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TOEFL Exam Pattern: Test Structure and

Scoring, Explained

Hannah Muniz / September 3, 2017 / TOEFL General Info / studying for toe , toe format

To prepare e ectively for the TOEFL, you need to understand the TOEFL exam
pattern: how the test is structured, what kinds of questions it’ll ask you, and how you
can ultimately use this information to get a high score on test day.

In this guide, we go over the TOEFL pattern, for the test as a whole and for each
section. Along the way, we provide you with key tips for using the TOEFL test pattern to
your advantage and give you a rundown of the TOEFL structure for the paper-delivered
test as well. 1/30
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What Is the Overall TOEFL Exam Pattern?

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The TOEFL iBT is a four-hour, computerized test with four sections: Reading, Listening,
Speaking, and Writing. You’ll use one main skill for each section (so on Reading you’ll
read passages and on Listening you’ll listen to audio clips), with some questions or tasks
requiring the use of multiple skills.

All sections are timed. You’ll always have 20 minutes on Speaking and 50 minutes on

However, the Reading and Listening sections vary in length due to unscored,
experimental questions. Reading ranges from 60 to 80 minutes long, while Listening
ranges from 60 to 90 minutes long. There will be no indication telling you which
questions are experimental and which ones aren’t, so don’t spend too much time
worrying about this—just try your best on all questions!

Finally, you’ll have one 10-minute break in the middle of the test, between the Listening
and Speaking sections. This break is mandatory, meaning you must take it. You may
take other breaks during the test, but you will not be able to pause the timer for these.

The following table highlights the overall TOEFL test pattern, including the order of the
sections, how long each section is, and how many questions each section contains:

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# of
Section Order Time Details
Read 3-4
36-56 passages and
Reading 1 60-80 mins
questions answer
Listening 2 60-90 mins 34-51 Listen to 4-6 2/30
5/24/2019 TOEFL Exam Pattern: Test Structure and Scoring, Explained • PrepScholar TOEFL

questions lectures and

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and answer
Break 3 10 mins — —
about familiar
Speaking 4 20 mins 6 tasks campus
and academic
Compare a
passage and a
Writing 5 50 mins 2 tasks lecture; write
about your
TOTAL — About 4 hrs — —


You may take notes on all sections of the exam. A test center administrator will give
you scratch paper and pencils to use. You’ll also get a headset with a microphone to use
for listening to audio clips and recording your Speaking responses.

Each section is scored out of 30 points and then combined for a total TOEFL score out of
120. For more information about TOEFL scoring, check out our guide. You’ll receive your
scores in your o cial score report online about 10 days after your test date.

Now, let’s look at the TOEFL pattern section by section. 3/30
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TOEFL Exam Pattern: Reading Section

The rst section you’ll have on the TOEFL iBT is the Reading section. As mentioned
above, this section can vary in length. So if you don’t get any experimental questions,
Reading will be 60 minutes long and contain 36-42 questions. If you do get experimental
questions, it’ll be 80 minutes long and contain 48-56 questions.

Your main task is to read passages and answer questions about them. Each
reading passage is long—usually about 700 words—and you’ll have three or four
passages in total (if you get four, one will be an experimental passage).

Passages deal with a variety of academic topics, from history and art to science and
psychology. Each passage also comes with 12-14 questions (or a “question set”). You are
not timed on each passage and question set, so it’s important to manage your time
wisely. (We go over this more in tip #1 below.)

Reading is rst scored in raw points (i.e., the number of points you get per question)
and then converted to a scaled score out of 30. A good Reading score varies depending
on where you’re applying, but generally anything above 22 (the 50th percentile) can be
considered good.

TOEFL Reading Question Types 4/30
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There are three Reading question types: multiple choice, Inserting a Sentence, and
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Reading to Learn. We explain each of these below.


Most Reading questions are standard multiple choice. These questions are each worth 1
raw point and give you four answer choices to choose from.

For this question type, you may have to de ne a vocabulary word in the text or answer a
question about the content or form of the passage. Here’s an example of one (from the
TOEFL iBT Interactive Sampler):


You’ll get one Inserting a Sentence question, worth 1 raw point, with each passage. This
question is always the second-to-last question in a question set (right before the
Reading to Learn question, which we discuss more below).

With this question, you get a new sentence and four possible places to insert it in the
passage. Your task is to put the sentence in the area of the passage where it
makes the most sense. 5/30
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This is perhaps one of the most unique question types on the TOEFL. The Reading to
Learn question requires you to arrange the main points of the passage in a chart or
summary by clicking and dragging sentences.

