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Systems & Control Letters 18 (1992) 147-158 147


Explicit design of time-varying stabilizing

control laws for a class of controllable
systems without drift
Jean-Baptiste P o m e t * back. The link between controllability and stabi-
Laboratotre d'Automattque de Nantes, U R A C.NR.S 823, lizability, or between open-loop and closed-loop
E C.N., 1 rue de la Noe, 44072 Nantes, France properties in general is a topic of ongoing re-
search, and actually one of the most challenging
Recewed 1 June 1991 problems in nonlinear systems. For a survey on
Revised 26 September 1991 nonlinear stabilization, see for instance reference
Sontag [12].
Abstract This paper gives a systematic way to destgn time-
As a matter of fact, one can appreciate the gap
variant feedback control laws for a class of controllable non-
linear systems. This class contains a lot of systems which between stabilizability and controllability for a
cannot be stabilized via a tlme-invariant feedback control law. system like (1) in the following (negative) result,
T h e interest of this work lies in the design method since a which is a simple consequence of a necessary
general existence result ~s already available. The techniques condition for feedback stabilization given by
employed here are basic' they mainly involve classical Lya-
Brockett [1]. Note that condition (2) does not
punov analys~s.
contradict controllability, on the countrary. It is
Keywords N o n h n e a r systems; asymptotic stabihzation; con- satisfied by our examples (30) and (36).
trollabdity; t~me-varymg feedback.
Proposition 0. If m < n and

I. Introduction Rank{fl(0) . . . . . fro(0)} = m (2)

then there exists no continuous feedback law
Let us consider a control system of the form
m ul =u~(x) . . . . ,u~ = u ~ ( x )
Yc = E ukf~ (1) makmg 0 a locally asymptotically stable equilib-
rium point of the closed-loop system. There does
where x lives in ~" and the controls u k are real. not exist either any continuous dynamic feedback
The fk'S are smooth vector fields. law
Such affine control systems enjoy nice open-
loop properties due to their symmetry (any trajec- U 1 = U l ( ~ , X ) . . . . . Um = U m ( ~ , X),
tory can be followed in either direction by chang- ~ = g ( ~ , x)
ing the sign of the controls). For instance, full
rank of the Control Lie Algebra (i.e. the vector making (~, x) = (0, O) a locally asymptotically sta-
space spanned at any point by all the Lie brackets ble equilibrium point of the closed-loop system.
of the vector fields fk having dimension n) is
sufficient for controllability in any usual sense. It Proof. Let e 0 be a nonzero vector linearly inde-
has however been known for a long time that pendent from fl(0) . . . . . f,,(0). By continuity, there
controllable nonlinear systems may fail to be sta- is an e > 0 such that for all (x, Ul,..., u m) with
bilizable by time-invariant static or dynamic feed- II x II < e, the vector

* This work was done while the author was visiting at I N R I A ~, ukf~(x)
Sophla-Antipolls, 06565 Valbonne, France k=l

0167-6911/92/$05.00 © 1992 - Elsevmr S o e n c e Pubhshers B.V. All rights reserved

148 J -B Pomet / Ttme-t a~mg stabzhzmg control hTws

is &fferent from Aeo for any A in I~. Therefore, involving at most one f~ different from )'t, and
the map only once:

( x, u, ..... Urn) "-" ~ ukfk(x) Assumption 1. For any x ~ 0,

Rank{f,(x),f,(x), ..Jm(X),
does not map the neighborhood [ - e , e] "+m of 0
in ~,+m Into a neighborhood of 0 in ~ ' . This [fl, J2](x), • .[fl, fm](X) , ".
proves the proposition because the necessary ad~, f2 ( x ) . . . . ad~,fm ( x ) . . . . } = n. (3)
condition for local asymptotic stabilizability of (1)
given in [1] is violated. This condition is necessary Remark 1. Of course, fl does not play a privi-
for dynamic feedback stabilisation as well. [] leged role. If there is a linear combination of the
fk's such that the fk's and all the iterated Lie
This impossibility to stabilize by means of a
brackets of this linear combination with them
state feedback has been noticed on many occa-
span ~ ' , then one may satisfy Assumption 1 by
sions in the area of mechanical systems with
making a preliminary feedback transformation
nonholomic constraints; see, for instance, Samson
which 'renames' this linear combination fl. We
[9] and Campion, d'AndrEa-Novel and Bastln [2].
take advantage of this possibility in the treatment
With this motivation, Samson tried, successfully,
of the 4-dimensional example (36) in Section 3.2.
time varying control laws to stabilize some non-
holonomic robots; see [9,10]. This showed the It is actually possible to extend the method
power of thls class of control, and is the starting presented here from the case of Assumption 1 to
point of some research on time-varying stabiliza- the more general case of full rank Control L e
non for nonlinear systems. It has recently been Algebra for x 4: 0. This extension makes use of
proved by Coron [3] that system (1) is stabilizable results contained in [3], it is presented in the
by means of a periodic time-varying feedback if future publication [4] and it is briefly outlined in
its Control Lie Algebra has rank n except possi- section 3.3.
bly at the origin, but the proof of existence does The techniques employed here are based on
not explicitly provide the control law. S6pulchre Lyapunov analysis and LaSalle's invarlance prin-
[11] using a different approach, also gives some ciple [8] They are similar to these employed by
time-varying control laws in some other situa- Jurjevic and Qulnn [6]; see Remark 5 in the proof
tions of Theorem 1 (Section 4.2).
The present paper presents a constructive ap- The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2,
proach allowing to derive an explicit control law a class of time-varying stabilizing control laws for
and Lyapunov function under an assumption system (1) is proposed, Section 3 illustrates the
which is more restrictive than full rank Lie Alge- method by applying it to two examples from non-
bra. By explicit, we do not necessarily mean that holonomic robots, and outlines a possible exten-
the control law is an algebraic expression of some sion, Section 4 gives a proof of the stability re-
functions fixed by the designer and the compo- sults stated in Section 2.
nents of the vector fields, although this is the case
in Section 2.2: in the more general situation con-
sidered here (Section 2.1), writing the control 2. The control laws and the main results
laws involves the flow of an ordinary differential
equation. Note that this exhibits almost the same Here, we explicitly build a family of control
degree of complexity as performing feedback hn- laws, with a degree of freedom represented by a
earization for a feedback linearizable system (i.e. function a. Section 2.1 gives a general way of
in particular finding the linearizing coordinates), building a time-varying stabilizing control law un-
which involves the flow of several ordinary differ- der Assumption 1. This method involves solving a
ential equations; see [7,5]. hnear PDE, i.e. the expression of the control law
The assumpnon we make is the following: we (and the Lyapunov function) involves the flow of
require the Control Lie Algebra to have full rank a certain ordinary differential equation. Section
and to be generated by iterated L~e brackets 2.2 gives, under the additional Assumpnon 2, a
J -B. Pomet / Ttme-carymg stabthzmg control laws 149

way to derive some stabilizing control laws with- where ~b is given by (5), /s well defined from
out solving any differential relations, except pos- ~( ~ n to [0, -~- 00) and enjoys the following prop-
sibly for finding some coordinates in which this erttes :
assumption is met: the control laws are actually (a) It ts 2rr-periodic with respect to ttme:
algebraic functions of the components of the vec-
V(t + 2w, x) = V(t, x). (11)
tor fields in these coordinates and of some vari-
ables and functions to be chosen by the designer. (b) V as well as its derivative with respect to x
vamsh if and only if x = O:
2.1. A general expression under Assumption 1
V(t, x ) = 0 ~ x = 0 , (12)
The following proposition gives a periodic OV
time-varying function, used in the design of the -~x(t,x)=0 ¢~ x = 0 . (13)
control laws, and meant to be a Lyapunov func-
tion for the final closed-loop system. (c) It is (the only) solution of the following
For a given time-varying function a(t, x), we hnear PDE with inttial conditions at t = 0:
may consider the time-varying ordinary differen- OV OV
tial equation - ~ ( t , x) + a ( t , x)-~x (t, x ) f l ( x ) =0, (14)
2 = a(t, x ) f , ( x ) , (4)
v(0, x) = ½ll xl[ 2, (15)
and define its 'general' solution ~b(t~, t2, x): it is
(d) For any positive real number K, the set
the value at time t I of the solution of (4) which
started from x at time t 2. In other words, { x, V( t, x) < K for some t ~ R} ts bounded.
OA(tl, t2, X)
Ot 1
Remark 2. (a) In the expression of V (10), the
= a ( t , , ~b(tl, t2, x))fl(~b(t ,, t 2, x)), (5a) squared norm might be replaced by any proper
~b(t, t, x) = x . (5b) positive function, vanishing only at 0, and with no
other singular point.
is defined, from classical results on ordinary (b) Majoration (9) might be replaced by any
differential equations, on an open subset of ~ × condition ensuring that all the solutions of .f =
x En containing the points (t 1, t 2, x) such that a(t, x)fl(x) are defined for any time.
t I = t 2. (c) Equation (7) might be replaced by
Proposition 1. Let a be a time-varying functton a(T-t, x) = - a ( t , x)
(i.e. a function from ~ × ~n to ~), and let us
for a certain T ~ R, or by any condition ensuring
suppose that:
that all the solutions of 2 = a(t, x)f~(x) are 2-rr-
(i) it is 2w-periodic and 'odd' with respect to
time, and vanishes for x = O:
a(t+2"rr, x)=a(t,x) V(t,x), (6) This proposition will be proved in Section 4. It
a(-t,x)=-a(t,x) V(t, x), (7) turns out that, for any a meeting (6), (7), (8), (9),
the 2rr-periodic time-varying function 1/given by
a(t,0)=0 Vt; (8) (10) may be assigned to be non-increasing along
(ii) it satisfies the following majoration, for a the closed-loop system by using the following
certam K > 0: 2w-periodic time-varying control law:

l a ( t , x) lllfl(x)ll < g ( l + Ilxll) V(t, x). Ul(t, x) = a ( t , x) - L f l V ( t , x),

(9) u2(t, x) = - L h V ( t , x),
Then, the funcnon V given by
1 2 urn(t, x) = -LfmV(t, x).
V(t, x ) = ~11~0(0, t, x)II , (10)
151) J -B Pomet / Ttme-l arymg stabthzmg control laws

Under Assumption 1 and a further reqmre- relation. It turns out that if the vector field ]i is
ment on a, this control law asymptotically stabi- globally redressable, it is actually possible to gwe
lizes (1). An explicit a meeting all the require- an explicit expression of V and the control laws;
ments may very easily be gwen, but we keep some it is the purpose of th~s section. As seen from
freedom on a in order to be able, on some example (36) in Section 3.2, it may often be
examples, to derive the simplest control laws we simpler, ff possible, to make the necessary trans-
can. This is made precise by the following theo- formations (i.e. a preliminary static feedback and
rem: a change of coordinates) to meet Assumption 2
than to the use the general expressions given in
Theorem 1. (a) Under Assumption 1, and if a is previous Section 2.1.
chosen such that conditwns (6), (7), (8), (9) of
Proposition 1 are satisfied and Assumption 2 (simplifies the expression of the
feedback law). There exists a system of coordi-
LfV(t,x)=O Vk~[1,m]]
nates (x~ . . . . . x , ) such that
= x=0, (18)
0Ja(t, x)=0 Vj>I
Otj f, - (21)
0x i
then 0 is a globally uniformly asymptottcally stable
equilibrium point of the time-varymg penodic Under this assumption, it is always possible to
closed-loop system obtained by applying the feed- choose V of the form
back law defined by (17), and the function V ts
non-increasing along its solutions. V ( t , x) = ~_(x
l 1 + h ( t , x 2 . . . . . x~)) 2
(b) It is always possible to find a function a
meeting the requtred condtttons. A possible chotce + ~1x 22 + • - • + ~x;,,
1 ?
with some requirements on h, so that, instead of
JI x II 2 taking a as a design p a r a m e t e r and solving the
x)= sin t. P D E (14)-(15) for V, we are now able to take h
(1 + [[x[12)(1 + I l f l ( x ) I [ 2)
as a design p a r a m e t e r and compute a so as to
(19) satisfy (14)-(15):

R e m a r k 3. A more general choice for a is Proposition 2. If Assumption 2 is met, then for

any function h(t, x 2. . . . . x , ) satisfymg
a ( t , x) = (sin t ) p ( x ) (20)

where p vanishes only for x = 0 and is such that h ( t + 2~', x z . . . . ,xn)

(9) is met. Many more choices are possible, but = h ( t , x 2 . . . . . xn) V(t,x) (23)
the expressions of LFkV are needed, and L F V
depends on a. For example (36) (Section 3.2), it h ( t , 0) - - 0 Vt, (24)
is a priori possible not to include ~4 in the the function V gwen by (22) and the function a
expression of a because, regardless of a, Lf2V = gwen by
~4 whenever a is zero.
2.2. A simpler expression of the control laws m a a ( t , x) = - ~t (t, x 2 . . . . . x , ) , (25)
less general case
are such that all the conclustons of Proposttion 1
The above design of the control laws makes (from (10) to (16)) are verified and m addition a
use of the function V constructed in Proposition satisfies (6) and (8).
1. Its expression involves the flow of a differential
equation. It is therefore very natural to look for This proposition gives, from h, an a and a V
some situations in which the expression of V can which are sufficient, as before, to construct the
be explicited without solving any such differential control law according to (17). We have the follow-
J-B Pomet /Ttme-varymg stabthzmg controllaws 151

ing theorem, which is a straightforward conse- Since [fl, f2] = a/ax2, we have
quence of Theorem 1:
Rank{f1, f2, [f~, f2]} = 3,
Theorem 2. (a) Under Assumption 1 and 2, and tf
so that Assumption 1 is satisfied. Assumption 2 is
h is chosen such that (23) and (24) are met and:
met as well in the original coordinates, so that we
=0 Vk ~ [2,m] may follow the method of Section 2.2 and take a
LfW(x) 1 ~ x=O. V of the form (22):
Vj> 1
0t'(t' x)=0
J (26)
V ( t , x ) = l ( x I + h ( t , x2,
1 2 1 2
x3)) 2

