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Name: Miguel Angel Pucutuni Larico Date:30/03/2020

1. Which documents should you shred? Do you shred them?

all documents on cards must be destroyed.
If I do it because several times I lost my card

2. Do you memorize your PlNS? Would you ever tell anyone your PIN?

if I memorize because if not I withdraw money

depending on which card I would give my PINS

3. Where do you keep important documents? Do you have copies of them?

I save them in a folder and scan them and upload them to the internet
if I have as I said I have scanned all my documents

4. What do you have passwords for? How can you choose a good password?
for my social networks, and bank account
umm a combination of upper and lower case

5. How can you shop safely online or on the phone?

a good purchase of a phone is safer from a company as clear and mobile

6. What can you do to protect your credit or debit card information?

buy insurance for cards from the same bank
7. What precautions do you take when you use an ATM?
I usually don't take any precautions because I have a lot of security

8. How else can people keep their personal information safe?

good in cards to have 2 cards and of different uses each and in social
networks if we must be more careful

It is very important to have very secure credit and debit cards since most
thieves these days already know how to steal through this means.

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