a result, he accepted Jesus
Christ and left his family and wealth. On Nov. 10, 1989, he met Brown and just a
month later they were married. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Lake Park, in
northwestern Iowa.
Author’s Note:
I must say, this is a better story than her witchcraft friend Elaine. I bet this one
will sell even better than the other lies!


“From the very start, I knew something wasn’t just quite right with the couple,”
Dickinson County Sheriff Greg Baloun told PFO. Baloun was the Lake Park Chief
of Police in 1990 when Brown and Yoder arrived in Iowa. ““He passed himself off,
the first time I met him, as a [semi retired, well-to-do] neurosurgeon. He never passed
himself off as a minister to me. He was always a doctor,”” Baloun said. Baloun
added that Yoder said ““his father was a doctor,” not a very wealthy international

Baloun says Yoder told him how he had to expeditiously travel from California
to Nevada to do a delicate medical operation. “He told me how he had this Chrysler
Cordova that would do 200 miles an hour and that he ran from California into Nevada
to do a special surgery in a mere amount of time,” Baloun recalled. When asked why
stops for gas didn’t impede his record pace, Yoder said, “I had a customized 40-
gallon gas tank.”

“He had an answer for everything,”” Baloun said. ““He was a big talker, but you
could catch him in lies all the time. ” 133

Lorraine Bush, a local real estate agent who handled the couple’’s lease
agreement on a two-story home in Lake Park, agreed with Baloun’’s evaluation. ““I
was suspicious of him right away,”” she told the local newspaper. 134
Following a six-month stay in Lake Park, Brown and Yoder moved to
Estherville, a town 25 miles to the northeast. They remained there briefly, then moved
to Spencer, where Yoder became associated with a nondenominational fellowship,
the Wells of Living Grace Church.


Baloun’s suspicions eventually extended to other law enforcement departments.

An investigation into Yoder began in November 1990 by several agencies, including
the Emmet County (Iowa) Sheriff’’s Office, the U.S. Office of the Inspector General
and the Iowa State Patrol. The investigation ultimately revealed that Yoder also went
by such names as William Joseph Stewart and Tony Michael Griffin and had used
different Social Security numbers and birth dates. 135

As the investigation intensified, Yoder left Iowa and returned to Phoenix where,
as a result of the persistent detective efforts of Iowa State Patrol Officer Marv
Loebach, he was arrested on July 29, 1991. Yoder was charged with falsifying motor
vehicle registrations and driver’’s licenses, and falsifying Social Security records by
allegedly using the Social Security number of a dead man. 136

On Sept. 6, 1991, he was extradited to Iowa. The next day, he was indicted on
two counts of perjury. Authorities learned that he had a criminal record and had
served time in Minnesota and Missouri and admitted to receiving “psychological
evaluations, counseling, or hospitalizations. ”12

Yoder was released on Sept. 9 after D&R Bonding Agency of Spirit Lake posted
a bail bond of $10,000.13 Six weeks later the charges were rephrased into three
counts, the first being perjury and the second and third being designated as fraudulent
practice in the third degree.14 On Nov. 12, Yoder entered a written arraignment and
plea of not guilty to all three charges.15


As the prosecution sought more information from Yoder, it received a stream of

misstatements and conflicting information. In an Application and Order to Amend
court document it was noted: “That Defendant ’s charged name herein be amended
from Daniel Michael Yoder to the Defendant ’s true and correct name William Joseph
Stewart. ”16 Beyond his aliases, various other court documents revealed contradictory
birth dates, occupations (such as pastor and bookstore manager) and Social Security

However, one fact gathered by the prosecution from Yoder, that remained
consistent throughout, was that he had only “completed seven years of school. ”18
In spring 1992, following recommendations made by the Dickinson County
Attorney, Yoder opted for a “bargained plea” and “voluntarily” entered a “plea of
guilty.” The county attorney had recommended to the court the following sentence
and disposition: “(1) Fine of $2,000.00 plus a 30 percent surcharge. (2) Court costs
to be taxed to the defendant. (3) Dismiss Counts I and III.” 19 On April 29, 1992,
Yoder entered a guilty plea on Count II of the indictments. The court document
signed by Yoder stated in part: ““I hereby enter my PLEA OF GUILTY TO
Fraudulent Practice in the Third Degree, an aggravated misdemeanor, in violation of
Section 321.97 and 714.11(3) of the Code of Iowa, which crime was committed by
me on April 4, 1991, as charged in said information.” 137