" - ~ X 2 q- ~X 3.

where Following (28), we may choose

W ( x ) = ' -~x2+
2 . . . +~x
, n,
2 (27) h ( t , x2, x3) = (x2z + x 2) cos t,
then 0 ts a globally uniformly asymptotically stable and, from (17), the control law
equdibrium point of the ttme-varying periodic
closed-loop system obtained by applying the feed- u l = ( x z z + x 2) s i n t
back law defined by (17), wtth a and V defined by -(x, + cos ,),
(22) and (25). The function V ts non-increasing
along its solutions. U2= --2(X, + ( x 2 + x 2 ) c o s t)
(b) It is always possible to chose a function h " ( X l X 2 q - X 3 ) COS t
meeting the requirements. A possible choice ts
h( t, x ) = (cos t ) ( x 2 + " " +x2), (28)
A simpler choice of h is possible:
a( t, x) = (sin t ) ( x ~ + " " +x2). (29)
h ( t , X2, X3) = X 2 COS t (33)
Remark 4. Of course, some other choices than
also satisfies (26) since
(28) are possible, as illustrated by the second
choice for example (31) in Section 3.1. L f l V = x I + x 2 cos t, (34a)
L h V = ( x I + x 2 cos t ) x 1 cos t + x2x 1 +x3,
3. T w o e x a m p l e s (34b)
3.1. A three-dimenstonal example ah
-- = - x 2 sin t, (34c)
Let us consider the following 3-dimensional
example: ~2h
Otz = - x 2 cos t. (34d)
21 = ul, (30a)
2 2 =XIU 2 , (30b) With this choice of h, we find the following
simpler control law:
3f3 = U 2. (30c)
This is a reduced-order model for a three-wheeled u I = x 2 sin t - (x 1 + x 2 cos t), (35a)
cart with two independent rear motorized wheels. u 2 = - ( x 1 + x 2 cos t ) x 1 cos t - ( X l X 2 q - x 3 ) .
A time-varying feedback law has already been (35b)
proposed for such a system in [9]. We show here
that our method, and even the simplified one
given in Section 2.2, allows one to derive very 3.2. A four dimensional example
simple feedback laws for this system. System (30)
is of the form (1) with The following system in ~4:

(1 + i~2 = Ul COS ~:4e'~:3, (36a)

fl = 0X 1 , f2 =Xl OX2 + OX'-'-~ (31)
(3 = ul sin G , (36b)
152 J -B Pomet / Tmw-t arymg stabthzmg ~ontrol law;

~4:4= u2, (36c) The expressions of the Lyapunov lunctlon and

the control law involve the flow of the t~me-vanant
Is a reduced order model for a three-wheeled cart ordinary differential equation
with a steering front wheel. -61 and ~:z are the
cartesian coordinates of the middle of the rear (1 = 1~ = a( t. -6) cos _64 e '~, (40a)
axle, -63 is the angle between the axis of the cart
and a fixed direction, and ~:4 is the steering angle. ( = a ( t, -6) sin -64, (40b)
A time-varying stabilizing feedback law has al-
-64 = 0, (40c)
ready been proposed for such a system in [10].
Let us shown that: with a choice of a such that (6), (8), (7), (9), and
- Our general method (Section 2.1) apphes. It (18) are met. On this example, as on most exam-
is not easy however to write down the expression pies, one may find a simpler a than the one given
of the corresponding control law. in (19). For example,
- Our simplified method (Section 2.2) also
apphes, in some coordinates and after a prelimi- a(t,-6)=-61 slnt+~2sin2t+-63sin3t (41)
nary static feedback transformation. We write
may easily be proved to meet conditions (6), (7),
down completely the corresponding control law.
(8), (9), and (18) (the latter is met because LhV
- Our control law is different from the one
=~4 when a(t, ~ ) = 0). However, even m this
proposed by Samson [10], the expressions ob-
case, it is not easy to write explicitely the solu-
tained in [10] are slightly simpler, and may be
tions of (40), and therefore the controls u I and
re-obtained through a generahzatlon, outhned in
Secnon 3.3, of the method presented in Section
It turns out that it is simpler to perform a
prehminary (static) feedback transformation in
System (36) is of the form (1):
order to meet Assumptions 1 and 2 together and
apply Section 2.2. If we define some new controls
~= ulgl(-6 ) + u,g2(-6 ) (37)
t' l and t' 2 by
(we use g instead of f on purpose) with
Ul=t'24-t'l, /,/2 = UI , (42)

system (36) reads

g l = COS -63 COS -64 ~-61

= r l f 1 4- t ' 2 f 2 (43)

