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111 As managed by:

A AlJaberTrading&
~ Contracting Co. W.L.L.


This policy is developed for the purpose of defining company expectations or standards with regards to
employee attendance and to provide mechanism for monitoring and identifying the necessary corrective
action for any incurred violation.
1 DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................................... 1
2 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................ 2
4 INSTR UCTION ........................................................................................................................ 2
4.1 GENERAL POLICY and PROCEDURE ....................................................................................... 2
4.2 WORK TIMING ................................................................................... ... ........ .... ....................... 3
4.3 ABSENCE ........ ...... ... .. .. ......... .... ....... ....... ........ ... ... ... .... ...... .. ....... .. .............. ... .......................... 4
4.4 TARDINESS AND UNDERTIME ................................................................................................ 5
4.5 NO SIGN OUT - NO SIGN IN .................................................................................................... 6
4.6 NO CALL - NO SHOW .......... ..... ...................... ... ................... ...................................... ....... ...... 6
4.7 MANAGERS' ATTENDANCE ..................................... .... ..... ... .... .. .. ... ...... ........ ... .... .. ...... .... .... .... 6
5 CROSS REFERENCE .......................... .......... ... ... ... ... .......... .. .... .......... .. ....... ........................... 6
6 RECORDS ............... ...... ........ ......... .... .... ........ ................................................ ................ .. ....... 6
7 ATTACHMENT ........................................................................................................................ 6

• Absence - employee's state of not being present at work during a normally scheduled work
• Absenteeism - employees' unexcused habitual failure to report for work
• Attendance policy - company's set of guidelines and expectations regarding employees'
compliance in attending work at approved days and timings
• Compensable leave of absence - paid absences which include contractual leave, business
leave, sick leave (with accredited medical certificate), allowed non-working days, etc., so long
as approved by management
• Corrective action - imposed measure, which (depending on the severity of the offense) is an
oral/written reprimand, salary deduction, or suspension in order to discipline employees, who,
after just cause, found to have violated the policy.
• Excused absence - non-compensable leave of absence incurred by an employee especially
when prior information/notification was sent to manager; reason fall within the guidelines
established in the company's attendance policy
• No call-no show- a discourteous and unprofessional work attitude of not informing the superior
or manager for not coming to work (or tardy); such negligence may cause minor or major impact
to the operation within the department/project
• No sign in-no sign out - failure of the employee to use the company's electronic finger print
attendance machine as he starts and/or as he ends his work
• Occurrence - frequency of violations or infractions (absence, tardy, under time, no sign in-no
sign out, or no call-no show) being committed

~ JEM-JTC POLICY: HRD-POL-001_1SS.01_REV.OO 1 of 6

H1....---1-11 As managed by:

A AlJaberTrading&
~ Contracting Co. W.L.L.

• Outstanding attendance - excellent attendance performance where no occurrence of absence,

tardiness, under time, no sign in-no sign out, and/o r no call-no show had been committed
within the stipulated period
• Ta rdiness - lateness or failu re of employee to commence work as per the scheduled work timing
• Undertime - signing out earlier than the official work time without acceptable reason
• Unexcused absence - non-compensable leave of absence with disciplinary action of additional
basic salary deduction corresponding to the days of absence with No Call - No Show; this
includes also non-reporting to work during contractual leave's last wo rking date (LWD)

REGULAR ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY of employees are among the top important elements in
attaining high level of productivity and ach ieving company goals. Tardiness, absences, early
departure or unauthorized use of work time for attending matters outside the office beget delay of
own work output, hamper work flow and cause abrupt assignment of substitutes or revision of
schedules which put burden on other employees. These consequences affect not only productivity
but also employees ' work morale.
Though everyone is exposed to having illnesses or any unforeseen circumstances which give
employee no choice but to be absent, late or leave the post, proper steps should be taken in order
not to affect productivity. However, there are instances in which the employee deliberately neglects
his responsibility; thus, this attendance policy sets the boundaries in order to properly manage
employee attendance and set guidelines and the corresponding disciplinary actions.

This policy applies to all JEM employees and shall take effect on 1 January 2019.
JTC HR manages and overseas JEM HR, including but not limited to the implementation of all JTC-
adopted Policies & Procedures (P&P). Any modification shall be approved by JTC HRM and JTC GM.
Guided by the Code of Employee Discipline (COED), Key Staff playing important role in the
implementation and administration of this P&P are: JEM-HRM and HR Officers designated for the
roles of Employee-Labor Relations (ELR), Compensation & Benefits (C&B), and Site

4.1.1. Staff shall always abide by the attendance policy by signing in and out of the
designated machine
4.1.2. Timekeepers shall keep accurate manual record of attendance and overtime of
skilled/ unskilled site workers
4.1.3. Corrective and disciplinary actions shall be imposed for infractions like absence,
tardiness, no sign in-no sign out, and no call-no show
4.1.4. For tardy, no sign in-no sign out, no call-no show, main office staff shall
immediately email to the HR Officer for Employee-labor Relations (cc. department
manager) with the details of occurred infraction using below format


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111 As managed by:

A AlJaberTrading&
~ Contracting Co. W.L.L.