There is only one Reading to Learn question per passage, and it’ll always come at the
end of a question set.

In addition, this is the only Reading question type worth 2-3 raw points, meaning you
can get partial credit if you only get some of the answers correct. 6/30
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3 Tips for Attacking the TOEFL Reading Pattern

Here are our top tips for dealing with the TOEFL Reading pattern. 7/30
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Reading lasts 60-80 total minutes, but because there’s no timer for each passage and
question set, you’ll need to practice managing your time so that you don’t accidentally
run out at the end.

Here’s the best way to divide your time on Reading:

Task Time
Read a passage About 5 mins
Answer a question About 1 min each
Complete a question set About 15 mins in total
TOTAL (passage + question set) About 20 mins

To recap, spend around 20 minutes total on each passage and question set. Ideally,
you’ll spend ve minutes reading the passage and 15 minutes answering the questions
for that passage (or about one minute per question). Note that some questions, such as
the Reading to Learn question, will take a little longer to complete, while others will take
less time.

Try to stick to a one-minute pace per question as best you can. This prevents you
from spending too much time on a single question and falling behind.

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To do well on TOEFL Reading, you must know how to approach the passages so that
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you’re using your time wisely and are clearly comprehending the main points of the text.

There are a few ways you can approach Reading section passages:

Read the entire passage rst (recommended)

Skim the passage and then answer the questions
Answer the questions paragraph by paragraph
Read the questions rst (not recommended)

In general, the best method is to read the passage in its entirety. If you choose this
strategy, spend no more than ve minutes reading each passage. Be aware, though, that
this method works well only if you’re highly pro cient in English.

Ultimately, choose the passage-reading strategy that works best for you. To gure
out which one you like the most, try out each of the four strategies above using
di erent Reading practice tests. When nished, go with the strategy that gives you the
highest score.


The Reading format doesn’t require you to answer a question before moving on, so use
this feature to your advantage by skipping di cult questions. This way you can keep
moving and answering questions on the test, even if you get stuck. You’ll also avoid
spending too much time on one di cult question.

Just remember to go back and answer any unanswered questions before time runs
out. Even if you have to guess, it’s better to choose a random answer than to choose
nothing at all since there are no penalties for wrong answers on the TOEFL. 9/30
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TOEFL Exam Pattern: Listening Section

Like Reading, Listening varies in its length and number of questions due to the
possibility of getting unscored, experimental questions. This section can range from 60
minutes and 34 questions long to 90 minutes and 51 questions long.

Listening tests you on your English-listening skills. In total, you’ll listen to four to six
lectures and two to three conversations. Each lecture lasts three to ve minutes and
comes with six questions, while each conversation lasts about three minutes and comes
with ve questions. You will hear each audio clip only once.

As you listen to a clip, you’ll usually get to see a picture of the speaker(s) on-screen.
Here’s an example: 10/30
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During lectures, you may also see speci c terms or concepts written on a blackboard as
so: 11/30
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You may hear one or multiple speakers in audio clips. You’ll also hear di erent
English accents (though most will be the North American accent).

Your Listening score is rst calculated as the sum of your raw points and then converted
to a nal score on a scale of 0-30. A good Listening score varies depending on what
schools you’re applying to, but usually anything above 21 (the 50th percentile) is a good

Listening Question Types

There are three question types on Listening: standard multiple choice, multiple answer,
and Replay. We discuss each of these below.

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This is your basic multiple-choice question and by far the most common question type
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you’ll see on Listening. Each question is worth 1 raw point and comes with four answer
choices and one correct answer.


This second question type is similar to the multiple-choice question type above in that
you’ll have four answers to choose from; however, you may select more than one
answer choice (denoted by boxes instead of ovals).

The question will tell you how many answers to select (usually two). You get 1 raw point
for each of these questions you answer correctly. There is no partial credit for this
question type, so you must get all answers correct to get the point. 13/30
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These questions replay part of the audio clip and then ask you a multiple-choice
question about that part of the clip. Like the other Listening question, this one, too, is
worth 1 raw point. 14/30
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3 Tips for Attacking the TOEFL Listening Pattern

Here are our top three tips for getting the most out of the TOEFL exam pattern on
Listening. 15/30
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The Listening section has you listen to audio clips and then answer questions about
them—but the hard part is that you only get to hear the clips once (except on Replay
questions). And unlike the Reading section, you can’t skip around or go back to previous
questions or clips.