Based on Yoder ’s guilty plea, “the judgment of the Court”” stated “that the
Defendant be and he is sentenced to pay a fine of $1,976.92, a surcharge of $593.08
and court costs of $60.00. ”138 The fine, surcharge and court costs were ordered by the
court to be paid within two days. Yoder complied and the case was closed.22

The couple left Iowa and Brown resumed compiling her story of purported
battles with the demonic. They currently live in Clinton, Ark., and have altered the
name of their ministry from “Wells of Living Grace” to “Wells of Joy.”
Paul, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, has been quiet vocal on the subject
of false teachers. We find many more instances in the Bible where he has spoken of
the dangers of false teachers. Here is another example:
(2 Cor. 11:3-4 ) "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve
through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ. {4} For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not
preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another
gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."

Paul says that he fears what the Christians in Corinth might do if a false teacher
comes preaching things other than what he has preached to them ... he fears they
"might well bear with him". He was afraid they might be led astray and continue in
the erroneous doctrine. Some number of verses later, Paul, has more to say about false
(2 Cor. 11:13-15 ), "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ. {14} And no marvel; for Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light. {15} Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers
also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according
to their works."
Paul says, "false apostles", or according to the original Greek words, he calls
them spurious apostles or pretended preachers. He says these false apostles are
disguising themselves as apostles of Christ! They are disguising themselves as
ministers of God! In fact, Paul says not to be surprised because Satan himself is
disguised as an angel of light so it is no great thing if "his (Satan's) ministers" also
be disguised as "ministers of righteousness". Remember, we have already seen that
Satan has placed wolves among us in sheep's clothing. Satan has placed his own in
clever disguises, as ministers of God, in order to destroy God's people. This is why
Paul throughout scripture keeps showing so great concern for warning God's people
of false teachers. They are by no means harmless!
Let me now leave you with a handful of other scriptures that deal with false
(Gal. 1:6-12) ,"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you
into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: {7} Which is not another; but there be
some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. {8} But though we, or
an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have
preached unto you, let him be accursed. {9} As we said before, so say I now again,
If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be
accursed. {10} For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for
if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. {11} But I certify you,
brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. {12} For I
neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus

These are strong words. Paul says that if even he or an angel from heaven preach
some other doctrine, "let him be accursed". Paul says that the doctrine he preached
wasn't from man, but from Jesus Christ. Furthermore he says he didn't seek to please
men, for had he, he couldn't be the servant of Christ. It is impossible to do both. God
is greatly displeased with anyone who alters his Word, even in the least. Here are
some other examples:
(Rev. 22:18-19), "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the
prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him
the plagues that are written in this book: {19} And if any man shall take away from
the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book
of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
(Deut. 4:1-4), "Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the
judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess
the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. {2} Ye shall not add unto
the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may
keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. {3} Your
eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baalpeor: for all the men that followed
Baalpeor, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you. {4} But ye that
did cleave unto the LORD your God are alive every one of you this day."
(Prov. 30:5-6 ) "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their
trust in him. {6} Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found
a liar."
(2 Pet. 1:20-2:3 KJV) "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of
any private interpretation. {21} For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of
man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. {1} But
there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers
among you, who privily (original Greek word means "introduce surreptitiously", i.e.,
introduce by stealth) shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that
bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. {2} And many shall
follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken
of. {3} And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise
of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation
slumbereth not."
Aren't false teachers today "denying the Lord that bought them"? Jesus paid for
our redemption with his own blood and yet they are denying his power. God's daily
intervention in our lives has been minimized, down played, and replaced with reliance
upon man for protection, healing, and finances.
(Matt. 24:11), "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."
(Matthew 24:24 ), "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall
show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive
the very elect."
(Titus 1:9-14), "Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he
may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. {10}
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the
circumcision: {11} Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,
teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's (original Greek word means
"gain [pecuniary or general]"sake. {12} One of themselves, even a prophet of their
own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. {13} This witness
is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound (original Greek word
means "uncorrupt [true in doctrine]") in the faith; {14} Not giving heed to Jewish
fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth."
In (Tit. 1:10), notice when Paul says "there are many unruly and vain talkers and
deceivers", he says, "specially they of the circumcision". Back at that time, the
circumcised were considered the true and chosen people of God. Yet, Paul calling
them deceivers, says they need to be silenced because they were teaching things they
shouldn't for the sake of money. He commands for them to be rebuked so that they
might become true in doctrine.
(Eph. 4:11-16 KJV) "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; {12} For the perfecting of the saints, for
the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: {13} Till we all come
in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man,
unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: {14} That we henceforth be
no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
{15} But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the
head, even Christ: {16} From whom the whole body fitly joined together and
compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in
the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in
(2 Tim. 3:1-9, 13-17 ) "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall
come. {2} For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, {3} Without natural
affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are
good, {4} Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
{5} Having a form (original Greek word means "appearance") of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn away. {6} For of this sort are they which
creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers
lusts, {7} Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. {8}
Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men
of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. {9} But they shall proceed no
further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was... {13} But
evil men and seducers (original Greek word means "impostors") shall wax worse and
worse, deceiving, and being deceived. {14} But continue thou in the things which
thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
{15} And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to
make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. {16} All
scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness: {17} That the man of God may be perfect,
thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

