ON SCREEN 1 (5 годин на тиждень)

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Календарно-тематичне планування до підручника ON SCREEN 1 (5 годин на тиждень).

Ex. – вправи в Student’s Book

WB – Workbook & Grammar Book
ieBook – електронна книга – новий компонент для кожного учня

№ Да Тематика Мовна компетенція Мовленнєва компетенція

та спілкування Лексика Граматика Аудіювання Говоріння Читання Письмо
1 Favourite Heroes Ex.4 p.11 To be Ex.1 p.10 Ex.1,3,5 p.10-11 Ex.1,2 p.10- Ex.6 p.11 complete the
Ex.1,7 p.14 11 table
2 My Favourite Hero Ex.1a p.12 Ex.2b,3 p.14 Ex.1bp.12 Ex.7 p.11 present the Ex.2 p.14 Ex.8 p.11 entry for the
characters forum
3 Abilities Ex.2 p.12 Can Ex.5 p.13 Ex.3,4b,c pp.12-13act out WB ex.2 p.6 Write a paragraph about
Ex.4 p.12 dialogues; find out and tell what you can do
WB ex.8 p.7 what your partner can do
4 Amazing Abilities WB ex.3,4 Plurals Ex.13 p. Ex. 6 p.18 WB ex.2 p.4 WB ex.1 p.4 My friend can…
p.4, ex.1 p.5 15 WBex.6,7p.6
5 Character Ex.6a p.13 Pronouns WB ex.2 Ex.6b p.13 tell what your WB ex.2 p.5 WB ex.3,5 p.5 complete
WB ex.3 Ex.4,5,6 p.14 p.8 friend is like the sentences about you
p.5 and your friend
6 School Subjects Ex.7 p.13 Possessive Adj. Ex.7,8 WB ex.4 p.9 Ex.8b p.13 WB ex.7 p.85 Ex.9 p.13 a short letter to
WB ex.3,4,5 p.6 p.13 act out similar dialogues an e-pal
7 Favourite Subjects WB ex.4 Interrogative. Ex.1,2,3 Ex.4 p.18 talk about your WB ex.1 p11 WB ex.2 p11 write a para
p.5 Wh-words p.18 favourite subjects The Museum about your favourite
Ex.8,9,10 p.15 of Play subject
8 My School WB VB1 Ex.11,12 p.15 WB ex.3 WB VB1 ex.4 talk about WB ex.9 p.7 WB VB1 ex.4 draw a
ex.1,2,3 p.8 classrooms and the floor map of your school
facilities at your school
9 Sports. Sportsmen Ex.3 p.17 Ex.5 p.17 Ex.1 p.16 Ex.6,7 p.17 talk about the Ex.1, 2 p.16 Ex.6 p.17
sports you can/can’t
10 My Favourite Ex.4 p.17 WB ex.10,11 Ex.8 p.17 Ex.9 p.17 present your WB ex.1,2 Ex.9 p.17 notes for PP Pr.
Athletes p.7 favourite athlete p.11 WB ex.3 p.11
11 Personal Information WB ex.1,2 WB ex.12 p.7 Ex.2b p.19 Ex.4,5 p.19 act out similar Ex.1,2,3 p.19 Ex.5 p.19 write questions
