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9/20/2020 Network And Server Monitoring Software | IPHost Network Monitor

Monitoring Software For Your Network and

With IPHost Network Monitor you can monitor both Windows and Unix based networks, various
servers and network equipment, availability and performance characteristics of web and other
applications. The advanced alerting system provides timely notifications using several means such as
e-mail, SMS, and instant messengers; the system is also able to execute correcting actions locally or
remotely via SSH. Reporting and graphs are available through a web interface.

IPHost Network Monitor supports more than 20 monitoring methods and more than 10 alerting
technologies. Custom monitors and alerts let you to extend your monitoring systems based on
changing needs of your company.

Application templates allow you to create an entire set of monitors on a host in just a few clicks.
An application template is a set of monitors preconfigured to check a certain application or service
(e.g. MS Exchange) or a server (a Web or Mail server). The IPHost Network Monitor installation
contains over 50 standard (predefined) application templates and provides you with the tools to
create your own templates.

IPHost Network Monitor includes an add-on product for end-to-end monitoring of web
applications and e-commerce web sites – Web Transaction Monitor. This tool simulates the steps of
activity of a real user of web application or e-commerce site customer. With Web Transaction
Monitor you can check web application availability and performance.

SMS over GSM modem/phone alert allows sending SMS (text message) over GSM modem or
phone attached to the computer. This alert is the most reliable mechanism for sending notifications
about system failures or serious degradation in application performance.

IPHost Network Monitor software is available in several editions: Basic, Professional and
Enterprise. Basic edition has different set of features and limited to 200 monitors. Professional
edition is available with 500 or 1000 monitors. Professional 1000 edition includes 5 Remote Network
Agents. Enterprise edition comes with unlimited number of monitors and agents.

Below you can find detailed description of main features of IPHost Network Monitor.

Description of other features:

Here you can find the list of monitor types supported in
Monitoring Features IPHost Network Monitor and brief description of their

Here you can find the list of application templates supported

Application Templates
in IPHost Network Monitor and their short description. 1/2
9/20/2020 Network And Server Monitoring Software | IPHost Network Monitor

Helps you to create a basis of your monitoring configuration

Network Discovery and automates the task of detection network hosts and
network services.

Here you can find the list of alert types (ways of reaction to
Alerting Features the problems happened during monitoring) available in
IPHost Network Monitor, and their brief description.

Here you can find the list of report types available in IPHost
Reporting Features
Network Monitor with brief descriptions.

IPHost Network Monitor interfaces Here you can find an overview of IPHost Network Monitor
and structure components, Windows and web interfaces. 2/2

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