Read The Text and Answer The Questions

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Read the text and answer the questions:

My name's Mandie. Three months ago, I went to a disco where I met a boy called Tom. I guessed he was
older than me, but I liked him and thought it didn't matter. We danced a couple of times, then we chatted.
He said he was 18, then asked how old I was. I told him I was 16. I thought that if I told him my real age, he
wouldn't want to know me, as I'm only 13.

After the disco we arranged to meet the following weekend. The next Saturday we went for a burger and
had a real laugh. Afterwards he walked me to my street and kissed me goodnight. Things went really well.
We see each other a couple of times a week, but I've had to lie to my parents about where I'm going and
who with. I've always got on with them, but I know that if they found out how old Tom was they'd stop me
seeing him.

Now I really don't know what to do. I can't go on lying to my parents every time we go out, and Tom keeps
asking why he can't come round to my house. I'm really worried and I need some advice

1. How old are Mandie and Tom?

2. Does Mandie like Tom?

3. Where did they meet?

4. How old did Mandie tell Tom she was and how old is she?

5. How are things going on between them?

6. Do her parents know? Why?

7. What advice would you give to her?

Complete the sentences using the pronouns in the box:

I you he she it we they

me you him her it us them

1. Peter and I are going out this evening. …………..’re going to the cinema. Would you like to come with
…………… ?

2. Where are my keys? I put ………….. on the table a moment ago, but now …………’ve disappeared.

3. ………….’s usually quite cold in New York in the winter.

4. A: What did you think of the film, Simon?

B: …………. enjoyed ………… very much.

5. ……………’s strange that Kate didn’t come to the meeting.

6. A: What do the government plan to do about education?

B: …………. say that ………..’re going to build more schools.

7. …………… aren’t allowed to drive a car in Britain until ………….’re 17 years old.

8. If you have any problems, just tell someone and they …………’ll help you.

9. How far is …………… from Madrid to Paris?

10. My sister and I are quite different. ………….’s much more serious than ………… am.

Choose the correct answers:

1. We know their / theirs telephone number, but they don’t know our / ours.

2. My / Mine car wasn’t as expensive as her / hers.

3. A: How are your / yours children?

B: Fine, thanks. How are your / yours?

4. Maria has got her / hers suitcase, but her / hers friends haven’t got their / theirs.

5. Our / Ours flat isn’t as big as their / theirs, but our / ours is much more comfortable.

6. Have you seen my / mine coat?

Ask questions:

1. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

George often has a bath.

2. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

Mike eats corn-flakes for breakfast every morning.

3. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

The teacher is writing some examples on the board.

4. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

Tom is watching a film now.

5. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

My parents never smoke cigarettes.

6. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Peter and Rob go to school by service bus.

7. …………………………………………………………………………………….?

Sam is doing his homework in his room.

8. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

I read two books every month.

9. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

I can’t understand Hans because I don’t know German.

10. …………………………………………………………………………………… ?

No, Sally isn’t writing a letter now.

Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1. What is that noise? Somebody ______________ (play) the piano.

2. - We _____________ (go) to the cinema this Friday.

3. - We ________ (go) on holiday every winter.

4. - The days ________ (be) longer in summer.

5. - She often ________ (talk) to herself.

6. - She _____________ (have) a shower at the moment.

7. - Right now, she ______________ (run) down the hill.

8. - Oak trees ________ (grow) very slowly.

9. - My dog _______________ (not eat) vegetables.

10. - My brother ________________ (not like) animals.

11. - Most people ______________ (not like) to visit a doctor.

12. - In his job he usually __________ (stand).

13. - I’m looking at the woman, she ______________ (wear) a nice hat.

14. - I never ________ (go) out in the evening.

15. - He usually ________ (work) with paints and brushes.

16. - Do you know anyone who __________ (speak) Italian

17. - At work, he usually ________ (sit) all day.

18. - Where is Kate? She _______________ (watch) TV in the living room.

19. - _________________ (you/go) to the party next Saturday?

20. - ____________________ (you / ever / work) at the weekend?

21. - Why ___________________ (you drive) so fast today?

22. - The water ______________ (boil) now. Shall I switch it off?

23. - The duck __________ (smell) delicious. Shall I take it out of the oven?

24. - Sometimes, Tom ________ (do) his homework after lunch.

1. The phone ______________ (ring). Can you answer it?

2. Where _______________ (you / come) from?

3. Why _________________ (she/cry)? Because she hurt herself.

4. What _____________ (you/do)? I’m a teacher.

5. What __________________ (she/ wear)? A bikini and sunglasses.

6. Where is he? He ____________ (do) his homework.

7. How many hours ________________ (they / work) a week?

8. How often _______________ (you / have) a bath?

9. What time ___________________________ (this programme / end)?

10. _______________ (know) the answer?

11. ___________________ (remember) her name?

12. _________________ (she / like) what she is eating?

Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST:

break swim have make sit write

spend buy drink lose wash

1. She ………………….. a cake an hour ago.

2. She ………………….. a hat last week.

3. The boy ………………….. a letter yesterday.

4. They ……………………. in the sea for an hour.

5. They ………………….. a lot of Coke last night.

6. She ………………… her arm last week.

7. He ……………………. all his money last week.

8. She …………………… a bath two minutes ago.

9. He ……………………. his wallet last night.

10. She ………………….. on the old chair a minute ago.

11. She ………………….. the clothes yesterday.

Complete using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1) When the doctor _______________________ (arrive), my sister _____________________ (have a


2) While my cousin _____________________ (study), my aunt ____________________ (make) some


3) He _____________________ (miss) the bus because he _____________________ (talk) with some


4) The thieves _________________ (come) into the bank while the security guard ________________

5) _________________________you ______________________________ (write) the composition last


6) The teacher _________________ (not/be) in the classroom when the student _______________ (fall)

7. The cat______________________[chase] the dog when he_______________[find] the rabbit.

8. It______________[be] a very sad day, it______________[rain], the city___________________[destroy]

and there__________________[be] over 1000 thousand missing people.