This is why it’s so important to take notes as you listen. Doing this will help you keep
track of the main topics of the audio clips and who says what, allowing you to more
easily answer the questions that follow.

For more tips on how to take notes on Listening, check out our guide.


Replay questions are di erent in that they let you re-listen to part of the audio clip.
Because the answer to the question can be found in that particular part of the clip, pay
close attention to the replayed part.

Even if you remember most of the audio clip or took detailed notes, really pay attention
to the replayed part so that you don’t miss any key information. The answer to the
question will be in this part of the clip speci cally, so there’s no need to go through
your notes on the whole lecture or conversation.


The Listening section pattern doesn’t let you skip around with questions like you can on
the Reading section, so make sure you read all questions and answer choices carefully.

Don’t just choose the rst answer choice that sounds right—take time to
understand what each answer choice means, and then choose the one that most clearly
and accurately answers the question. If an answer choice sounds right but doesn’t
exactly answer the question, it’s probably wrong! 16/30
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Get up and walk around during your break.

TOEFL Exam Pattern: Break

You’ll have one 10-minute break in the middle of the test. All test takers are required to
take this break.

Here are some actions to take on your break to help you build energy for the rest of the

Get up and walk around: By this point, you’ve been sitting at a computer for more
than two hours! Thus, the best thing you can do for your body is to move around
and take your eyes o  the screen. This not only reenergizes you but also breaks up
the monotony of the test.

Use the bathroom: If you need to use the restroom (or think you might have to
soon), now’s the best time to do so. Though you can go to the bathroom any time
during the test, the clock won’t stop for you, so do it on your break.

Drink some water and eat a snack: Since you can’t eat or drink in the testing
room, this is a good time to not only walk around but to also replenish your thirst. 17/30
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Drink some water and eat a quick snack (if desired) to keep your stamina up for the
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second half of the test.

Breathe and relax: Last but not least, don’t let the test get to you. Try not to worry
about how you’ve done on the TOEFL so far or how you might do on upcoming
sections. If you’re feeling nervous, take a few moments to breathe deeply. You can
do this!

TOEFL Exam Pattern: Speaking

Now it’s time to use the microphone! The TOEFL Speaking section is the shortest
section on the TOEFL, lasting just 20 minutes in total.

For this section, you’ll have six tasks. The rst two tasks, the Independent tasks,
require you to speak for 45 seconds about your opinion on familiar topics. The latter
four tasks, the Integrated tasks, require you to speak for 60 seconds about passages and
audio clips.

Speaking is scored di erently than the Reading and Listening sections: each task is
scored on a special scale of 0-4. These scores are then summed and converted to a nal
speaking score on a scale of 0-30. While the de nition of a good Speaking score varies 18/30
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depending on what schools you’re applying to, a good score is typically

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considered anything above 22 (the 50th percentile).

Speaking Task Types

Every Speaking task is di erent, but we can divide them into two main types:
Independent and Integrated.


The Independent tasks, or tasks 1 and 2, focus on familiar topics. For task 1 you must
choose one of many options, and for task 2 you must choose one of two options.

For both tasks, you’ll read a prompt and then have 15 seconds to prepare your
response. Once that time is up, you’ll have 45 seconds to speak. As you speak, you must
support your opinions clearly and with ample examples and reasons.

Below is an overview of the two Independent Speaking tasks:

Task 1 Task 2
Topic Familiar topics
Choose one of several Choose one of two
options options
Preparation: 15 seconds
Speaking: 45 seconds

And here’s an example of task 2: 19/30
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Integrated tasks, or tasks 3-6, require you to combine your reading and listening skills
with your speaking skills. Tasks 3 and 5 focus on campus situations, while tasks 4 and
6 focus on academic course content.

For tasks 3 and 4, you must read a passage, listen to an audio clip, and answer a
question about both the passage and audio clip. You’ll have 45-50 seconds to read the
passage, about one minute to listen to the clip, 30 seconds to prepare your response,
and 60 seconds to speak.

For tasks 5 and 6, you must listen to an audio clip and then answer a question about it.
The audio clip is usually about two minutes long, and you’ll have 20 seconds to prepare
your response and 60 seconds to speak. There are no reading passages for tasks 5
and 6.

