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GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER RESOURCES ORGANISATION MADURAI REGION MADURAI NAME OF WORK : REPAIR, RENOVATION AND RESTORATION OF AVIYUR WEST TANK IN KARIAPATTI BLOCK OF KARIAPATTI TALUK IN VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT, ESTIMATE. RS 41.40 LAKHS VAIPPAR BASIN CIRCLE , VIRUDHUNAGAR GUNDAR BASIN DIVISION, MADURAI GUNDAR BASIN SUB DIVISION, KARIAPATTI DECEMBER - 2014 CONTENT 1 S!| item no Title Rage no number 1 1 SECTION - 1 Check list. " 2 2 SECTION - 2 Salient features. 19 3 3 ISECTION - 3 Report. 27 4 4 24 Points check list for Preparation of DPR. 51 5 8 _|27 Points cheok list for release of fund. 53 6 6 48 Points statement of Central Water Commission. 55 7 7 ‘Tank Memoir. 57 8 |Annexures 59 Annex No | Description of Annexure 8 i. Silt storage computation statement for tank. 61 ‘Statement showing the computation of soil required for 9 it 62 [strengthening of bund. to | ii, | Statement showing fortnightly rainfall record for past 12 7 years. 11 | iv. [Statement showing monthly climate data for last 12 years. 64 12] v. Water Balance Statement. 72 a) _|Useful yield computation statement for past 12 years. 73 [Capacity Calculation Table and Evaporation Calculation 13, vi 74 Sheet 2) [Working table abstract for computation of water availabilty in | 7, tank ;;, [Year wise Working table for computation of water availabilty 14) wi 76 in the tank. 15 | vii, [Statement for Computation of fortnightly crop water as requirement using Modified Penman Method. 16 | ix. _|implementation Schedule for Physical and Financial. 401 - 102 17 x. Organisation chart. 103 18 | xi _|B.C. Ratio computation. 19 a) B.C. Ratio computation statement. 104 20 |p) __ [Cree wise yield and value calculation statement before and 408 after advent of project works. Page el Item no Title a no number. zi ¢ English copy of Yield and rate list of Agriculture Department aGr ) and Agricultural products marketing Department. 22 d) _|Village Administrative Officer statement. 109 23 xii ERR computation statement. 411 Minutes of the meeting of District Level Implementing Agency] 24 xii 113 (OLIA) 26 xiv. _ |Panchayat President Letter. 119 26 xv. |Water User Association President Letter. 120 27 xvi. _|List of IS Codes. 121 28 xvii, |Gundar Basin Micro Level Study. 123 29 | xviii. | Soil suitability for Embankment test result certificate 131 30 xix. |Ground water test result Certificate 132 9 — |Certificates 133 Certifi cate |petails of certificates No. 34 i. Land acquisition and free from encroachment certificate. 135 32 ii, _|Estimate Scrutinity Certificate. 136 33 i Lead Certificate. 137 34 iv. Design Approval Certificate. 138 35 v. Water availability certificate. 139 36 vi (Certificate for non funding of this project by other Agency. 140 si : Page Item no no i“ number 10 |Designs 141 Design |petails of Design SINo 37 Design of tank surplus weir and its components. 143 38 ii. [Design of each sluice gate and its components, 144 39 ii, | Design of measuring device. 146 40 | iv. [Design of Field channel for each sluice. 148 11 [Drawings 451 Plate No. [Title of the Drawing a i. Trial Pit at Weir and Water Spread Area. 183 42 ii. Lay out plan of tank bund. 154 43. | iii [Capacity Curve of Tank. 155 44 | iv. |Longitudinal section showing top and bottom of tank bund. 186 46 v. _ |Cross section of embankment before and after strengthening. | 157 46| vi. __|Cross Section of sluices . 1” 47 | vii |Cross Section of measuring device. 173, 48| vil |Cross Section of Field Channel 178 49| ix. |Ground Water Recharge Shaft Drawing 177 50 | x, [Colour photograph showing the catchment area, command 179 area , reservoir area, all damaged structures. | St tem no Title ieee 12 |Estimates 191 Estimate Sl! otaiis of Estimates No 51 i. [Abstract of estimate Unit Head wise. 193 s dete ea of estimate (All Components and L.S ies 53 | ii, | Combined Abstract Estimate for all Components. 197 54| iv. [Combined Quantity Estimate for all components 201 55 |v. _|Component wise Abstract of Estimate, a)|Desiting and Tank Bund Strengthening 206 b)|Reconstruction of Sluices 207 0)[Lining to Field Channel with Flow Measuring Devices. 216 d)|Ground Water Recharge Shaft 218 56 | vi _|Component wise Detailed Estimate. a)|Desiting and Tank Bund Strengthening. 219 b)|Reconstruction of Sluices 220 o)|Lining to Field Channel with Flow Measuring Devices. 230 d)|Ground Water Recharge Shatt 233 57 | vi. |Lead statement. 234 58 | viii [Rate analysis and data sheet 235 bi Item no Title ereeer 13 Maps 247 Map SI No |Name /Details of Map 59 i Location Map. 249 60 ii, | District Map. 251 61 ili, Block Map. 253, 62 iv. Village Map. 259 63 v Tank Index Map. 261 64 vi. Basin Map. 263 65 vii ‘Sub Basin Map. 265 66 vill. |Catchment Area Map. 267 67 ix. ‘Ayacut Map - GIS Based. (269 68 x. Catchment Area and Ayacut Area Map - GIS Based. 271 69 xi, |Water Spread Area Map - GIS Based. 273 70 xii. Contour Plan Map. 275 71 vx. Quarry Map 277-278 wee OL DETAILED PROJECT REPORT SECTION-1 Check List [GENERAL DATA Name of the project REPAIR, RENOVATION AND RESTORATION OF AVIYUR WEST TANK IN KARIAPATT! BLOCK IN KARIAPATTI TALUK OF VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT. (UNIQUE CODE No: TNGU- 02-T- 0530) 2 |Location (a) [State(s) [Tarai Nadu (b)[District(s) |Virudhunagar (© [Taluka(syTensitey iKariapatt (@|Longitude/Latitude 78° 4'33°E / 9°42'54°N (@)|Sunvey of india Topographical [58 K/2 Map reference No.(s) @|Earthquake Zone number __|Zone ll 18 code-1895 (part-2002) (@)|Complete address __for|Chief Engineer, Design, Research & ‘correspondence along with pin|Construction Support (ORCS) , Chepauk, lcode/e-mail ichennai, Tamilnadu. Pin Code 600005 3 [Category of the project Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water bodies in Xil PLAN (@)[lnrigation/Multipurpose Irrigation (©)|Storageldiversion Storage i_ [PLANNING 4 Has the Master plan for overaillis being prepared. Jdevelopment of the river basin been prepared and stages of lbasin development discussed ? 5 Have the alternative proposals|No (including set of smaller| developments vis-a-vis a single| large development) —_been| Istudied and their merits and ldemerits discussed? wove 12 [Does the scheme fit in the[Yes loverall development of the river) basin and has its priority in the loverall development of the basin been discussed? iconcerned with the development been informed? Have the other Departments|Yes,Line departments have been informed proposed to be executed injextent stages? If so, are its various Istages of execution and ldevelopment discussed in the report? Is the present _ scheme|No,Proposed to be executed in a single lon the riparian rights & existing} lupstream and downstream] projects etc, discussed? [Are the effects of the scheme|Not applicable. 70 Has the provision for municipallNo land industrial water supply] been made? INTERSTATE AND INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS 1" [Are there any International/interstate issues involved? baat SURVEYS, 12 Have the detailed topographical surveys] Yes been carried out for the following items| jand maps prepared as per prescribed] scales @[River surveys INot applicable (©)|[Reservoir_surveysiwaterspread|Yes area survey (O)[Headwork surveys (dam(s) Yes ldyke(s), barrage(s), weir(s) etc. Jand auxiliary components) (@)|Piant and Colonies’ sites: Not applicable (@)|Canal(s), branch canal(s) and|Not applicable lwater distribution system weve 13 (D] Major canal structures Not applicable (@|Power house. switch-yard.|Not applicable surge shafts, tailrace (h)| Tunnels). adit(s), penstocks [Not applicable ete. (i [Surveys (detailed and sample) lof areas of the command for| JOFD and drainage works Not applicable [Soi surveys lYes (})[Surveys for soil conservation [Not applicable (Any other surveys .e.No larchaeological, right of way- |communication etc. V. |GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS % Have the geological surveys for| the following items been carried lout and report on geology of the| following appended? [Region as a whole No (©)|[ Reservoir! Tank lYes (@)|Headwork and eneray Not applicable \dissipation area (@|Power house and INot applicable {e)|Intakes and regulators Not applicable [Major canal structures Not applicable (@)[Tunnel(s), Penstook(s), hill(s)|Not applicable etc. {h)|Communication routes Not applicable (|Any other INot applicable 42 [SEISMIC INVESTIGATIONS 14 |Has the seismicity of the region been|Yes Istudied and co-efficient of \verticalmnorizontal acceleration for the [various structures discussed? 15 |Has the approval of the Standing|Not applicable |Committee for recommending design of| lseismic coefficients for River Valley| [Project been obtained? 76 [Is there possibilty of liquefaction of|Not applicable |foundations? If so whether liquefaction] Istudies been carried out? vo. Ob vil. [FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIONS 77 |Have the detailed foundation] investigations (including in-situ tests| land laboratory tests) for the following structures been carried out and detailed| rreport(s) appended? (@]Earth and rock fil dam(s) Not applicable (©)[Masonrylconerete dam(s) INO (©)|Barrage(s)Weir(s)/ head Yes regulator(s) etc @|Canal(s) & Canal Structures __ [Not applicable (@)|Powerhouse(s). tunnel(s);|Not applicable transformer cavern(s), _de-| lspting chamber(s), _surge| ltank(s)/shaft(s), intake(s) (|Pump House(s) Not applicable (@)|Any other Not applicable 78 |Are there any special fealures affecting [No Ithe designs? ‘vin, [CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL SURVEYS 79 |Have the surveys and laboratory tests] lfor the following construction materials| been carried out and _report(s)} lappended? (@[Soiis for impervious. semi-|Yes pervious and pervious zones of earth and rook-fill dam(s) (b)|Sand lYes (| Rock and coarse aggregates _|Yes (Bricks and tiles No (©)|[PozzoIona No (|Cement and time stone Yes (@|Steel Yes (h)| Any other Not applicable 20 |Have the sources for each of the abovelYes material been identified and need etc. indicated? 21 [Have the proposals for procurement of[Not applicable Iscarce materials been indicated? Jove 05 HYDROLOGICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS (@][Have the hydrological and] Imeteorological _ investigations| lbeen carried out and status of| Hollowing data discussed in| report? (| Rainfall Yes. (i fTemperature lYes. (i|Sunshine Yes. (i) Gauge & Discharge Yes. (w)|Sediment Yes (w)|Water quality Yes: (vi) [Evaporation Yes. (b)|Has the above data been collected & appended? |Appended in Report. HYDROLOGY 23 Is the hydrology dealt with in detail in a separate volume? Have its brief details} been included in this Report? Yes. 24 Have an index map and bar chart|Yes. showing locations of various hydro-| Imetric, climatic and rainfall stations lexistinglongoing/planned water| resources projects and the data| lavailabilty at those stations been!| attached? 25 lave required detail note about project Ispecitic hydro-meteorological data lobservatories been attached. lYes. 26 Have required detail in case _of|Not applicable Himalayan rivers, if project being planned in upper reaches, the satellite Imageries of project catchment] lespecially one during snowmelt period \(March-May) and one during monsoon |(June-September) period been lattached? oF [Are detail notes about quality, lconsistency, processing and gap filing lof the data included No 28 Have hydrological studies been carried lout for the following: 2 06 (@)]To establish the availability offYes. water for the benefits| lenvisaged? (b)|To determine design flood forlYes Ithe various structures (spillway. lweir, barrage ete.) (@)|Sediments storage Yes (d) [Command area rainfall lYes 28 (existing use and additional availability) been indicated? 30 Have the studies regarding reservoir|No |sedimentation been carried out and revised elevation-area| capacity curves been used in the| simulation studies (Working Table)? 34 ave the ecological requirements of|No. lwater low flow augmentation] land water quality control eto. and water| requirement for domestic, industrial use| land power generation (thermal, hydel, nuclear) been considered and included] in the Project Report and incorporated| in the simulation studies? 32 Have the details of the simulation|Yes lstudies (Working Tables) andl conclusions arrived from the various| alternatives explaining the factors and] lassumptions been included and discussed? 33 Has the number of failures for different|Yes aspects been indicated? 34 Have the likely desirable and|No lundesirable changes in the hydrologic| regime due to the project been brought lout in the report? 35 Is the ofteria adopted for selection of|Not applicable Ithe construction diversion _ flood discussed? 38 Has the basis for determining the|Yes |storage capacity been discussed.? a7 Have integrated working tables (for|No more than one reservoir in the system)} been prepared? Has the Ground Water Potential] Yes, wherever neccessary fue OF 38 Has carry over storage been provided?