Tapping Into Abundance - Carol Tuttle PDF

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Tapping Into Abundance:

Breakthrough Techniques For Busting Through Your Money Barriers
By Carol Tuttle

Your core beliefs around money are usually inherited from your ancestors. More hours
of work = more money.

But the truly wealthy have a different outlook.

What is your core belief? Are you experiencing positive or negative flow of money? What
is your energetic experience with money?


The Law of Attraction states: Whatever you focus on expands.

Money becomes whatever you believe about it, and typically comes back to your beliefs
about your self-worth. When you shift your beliefs, your physical pattern will begin to

Questions to ask of yourself:

1. What do you perceive to be a lot of money to spend on a car? Or a purse?


2. What judgments come up for you in regards to wealthy people and how they “spend”
their money?


Tapping routine to clear these judgments:

KC: Even though I’m jealous and angry at wealthy people, I love and accept myself.

Even though I’ve believed wealth is bad and non-spiritual, I love and accept myself.

Even though I’m getting this for the first time, I’m willing to continuously notice where I
keep this judgment going.

Now tap through the points:

-Wealthy people are bad
-I’m jealous of wealthy people
-They shouldn’t spend their money on that!
-They’re frivolous
-They’re wasteful
-They should be using their money for helping people
-People who buy expensive cars and purses and clothes are worldly and material
-I don’t want to be that way
-I’m afraid I’m going to be judged that way
-I need to fit in
-Debt is fitting in!

You may need to tap on these issues many times. You’ve been living them your whole
life, so they’re not going to go away with 4 minutes of tapping!!

Write your own scripts, the stuff that flows into your head, and tap to clear it. Do it every
day. Clear your fears!

3. What is your family/generational story with regards to money?


4. How is staying in financial survival a scapegoat for you?



5. How much paper money do you carry with you?


6. When asked the question “do you have any money?” What would your answer be?

If your answer is NO, you need to clear this issue. You want to be comfortable with
having money.

Teach your children too, that they can be prosperous

7. Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?


Watch what patterns you are running. Then clear them. Keep tapping until you clear the

Tapping on Forgiveness

Tap around the points:

-I forgive myself for creating all this with money
-I forgive myself for not tuning into this earlier
-I forgive my parents. Even though it doesn’t feel like it, they did the best they knew how
-I forgive money. It has always been there for me and I receive my prosperity now.

Tap on Positives:
-I am grateful for the wealth that is available to me
-I am creating abundance of money
-I am having fun with my money
-I am doing good things with my money
-I am grateful that my patterns with money are shifting now
-I am experiencing money as a spiritual resource
-I am grateful for the abundant supply
-I am grateful all my debts are paid in full
-I am grateful for what I have learned from this experience


-I am having fun with all of them

-I am aligned with my truth
-I am an infinite being creating whatever I want with money
-I am having fun with my money
-All is well!!

Carol Tuttle, MRET, is an electrifying catalyst for healing who has

devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into overflowing
abundance. Tuttle is widely recognized for helping thousands of
people. Her patient triumphs are legendary. As an acclaimed alternative
psychotherapist, Carol is a leader in the areas of Energy Psychology,
Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Medicine.

She is the author of 4 books and is most well-know for her best-selling
book, “Remembering Wholeness: A Personal Handbook for Thriving in
the 21st Century.” She is the creator of Energy Profiling and Dressing
Your Truth which are helping people worldwide discover their true nature and how to express
it beautifully to the world. She is the mother of 5 adult children, 2 grandchildren and has been
married to her husband and best friend, Jonathan Tuttle for 31 years. For more information on
Carol and her work please visit her blog at www.thecarolblog.com


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