Below is an overview of the four Integrated Speaking tasks:

Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6

Content Reading + Listening Listening
Academic Academic
Campus Campus
Topic course course
situations situations
content content
Reading: 45-50 seconds
Listening: About 60-120 seconds
Listening: About 60 seconds
Time Preparation: 20 seconds
Preparation: 30 seconds
Speaking: 60 seconds
Speaking: 60 seconds

Here is an example of task 4: 20/30
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And here’s an example of task 5:

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3 Tips for Attacking the TOEFL Speaking Pattern

Here are our top three tips for using the TOEFL pattern for Speaking to your advantage
on test day.

5/24/2019 TOEFL Exam Pattern: Test Structure and Scoring, Explained • PrepScholar TOEFL

Because you only get one chance to speak on each Speaking task, you’ll need to have
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good organization and clear ideas to get a high score. Therefore, it’s a smart idea to use
your scratch paper to plan out what you’ll say.

With each task you get 15-30 seconds of preparation time, so use this to your advantage.
On your scratch paper, outline two or three main points you want to discuss and, if
possible, an example or two to support them.

You don’t need to get too detailed—just make bullet points of the main topics you plan
to discuss. This way you can organize your thoughts better and limit the number of
pauses you’ll have trying to gure out what to say next.


For tasks 3 and 4 you’ll have to read and listen, while for tasks 5 and 6 you’ll only have to
listen. Since you’ll only get to read each passage and listen to each audio clip
once, be sure to take detailed notes on both the passages and audio clips.

Each passage consists of about 100 words, so they’re not particularly long and are
relatively easy to take notes on. However, you’ll only have 45-50 seconds to read each
one, so write down important ideas as you read instead of after you nish reading.

Audio clip lengths vary but are usually anywhere from one to two minutes long. Using
the note-taking tips for Listening in our guide, make a memo of the main points in each
clip, who says what, and any suggestions given or decisions made.


The TOEFL exam pattern for Speaking makes it so that other test takers in your room
will likely get to the Speaking section the same time you do. This can cause the room to
get louder than normal and make it di cult to ensure you’re speaking clearly into your

As a result, always speak up on Speaking tasks. Don’t yell into the microphone, but raise
your voice slightly so that you’re using the same volume you’d use while giving a
presentation. In the end, if evaluators can’t understand what you’re saying, you’ll lose
points! 22/30
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In addition, don’t forget to speak clearly and at a natural pace. You can practice
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these skills ahead of time by recording yourself and seeing whether there are any
English sounds or words that are particularly di cult for you to pronounce.

TOEFL Exam Pattern: Writing

Finally, we get to the last section of the TOEFL: Writing. For this section, you must write
two essays (an Integrated essay and an Independent essay) within 50 minutes. You’ll
have 20 minutes for the rst essay and 30 minutes for the second essay.

Each essay is scored using a scale of 0-5. The two essay scores are then combined and
converted to a scaled Writing score out of 30. While a good Writing score varies
depending on where you’re applying, in general anything above 22 (the 50th percentile)
is considered a good score.

Writing Task Types

There are two types of essays you must write for this section: the Integrated task and
the Independent task. 23/30
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The rst essay is the Integrated essay. For this task, you’ll have three minutes to read an
academic passage of about 300 words. After, you’ll listen to an approximately two-
minute-long audio clip of a lecture and then write an essay explaining how the lecture
and passage support or challenge each other.

You’ll have 20 minutes to prepare and write your response. You will be able to see the
passage the entire time you write. The length of your essay should be about 150-225

Remember that you are not writing about your opinion for this task (though you will be
doing so for the Independent task, which we look at next).


The second essay you must write is the Independent task. Unlike the Integrated essay
above, you’ll have no reading passages to read or audio clips to listen to for this task;
all you’ll get is a prompt.

This prompt will focus on a familiar topic and ask for your opinion on it. You may write
about your own opinion or make one up. You’ll have 30 minutes to plan and write a
response of at least 300 words. 24/30
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3 Tips for Attacking the TOEFL Writing Pattern

Below, we introduce our top three tips for getting the most out of the TOEFL Writing
exam pattern.

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You’ll have 20 minutes on the Integrated essay and 30 on the Independent one, but
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don’t use all of this time to write! Rather, spend the rst few minutes of each task
outlining your essay: create a bullet-point list of the two or three main points you want
to make, and come up with examples or reasons to support them.