| If so, whether studies for most] leconomic carry over storage been| ldone? No 39 Have the flood routing studies, been| carried out? INo 40 Have the back water studies been| carried out? No XI LAND ‘ACQUISITION ‘AND| RESETTLEMENT OF OUSTEES \( 41-44) Not applicable Ix. DESIGNS 5 Does the state have established a] Central Design Organisation and State| level multidisciplinary _Advisory| Committee and whether its composition] has been indicated in the report? [Yes 46 Has the selection of final location of the| lheadworks and appurtenances, _ in| preference to the other _sites| investigated been discussed? Not applicable a7 Have the layout of the project viz location of headworks, workshop sheds, ldikes, colonies etc. been finalised and ldiscussed? INot applicable 4B Has the layout of the various major| lcomponents of the headworks been! ldiscussed in the light of site features, lgeology, foundation characteristics etc? lYes 49 Have the detailed designs _ been] prepared for the following components |& got vetted by CDO? (@)|Earth or rockfil dam, masonry| lor concrete dam, spillway, barrage, weir, etc. and lappurtenances. Yes ()|Energy dissipation larrangements, training walls} etc. INo| (Openings through dams-| lgalleries, head regulators, lpenstocks other outlets, siuices| etc. Yes “--~ 08 (Regulators No (e)|Canal and water conductor [No system (|Canal structures INo {g)|Pump house, intake structures [No (h)|Power House, tunnels, surge [No shaft (Jinstrumentation INo ()|Power evacuation arrangement [No (h)|Design of Hydro Mechanical [No equipments Have the salient features of the abovelYes icomponents and the assumptions made| in the design of above components of) lthe project been indicated and their basis discussed? [Have any model studies been carried|Not applicable lout for location of the ‘dam, spillway and! lother appurtenances & checking the| design profile of the spillway, energy| dissipation arrangement & location of loutlets/regulators etc? Has the final alignment of canals) and|Not applicable lbranch canals(s) been discussed in the| light of various alignments studied? {a)|Does the canal design provide|Not applicable for meeting requirements of rush irrigation? (b)|Have any intermediate storages|Not applicable land tail tanks been considered! to reduce the canal capacities? [Are the canals and distribution system|Not applicable being lined and if so what is the] minimum capacity of the channel [proposed to be lined? Is the location of canal structures on|Not applicable main and branch canals fixed after detailed surveys of the final alignments? [Are the regulation arrangements of the|Not applicable loff-taking channel both near and away) lirom the cross regulators discussed? wiv~ OF 8 [Are sufficient escapes Including lterminal escapes provided on the| main/oranch canal \distributaries/minors? Not applicable a7 Have the basis for adopting water way) lfor the cross drainage works been| discussed? [Not applicable 3B Have the proposals for rating the canal section by providing standing wave| flumes, rating of the falls, broad crested lweirs. V- notches etc. been discussed {or the canal and distribution system? Not applicable Ex} Have any model studies for major canal Istructure(s) been carried out and if so are the results discussed and incorporated in the design? Not applicable xl, IRRIGATION AND COMMAND AREA DEVELOPMENT Have the conveyance and field irigation] efficiencies for paddy and upland crops| during kharif, rabi etc. been indicated, discussed and justified? [Yes 6 Have the 10-dailyimonthly crop water| requirements at the canal head been lworked out? Not applicable 2 lAre there any proposals for introducing lwarabandi and if so have these| proposals been discussed in the report land sample calculations for a typical distributary/minor/sub-minor furnished? [Yes, through WUA Co Has the present position of irrigation in Ithe command through existing canals, tanks, lift schemes, wells etc. been| brought out in the report? lYes 64 [Are the particulars of all_irrigation| projects (including minor _schemes)} lexisting/proposed in the command been indicated? No 6 [Are there any potential areas, where lground water is available? If so, has the lquantity & quality of the ground water| been indicated? INot applicable ».v~ 10 Has the quantum of available ground|No lwater been assessed and plan for its| Iconjunctive use with surface water been| prepared and incorporated in the| report? 67 ave the somidelailed sof surveys|Yes been carried out for the entire ‘command if not the extent of area| Isurveyed may be indicated 68 Have soll and land _irigability[Yes classifications brought out in the report?| 6 Is the method used for determining the] Yes Icrop water requirements discussed? 70 as the pre-project cropping pattem|Yes land the proposed cropping pattern| ‘alongwith justification been. furnished? 7A Has the proposed cropping pattern|Yes been certified by _Centre/State| lAgricultural Authorities giving _ the| statement of having considered the soll Icharacteristics and land _irrigability Icharacteristics of the command area in] ldeciding the percentage of _the| command area falling under respective| Icrops as suggested in DPR. 72 IWhether drinking water needs of the|No population projected for the 25-30 years| fafter construction of the project on| lenroute and that in the command of the| |project considered. 73 certified by CGWB and a statement] Hturnished. 74 ‘Are the areas and percentages of thelYes. ICCA that will be irrigated during kharif, abi, two seasonal, summer and perennial been indicated? 75 perennials and summer crops from the lWhether the proposed G.W utilisation is|Not applicable Is justification furnished for irrigating|Not applicable wie 1 ul 76 Have the monthly reservoir operation] [studies been carried out at least for 20} lyears and summary on annual ‘basis| lattached? No 77 ave the number of blocks selected for] ldetailed surveys for On Farm| Development (OFD) works including drainage and total area covered by| Isuch blocks been indicated? No 78 Have the existing locations of the Trial] Jcum Demonstration Farm, input centres| (seeds, fertiliser and insecticides) in] ithe command been indicated and| lproposal_to strengthen the same| discussed? INo 78 Have the arrangements for financing| the OFD works and proposals, if any, lfor strengthening the same been ldiscussed? lYes, is being dealt and to be prepared by |Agriculture Engineering department. 80 Have the agencies responsible for] lexecution of OFD works been identified Jand simultaneous planning of execution lof OFD works along with engineering lworks dicussed? |Yes. OFD works to be taken, a Has the year-wise phasing of irrigation ldevelopment as a result of the project] lbeen discussed? Yes. a2 is the existing communication system telephone. wireless androads within| lcommand area sufficient to meet the| requirementafter full development of irrigation? If not, have the newproposals| been planned and discussed? Yes Ex} is the adequacy of the marketing centres in the Command Areaand new proposals to meet the requirements after fulldevelopment of irrigation been| \discussed? Yes. Existing marketing facilities is ladequate for storage to meet the lrequirements afer full development of irrigation oe is there any stabiisation of existing irrigation proposed? lYes’ xiv. FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ( 85-87) Not applicable ~ 12 88 [Have the following drainage aspects of, |command area- been discussed? lYes, surplus drains into natural earthen Jcourse, hence water logging does not arise. problems of the congestion, water alkalinity? salinity if any. (@JExisting Surface and sub-|No Isurface drainage network and drainage| logging, (pre-monsoon, etc). ()|Studies on sub soil water tabie|No Ppost-monsoon| day rainfall, (©)|Maximum intensity of 1, 2 and 3/No_ (@|Deficiencies in farm drains. No {(@)|Deficiencies in existing natural ldrains No |crainagerwater lalongwith justification thereof. (H|Propasal for improvement of/No logging/} lalkalinity/salinity of the areal Command which will etc. (@)|ldentification of the area in|No gel lbenefited due to execution of ldrainage net-work and benefits thereof in terms of relief from| jcrop damage, increased yields| xv. NAVIGATION ( 89-97) Not applicable Xv. POWER( 98) INot applicable xvi. proposed to be done departmentally or {through contractor? 700 Have the various __allernative|No construction programme beenstudied| land proper justification furnished for the final programme adopted? CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME AND PLANT AND MANPOWER PLANNING JAre the major components of work|Through contractor. weds 13 701 [Has the proposed _construction|Yes programme been prepared landsynchronised for timely completion| lof each of the major component of work| including ‘Command Area| Development? 102 [Have the year wise quantities of the|Yes following materials of construction been| |worked out for various components of the project (@)| Excavation separately in-soft [Yes land hard strata ()|Earthworkin filing-mpervious, |Yes |serni-pervious and pervious (©)|Rockfill for dam, toe, riprap ete-|No (@)|[Stone for masonry Yes (@)|Coarse aggregate for concrete [Yes ()|Sand- for filer lYes Imasonryiconcrete (@)|Graver-for fiter lYes (h)|Steel of various sizes and type [Yes ()|Cement-normal, quick/siow [Yes setting with or without |pozzolona, special types @]Lime-surkhi-pozzoiona No (k)|Scarce material-special steel [No ()|Other material-fuel, electricity, [No lexplosive etc. 703 |Have the year wise quantities to belYes lexecuted by machine! labour for each lof the major component been worked lout for each of the above material? 7104 |Have the labour intensive items of the| \various majorcomponents of the project| lbeen identified and the quantities off lsuch items worked out? INot applicable 105 |Have PERT chart or CPM diagrams forlYes. lconstruction programmeof —_various| |components been made and included in| report? Has organisational set up and lfrequency for project monitoring been| indicated in the Report?. FOREIGN EXCHANGE XVIII (Sino 406-109) Not applicable wy XIX, FINANCIAL RESOURCES 7710 Has the concurrence of the StatelYes Finance Department been obtained? 1 is the scheme included in the FivelYes. lYear/Annual Plan? If notwhat is the] present position regarding its inclusion in the plan? 12 lWhether the scheme has already been|No started? If so, is thepresent stage of| [construction indicated? 113 [Have the yearwise requirement of funds|Yes lbeen indicated? 14 Is the scheme covered or proposed to|No Ibe covered under any _foreign| lassistance/aid agreement?” ESTIMATE 115 is the separate volume of estimate[No lattached as appendix? 116 Is the year fo which the rates adopted in] Yes. Ithe estimate relate to indicated? 7 Have the analysis of rates for various|Yes. Imajor items of work for the major| lcomponents of the project been| lturnished and with basis of analysis| described? 118 [Are the provision for the following items| made on the basis of sample survey| land sub-estimates’ (@)|Distributaries, minor and sub- [No minors (b)|Water courses Yes’ (0)[Drainage No (@|CAD Works No Ixxt. REVENUE 7119 lAre the basis for the following sources| lof revenues furnished? {@)[Betterment levy and proposal [No ()lirrigation cess No (0)|Fiood protection cess No (@|Crop wise water rates No ase 15 (@)]Sale of water for village/ city? [No industrial’ power! water supply (|Miscellaneous No 120 Ithe existing rates at the other projects in| ithe State/region? Have these rates been compared with|No 721 In case the rates are being enhanced has the concurrence of theconcermed| |department(s) been obtained?. No 122, Have the organisational set up for the| collection of revenue been indicated? Yes xxi B.C. RATIO 123 [Are the allocated cost for the following] components of themultipurpose project |worked out and basis therein furnished? (@)jirigation Yes. (b)|Power |Not applicable {(6)|Flood Controt Not applicable (@)|Navigation Not applicable (@)|Water supply Not applicable (|Any other INot applicable 124 IState/Centre agreed to the sharing of Ithe above allocated cost? |Have the various departments of the|Not applicable 125 lworked out for irrigated and un irrigated lcrops being grown before project in| lconsuttationwith the agriculture ldepartment and statement furnished? Have the crop wise benefits been|Yes. 126 Have the crop wise benefits been worked out, for proposedcropping patter after the introduction of irigation| iin consultation with the agriculture| \department and statement furnished? Yes. a7 lacceptable or otherwise justified? Is the B.C. ratio of Irrigation Projects|Acceptable. 128 Is the 8.C. Ratio for Flood Control Projects acceptable otherwise justified? Not applicable ve 16 129 Is the B.C. ratio for power component of]Not applicable Ithe project acceptable —otherwise| liustified? 130 [Have the financial and economic retum|Not applicable statements been furnished keeping in| view the phasing of development? 731 [Are the benefits other than those|No lconsidered in the B.C. Ratio and| linancial return statement been! identified? 732 |Is the benefit from Gallper land, if|No proposed, based on _—lease ratesadmissible and statement from| lconcerned Central/State authorities| jrurnished? 733 [Are the benefits from fisheries, |No horticulture, if proposed, based onlease| rates admissible and statement from lconcerned Central’ State authorities furnished. [xxill, [ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS 734 | (a)jis the area likely to have any of[No the following environmentaland lecological problems due to the| laltered surface water pattern? If les, whether preventive measures have —_been| ldiscussed? ()|Excessive sedimentation of the|No reservoir and the upper reaches| lof the river and its tributaries| tailing into reservoir (| Water logging, salinity/ alkalinity|No (i |Qualiy of surface and ground|No Iwater (i)|Ground water recharge Yes (W)|Health hazards-water_ bome|No ldiseases, industrial pollution] letc. (w)[Submergence of _ important|No minerals deposits eve 47 a (vil)|Submergence ‘of|No Imonuments/archeological sites (vii) Fish culture and aquatic life [No (Go) [Piant ife (foray No (Go| Wid Lite No ‘(| Migratory birds No (xi [National parks and sanctuaries [No (iii)|Seismicity, due to filling of/No reservoir (kiv|Likely change in the regime of]No. the river (a) [Any other No (Have the environmental and|Not applicable Htorest clearances from MOE & F been obtained? If not what is status thereof? COLONIES AND BUILDINGS (/SLNo 135 to 140) Not applicable XXIV, xxv. | PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND COOPERATION 141 [Are the possibilities of these been] discussed in: (@)[Planning Yes (©)|Construction No (Olimproved agricultural practices [Yes (@JAny other No 742 [Have public debates about utility offves projects been held and theresponse| thereof outlined in the Report? xxv1.