p.9 dialogues WB ex.3,4 p.9
12 Hi ! I’m… Useful l-ge Ex.3,4,5,6 Ex. 5 p.18 Ex. 7 p.21 answer the Ex.1,2 p.20 Ex.8 p.21 write an e-mail
p.21 pp.20-21 questions about yourself to your new friend
13 Meet My Friend Useful l-ge WB ex.2,3,4 WB ex.1 WB ex.5 p.10 talk about WB ex.1 p.10 WB ex.6 p.10 write an e-
p.21 p.10 p.8 your best friend mail about your best
14 Skills. Reading and Listening. SB pp.24-25
15 Skills. Reading, Speaking, Writing. WB pp.12-13
16 CLIL 1. Geography. The United Kingdom. SB p.22
17 Progress Check 1 p.23
18 ie-Book Video lesson
19 Unit Test 1.
1 Unusual Houses Ex.1,5 p.26- There is/are Ex.2 p.26 Ex.1,6 p.26-27 Ex.2,3 p.26 Ex.6 p.27 make notes
27 Ex.1,2 p.30
2 Unusual Houses WB ex.3,4 WB ex.1 p.16 Ex.5 p.34 Ex.7 p.27 present your WB ex.1,2 p.14 Ex.7 p.27 prepare a
p.14 poster poster with comments
3 Rooms. Furniture Ex.1,2 p.28 Prepositions of Ex.3 p.28 Ex.5 p.29 ask and Ex.4 p.28 Ex.3 p.30
and Appliances WB ex.1,2 Place answer about the
p.15 WB ex.4 p.15 furniture in the room
4 Types of Houses WB VB2 Ordinal numbers Ex 6,7 WB VB2 ex.3b,4 ask WB ex.2 p.16 WB VB2 ex.4
ex.1,2,3a Ex 6 p.29 p.29 and answer questions
WB ex.3 p.15 about the picture
5 Places in a Town. Ex 9 p.29 Possessive Ex10 p.29 Ex 11 p.29 tell about WB ex.6 p.17 Ex 12 p.29 write about
My Neighbourhood WB ex.5 p.15 adj./pronouns Ex.1,2 the places in your area the places in your area
