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Cezlene Marie S.

Baidiango X-Velasquez

Reflection Paper
English is essential to the field of education. It is one way to communicate with

another foreign people because it is learn as a second language. English subject may look

easy but it is tricky and sometimes confusing as many people say ‘looks can be

deceiving’, but as we decide that we want to learn there are thousands resources where

we can understand it.

In this fourth quarter we learned many things and we also performed a story song

about Les Miserables even we only had a short period of time. In grammar we’ve learned

about figures and speech and coherent devices, at first I was so confused on both lessons

but as time passed by and I was determine to understand it, I was able to understand it

with the help of the reporters and Ma’am Flong. In literatures we’ve encountered The

Little Prince, A Martian Sends Postcard Home, E.T Phone Home, Les Miserables, What

is Liberal Education, How to be a Good Citizen in a Global World and ASEAN. My

favourite literature is The Little Prince because while I’m reading and listening to the

discussion of the reporters I’ve realized the importance of friendship, “It is only with the

heart that one can see truly; it is invisible in the eye what is essential.” At first I really

didn’t understand the thought of it but as I kept reading the story I have understand and I

appreciate it so much. We’ve also conducted a descriptive research study about the

cultural heritages that are found in the Philippines. We are lucky because we are already

conducting research for almost four years so we already know what to do even

descriptive and experimental research has differences. In order to make our research

we’ve conducted surveys, before we conducted it we’ve learned first how to make

questionnaires and how to limit and select a good topic.

In this last paragraph I’ve wanted to thank Ma’am Flong in teaching us the

English subject with full of passion and dedication, because of her excellent teaching I

appreciated and understood more about the English subject.

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