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STATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT S, M, SALYAD, IFS IMPACT ASSESSMENT MEMBER SECRETARY AUTHORITY SEIAA (GUJARAT) GUJARAT Government of Gujarat No. SEIAA/GUJIECI5(4 Se72019 pate: 26 WAR 2019 BYRPAD Time Limit ‘Sub: Environment Clearance to Mis, Hindusthan M4 Swaco Ltd. for setting up of expansion in manufacturing of ‘Synthetic Organic Chemicals’ manufacturing plant at Plot No. Z/109/A, Dahej SEZ, Phase-ll, Tal: Vagra, Dist: Bharuch- 392130, Gujarat, In Category 5(f) of Schedule annexed with EIA Notification dated 14/08/2006. Ref: Your Proposal No. SIA/GJIND2/16890/2048. Dear Sir, This has reference to your application along with EVA report datec 10/01/2019 submited to SEIAA, seeking Environmental Clearance under Environment impact Assessment Notification, 2008 The proposal is for Environmental Clearance to M/s. Hindusthan M44 Swaco Ltd. for setting up of expansion in manufacturing of ‘Synthetic Organic Chemicals’ manufacturing plant at Plot No, ZM09/A, Dahe] SEZ, Phase, Tal: Vagra, Dist: Bharuch= 392130, Gujarat. It is an existing unit for manufacturing following products, which falls in the category - 8(f) of the. schedule of the EIA Notifcation-2006 Sr CAS nS ICI] _ Quantity MT/Month End-use of No, Name of the Products no, _| Existing | Proposed [Total | products {| Carboxy Methyl Celulose-Soaiim | sooase4 [300 300 660 | Or Dring Salt (CMC-Na} Z| Wicw Crysteline Celulose Ponder | 80036 | 200] > 200 (ec) Hygroxy Etiyi Camuiess (HEC) BODEEO | TOO 705 4 | Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Celulose | 000653 [25 |= 2 (aPMey | Wail Cellulose wees Te 700 6 Ethy Caluose woes p35 5 7 | Fitroseal (aX I) FINE, MEDIUM, | 900436 —) 2000 |= 2000 COARSE @_ | Liquid Based Products Surfacrans 8585-242 Einursiers DIES Lubreants 7269-860 Biocides 2551451 Corrasion nibs = De-Emuisiers Flow lmprovers = ©] Carbony Wetiyi Staroy -Sodum Sat] SOST-0ET —]- 600 wo (CMS-Ne} Pregelatnised Starch HETOTZ Bentonite Denvaives Tw0eTES |= 2500} 2500 ignite Based Producis 120521-66-0 | - 4200 | 4200 Tonite / Humic Acid base Product | 1415006 | - 2500 [2500 «| Blending / Reprocessing) Taroxy Methyy —Caluose-Sodium | 6008-324 Too 44860 Salt (CMC-Na) - (Blending 1 = V Reprocessing) Total 2780 | 7500 | Tazo Office : Gujarat Potlution Contro! Board, "Paryavaran Bhavart’ Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 1 of 8 Phone No.- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.-(079) 232-22784 Esa:, Website: ww wseiaa. gujarat “The project activity is covered in S(f) and is of B' Gategory. Since, the proposed project is located in notified industval area, | public cansuitation isnot required as per paragraph 7(i) {il} () (b) of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006. The SEAC, Gujrat vide ther letter dated 12/02/2019 hed recommended tothe SEIAA, Gujarat, to grant the Environment Clearance for the sbove mentioned projet based on its meeting held an 22/01f2019, The propose! was consiered by SEIAA, Gujarat in its meting held on 2002/2018 at Ganchinagar, Aer caetul consideration, the SEIAA hereby accords Environment Clearance to above project under the provisions of ElA Notification dated 14” September, 2006 subject to the compliance of the Totowing conditions 1. Almeasutes shal be ‘aken to prevent sil and ground water cotarinaion. 2. Close loop solvent recovery system with adequate condenser system hall be provided o recover solvent vazors in such a manner that recovery shai not be fess than 6 percent end recovered solvent shal be reused in the process within premives, Lek Detection end Repair (LDAR) program shal be prepared and implemented as per the CPCB guidelines ‘Ample Plantation shal be cared out in he premises and along the periphery with te species sitabiein that area Storage of sovent shal be as per PESO standards for lammable mater Unit shall explore the pessibites for envconment iendly methods for dispasal of ETP waste instead of sending to TSOF site, Unit shall provide CEMS for weste water discharge fo GIDC Drainage The project proponent must sticty achere to the sipuatons made by me Gujerat Poluion Control Beare, State Goverment ancfr any other statutory authority &. The National Ambient Ar Quaiy Emission Slandards issued by the Minty vide G. SR. No. 825 (€) dated 16th November, 2009 shall be complied wh 10, National Emission Standards for Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry issued by the Min avy vide GS R Spec) dated 21/07/2010 and amended from time to time shall be followed. 