Ex.8 p.29 p.34
6 Model Village. Ex.1,4 p.32 a/an/some/any Ex.2 p.32 Ex.6b,7 p.33 find smb Ex.2,3 p.32 Ex.6a p.33 make notes
Ex.4 p.30 who has the same complete the table
reason to visit the place
7 Attractions Ex.5 p.32 Ex.7 p.31 Ex.8 p.33 Ex.9 p.33 presentation Ex.8 p.33 Ex.9 p.33 write a text
advertising the place
8 Describe Your Ex.2 p.35 Have/has got Ex.2b Ex.3 p.35 act out Ex.1, 2 p.35 Ex. 9 p.31
House Ex. 8 p.31 p.35 similar dialogues WB ex.10 p.90
9 Giving Directions Ex.5 p.35 WB ex.7,8 p.17 WB ex.1 Ex.5,6 p.35 act out Ex.4 p.35 WB ex.12 p.91 find
WB ex.9,11 p.18 dialogues and write about six
pp.90-91 differences
10 Come to Visit! WB ex.2 p.19 Ex.10,11 p.31 WB ex.2 WB ex.2 p.19 WB ex.1,3,4 Ex.12 p.31draw a
p.18 p.19 picture of the house
and write a description
11 Describe Your Ex.4 p.36 Ex.5,6,7,8 pp.36- WB ex.4 Ex.9 p.37 brainstorm Ex.1,2,3 p.36 Ex.10 p.37 write an
Home 37 p.18 for ideas email describing your
12 Types of Houses in WB ex.1 p.21 WB ex.9,10,11 WB ex.3 WB ex.2 p.21 WB ex.1 p.21 WB ex.2 p.21 describe
the UK p17 p.18 a park in your area
13 Describe Your WB ex.3 p.20 WB ex.5 p.20 Ex.3,4 WB ex.6 p.20 answer WB ex.1,2 p.20 WB ex.7 p.20 write
School p.34 the questions about your school
14 Skills Reading, Listening, Writing. SB pp.40-41
15 Skills Reading, Speaking WB pp.22-23
16 CLIL 2. D&T. A “Green” Home p.38
17 Progress Check 2 p.39
18 ie-Book Video lesson
19 Unit Test 2.
1 Spotlight on Ex.5,6 p.43 Present Simple Ex.2 p.42 Ex.1,2 p.42 Ex.2,3,4 p.42 Ex.7 p.43 make notes
Celebrity Ex.1 p.46 Ex.7 p.43 under the headings
2 Spotlight on WB ex.3,4,5 WB ex.3,6 p.26 Ex.5 p.50 WB ex.2 p.24 WB ex.1 p.24 Ex.8 p.43 write an
Celebrity p.24 email about the
3 Family Members Ex.1a p.44 Possession Ex.3 p.44 Ex.2 p.44 Ex.4 p.51 act Ex.1b p.44 Draw your family tree
WB ex.1,2 WB ex.1,2 p.26 Ex.2 p.51 out similar dialogues Ex.1,2,3 p.51
p.24 Who’s/whose
4 Appearance WB ex.3,4 Ex.2,3 p.46 Ex.5a p.45 Ex.5b,7 p.45 describe Ex.4 p.45 Ex.7,8 p.45 write
p.25 the people about your friends
5 Daily Routine Ex.6a p.45 Ex.4,5 p.46 Adv. Ex.1 p.50 Ex.6b p.45 tell about Ex.6,7 p.47 Ex.6b p.45 listen to
of Frequency your routine on your friend and write
Ex.8,9 p.47 Mondays ab. their daily routine
6 Daily Routine. WB ex.5 p.25 Ex.10 p.47 Ex.3,4 Ex.11,12 p.47 talk WB ex.4,5 p.26 Ex.12 p.47 complete
Activities p.50 about your weekly the sentences
7 Daily Routine Ex.5a p.51 WB ex.7,8 p.27 Ex.9 p.49 Ex.5b p.51 ask & Ex.6 p.51 WB Ex.13 p.47 write about
answer about the time ex.1,2 p.29 your family member’s
8 Sally’s Daily Life Ex.4,5,6 p.49 WB ex.9 p.27 Ex.1 p.48 Ex.1,3,7 pp.48-49 Ex.2 p.48 Ex.8 p.49 make notes
9 Charity. Ex.6 p.49 WB ex.10 p.27 Ex.9 p.49 Ex.8,10 p.49 compare WB ex.3 p.29 Ex.10 p.49 write an
Sally’s and your typical article about charity
10 My Best Friend Useful Linkers Ex.4,5 WB ex.3 Ex.7 p.53 answer the Ex.2 p.52 Ex.1 p.52 Ex.8 p.53
language p.53 p.52 Word order p.28 questions about your WB ex.4 p.29 write an email
Ex.6 p.53 best friend
11 My Family WB ex.3 p.30 WB ex.4,5 p.30 WB ex.1,2 WB ex.6 p.30 talk WB ex.1, 2 p.30 WB ex.7 p.30 write
Member p.28 about your family about your family
member member