Notice in verse 5 that we are commanded to turn away from those that appear
Godly but deny the power of God. Unfortunately, today most of the church world is
of this sort. The majority are Christian in name but are without true faith in God.
Many claim to have faith in God, but their actions speak otherwise. Continuing on
through verse 13, we are warned that false teachers will be getting worse and worse
in the last days. Nevertheless, we are encouraged to continue in the truth (the "holy
scriptures"), which is able to make us "wise unto salvation through faith which is in
Christ Jesus". On the other hand, false doctrine will prevent us from being wise unto
salvation if we follow it. We are told that all of scripture is from God "and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." It
is the scriptures that are profitable for doctrine, instruction, and whatever else is
necessary to make the believer complete. The doctrines, opinions, and distortions of
man will not make us complete and will not get us to heaven. The Bible, which is
God's true word (verse 16), is what is essential in our lives and is what will make us
"wise unto salvation". The Bible, as it was written, is one of the tools necessary for
us to get to heaven.

It is not my goal, or my personality, to bash ministers. However, false teachers

and false doctrine are common and very real, and it is a reality that we must be aware
of. Throughout the Bible, God has forewarned us of false teachers and doctrinal error.
It is a subtlety used by Satan to destroy God's people and to prevent people from
being REAL Christians. Do not be fooled by the clever disguises and righteous
outward appearance of false teachers. Those who you look up to with the greatest
respect could be wolves in sheep's clothing. If what they teach doesn't completely line
up with the Bible or if they omit, ignore or change scriptures, they are a false teacher!
Test everything you hear against the standard that will never fail -- the Bible. It is
Satan's goal to steal heaven away from us. DO NOT place something as important as
your salvation in the hands of someone else, but be cautious. Again, DO NOT be
deceived by false teachers, but study the Bible for yourself, making sure what you
hear is the truth.

I believe that occultists are now infiltrating many churches. However, also
remember when Christian ministers could see when unbelievers were present. They
could see by the anointing and the Spirit of God. Today, many churches have joined
the spirit of the world to the degree, they can no longer see by the Spirit of God!.
"I found your site while researching Rebecca Brown. I read her book Captive
when I was a new Christian . . . that was almost six years ago and it did confuse me
greatly. I am writing because I hope more people will see this and NOT buy her
It is the most depressing and discouraging books I've ever read on a walk with
God. It makes the enemy look more powerful than Who we have in us. I am afraid she
may be somewhat of a role model to some young impressionable babe in Christ. I
fortunately was raised in the Word and in my spirit knew that it was off in a lot of
ways, but a new believer may begin to think it's healthy to not sleep or that it's ok to
say "Yes God is going to let me be killed for His glory.” It may be some day but not
today! The way they call the Lord simply "father" makes my skin crawl . . . yes their
father all right, father of lies.
I don't know what made me suddenly get the urge to look them up but . . . I did
and your MP3's really helped me, thank you. I had gotten involved in helping a young
lady with sexual abuse in her past come to the Lord and help her. I became her friend
and allowed her to live with my two daughters and me. All hell broke lose . . . for
three months (almost) she lived here and she almost destroyed my oldest daughter's
self esteem. It was almost like an abusive boyfriend had entered her life. The Lord
told me one day ( I couldn’t' see what was happening my daughter protected her and
I wanted to help so much I lost sight of the truth and used little wisdom) "You need
to let her GO! You've taken her as far as you can she doesn't want to change" Within
days I left until she moved her stuff. Things are so much better now my two children
are happier than ever and Jesus is supplying our every need, even providing a new
best friend for my home schooled 13 years old. I prayed out her old room and closet
(there was a bad feeling in there can't explain it but my other saved friends felt it too)
prayed it out and now it's my room and we all three love it there! I feel your site
helped me open my eyes (God thru your site I should say) Rebecca Brown encourages
taking in strangers but she does say careful of this if you have children . . . I say
NEVER let a stranger even if you knew them a while (I knew this girl for almost a
year before she moved in) even with the best intentions.
The fact that Elaine and Rebecca were living the way they did and seemed to
have no other life than each other bugged me when I read the book the first time . .
. after hearing the MP3's I saw that the girl that moved in here was trying to take the
place of the man of the house . . . in turn a weird well you know. She was a goat
among sheep and I feel this is what drew me to find out about people like just
happened to come from your site via Rebecca Brown (an example) I know this was
long and maybe confusing but I wanted to thank you. Have a blessed week."