+ sm -6~ cos -64 ~-6----~÷ sin -64 ~-6~-, (38a) with

f1=g2+gl, f2=gl. (44)

g 2 -~ - - (38b)
A very simple computation allows us to deduce
from (39) that these fl and f2 satisfy Assumption
A simple computation gives: 1. In addition, since the vector field fl has a
constant nonzero component on 0/0-64, ~t meets
Rank{gl, g2, [g,, gz], [g,, [g,, g21]} --4, Assumpnon 2, and as a matter of fact, the coor&-
(39a) nates x l, x 2, x 3, x 4 may be chosen as
[g2, [g,, g2]] = g , , (39b) Xl = -64, (45a)

so that Assumption 1 is met w~th f~ =g~ and x2 = -63 + cos so4 - 1, (45b)
f2 =g2 but not with f l =g2 and f2 =g~- Unfortu- X 3 4- i x 4 = -61 + i~:2
nately Assumption 2 is not met by f l = g~ since it
may be proven that the vector field gl is not - - e ~(~+c°s~4 l)f~'te-lC°~'r COS r dr.
globally redressable. It is therefore not possible /

to use the method of Section 2.2 with fl =g~, (45c)
f2 =g2. The method of Section 2.1 does apply.
J - B Pomet / Ttme-varymg stabthzmg control laws 153

Note that finding these coordinates involved the Samson [10] designed some different control
expression of the solutions of laws for the same system, using

(1 + i~2 = cos ~4 el~3, (46a) Z 1 3t- iz 2 = (Sc, + i¢2 ) e -'e' (51)

instead of ~cI and ~:z ((zt, z2, ¢3, so4)is (x, y O, a)
~3 = sin ~4, (46b)
in [10]). We may rewrite his control laws as
(4 = 1, (46c) u I = a j ( t , zl, z 2, so3, ~4)
whereas applying the method from Section 2.1 - L g j V ( t , z l, z2, ~3, ~4), j = l , 2, (52)
involved the solutions of (40), which is more
complicated due to the presence of a. In coordi- where, k being a function of t, z2, ~3 (k is a
nates ( x l , . . . , x4), the vector fields are degree of freedom),

0 V ~-~-l ( z I ~ - k ( t , z2, so3))2

= , (47a)
fl ~x 1 2 1 2 1 2 (53)
q'- 2Z2 "[- 7~3 q'- 2~4'
0 0 3k
f 2 = sin x l - +X3(xl, x z ) - - 0~1 - - Ot '
~X 2 OX3
sin ~:4 sin ~:4 ~ Ok
Zll (55)
+ X4( xl, x2) Ox4 , (47b)
012 = -- ~4 Z I Z 2 q- - -
¢4 ~31~-
l( t, zl, z2, ~3, ~4)
sin so4 [ Ok Ok ] cos £4 - 1
X3(X1, X2) d - i x 4 ( x l , x2) : ~4 ~ Z2 -- - - Z l
0Z 2
e'X2(e -lc°sx~ cos x 1 (56)

(l is h in [10]). These laws are proved to yield

- i sin x 1 j:e= cos ~" d~" ) (48)
stabilization for suitable choices of k, like
k ( t , z2, ~3) =z2 sin t+~: 3 cos t.
The Lyapunov function V is given by (22) with From a computational point of view, both (52)
h = (x22 + x 2 +x42) cost: and (50) give the controls as analytic fuctions of t,
~:1, ~2' ~3' ~4 and involve some 'unusual' analytic
V(t, x) = l ( x 1 -~- ( x 2 -[- x 2 -']-x42) cos t) 2
functions. However, one may find it more conve-
1 22 + ~X
+ ~X 1 32 + ~x
1 42 (49) nient to have to compute
sin ~4 cos ~4 -- 1
and we get from (17) with and
~4 ~:4
a(t,x)=(x 2 + x 2 + x 2) s i n t
as in (52) than to have to compute
the following control law: ~4
J cos(cos ~) cos dr
Ul(t, x ) = ( x 2 +x32 + x ~ ) sin t 0