|SOIL CONSERVATION 743 |Is the need for soil conservation|ves measures in the catchment of the project discussed? rac wih jineetPWD/WRO Assistant Executive Engineer, PWD/WRO Ex Enjhieer, PWD/WRO irae cen san Bala a coals Vaippar Basin Ciel dural Region Virudhunagar Madurai yon - a t - 18 4 section:2-~- 19 SALIENT FEATURES it [ems of Mie prolect IREPAIR, RENOVATION AND RESTORATION| JOF AVIYUR WEST TANK IN KARIAPATTI IBLOCK IN KARIAPATTI TALUK OF| VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT. (UNIQUE| JCODE No: TNGU -02-T0530) 2 |Type of Project (Irrigation or Multipurpose) Trigation 3_ [Location 31 [River Basin @]Name Gundar basin [Located in Dpsatew) Tamilnadu (i|Couniries (Fintermational river Not Applicable 32. [River] Tributary Gundar 33 |State(s) 7 Districts) 7 Taluka(e) or Tehsis in lwhich following are located: (@)]Reservoir TamilnaduiVirudhunagariKariapatti (H)|Readwork : (@| Command Area TamilnadulVirudhunagariKariapatt (@)|Power house a 3a_[Name of vilage near the ‘Aviyar Vilage 3S [Location of Head-works : a[Lonsitude 78 4°33" (latitude 4254" (llies in Earthquake Zone No Zone I 36_ [Project area reference to: (@)[Degree Sheets 58K (b) [Index Plan Enclosed 3:7 [Access to the project Distance from project ste Airport Madurai 31Km Rail head Thiruchull 30Km (@)[Road head Kariapatti 7m (@|[River port = = (e}[Sea port Tutucorine iv 38 [Rail Road transportation limit of TaWeighis 70MT (b)[Dimensions (Lx BxA) BK2EX1.8m 4 international 7 Interstate aspects of the| No Intemational / Interstate aspecis arise in project this project 5 Estimated life of the project (years) 30 years me eo 6 Irrigation (ha.) sata By flow By lift {@)|Gross command area (GCA) 52.71 2 (6)|Culturable command area (CCA) 5271 z {@)[Area under Irrigation (break up): a [Khari S277 : Rabi = = Hot weather 5 = (iv) Two seasonal : : ()[Perennial a (W)|Gross irigated area (GIA 5271 - (vid| Gross irrigated area (GIAVCCA™100 = y (vii)[District(s) Benefited (iF the district benefited is predominantly tribal of| Drought prone area of drought prone, it may be so indicated] Virudhunagar district. a against each strict). }* Irigated area under Kharif, two seasonal, perent nial, rabi and hot weather shall be indicated. (@)]Cost per hectare of gross area inrigated Rs.78543/- (©)|Cost per 1000 cum of grossfive storage Not Applicable {(H|Cost per 1000 cum of water delivered at the (Canal head/outlet) Not Applicable (@)|Water utilisation 52.71 Flood control Not Applicable Navigation Not Applicable co] | Water supply Not Applicable Project Performance Period of simulation No. of failure (a)[irrigation 1999-2010 (b)|Power (c)|Flood Control (d)| Water Supp) (e)| Navigation. 74_|Rydrology 14.1 [Catchments 11.11 [Catchments area at headwork site (sq. km) (a[Gross 12.02 (b)lintercepted (By existing projects, 8.94 sqkm {ii [By ongoing projects (ii) By contemplated projects: (o)[Un intercepted 17.1.2 [Catchments area classification according to Imode of precipitation (sq. km.) (a)[Rain fed 12.02 84,km (b)|Snow fed 2 112 [Precipitation oer 914.03 mm 11.2.1 [Catchments aa ‘Snowiall (mm) Monsoon (Sept-Jan.) peek (@)[Average 748.27 mm z (0)|Maximum 932.80 mm : (@)[Minimum 14.00 mm a (a)|Co-efficient of variation 5 7122 |Command ‘Cropping Season Kharif 5 Rabi (June Hot Annual |(September- December) | October) | (March-May) a)[Average 314.03 mm : 3 (b)|80% dependable 731.22 mm ~ - (@\ETO (mm) S0imm = 773 [Annual yield calculated at the proposed site (Mm) Gross Net (a)| Maximum 1.89 : (@)| Minimum O72 5 (o)lAverage 7.30 (d)|Dependabie (per cent) 75% 5 Monsoon Annu Wune-Oct) {50 Fr (in|75: S years out of 12 years = (ii)}90 = iv)|o8 = 11.4 [Climatic Data (Command) Enclosed ‘Annexure =v 11.4.4 [Name of Station(s) and period of record Kavalur ae aa Period of Record From To a Kavalur 2003 2011 11-42 [Data ( average of all stations in command area ) Maximum Minimum (2)/air temp. CC) 35.34°C 24.2°C (b)| Humidity (per cent) 65% 61% (©)]Wind (km/hr) 6.56 kmph 3.31 kmph (d)| Water temperature (°C) - 1 |eismic coeticients Zone I! with Zone factor 0,10 118 lUtlisation within the State (Mm) Not Applicable 7 11.6.1 |Water availabilty (State's share in case of interstate river) Not Apprea ; 11.6.2 [Committed Utlisation 5 (@[Upstream Projects Medium Minor ()][Projects completed Not Applicable = (")] Projects under construction Not Applicable - Gil) Future projects No : (w)|Any other Not Applicable : (©)|Downstream Projects Medium Minor ()]Projects completed Not Applicable (Projects under construction Not Applicable (iid| Future projects: No. (iv)JAny other Not Applicable 1163 Proposed utilisation by the project [allirigation ()]Kharif 2.71 (i)|Rabi (ii) |Hot Weather (iv)|Perennials Total:- Bari (b]|Water Supph No 17 Floods near the headwork site No) 1174 Historical-period of record from 1980s to 2014 Location(s) i 2 3 [4 (a]| Maximum water level (elv-ma) 16.750 (©)]Maximum Discharge estimated (m/s) 18.87m%Is (lear of occurrence, date 2004 V7.2 |Observed-period of record from 1980s to 2014 Location(s) 7 2 3 [4 (@)]Maximum water level (Elm) 16.750 ()] Maximum Discharge (m°/s.) 18.87m3/s (@)| Year of occurrence, date 2004 173 Estimated Flood Magnitude (m’/s.) (@)]50 year retum period (b)|100 year return period (c)|1000 year return period (G)] Standard project flood (©)|Maximum probable flood( 10 year return period) WT4 [Design flood (m*/s.) @Dam (®)|WeiriBarrage (¢)|Construction Diversion (d}|Flood Control Works 1175 River flows (minimum observed) (@)|Water level (EL-m) @))pischarge (m/s, (@)[Months of ‘ni flow, any, Not applicable 23 12, [Reservoir/Tank wae ed 12.1 [Water levels (E-m) (@)|Maximum Water Level (MWL) aoe (D)| Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 76.150 (©)|Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) 73.260 (@)|Outiet levels ()firigation 73.260 )|Power 5 {i [Others (Please specify) : (@)|Dead Storage Level 73.260 42.2 |Free board (m) 4.00 12.3 [Wave height (rm) : 12.4 |Live storage (Mm*) 0.704 125 [Capacity (am) at (@)] Maximum water level O77 (©)|Full reservoir level 074 (©)|Minimum draw down level 0.07 (d)|Dead storage level 0.07 12.6 Flood absorption capacity (Mm") (@)[Below FRL 5 (b)[Between FRE & MAW 12.7 |Sedimentation (Mm*) and levels after (0.036 Mm’ of Sedimentation occurs in the past 60 years against the original capacity ‘of 0.74 Mm’. ( Annexure - i) Years Years 50 7100 @)[Above MODL - - b)|Below MDDL. : 7 (c)[Encroachment of ive storage (per cent) z e (@)|Newzero elevation = : 128 i [Average monthly evaporation losses from the Nok eH reservoir (Mm*) ‘Month Average Evaporation Loss (Mm’). January = February = March = [Apri = May = [June 0.002 Luly’ 0.008 [August 0.024 [Septemb 0.028 (October 0.032 INovembe 0.031 Decembe 0.083 12.9 |Seepage in the reservoir 13 submergence Not applicable 14 _[Headworks Not applicable 141 [Dam/Tank Tank 1471 [Embankment Dam Gee ar (l[ipe of dam omogenous/ZonedRock eanetoes {(b)]Length of the dam at top (m) 2440 ‘(O]Right Flank (Lett Flank (©)[Top width (rm), 3.00m (@)|Maximum Height above G.L. (m) 450m (]Right Flank (i]tet Flank (©)[Dvkets) Tai? sony ‘and Conerete Dam (Non-over flow Netapileable 14.1.3 |spittway (overfiow section) Not applicable 14.14 [River sluice(s), Irigation/Power oullet(s), Tank sluices (@)|Purpose : Sluice No | SluicoNo (by|Number 7 2 (Size (mp 0.15%0.16m_| 0.16x0.15m (@]Silievet (Lm) 18.280 13.580 ‘()[Discharging capacity at (m7s,) O]Fult reservoir level 0.075 o.071 (Ieinimum draw down level [Number of gates 2 (G)|Type of gate Plug rod (h)|Size of gate (mam) 0.18x0.15m bial | Type of hoisting arrangement and ts lease capaci 142 [Barrage Not appleable 14.3 [Weir (8)|Type of weir B.C.Weir ®)|Length of weir (mp 48.00M (©)[Deepest foundation (Elm) 11.760 (2) type of energy dissipation arrangement - (©)[Crest ievel (E-m) 16.160 (O|Maximum water level (Elm) 16.750 (@)| Tail water level (Em) ()[Maximum = Gi) Minimum ‘ a discharging (m*/s) capacity 41.38 144 Head Regulator(s) Not applicable IE) [Fiom tank, water et ot realy to 15 canal system ©9 | Fic(tei irigation crane through tank shice 46 |Gropping Pattern Present (CCA) Tsing Proposed _| 767 [Name of crop (season-wise) @lpa Tq) | TOR (No Pasay 57.00% (43.00% suffering) | 100" i7_|Power ot applicable 18 Construction eciies Not applicable 19_[Cost 41.40 ais 78.1 |Gost ofthe project (Re. Lak) Uniwice (Refer [Pas l Section-3 pare 18) FB |Alocates cost (Rs. lakh) ‘@)iigation 1a ais 20 [Benefts/Revenue 20.1 Benefits Benetis ‘em ‘Quantity | Unit price |Vaive Re. lakh (@] [Food Production fenne) 76476 [13600 [22.41 Tota: 16478 | 13600 [22.41 202 [Revenue Rovere item Guantiy J Rate | Amount lakh 7 Betermentiewy 7 = 2 [Water Rates = = Being cotectes 3 [ligation Coss - ~ | byrevenue slong wth ond = [others “ata WH [Bensft Cost Ratio = (a)[8.C. Ratio (@liigation ao with Cost oF CAD : Pathout cost of CAD, = [Flood control 7 ‘wlPower 7 Diftteral Rate Of Return F516 [wih cost of CAD without cost of CAD E (GBC. Ratio with discounted cash flow meth iregation 7 Faith cost of CO = Fithout cost of CAD ‘@[Finaneal Rate of Return with cost of CAD = [athout cost of GAD. 5 @ arpa Basin Circe Viedhunagar gproesae_nethay sheen neha section evant ‘Ganda basin sub Division Kiepatt “> ye 26 ve. al SECTION—-3 REPORT 4. INTRODUCTION Agriculture remains the predominant activity in our country. All the more irrigation is considered as a comer stone in Tamil Nadu Agriculture development on which the livelihood of more than 60% of population depends. Tamil Nadu has more than 6% of the country's population, but has only 3% of country's renewable water resources and 4% of country’s land area for service delivery Repair, Renovation and Restoration of water bodies assumes significance. Tamil Nadu having an extent of 130058 Sq.Km with 7.24 crore population has been managing with available water resources of 1582 T.M.Cft, Including 261 T.M.Cft. Contributed by the neighbouring states for its drinking, domestic, agriculture, industrial, power and other purposes through 85 large dams and 4 small dams built having combined storage capacity of 238.58 T.M.Cft, and also maintaining 13,779 tanks. The entire water resources depend on the rain fall. Even though the average rain fall of Tamil Nadu is 914.60mm, rain fall is highly undependable and sporadic. The total downpour happens during the monsoon that too with in a short period. The demand for water in Tamil Nadu is increasing at a fast rate due to growing population, Urbanization, industrialization and economic development. Although irrigation demand is the major component of water use in our State, demands from other sectors such as domestic and industries have been growing significantly. Water requirement of various sectors has been increasing and the Land use patterns have also been changing, and about 98% of the utilizable surface water potential are already exploited and ground water utilization faces limitations, increasing the Water Use Efficiency in the existing systems through modernization of the projects for improving the service delivery of irrigated agriculture to ensure required food production and overall growth assume great importance. A pilot scheme for Repair, Renovation and Restoration of water bodies directly linked to agriculture was launched in January 2005 by the Government of India for implementation during the remaining period of X" plan with an outlay of Rs. 300 Crore. The scheme was sanctioned in respect of 1098 water bodies in 26 districts of 18 States with a target to cerdit 0.78 Lakh hectares of additional Irrigation potential. Under the above scheme 46 tanks in Villupuram and Sivagangai districts of Tamil Nadu were rehabilitated there by increasing the irrigation potential. Based on the success of the pilot scheme and need for comprehensive programme to upscale the gains from water bodies, the Ministry of water Resources has launched a State sector scheme with domestic budgetary support for Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water bodies during the X" plan period covering 334 water bodies at a cost of Rs. 1309.16 Crores with CCA of 3.094 lakh ha and subsequently RRR Scheme for the XII" plan period covering 10000 water bodies at a cost of Rs 10000 Crores. ii) iii) The Aviyur West tank is an age old water body lying in therkkar sub Basin of Gundarbasin in Tamil Nadu. Administratively this lies in under developed backward Kariapatti block of Virudhunagar District in Tamil Nadu. Most of the people living in this village are marginal and small farmers and their main occupation is agriculture. The cultivation mainly depends upon the north east monsoon. Large quantity of water is required for agricultural purposes but due to the scarcity of surface water, ground water is used in large extent. ‘As per G.O(MS) No:52 PW(R2) dept dated 02/03/2012 Ground Water the Kariapatti block in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu is classified as Semi critical category block. As per The Government of India notification Kariapatti block in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu is classified as Drought Prone Block. This DPR is prepared for the Rehabilitation of Aviyur West tank in Kariapatti Block of Kariapatti taluk of Virudhunagar district for the Xilth Plan Period, Aim of the project * Comprehensive improvement and restoration of water bodies Ground water recharge Improvement in agriculture productivity and income of farmers Improvement of catchment areas of tank command Environment benefits through Improved water use efficiently by promotion of conjunctive use of surface and ground water. ‘Community participation and self supporting system for sustainable management for water body. Capacity building of communities in better water management Development of tourism, cultural activities. Location: The Aviyur West tank is situated at a distance of about 0.5km from Aviyur village in Kariapatti Taluk of Virudhunagar District and it is under Gundar Basin. The geographical location of the village the tank is at Latitude - 09°42'54"N and Longitude - 78°04'33"E The main airport located at Madurai is 31km from the project area, The railway station is located at Thiruchulli which is 30km from the project area. The nearest sea portis located at Tuticorin which is 157km away from the project area, fete 29 The Aviyur West tank is at a distance of 7 km from Kariapatti town which located in Madurai and Tuticorin Highway NH 45B iv) Climatology: The climate of Tamil Nadu is tropical in nature with little variation in summer and winter temperatures. The mean annual temperature for Virudhunagar district is 28.90°C , while the maximum and minimum temperature is 23.57°C. and 34.23°C The data’s are collected from the District Soil Atlas of Virudhunagar District published by the Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu. The details of this tank on the basis of evaporation, temperature, humidity, sunshine and wind velocity is available for the Kavalur watershed and itis located in Latitude 9°34'20"N Longitude 77°54'05"E, which is the representative of the agro climatological zone to which the tank belongs. (Annexure: iv ) v) Topography, Physiography and Geology of the Area: The district is a inland district lies between 9°12'00" and 9°47'00 Nand 77°2000" and 78°24'00 E . The Aviyur West tank is located about 0.5 km from Aviyur village . The Aviyur West tank Receives water from Kilavanery Supply Channel from therkkar river and its own catchment.The surplus water drains to Aviyur East Tank . Higher elevated lands and Flat plans land with gradient towards northeast direction up to sea. The Geological composition are Gneissic rock of Archaen age consisting of chamockites, granite and groups of gneissic rocks. vi) Population: By implementing this project no population is affected and the benefit population are as follows: sc - 263 persons ST - Nil OBC - 2219 persons Occupation Agriculture - 1485 persons Other than Agriculture - 1017 persons vil) Natural resources: Significant resources are not available in the command area. The people living in this village are marginal and small farmers and their main occupation is agriculture. 