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Internet Usage among Student

Interview Analysis
Our group get a sample of 5 different university student, which are :
1. Atmajaya Yogyakarta,
2. Universitas Islam Indonesia,
4. UIllinois University, and
5. Temasek PolyTechnic Singapore.

Based on the results which related to the usage of internet, we can make an assumption
that most of them started to know about internet since they are still in Elementary
School, the range of ages are from 13-16 years old. When they are still in Elementary
School, they got introduced about the internet by their friends, except for the
Singaporean student, they knew the internet since they are so young, and followed
because it has become their lifestyle.

Students mostly access the internet approximately for 4 hours a day, and they usually
access the internet everyday. They also mostly got the internet connection in their own
living place, could be in their boarding house, or their own house, which cause them
rarely to visit the internet cafe. Students who also have a Blackberry mobile phone will
even more often to access the internet, that they used for accessing their Facebook
account and Messenger. The internet service provider that being used is various, it could
be Telkom Speedy, Indosat M2, or XL for Blackberry access. Students mostly spend Rp
200,000 per month to pay for their monthly internet access at home in general, and
even spend Rp 125,000 for Blackberry internet connection.

Students usually access the internet for accesing social networking; such as Facebook,
Friendster, Twitter, downloading musics and movies, chatting, watch online TV—which
is an usual activity for Singaporean students, although not usually found in Indonesia,
looking for their study purposes, even accessing porn websites. The most popular
websites that accessed by students nowadays is Facebook, which even can be accessed
everywhere by Blackberry.
Most of the students think that internet is really important for their daily activities. It is
also very important for their study purposes, where internet usually needed to find
articles or informations that related to the study, enable the students to send or submit
the assignments easier, even make students easier to get the informations and results
for their assignments. In spite of the positive side of the internet, students also realize
the negative impact, like pornographs, online gaming that wasting time, or even grow
laziness behavior.

We can assume that students nowadays are very familiar with the social networking
websites. The most accessed is Facebook, as we know. By using Facebook, they can be
connected to the other friends, which could be their old-long-seperated friends, or
making new friends. Facebook can be used for advertising, online shopping, gaming, and
even campaigns for politic purposes. In spite of the positive usage of this social
networking, it also has causing problems such as defamation. The most problem found
in using internet is the threat of viruses, but it still can be solved by anti-virus software.
According to the interview result, most of universities already have free internet access,
but in certain university, there are certain rules that regulated to use the internet
faciliity. For example, in Atmajaya Yogyakarta, students have to register their account
before they can use the internet access. The free internet access proclaimed to be very
vital for students activities in campus.

The academic registration system, we can claim that the online registration (KRS Online)
already applied in almost all the big university which make the students easier to
register their academic subject, so students who live far from the university can access
the registration system from where they currently stay. That’s why Atmajaya Yogyakarta
as one of the prestigious university must have the academic registration system by
online access.

Talking about the online lecture, it indeed makes students easier to study, but it is not so
popular to be used or applied in academic system. Some says that it is not comfortable
because they can’t socializing with the other friends, some says that it is hard to applied,
especially if they forget to access the online-lecture system or websites. Besides, there
are many temptations that may cause students hard to concentrate in their study;
students are tempted to access unrelated websites with the study objects, or even
playing games.

Nowadays, most students have experience the online-purchasing system. They can
purchase things that they wanted online in certain websites, such as Ebay, Kaskus, or
even Facebook. The consideration to purchase things online is because they think that is
simple, not wasting time, and various choices of product. Of course, by purchasing
things online, they mostly use online banking system to make them easier to pay for the
goods they bought. Actually, the banking not only used for the purchasing online, but
also can be used to pay the electricity , phone bills, and even tuition fee.

So, we can make an assumption that internet is suitable for all kind of University
students in everywhere. They can use it for educational purposes or having fun, even for
their own economic activities.

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