4 se eR 11, Total water requirement for the project shall not exceed 350 KLD. Unit shall reuse 12 KLD, Hence, Fresh waterirequierient shall not exceed 338 KLD. It shall be met through GIDC water supply only. Prior permission from the concerned éythonty ‘shall be obiained for withdrawal of water. RS 12. No ground water shall be tapped for the project requirements. a 13. The industrial effluent generation from the project shall not exceed 122.5 KD. 44. 14.5 KLD effluent generated from boilar blow down, cooling, DM & Softening will be passes to RO. 15. RO permeate 12 KLD shall be reused in Cooling Tower while RO reject 2.5 KtD shail be subjected to in-house MEE. 46. 108.5 KLD effluent generated from washing & process shall be sent to in-house MEE. 17. 103.5 KLD MEE condensate shall be treated in ETP consisting of primary, secondary & tertiary treatment along with 17 KLD of domestic wastewater. 18. Total 120.5 KLD treated effluent shall be disposed in deep sea via GIDC drain after conforming GPCB noms, 19. Domestic wastewater generation shall not exceed 17 KLD and it shall be treated in ETP consisting of primary, secondary & tertiary treatment slong with MEE condensate. 20. Treated wastewater from ETP of 120.5 KLD shall be discharged into underground drainage of GIDC for deep Sea disposal fier confirming the norms prescribed by GPCB. ~ 21. The unit shall provide metering facility at the inlet and outlet of the ETP, RO, MEE, and Discharge to deep sea, and maintain records for the same. - 22. Proper logbooks of ETP, RO, MEE, Chemical consumption, quantities and qualities of effluent discharge to coop sea, power consumption etc. shall be maintained and shall ke furnished to the GPCB from time to time. EI sal not exceed fel consump for Bol, TFH and stan by DG se 98 mentioned below 7 Stack] Type ot | Guaniiyot | Type of —] A Polation no. | With Capacity | Height | Fuel Fuel | emissions ie, | Control Measures {meter} MT/Day Air Poltutants {APCM) ‘ + | Baier a STE 205 | Watt |“asoo scr] sear | acount — week SEE ‘Office: Gujarat Pollution Control Board, “Paryavaran Bhavan Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 2of 8 Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.-(079) 232-22784 E-mail:, Website www.seiaa ‘TTPH) (Existing) Gas FO] day 4 MTiDay SOr eight NOx 2 (oesa i Diesel | ~2000 LaDay SPM ‘Adequate Stack (500 Kvap S02 Height (stand by) (Existing) NOx 3 | Thenmic Fiuid Heater 0 Natural” [~ 5000 Stwr ‘SPM ‘Adequate slack (GLac Kear) GasiFO | day /20 try sO; height (Proposed) Day NOx 24. Unit shal! provide acequale APCM with flue gas generation sources as mentioned above 25. There shal! be no any process gas emission from the unit 25. Measures shall be taken to reduce the process vapors emissions as far as possible. 27. The fugtive emission in the work zone environment shal! be monitored, The emission shall conform to the standards Brescribed by the concerned authorilies trom time to time (e.g. Directors of Industrial Safaty & Healt). Folowing indicative {uidelines shall also be followed to reduce the fugitive emission, ~ Intemal roads shall be either concreted or asphalted or paved propery to reauce the fugitive emission during vehicular movement. > Airborne dust shal be contolled with water sprinklers at suitable locations in the plant. % A green belt shall be developed all around the plant boundary and also along the roads to mitgate fugitive & lwansport dust emission, 28. Soivent management shall be cartied out as follows 1 Measures shall be taken to reduce the process vapors emissions as far as possible. Use of toxic solvents shall be ‘minirnum. All venting equipment shall have vapour recovery system wachgs, _* Reactor shal! be connected to adequete chiling system to condensate solvent vapors and reduce colvent iosses. Ne, Reactor and solvent handling pump shail have mechanical seals to prevent leakages "2, The condensers shell be