Don’t spend too much time outlining, though. I recommend spending up to three

minutes outlining the Integrated essay and up to ve minutes outlining the Independent


For the Integrated task, you’ll read an academic passage and then listen to a lecture on
the same topic. However, because you can read the passage again as you write your
response, there’s no need to take notes on it. Instead, just focus on reading the
passage and getting notes down for the audio clip.

You only get to hear the audio clip once, so make sure you’re keeping track of the main
points the professor makes and how these points agree or disagree with what you read
in the passage.


For the Independent task, don’t waste minutes trying to  gure out how to support your
opinion. If your opinion is too di cult to argue, just go with the easier side to

In other words, it’s OK to make up an opinion for this task—you’re not being judged
on whether you’re telling the truth but on how well you can construct an argument. Thus,
if the side you actually agree with is too di cult to defend, choose the easier side and
focus on nding reasons to support that one instead.

What Is the Paper-Delivered TOEFL Test Pattern?

We’ve gone over everything you need to know about the TOEFL exam pattern—but what
about the paper-delivered TOEFL? 26/30
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This version of the TOEFL is only o ered in areas where the TOEFL iBT (or “Internet-
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based test”) is unavailable. Most people take the TOEFL iBT, but if you’re taking the
paper TOEFL, it’s important to familiarize yourself with its pattern and see how it di ers
from the TOEFL iBT.

Here is a brief overview of the paper-TOEFL test pattern:

Section Order Time # of Questions

Listening 1 60 mins 34
Reading 2 60 mins 42
Writing 3 50 mins 2 tasks
TOTAL — About 3 hrs —


As you can see, though the two TOEFL versions share many similarities, they’re not 100
percent identical. Below are some of the key ways the paper TOEFL di ers from the

It doesn’t have a Speaking section: Since you can’t record your responses
without a computer, there is no feasible way to recreate the Speaking section
on the paper test.

It doesn’t have any experimental questions: On the TOEFL iBT, you’ll have
unscored questions on either the Reading or Listening section, but you won’t get
any such questions on the paper TOEFL. Thus, all Reading and Listening questions
you get on the paper TOEFL will count toward your nal score.

It’s a full hour shorter than the TOEFL iBT: Without a Speaking section and
experimental questions, the paper TOEFL is about an hour shorter (three hours)
than the TOEFL iBT (four hours).

Listening comes before Reading: On the TOEFL iBT, Reading comes rst and
Listening comes second, but these two sections switch positions on the paper

It doesn’t have a 10-minute break (or any break at all): Because the paper
TOEFL is shorter than the TOEFL iBT, there is no mandatory break in the middle of
the test. In other words, you must take the entire paper TOEFL in one sitting. 27/30
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Recap: What the TOEFL Exam Pattern Means for You

The TOEFL test pattern is generally the same for all test takers: you start with the
Reading and Listening sections, have a quick 10-minute break, and then move to the
Speaking and Writing sections. Depending on which section you get experimental
questions, you’ll have either a longer Reading or Listening section.

Ultimately, the best way to prepare for the TOEFL pattern is to understand the format
of each section and question type. You can then use this information to help you
gure out how to approach di erent questions, take notes e ciently, and get more
questions right.

We gave you 12 tips above for dealing with the TOEFL pattern for each of the four
sections. So what’s our nal tip? Use o cial TOEFL practice tests to hone your test-
taking skills.

You can buy a TPO test online or use the TOEFL tests in o cial prep books (namely The
O cial Guide to the TOEFL Test and O cial TOEFL iBT Tests). Taking realistic TOEFL tests
will better familiarize you with the TOEFL structure, time limits, and question types. 28/30
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What’s Next?
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Want to know how the TOEFL is scored? Or how long the TOEFL is? Our guides
explain the TOEFL scoring system in detail and go over the length of each section on
both the TOEFL iBT and paper-delivered test.

How can you ensure you have a great TOEFL experience? Learn what to expect on
TOEFL test day and how you can prepare e ectively for it.

Need to register for the TOEFL? Follow our step-by-step guide to get started today!

Ready to improve your TOEFL score by 15 points?

Download our best TOEFL Strategy eBook (valued at $14.49) for FREE! Learn the
top 5 strategies you must know to improve your TOEFL score. Download it for
free now:

FREE TOEFL eBook: 5 Tips for 15+ Points

Author: Hannah Muniz

Hannah graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a
bachelor’s degree in English and East Asian languages and cultures. After graduation, she taught
English in Japan for two years via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing,
and travel. View all posts by Hannah Muniz

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