In August, 1998 we received a call from a person who said their life started to
nose dive AFTER having Rebecca Brown pray for them. This is not the first time we
have heard of these things.

Another email on October 23, 2002:

"I burned "He Came to Set the Captives Free" . . . I feel great. My wife
wanted to read it a little. I replied I want to burn it-I told her only if she prays
about it first. It took about a minute-her response was God specifically told her it
is an abomination and these people linked to this do not know Me or My
Kingdom. She immediately said burn it."

I received the following from an incoming email on September 1, 1998:

"I believe that Rebecca is a witch also.

Someone gave me a tape where Rebecca and her husband, (Yoder) whom she
claims to be a member of the Rothschild family (ha ha) I don't believe that one. They
were speaking at the 1998 FGBMFI DECATUR REGIONAL CONVENTION. She
says many bizarre things on this tape and says that she's got a new book out. I just
thought that you might want to know that she is back out there deceiving Christians
once again. These tapes may be ordered from Bob and Jan Miller Company, PO Box
713, Springfield Ill. 62705, 800/293-7696. I only got one from a friend of her
ministering to the women there. It's strange as all get out."

We received this email on June 8, 1999:

"What can you tell me about Rebecca Brown? I had an encounter with her
several years ago as a young pastor. I read one of the books she wrote, and now I
think I have become fodder for one of her demon deliverance stories. I pastored a
church near Washington, DC that had come under demonic attack. After I asked for
her help, it seemed to get worse-I don't know."

We received this email on September 19, 1999:

"It seems these sexual attacks came after reading Rebecca Brown's book."

We received this email October 26, 1999:

"Dear Sir,

Please can you tell me where else on the website I can find more information on
Rebecca Brown. A member of our church read her first book. he had a spirit of fear
came on him and requested prayer. he lives on his own. I was daft enough to buy all
four of her books without reading the first one beforehand. I felt a terrible oppression
and when I read out loud some of the things she wrote. It made my husband feel
oppressed and certainly the atmosphere. At the introduction she claims the devil does
not want anyone to finish the book, so like a mug I plodded on and finished it, but I
did not feel it was anointed of GOD, far from it. I do not recall her ever mentioning
the HOLY SPIRIT. What does worry me is my Pastor seems impressed and has been
taken in by her. My husband and I have told us what we feel. My cousins who are
members of the Toronto Airport Church came over from Canada in June for a week
and would not even open any of her books and told us to burn them. Someone else
has borrowed them and could not finish the first book and brought it back, he still has
the other three, however, I decided to burn the first one 'He came to set the captives
free, which has a picture of a hand coming out of hell and a sword coming down out
of heaven, I felt uneasy just looking. However, since deciding to burn it, would you
believe I cannot find the book anywhere! It is as if it has mysteriously grown legs and
walked ran scared! I do not mean to slander Rebecca, as I have never met her, but if
I could I would tell her, her books are not anointed by GOD, other books I have read
on deliverance bring victory and lift your Spirit. Her book just made me feel
exhausted, sucked the life out of me and gave me a very bad headache. Greater is
JESUS in me and His precious blood than the demons in her book. Amen

