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A webquest on Liverpool

Location :,-4.064941,6z

1) Where is Liverpool located in England ? ______________________

2) Locate Liverpool on this blank map of the UK
3) Which river goes through Liverpool ? ________________________
4) How many inhabitants are there in Liverpool ? _________________

History :
5) How old is the city ? When was it created ?
6) What does the name 'Liverpool' mean ?
7) Why did Liverpool develop in the 1750s ?
8) Why was Liverpool famous during the industrial revolution ?

9) Why was Liverpool badly damaged during the Second World War ?
10) What is The Cavern ? Who made this place famous ?

11) What title did Liverpool receive in 2008 ?

12) What is the symbol of Liverpool ?

Why are they chained ?

Scouse and scousers :

13) What is scouse ?

14) Listen to this girl from Liverpool at :

Liverpool and football :

15) How many football clubs are there in Liverpool ? Can you name them ?

16) What are the names of their stadiums ?

17) What are the colours of their football kits ?
18) How old is football ?
19) Where does the phrase 'a derby match' come from ?
20) What is the link between the invention of the railways and football ?
21) Which club was formed in 1878 ?
22) What was the name of the stadium where they played ?
23) What was the problem ?
24) What decision did the club make ?
25) What decision did John Houlding make ?
26) What happened on 22nd April 1893 ?

A few landmarks in Liverpool :

27) Now listen and watch Mark Kenny's song : What is it like in Liverpool ?
The lyrics and images refer to four famous songs by the Beatles : which ones ?

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