provided wih sufficient HTA and residence time so as to achieve maximum solvent recovery. Y Solvents shall be stored in @ separate space specified with all safety measures. Proper earthing shall be provided in all the electrical equipment wherever solvent handling is done. Solvent storage and handling area shall be flame proof. The solvent storage tanks shall be provided with breather valve to prevent losses. Regular monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) shall be carried out in the work zone area and ambient air For contre of fugitive emission, VOCs, following steps shall be followed: @. Closed handling and charging eystam shall be provided for chemicals, ‘8. Reflux condenser shall be provided over Reactors / Vessels ©. Pumps shall be provided with machanical seals to prevent leakages. 31, ‘Airborne dust at all ransfers operations! points shall be controll either by spraying weter or providing enclosures, 32, Regular monitoring of ground level concentration of PM10, PM2.§, S02, NOx and VOC shall be carried out in the impact zone and ils records shail be maintained. Ambient air quality levels shall not exceed the standards stipulated by the GPC. fat any stage these leveis are found to exceed the prescribed limits, necessary addtional control measures shall be taken Itmmediately, The location of the stations and frequency of monitoring shall be decided in consultation with the GPCB. RSS 33. Management of hazardous waste shall be as under: Sr] TypeiName | Source of | Catagory and Quantity Disposal Method no. | of Hazardous | generation | Schedule as (MT/Annum} waste per HW: Existing] Proposed | Tatar Rules. 7 ~PETP Sudge EP Son & 336 385__| Collection, Storage, Transportation 35.3 & Disposed at TSDF of Mis, SEPPL Office : Gujarat Pollution Conteol Board, "Paryavaran Bhavart" Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 3.0f 8 Phone No.-(079) 232-321$2,232-41514 Fax No--(079) 232-22784 E-mail :, Website:- www 2 [Used Gt —T Equisment [ST] 2100 TH] TreBATH T1382 LY Collection, Srorage, a 54 Transpertation& Disposal By Machinery selling 10 GPCB Registered Reprocessors 3 | Discarded Raw Sov ea0e | zoanD | ~240000 | Colesron, Shores, Bags 8 material | 334 Nos. Nos. | Nos, | Decontamination, Tranaportation & Liners storege aiemr | 1224mT | 14am | Disposal by elther return to supplier or seling to registered vendors Teed Drums | — Raw Sch} wees 1725000 | FT6000 | Collect, Storene, Transporation Boas matenaté | 32.1 Nios. Nos. | Nos. | and sell to GPCB register storage szemt | 72MT | 1236 MT | vendor or retumed to manufacturer as per terms of purcaase 4 | MEE Sat WEE Saher 1560 | 8H] 3762 | Callecton, Storage, Transporation 353 & Disposed at TSDF of Mis. SEPPL 5 | Spent Fromutiliy | — Ser - DAF] Oi | Colecion, Storage, Transporation Carbon 382 & Disposed at Common incineration of co-rocessing in coment industries. 3 [inorganic] Process | Son 5 7 27 Calecion, Storage. Tranepénaion Process 24 & Disposed at TSOF, 4i;"Mis. sludge SEPPL lis 34, Authorized end-users shall have pesmissions from the concerned authorities uncer the Rute § of the Hazardous ‘Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016, 36. The unit shall comply all the conditions for slorage, transportation and disposal of the hazardous wastes under Hazardous ‘and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016 and their amendment Me "36. All the recommendations, mitigation measures, environmental protection measures and safeguards proposed in the EIA report of the project prepared by Aqua Air Environmental Engineering Pvt, Ltd. was submitted by project proponent vide letter no, NIL dated 10/01/2019 and commitments made during presentation before SEAC and proposed in the EIA report shall be strictly adhered, (RSENS ESTES '37, Water demand during construction shall be reduced by use of curing agents, super plasticizers and other best construction practices. 138. Project proponent shall ensure that surrounding environment shall not be affected due to construction activity. Construction materials shall be covered during transportation and regular water sprinkling shell be done in vulnerable areas for “controlling fugitive emission 38. All required sanitary end hygienic measures shall be provided vefore starting the construction activities and to be ‘maintained throughout the construction phase. 