- x,- + x3 + cos t,

u2(t, x) fo'~' sin(cos r) cos T dr,

= - 2 [ cos t(x I + ( x 2 +x 2 + x 2 ) c o s t ) + 11
as in (50).
• [x2 sin Xa nt-x3)(3(X1, X2) From a methodological point of vtew, the
method leading to the controls in [9] is quite
-k-X4X4(Xl, x2) ]. (50) different from the one presented in the present
1~4 J -B Pomet / 7tm,,-t ar~tng stabtltztng control laws

paper, and (52) is only a way of r e w r m n g the expression (58) because it turns out that taking
same controls. However, V given by (53) may be the norm cancels out the parts of 0 whmh cannot
checked to be the unique solution of be expressed simply
- - + o~IL~,,V + ce2Lq,eV = 0, (57a) 3.3. A n extenston o f the present method

V(0, ~ ) = ½ ( z , +k(0, z 2, ~ ) ) e In the design proposed in Section 2.1, one may

use, instead of only one function a, m functions
+_~(z5+ 3+sc~) • (57b) % . . . . a,n, each with the properties (6)-(9), where
It is therefore the function V described in Section (9) becomes
3.3 below, Le. It satisfies (60)-(61) (changing the I o~,(t, x)f II f , ( x ) II _<K(1 + I[x Jl),
letter f into g) and it is given by (10) and (59).
Since (52) is exactly (62), the m e t h o d of Section and define the Lyapunov function V by (10) with
3.3 with a 1 and a 2 given by (54) does lead to the the flow of
same control laws as [10]. It may be checked that
(63) is met for instance if .f = f i a , ( t , x ) f , ( x )
k ( t , z e, so3) = z , sm t + ~ 3 cos t.
instead of 2 = a(t, x ) f l ( x ) , i.e. with
Note. (a) Actually, to get V exactly as in (53),
another function than the squared n o r m has to be --(t,, re, x) = ~,(t~, ~(t,, t2, x))
used in (10) ff k(0, z 2, ~:3) is not zero (see also
remark 2); for instance, if .f,(g~(t,, t z, x ) ) , (59a)
k ( t , z~, ~3) = z , sin tq-~: 3 COS t, ~0(t, t, x ) = x , (59b)
then one has to chose in (10) the n o r m according instead of (5). Proposition 1 may easily be ex-
to the matrix tended. Relation (14) is modified: defining, as m
the proof of T h e o r e m 1, a vector field F 0 on
1 0 00 × 0~" (for the sake of clarity, we keep ~ instead
of S l here and use t instead of the 'time modulo
0 2
0 0 2rr' 0) by
m the coordinates (z 1, z 2, s~a, s¢4) since
Fo = - - + ~ a k F k (60)
at k=l
v(o. : l [i .., + + + +
with the Fk'S defined as in the p r o o f of T h e o r e m
(b) The expression of V obtained from Sec- 1 (below equation (72)), (14) is replaced by
tion 3 3 involves the solution (tO) of
LFoV= 0 (61)
zl = a l ( c ° s ~4 + z e sin ~4), (58a)
5,_ = - a l z I sm ~:4, (58b) (which gwes (14) if a I = oz and a 2 . . . . . o~,,, =
0). The control is then defined by
~, = a, sm ~4, (58c)
ut, = c~/,(t, x)
(~ = c~,. (58d)
-L&V(t,x), k = l . . . . m. (62)
For c~l and 0% given by (54) and (55), and a
general function k(t, z 2, ~3), like The same p r o o f as for T h e o r e m 1 shows that, if
the a,'s have the above properties and
k ( t , z e, so3) = z 2 sin t + ~ : 3 COS t,

the solutions of (58) cannot be completely writ-

Ldd~'jY(t'x)=O' I ~ x=0, (63)
ten. Nevertheless, V given by (10) has the explicit k=l ..... m;j>O 1
J -B Pomet / Ttme-varymg stabthzmg control laws 155

then the control law (62) yields global asymptotic To prove the other properties, let us explain
stability of the origin. where formula (10) comes from, and for which
This extension is interesting for two different reasons it makes V a solution of the PDE (14).
reasons: This is just an application of the method of
(a) In the context of this paper (systems with- characteristics for solving the linear PDE (14):
out drift meeting Assumption 1), it gives some (14) exactly means that the function V is constant
more degrees of freedom. As an aside conse- along the vector field O/at + af~ in ~ x Rn. This
quence, it allows one to interpret the control laws vector field is complete from (9) and its flow at
proposed by Samson [10] in the framework of this time r is the diffeomorphism of ~ × ~" given by
paper, see Section 3.2.
(t, x) ~ q,(t + ~, t, x ) .
(b) It may also extend to the more general
case of controllable systems without drift, not Formula (10) therefore states that V(t, x) is equal
necessarily meeting Assumption 1. This exten- to V(0, ~) where (0, ~) is the image of (t, x)
sion, using results from [3], is developed and under the flow of a / a t + a f ! at time - t , i.e.
discussed in the forthcoming [4]. Let us briefly (0, ~) is the only point on the same integral curve
outline it. It is not easy to deduce from controlla- of O/at + af~ as (t, x) with a zero t-component.
bility (full rank Control Lie Algebra) an explicit V is therefore obviously constant on the integral
expression of some a,'s meeting (63), whereas curves of O/Ot + o f 1, and this proves (14). Note
Assumption 1 allowed us to give the explicit that (14) may also be checked by hand: by differ-
expression (19) for a. The central difficulty solved entiating the identity
by Coron [3] is to establish existence of some a,'s
such that (his notations are not the same as here): t/,(~r, ~', ~(~', or, ~)) = ~: (64)