And yes we did pray for cleansing of anything that may have infiltrated itself
into our home or any effect on us. We prayed GOD would renew a right spirit within
us and deliver us by the precious blood of JESUS from anything that is not of

We received the following email on June 5, 2000:



We received the following email on July 4, 2000:

"We read three of Rebecca Brown's books, and my husband said he could not
figure out what it was, but something did not feel right. Our poor little kitty was
found cowering under the couch one night when we came home from church, and we
had several strange things occur at the time the books were in our house, such as
doors opening, and the cat being scared. Thanks so much for the information."

We received the following email on August 8, 2000:

"This is very interesting - and it is also interesting that I came across your
website in the midst of seeking God for true deliverance. I have read Rebecca's books
and always thought that they were wonderful, insightful, and powerful. But, after
reading others’ comments, I can see where there was an increase in supernatural
activity in my life upon reading those books. I can also remember the fear that I was
opened up to and a strange awareness of the dark side of the supernatural realm. I
would like to know more about those tapes and the information you have on her. A
fellow minister friend of mine, who happens to be related to me, told me that upon
hearing of her books he immediately thought that she was involved in Satanism and
that one of the youths in his church read it and began demonized afterwards. This is
really deep. W/B soon."

We received the following email on September 1, 2000:

"I would like to add the comments on Rebecca Brown. 1. God's plan is NEVER
for us to have fear. Never are we to fear the enemy. It was never in Gods' divine plan.
The enemy has to bow to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. We must never let our
focus be shifted from the Face of Lord Jesus. Not even for a split second. We cannot
give ground to the enemy. While reading Rebecca Browns' books, I became
increasingly aware of the enemy. That is what he wanted. It was NOT what God
wanted. 3. My mom opposed the books. She was right to feel that way. Our house
was broken into TWICE after reading the books. The one book was still our my house
when they broke in. My mom even told me when I brought the book, 'Unbroken
Curses', home that I was bringing curses into our house. Makes perfect sense. My
mom has an understanding of the basic fundamentals of Christianity. Quite honestly,
if she did not agree with it from the start, there must have been a stirring from the
Holy Spirit. 4. There was always a heaviness when the books were present in our
house. Once I had returned them to their owner, the heaviness lifted and we could
actually sit around the table at dinner time and have a pleasant, civil conversation
with each other. 5. Consequently, the owner of the books was very often ill with the
flu. Her husband also became very ill. He was so ill (and is still possibly ill) with a
heart condition. I don't know if all these facts have any thing in common? But they
are alarmingly closely linked? I was not aware of her alias, and her position (present
or past) in the occult. Had I known her involvement I would have restrained
completely from her publications. I don't get it though, why does she seem so
'genuine' about getting people out of the occult, yet she may possibly have links into
the occult?"
The following message was received October 5, 2000:



We received the following email on July 18, 2001 from another Deliverance

"Rebecca Brown--- Last year I got under a tremendous attack. It felt like a stake
had been pushed into my back on both sides, like a giant hot iron sword was burning
through me. I usually fight everything off my self but I had to get other people to
pray. I could not get any relief. After warring the thing for about three days, I couldn't
sleep, I rolled in the bed in great pain . . . Playing the Word of God over me for days
and nights, the Lord Jesus spoke to me. "Do you want to know what is wrong with
He said it’s the book by the side of your bed. It was Rebecca Brown's third
book about "vessels of honor," I picked the book up and it opened to a page where
she was describing a witchcraft technique of something she called push pins. She said
that the witches use acid and push pins to attack people . . . etc . . . Interestingly,
that's exactly what it felt like, pins in my back that were going through to the front of
my body. It felt like acid was burning me. I threw the book out of the house and took
authority in the name of Jesus. I was healed immediately.

You may wonder why her book was in my home. As you know, I have written
a book exposing her some years back. A woman came to the church and gave me her
third book. I took the book home and placed it by my bed but never got time to read
it. Besides, I had enough from her first two books. Anyway, as a writer and
deliverance ministry, I can tell you from my research, and now my personal
experience, those books have Satan's supernatural power.