40. First Aid Box shail be made readily available in adequate quantity at all the times, 41, The project proponent shail strictly comply with the Building and other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and Gujarat rules made there under and their subsequent amendments, Local bys-laws of concern authority shall be complied in leiter and spin. 442. Ambient noise levels shall conform to residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution load on the ‘ambient air and noise quality shall be closely monitored during construction phase. 43, Use of Diesel Generator (OG) sets during construction phase shall be strictly equipped with acoustic enciosure and shall SNe, EEE ‘Office : Gujarat Pollution Contrat Board, "Paryavaran Bhavar? Sector-10 A, Gandhinayar-382010 Page 40f 8 Phone No. (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.-(079}232-22784 E-mail :, Website www seiaa cconfrwm to the EPA Rules for ar and noise emission standards. 44, ‘Safe disposal of waste water and municipal solid wastes generated during the construction phase shall be ensured. 45, Al topsoil excavated during construction activity shall be used in horticutural / landscape development within the project ske. 48, Excavated earth to be generated during the construction phase shall be utlized within the premises to the maximam extent possible and baianice quantity of excavated earth shall be disposed off with the approval of the competent authority after taking the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects. Disposal of the excavated earth during construction phase shal not create adverse effect on neighbouring communities, ‘47. Project proponent shall ensure use of eco-friendly building materials including fly ash bricks, fly ash paver blocks, Ready Mix Concrete (RMC] and lead free paints in the project 48, Fly ash shall be used in construction wherever applicable as per provisions of Fly Ash Nolifcation under the E.P. Act, 1986 and its subsequent amendments from time to tine, EES 2.1 WATER: 49. The water meter shall be installec and records of dally and monthly water consumplion shall be maintained. 50. All efforts shall be made to optimize water consumption by exploring Best Available Technology (BAT}. The unit shell continuously sive to reduce, recycle and reuse the treated efluent. 51, in case of use of soray dryer, the unit shall provide the adequate & effitent APGNs wih spray dryer so tht there should not be any adverse impact on human heath & environment, Unt shal cary out third party monitoring of the proposed Spray deyar & it's APCM through the credible insttes and study report for impacts on Environment and Human Health be submitted to GPCB every year along with half yearly compliance report slic enclosure shall be provided to the DG sels (Kf apolcabie) to mitigate the noise pollution and shall conform tothe ules for air and noise errssion standards Aerts (Whichever is applicable) of adequate height shall be provided as per the prevaiing norms for fhe gas EiissionProcess gas emission Ge coe mason 8 Press gos onissin (on) shal confor to the standards proscbud by the ‘GPCBICPCBIMOEFECC. At no ime, emission level should go beyond the stipulated standards 859, Allthe reactors / vessels used in the manufacturing process shall be cosed to reduce the fugitive emission SERNA 8, The company shall strictly comply with the rules and regulations with regards to handling and disposal of Hazardous waste in accordance with the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016, as may be amended! from time to time, Authorization of the GPCB shall be obtained for collection / treatment / storage / disposal of hazardous wastes 57. Hazardous wastes shall be dried, packed and stored in separate designated hazardous waste storage facilty with pucca bottom and leachate collection facility, before its disposal ‘88. The unit shall obtain necessary permission from the nearby TSDF site and CHWIF. (Whichever is applicable) 59, Trucks/Tenkers used for transportation of hazardous waste shall be in accordance with the provisions under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, and rules made there under. 