4° vill) Land use and socio-economic aspects: x) xi) xii) The Aviyur west village where the tank is located have about 2482 inhabitants and most of them are agriculturalists and labourers. The average size of the farm holding is about 0.04 ha. The relevant farm size and the number of farmers are as follows: i) Less than Tha — 1136 farmers ii) Between 1 to 2 ha — 300 farmers il) Above 2 ha = 30 farmers [Cand use [Crop [Actual area Cultivated area Paddy Details of cultivated area are as per the revenue record of the village History: (Annexure xii (e) ) Choice of project: The Aviyur West tank is an age old water body located in Aviyur village were Agriculture remains the predominant activity for the livelihood of the people. The Aviyur West tank which is located in this village plays a potential role in supplying water for agriculture. Due to siltation in the long run the holding capacity of the water body is found to be greatly reduced and it has become necessary to remove the silted materials to enhance the holding capacity of the Aviyur West tank. Due to constant use by the farmers and aging, bund has lost its shape and needs standardisation confirming to IS: 12169 -1987. To increase discharge efficiency the sluice also needs rehabilitation to arrest leakages. Due to age, the Weir is in a dilapidated condition requiring repairs. Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Aviyur West tank is to be urgently taken up and the estimate is prepared to renovate various components of the like Tank Bund, Sluices, Field channel etc., to increase the efficiency of the water supply for agricultural purposes. Stages/phases of development of the project: The tank which comes under minor irrigation category the RRR work can be completed in a single extent of one year duration. The project has tank bund strengthening, sluice improvement, weir improvement and de-siling the supply channel Fitment of the scheme in overall development of the river basin: The tank is located in the Therkkar sub Basin Sub Basin of Gundar basin, it also forms a part in the development of entire basin. Intimation to the other development authorities regarding this Scheme: The district level implementing and monitoring committee formed vide District Collector Virudhunagar Pro.No.ROC/G1/11835/2012.Dated-07/08/2012 headed by District Collector Virudhunagar and comprising 1.Executive Engineer, WRD, Vaippar basin Division, VirudhunagarlMember Secretary, 2. Executive Engineer, Ground Water Division, Karaikudi 3. Joint Director of Agriculture, Virudhunagar 4. Executive Engineer, Planning & Designs Division Karaikudi meeting held on 1.08.2014 for deciding issues relating to implementation, management, supervision and effectiveness of the RRR scheme of Aviyur West tank and approved.(Annexure - ii) xii) xiv) xv) xvi) wil) vil) i) a 31 Public announcement and public hearings: ‘A meeting has been conducted with the panchayat president and farmers ‘on 18.08.2014 and the different components contemplated in the Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Aviyur West tank were discussed and decided to incorporate following components such as strengthening the bund, reconstruction of sluice and also lining of field channels. The villagers are welcoming this project and assured to co-operate with the project. (Annexure- xiv ) Inter-linking of the scheme with neighbouring schemes: Scheme is in DPAP area and no Inter-linking of the scheme with neighbouring schemes is envisaged. Inter-state/International aspect(s): The whole Gundar basin is with in Tamilnadu state. Hence the need of Interstate water dispute does not arises. Cost and Benefit of the scheme: The overall cost of the project is 41.4 lakhs. The benefit of the project is increase in paddy production by 164.76 tonnes and value of Rs 22.41 Lakhs Public Cooperation and participation: The local panchayat water users association and public were taken into confidence at the time of preparation of DPR and Public Cooperation and Participation are ensured for implementation of this Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Aviyur West tank. During the field survey the public were enthusiastic on the scope of probable fruitification of the project as it will be ensure water availability for irrigation as well as improve irrigation efficiency apart from helping ground water recharge in this semicritical block, and is very much welcomed by the public. (Annexure- xvi ) Provision for domestic and industrial power supply: The tank is mainly used for agricultural purpose and indirectly serves the needs of people's drinking water requirement through ground water recharge and not for industrial water supply. 2 PHYSICAL FEATURES: Geographical disposition: The tank is located near right flank of Aviyur east tank . The topography is almost plain with slope from north to east. The other type of soil in the area is clay and clay loam soil is found fees 32 ii) Topography of the basin, reservoir and command area: Gundar river basin covers an area of about 569023 and located in the Theni, Madurai , sivagangai, Virudunagar .Ramnad and thoothugodi Districts of Tamil Nadu. It lies between the geographic co-ordinates Lat. 9°1200" and 9°47'00 N and Long. 77°20'00" and 78°24'00 E and falls within the Survey of India degree sheets 58K/2. The total extent of the area is covered within the administrative boundaries of 14 taluks and 21 blocks of which 14 blocks are full and the remaining 7 blocks are part. The basin is bordered on the north by vaigai and Kottakariyar basins, south by Vaippar basin , west by periyar basin and east by Bay of bengal . The length of basin is about 150 km and the width varies from 10-100 km . Madurai is located in the centre of the basin. Usilampatti, Thirumangalam, Manamadurai, Paramkudi , Aruppukottai, Vilathikulam, Kamuthi and Mudukulathur are the important urban centers in the river basin. The tank which is located northeastern side of the Kariapatti taluk is mostly plain agricultural lands with a number of irrigation tanks. The Right bank of Gundar River having slope from west to east. iii) Geology of the basin: As per Soil Atlas of District the Geological formations of basin confine to Leptinites, gneiss and charnokite. 3 INTER STATE/ INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS: The whole Gundar basin is with in Tamilnadu state. Hence the need of Interstate water dispute does not arises. 4 SURVEYS AND INVESTIGATIONS: Detailed investigation is made for the project area is carried out for the components tanks bund, supply channel, tank bed , field channel and surplus weir, etc are as follows. Levels were taken with reference to the FTL benchmark for tank bund, supply channel, field channel and water spread area. Longitudinal and cross section were plotted in the graph using software and earthwork requirement is calculated there in. The block levels are taken in water spread area and contours plotted drawn i) Topographical survey: Catchment area is calculated using Geographical information system considering the terrain, drainage pattern and flow from plain terrain and the drawings are included. The tank components have been surveyed and the requirements on need basis are arrived and the proposals are been made as follows: ii) a)Tank bund: ‘The length of the tank bund is 2440 m long. The top width and side slopes are eroded due to the continuous wear and tear and age. Now it is proposed to bring the bund to standards, with top width 3 m and front and rear side slopes with 2:1 in line with specifications contained in IS: 12169 -1987. The maximum storage height of this water body is 2.89 m . As per clause 5,1.2.3 of Indian Standard Criteria for Design of small Embankment Dams IS: 12169 -1987 stability analysis is not required for Embankment heights up to 10 m. Here height of the Embankment is less than 10 m; hence Guidelines of Table | & Il of IS 12169 - 1987 are adhered. Whenever detailed ‘Analysis is required and taken up Earth quake force need to be accounted in line with IS 7894 — 1975. Since the Embankment of this water body is less than 10 m the Earth quake force is not taken into account for stability analysis in line with 1.S.7894-1975 provisions, Soil sample from water spread area at about 50 meters opposite to sluice no 1 ( Soil sample taken site is located in the tank TOPO sketch map ), is collected and soil tested for its suitability for bund stabilisation works and the results are furnished as detailed below are found to be suitable for encasing of bund. Mechanical analysis 33 Liquid | Plasticity | Gy4q | Maximum Dry Gravel_| Sand | sitt_| Clay | Limit | Limit Density 30% 28% | 15% | 27% | 34% | 25% | 11% 1.75 b)Command area: The total command area is irrigated by two sluice with branches on left and right and lining is proposed to avoid erosion percolation, seepage and also to reduce the water loss. Other survey: Communication survey: All the communication facilities such as roads, telephones, and transmission lines are available. Soil survey: The detailed Soil survey has been made by agriculture department, Tamilnadu and District Soil Atlas has been published. The vertical soil profile is detailed below (As per Soil Atlas of Virudhunagar District.) oY : 34 PUDUPATTI SERIES: Physiography —_ : Almost Plain lands to very gently sloping lands Discharge : Imperfectly drained Parent material :kankar bed below which cale gneiss PUDUPATTI SERIES (Ppt) cL dark grayish brown moist so YR 32 ° Yellowish brown A0vR 3/2 Dark grey clay Strong tovr ae c Dark Greyish brown clay Moderate sovR 42 Kankar Bed cr Soil Texonomy: Fine mixed isohyperthermic vertic Haplustept 35° 35 iii) Geology, Geotechnical features and seismici Geology and Geo-technical features : a). The trial pit taken at site indicates Clay type of soil and the foundation are suitably designed. b). Suitability test of soil from the water spread area for encasing of the tank bund are carried out and the results are furnished. Geology of kariapatti taluk area which is in the eastern part of the district has Charnockites, granite and various groups of gneisses rock of Archaen and higher elevated lands and flat plans. ‘The tank is minor irrigation category and the existing practice of irrigation is done for the past 80 years and on enquiry it is found that there is no effect on geology or to any other aspects. iv) Seismicity: As per IS 1893 (part I) : 2002 code whole India has been divided into four zones. This project area lies on Zone II with zone factor 0.10. Hence for this small water body which has withstood several years there is no need for taking seismic effect on design calculations. v) Foundation investigations: The foundation investigation is carried out by forming trial pit near the weir and soil samples are collected, tested for properties in the near by Enginreering college. The trail pit shows, the top soil is clay and below which the soil is block cotton with Kankar bed The trial pit location is located in the tank TOPO sketch. vi) Construction material investigation: Sand, coarse aggregate, cement and steel: Location: Location of the materials Sand, Aggregate, Cement, Steel, are from the approved quarry as per schedule of rate of Virudhunagar district The quantity required for this project is readily available in the quarry as listed below: Location: Materials Source Distance [Cement Kariapatti 7 km Steel Kariapatti 7 km [Sand P.Pudupatti 18 km H.B.G. Stone Jelly 40mm size Johilpatti 23 km H.B.G. Stone Jelly 20mm size Johilpatti 23 km Rough stone for RR masonry Johilpatti 23 km Gravel [Thonugal 25km, 36 ‘The samples of fine aggregate and materials were taken and tested in the nearby institute and the results shows that the materials are suitable for civil works. The results are as follows: Cement: Cement of grade 43 is used for all concrete structures. Stoel: Steel of grade Fe415 is used for reinforcement purpose. Sieve analysis of sand: : Retained on each sieve ____ | Paselng through’sach IS sieve number] Cumulative sieve size inmm | Weightin tage | retained % | —% {Limit (15 383 gm __| Percentage Passing | _- 1970) 475mm 68.45 342 3.42__| 1931.55 | 90-100 2.36 mm. 130.50 6.53 9.95 | 1801.05 | 75-100 7.18:mm 480.05 | 24.00 33.95 | 1321.00 | _ 55-90 {800 micron 476.12_| 23.81 57.76 | 844.88 | 35-59 [300 micron 718.04 | _ 35.90 93.66 | 126.84 | _8-30 [150 micron 109.99 5.50 99.16 | 16.85 0-10 [75 micron 14.85 0.74 99.90__| 2.00 A PAN : : = = = 1S requirements 1) Fineness modulus should not be less than 2.2 and not more than 3.2. 2)sand belongs to grading zone I! The above results confirmed that the fine aggregate is suitable for execution of work. Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate: : ; ; 18383:1970 1S sieve number welhae hal banana emulate | Requirements size percentage passing inmm Weight Se % _ ]Limit (18 383} Ten | Percentage | Single size | pacsing | 1970) 75 mm 5 700 100 700 2.36 mm: : 5 100 | 85-100 | 95-100 418mm 264 2.36 472 0-20 | 30-70 {600 micron 1.34 7.02 20.4 05 10-36. '300 micron 1 0.02 0.04 0 0-5) PAN = = Eats z ‘The coarse aggregate conform to IS 383:1970 specification. The above results confirmed that the coarse aggregate is suitable for execution of work. vii) Hydrological and Meteorological investigation: “The climate data are obtained from Hydrometrologically similar Kavalur watershed station and rainfall from Kariapatti rainfall station. The rainfall data is available for the period of 12 years and the climatic details for Kavalur watershed is available for seven years, ( Annexure iv) 5 HYDROLOGY: Estimation of runoff: Runoff can be estimated by various methods, such Empirical formulae and tables, Runoff Estimation based on Land Use and Treatment, Rational Method and Empirical formulae for flood peaks. Here Strange Table Showing Depth of Runoff as Percentage of Total Monsoon Rainfall and Yield of Runoff from MANUAL ON ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE OF GROUND WATER PUBLISHED BY Central Ground Water Board is used to artive the yield from runoff for the existing Average type catchment which is flat and with partly cultivated stiff gravely soils. The Kariapatti Rain fall station is representative for this project area and rainfall for the period from the year 1999 — 2010 is obtained from Kariapatti taluk office, the Rain fall data is enclosed. i) Estimation of crop water requirement: in designating water use by crops, evaporation and transpiration are combined into one tem evapo transpiration (ETo) as it is difficult to separate these two losses in cropped fields. Evapo transpiration calculated from Modified Penman method is used for crop water requirement due to its resemblance with the actual field performance. The actual Evapo transpiration for paddy in Khairf season is determined by the analysis of the concurrent record rainfall and other climatological factors from the watershed ( Annexure - vii) ‘The Crop water requirement is calculated by modified Penman method for paddy in kharif season, ETo, crop co-efficient, crop period are collected from Ground Water TN PWD and Agricultural Departments. Working table: The availabilty of water, supply from catchment and supply channel, crop water requirements, working table has been prepared for every year and an abstract showing the success and failure of irrigation are worked out and appended with this report. (Annexure via & vil ) 37 ii) wo @ Hydrological studies for design flood: The following Empirical Formulae are used to calculate maximum flood discharge. 1. Precipitation Method 2, Rew's Formulae If the combined catchment area is less than 3 Sq.miles adopt Precipitation Method if the combined catchment area is more than 3 Sq.miles adopt Revys Formulae Maximum flood Discharge = CM" - cm* Cusecs. In this Project the combined catchment area is more than 3 Sqmiles the Revy’s Formulae is adopted for calculating maximum flood discharge. The designed flood discharge from masonry weir is calculated by adopting Manning's Formulae as per Elis Irrigation Manual. Discharge Q= 2/3edLh !2gh By calculating with these formulae the existing weir is found to be capable of discharging Maximum flood discharge of 18.87 m*/s of water, while the Designed flood discharge is 41.38 m*/s of water. Hence the existing weir is adequate. Effect of project development: With the records maintained by PWD and Revenue the irrigation system is functioning well and as the effect of project development the suffering will be relieved by stabilising the system there will have no adverse effect on any of the downstream project as flood hydrology, run-off, river hydraulics, ete. are fully taken care off, iii) iv) vi) vii) 34 2. 39 Hydrological setup: Tertiary formation comprising of sand stones, grey sandy shales and subsequent to recent quaternary sediments in the form of alluvium and Aeolian sands are present in this sub basin, The pre- monsoon depth of water level 6.75 m to 7.75 m and the post monsoon depth of water level is 10.38 m to 11.43 m for the entire sub basin, The water level in the bore holes ranges from 1m to 18m below ground level. In general the water level in the region exists from 3,00 to 12.00 m below ground level Ground water resource availability: Ground water occurs under pyretic conditions in the weathered zone and under semi- confined conditions in the fractures. The balance percentage of ground water potential for further use is about 78 % in this Therkkar sub Basin sub basin. (Annexure xvii) Ground water development prospects: Desilting of tank bund is proposed for 0.0364 Mm? of soil. The soil in the tank bed is proposed to remove for a depth of about 1 m to 1.25 m, which helps in increasing the storage capacity of the tank and ground water recharge.In addition to that ground water recharge shaft is also proposed inside the tank bed for improving the present ground water quality since this project lies in semicritical block. Anticipated behaviour of water: As the storage capacity increases and as water retention period is extended as well as more of return flow from ayacut also help the ground water recharge in the downstream of the tank. Quality of Ground water: It is observed that the ground water is chemically not potable as per the test results, Identification of area in water table: The Kariapatti block comes under the semicritical category block.The improvement of catchment treatment works and field channel lining will help to increase the flow of water in the course and the ground water recharge is achievable in the surrounding region. Watershed details: There is no hydro meteorological station in the project area. Hence data from nearby hydro meteorological station at Kavalur_ is used for related calculations. The area of Kavalur Hydro meteorological station is hydro meteorologically homogeneous as of the project area. Hence the climatological data are obtained from Kavalur watershed and rainfall from Kariapatti Rain Fall station.(Annexure iv’) vo. 40 7 DESIGN FEATURE AND CRITERIA FOR TANK: The tank which already exists is checked for adequacy based on the present hydrological condition and it is found to be safe. All the dimensions of the structures are maintained and only improvement works are carried out. The procedure used to check adequacy of the structures is mentioned as follows > The maximum flood discharge from the catchment is calculated using ryve's formula. > The designed flood of the surplus weir is calculated according to the type of weir. > The adequacy of plug and vent hole of the sluice were checked for discharging capacity. > The C value is adopted as per the Elis Irigation Manual The detailed calculations are discussed under the heading Hydrology in previous chapter. The drawings of weir and sluice are appended with this, report. The ‘C’ value for MFD is adopted as per the Ells irrigation manual 8 TANK: Storage levels: The FTL, MWL and TBL of the tanks are fixed at the time ofits origin and there is no proposal for changing its levels. FTL 16.150m MWL 16.750 TBL 17.750 Capaci The capacity of the tank is fixed at the time of its origin and there is no proposal for any change in capacity. It is only proposed to restore the tank to its original capacity The Original capacity is 0.74 Mm? and the Present capacity is 0.704 Mm?, Due to the sedimentation there is a loss in capacity of 0.036 Mm?. After the completion of this project the tank capacity is restored to the capacity of 0.0364 Min. A ioe AL ili) Effect on subsoil water table: There is no effect on subsoil water table in the downstream of the tank due to this project. iv) Area of submergence: ‘At maximum water level some land in the foreshore area will be submerged as per the revenue records. The submergence is usual in practice and there is no objection and duration is 1 or 2 days. The submerged covering water spread area is 1.25 ha v) Pisciculture: Fisheries department is now providing feeds at subsidised rate during flood times and it is now in the process of introducing the system and development. 9 IRRIGATION PLANNING: ae gs (Moum | . |_| sl as f 3s = laéese source jeross feuturabte| 83 Trae, | EB |B UES 8S the project E |tced st le ') Existing irrigation facilities in the proposed project command area in Ha Tank [62.71 [30.04 [30.04 [0.704 [30.04 ii) [Proposed irrigatio in the proposed project command area in Ha Tank [62.74 Js271_ [5271 Jor 274 ill) Existing crop pattern Existing area under rain fed cultivation The tank is rain fed and the capacity is kept sufficient to feed its ayacut and hence no rain fed cultivation is done for the first crop. ‘Area under each crop: Rainfed Irrigated Area_| Yield ‘Area(ha) Yield(Tiha) Paddy Nil Nil 30.04 2.85 iv) Proposed crop pattern: By implementing the project 30.04 ha of land is stabilised and 22.67 ha of ayacut are additionally irrigated and by implementing the SRI techniques and improved water management practices the yield is calculated accordingly, The yield for the pre and post project received from the Agricultural Department. Kharif crop Rainfed Irrigated Kharfcrop {“Area_| Yield | —Areatha) | Vield(ha) Paddy Nil__[_ Ni 52.71 475 v)_Netincrease in the irrigation facilities due to project: Due to the implementation of this project ayacut of 30.04 ha is stabilised and 22.67 ha will be additionally irrigated. Soil surveys: vi) Soil capabilities: The soil productivity of the project area is rated upto 20-34 points and grouped as average. (Source: Soil atlas for Virudhunagar district) vil) Land irrigabiti The tank ayacut irrigabilty is classified as land that has severe limitations for sustained use under irrigation topography. (Source: Soil atlas for Virudhunagar district). vill) xi) xii) xii) - 42 Agro climatic condition: The agro climatic condition is divided into seven zones in Tamilnadu. The Virudhunagar district lies in North Eastern zone. The details from Kavalur watershed are appended Estimation of crop water requirement: In designating water use by crops, evaporation and transpiration are combined info one term evapotranspiration (ETo) as it is difficult to separate these ‘two losses in cropped fields. Evapotranspiration calculated from Modified Penman method is used for crop water requirement due to its resemblance with the actual field performance. The actual Evapotranspiration for paddy in Ktairf season is determined by the analysis of the concurrent record rainfall and other climatological factors from the watershed The Crop water requirement is calculated by modified Penman method for paddy in kharif season, ETo, crop co-efficient, crop period are collected from Ground Water TN PWD and Agricultural Departments. (Annexure - vill ) Worki 9 table: The availability of water, supply from catchment and supply channel, crop water requirements, working table has been prepared for every year and an abstract showing the success and failure of irrigation are worked out and appended with this report. ( Annexure - via & vii) Field channel: ‘The ayacut of this tank is irrigated by two sluices. The main channel runs as an earthen and it is proposed to lining with necessary junction boxes to feed the branch channels. So the tail end ayacut will also get water in the crucial period also Water management: The entire command area is irrigated by Two sivices. The water is regulated through this sluice according to the requirement in consultation with the farmers at the tail and head reaches.Also during scarcity of water the area to be irrigated and crop to be raised are also finalised by the WUA and the local panchayat.Farmers are educated regarding participatory irrigation management. Faci 9s for training: The training for operation and maintenance personnel, by diferent levels of officers at IMTI Trichy are conducted frequently. Farmers are also educated. Agricultural support services: The agricultural department is implementing the modern techniques like SRI also similarly to maize, corn etc. By providing seeds at subsidised rate and by increasing the number of centres for supply of seeds and manure, the scarcity for services is reduced. The agricultural engineering department is supplying transplanting machineries, corivectors, etc. to improve mechanisation. Farmers are also exposed to drip and sprinkler techniques of irrigation. 10 il iv) COMMAND AREA: The ayacut of this tank is 52.71 ha is jrrigated by Two sluices. The existing gap in the ayacut is bridged by implementation of the scheme and selective lining is done in the command area with necessary junction boxes for diverting the flow for effective utilisation and to avoid the water loss. Location - Aviyur village Classification of land - Cultivable land Gross command area - §271ha Culturalable command area - 30.04 ha Size of land holding Size of Farmers ‘Area held by each S.No| holdings [Number | percentage | Area_| Percentage 1_[0-t hal 1135 TAT = = 2 _[4-2ha 300 20.48% - = 3 [>2ha 30 2.05% = = Climate of command area: The tank and command area lies in the same village, there is no radical difference in the climatic condition and hence the climatic data for command area can be taken from watershed Irrigation: Present source of irrigation in the command: ‘The main source of irrigation is tank in the ayacut. The supply to the tank is. from its own catchment besides the supply from the upper tank. The surplus of the upper tanks is fed into the lower tanks. Method of irrigation followed The tank water is let into the field through field channels. The water from the tank is regulated according to the crop water requirement and during the deficit period it is being supplemented by wells in the ayacut, Socio economic aspect: Population of this village is around 2482 and major occupation is agriculture. The classification of farmers is discussed in previous chapters. Most of the farmers are doing own cultivation. Infrastructure facility: Railways and Road The railway station is located at Thiruchulli which is 30 km from the project area, The Aviyur tank is ata distance of 7 km from Kariapatti town. Marketing facilities, agro- industries & banks; credit societies etc: All the marketing facilities, agro-industries & Banks; Credit societies etc are available at Kariapatti town at a distance of 7 km from Aviyur. by vi) vil) vill) ix) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) Topography and soils: The parent material of the soil series is Colluvium in this area. The physiography of the soil is plain and topography of the soil is also plain. The drainage 's classified under moderate zone. For 0-21cmm yellowish red, sandy loam, week mediumloamy sand, weak , fine to medium sub angular blocky ,slow permeability, clear smooth boundary is observed, 21-50 cm yellowish brown,loamy sand,moderate, medim sub angular blocky, dry hard rapid permeability clear , wavy boundary. 50-84 cm dark yellowish brown sandy clay is observed, 84-119em dark grayish brown. The project area lies in saline area, The soil ferilily status composition of this vilage are Nitrogen- 90kg/acre, phosphorous — 8kglacre, Potassium 98kg/acre.(Source: Soil Atlas of Virudhunagar district). Land slopes: The slope of the land is gradual with gentle slope from north to east. Soils: Plain terrain in the eastern and south western parts and Plain regions in the eastern part is the overall feature of the district. Kariapaiti taluk which is in the eastern Part of the district have plain terrain. Leptinites, gneisses, charnockite are the predominant geological formation in the region. Texture: The texture of the soil is loam sand.