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Salvador, Vanessa Mae M.

BSEd Eng-2A


Learning Activity.
1. Watch the video clip on Teaching in the 21st Century.
2. Answer the following questions:
• Describe today’s learners. Cite specific learning styles that these students demonstrate.
• What does it mean to teach in the 21st century?
• What specific skills must teachers have to address the learning styles of the 21 st century

-Today’s learner are able to find information on anything, anywhere

and anytime by the use of technology. They have this creative
thinking and innovation skill in which they create things like
blogging, podcasting, animating, planning, programming and etc. In
21st century, being a teacher means they need to rethink the tools
they use and the types of problems they ask students to solve.
Teachers must aim to have critical thinking and problem solving
skills to cope up the learning styles of the 21st century learners.

Group Buzz
1. In a group of five students, pick ONE key word that usually appears from the different definitions of
educational technology or a word that you can closely associate to educational technology.
2. Discuss the chosen word to all members of the group. Explain in the class why that word often
comes out in the definition of educational technology or has strong association with it.

2. The word process often comes out in the definition of educational technology
because when we say process, it is an activity that includes analyzing, designing,
developing, implementing, and evaluating and that's what educational technology
all about. It's a field of study that investigates the process of the instructional
environment and learning materials in order to improve teaching and learning.
QUIZ: Defining a concept
On a one-half crosswise sheet of yellow paper, differentiate “Educational Technology” and
“Technology in Education”. Answer this task using the phrase, “I have realized or I have found out

I have realized that educational technology only focuses in the study and ethical
practice of easier learning and enhancing performance by creating, using and
managing appropriate technological processes and resources. While technology
in education centralized application of technology in any processes.


Activity: Group Reporting



Activity. Fill My Emptiness!


1. Inappropriate access to pornographic and violent Ban or block porn sites and other violent websites

2. Technology dependence lead to a decline in students’ Turn on spell checker in keyboards of your phone or
spelling and writing abilities computer; If you are to print out only one page or less,
better write it down.

3. Easy access to information made cheating rampant Apply the saying “honesty is the best policy” and try to
spread it to others also. Use anti-plagiarism tools.

4. There is a significant drop in students. Attention in Teachers can confiscate the phones of their students
class. Students are more focused on the mobile when it’s class hours, they can only return it after class so
technologies they have with them students can concentrate.

5. Cyberbullying as a serious problem has come about Always think before you click and report any cybercrimes
in social media to the authority.
Agreement. Find a symbol or object that represents your understanding of each concept.

1. Computer as a tutor- object that represents: GPS

2. Computer as a tool- object that represents: Vacuum

3. Computer as a tutee- object that represents: Stopwatch



1. In your own perception what are the benefits of using instructional software in today’s
-The main benefit of using instructional software nowadays is that it give us a lot of
options in learning. Because of this, learning becomes more easy and efficient.

2. Among all of the listed types of instructional software, which application best fits your learning
preferences and why?
-Among all of the listed types of instructional software, the application best fits my leaning
is Simulation software. Because this software saves time and improve safety which is very
important in every technology and software.

3. What have you learned in the discussion about instructional software?

-I’ve learned the importance of instructional software in today’s world especially now that
our world are all computerized already. It makes the studying process much quicker and much
easier for students and teachers, and helps us to find what we need easily. Teachers can also see
how well their students are doing, and in what areas they might need to improve.

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