4.1.5 . Using above format, site staff shall inform his Project Manager for the details of
infraction; the Project Manager shall email the same to the HR Manager (cc.
General Manager)

4 .1 .6 . Site Monthly Attendance Report shall be prepared by HR and emailed to Project

Managers for final verification

4 .1 .7. A maximum 15-minute break is observed for every CALL TO PRAYER (Adhan)
within the office timing: Zuhr (noon) and Asr (afternoon)

4.1.8 . Employees shall always ask for superior/manager's permission if they leave their
work stations for more than 5 minutes

4 .1.9 . Frequently leaving the post for smoking, personal group assemblies, or merely
loitering/wandering other offices with no apparent work-related purpose shall be
reported to HR for corresponding disciplinary action

4 .1.10. Upon SIGN IN, employees shall proceed directly to their work stations; they are
discouraged from leaving the building after signing in (e.g. to park the car, attend
to personal matters, etc.) unless with Manager's permission

4.1.11. Any tardy and/or absence before announcement of official non-working days
and/or change of work timings for the months of Ramadan, summer and other
holidays shall be considered an infraction.

4 .1.12. If an employee prefers to stay and work beyond the normal working hours, the
overtime shall not be paid unless if his position is included in the approved list of
employees entitled to receiving overtime

4 .1.13. Employees who incurred a minimum one day leave of absence shall accomplish
the Leave form (attaching supporting documents, if any), take manager's
signature, and send to HR (refer to Leave Policy procedure)

4 .1.14. Employees with outstanding attendance for consecutive 3 months shall be

awarded with Certificate of Recognition and a one-day-paid leave, which is valid
for 3 months from date of issuance. Attendance is also considered in Annual
(Staff) & Semi-Annual (Skilled/Unskilled) Performance Evaluation.

4.1.15. Employees, including the accomplice/s, who commit forgery/dishonesty to cover

any infraction shall be given corresponding disciplinary action as per COED.
Dishonesty may come in the form of: falsification of documents; forging
signatures, creation or modification of certificates (medical certificates) or letters
from an issuing authority; signing in/out for and by another employee using the
ID card or password (if provided); or indicating false reasons as reported to HR
4.2.1. The company shall strictly enforce the Summer Work Schedule as per
Government's announcement. Workers who are working under direct sunlight
shall stop working from 11am to 3pm. Summer Work Schedule is usually from the
15th June to 31 of August.
4.2.2. During the month of RAMADAN the normal maximum working hours shall be 36
hours per week or 6 hours per day

4.2.3. Main Office Official Timing: Sign In-Sign Out
Days Time In Lunch (In-out) Time Out
Saturday to Wednesday 8:00 am 1pm - 2pm 5pm
Thursday 8:00 am n.a. 2 pm
As ma naged by:
1• "
A AlJaberTrading&
~ Contracting Co. W.L.L.
dU.ul.!u.o.Jlo ~l.,l~I El ctro M

4.2.3 .2. Grace period for signing shall be 10 minutes, there shall be no grace
period for signing out
4 .2.3.3 . LUNCH BREAK in the main office is 1 hour (1-2pm) , except Thursday Nobody shall be approved with paid overtime in main office, except
for tea boys, light drivers, and any position approved by management
4.2.4. Project Site Offices
4.2.4 .1. Normal site timing shall be from 6am to 5pm ; however, staff' SIGN IN
and GRACE PERIOD vary as PER DES IGNATION *. A separate chart for
this shall be prepared and approved by managers, HRM and GM. Any
modification thereafter shall be communicated to HRM , for approval
of GM ; correspondingly, necessary adjust ments in the attendance
system shall take place .
4. 2.4.2 . Official LUNCH BREAK is 1 hour, is as per main contractor
4 .2.4 .3 . The night shift shall be from 6pm to 6am , with 1 hour break
4. 2. 4 .4 . Overtime for skilled/unskilled workers * who are working on a Card
basis shall be as per management's approval. Staff* shall not be paid
with overtime.
* A separate list of designations shall be prepared, along with the
employee type (Staff, skilled, unskilled), Salary Grade, overtime -
exempt or exempted, and location; and their allowed sign-in, sign-out,
and grace period.
4.2.5. Other satellite offices (To be presented in a separate approved chart)
4.3.1. Acceptable reasons for compensable absences may include:

• Road accident
• Pre-approved seminars, trainings or attendance of other business events
4.3.2. For excused absences, equivalent days shall be deducted from the salary
4 .3.3. The Qatar Labour Law emphasizes that any employee who has an infraction of 15
inconsecutive days of absences in a year shall be terminated, likewise with 7
consecutive days absences in any part of the year. This policy is valid within a year
only. All the accumulated number of absences shall be back to zero upon another
calendar year. One calendar year starts from 1st of January to 31st of December of
the same year.
4.3.4. For the purpose of correcting any misbehaviour in performing attendance, the
company shall issue progressive disciplinary actions as follows:
Fifteen (15) INCONSECUTIVE days of absences IN A YEAR without reasonable
1st Offense (First Warning Letter) 5 days
2 nd Offense (Last Warning Letter) 10 days
3 rd Offense (Termination) 15 days
Seven (7) CONSECUTIVE days of absences without reasonable cause
1 st Offense (First Warning Letter) 3 days
2 nd Offense (Last Warning Letter) 5 days
3rd Offense (Termination) 7 days
4.3.5. Any 3 consecutive, unexcused/no call-no show absences of employees holding
critical functions in the company shall be treated as Absence without Official Leave
{}., (AWOL) and may be enforced with strict disciplinary action including termination,
y de pending the im pact and damage by the absence
h'•-----1...n As managed by:

A AlJaberTrading&
~ Contracting Co. W.L.L.

4 .3 .6. For absence in Thursday and another unexcused absence in Saturday, the
employee shall be deducted 3 days: Thursday, Friday & Saturday
4.3.7. In the event of more than 2 unexcused absences within a month, ADDITIONAL
PENALTY shall be enforced: 3 days = 1 basic salary deduction
4 .3 .7.2. 4 days = 2 days basic salary deduction 5 days = 3 basic salary deduction 6 days = 4 basic salary deduction
4.3.7 .5 . 7 or more = 5 days basic salary deduction
4.3.8. For site staff absences related to contractual leave, failure to report on last working
date (LWD) shall be deducted 2 days - 1 full day and 1 base salary
4.3.9. Commencement of duty on the day of arrival shall be allowed as long as employee
reports on or before 11am and shall finish his duty until official dismissal.
4.3.10. Attendance of site employees who directly report to project sites without prior
information and approved manpower allocation shall not be considered


4.4.1. Acceptable reasons for Tardiness and Under Time include items in 4.3.1.
4.4.2 . For staff employees who use the attendance machine, any TARDY: SIGN IN beyond
grace period and any UNDER TIME: SIGN OUT before official dismissal shall be given
a corresponding point. These points shall be consolidated and given with
corresponding disciplinary action and deduction.
Table of Points:
(AFTER Grace Period and/or BEFORE Time Out Point
1 minute to 30 minutes 1
31 minutes to 1 hour 2
1 hr. & 1 min. to 1 hour & 30 minutes 3
1 hr. & 31 mins. to 2 hours 4
beyond 2 hours 8

4.4.3. Monthly, the total points corresponding to the tardy and under time of the employee
shall be subjected to penalty as follows


Total Points Penalty
4 ½ day deduction
5-8 1 day deduction
9-11 1 ½ day deduction
12 2 days deduction & Type A Disciplinary Action

4.4.4. Along with the penalty/deduction, 12 points of tardy and/or under time in a month
shall be subjected to Type A PROGRESSIVE disciplinary action:

Occurrence Penalty
1st Verbal Warning
2nd Warning Letter
3rd Final Warning Letter
4th Termination
J-!'-----1--11 As managed by:

A Al Jaber Trading &

~ Contracting Co. W.L.L.
a.du ~ Io 0..,.U l,JJ-&i.JI EI


4.5.1. All staff who cannot SIGN IN/SIGN OUT due to breakdown of the attendance
machine or failure of machine to read fingerprint, has to report the incident to the
HR using the format indicated in 4.1.4

4.5.2. Failure to report SIGN IN/SIGN OUT shall be equivalent to HALF DAY DEDUCTION
4.6.1. Any employee who , for any reason , cannot report for work shall call his/her superior
before 10:30 am. The Department Manager or Project Manager shall report to HR
Manager any infraction of No Call - No Call before the end of the working day or
early morning the next day.

4.6.2 . Infraction of NO CALL - NO SHOW is considered UNEXECUSED ABSENCE. For every

unexcused absence, the employee shall be deducted with 1 day, plus 1 day base
For any occurrence of Managers' tardiness, under time, and/or unplanned absence/s, the
report must be directed to the JTC HRM and JTC General Manager for his advice.

Doc. No. Document Name Notes

Qatar Labour Law State Policy

JTC QHSE Manual Manual
JEM-JTC-HRD-POL-005 Code of Employee Discipline Policy
JEM-JTC-HRD-POL-005 Leave Policy
JEM-JTC-HRD-POL-008 Personnel and Administration Policy
JEM-JTC-H RD-PO L-010 Compensation and Benefits Policy

HRD will maintain all IMS documents based on Master lists. Where documents/records are stored
in electronic media, the same shall be password protected for access, periodic back-ups taken and
installed with virus shield. The relevant department for the duration of the order/contract plus a
minimum period of 2 years will maintain all contractual correspondence and/or as per agreed in
the retention policy.

Leave Request Form JEM-JTC-HRD-FRM 080



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