We received the following email on March 6, 2002 from an Ex Satanist:

"I was just cruising around your page and listening to the two tapes on Rebecca
Brown. I'm an Ex Satanist (although no to the level Elaine claims to have been).
When I first became a Christian (five years ago) it was recommended that I buy
Rebecca's two books . . . He came to set the captives free and prepare for war which
I did. I went through a lot of warfare when I became a Christian however I can't
blame the books for that - coming from the background I did it was to be expected.
What I heard on the tapes is completely viable. I know of a man who maintained
his position as a pastor of a Christian church until the day he died of a sudden
heart attack. He was a Satanist. It's sad to see of the deception going on around us.
I watched Rebecca Brown being an interview on television one day, and something
struck me as odd about the interview. Nothing she said but more of what I sensed
from her. Although she behaved fine, what I picked up from her was a lack of
emotion and a deep hidden fear. I wondered at the time why I would be sensing that
from her when those are usually symptoms of people that are involved in the occult
or coming out of it. I didn't think much more of it until I was listening to the tapes and
it came back to memory. Knowing a little more now then I did then, I would like to
reread Rebecca's books and compare them to scripture sometime. I lean intensely
towards believing that Rebecca and Elaine are working for Satan, (not just as a result
of this information but other sources of information as well)."

If Rebecca Brown is now truly Saved, I am willing to put here a short testimony
from her confessing that she was in fact still involved with the occult when she wrote
her first book, and maybe later.
After writing to Jack Chick Publications, I received the following statement
from Jack Chick on August 25, 2000:

"Rebecca is the only one who worked here with us in our office. Elaine did come
in with her on occasion. I can only tell you that while Rebecca worked in our office,
I neither saw or heard anything about her still being involved in the occult. I heard her
many times on the telephone counseling with people who were involved in the occult
and needed help. What she did on her own personal time I do not know, but I saw no
outward evidence of the occult while she worked for us." Your next question was
"Did they damage Chick Publications?" The answer is "No.” I felt the Lord wanted
me to print her first two books. I did that and her books became some of our best
sellers. At a later date, she asked me to print her third book (I don't even remember
the name of it now) but I did not feel led to do so. About that same time, she married
(her last name is Yoder now), moved away and found another publisher for her new
book. She then decided to place all of her books with the same publisher (Whitaker
House in PA) and we simply gave her all of the negatives to the books we published
and let her do what she wanted with them. We parted friends and I have spoken with
her maybe two or three times since then. She says she is attending conferences, doing
speaking engagements and selling her books. That is all I know."

Bibliography A Superior Court of California document No: VCV 009038,

Petition for Change of Name and a Continue Order to Show Cause. These document
the application and granting of the petition by Ruth Irene Bailey to legally change her
name to Rebecca Brown back in April, 1986.

All the details check out. The Petitioner was born in Shelbyville, Indiana. Her reasons
for requesting the name change is because she has, "become more by the proposed
name through use as a pen name and use of the name in ministry than her present

A "Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Order" document labeled. "Before The
Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, Cause No. 83 MLB 038 in the matter of Ruth
Bailey, M.D., Respondent.

This documents the revoking of Dr. Bailey's license to practice medicine in the
State of Indiana.

Most interesting are the findings of fact which I will be repeating below.

An article "Drugs, Demons & Delusions, The 'Amazing' Saga of Rebecca and
Elaine" by G. Richard Fisher, Paul R. Blizard and M. Kurt Goedelman from
The Quarterly Journal of Personal Freedom Outreach. Vol. 9, No. 4,
October-December 1989. Editor: Keith A. Morse.

Four Newspaper articles as Follows:

· "Doctor Accused of Using Drugs to Treat 'Demons'" by Gerry LaFollette
from the Indianapolis News, March 16, 1984.

· "'Demons vs. Demerol' Doctor Will Get Pre-Hearing Exam" by Jane

Stegemiller from the Indianapolis News, May 18, 1984.

· "Excessive drug prescription, State board revokes doctor's license" from

the Indianapolis Star, September 21, 1984.

· "Physician's Bizarre Behavior Related" by Jane Stegemiller from the

Indianapolis News, September 21, 1984.

ft notes

1. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, 'Science And Health',

2. Breaking Bondages, Freedom in Christ Ministries Trust. P. 01. Box 436, Drummonyne, N.S.W., 2047, Australia.

3. Prudence Jones and Caitlin Matthews, eds. Voices from the Circle: The Heritage of Western Paganism
(Wellingbrough, England; Aquarian Press, 1990, 12-14.

