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Case no.

“For you live by Faith not by Sight.”

- 2 Corinthians 5:7

Anna is a seventeen years old female student in Teresa Senior High School in

Teresa Rizal. She is currently taking a Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Strand. She is single.


According to Anna, her experience in senior high school is a mixture of

happiness and pressure depending on how the teacher teaches. Sometimes due to

different activities, it is somehow stressful but still carried on. There were times that it

kind of boring yet the teachers managed to create ice breaker to subdue the mode of

learning. School works are always present but it was said handle properly due to time

management. Knowing the status of learning was said lacking of textbooks which is

very tough individually when there are many activities, assignments to be make and you

have to share with one another. The ratio is particularly: Gen- bio 1-16 books only earth

science- none pre-calculus (owned by instructor) basic calculus- none DRRR- none and

all those who have none are entitled to do reading and writing processes as long as
they can accumulate the information they needed.


The impact of inadequate learning materials is quite frustrating however it was

said fascinating due to the sub-radiant and writing cause it enhance the creativity of

every student and make their intellectual intelligence, more imaginative to produce

something unusual. However basic calculus was said least interesting because the

process of teaching is somehow confusing and Mathematics is like a tough road for

everyone. Perhaps, inadequacy of references should be adequately provided as well as

the procedure to lengthen the interest of students. It is just that, sad because few

information is not present on textbooks to the extent that they have to use technological

means to breakthrough and it is really preferable cause it is easy and very efficient.

There were times that they felt tired and useless but still pursuing.

Advantage and Disadvantages

The prefer ability of options depend on the situation, textbooks are useful

enough because of its written information however internet has a wide range of data the

will cover the entire lessons. However, there are also factors to considers because

some are advantageous and some might also disadvantageous depending on how the

information accepted by the hosts.

However, it has an advantage also to the extent that everyone may have an

opportunity to explore different avenues (technologies) to lessen the time and efforts in

studying. The length of their study might be shorten but could become more effective

and efficient due to precise information’s gathered using one click away. Second,

students wont needed to bring heavy stuffs on their bags just to assure they'll be having

enough to learn. However, the results are based upon the stand of everyone.

Remember, whatever your choices are always be more considerate and diligent. Put

your heart and focus on it so it bears more fruit to harvest in your future upcoming.

Books are essential for the learning of everyone. It covers multitude of

written knowledge that'll might enhance the growth of one's intellectual intelligence.

Absence of the said material perhaps disadvantageous. It may results toughness in

studying especially those who are fully relying on the written substance. In relation to

this, students will have to oblige themselves to use technological means which requires

amount of cost rather than using books. Financially speaking, books are cheaper-like

source comparing to other. Secondly, the data included in it could be reviewed

thoroughly, without it you could take much time and money and efforts to sustain your

needs. Third, anyone will might be self destructed. Instead of focusing on books alone,

their attention maybe diverted from something because of using different media. The old

way of researching may put to trash because students are finding their comfort on the

easier way rather that exerting efforts to do so.

Respondent say throughout the process of learning, there are many

circumstances need to overcome and one of those is the struggle in textbooks

inadequacy. It is rampant issue nowadays and conveys different speculations and

opinions due to its effect in every student. Department of Education including the sector

of teachers are doing the best they could to lessen its impact by multiplying its copies

through photocopying. Furthermore, they implied to use techno local assistance to

provide the necessities of every students. Books are better than anything else cause the

sequence of studies are ready written in there however if it is inadequate to the number

of in need, it is better to rely on more efficient and effective source which is the internet.

It may covers broad information but teachers could make it shorten through managing

the sites that could become their Reference in studying. It is perhaps costly, but the

matter is the reliability and availability of sources. I would suggest books however my

experience and observations leave me no choice. Internet is one click away.

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