12 CLIL. Science Ex.1,3 p.54 WB ex.11 p.27 Ex.1 p.54 Ex.5 p.54 Ex.2 p.54 Ex.4 p.54
13 CLIL. Citizenship. Across Culture. Youth organisations in the USA. WB p.31
14 Skills. Speaking, Listening, Use of English SB pp.56-57
15 Skills. Reading, Speaking, Listening. WB pp.32-33
16 Progress Check 3 p.55
17 ie-Book Video lesson
18 Unit Test 3.
1 Trips Around The Ex.5,6 p.59 Pr. Continuous Ex.2 p.58 Ex.1 p.58 describe Ex.2,3,4 p.58 Ex.7 p.59 make notes
World Ex.1,2 p.62 Ex.6 p.66 the pictures Ex.7,8 Ex.8 p.59 presentation
WB ex.1 p.36 p.59 notes
2 The Weather Ex.1,5 p.60 Ex.3,4 p.62 Ex.2 p.60 Ex.5,6 p.62 Ex.5 p.60 Describe the weather
WB ex.1,3 describe the
p.35 pictures
3 Activities WB ex.4 p.35 WB ex.1 p.95 WB ex.1,2 Act out dialogues. WB ex.1,2 p.39 A list of activities your
p.38 friend likes
4 Seasons. Activities Ex.6 p.60 WB ex.2,3 p.36 Ex.4 p.60 Talk about your WB ex.3,4 p.39 Ex.6b p.60
Ex.5 p.66 favourite activities
5 Seasons. Ex.3,4 p.70 Pr. Simple vs Pr. Ex.2 p.70 Ex.5 p.70 Ex.1,2, p.70 Ex.5 p.70 poem
Cont. Ex.7,8 p.63
6 Inviting Friends Ex.2 p.67 WB ex.4 p.36 Ex.1 p.67 Ex.4 p.67 act out Ex.1,3,5 p.67 Ex.6 p.67 describe the
dialogues picture
7 Clothes Ex.7 p.61 WB ex.2,3,4 p.95 Ex.7 p.61 Ex.8 p.61 tell about Ex.10, p.63 Ex.11 p.61write about
WB ex.5 p.35 the clothes you your favourite season,
wear in dif. seasons activities and clothes
8 Means of Transport Ex.9,10 p.61 Article Ex.12 p.63 Ex.9a p.61 Ex.9b p.61 WB ex.8 p.37 Ex.6 p.63
9 New York Cabs. WB ex.3,4 WB ex.5 p.95 Ex.2 p.66 WB ex.2 p.34 WB ex.1 p.34 Ex.3 p.66
Transport p.34 Ex.3 p.66
10 Tours Ex.4,5 p.65 Prepositions of Ex.2 p.64 Ex.1,8 pp.64-65 Ex.2,3 p.64 Ex.8 p.65 make notes
Time Ex.7 p.65
11 Travel Destinations Ex.6 p.65 WB ex.6 p.95 Ex.9 p.65 Ex.10 p.65 make a WB ex.1 p.43 Ex.10 p.65 advertise a
presentation tourist destination in
12 School Trip WB ex.2 p.40 WB ex.3,5 p.40 WB ex.3 p.38 WB ex.6 p.40 WB ex.1,4 p.40 WB ex.7 p.40
answer the quest. complete a postcard
13 On Holiday. Ex.4 p.68 Ex.3,5,6,7 pp.68- WB ex.4 p.38 Ex.1 p.68 Ex.2 p.68 Ex.8 p.68 write a
69 postcard
14 Tourist Signs. WB VB4 WB ex.9,10,11 Ex.1 p.66 WB VB4 ex.4 WB ex.4 p.95 WB VB4 ex.4 tourist
ex.1,2,3 p.37 signs in Ukraine
15 CLIL 4. Design & Technology. Across Culture. WB p.41
16 Skills. Reading, Listening, Writing pp.72-73
17 Skills. Reading, Listening. WB pp.42-43
18 Progress Check 4 p.71
19 ie-Book Video lesson
20 Unit Test 4.
21 Контроль аудіювання, говоріння
22 Контроль письма, читання
23 Підсумковий урок. Семестрове оцінювання
1 Ancient World. Ex.3 p.75 Was/were Ex.1 p.74 Ex.1,5,6 pp.74-75 Ex.1,2 p.74 Ex.7 p.75
Ex.4 p.75
2 Jobs. WB VB5 ex.1 Was/were Ex.1b p.76 Ex.3b p.76 Ex.1a p.76 Ex.3b p.76
Ex.2,3a p.76 WB ex.1 p.46
3 Jobs WB ex.3,4 Could Ex.5 p.82 WB ex.2 p.44 WB ex.1 p.44 WB ex.1 p.44 list the
p.44 Ex.3 p.78 answer the duties of a page and a
WB ex.3 p.46 questions squire
4 Jobs WB ex.1 p.45 Have/had Ex.4 p.76 Ex.5 p.76 WB VB5 Space facts p.78 WB VB5 ex.3
Ex.1,2 p.78 ex.2
5 Culture. Jobs WB ex.2 p.45 Could Ex.3 p.82 Ex.6b p.77 talk Ex.6a p.77 Ex.5 p.78 compare
Ex.5 p.78 about famous artists yourself to the Inca
Ex.4,5 p.78 children
6 Theatre. Cinema Ex.8 p77 Past Simple WB ex.2 p.53 Ex.9 p.79 ask and Ex.7 p.79 Ex.8 p.79 correct the
