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sFinal Requirement in

Religions, Religious Experiences, and Spirituality


Submitted by:
Manio, Lyrah B.

[Transcript of the discussion]

Imagine if religion did not exist in this world. Imagine if all of us do not believe in God. It seems
chaotic right? We can do whatever we want because we do not believe in God’s judgement. Why
do we feel like there is a need to believe in religious teachings? There are many reasons why
religions have played an important role in shaping a society but maybe the most important reason
is that religion adds meaning to many people’s lives. Every religion has its own roots. Most
religions, if not all, have faced different struggles some point in their respective histories. It is
with these experiences where they had resiliency and helped them to achieve what they are
today. Because of the differences between these religions, individuals tend to create prejudice
and bias to other religions, but despite of this, religions keep on growing and shaping the world.
When Karl Marx said that religion is the opium of the people, it created multiple interpretations
which made the people confused as to what he is really trying to say. If we will take its literal
meaning, religion is like a drug that is taken when a person wants to be detached from reality. In
my opinion, that’s not how religion works. Being detached from reality is not equivalent to
religious experience, which is transcendental. Religious experience is a different experience that
makes a person connected to the divine one. Throughout the history of civilization, religion
keeps on arising as they play an essential role in many societies. A religion is not born to be
highly or superior to others. A religion is not born to rule and discriminate others. Rather, a
religion is born to bind the people as one.
We can all agree to the saying that change is the only constant thing in this world. The reality is,
change is happening more rapidly than in the past. Individuals might say that there is a chance
for religious groups to change in order for them to remain significant in this changing world. In
my opinion, religion is both changing and unchanging. How can it be both? Let us set the ocean
as an example. The ocean currents are like the changes that we encounter in our daily living, and
in order for us not to drown in these changes, a raft is necessary. Religion offers a steady point in
a changing current and it is also the raft wherein we can ride the changes. Religion changes
because it adapts to the needs of the society but it is also unchanged because the word of God
remains steadfast.
People always have to deal with the differences between their own values and the ever-changing
society. As a result, religious groups need to adjust their way of teaching as a response to the
problems of its members. One good example of this is the Second Vatican Council. The main
focus of this is the adaptation of the Christian Church to a world that is undergoing
transformation. This reformation was done in order for religions to provide the needs of its
members. Now that our world is facing a great crisis, religious institutions are once again
adapting and changing in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Public health authorities warn
that communal gatherings, a vital part of religious practice, must be limited to combat the spread
of the virus. With religious gatherings canceled, religious institutions are taking advantage of the
modern technology to offer people comfort in this challenging time. For instance, live-streamed
religious masses and religious services are done in order for the people to realize the significance
of religion during this pandemic.
As our world evolves, so is religion. Religion is growing and becoming more durable worldwide.
From one religion, many subgroups arise and this cycle continues as a new religion is born. It is
known that our world is divided by religion, but our differences does not hinder us in
understanding and respecting other religions. Through the years, many people have changed their
religious profile as they keep on searching for the truth. As a result, there is a probability that one
religious group will have lots of members while one religious group will be left without a single
member. This idea will not lead to supremacy of religions because that’s not what religious
teachings tell us. No one is above the other, just like how God created all men and women
equally. In the future, other religious groups might be born and the cycle will continue to grow.
One way for religion to retain its significance is through dialogue. If religious groups will keep
on communicating and providing the needs of its members, then individuals will understand that
religion is necessary in order to live. Dialogue also plays a vital role in showing respect to other
religions. Let us take interreligious dialogue as an example. Pope Francis encourages
interreligious dialogue which aims to build respect between men and women of different
religious traditions in order to achieve peace. Dialogue enables us to be open in understanding
the beliefs of others and allows us to live and cooperate with each other in spite of our
differences. If individuals will see that religions are united, then they will remove the prejudices
that they have created toward other religions. Taking the teachings of Confucianism and Taoism
into account, we must learn how to be one with other religions for us to acknowledge the truth
that religions are unique to one another and each one deserves respect.
As the future unveils itself, and as religions take part in this future, I believe that religions will do
everything they can to make its members realize that religion cannot be separated from a man’s
life. The sad reality is, people keep on comparing their own religion to others but as what I have
said earlier, no religion is superior to another. We must not dwell on our prejudices and
assumptions, instead, we should learn to accept other religions and respect them regardless of
what they believe. Moreover, the steps that one religion is executing at the present will
eventually reflect what kind of future awaits for that religion.

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