with respect to ~-, one gets

Rank{ad~0Fk(-32ar, x ),

k=l ..... m;j>O}=n Vx~O.

~2(~, ,, q,(,, ~, ~))
From (13), this implies property (63), at least for
t = 7rr, and this is actually enough to conclude,
via an extension of the proof of Theorem 1.

From (5), one may replace (Otb/atl)(z, o', ~) in

4. The proofs (65) with

The proof of Proposition 2 and Theorem 2 are a ( z , $(~-, or, ~))fl(~b(z, iT, ~:)).
left to the reader. All the properties in Proposi-
Applying the resulting identity for or = 0, ~"= t
tion 2 can be checked by hand from (21), (22) and
and ~b(r, tr, ~) = x (i.e. ~: = ~O(0, t, x)), one gets
(25). Theorem 2 is actually a particular case of
Theorem 1 since it is easy to verify that a given 0q,
by (25) satisfies all the properties required in a~b(O, t, x) + (0, t x ) a ( t , x ) f l ( x ) =0.

Theorem 1 except maybe (7) and (9) but these

were only required to ensure that V be well (66)
defined and periodic, which is here obvious from Together with the expression (10) of W, this
(22) and (23). clearly implies that V satisfies the PDE (14).
The fact that, for any tj and t2, tO(t~, t 2, 0) is
4.1. Proof of Proposition 1 zero (from (8)) and x ~ q,(tl, t2, x) is a diffeo-
morphism of ~" implies that V defined by (10)
First of all, (9) implies that qJ, the 'general satisfies (12), (13), (15) and (16); (16) actually uses
solution' of (4) is defined for any tl, t z and x (11) established below.
because the right-hand side of (4) is sub-linear. V The only remaining property to be proved is
is therefore defined all over ~ × ~ ' . (11). Consider a solution y(t) of (4); (7) implies
156 J -B Pomet 1 Ttme-t an'rag stabthzmg control law~

that y ( - t ) = y ( t ) , and in particular that y ( - w ) can then be considered as a tlme-mvariant system

= y(w); this and (7) imply that y is 2w-penodlc. on S l × ~n, gwen by
q, is therefore 2"rr-periodm w~th respect to its first
entry. Identity (64) applied twice, for ~ and Cr + ~/= l, (69)
2v, ymlds
= u (O, x ) L ( x )

where 0 hves in S 1. We may re-write (69), with

= ~0(~r + 2w, r, ~ ( r , ~r + 2w, ~)) = ~ (67) X = (0), into:
and, since ~ is 2w-periodic with respect to its X=F(X) (70)
first entry,

= ~0(~, r, ~ ( r , o'+ 2rr, so)), F = E =,uk(O, X ) f k ( X )

which lmphes where the functions u k are given by (17). In other

g,(r, ~r, ~:) = tO(r, ~r + 2~r, ~:) 0 m
F=--+ Y'. UkFk (72)
because x ~ @(o-, r, x) is one-to-one. ~0 is there- a0 k= 1
fore 2w-periodm with respect to its second entry.
where F k stands for the vector field on S ~ x ~"
This implies (11). []
naturally induced by the original fk on ~" ( ) ( =
F~(X) means 0 = 0, i =f~(x)).
4.2. Proof of Theorem 1 The fact that V decreases along the solutions
of the closed-loop system is straightforward since
Remark 5. The stability proof given below is very the time-derivative of V(x(t), O(t)) along the so-
much in the spirit of the one given in [6]. Actu- lutions of the system is, from (69), (17) and (14),
ally, once the time-varying closed-loop system on m
~" has been made a time invariant one on S l × V(O, x ) = - E (L&V(O, x))'. (73)
~", and once property (81) (Lemma 1) has been /~=1