0. The design of the Trucks/tankers shall be such that there is no spillage during transportation 67. All possible efforts shall be made for Co-Processing of the Hazardous waste prior to disposal inta TSDF/CHWIF. 62, Management of fy ash (If any) shall be as per the Fly ash Nolifcation 2009 & is amendment time to time and it shall be ensured that there is 100% utilization of fly ash to be generated from the unit. CERENGaas 163. The occuplerimanager shall stictly comply the provisions under the Factories Act 1948 and the Gujarat Factories Rules 1963 84, The project authorities shail stitly comply with the provisions made in Manufacture, Storege and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules (MSIHC) 1989, as amended time to time and the Public Liabliy insurance Act for handling of hazardous chemicals ete, Nosessary approvals from the Chief Contiller of Explosives and concerned Gout. Authorities shall be obtained before commissioning of the project. Requisite On-site and Off-site Disaster Management Plans have to be prepared ang impiemented. = _ 85. Main enity and exit shall ba separate and ciearty marked inthe facily —— EE Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, "Paryavaran Bhavan” Sector-\0 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page Sof 8 Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.-(079) 232-22784 E-mail, Website:- www seiaa.gujarat 66. Sufficient perihers open passage shal be kept in the mergn rea fo ee movement of fre tender! emergency vehicle around the premises. 67. Storage of farmabie chemicals shal be suffcienlyavay fom the praduton area 68. Sufctent number offre extinguishers shal be provides near he pant and storage aea, 68, Al necessary precautionary measures shal be taken to avid any kindof accident ring storage and handing of toxic hezardous chemicals 70. All the tovchazarous chemicals shal be stored in optimum quantiy and a necessary permissions in is regard shal be obtained before commencing the ewarsion actos 71. The project management shall ensure to compl wth al the envionment prlecton measures, risk migation measures and safeguards mentioned in he Risk Assessment repo 172. Only fame proot electra tings shall be provided in the plat promises 73, Storage of hazardous chernicals sal be minimized andi shal be In uliple smell capacy tanks contains tend of one single large capacty tank comainers 74. Alte storage tanks sal be Site wth appropiate contol to avol any leakages. Bundajte walls sha be provided for storage tank or Hazardous Chemicals. 76. Hering an cherging ofthe cherie shal be done in closed manner by pumping or by vacuum Wanster 86 tat nil human exposure oor 78 Tie up shall be done wih nearoy heath care ont / doctor for seeking immedite medica! atenton in the case of emergency 77 Personal Protective Eauients(PPES) shal be provided to workers ands usage sh be ensured an superced 7, Fie id Bax and required Antes forthe chemicals used inthe unk sralbe made realy avaiable 'nadeuate quart 70. Tearing sallbe imparted ol Ine worerson safety and heath aspects of chemicals handling 20. Occupational heath surveillance ofthe workers shal be done and its ecards shal be mainline. Pre-employment and periodical medical examination for all the workers shall be undertaken as per the Faclovies Act & Rules. 4. 81. Transportation of hazardous chemicals shal Le done as per the provisions ofthe Motor Vehicle Act & Rules wy 82, The company shal implement al preventive ane miigaton measures suggested in he ick Assessment Report / 83. Necessary permissions from various statutory authorities like PESO, Factory Inspectorate and others shall be! gbtaifed prior to commissioning of he project a, s 84, The overal! noise level in and around the plant area shall be kept well within the standards by providing noise control ‘measures including engineering controls ike acoustic insulation hoods, silencers, enclosures etc. on all sources of noise generation. The ambient noise level shall confirm to the standards prescribed under The Environment (Protection) Act. 1086 & Rules, PETES ‘88. The unit shall undertake the Cleaner Production Assessment sludy through a reputed institute / organization and shall form CP team in the company. The recommendations thereof along with the compliance shall be fumiished to the GPCB, ‘86, The company shail undertake various waste minimization measuras such a8. ‘2, Metering and control of quantities of active ingredients to minimize waste 'b, Reuse of by-products from the process as raw materials or as raw materials substitutes. Use of automated and close filing to minimize spitages, 4d. Use of close feed system into batch reactors. «. Venting equipment through vapour recovery system. {. Use of high pressure hoses for cleaning to reduce wastewater generation, 49. Recycling of washes to subsequent batches, bh. Recycting of steam condensate {. Sweeping / mopping of floor instead of floor washing to avoid effuent generation. }. Regular preventive maintenance for avoiding leakage, spillage ete. SERS TNO - 87, The unit shall develop green belt within premises as per the CPCB guidelines, However, if the adenuate land is not available within the premises, the unit shall take up adequate plantation on road sides and suitable open areas in GIDC estate or any other open areas in consultation with the GIDC / GPCB and submit an action plan cf plantation for nex! three: years to the GPCB, ee Office : Gujarat Pollution Controi Board, "Paryavaran Bhavart’ Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 6 of 8 Phone No.:= (079) 232-32152,23241514 Fax No.i-(079) 232-2784 E-mail :, Website:- www.seiza £26, Crip inigaton /low-volume, ow-angle sprinkler system shall be used for the green bel development wiia the premises. 9, Unit shall comply all the applicable standard concitions prescribed In Office Mermorandum (OM) published by MoEF&CC vide no. F. No, 22-94/2016-1Ail dated 08/08/2018 for Pharmaceutical and Chemical industries mentioned a (Sno. XX) 90, The grojest proponent shall afocate the seperate fund for Corporate Environment Responsibly (CER) in accordance to the MeEFCC’s Office Memorandum No, F.Ne.22-85/20' 7-1 Il dated 01/05/2018 to carry out the activites under CER in affected area acound the project. The entre actvties proposed under CER shall be monitored and the moritoring report ‘shall be submitted to the regional office of MoEFCC as a part of halt-yearly compliance report and to district collector. The montoring repor shal be posted on the website of he project proponent 91, Rain waler harvesting of surface 2s wel as rooftop runof shall be undertaken and the same water shal be used forthe ‘various activities ofthe project to conserve fresh water as wel a lo recharge ground water. Before recharging the surface run of, pre-treatment must be done to remove suspended matter. 92 The unit shal join and participate financially and technically or any common environmental faci J infastructure as and wnen the same is taken up either by the incusiral Association of GIO or GPCB or any such authorty create for this purpose by the Govt. / GIDC £83. Application of solar energy shal be incorporated fr iluination af common areas, ight for gardens and street lighting in ation the provision for solar water heating system shal also be provided 4. The area earmarked as green ares shal be used only for plantation and shel not be altered for any other purpose. 85, All tne commitments / undertakings given to the SEAC during the appraisal process for the purpose of environmental protection and management shal be strictly aahered to 96. The project propenent shall also comply with any adlticnal corlton that may be imposed by the SEAC or the SEIAA or any other compatentauthotty for the purpose forthe environmental protection an management TG ¢ event of failure of any pollution control sysiem adopted by the unit, the unit shall be safely closed dewn and shall not %, Cighurted uni the desired afciency ofthe contol equinment has been achieved fe EDs ject authorities must strictly adhere to the stipulations made by the Gujarat Potlution Control Board (GPCB), State ‘mani and any statutory authority. frig material transfer there shall be no spilages an garland drain shal be consiructed to avaid mixing of accidental ses wh domestic wastewater or torn water. ° Guit@tPucca flocnng / moervious layer shail be provided in the work areas, chemical storage areas and chemical handling areas to mrimize £01 contamination. 