Business Mathematics Key Concepts Of: Ratio and Proportion

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Business Mathematics
Key Concepts of
Ratio and Proportion

Quarter 1 Week 3 Module 3

Learning Competency:
Identify the different kinds of proportions
and write examples of real-life situations for
each ABM_BM11RP_Ie-3
Learning Module for Business Mathematics


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below
to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in
every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing
enhances learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the
answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you
have learned.


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after
completing the lessons in the module.

• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts
to be mastered throughout the lesson.

• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what

learnings and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.

• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the

• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications
of the lessons.

• Check your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the

• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module

Learning Module for Business Mathematics


You will represent real-life situations different kinds of proportions.

Specifically, this module will help you to:

identify the different kinds of proportions and write examples of real-life
situations for each.
Let us start your journey in
learning more on proportion. I am sure
you are ready and excited to answer
the Pretest. Smile and Enjoy!

Solve the following:

1. Solve the proportion 2 : 5 = 8 : x

A. 8.5 C. 20
B. 40 D. 10
2. If the property tax on a P3, 750, 000 house is P19, 100, what is the tax on
a P4, 500, 000 house?
A. P 22,920.00 C. P 750,000.00
B. P19, 100.00 D. P 3,820.00
3. Two contractors agreed to share a revenue from a job in the ratio 2 : 3.
Contractor A, who received the smaller amount, made a profit of P480, 000 on
the job. If contractor A’s profit compared to revenue is the ratio 3 : 8, determine
3.1. contractor A’s revenue; and
A. P1, 280, 000 C. P3, 200, 000
B. P1, 920, 000 D. P 640,000
3.2. total revenue of the job.
A. P1, 280, 000 C. P3, 200, 000
B. P1, 920, 000 D. P 640,000
Chua, Simon L.,, 2018 Soaring 21st Century Mathematics Grade 11 Business Mathematics. pp. 72-73. Quezon
City, Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House.

Great, you finished answering the

questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work.
Congratulations and keep on learning!

Learning Module for Business Mathematics


In changing a terminating decimal to a fraction, drop the decimal point

and place the digits to the right of the decimal in the numerator of a fraction
whose denominator corresponds to the place value of the last
digit in the decimal. While in changing a decimal to a
percent, move the decimal point two places to the right and
affix the percent sign. If the decimal is located at the end of
the number, do not write it.

To change a percent to a decimal, drop the percent sign and move the
decimal point two places to the left. In changing a percent to a fraction, write
the numeral in front of the percent sign as the numerator of a fraction whose
denominator is 100. Reduce the fraction if possible.
The formula for Rate = Part / Base while for Base = Part/Rate.


Understanding Proportions
A PROPORTION is a statement that two ratios are equal.
a c a c
If are two equal ratios, then the statement = is called a
b =d b d
Each of the four numbers in a proportion is called a term of the proportion.
a c
From b d , a is the first term; b the second term, c the third term,
and d the fourth term. The first and fourth terms are called the extremes. The
second and third are called the means. (Licuanan, P., 2016)

5 10
In the proportion 6 = 12 , name the four terms, the means, and the extremes.
Solution: First term=5 Second term=6 Third term 10 Fourth term=12

The means are 6 and 10; the extremes are 5 and 12.
5 10
That is, if 6 = 12 , then ad=bc; or if 5 :6 = 10 : 12; then ad=bc.

Learning Module for Business Mathematics

Fundamental Property of Proportions

In any proportion, the product of the means is equal to the product of the
extremes. That is, the cross products of the terms are equal. In symbols,
a c
If b = d , then ad=bc. (Licuanan, P., 2016) Cross
Example: multiplication
7 14
We use the Fundamental Property of Proportions to verify
= .
that Equating the cross products of the term gives 8 16

7 x 16 = 8x 14. That is, 112=112

8 18
Do the ratios =
10 22 form a proportion? Explain.
8 18
We compute for the cross products of and . If they are equal, then 8
10 22 10
and 18 form a proportion. We have 8 x 22 = 176; while 10 x 18 =180. Since 176
≠180, 22 8 and 18 do not form a proportion.
10 22

We also use the Fundamental Property of Proportions to find the missing term
in a proportion as shown below.
7 7(16)
Given =n . We set cross products equal: 8n= 7(16) n=
8 16 8
n =14.
Licuanan, Patricia B.,, 2016 Teaching Guide for Senior High School Business Mathematics.pp.50-51.
Quezon City, Philippines. CHED.

Types of proportion (variation):

1. Direct proportion- two variables say x and y, varying such

that as x increases, y also increases or as x decreases, y also
always the
The same holds true with the ratio y . (Licuanan, P., 2016)

Learning Module for Business Mathematics


State whether X and Y are directly proportional or not in the following table:

X 3 4 5 7
Y 9 12 15 21

We have
3 3÷3 1
9 9÷3 =3
Since each of the ratios of the corresponding values of X and Y is a constant equal to
, X and Y are directly proportional.
Chua, Simon L.,, 2018 Soaring 21st Century Mathematics Grade 11 Business Mathematics. p.78. Quezon City,
Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House.