9. I waved at him, but he__________________ (look not) .

10. I turned the radio off. Nobody__________________ (listen) to it.

11. I left the cinema before the film ended. I__________________ (not enjoy) it.

12. I got up at 7 and then I__________________ (have) a big breakfast.

13. I__________________ (see) you walking in the park this morning.

14. How much __________________ (it cost) to fly to Paris?

15. He__________________ (lay) on the road when they found him.

16. 'When__________________ (she start) learning English?''Five years ago.'

17. __________________ (you see) Jane last night?

18. __________________ (you go) to the restaurant yesterday evening?

Complete the sentences using past simple or past continuous of the following verbs:


a. Simon………………his leg while he…………….football

b. It……………when we……………….to the beach

c. My boss………… while I…………………on the phone

d. Zoe……………home when she……………….an accident

e. What……………at 9 o’clock yesterday when I………………..?


a) I was watching television when the telephone ________

b) While Henry was coming we _________ breakfast

c) It was raining when we went out so we _______ an umbrella

d) Anne _________ the newspaper when the lights went out

e) What ______________ when I phoned? Why Didn’t you answer?

Write the most suitable words in each gap.

Use the words: ago, yesterday, last, while, already, when, in, at

1) Tommy’s father worked in that office 2 years________________

2) The plane was flying ________________8 p.m.

3) My best friend went to London ________________month

4) ________________I was having dinner, my sister was having a shower

5) ________________did the supermarket close?

6) Your aunt studied German ________________2001

7) Rose played in an orchestra ________________she was 12 years old

8) Jason was swimming ________________his girlfriend was drinking a coke

9) My father’s friend had a baby________________

10) I have ________________ finished my homework

Write past simple sentences with ago.

I / watch / a horror film / on Tuesday (It is now Friday.)

I watched a horror film three days ago.

1 I / finish / my homework / at 7.50 p.m. (It is now 8 p.m.)

2 I / visit / my friend in London / in February (It is now August.)

3 I / play / basketball at ten o’clock this morning (It is now one o’clock in the afternoon.)

4 I / start / school in 1997 (It is now 2009.)

Will / Be Going to

1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?

B: I (write) ................................. a letter to my friends back home in Texas.

2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!

B: I (get) ..................... you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.

3. A: I can't hear the television!

B: I (turn) ................... it up so you can hear it.

4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) ........... Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

5. Sarah (come) ................. to the party. Oliver (be)........... there as well.

6. A: It is so hot in here!

B: I (turn) ...................... the air conditioning on.

7. I think he (be) .................. the next President of the United States.

8. After I graduate, I (attend)................ medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor
all my life.

9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for

four people.

B: That man at the service counter (help) .............. you.

10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) ............... down to the beach and go swimming

Fill in the blanks with the correct FUTURE forms: (Will / Going to / Present Continuous / Simple

1. A: What ………………… you …………………… (do) when you grow up?

B: I ……………………………………………… (be) an acrobat in a circus.

2. I haven’t seen him for a long time but I think I ……………………………………… (recognize) him.

3. A: I need some tokens to telephone my friend.

B: I ……………………………………………… (give) you some.

4. I got the plane tickets. I ………………………………………. (fly) on Sunday.

5. A: Have you got any plans for the summer?

B: Yes, we ……………………………………………. (go) to Italy in June.

6. Don’t play with those matches; you ………………………………………. burn yourself.

7. A: Whose is that night dress?

B : It’s mine. I ………………………………………… (wear) it at John’s graduation party.

8. A: Why did you call your grandma?

B: I ……………………………………………….. (visit) her at the weekend.

9. If your passport isn’t valid any more, you ………………………………………………

(not / be able to) go abroad this month.

10.A: What are you doing with that brush?

B: I ………………………………………………… (paint) my room.

11.A: Why are you wearing your anorak?

B: I ………………………………………………… (go) out.

12.I don’t know the meaning of this word so I …………………………………………

(look) it up in the dictionary.

13.Look out! You …………………………………………… (hurt) yourself with that knife.

14.A: I’ve got a terrible headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and I …………………………………………. (get) an aspirin for you.

15.Mother: Your face is dirty.

Child : All right. I …………………………………………………. (wash) it.

16.A: What time ……………………the next bus ………………………. (arrive)?

B: 13 minutes later.

17.……………………. you …………………….. (open) the door for me, please?

18.We’re early. The film ……………………………… (start) at 2:30. Why don’t we go

and have something to drink?

19.He ……………………………………… (call) the police as soon as he gets home.

20.A: What …………………….. you …………………………… (do) with that dress?

Fill in with the correct tense

I love travelling in the country, but I _________________ (NOT LIKE) losing my way. I_________________
(GO) on a trip the other day, but my trip took me longer than I _________________ (EXPECT). 'I'm going
to Woodford Green’, I _________________ (SAY) to the conductor as I _________________ (GET) on the
bus, 'but I _________________ (NOT KNOW) where it is.' - 'I _________________ (TELL) you where to
get off,' _________________ (ANSWER) the conductor. I _________________ (SIT) in front of the bus to
get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus _________________ (STOP). I realized with a
shock that I _________________ (BE) the only passenger left on the bus. 'You _________________
(MUST, GET) off here', the conductor said, ‘This is as far as we go.' We _________________ (GO) back
now,' _________________ (SAY) the conductor.

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