Ex.6 p.79 answer questions false statements
7 Films WB ex.3 p.45 Past Simple Ex.4 p.82 Talk about the kind WB ex.1 p.53 Write a film review
WB ex.4,5 p.46 of films you like to WB ex.6 p.46
8 Science & WB ex.5 p.44 WB ex.7 p.47 WB ex.4 p.48 Ex.10,11 p.77 Ex.9 p.77 WB Ex.11 p.77
Technology. Ex.10 p.79 ex.4 p.44 presentation about
Inventors inventors
9 Famous People WB ex.5 p.50 WB ex.4 p.50 WB ex.1,3 Ex.11 p.79 present WB ex.1,3 p.50 WB ex.2,6 p.50
p.48 space facts complete the
10 Famous People Useful l-ge Ex.4 p.84 Ex.6 p.85 Ex.5 p.85 Ex.1,2,3 p.84 Ex.7 p.85 write a
p.85 WB ex.7 p.97 biography
11 Historical Ex.3 p.83 WB ex.5,6 p.97 Ex.1,2 p82 WB ex.2 p.52 WB ex.1 p.52 WB ex.3 p.52 write an
Attractions in language box complete the e-mail using a model
London dialogues
12 Monuments Ex.3, p.86 WB ex.8, p.47 Ex.1b p.86 Ex.1a,5,6 p.86 Ex.1b,2,4 p.86 Ex.6 p.86
13 A Visit to a Place Ex.3 p.83 WB ex.9 p.47 Ex.1b p.83 Ex.4b,5 p.83 Ex.1a,2 p.83 Ex.4a p.83 make notes
14 A Guided Tour WB ex.1,4 WB ex.2 p.97 WB ex.2 p.48 WBex.3 p.49choose WB ex.2 p.49 WB ex.2 p.48 listen
p.49 the appropriate and make notes
15 Historical Event Ex.5,6 p.81 WB ex.10 p.47 Ex.2,8 pp.80- Ex.1,2,4,7 p.80-81 Ex.2,3 p.80 Ex.9 p.81 write about
81 talk about the an important event in
Bonfire Night Ukraine’s history
16 Skills. Listening, Speaking, Reading WB p.89
17 CLIL 5. History. Across Culture. WB p.51
18 Progress Check 5 p.87
19 ie-Book Video lesson
20 Unit Test 5.
1 Dinosaurs Ex.4,5 p.91 Past Simple Ex.1 p.90 Ex.1,6 p.90-91 Ex.1,2,3 p.90- Ex.7 p.91
Ex.1,2 p.94 91
2 Legendary WB ex.3,4 Ex.4 p.94 Ex.6 p.98 Ex.8 p.91 WB ex.1, p.54 WB ex.2 p.54
Creatures p.54 WB ex.1,2 p.56 presentation
3 Animals Ex.1a,3a p.92 Plurals Ex.1b p.92 Ex.5 p.94 ask and Ex.4 p.93 Ex.3a Ex.3b p.94
Ex.2 p.92 answer questions p.94 Ex.6 p.94
about last Sunday
4 Save the Animals WB ex,1,2 Comparative/ Ex.5 p.98 Talk about the Ex.5 p.93 Ex.1 p.98 write a list
p.55 superlative danger for animals of pets and compare it
Ex.7,8 p.95 with your partner’s
5 Animals WB ex.3 p.55 Ex.9 p.95 Ex.2 p.98 Ex.9 p.93 describe Ex.8 p.93 Ex.10 p.93 a short
your favourite Ex.10 p.95 paragraph about an
animal animal
6 Animals WB ex.4 p.55 WB ex.5 p.57 WB ex.3 p.58 Ex.11 p.95 WB ex.1 p.59 Ex.12 p.95 compare
the animals
7 Pets WB ex.5 p.55 WB ex.6 p.57 Ex.6a p.93 Ex.6b p.93 describe Ex.7 p.93 WB ex.6b p.55
pets Ex.3 p.98 WB ex.6a p.55 describe the rabbit
8 Pets Ex.2 p.99 WB ex.5 p.99 Ex.1 p.99 Ex.7 p.99 act out Ex.1,4 p.99 Ex.7 p.99 write 6
dialogues questions
9 Science. Mammals Ex.1,4 p.102 WB ex.6,7 p.99 Ex.2 p.102 Ex.2,5,6 p.102 Ex.3 p.102 Ex.6 p.102 poster
about reptiles
10 Accidents Ex.6 p.99 WB ex.7,8 p.57 WB ex.1,2 Ex.5 p.99 act out WB ex.3,4 p.59 Make notes to describe
p.58 dialogues an accident
11 Animal Myths Ex. 4,5 p.97 WB ex.9 p.57 Ex.1 p.96 Ex.1,6 pp.96-97 Ex.1,3 p.96 Ex.8 p.97 animal myth
summary of the from Ukraine
myth (summary)
12 Personal Ex.5 p.100 WB ex.3 p.60 Ex.7 p.96 Ex.1,2 p.100 WB ex.1,2,4 WB ex.5,6 p.60
Experiences answer the p.60 complete the story
13 Stories Ex.6 p.101 Ex.4 p.100 Ex.8 p.101 Ex.7 p.101 What do Ex.3 p.100 Ex.9 p.101 write a
you think the story story
is about?
