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The Lecturer : Mohammad Achsan, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

Prepared By :

Aprilia Putri ( 201711523 )

Amirul Mukminin ( 201711524 )

Mohamad Saiq ( 201711525 )

Ihsanuddin ( 201711526 )





Praise thanks to Allah, The cherisher and sustainer of the worlds; God who has

been giving His blessing and mercy to the writer to complete the paper entitled

“Comparison Degree”. Send our regard to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who

has guided us from the darkness to the lightness that we wait his syafa’at in the day after.


This paper is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements of Complex Structure

and Grammar “ Comparison Degree”. In finishing this paper, the writer really gives his

regards and thanks for people who has given guidance and help she is Mr. Mohammad

Achsan, S.Pd.,M.Pd. a lecturer of Complex Structure and Grammar.

Finally, the writer realizes there are unintended errors in writing this paper. We

really allow all readers to give their suggestion to improve its content in order to be made

as one of the good examples for the next paper.


TABLE OF CONTENS…………………………………………………………...
CHAPTER I INTRDUCTION……………………………………………………
A. Issue Background……………………………………………………..
B. Problem Formulation…………………………………………………
C. Purpose………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION…..………………………………………………..
Degrees Of Comparison………………………………………………..
Knd Of degrees of Comparison………………………………………….
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION…………………………………………………

A. Issue Background
the most important goal in learning a language is the ability to speak using that
language. To be a good speaker, of course must have enough vocabulary. just knowing
the vocabulary alone is not enough to do a conversation. But you are also required to be
able to master the grammar or the rules of language preparation. Once you have enough
vocabulary and mastery of mature rules, then you can be called a good speaker.
On this occasion we will discuss the procedure of using a comparison in english
language. In indonesia language, to express a comparison, then the word used is more
and most. In english language, to declare a comparison it is necessary that the name
grammar ðegree of comparison”.
One the most commonly used grammar in everyday activities, bot oral, and
written is the degree of comparison. The discussion of the degree of comparison is
included in the adjectibes and adverbs category.
B. Problem Formulation
1.What is the degree of comparison ?
2. What Kind’s Of The Degrees Of Comparison ?
C. Purpose
1. To know the meaning of degrees of comparison
2. To know the kind of degrees of comparison

A. What Is the Degree Of Comparison

Degree of comparison is one of the existing grammar in english. Degree of comparison
fall into the adjective and adverb categories. degree of comparison compares the nature
(Adjective) or quality of work (Adverbial) Of two or more actors.
How to form the degree of comparison is as follows:
a. An adjective composed of one syllable, plus only the suffix -er and –est

Positif Comparative Superlative Arti (lebih)

Cheap Cheaper Cheapest Murah
Great Greater Greatest Besar
Tall Taller Tallest Tinggi
High Higher Highest Tinggi
Near Nearer Nearest Dekat
Light Lighter Lightest Terang
Small Smaller Smallest Kecil
Short Shorter Shortest Pendek
Long Longer Longest Panjang
Fast Faster Fastest Cepat
Loud Louder Loudest Nyaring
Low Lower Lowest Rendah
Old Older Oldest Tua
Strong Stronger Strongest Kuat
Young Younger Youngest Muda

b. An adjective composed of one syllable and ending with one consonant (consonant)
beginning with vowels, plus the -er and -est suffixes.
Positif Comparative Superlative Arti
Big Bigger Biggest Besar
Wet Wetter Wettest Basah
Hot Hotter Hottest Panas
Fat Fatter Fattest Gemuk
Thin Thinner Thinnest Kurus
Cruel Crueler Cruelest Kejam

c. Adjectives ending in letters -y and beginning with one or two letters die, then -y is
replaced with -i and then appended -er or -est.
Positive Comparative Superlative Arti
Happy Happier Happiest Bahagia
Lucky Luckier Luckiest Beruntung
Pretty Prettier Prettiest Cantik
Lazy Lazier Laziest Malas
Busy Busier Busiest Sibuk
Friendly Friendlier friendliest bersahabat