4. 1966, Aton LeVey began the first American Church Of Satan.

5. Orestes Brownson ([????] 2004: 116)

6. (from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright © 1996, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights

7. Cavandish, The Black Arts; Witchcraft, New York, G. P. Putnam & Sons, p. 67.

8. Twilah Fox, M.D. Spiritual Realities of Good and Evil, Florida Christian Doctors meeting in Tampa, Florida, 10/4/90.

9. Holliday, Pat. "Be Free," 9252 San Jose Blvd., 2804, Jacksonville, Florida, 32257.

10. ibid,Holliday, Pat. "Be Free,”

11. “Deceit,”” Webster’’s New World Dictionary. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984, pg. 365.

12. W.E. Vine, The Expanded Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Minneapolis: Bethany House
Publishers, 1984, pp. 270-271.

13. Rebecca Brown, and Elaine Moses, Closet Witches, cassettes, Chick Publishers
14. Rebecca Brown, and Elaine Moses, Closet Witches, Chick Publishers

15. Rebecca Brown, M.D. Prepare For War, Chick, Publications, P.O. Box 662, Chino Ca., 91710, pp. 15.

16. ibid., Closet Witches, Chick Publishers

17. Ibid.., Rebecca Brown, M.D. Prepare For War p. 60-61.

18. Ibid., p. 62-63.

19. ibid. Rebecca ... He Came --- pg. 56.

20. ibid

21. ibid

22. ibid

23. ibid

24. ibid

25. Ibid., p. 73.

26. Ibid., p. 73-74.

27. ibid

28. Ibid., p. 91.

29. Ibid., p. 97.

30. Ibid., p. 101-102.

31. Ibid., p. 103.

32. Ibid., p. 228.

33. ibid

34. ibid

35. ibid

36. ibid

37. ibid

38. ibid

39. ibid., FREE FROM DEMONS., Pat Holliday,

40. The Witchdoctor and the Man, Fourth Generation Witchdoctor Finds Christ, Bishop Vagalas Kanco and Pat Holliday,

41. ibid., 114-117

42. ibid.

43. ibid

44. ibid

45. ibid

46. ibid

47. (from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright © 1996, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights

48. ibid,Rebecca Brown, page 222

49. Prepare Ye For War. She says on page 55 -57-58

50. Cited, Rebecca Brown, (Modern Catholic Dictionary)” page 250.

51. ibid

52. ibid

53. Out on a Limb, the TV mini-series by the same name which was aired on January 18 and 19, 1987.”

54. ibid., Out on a Limb, TV mini-series

55. ibid

56. Out on a Limb, and demonstrated it very well as in the TV mini-series by the same name
which was aired on January 18 and 19, 1987.”

57. (Out On A Limb, p. 329). Shirley McClaine

58. ibid

59. ibid

60. " (Out On A Limb, p. 329).

61. William T. Ellis, Billy Sunday, The Man and His Message, (Moody Press, p.49.

62. ibid

63. page 235,

64. Brown, Prepare Ye for War, Chick Publications, P.O. Box 662, Chino Ca., 91710, pp.15.
65. ibid., 14

66. ibid, page 15,

67. ibid., 16

68. ibid., page 15,

69. ibid

70. ibid., 18

71. The Endtimes, Jan/Feb. 2002

72. ibid., 180 and 181

73. ibid

74. ibid., 28

75. ibid., Joseph R. Chambers, D.D.

76. ibid

77. The End Times, Jan/Feb. 2002, Joseph Chambers, N. Carolina

78. Defeated Enemies, Corrie Ten Boom, Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, 19034, pg. 6.

79. Josh McDowell and Don Stewart’s book, Understanding the Occult, Campus Crusade for Christ, Published by Here’s
life Publishers Inc San Bernadinao, Claifornia 924, p. 175.

80. "Becoming A Vessel of Honor In The Master's Service", chapter 6 pg 103.

81. ibid., Vessels...

82. "Becoming A Vessel of Honor In The Master's Service," chapter 6 pg 103.

83. ibid
84. ibid

85. "Becoming A Vessel of Honor In The Master's Service"

86. Sources: Slain in Spirit, fact or fiction, Ezra Coppin, New Leaf Press P.O. Box 311, Green Forest, Ar 72638; Early
Revivals, Dr. Pat Holliday.