14 Skills. Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing SB pp.104-105
15 Skills. Reading, Speaking, Listening WB pp.62-63
16 CLIL 6. Charlotte’s Web. Across Culture. WB p.61
17 Progress Check 6 p.103
18 ie-Book Video lesson
19 Unit Test 6
1 Our Planet, Our Ex.3,4,5 Will/won’t Ex.1 p.106 Ex.1,6 pp.106-107 Ex.1,2 p.106 Ex.7 p.107
Future pp.106-207 Ex.1,2 p.110
2 Holidays in Space WB ex.3,4,5 Going to Ex.6 p.114 WB ex.2 p.64 WB ex.1 p.64 Ex.8 p.107 prepare a
p.64 WB ex.1,2 p.66 Ex.8 p.107 poster with your
3 Computers Ex.1,2 p.108 Ex.3,4a p.110 WB ex.1 p.68 Ex.3 p.108 WB ex.3 p.65 Ex.4b p.110 to help
WB ex.1 p.65 x.4b p.110 the environment poster
4 Technology in the Ex.6 p.108 Ex.5 p.110 Ex.5a p.109 Ex.4b,5b p.109 Ex.4a p.109 Ex.11 p.111
5 School Project WB ex.2 p.65 Ex.6 p.111 WB ex.2 p.68 WB ex.2 p.68 talk WB ex.1 p.72 Ex.4 p.114 list and
ab. an extra project rank personal gadgets
6 Gadgets WB ex.4 p.65 Prepositions Ex.7 p.109 Ex.8 p.109 WB ex.5 p.65 Ex.10 p.109
Ex.9 p.109
7 Household WB VB7 Going to/ Present Ex.5 p.114 Ex.5 p.114 act out Ex.1 p.121 WB VB7 ex.4
Appliancies ex.1,2,3 Continuous similar dialogues in
Ex.7,8 p.111 a shop
8 Schools of the Ex.4,5,6 WB ex.4,5 p.66 Ex.2 p.112 Ex.1,2,8 pp.112- Ex.2,3 p.112 Ex.9 p.113 Ex.11
Future p.113 113 p.111
9 Environmental Plant Life Ex.9 p.111 Ex.7 p.113 WB ex.2 p.69 Ex.10 p.111 VB 6 ex.5 quest.3
Issues ex.1-4 WB WB ex.3 p.101 WB VB 6 ex.5 WB ex.6 p.67 write about a national
VB 6 plant/fl. of Ukraine
10 Activities at the Ex.2 p.115 WB ex.7 p.67 Ex.1b p.115 Ex.4 p.115 act out Ex.1a,3,4 p.115 Ex.10 p.113 compare
Museum dialogues schools
11 Weekend Plans Vocabulary of WB ex.8,9,10 Ex.1,2 p.114 Act out similar WB ex.1,3 p.69 Make notes for the
certainty WB p.67 dialogues WB situations WB ex.3
ex.4 p.69 ex.1,2,3 p.69 p.69
12 Holiday Plans WB ex.3 p.70 WB ex.4 p.70 WB ex.3 p.68 WB ex.5 p70 WB ex.1,2 p70 WB ex.6 p.70
Ex.7 p.117 WB ex.3 p.66 complete email
13 Holiday Plans Ex.5 p.116 Ex.4,6 p.116 Ex.8 p.117 Ex.1 p.116 Ex.2.3 p.116 Ex.9 p.117 email
about holiday plans
14 Skills. Listening, Reading, Writing SB pp.120-121
15 Skills. Listening, Reading WB pp.72-73
16 Science. The Solar System. SB p.118
17 CLIL 7. Environmental Science. Across Culture WB p.71
18 Progress Check 7 p.119
19 ie-Book Video lesson
20 Unit Test 7
1 New Year Dishes Ex.4,5,6 Un/Countable Ex.1 p.122 Ex.1,3,7,8 pp.122- Ex.1,2 pp.122- Ex.8 p.123
