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Module 1 | Mobile Computing 1

Introduction to Mobile

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to

1. Determined the different factors, and components used in Mobile
2. Understood and described the functions and characteristics of mobile
3. Analyzed the mobile computing architecture, security and trends;
4. Appreciated and presented the benefits of Mobile Computing in your
daily living.


The rapidly expanding technology of mobile communication, wireless LANs, and

satellite services will make information accessible anywhere and at any time. In the near

future, tens of millions of people will carry a portable palmtop or laptop computer. Smaller

units, often called personal digital assistants or personal communicators, will run on AA

batteries and may have only a small memory; in between sizes will be more powerful

smartphones and tablets; larger ones will be powerful laptop computers with large memories

and powerful processors. Regardless of size, most mobile computers will be equipped with a

wireless connection to the fixed part of the network, and, perhaps, to other mobile


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The resulting computing environment, which is often referred to as mobile or

nomadic computing, no longer requires users to maintain a fixed and universally known

position in the network and enables almost unrestricted mobility. Mobility and portability will

create an entire new class of applications and, possibly, new massive markets combining

personal computing and consumer electronics. Not only will information be easily accessible

from virtually any place and time, but also, it will be stored in a highly decentralized,

distributed information infrastructure

often termed the "information

superhighway." A wide variety of

information servers (both public and

proprietary) will be accessible to

mobile computers. We have already

seen the beginnings of this with the

popularity of the World-Wide Web

across a broad range of computer

users. As the mobile infrastructures Figure 1.1 Digital Innovation of Mobile Computing

continue to develop, it will become what is referred to as the "wireless mile" or "wireless on-

ramp" for the information superhighway. In some applications, mobile computers themselves

may contain data, or data may be stored on flash-memory "SD cards."

This lesson presents a snapshot of the new, exciting, and rapidly developing field of
mobile computing. The focus of this lesson is on the discussion of mobile computing and its

components. It discusses the definition of mobile computing, the mobile computing

architecture, the advantages of mobile computing, security issues and current trends. Also,

included in this lesson are activities and exercises that will help you students in attaining the

specific objectives presented at the beginning of the lesson.

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Exercise 1: Mind your ideas….

Directions: What word or phrases that comes in your mind when you first hear the term
MOBILE? Provide at least four terms and formulate the definition of the Mobile afterwards.
Write your answers on the spaces provided below.

TERMS Definition:

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Mobile Computing

Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video via a
computer or any other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed
physical link. The main concept involves −

 Mobile communication
 Mobile hardware
 Mobile software

Mobile Communication

The mobile communication in this case,

refers to the infrastructure put in place to ensure that
seamless and reliable communication goes on.
These would include devices such as protocols,
services, bandwidth, and portals necessary to
facilitate and support the stated services. The data
format is also defined at this stage. This ensures
that there is no collision with other existing systems
Figure 1.2 Mobile Communications
which offer the same service.

Since the media is unguided/unbounded, the overlaying infrastructure is basically

radio wave-oriented. That is, the signals are carried over the air to intended devices that
are capable of receiving and sending similar kinds of signals.

Mobile Hardware

Mobile hardware includes mobile devices or device components that receive or

access the service of mobility. They would range from portable laptops, smartphones;
tablet Pc's, Personal Digital Assistants.

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These devices will have a receptor medium that is

capable of sending and receiving signals. These devices

are configured to operate in full- duplex, whereby they are

capable of sending and receiving signals at the same

time. They don't have to wait until one device has finished

communicating for the other device to initiate

Figure 1.3 Mobile Hardware

Above mentioned devices use an existing and established network to operate on. In
most cases, it would be a wireless network.

Mobile Software

Mobile software is the actual program that runs on the mobile hardware. It deals with
the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications. This is the engine of the mobile
device. In other terms, it is the operating system of the appliance. It's the essential
component that operates the mobile device.

Figure 1.4 Mobile Software

Since portability is the main factor, this type of computing ensures that users are not
tied or pinned to a single physical location, but are able to operate from anywhere. It

incorporates all aspects of wireless communications.

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Exercise 2: Word Classification

Directions: Analyze and classify the terms below as to what concept of Mobile Computing they

Android OS Huawei Matepad Pro

Samsung Galaxy 10 Symbian OS

Internet Internet Service Provider

Mac Book Pro ColorOS

Mobile Software Mobile Communication Mobile Hardware

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.


Mobile Computing Architecture

Figure 1.4 Three-Tier Architecture of Mobile Computing

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Mobile Computing Architecture refers to define various layers between the user

applications interfaces, devices and network hardware. A well-defined architecture is

required for systematic computations and access data and software objectives. The mobile

computing architecture is presented in Fig. 1.5 “The Three-Tier Mobile Computing

Architecture”. Three-tier architecture is an application program that is organized into three

major parts. In the three-tier architecture, it is composed of:

1. The data access layer tier at the bottom,

2. The application tier (business logic) in the middle and

3. The client tier (presentation) at the top.

First Tier: Client or Presentation Tier

 This layer deals with user facing, device handling, and rendering.

 This tier includes a user system interface where user services (such as session, text

input, and dialog and display management) reside.

Second Tier: Application or Business Logic Tier:

 This layer is for application programs or process management where business logic

and rules are executed.

 This layer is capable of accommodating hundreds of users.