(Source: Soil Atlas of Virudhunagar district) Depth: ‘The depth of soil is classified as very deep (above 100 om) for this area as per the soil atlas Virudhunagar District. Infiltration and drainability: The permeability is classified as rapid(Source: Soil Atlas of Virudhunagar district) Salinity: The project area is classified as saline area. (Source: Soil Atlas of Virudhunagar district) Productivity status: The productivity is classified as average and the rating is 20-34 points, (Source; Soil Atlas of Virudhunagar District) Drainage: The field surplus flows through natural terrain to the lower tank and it gradually drains, so there is no drainage problem. 4S xv) Agriculture: ve. 45 Present land use: The land use pattern of the entire Kariapatti taluk is classified and tabulated as below.(Source : Soil Atlas of VIRUDHUNAGAR District) Sino Land use Kariapatti Taluk 1_ [Total geographical area (ha) 55584 ha 100 %| 2__|Forest -| 3__|Barren and uncultivable land 182 ha 0.30%! 4 __|Land put to non agricultural area 73763 ha 24.8 % 5 __|Cultivable waste 285 ha 0.50 % 6 [Permanent pastures and grazing 50 ha 0.10 %| land 7 |Miscellaneous trees, crops and 32 ha 0.10% groves 8 |Current fallows 8112 ha 14.60 % 9 [Other fallows 13528 ha 24.30 % 10_|Net area sown 19632 ha 35.30 % Xvi) Agricultural land use: In Aviyur village of the total ayacut at present agriculture is carried out for 30.04 ha. After implementation of this project, gap of 22.67 ha will be additionally irrigated and 30.04 ha will be stabilised. Kharif crop Rainfed Irrigated Area | Yield | Area | Yield (ha) | (Tha) Paddy _[Ni__[Ni__[52.71 475 xvii) Agricultural practice: The existing agricultural practice is only for the first crop cultivation and water is being supplied by rotational water supply. After implementation of this project minimum success is assured by adopting improved water management practices, seeds, manure and pesticides. xvii) Farmers attitude: Farmers are willing to participate in the programme and assured to co-operate with department for execution of work and making it success. The water policy of the state does not authorise to collect water cess. xix) Physical problems and financial problems: There is no land problems like land slope, soil depth, salinity, water logging, ete. and also there is no financial problems such as socio economic and credit facilities, xx) Proposed cropping pattern: Already discussed in point no 9. xxi) Land development: There is no proposal for land development. xxii) Benefits: The total cost of the project is Rs. 41.4 lakhs and the financial rate of return keeping life of the project up to 30 years is 16.15 %. The values of yield received from the agricultural department are taken for calculation of B.C.Ratio. The productivity of paddy increase by 164.76 tonnes from pre to post project.The net annual benefit is Rs. 8.18 lakhs and the annual cost is Rs. 5.83 lakhs.(Annexure - xia) 1 12 13 14 15 il) fore 46 There will be increase in labour employment during construction period, and also after the implementation of the project agricultural labour requirement will increase. Marketing facilities available in nearby Kariapatti town for banking credits, etc. FLOOD CONTROL: The proposals are under minor irrigation category no flood control component involved. DRAINAGE: The tank water is let into the field channel directly, and drains into the lower tank water spread through natural terrain, hence no drainage component involved. POWER: The proposals are under minor irrigation category no power component involved NAVIGATION: The proposals are under minor irrigation category no navigation component involved. CONSTRUCTIN PROGRAMME AND MAN POWER AND PLANT PLANNING: Construction programme: It is proposed to complete the project with duration of one year including preliminary works, closing of accounts including the rainy season. The implementation schedule based on quantity of items and finance is appended Construction materials: Lead statement: Materials [Source Distance (Cement Kariapatti 7 km Steal Kariapatti 7 km Sand P.Pudupatil 18 km H.B.G. Stone Jelly 40mm size _|Johilpatti 23 km H.B.G. Stone Jelly 20mm size_[Johilpatti 23km Rough stone for RR masonry __[Johilpatti 23 km Gravel Thonugal 25km Construction power requirement: The existing power availability is adequate for the project. Quantities of excavation involved: Strengthening the tank bund involves earthwork excavation in water spread area and conveyed to the bund with proper watering and consolidations. The entire quantity of excavation, rolling and compaction is being done by machinery and no manpower is involved. ’) vii) 16 7 18 18.4 Sane AE Concrete masonry: The quantities involved are discussed in the implementation schedule quantity wise and item wise. Year wise requirement and source for Manpower: ‘The requirement is furnished and the source for manpower will be met out by the contractor. The labour cost is taken as 40% of the project cost and the personnel required for various categories are arrived as follows: Professional personne! ~ 155 man days Other Technical personnel - 245 man days Administrstive personnel ~ 580 man days Skilled Labour and Semi Skilled - 2250 man days Unskilled = 3250 man days The above man power is required for the execution of concrete works and other relevant works FOREIGN EXCHANGE ELEMENT: Foreign exchange element does not arises as the proposal is to the Government of India. ENVIRONMENT ECOLOGY AND FOREST ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT: ‘The proposed project will not bring any changes in the existing eco systems or agro systems as the projects focus is on improving the conditions of existing irigation tanks and provide supply of water to already developed CCA's. The project activities will have @ distinctly positive overall environmental impact. Its objective and proposed design are intended to help to alleviate any ecological problems. ESTIMATE: Abstract Estimate: This estimate is prepared based on the current schedile of rates for the year 2014- 2015. Necessary lead statement and lead particulars for construction materials are enclosed The each item of work, the description and specification are as per approved "Standard data’ followed by the Department. The LS Provisions made in this estimate are as per the Government order issued by the ‘Government of Tamil nadu’ and as per the ‘RRR Guidelines’ This estimate is Prepared in consultation with the Farmers, WUAs and Local Panchayat Presidents. The abstract estimate and detailed estimate of the project is appended with this report. : oo AB NAME OF WORK :REPAIRS, RESTORATION AND RENOVATION OF AVIYUR WEST TANK IN KARIAPATTI TALUK OF VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT. ‘SILNO Description of Item Cost in lakhs(Rs.) [Classification of Units: ) lUnit-1_ (Head works) 41.40] il) [Unit-II__ (Main canals) ill) lUnit-II|_ (Hydro Electric Installations) wy) lUnit-IV_ (Navigation Works) v) [Unit-V_ (Water Supply Works) vi) [Unit-vI_ (Command Area Development Works) [Account heads 1) Minor Heads: a)_ [Direct Charges i) [Works Ee [Establishment ii) Tools and Plant Suspense Receipts and recoveries on capital account Indirect Charges (Capitalized value of abatement of land revenue [Ausit and account charges 2) Detailed Sub-Heads under -Works. Preliminary Land [Acquisition and compensation [Rehabilitation and resettlement cy lWorks elolololelololelelololelolSlelolelclc|olele Desilting and Tank Bund Strengthening 25.04) [Reconstruction of sluices (2 Nos) 8.74] [Field channel Lining with Flow Measuring devices 5.20| [Ground water Recharge shaft 0.22] Petty Supervision charges & contingency, unforeseen| item 2.5% project cost & other LS provisions 2.20 d) [Regulators and measuring devices (for canals only) 2) [Falls (for canals only) [Cross drainage works (for canals only) 9) Bridges (for canals only) by Escapes (for canals oniy) clelelele oF ve AD SL.NO Description of Item Cost in lakhs(Rs.) i) |Navigation works 0 j) [Power Plant Civil Works d ) [Buildings | [Earthwork 9 Lining and (for canals only) d [Service Road (for canals only) 0 }) [Plantation t) m) {Tanks and reservoirs 0 n) [Miscellaneous 0 ©) | Maintenance 0 p) |Special T&P 0 @)_ [Communications 0 1) [Power Plant and Electrical Mechanical system 0 's)_|Water Supply Works dl 1) [Distributaries minors and sub-minors 0 u) [Water courses 0 v)_ Drainage (to be clubbed with Environment and ecology) | w) [Environment and ecology ) x) |Losses on stock ° Grand Total 41.40 so. 50 Unit cost of labour, material and equipment: The unit cost for the various materials, labour and equipment as per the schedule of rates is arrived and appended. 19 FINANCIAL RESOURCES: The project area lies in the DPAP zone 90% of the total cost of the project is supported by central government and the remaining 10% is shared by the state government. 20 REVENUES: Only land revenue is collected as tax for the crop period from the land holders by revenue department, Tar vadu. 21 BENEFIT COST RATIO, ECONOMIC RATE OF RETURN: The lifetime of the project is assessed as 30 years and benefits of 30 years are taken into consideration. The total cost of the project is 41.4 lakhs and the financial rate of return keeping life of the project up to 30 years is 16.15%. The BC Ratio is 1.4 The values of yield received from the agricultural department ate taken for calculation of B.C.Ratio, The yield of paddy increase by 1.9 tonnes from pre to post project. The net annual benefit is Rs. 8.18 lakhs and the annual cost is Rs. 5.83 lakhs, 22 FUTURE UTILISATION OF FACILITIES CREATED: The tank is under minor irrigation category, so the need for creation of facilities for future utilisation does not arise. poral a ooh es ee pestnat conde Lee evcnine _ cue Er ee oreo Section “IL Gundar basin sub Division GGundar basin Division Kariyapatt kariyapati Madurai supstindénting Er Vaippar Basin Circ Virudhunagar WS AF wenee SL Check list for Preparation of DPR NAME OF WORK :REPAIRS, RESTORATION AND RENOVATION OF AVIYUR WEST TANK IN KARIAPATTI TALUK OF VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT. SLNo Item Yes/No 1 |Whether census of water bodies completed and assigned unquie jcode number? Yes 2 |Whether only water bodies having minimum water spread area of 5 hectare in rural areas and water spread area of 2-10 hectare in urban| Yes lareas inculded? 3 [Are private water bodies included in the DPR? No 4” |Whether Water Users Association and Panchayats have been lassciated for selection of water bodies and capacity building? Yes 5 |Whether water Bodies are included in the district Plan? Yas 6 |Whether rain fall data for last 10 years ground water level, land use Pattern, water quality situation in the water Bodies and adjoining Yes areas have been included? 7 [Whether details of original CCA/ Present CCAICCA expected after rejuvenation have been included? Yes 8 Whether details of original storage capacity /Present storage capacity land storage capacity expected after rejuvenation have been Yes jincluded? 9 |Whether maps of catchment and command are enclosed? y. es 10 |whether latest SOR adopted for preparation of cost estimates? Yes 11 [Number of people benefitted 2482 Nos 12 |Number of farmers of SC/ST community benefitted 263 Nos 13 |Whether benefit cost ratio has been incorporated? Yes 14 |Whether implementation schedule and corresponding requirement of funds, details of arrangements for monitoring and evaluation has Yes lbeen included? 15 [Whether convergence with IMVWP or other schemes have been taken into account? Yes 16 [Whether district level implementing agency has been identified? Yes 17 [Whether State Level Nodal Agency has been identified by the state government? Yes ze SILNo Item Yes/No 18 [Whether State Technical Advisory committee has been constitusd }with Members from Central water commission and Central Ground Yes Water Board? 19 |Whether objective of the proposals is mentioned? vos 20 /Whether details of present status of water bodies with reasons for deterioraation & likely benefits ( creation of additional potential, Yes increase in agriculture) included? 21 |Whether the categorisation of projects - spacial category/DP/DDP/TA/DPAY Naxal affected area or Non-Special Yes Category is mentioned? 22. Whether detailed work Programmed & corresponding detailed Financial Programme attached? Yes 23° [Whether detailed calculation of B.C. ratio using latest authenticated Published data ( Quantity and Rate of yield) from the ministry of Yes ‘Agricultures, Gol has been considered? 24° | Whether details of proposed programme of Monitoring & Evalution (Both physical & Financial Programme) is given? Yes eee geal Eoeeshony ot int Engineer PWD/WRO Assistant Executive Engineer,PWD/WRO Ex Engnieer, PWD/WRO onSLZ DY. Sally expert Vesninpe we am ‘it Madurai Check 53 NAME OF WORK :REPAIRS, RESTORATION AND RENOVATION OF AVIYUR WEST TANK IN KARIAPATTI BLOCK IN KARIAPATTI TALUK OF VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT. SLNo Item YesiNo 1 [Whether census of water bodies completed and assigned unuie code as number? |Whether only water bodies having minimum water spread area of 5 2 |hectare in rural areas and water spread area of 2-10 hectare in urban Yes Jareas inculded? 3. [Are private water bodies included in the DPR? No 4, |)Whether Concerned stakeholders including Panchayats have been wn lassociated for selection of water bodies and capacity building? 5 [Whether water Bodies are included in the district Plan? Yes Whether rain fll data for last 10 years ground water level, land use 6 |Pattern, water quality situation in the water Bodies and adjoining areas Yes have been included? 7 [Whether details of original CCA/ Present CCA/CCA expected after ve rejuvenation have been included? g__|Whether details of original storage capacity /Present storage capacity ee land storage capacity expected after rejuvenation have been included? Yes Detailed map e x 9 |Whether maps of catchment and command are enclosed! included a DER 10. [Whether benefit cost ratio has been incorporated? Yes |Whether implementation schedule and corresponding requirement of 11 funds, details of arrangements for monitoring and evaluation has been Yes incuded? 42. [Whether convergence with Intergrated water shed Management wee Programme (IWMP) have been taken into account? 13. |Whether district level implementing agency has been identified? Yes 44 {Whether State Level Nodal Agency has been identified by the state vee lgovernment? 