established, one may notice that (81) is very simi- To prove that 0 is a unformly asymptotically
lar to the 'ad-condition' used in [6], and this stable equilibrium point of the time-variant
allows to make almost the same application of closed-loop system, or equivalently that the in-
LaSalle's invariance principle as in [6]. However, variant set S l × {0} (or the periodic orbit 0 = 1,
since it is somehow modified (one extra-dimen- x = 0) of system (69) is globally asymptotically
sion, lnvariant set S 1 × {0} instead of equilibrium attractive, we will use LaSalle's invariance princi-
point, a vanishes ...), we give the complete ple [8].
proof rather than referring the reader to [6]. Consider a solution of this closed loop system,
with initial condition (00, %). Since V decreases
Part (b) of the theorem is obvious: one may along this solution, it stays in the set
check by hand that a given by (19) meets all the V-I(V(Oo, Xo)), which is compact from (16). Any
requirements of part (a). Let us proceed with the solution is therefore bounded.
proof of (b). LaSalle's invariance principle states [8, Theo-
Since the functions a, V, u~ ..... u m from R × rem 2] that, since V decreases along any solution,
R" to R are 2w-periodic with respect to time, any bounded solution converges to the largest
they induce naturally some functions from S x × invanant set included in
~" to ~, the circle S 1 being the quotient A = {(0, x), v(0, x) = o}
S 1= ~/2w~. (68) :{X~S'X~", L F y ( X )=O, k = l . . . . . m}
The 2"rr-periodic time-variant closed-loop system
J.-B Pomet / Ttme-varymgstablhzmg control laws 157

(where the second equality comes from (73)), span the subspace {0} X TxRn of T(o,x)(Sl X ~"),
which is also the reunion of all the integral curves and from (80) they are in the kernel of the linear
of the vector field F which stay in A. form dV(0, x); this implies that dV is colinear to
From (17) and (74), if (0, x) e A then dO at this point, which is impossible from (13).
This actually proves that, on an integral curve
Ul(O, x) = a(O, x), (75a)
of the closed-loop system which stays in A, F 0
U2(0 , X) = 0 , . . . , Um(O, X) = 0, (75b) coincides with O/a0. Therefore, from (74) and the
fact that a is identically zero on this trajectory,
so that the vector field F coincides on A with the we have, at any point (0, x) of this trajectory,
vector field
3 at j (0, x ) = 0 , j>0, (82a)
Fo = -~ + aF 1. (76)
L/V(O, x) = 0 , k = 1 . . . . . m, (82b)
We therefore have to prove that the only integral
curve of F 0 (i.e. solution of X'= Fo(X)) which which is equivalent to x = 0 from (18). This proves
stays in A i s d = l , x = 0 . that any solution of the closed-loop system which
From (74), the functions LFV are identically stays in A statisfies x = 0, and completes the
zero on these trajectories, and so are their deriva- proof from LaSalle's invariance principle. []
tives: at any point X = (0, x) of such a trajectory,
Proof of Lemma 1. A simple inductive computa-
LJFoLFkV(X)=O, k = l . . . . . m;j>__O. (77)
tion from (76) shows that
Now, from (14), V is a first integral of F0:
ad~oFk = a~adlFF~
LFoV(X ) = 0 V X ~ - S 1X ~n, (78) + linear combination of
and it is not difficult to prove by induction on k ad~ Fk,, O<_j'<j-1;l<k'<m,
that this implies (83)
L ~FoLFy= LadkovkV. (79) and this proves the lemma. []

From (79) and (77), one can deduce that, at any

point (0, x) of a trajectory which stays in A, 5. Conclusion
Lad~o&V(O,x)=O, k = l , . . . , m ; j > O . (80)
We have derived some stabilizing time-varying
We shall now make use of the following lemma: control laws, for a class of controllable nonlinear
systems, characterized by Assumption 1. Exis-
Lemma 1. Under Assumption 1, we have, at any tence has already been established independently
(0, x) such that a(O, x ) ~ O, in [3] in a more general situation. The interest of
our approach is to provide the control laws them-
Rank{ad~oFk(0, x ) , k = 1 , . . . , m ; j > 0} = n . selves. Actually, it turns out that, for these sys-
(81) tems with a zero drift vector field, there is a very
wide range of possible stabilizing control laws.
This lemma is proved below. To complete the We have kept as many degrees of freedom as we
proof of the theorem, let us first prove that a is possibly could w~thout complicating too much the
identically zero on an integral curve of F 0 which expressions.
stays in A. In order to prove this by contradic-
tion, let us suppose that there is a point (0, x) on
such a curve where a(O, x) ~ O. From l.emma 1, Acknowledgements
the vectors
The author is very grateful to Claude Samson,
ad~0Fk(0, x ) , k=l ..... re;j>0,
from INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France, for point-
15~ J -B Pomet / Ttme-t'arg'tng stabthzmg control la~ s

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