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S (A Chartered Seventh-day Adventist Institution of Higher Learning)

U Bulawayo, Zimbabwe



Course Code and Name INSY 241 – Object Oriented Programming 2
Pre-requisite: INSY 140
No. of Credits: 3
Course Dates: September to November 2020
Course Time: TBA
Meeting Room: Moodle Online
Organization: Solusi University

This is a hands-on course on Java Programming which emphasizes creating numerous Java
applets that can be included on a web page. The Java applets centre around areas of Java syntax,
graphics, threads, animation and sound, extent handling, Java’s Abstract Windowing Toolkit
(AWT), Java applications, stream 10, strings, swing, and exception handling


At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an appreciation of Java programming language.

2. Show understanding of the concept of Procedural Abstraction and Good Programming
3. Exhibit the analytical skills of object oriented programming
4. Reveal good problem solving and critical analysis skills

1. Eckel, B. (2007) Thinking in Java. 4th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
2. Deitel, H.M. and Deitel, P.J. (2004) Java How to Program. 6th ed. Prentice Hall
3. Siera K. And B. Bates (2000) Head First Java: O’ Reilly, 2nd Edition
4. Schildt, H. (2000) Java A Beginner’s Guide: McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition
5. Class handout
6. The internet


Hands-on practical
Group work and Pair work
Lecture method


lesso Topic Readings Activity

Chapter 1 Ref. text;

1 o Introduction to Java Java student Lecture
o Phases of a Java Program manual;

Chapter 1 Ref. text; Lecture; In class

o Getting to know your Programming Java student practice
2 Environment ….Using NetBeans manual; exercises; Quiz
o Hello World... My first Java program

Ref. text; Assignment 1

Chapter 2 Java student due
o Java Comments, Statements and blocks manual;
3 o Java Identifiers, Keywords, and Literals Selection of
o Primitive data types, Variables and mini projects –
Operators Machine
problems 1 to 6

Chapter 3 Ref. text;

o Getting Input from the Keyboard Java student In-class practice
4 o Using BufferedReader to get input manual; exercises
o Using JOptionPane to get input

Chapter 4 Ref. text;

o Control Structures Test 1
Java student
5 o Decision Control Structures manual; Programming
o Repetition Control Structures
o Branching Statements assignments

6 Chapter 5 Ref. text; Presentations;

o Java Arrays Java student Assignment 2
o Introduction to arrays

o Declaring Arrays manual;
o Accessing an array element due

Chapter 5 Ref. text;

o Array length Quiz 2;
7 Java student
o Multidimensional Arrays Presentations

Ref. text;
Chapter 6 Java student Assignment;
8 o Working with the Java Class Library manual; Presentations;
o Classes and Objects

Chapter 6 Ref. text; In class

9 o Methods Java student exercises;
o Casting, Converting and Comparing Objects manual; Presentations

Ref. text; Presentations;

10 o Creating your own Classes Java student Test 2 –
o Inheritance and Polymorphism manual; multiple choice

Ref. text; In class

11 o Interfaces Java student programming ;
o Basic Exception Handling manual; assignments

All assignments
& projects due
12 Revision All chapters
Question led

Theory &
13 Final Examination All chapters Practical


A. Attendance and daily participation.

 Attendance in all scheduled class appointments is mandatory. Each student is
encouraged to participate in the class activities meaningfully.
 Reading of the textbook and other related materials prior to the time when the
topic is first presented is expected.
 Quizzes will be administered as scheduled or unscheduled; will not be
repeated or made-up.

 The student is expected to be an active learner and not a passive learner. Use
of various ways of learning are introduced e.g. use of various primary sources,
y-tube short videos.
 If a test cannot be taken when scheduled due to special circumstances,
permission must be obtained from the lecturer prior to that date.
 Accommodations for sudden illnesses or other unforeseeable events that
precluded obtaining prior permission must be presented to the course lecturer
with written documentation such as a doctor’s note, burial program, Office of
DOSA documentation e.t.c. If a test is missed without obtaining prior
permission, or proper documentation a grade of “0” will be assigned.


Final grades will be determined using the total percentage points you earned during the duration
of the course.

Assessment Criteria Percentage

Continuous Evaluation 40%

Class Assignments 15 %

Quizzes 10%

Mid-Sem Exam 15%

Final Examination 60%

Multiple Choice 60%

Practical/Essays 40%


Letter Grade Percentage Range B- 65-69

A 90-100 C+ 60-64
A- 80-89 C 50-59
B+ 75-79 D 45-49
B 70-74 F 0-44



Implementing the 20% Allowance to miss a Class

o 3 credit Course translates to not more than 6 absentees

 If you do miss class after exhausting your quota, you get an “FA” grade from the
Registrar – “Failed due to excess absence”
 Tardiness to class is not acceptable
 Bringing contrabands to class during tests will result in a grade of zero for that test

Bringing contrabands to class during tests will result in a grade of zero for that test

APA writing style is required. The assignment must be typed and handed-in as copy on
Moodle not later than 1700hrs 30 April 2019. Thereafter, late submissions will lose
points as follows, first day 5%, second day 10%, third day 15%, fourth day and more,
25%. Plagiarism is prohibited and will result with a zero (0).
Assignment: Will be posted on Moodle. Please adhere to submission dates and timelines.