15 [Whether State Technical Advisory commitiee including @ member from a CWCICGWE has been constituted? oa 16 |whether the DPR has been approved by TAC? Yes 17 Whether ration of rural and urban water bodies is within 9:12 Yes mK wees Od Si.No Item YesiNo whether necessary budget provision has been Kept inthe stato plan : 18 budget forthe relevant Year? (if yes, acertied copy ftom the offcer | Provision made inthe not below the rank of Joint secretary to be attached) Whether utzation ceticate duly signed by concemed chet Engineer | 1 instament 19 ofthe state and countersigned by the secretary (Water Resources/ | st msakment. Irrigation) / Secretary (Finance) of the State Government. i |Whether State Govt has provided Annual Audited Statement of Not applicable lis 20 Jexpenditure already incurred within 9 months of release of Central _| being the first funding lAssistance? proposal Whether the State Government has released atleast 50% state share 21 forrrojt recon anstanceuposo%ct poet cas stteanae | We rbeseden {for receiving assistance higher than 50%. em |Whether the State Govt. has transtrred the central grant tothe 22. implementing agency within 15 days ofits receipt from the Gol? (for | This is first instalment release of 2” installment) 23. |Whether the State Govt. Has monitored the quality of works as per the ve relevant BIS codes through an independent agency? 24 |Whether the latest Quarterly physical and financial progress reports | Not applicable, being lattachea? the frst proposal [Whether Completion certificate in respect of projects completed earlier 25 through Cental fund attached? Notepplioeble:, 25 [Whether the projects are located in Special category eae states/DPAP/TriabalDDPinaxal affected areas? 27 [Whether state Govt has any programme or taken up any measures for ae capacity bulldinglawarenessfinsttutional strenthening? « vw 1\ HY Thsreh ee rt Enger PWOAVRO Assitant Executive Engines, PDWRO Exécive Engniee: PWO/MRO section 1 Caundar basin sub Divison Cantar bsn Dison Karat ranyap acura s) es eat aoe Basin Or Nau: Region ‘Veudhunagar Masurai ei apy rel 5S po. 5 48 Point Appraisal Note statement. 3 Central Water Commission |General Project Unique code Number FTNGU-02-Tos30 |REPAIR RENOVATION AND RESTORATION OF AVIYUR 2. |Name ofthe project WEST TANK IN KARIAPATTI BLOCK OF KARIAPATTI ITALUK IN VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT 3. [istct |VIRUDHUNAGAR 4 [Block IKARIAPATTI 5 [BasinSub Basin [GUNDAR /THERKKAR 6 |Woter Spread area of the water Body (in Ha) l75 ha 7. |Whether itis @ Urban water body or Rural water body Rural Water Body 8 [Proposed Estimated cost of RRAR works 41.40 LAKHS 9. [Whether qualifies for RR&R lYes |Whether eligible under special category and type of} un 10 |cstegory? ifyes, then catergory Nerhncecuatesnatetes 11 | Natural water body or man made water body Man made 12 |Date of intial completion ofthe water body 18 [Direct benefit 52.71ha [Siebilzation of present ayacut, increase in yield 14 |Other benefits increase in ground water potential, employment lgeneration during construction period. 15 |Cost per ha of restored command area Rs.1826201- per Ha ‘Adherence to Guidelines 16 [Objectives catered to by the scheme iv, viv, ete of Guideliness (2.2 of Guidelines) 17 |Whether individual water body or sub-basin approach | Incividual 18 [Designed CCA 5271 ha 49 [Govt. owned or private owned [Govt owned Information contained in the DPR [Eroded Bund, field channels, Uncontrolled water 20 [Details of present status of water bodies Naot el draped shan 21 [Reasons for deterioration Non availability of sufcient funds 22 |Reinfall during the last 10 years Enclosed 23 [Existing Ground water level [3.00 m to 12.00 m |More than 60% of the population in the command area] ee eelee lare dependent on agriculture 25 [Soi characteristics [Clay mixed with Kankar 26 [Climatic conditions Dry except monsoons months, Free caichment 3.08 Sqkm 27 |Cathment area contributing to water body in Sak lintercepted catchment 8.94 Sq km 56. 28 JAvaitabilily of water in catchment area” for] |channelzation to the water body 174.74 Meft (or) 2.12 Mm3 28 |Water quality situation in the water body and adjoining| loreas Potable loriginal CCA, present CCA & CCA planned (ha) 152.71 Ha, 20.040 Ha, & 62.71Ha loriginal Storage capacity, present storage capacity Ses 0.740 Mim?, 0.704 tam & 0.0864 tt 32 [Impact of water body on ground water Water table will rise ag [tees maps of catowment and command sree, rotabendi increase in paddy by 16476 tonnes and benelii 2241 24 frargeted benefits pees 35 |Whether epproved by State TAC. Ityes, details [Yes ‘ag [Whether the TAC had representatives from) Icowpacwe a7 [Wheter DUR and LNA ate consted by the Stata, 38 [Projects receiving any other form of funding No [catchment treatment works - under _integrated| 39 |watershed Management Programme (WMP) havel WMP tobe started been implemented/Started 40. [Whether detailed calculations for BC Ratio provided. [Yes 44 [Plerenovation crops, yield ond cost considered) (Centifcate from district Agriculture Officer) 4g [Posttenovation crops, Yield and cost consiered) (Certificate rom district Agricuiture Officer) 43. |Whether check ist for appraisal of project provided [Yes Desiting and Tank bund Stengthening, Reconstruction Sea of Slices, Field channel lining, Ground water Recharge ee eer ea shaft and capacty building among the farmers. Rs 30.20 Lakhs 45, |No. people going to be benifited 2482 Nos 46 |No, farmers of SC & ST community benifited 263 Nos & ST- Ni (gz [Detaled work programme and correspoding financial. programme ag [Whether recommeded for inclusion under RRER| 5 Recommenedations/Remarks ( yd) OEE allBEEREL ona Section + appar Bsn Gide Vevshunag {Gundar basin sub Divisio Keryapatt smoot n andar basin Divison Madurai =. a im 5? 57 TANK MEMOIR si aestene ani’ | urna [SENS TOURED 1 [Name of District Virudhunagar 2 |Name of Taluk Kariapatti 3 [Name of Block Kariapatti 4 [Name of a) Village ~_Aviyur bb) Panchayat Union Kariapat 5 | Latitude 09°42'S4°N | _ Longtitude :[78°04'33"E 6 [Registered Ayacut in ha 52.71 ) Whether this tank f spies withMSL uit ) Whether this tank was standardized a 8 [Catchment area sq.miles: a)Free 3.08] 1.19]Sq.miles bjintercept 8.94|Sqkm 3.45[Sqmiles c)Combined 12.02| 4.64]Sq.miles 9 |Capacity of the tank at F.T.L 0.74|Mim® 26.13]Meft 10 [Number of filing 2|Nos 71 | Water Yield from in M.ctt: fa) catchment 16.24|Meft 0.46| Mm" Ib) supply channel 0.00] 0.00|Mm* [Total 16.24|Mcft 0.46|Mm* 12 [Type of tank Non-System 13 [Name of River which supply a [channel takes off 14 |Head Sluice (Open head 0 15 [Details of Head sluice a) Sill evel b) Size of vent ¢) Depth of flow d) Discharge €) No. of days supply 16 [Details of supply channel a) Length OM b) Bed width 0M ©) Depth of flow ol la)Fall | 7 ++ 58 SI.| Name of tank Maintained : UNIQUE CODE no} (PWO/Panchyat union Aviyur West No: TNGUO2 TIES 17 [Standards of tank larea of ayFTL 16.150|m [ee ead] 929]samie 0.78/ by MW 46.750|m [Depth of 2.89|m storage oT BL 77-750|m [Capacity | _26.13|moh 0.74|Nme 78 [BUND 3) Length 3aa0| m Side slope Front 4.172:1 2 Rear 2:1 Fal 79 [Details of slice Sluice no Ls sillevel | size of vent | Ayacut in ha [Remarks 7 Taam 73.360) 016m 016m 205 2 7694] 43.560) 0.15mx 015m 586) Total 2 7 3p [Deals of surplus arrangement sino Description | Length | Headofiiow | 4.7! |Remarks discharge 1 BC Weir 48 060 | 41.38 mas 21 [Name of upper tank Parapathi Tank 22 [Name of lower down tank ‘Aviyur East Tank 23 If 8, ower down tank supply : goes to Whether there i any 24 [subsidiary sources benefited s by this tank |Whether this tank get supply 25 |direciy from any other tank Nil through their sluice 2g [Rules for supply of waterit ni any fremed 27 [Remarks Nil ny a Staee _Se Section -I Keriyepatti ‘Gunder basin sub Division Kariyapatt A, xegutif Engtier,PWONRO ‘Gundar basin Division Madurai 8.ANNEXURES be 60 é vempent myedeuey “medeuey ‘uojsina uisea Jepun ‘osm ang ulseg sepun -uomes ulseg sepun ounamg'i29y60 aagnoo%g ‘OunVame's9qui6y3 annnoDKa qweISISSY .gv0auyj6u3 qwesssy yh rik ah hike a — WW 9£0°0 yue, ayy ul dn pays, SMIO73O NI SUNLVUAGINAL WAWIXVIN SOVYAAV ATHINOW Sete aes ee BESO [oes [see [se [ote vN fszoe [eror [coor [ewer —ifeecee [asver zspee t00z eve fecze levee [esse [ewer |eeze orze avec [wee |uvet_ pote josie z00e jevez_foove acve WN ere VN jovee [ower fosze —_jovee vo0z ‘sor levee [eve |evor_lorve [vec pose soe [avec [eeee —fasor_—_losrez ‘002 erezlevez[zoze levee [ese levee exee esse [zoe fewer fesze_— rove 66h vor leozelecve |ezse [rose lower loca (svee_ —fowee__—[svze_|ezve laste ‘66r isooe juror |evze jesse lerec [zese [seve esac |ewse _[rase |awve —|oze Z66r 90" joeze [izve fowee [seve [reac feoee [avor —fevoe__—[zoue aver —zove 9661 rove lorve levee |eoze |zsse |vese lovee [ever [uve |veoe avec arte S66r lsvoc levee prec [ooze _[roue ews jeoze ose [iver over fewee__oze esr fevezloez[psze[seoe |voze fever lovee [svac —|pvec lower |eove__— favor e66r we arie sete forse jorue|ecor [ese [eves jerec [ooze [osve | oote Zeer [are forte [wee [ere [ower [aver [iree[erer [evar |aoue [esse [uote veer oro [este «YN vw wee ere [ores [esue [sree [ever [este | svez ‘861 aor ence eve ove parse [erve [evse [reve [over [tree [orve [tate a6 we paore arse peese forse [svar [cou [avec j[eese [ecse [ere | tvor Ber Iooe |revelezeelozze seve lovee [cove |ovec eve lovee weet faze Zaer zoe [sore [acre leeoe over |evze [asve |pcec ower _[ovseesee avi 3861 iwor leoorjesve [eose |zese lovee [svec |avee facee levee [aver _|oovez Sa6r eros forse [vere lorse [erze [esse |aove [aver [esse [asec [voor | vor vast baa} aon | 100 | «as | onv | nr | nner | avw | wav | uvw | aay | Nvr | B¥aA (ogumseos) and sgounos. uyoNNaNaIA soniusia 4 00.79 wld, '30NLIONOT yOWNNGNAIA MOVE (02 «PE £60 "3qnLUvT MNTVAV NOLLWLS: Le 66 [wee [eree [esc fase Josie fevze | eve [ase perce Taree 7 overony) WNW. 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En owe —[eror Terie —[wroc[esue [weve [urie Tevez [erez | ivve e661} eetee[eror —[osoe—[eror—[scue [ure [use esue [ieue —[evse Zeer setae [eror——ferie —[eror [soe | zoce [usve Tovor[erez | vesz 168 ci WN_[srec—irze sie —[enze | ezee [evo [eeuz [enee Ds61 ‘eee | eFoe forse —[oeez —teeue —[zeze [ooze [owee [erez [esac 8 wero [stor [roe [voor Leese | ezze[oror —[uroe [ase Tier ae prez [soe orse [oe | ezze—[eeve[orze | pvec [zeae [ear 6 ‘ovee_[us0e [evar [vse | veze [ewe [ure [avez [oraz [arse 3261 ‘seez_[seez [uot [uv0c | ove [erze (seve | erez[eswz ose S261 ie [see __|orie [orc [rave _[eree | evoe [aoe [over [avec a6) yer [eree [erie [seve [wee __[veee [urze [eeve _[erez [cose er wwe [se0e [wie [rete [seve [wore [usue [awez__[srez_[evse Zeer eeae [seer [erve | eeue —[vzor onze [ores [evor_[eree__[seee a6 veee —leroe [unre [orve _|osve vce | evoe_[erez [arse [ree 061 aeae[evez [erie [erie —[ewie _[orze [urve [oer [vrae [ieee 861 svaz [veer [sroe | ea0e [usor—[aste [rue levee | vezz [vee a6 zeae [eeor [eset [aror _|orse | erez | avoe [avez [arse zee sr tee [avec [over _|zror [weet [eve [eroc [acer wn 316 190 | «as | onv | nr | nor | avw | wav | www | aaa | nvr | BBA aounos UYOWNNONIA “LORI ‘JONLIONOT YOYNNGNIA DAV ‘3QnWLYT BNTVAVA ‘NOWWIS ‘SM107139 NI SUNLVEWAAL NVSIN FOVESAY ATHINOW At 3uNXaNNY oT -- 67 vei [sree [eree | eove oret [ere [acre [asoz | eBeiony [VN [vn [VN WN, eu jasse [eve [avez ‘e002 sere sore _[eree | erze ovez [wee | eoze | saz zooe ver [ezve | ovse Why jaca ore vez vo02. srzz_[erre levee | ses west [uvee | ovez, ‘002 eriz [ese [eave | uve ‘ossz__[esee | 9ree 661 wee [ere _jerse | aes wiz _[esve | 1867, ‘66h evez__[ sre _[osve | 1602 erre_[evez [ever 266) sro [ieee ferez | 29¥e twee [zor | owoz | woz ‘9661 ose [avez [seoe | azve 052 [erre [zor | eeoz S661 avez [ezzz[ovec | evez weve [ese [erie | e902 yesh siz [wee [asec | cove ‘oeezfoszz ose: | seat 66h Sroz_[usez |swee | ov ive [ere ewer [ever oe |sozz [eee | eeve ers _[erez [veer | ve0z uaz [erec_[sove | ove eysz_ [sree | eeoz | seer wie__[veze [seve [arse eyez [eriz [wer | 9e1z ‘eoiz [eet | sese | ers erse_[urec_[ectz | eoer oszz_[svee [vere | reve iss [veez [oooe | 902 i wiz _|ewee | ozve eyse__[urez [eee | sroz pete [avec | aeez zeae [rete | evo | vere zee [ere | vere aye [osze | esez__| wee aon | 100 | as vay [| uvw | gaa | Nur (oaumseos) Md :adunos VOWNNANHIA :LORLLSIC 300 99 wld !3QNLIONOT AL (02.98 60 "SQQLLYT MTVAWH :NOLLWLS §Nl07139 NI SUNLVYadWAL WNWININ 3OVESAV ATHLNOW ye ¥rGe woe __[Soe [ewe [eve [wor [wees [ooo ‘aBerany| WN WN [orese | osesz | ossvz_loreez [oezzz [ov'sat Ed oazez [Orne | oor | ovoue | orzez | ozeve_| ovexz joo'ezt zouz Wnlosvsz_| WN | VN WN_[o0%z} lorie — [o6zar poe. oor forear | orezz | orvez [oevee | orerz | oes | ovezr ‘0007 oserz [oearz [oraz | oveve | ozeiz | oveze | oveza {oper ‘e681 os0s; [ower [ov 012 | ose [osvez | ov'eze | oer | oes+ 266) ocout | ozesz | ora0e | orviz [ozvar[orres | ozvet | oszri 66) ‘oredr |ozuve [orece | ost | oeezz | ovress | oveat | oz Zvi ‘3661 dezez[oseez | ossez | o0ez | oszzz [oveiz | orvez | ozest ‘S561 ogsizorzez | oszvz [ossez | ov'eze [over [oveez | os Zeb ‘66 ‘Opiar | oseez | oszzz | ozezz [oseiz | orecz | orvar | ozect ‘e661 osu: | ovvez | oreoz [oseiz [ower [oszez [oseve | ov'eat z66h ‘oseiz ose | ovvsz | ozoar | orsze | ozzer | 0096+ | ov'¥sh vest ozeoz | onze | o0%ez | orsez | orece | cose [oozes | osest 66) orterosezz | ovest | oozez | ovore | o'eez_ [orate | os vat 96h ‘oo9er |oztar | orter | oowze | oetse | ozzst | ovezz | ovat 7 foesez Jowzsz__loetez loztze lozize loreez jov'ocz looser | jorsar[ov'e0zJor'zez__losvee lovooz _|osezz_jowzoz__ forse joroez _jos'esz__los'eve lozzez__loresz loztwe_ |osesz__joc‘ozb jorvez orev _loxvar _loseez loveez loresr osteci [oe'z9b josrizJovsrz_loovzve loszsz _lovesz |ovsez__losteez_josizz josozz Joos loxzve _los'ecz lovee loozve [oorose [oo"roz. foosez —|os'sez_los'er _los'eve lose |oo'vez jow'esz__[ov'o0z. loseve lovvez _loc'ezz los'ese loezze |ov'ser oszez__joozoz lortoeJoz'esz _los'tez lovtzz lorece |oresz jos orc losevt fooerz loozre _loresz loeeez locere lovecz forgrz joc ay loxtiz_Jog'szz _loseve lose |orvar lover fozezz joss foeore loo'sez Joscor _logtez lozzre lov'esz _jorsez__jos'stz jozogs lov'esz__los'sve loses jovz_ jose lozvaz|oo'sze ogres loorozeJos'saz__loovez loves jozuer loveze |oo-cet jowear jovzez _lor'sve _lozeve jozoze loocrz |oovez |oo'ezt 438 ony | nr | nar | avW | wav | aww | ead (oaymss9s) amd :30uNOs wvoWNNaNMIA “Lomisia LL:3NLIONOT uvownna MVE MOTYAYH :NOLLWIS: (07. 