p.123 Ex,8.9 p.127 123 123
2 Food and Drinks Ex.1 p.124 Ex.2 p.124 Ex.1b p.124 Act out dialogue WB ex.1 p.74 Make notes for a
WB ex.2,3 WB ex.1 p.76 about attending dialogue
p.74 chocolate fest
3 Food, Drinks and WB ex.3,4 p. Modals Ex.2,4 Ex.5 p.130 Ex.6 p.130 Ex.1,3 p.126 Ex.11 p.125
Containers. 75 Ex.3 p.124 p.126
4 Healthy Living WB ex.6 p.75 Prepositions WB Ex.4a p.130 Ex.4b p.130 WB ex.1 p.75 WB ex.7 p.75
Blog ex.5 p.75, ex.3 compare two events WB ex.2 p.76
p.76 Ex.10 p.125
5 Healthy Lifestyle Ex.4 p.134 Ex.5,6 p.126 Ex.2 p.134 Ex.5,6 p134 discuss Ex.3 p.134 Ex.7 p.134 food on
how to improve your typical day
your eating habits Ex.7b p.126
6 Shopping for Food Ex.5 p.125 WB ex.4,5 p,76 Ex.4 p.125 Ex.10b p.127 Ex.10a p.127 Decide on the menu
WB ex.2 p.75 decide what you WB ex.1 p.79 and make a shopping
need to buy list
7 Ordering Food Ex.3 p.131 Past Participle Ex.2b p.131 Ex.5 p.131 act out a Ex.2a,4 p.131 Ex.1 p.131
Ex.9 p.125 Ex.12 p.127 dialogue
WB ex.6 p.77
8 Cooking. Utensils. WB VB 8 Present Perfect Ex.7 p.130 Ex.1 p.130 WB ex.3,4 p.79 WB VB 8 ex.3
Tableware. ex.1,2,4,5 Ex.11,13 p.127
Ex.6 p.125
9 Meals in the UK Ex.8 p.125 WB ex.7,8 p.77 Ex.2 p.130 Ex.7b p.125 Ex.7 p.125 Ex.7b p.125
compare typical
10 Let’s Celebrate! Ex.5,6 p.129 WB ex.9,10,11 Ex.2 p.128 Ex.1,4,7pp.128-129 Ex.2,3 p.128 Ex.9 p.129 write a
p.77 compare&contrast short para about a food
the festivals festival
11 Food Festivals Useful l-ge WB ex.3,4 p.80 Ex.8 p.129 WB ex.5 p.80 WB ex.1,2 p.80 WB ex.6 p.80
p.133 answer the quest.
12 Food Festivals Useful l-ge Ex.4,5 p.132 Ex.6 p.133 Ex.6 p.131complete Ex.1,2,3 p.132 Ex.7 p.133 write an
p.133 the dialogues email
13 Have You Ever... WB ex.5 Present Perfect WB ex.1 p.78 Ex.14 p.127 WB ex.12 p.105 Ex.14 p.127
p.103 vs Past Simple WB ex.10 p.104
WB ex.11 p.105 ask and answer
using the table
14 Been There, Tried WB ex.6 WB ex.13,15 WB ex.2,3 WB ex.2 p.79 WB ex.14 p.105 WB ex.16 p.105 write
That! p.103 p.105 p.78 complete the about yourself using
dialogues time expressions
15 Skills. Reading, Speaking, Writing SB pp.136-137 Reading WB pp.82-83
16 CLIL 8. Power Foods. Across Culture. WB p.81
17 Progress Check 8 p.135
18 ie-Book Video lesson
19 Unit Test 8
20 Контроль аудіювання, читання
21 Контроль письма
22 Контроль говоріння
23 Підсумковий урок.

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