87. In Chapter 6, pg 101-102,

88. Sign, W onders and Reactions, Pat Holliday, Ph.D., 9252 San Jose Blvd., 2804, Jacksonville, Fl. 32257, pg.

89. Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia, Cleveland Tenn. Pg `95

90. Ibid

91. The Quarterly Journal Keith A. Morse, Personal Freedom Outreach, P. 0. Box 26062, St. Louis, Mo. 63136; October-
December 1989, Vol 9, No. 4. ——Quoting Superior Court of California, County of San Barnardino, County Clerk
Document, number VCV 009038.

92. ibid. Quarterly Journal Keith A. Morse, Personal Freedom Outreach,

93. Cit op. Captives, pg. 8

94. Cit. Op. Application for License

95. Letter from India. University School at Medicine to Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Ind., July 9, 1979.

96. Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, In., July 9, 1979

97. ibid., Captives

98. Indianapolis News, Sept 21, 1984, p.5.

99. Interview with Detective Samuel E. Hanes and Captian Tim R. Davis Madison County, Ind., Police, June 19809, tape
on file.

100. Find of Fact, No. 11 Ruth Bailey, M.D. Before Medical Licencing Board of Indian.

101. Quarterly, cit op. Finding of Fact. No Cause # 83.

102. ibid

103. Chesterfield Lives - Spiritualist Camp 1886-1986 Our First 100 Years, self-published, 1986.

104. New Castle High School Yearbook, 1965, pg. 51 New Castle, Inc.

105. Application for Marriage License, State of Indiana, Henry Country, Book 54, pg. 586.

106. Closet Witches I, & Captives Free

107. ibid., Quarterly

108. ibid

109. Ball Hospital as Dr. Brown to leave

110. (State of Indiana, Madison Country Records, book 619, Pages 216 and 740).

111. Case Complaint Report, Madison County, Ind., Police,# 83- K-4001. States Exhibit # 22. Op. Cit.

112. Captives, pp. 62-63

113. Official Copy of Certificate of Death, # 08291, Lois M.Bailey.

114. State's Exhibit # 22, "In-Patient Admissions," and "History and Physical" reports for Moses, Edna E. Ball Memorial
Hospital, Medical Record No. 89477. States Exhibit # 16, St. John’s Meical Center, Anderson, Ind., Chronology, Dr..
Ruth Bailey, pp. 1

115. Samuel E. Hanna of the Madison County (Indiana) Police Department received a phone call from a social worker at St.
Vincent's Hospital in Indianapolis.

116. Indiana Medical Licensing Board issued an "Emergency Suspension" Of Rebecca's License, Affidavits of pharmacists,
from Marsh Pharmacy, Anderson, Ind; Holton's Drugs, Anderson; Lapel Drug Store, Lapel, Ind; and Gene Maddy
Drugs, Anderson.

117. Emergency Suspension in the Matter of Ruth Bailey, M.D.License no 29402 received Mar. March 15, 1984.

118. 13. Indianapolis News, Sept. 21, 1984, p. 1.

119. Ibid., p. 1 and p. 5.

120. 15. Ibid., p. 5.

121. Ibid.

122. The Quarterly Journal, Personal Freedom Outreach, Oct.-Dec. 1989, p. 13.

123. Cit. Op. The Quarterly Journal

124. 2 Indianapolis News, Sept 21, 1984, pg. 1.

125. Unbroken Curses. Rebecca (Brown) Yoder and Michael Yoder.

126. Brown, speaking at S. E. Full Gospel Businessmen’s meeting.

127. Southeastern Full Gospel Businessmen meeting, Atlanta Ga.

128. ibid., Brown-Yoder, Unbroken....

129. ibid., Brown-Yoder

130. ibid., Brown-Yoder

131. ibid

132. Dickinson County Sheriff Greg Baloun told PFO. Baloun was the Lake Park Chief of Police in 1990

133. ibid. Dickerson

134. Lorraine Bush, a local real estate agent, Lake Park

135. the Emmet County (Iowa) Sheriff’’s Office, the U.S. Office of the Inspector General and the Iowa State Patrol

136. Iowa State Patrol Officer Marv Loebach

137. Dickinson County Attorney

138. ibid

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