2. Indirect/Inverse- two variables, say x and y, varying such

that as x increases, y decreases, or as x decreases, y increases
proportionally; that is, the product of x

and y is always the

same. (Licuanan, P., 2016)


State whether X and Y are inversely proportional or not in the following


X 8 16 32 4 256
Y 32 16 8 64 1

We know that if X and Y vary inversely, then the product (X, Y) remains
the same for all the values of X and Y.
Here, 8X32=256, 16X16=256, 32X8=256, 4X64=256 and 256X1=256.
Clearly, the products of all the values of X and Y are the same, that is, 256.

Therefore, X and Y vary inversely.

Chua, Simon L.,, 2018 Soaring 21st Century Mathematics Grade 11 Business Mathematics. pp.79-80. Quezon
City, Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House.

Learning Module for Business Mathematics

3. Partitive proportion- a whole is divided into more than two

parts. (Licuanan, P., 2016)

Partitive proportion involves identifying parts of a whole base on given

ratios of these parts. For example, a father wants to leave P467,500 to his four
1 3
children in the ratio of 1 : 3 : 3 : 4, so the first child will receive of
11 11
P467,500; the second child will receive 11 3 of P467,500; the third child will receive
of P467,500, and the four child will receive 11 of P467,500.
Chua, Simon L.,, 2018 Soaring 21st Century Mathematics Grade 11 Business Mathematics. p.81. Quezon City,
Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House.

In the ratio given above (1:3:3:4), all the numbers given were added (1+3+3+4=11) and has
been used as the denominator in creating equivalent fraction for the heirs of the children. The
numerator reflected are the numbers shown in the ratio.


A. Directions: Determine whether each proportion is true or false by

comparing the products of the means with the product of the extremes.
1. 6:1.56=2:0.52
2. 8.5:6.5=4.5:3.5
5 10
3. 6= 12
7 4
4. 21 = 12
2 4
5. =
5 10
B. Directions: State whether a and b in the following tables are directly
proportional or inversely proportional.
a 7 9 13 21 25
b 21 27 39 63 75

Learning Module for Business Mathematics

a 10 20 30 40 46
b 5 10 15 20 23
a 6 8 10 30 40
b 20 15 12 4 3

a 4 6 8 9 12
b 36 24 18 16 12
Chua, Simon L.,, 2018 Soaring 21st Century Mathematics Grade 11 Business Mathematics. pp. 74-75; 82-83.
Quezon City, Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House.


A PROPORTION is a statement of equality between two ratios.

Each of the four numbers in a proportion is called a term of the
proportion. The first and fourth terms are called the extremes. The
second and third are called the means.

Types of proportion (1) Direct proportion- two variables say x and y, varying
such that as x increases, y also increases or as x decreases, y also decreases
proportionally; that is the ratio x y always the same. The same holds true with
the ratio x ; (2) Indirect/Inverse- two variables, say x and y, varying such that
as x increases, y decreases, or as x decreases, y increases proportionally; that
is, the product of x and y is always the same; (3) Partitive proportion- a whole
is divided into more than two parts.

Learning Module for Business Mathematics


A. Directions: State whether each problem is an example of a direct or an

inverse proportion.
1. Seven sign pens cost P574. How much will 2 dozens of sign pens cost?
2. If 153 rails, place end-to-end in a straight line, stretch to 680m,
how far will 135 rails stretch?
3. if 15 men can repair a road in 28 days, how long will 35 men take to
do so?
4. If a quantity of rice will last 3 months for 210 men, how long will it last
for 280 men?
5. A photograph of a bacteria enlarged 50 000 times attains a length of 5
cm. if the photograph is enlarged 20 000 times only, what would be its
enlarged length?
Chua, Simon L.,, 2018 Soaring 21st Century Mathematics Grade 11 Business Mathematics. p. 82.
Quezon City, Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House.


Answer the following:

1. Jessa buys three bananas for P25.00. How much does she have to pay
for a dozen of these bananas?
2. A typist can finish 4 pages in 6 minutes. How long will it take him to
finish 18 pages?
3. A menu which serves 5 people requires 3 cups of flour. How
many cups of flour are needed for the menu to serve 20 people?
4. To finish a certain job in 8 days, 6 workers are needed. If it is
required to finish the same job in 2 days advance, how many workers
have to work?
5. A supply of food lasts for a week for 20 families. How long would the
supply last if 3 more families have to be supplied?
Licuanan, Patricia B.,, 2016 Teaching Guide for Senior High School Business Mathematics.pp.57-58.
Quezon City, Philippines. CHED.

Learning Module for Business Mathematics


The Civil Service Commission created

a memorandum which shows how
businesses can still operate if the city is
under the General Community Quarantine
(GCQ). One of the option is the Skeleton
(Skeletal) Workforce which pertains to a
work arrangement where a minimum
number of employees is required to man the
office to render service when full staffing is
not possible.
Is the head of your family affected with
this kind of work arrangement? What can you
say about it? Share the positive and
3636-isa-ka-bang-manggagawa-na-naghahanap-buhay- negative side of this work arrangement. sa-

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to the internet, you may visit the following links:

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