101. Leakages from pines, pumps shal be minimal and i ecurs, shal be arrested promptly 102.Ne further expansion er modifications in the plant fikely to cause environmental impacts shall be carried ott without obtaining prior Environment Ctearance from the concerned authorty, 103.The above conditions will be enforced, inter-alia under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act.1874, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 and the Pudi Liabilty Insurance Act, 1981 along with their amendments and rues. 104.The project proponent shall comply all the conditions mentioned in ‘The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibity Pakcy) Rules, 2014" and its amendments from time to time in a eter and spint 108.The project management shall ensure that unit complies with all the environment protection measures, risk mitigation ‘measures anc safeguards recommended in the EMP report and Risk Assessment study report as well a8 proposes by project proponent 106 The project authorities shal ezrmark adequate funds to implement the conditions stipulated by SEIAA as well as GPCB along with the implementation schedule fr af the concitions stipulated herein, The funds so provided shal not be diverted for any oer purpose. 107 The applicant shall inform the pubic thatthe project hae been accorded eavironmental clearance by the SEIAA and thal the copies of the clearance letter ave available withthe GPCB and may alsa be seen atthe Website of SEIAA/ SEAC/ GPCB ‘This shall be advertised within seven days orn the date of the clearance latter, in atleast two local newspapers thal are ‘widely croulaled inthe region, one of weich shall be in the Gujarali language and the other in English. A copy each of he same shall be forwarded tothe concerned Regional Offic ofthe Ministry 108.1t shall 2¢ mandatory for tne project management to submit naif yearly complance ‘epert in respect of te supulates pror environmental clearance terms and condiions ip hard and soft copies to the regulatory authoriy concemed, on 4st June ang tst December of each calendar year ome: Gujarat Pollution Control Board, "Paryavaran Bhavarl’ Scctor-|0 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 7 of 8 Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.--(079) 252-2784 E-mail :, Website:- www.seiaa gujarat 109.Concealing factual data or submission of false/fabricated data and failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned © above may resull in withdrawal of this clearance and alfract action under the provisions of Enviconment (Protection) Act, | 1988, 110.The project authorities shall also adhere to the stipulations made by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. 111. The SEIAA may revoke or suspend the clearance, if implementation of any of the above conditions is nat found satisfactory 112.The company in a time bound manner shail implement these conditions. The SEIAA reserves the right to stipulate additional conditions, if the same is found necessary. 113.The project authorities shall inform the GPCB, Regional Office of McEF and SEIAA about the date of financial closure and final approval of the project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of the project, 114.This environmental clearance is valid for seven years from the date of issue. 115.Any appeal against this environmental clearance shal ie with the National Green Tribunal, f preferred, within a periad of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010, 116. Submission of any false or rrisieading information or data which is material to screening or scoping or appraisal or decision on the application makes this environment clearance cancelled, ‘with regard Yours has (S.M.SAIYAD) Member Secratary issued to: / Mis. Hindusthan M-1 Swaco Ltd. i Plot No. Z/109/A, Dahej SEZ, Phase-tl, + Tal: Vagra, Dist: Bharuch- 392130, Gujarat Ce Ea ‘Gujarat Pollution Control Board, "Paryavaran Bhavarl” Sector-I0 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 8 of 8 := (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.-(079) 232-2784 E-mail :, Wobsite:- www.seiaa gujarat

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