 It controls transactions and asynchronous queuing to ensure reliable completion of


 It performs the business logic of processing user input, obtaining data and making

 Application Tier may include technology like CGI, Java, JSP, .Net services, PHP or

ColdFusion deployed in products like Apache, WebSphere, WebLogic, iPlanet,


Third Tier: Data Access Tier:

 This layer is for database access and management.

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 This tier architecture provides increased performance, flexibility, maintainability,

reusability and scalability while hiding complexity of distributed processing from the


 Data Tier is used to store data needed by the application and acts as a repository for

both temporary and permanent data.

Mobile Computing Major Advantages

Mobile computing has changed the complete landscape of our day-to-day life.

Following are the major advantages of Mobile Computing −

Location Flexibility
This has enabled users to work from anywhere

as long as there is a connection established. A user can

work without being in a fixed position. Their mobility

ensures that they are able to carry out numerous tasks

at the same time and perform their stated jobs.

Figure 1.5 Diagram for Location Flexibility

Saves Time
The time consumed or wasted while travelling from different locations or to the office

and back has been slashed. One can now access all the

important documents and files over a secure channel or portal

and work as if they were on their computer. It has enhanced

telecommuting in many companies. It has also reduced

unnecessary incurred expenses.

Figure 1.6 Saves Time

Enhanced Productivity
Users can work efficiently and effectively from

whichever location they find comfortable. This in turn

enhances their productivity level.

Figure 1.7 Enhanced Productivity

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Ease of Research
Research has been made easier, since users earlier were required to go to the field

and search for facts and feed them back into the system. It has also made it easier for field

officers and researchers to collect and feed data from wherever they are without making

unnecessary trips to and from the office to the field.

Video and audio recordings can now be

streamed on-the-go using mobile computing. It's easy

to access a wide variety of movies, educational and

informative material. With the improvement and

availability of high speed data connections at

considerable cost, one is able to get all the

entertainment they want as they browse the internet

Figure 1.8 Entertainment Apps
for streamed data. One is able to watch news,

movies, and documentaries among other entertainment offers over the internet. This was

not possible before mobile computing dawned on the computing world.

Streamlining of Business Processes

Business processes are now easily available through secured connections. Looking

into security issues, adequate measures have been put in place to ensure authentication
and authorization of the user accessing the services.

Some business functions can be run over

secure links and sharing of information between

business partners can also take place. Meetings,

seminars and other informative services can be

conducted using video and voice conferencing. Travel

time and expenditure is also considerably reduced.

Figure 1.9 Streamlining

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The significant application of the architecture and advantages of mobile computing

cannot be appreciated when not applied and utilized in your daily living. The discussion of

the three layers of the mobile computing architecture provided you the visualization on the

specific components that makes up mobile computing as its concepts revolves on mobile

communication, hardware and software.

To deepen more the importance of the existence of such architecture, analyze and

answer the following activities while applying the concepts discussed.

Exercise 3: Sampling Architecture

Directions: Based on the three-tier architecture of mobile applications; provide more examples
of each layer to complete the table below (with picture). Afterwards, provide a one or two
sentences explanation for each given example that proves its classification. Use the examples
as guide. Place your answers on the spaces provided.
Client Tier Application Tier Data Access Tier

Log-In Form Java Technology MySQL Database

1. Log-In Form is an example of a 1. For Application Tier, Java 1. MySQL Database is considered a
Data Tier because it is a one of technology is a good example. part of the Data Access Tier
the first user interface that a user Java Technology is a tool that because it is one of the major
accesses when using an developers used to create and DBMS that is being used in many
application. build applications embedded in a types of application development.
log-in form or any other part of an
app or website.

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Continuation Exercise 3: Sampling…

Client Tier Application Tier Data Access Tier

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

Now that you have finished the exercise for the three-tier architecture of mobile

computing, you have to accomplish the next part which is about the advantages of mobile


As previously discussed, mobile computing was conceived as a generic term that

refers to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from wherever

they are. Mobile computing transports data, voice, and video over a network via a mobile

device. With this broad capability, mobile computing has benefited people with many

advantages applicable in all aspects of their daily living. You, as one of the member of the

community and being also part of the new generations has utilized the advanced technology

and benefit from it in many different ways.

To apply the advantages of mobile computing, in your own life, accomplish the

following exercises.

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Exercise 4: Life of a Gen-Z

Directions: From the discussion of the Advantages of Mobile Computing, fill-up the table below
by supplying your past or present experiences that may have exhibited the advantages of
mobile computing. You may provide as many experiences related to a specific advantage, just
be careful not to confuse between different advantages.
Advantages Experiences
1. Location Flexibility

2. Saves Time

3. Enhanced Productivity

4. Ease of Research

5. Entertainment

6. Streamlining of
Business Processes

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Well done! You have completed the lesson about the Introduction of Mobile

Computing. How was the experience? Have you learned all the discussed topics? Now, it is

time for your assessment. The following assessment will evaluate you whether you have

learned everything from this lesson. Are you ready? Let’s begin!

Worksheet 1: Beauty of Mobile Computing

Directions: Watch the video clip about mobile computing uploaded with this Worksheet (Title:
Worksheet1_VideoClip). Develop a reflection paper discussing your analysis on the mobile
computing concepts with the appreciation and presentation of the benefits of Mobile
Computing. Write your answers on spaces provided.

Name: Date:

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Continuation Worksheet 1: Beauty of…

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Rubrics for Reflective Writing

Table 1.1 Rubrics for Reflective Writing


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