d.he adjective consists of two syllables and ends with -er or -ow directly plus -er or
Positive Comparative Superlative Arti (lebih)
Clever Cleverer Cleverest Pandai
Shallow Shallower Shallowest Dangkal
Slow Slower Slowest Lambat

e. An adjective composed of two syllables ending with the letter -e, then only added
with -r or -st only.
Positive Comparative Superlative Arti (lebih)
Wise Wiser Wisest Bijaksana
Polite Politer Politest Sopan
Brave Braver Bravest Berani
Large Larger Largest Besar
Nice Nicer Nicest Baik
Wide Wider Widest Lebar
Complete Completer Completest Lengkap
Simple Simpler Simplest Sederhana
Possible Possibler Possiblest Mungkin
f. An adjective consisting of three syllables or more, ia added more or most.

Positive Comparative Superlative Arti (lebih)

Careful More careful Most careful Berhati-hati
Careless More careless Most careless Ceroboh
Useful More useful Most useful Berguna
Useless More useless Most useless Tak berguna
Readable More readable Most readable Dapat dibaca
Terrible More terrible Most terrible Mengerikan
Difficult More difficult Most difficult Sulit
Diligent More diligent Most diligent Rajin
Different More different Most different Berbeda

B. Kinds Degree Of Comparison

1. Positive Degree
Positive degree is to compare two or more objects in order to equalize or
declare equality of quality and quantity of the adjective or adverb. the positive degree
has four main formulas in its use. Here we will give an explanation
a. Use AS

S + Tobe + As + Adjective + as

S + Verb + As + adverb + as
The above formula is used to express equality between two or more objects.
For more details consider the following example.

Example :
 Your score is as good as my score – Nilaimu sebagus nilaiku (Adjective)
 My mother’s face is as beautiful as your aunty’s face – Wajah ibuku secantik
wajah bibimu (Adjective)
 Hulk is as strong as superman – Hulk sekuat superman (Adjective)
 Your salary is as much as my salary – Gajimu sebanyak gajiku (Adjective)
 Andre speaks french as fluently as our lecturer does – Andre berbicara bahasa
Prancis selancar dosen kita (Adverb)
 You eat that cake as greedily as the mouse does – Kamu makan kue itu serakus
tikus (Adverb)
b. Use ”LIKE”

Like + Noun
The above formula is used to expess equality between two or more objects that
have a “ like “ meaning. For more details consider the the following example :
Example :
 Your face is like your brother’s face (Wajahmu seperti wajah adikmu)
 Your car looks like my car (Mobilmu seperti mobilku)
 My book is like yours (Bukuku seperti punyamu)
 His shirt is like his father’s shirt (Kemejanya seperti kemeja ayahnya)
 My teacher’s face is like your face (Wajah guruku seperti wajahmu)
 My books are like her books (buku-bukuku seperti buku-bukunya)
 His eyes look so beautiful like an angel (matanya indah seperti malaikat)

c. Use “ ALIKE”

S + P + alike

The above formula is used to express equality between two or more objects that
have “Same” meaning. For more details consider the following example.
Example :
 Smart people think alike (Orang pintar berpikir sama)
 Your face and my face are alike (Wajahmu dan wajahku sama (mirip)
 If I were you, I will do alike (Jika aku jadi kamu, aku akan melakukan hal yang
 We are alike (Kita sama)
 My shoes size and your shoes size are alike (Ukuran sepatuku dan ukuran
sepatumu sama)
 Ani nail’s color and Dian nail’s color are alike (Warna kuku Ani dan warna kuku
Dian sama)

d. Use “ AS + S “

As + S + P

The above formula is used to express equality between two or more objects that
have the meaning of “the same as ...”. For more details consider the following
Example :
 Your face is as your sister’s face is (Wajahmu sama seperti wajah kakakmu)
 She works hard as I do (Dia bekerja keras sama seperti yang aku lakukan)
 My son eats fast as I do (Anakku makan dengan cepat sama seperti yang
 Budi entered that scary house carefully as I did (Budi memasuki rumah yang
menakutkan itu dengan hati-hati sama seperti yang aku lakukan)
 My grandfather’s age is as your grandfather’s age is (Usia kakekku sama
seperti usia kakekmu)
 My friend stand up on the chair as I do (Temanku berdiri diatas kursi sama
seperti yang aku lakukan)
 He is gone as fast as the wind (dia pergi secepat angin)
2. Comparative degree
The comparative degree is to compare two or more objects. Comparative
degree aims to express the superiority of an object compared to other objects,
therefore it has the meaning of “more”/ Lebih
 Use “ Er “

