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Hazrat Dawood Tai ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

Hazrat Abu Suleman Dawood bin Naseer Tai got 20 dinar in inheritance which he spent in 20 years. He
got the honorable company of Hazrat Fuzail bun Ayyazz ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and Hazrat Ibrahim bin Adham ‫رضی‬
‫ہللا عنہ‬

The incident of his repentance is that once a singer read this poetry line

‫باي خديك تبدي البالء‬

‫وباي عينك ماذا ماال‬

(Which face was not mixed in the soil and which eye did not shed tear on the earth)

After hearing this he went to Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬in the condition of selflessness and
described the whole incident. He said “My heart is fed up from this world and an unknown thing is
making it anxious. On hearing this Imam said “Adapt the solitude “so he became recluse at that time.
Some said the reason of his austereness is that he used to sit in the company Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رضی ہللا‬
‫عنہ‬. Once Imam said to him” O Abu Suleman We have made the equipment strong. Hazrat Dawood Tai
asked which thing is left. Hazrat Abu Hanifa said “Only the action is left” Hazrat Dawood Tai said on
hearing this my nafs( the self) pulled me to recluse.

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