460 ‘SONI WU! - NOLLYNOd WAS NVd TWLOL ATHLNOW, Cal 69 Less BEIOAY, 002 wer Z00z b00Z izes ‘oouz fa ‘661 EL 8661 [sec 2661 oss. ‘9661 a ‘3661 sec ‘eel ps9 est eee zesh HEL be6 zo ‘661 399 a6h 29. ‘8861 neZ, 2861 [pes ‘861 18. ‘s86h po ash revs a6) [zo za6h 9S 16h se ‘086 [ees 626) ore. 2/61 ore. List uvaa (oaunseos) amd 00.98 LL ‘ve 60 :gounos: uyowNnanuin :3QLIONOT ayOUNNGNEIA "QUILT UNTWAY Aep/sino}{ - ANIHSNN'S SOVYSAV ATHLNOW "NOLS 4° 10 ye [ate [assis Tare Tory Tae sy wy ‘aeiany VN 5 TT oss 699, e007, Tee ae are__[aes [ies Tore Tse Tere ye maa ZOO sey [ee wn [vou |¥N feey. [so sey ooz. lees [srs ler> lors lize Jove sv leew exe. os ‘0002. lave [ape a a loss ees 55h lay [ore lex [est loss res [ae lors rer. ev. 2061. lexe [are a a so, sey 2651. lure feo lore —wex ese ___|oes evs irs lees, sce. 3581. zn love lors ___|ove leo [ory la less sre S66. pss [os lero ——Jore —Jozz lozzeey lov for, a 68. (ocr are Isce__ ers Joes lors esis loss sos cost. is 06 tS [erz [vss [aes [eos ov 29% 359 Z61. ere ——[uer sop [ez [oss [ezs [ers ove He, 207 E56 ere eo. sz [ss9 [sa [ors [ee | zoe Ys Ze O66. one erz, ose [ese [sez [use [vee fore E64 a ray syz [es ez [we [sve [uey ans eve a id 2061. ieee [ovr lore five pos [azz love [ee ls. sro 2051 ers ect [ee |ecs_levs lava losers [szv fro. ses 2961. leer Jove love lors lezs les lowe es [sso lece lary, 3064. ro we [sre lore [eee [ors [we | ear ze ‘907 a6) a7 ‘sor [ese [zy __|eow lors [arp eo we ZF, a6) ‘Svs ove [ere _[erz [ess s__[sse [ave Wee, 6 za6h 2 we [ure [ze ers ers [vo | esv ose 507, 126) ere eve [evs [sve [coz [sez [ory [ew we zo 096 zs (i a csv irr eis ves svr_[eve_|aeor_orz toe [evs ozs 308 87 7 ee ‘eye [ors [ere |69 [sve | zow ers oes tes ish 059 zy [ows [use |eze ess [ses | ves LOL eve 916) ozo ‘ory [wes [wz |rrs [ese [ere jose soz ze sis) we scv__[wy [ee [rvs [eee [ovo | ooo 00% ‘on wish aaa] AON | 190 | was | onv | wr | nor | aww | ud aaa | uve | uvan (oaumszos) oma ‘30unos wyovNnanyia :191Musia 300 8 Le '3ONLIONOT uvowNnanyiA —HNTvL ‘oz.e 60 "SONU MMTVAYH ‘NOLLYLS U/W UY ALIOOTAA GNIM 3DVaaAY ATHLNOW nu ‘wos ulseg zepuND) yedeuey “uoisng ans uisea sepung Coupland e9uibug ananoaxs 2UeRISSy meceuey, Tuomas uiseg uepun5) aoe a ieee uy we ose ay oso we ere, ey sey wy sy soy aypany ut Ay9019/ PUIM| WIN NI NOLLWHIdSNVYLOdVAS SOVUAAY ATHLNOW Ay- eunxouuy FONSI TEBEUYpRIA TO WATEL MEAETIEY UT MOTE METEHEY UT UCL ISOM INAIAY JO UONEIOISOY pue UOHERCUSY TETSH = HOM FO SUN qP ©Carvaonnwon a 12 13 14 15 16 "7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 28 BYE homes Be ot co Gundar Basin Sub Division, kariapatt Gundar Basin Section-1 Kariapatt ~- 72 Name of Work ; Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Aviyur west Tank in Kariapatti Block in Kariapatti Taluk of Virudhunagar District WATER BALANCE STATEMENT Name of Tank Name of Village Name of Taluk Name of District Nearest Rainfall Station : Approved Dependable Yield Free Catchment Intercepted Catchment | Combined Catchment Equivalent Catchment Yield From Catchment Yield From Supply Channel Total Yield Available : Capacity of Tank Number of Fillings Useful Yield Total Number of Wells a) Energised b) Non Energised Registered Ayacut Average Irrigation Gap proposed to be Cultivated Permanent Gap H New Ayacut Proposed Ultimate Ayacut Crop Water Requirement Balance Yield Available for further use: Average Crop Water Requirement: Annexure - v : Aviyur West : Aviyur : Kariapatti : Virudhunagar Kariapatti 16.24 Meft/Sq.miles 3.08 8.94 Sq.Km 12.02 (of) 1.19 Sq.mile (er) 3.45 Sqmite (or) (or) (or) 4.64 Sq.mile 1.88 Sq.mile 2.12 Mm? 4.87 Sq.Km 74.71 Meft 0.000 Meft 74.71 Moft 24.86 Mcft 2.00 Nos. 54.90 Mcft 18 No. 13 No. 5 No, 52.710 Ha 30.040 Ha 22.67 Ha 0.00 Ha Nil Ha 82.71 Ha 22.658 Meft 19.768 Meft 5.77 AciMett 0.000 Mm* 2.42 Mm® 0.704 Mm? (or) (or) (or) 1.55 Mm? (01) 0.84 im? (0f) 0.58 Mm? antes cxecust€ Enger PHO]WRO Gundar Basin Division, Madural reanpew mredeuey -“medeuey ‘uojsina ulseg sepuns ‘uojsiig ans wseg sopuns uonses use sepung Oumjamg eauibugrsnhnoag OuM/and oUIbUa onnNoa% qUERSISSY “ang se0ubua auersissy er" ia Fu ley Grae eorel © 8SzZHELZLCGOBYS ~=— «LOBEL —OLLPZ 0000 LL el BOVUSAV eoL6L 8SSZZPELZL COPS «= LOBEL OL'ZbL = 000 oreee WwLoL sse0ong 982 —«EZL «SEL Wes eezz OF BL ~—~000 o88Z O10z eunwe4 00° soez segs sesz o0'0 sesz 000 gest, 600z ainwwes 00° vez BEL 06'8z 000 os'ez = 000 os'8z 2002 sseoong 602 = _z9Z LULL z9'99 vik = 9k4e 000 oLLe 2002 ssecong Zz'0} = ve'SZ_— COLL selr coe ge'0s 000 8g'0S 9002 S2 sseoong ded gs'bz = zhzz@ LOL zL'9¢ 92'6 6e'r9 000 68'v9 sooz sseoong 0geZ BBL ZZL og'es zwez lez@ = 000 leze voz sseoong 98'Z — SY'9L_GOTHL 46°98 80'6y — 90'S0h._-— 000 90°s01 2002 sseoong 96'S, B'EZ_—«L'OL ys'0s ecel = z'69— (000 z169 zooz sse00ng§ 9z'zz 6 been 96'rs gore z0'98 = 000 zo'98 booz sseoong 9/5 = dy'8z@ Ss SEZL gc'9g hoz ogee = o'o og'ee voz sseoong z9°21 pole ZL Lb 2s 68" goes 000 go'es 686L soueleg ett sso] PISA fered yuo! yoqeo SseWOY ~ounbay PIAA snicung Aiddns: 188A BUSCH gremdois UONPIOIEN roan FOL yoy ygjooayy OU 3IS08U 982 TOW U) WEL Io Mysedeg O€S01-Z0-NONL H ‘ON 8POD ISeM anny : yuey Jo owen B A- ainxeuuy SUVAA ZL YOd LNAINALVLS NOILVLNINOS GT3IA 1N4aSsN yoInsig 4eBeunypnat, JOoNeL MEdeeY UI Yoo1g MEdeLEy UL YUE] Som INAIAY Jo UOHEIOISeY PU UOHEAOUDY ‘edoy THIO|AIO OWEN ove Th. Name of Work : Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Aviyur west Tank in Kariapatti Block in Kariapatti Taluk of Virudhunagar District Capacity Calculation Table Annexure - vi Name of tank Aviyur West Water (M.Sqm) 1 13.260 0.015 0.066 0.066, 2.34 2 13.950 0.098 0.035 0.101 3.57 3 14,500 0.151 0.068 0.169 5.97 4 15.050 0.216 0.100 0.269 9.51 5 15.600 0.324 0.147 0.417 14.71 6 16.150. 0.750 0.287, 0.704 24.86 EVOPORATION LOSSES CALCULATION SHEET Name of tank Aviyur West Water | Water Spread | Spread - Cumulative Serial No. Coto ee ‘Areal Evoporation losses Capacity levels (m)| (M.Sqm) (M.Sqf) \(Meft) For 15 days | For 30 days 1 13.260 0.015 0.161 0,032 0.064 2.341 z 13.950 0.098 1.055 0.208 0.415 3.571 3 14.500 0.151 1.625 0.320 0.640 5.970 4 15.050 0.216 2.320 0.457 0.913 9.511 5 15.600, 0.324 3.488 0.687 1.373 14.715, 6 16.150 0.750 8.073 1.589 3.178 24.860 nS 4, eyat (fear ; aa nt Enneer M.D. Assent BecathCAURLerPworuRo ereanieerowolno Gundar Basin Section-1 Gundar Basin Sub Division, Gundar Basin Division, Kariapatti Kariopatt Madurai. 78 cunt Ts apace qUENSSSY hi asap ze ‘Lo's6L eves 96°0rL ooo = S'Log. qWvioL auniie@4 000 £66 000 so°6z eos sest 000 ese ¢ 6002 ssa00ns 60EZ coo ve eret bet olde 000 oLee 200 sse0ong 2Z'0L ooo oe vest OLE 880s 000 880s 9002 sseoons Aled 98°PZ Lve 96 wee Ler 689 000 6879 00z seus ES wm sins omnes sopaesend A Aeon Lae en 98'PZ (dow UD) 4UeL Jo Ayoedes OfSOL-ZO-NONL == ON POD 789M anhiny uel jo owen: BIA- oinxouuy DINVL NI ALITISVTIAW Y3LVMA JO NOLLVLNdOD HO4 LOVHLSAV JTaV1 ONDINOM yoUNSiG seBeUNYpNAA, jo yntes medevey4 Ul yoo1g MedeUey UI UBL SOM INkIAY Jo UOREIO}SOy PUE UOREAOUDY ‘sIEdoy THOM IO SUEN o0'0 eet ySle ZLbe 00°0 99s FWLoL zz 000 ooo a es eet ooo = a0 eees ro3a eee: 000 000 oer eo verve, ooo abe zor toga zoz 000 000 86% es ersz oo = oe ozzz ‘NON ovez 000 ooo ser est soez ooo are seve AON seve 000 6st ise 6st lee ooo = gee sor r190 soe 000 000 00% est vole ooo aro ors F190 os 090 ~— 000 6sz zo ese ooo = aos ere 38 sre 000000 66% 690 ave 000 = oz ors reas “ srs 090 000 ooo sso ons 000 Ls ogo ony ovo = 0010s 000 800 ego ooo aso ze0 aqne wo 000000 ooo v00 oro 000 = ov oo 3nnr eu EWUELS rouuoieg : comms TE mo oe ar eel) ESS a sore : (LION Ww) Ue Jo Aoeded OeSOL-Z0-NONL = ©N @p09 WOM INKiny =: ue] Jo eLIEN 6661 -HVSA SHI HO4 S1aV1 ONDRIOM IA ainxouuy DIN NI ALIIGVTIAV YALVM 40 NOLLVINdNOD NOs JTGVL ONDAOM 3SIM EVSA yonnsig seBeunypnsin JorInje, Medeuey, ui yoolg MedeLeY UI YUE ISOM INKiny Jo UOREIO\SEY pUE UONEACUDY ‘itedox THOAIO SEN 9? ‘000 woz avez sezh is 000 0982 WLOL erst 000 «sas ewtz«S twist eOLZ 000 00°0 ors 6st geez 000 we 98'rz ‘oa eerz 000 «= os} SSE) Sw eF SDSL IMAON seve 000 «S63 wS) ESE DSaeBLSS'L AON eres 000 © o0sswoywsSazezS SLs W000 = ww ShLL SS wDSsszt(sy F190 O6'r 000 000 oe 060 ore 000 ers Ltr Irdas * ey 000 000 ese £80 98 000 eb ore -d3S ove 000» tsi tesa ony coz 000i iti sane ovo 00% swiss anne if ram owoucy 24S oye sring MBE GogeigShe? 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UI IUeL ISOM INAIAY Jo LORBIOWSEY PU UOFIENOUDY ‘stEdey | HON JO eUIEN \or Annexure-xéfa) - 104 Name of Work: Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Aviyur West ‘Tank in Karlapatti Block in Karlapatti Taluk of Virudhunagar District Annexure 17 of RRR guidelines Ayacut Estimate Amount :Rs. 92.71 Ha 41.40 Lakhs PROFORMA FOR THE CALCULATION OF BENEFIT COST RATIO (BCR) Before ‘After Project Project ‘A|GROSS RECEIPTS 1|Gross value of farm produce * 1164350 3405066 2 [Dune receipts (at 30 % ofthe fodder aon Teaiea lexpenditure) "* 3 |rotal (A) Gross Receipts (1 + 2) 3216746] 3507218) B|EXPENSES 1 [Expenditure on seeds 73457 128892] 2|expenditure on manure ete 420560 737940 [Expenditure on hired labour (human and 2 3 ery 600800 1054200] Fodder expenses ( 15 percentage of gross| 4|value of produce for before irrigation and 10%| 174653 340507 for after irrigation) ‘Depreciation on implements (2.7 Percentage of ? 5 |gross value of produce }} site7 81287 ‘Share and Cash Rent (5 Percentage of gross © |yalue for before itrigation 3% after irrigation ane 1021s?) ; [band Revenue ( 2 Percentage of gross value of oa ea lproduce } 8 [Total (B) Expenses (1 to 7) 1as2411| 2523728 C|NET VALUE OF PRODUCE 1 [Total Gross receipts (Total A.3) 1216746 3507218] 2|Minus total expenses (Total B.8) 1982411 2523728 3|Net value of produce (D) : (1-2) -165665| 983490| D|ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL BENEFITS:- 1 |Net value after irrigation (C.3) 983490 2|Minus Net value before irrigation (C.3) -165665| 3 |Net Annual Benefits (D): (1 - 2) 817824| \oF oe 195 Before After Project Project lother net annual benefits due to aqua - culture| jincluding pisciculture, drinking & Industrial| jp )vater supply, hydro - power generation, animal} husbandry, catchment area treat ment| chargeable to project, canal bank plantation, reservior, periphery afforest TOTAL NET ANNUAL BENEFITES (D3 + E) 817824 G|ANNUAL CosTS: interest on capital @ 10 % (Estimated total cost , Jot the project including cost of land development| |@ Rs.... per ha) No land development cost| involved. 414000] [Depreciation of the project @ 1 % of the cost of] project for 100 years life of the project , @ 2% for| 2/50 years life of the project and 3.33% for 30] lyears life of the project. (Considered 30years life| lof project) 137862] [Annual operation and maintenance charges| |@ Rs 588 per ha. Of CCA *** 30993] [Maintenance of the head works @ 1 % of its cost (Not applicable} [Depreciation of pumping system @ 8.33% of| 5 estimated cost of pumping system assuming life} lof system as 12 years. (Not applicable) [Depreciation of raise of mains @ 3.33% of 6 estimated cost of pumping system assuming life| lof system as 30 years. (Not applicable) Power charges for lift irrigation @ Rs....per hal (Not applicable) 8 Total (G): Annual costs ( 1 to 7) 582855| [BENEFIT COST RATIO =F/G5 1.40|:1 Gp ote 1\"h Gundar Basin Section-I Kariapatt Gundaf Basin Division, Madurai. ) CGundar Basin Sub Division, ariapatti yenpen *vorsing uisea Jepung, oun uber angroers medeuey, ‘uoisina ans usseg sepun ounvama’s99u6u3 anes ueysissy medeue, -uogp9g usseg Jepun9 antec - 196 Al kD Kel AG T oozrsor| oooz | ovezez | ooorr |e'esezt| esrrz | sg0sore | ove: | zeose | sev | 122s | Apped | 1 Cau] Gaul seal) cera) au sau (eeuuoy qunowy|) eH /3eu| junowy|eH / eey|) unowy|) eH /ereH| (seuuoy doo ‘sy ¢suup] ur) (eH ON aunuew ‘spo0s u yun] ut uy eary| 22. | uzenjen | euuoy | eonposg | eanpoig owen | 1S syndu reo, | eve | tion | PIOIA pOq Tayem Jo TEAS Toy oagoos | 00007 coor | te'esvez| evsppz | oserort | over | vis'se | sez | rove | Apped | | (suu) | (sau ¢sy | (sat (44) [coy up| *2UUe? ae a 1 up uy (ox qunoury | JeH/erew | qunowy |ul) eH/eey) )unoWy | FHM oO, | ouuoy | MY) | eyed | (eH yo [ON Fal sonpoid uy) eaay 48 Pa oInueN, ‘spe0s Io, | orey sonpold owen ewok syndu PISIA sue] ov Ly PH L9°%Z eH 700k eH LL2S sounres medeney \we Pod 1ajeM Jo dedey S10;eg 3800 ovewins3 dep yoo wesaid youisig zeBeunypnain, ‘OPeT SOD WSUS JO UOHE|MO|ES 10 CUNOOIG (a) x-eanxouuy 001g medeuey UI HUEL IEMA ANAIAY Jo UONEIOISY PUL VORACUDY ‘sedoy TIHTOM IO SHEN 107 * - 107 Annexure ~ xic English Version of Agriculture Department's Letter From. To Thiu.K.Subbaiah,,M.B.A., Joint Director of Agriculture, Virudhunagar. Assistant Executive Engineer, PWD/ WRD., Gundar Basin Sub Division, Kariapatti Lr.No: _£2/ 4438/ 2014/ dated: 04.08.2014 Sir, Sub: Agriculture - Average Anticipated Paddy Productivity in Virudhunagar District - After the implementation of project and by implementing SRI techniques and modern techniques - Yield report Details - Submission regarding. ; Ref: Assistant Executive Engineer, PWD/WRO, and L¢.No:C17/AEE (Kpt)/2014/ dated: 01.08.2014. AS per the above reference citied I hereby submit that Anticipated Paddy Productivity details in the below given Union after the implementation of SRI and assured water for the entire crop as follow as. After implementation of SRI and SLNo Union | Average Yield (Kg/Ha) Assured water for entire crop(ka/Ha) i ‘Aruppukottal 2860 “4500 2 Kariyapatti 2850 4750 3 Narikudi 2850, cy ‘4600 4 ~~ W.Rediyapatti 3150 ‘4800 Sd/- _K.Subbiah, Joint Director of Agriculture, Virudhunagar. J] By Order // & My r Agricultufal officer th, cathe cagA ono Gupdar,basin Division Modurai Gundar Basin Divs Annexure - xi c TAMILNADU CIVIL SUPPLIES CORPORATION VIRUDHUNAGAR REGION. LR. No: B1/4221/2013 Dated:21.07.2014 From Thiru.S.Udhayakumar B.A., Deputy Collector/Regional Manager, Virudhunagar. To Assistant Executive Engineer, Public Works Department / WRD., Gunadar Basin Sub Division, Kariapatti Sir, Sub:- Tamilnadu Civil Supplies Corporation - Virudhunagar Region 2013-2014 Period Paddy Procurement Price ~ Requested ~ Reg Ref :- Your Letter NO. C17/ AEE(KPT)/2014/ dated: 17.07.2014 The following details are furnished in your letter cited. The Tamilnadu Government have permitted to procure the Paddy at the following Procurement price for the period 2013-2014 SI.No Details Grade -A Common 1. | Minimum Supported Price (msp) | Rs. 1345.00 | Rs, 1310.00 % [Sourtiw Rs. 70.00 | Rs. 50.00 Total Rs. 1415.00 | Rs. 1360.00 ‘Sal-R, Merlin Darathi, For Regional Manager By order! end ° sta] ely TAN Engineer, PWD, » , Matveml 4 agncnannPAnOYRATE.E Exocat

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