• Cellular phones ringing may disrupt lessons therefore put it on SILENT mode
and use it for browsing just like laptops.
• Lateness and tardiness attract a penalty; they affect performance and therefore
grades. (See bulletin.)
• Quizzes will not be repeated.
• Submit all assignments specified by lecturer as soft copy uploaded on Moodle -
Use Times New Roman, Font size 12, Line and paragraph spacing 1.15 OR hard
copy with same specifications
• Use the APA Style(6th Ed) for all your written works.
• If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with me at
any time, as we are all a part of the teaching/learning process. Your success is
my success and your failure is mine too, so let us work together for the success of
us all.


All students are expected to maintain a high level of responsibility with respect to
academic honesty. Students engaged in cheating or academic dishonesty of any form will
be subject to disciplinary penalties, which include the possibility of failure for the course
and/or dismissal from the University. Cheating, dishonesty, plagiarism, copying portions
of another student’s work is totally unaccepted and will be dealt with seriously. A
minimum penalty will be a zero for the course work submitted. Further action may be
taken at the instructor’s discretion. In view of the fact that such dishonesty harms the

individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic
dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

While you are a student in my class, it shall be considered academic dishonesty

for you to review, use, or discuss with another person any written assignments from any
course (graduate or undergraduate) that I am teaching or that I have previously taught.

After the completion of my class, it shall be considered academic dishonesty for

you to allow a current student of mine to review a paper you wrote for one of my classes.

In addition, any time you put your name on a test or written assignment for this
course, you are asserting that it is your own work. If that is not the case, it shall be
considered academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and
plagiarized works will not be graded.


Standards: The following standards will be used for evaluating the
papers, and assignments expected in this class:

Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D

Tightly focused Generally focused Somewhat focused Scattered random
writing relating to a on single topic on broad topic writing without
narrow topic focus
A high degree of Indicates good Concept discussed Little if any
conceptual ability to but not well conceptualization
development conceptualize developed
Properly Outside sources Outside sources No credit given to
documented where given proper credit alluded to sources used
sources used
Excellent Good organization Moderately well Poorly organized
organization and and logic organized, but with little or no
logical progression logical progression logic evident
of thought is not evident
Excellent use of A good job of Much paraphrasing Mostly paraphrased
prose in capturing summarizing the of other material or copied; not
the essence of material reviewed really the authors
referenced material own work
Syntax and Only a few errors A number of errors, Many errors, poor
grammar of minor not well edited grammar and
excellently done. significance sentence structure
Well edited

Complete yet Concise and Topic appears to be Incomplete
concise discussion generally one-sided with discussion of the
of issue recognizes most aspects of the topic issue. Major points
aspects of the topic missing. Overly ignored
Opinion based on Generally good Evidence only Opinion entirely
fact, research, or evidence given in somewhat support unsupported
scholarly authority support of opinion opinion


1. Every individual or group presentation should be typed using Times New Roman, font
12 with 1.5 line spacing, Justified
2. Not more than 10 and not less than 5 typed pages for individual assignment will be
3. Use APA referencing type for both in-text and end of reference list
4. Plagiarism will result in a Zero grade
5. Assignments are not reports or summaries, there should be critical analysis of a given
topic, use current and relevant scholarly literature
6. All presentations should be handed in prior to scheduled presentation time.
7. Make use of every free minute to gather information for your assignment.
8. Consultation within the Department is free.
9. All students are expected to actively participate in group presentations
10. Keep the due date for assignments in mind, the following penalties will apply:
a) 10% will be deducted per day for late work up to 5 days, then after 5 days, no late
work will be accepted.
b) No late work will be accepted after revision or feedback has been given to others
c) No quizzes or tests will be accepted via other submission modes except the one
specified in the quiz instructions

Note: Violation of any of the above instructions will result in loss of 3 marks per instruction


Students are expected to use appropriate terms and language within all course discussion.
Racial slur, derogatory naming or remarks disrespectful of the rights and dignity of “others” will
not be tolerated. Beliefs and worldviews divergent from yours may be shared, and respect for
those differences is to be maintained within the classroom. No eating, No cell phone
communications during the class session.

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men,--men who will not be bought or sold;
men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right
name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for
the right though the heavens fall.” - Education, p. 57. (White, 1903).

Name : Khanyisa Malufu
Rank : Lecturer
Contact Information
Email add:
Office Location: Office 2 Beit Hall
Consultation Time: Online, by appointment

Prepared by:

Lecturer: Khanyisa Malufu

Approved by:

Department Chair: Tipson Maleti

Dean: Dr. B. Baidya

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