S + Tobe + Adjective + er + than + …

S + Verb + Adverb + er + than + …

The above formula is used to express the superiority of one object to another,
meaning “ more “/ lebih.
Example :
 I am smarter than you (Aku lebih pintar darimu)
 I am bigger than my brother (Aku lebih besar darimu)
 Budi is shorter than andre (Budi lebih pendek dari andre)
 My mother is younger than my father (Ibuku lebih muda dari ayahku)
 This knife is sharper than that knife (Pisau ini lebih tajam dari pisau itu)
 This car is slower than your car (Mobil ini lebih lambat dari mobilmu)

#Especially for Adjective there are some provisions that must be known,
the following provisions.
- Attribute (Adjective) Termination of Consonant Letters
If the word does not end - e then it should be added - er in the end.
Example ;
 Cheap – cheaper
 Long – longer
 Old – older
 Tall – taller
- (Adjective) Terminated Vowels
If the word ends - e then simply add - r in the end.
Example :
 Large – larger
 Wide – wider
 Brave – braver

 Use More + Adjective

More + Adjective + than + …

The above formula is used to express the superiority of one object to another,
meaning “ more “. The above formula is used in adjectives that have only more
than one syllable. For more details consider the following example.
Example :
 Anita is more beautiful than she (Anita lebih cantik dari dia)
 This movie is more interesting than that movie (Film ini lebih menarik dari
film itu)
 My friend is more handsome than you (Temanku lebih tampan darimu)
 Your shirt is more expensive than my shirt (Kemejamu lebih mahal dari
 Budi’s joke is more bored than your joke (Lawakan budi lebih membosankan
dari lawakanmu)
 I am more frightened than you (Aku lebih terkejut darimu)
Note: The bold is an example of More + Adjective

3. Superlative degree
The superlative degree is comparing two or more objects. superlative degree aims to
express the superiority of an object compared to some other object, therefore it has
the meaning of 'most'.
# Kinds of Superlative Degree
a. Use Adjective + Est
Adjective + est

The above formula is used to express the superiority of one object to another,
meaning 'more'. The above formula is used in adjectives that have only one
syllable. For more details consider the following example.
Example :
 He is the biggest student in the class (Dia adalah murid yang paling besar di kelas)
 My father is the oldest in my family (Ayahku adalah yang paling tua di keluargaku)
 This glass is the smallest one (Gelas ini adalah yang paling kecil)
 This sword is the sharpest sword in the world (Pedang ini adalah pedang yang paling
tajam di dunia)
 This snail is the slowest (Siput ini paling lambat)
 This lion is the fastest (Singa ini adalah yang paling cepat)

b. Use Most + Adjective

The most + Adjective

The above formula is used to express the superiority of one object to another,
meaning 'more'. The above formula is used in adjectives that have only more
than one syllable. For more details consider the following example

Example :

 My girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in my school (Pacarku adalah wanita yang
paling cantik di sekolahku)
 That show is the most interesting (Pertunjukan itu adalah yang paling menarik)
 My friend is the most handsome boy in our class (Temanku adalah yang orang yang
paling tampan dikelasku)
 This bag is the most expensive in this shop (Tas ini adalah tas yang paling mahal di
toko ini)
 That is the most bored movie that I’ve watched (Itu adalah film yang paling
membosankan yang pernah aku tonton)
 I am the most frightened when I heard you got an accident (Aku adalah orang yang
paling terkejut saat mendengar kamu kecelakaan)

Degree of comparison is one of the existing grammar in english.

How to form the degree of comparison is as follows:

 An adjective composed of one syllable, plus only the suffix -er and –est

 he adjective consists of two syllables and ends with -er or -ow directly plus -er or


 An adjective composed of two syllables ending with the letter -e, then only added

with -r or -st only.

 An adjective consisting of three syllables or more, added more or most.


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