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An Assignment

Illustration on the Differences between Formal and Informal English
Course Title: English Language – Ill: Reading And Writing
Course code: LL.B-1225

Submitted To
Md. Mahbubul Hassan
Department of Law
North Western University

Submitted By
Mst: Shayla Akter
ID NO: 20201025106
1st Year 2nd Semester
North Western University, Khulna
Summer 2020
Department of Law

North Western University

Date of submission: 19 September, 2020

Formal and informal language serves different purposes. The tone, the choice of words
and the way the words are put together vary between the two styles. Formal language is
less personal than informal language. It is used when writing for professional or academic
purposes like university assignments. Formal language does not use colloquialisms,
contractions or first person pronouns such as ‗I‘ or ‗We‘.

Informal language is more casual and spontaneous. It is used when communicating with
friends or family either in writing or in conversation. It is used when writing personal
emails, text messages and in some business correspondence. The tone of informal language
is more personal than formal language.

Differences between Formal and Informal English

The difference between formal and informal English is not a difference between correct and
incorrect, but a difference of what is known as register. A register is a variety of language
related to a particular subject matter or area of activity, a set of words and expressions as well
as syntactical features that may be said to characterize that specific area of language.

There are many registers: technical, academic, mathematical, scientific, etc. Very broadly
speaking, we can also speak of a ―formal‖ and ―informal‖ register in English. In writing
academic reports and the like, it would be normal to draw most of the vocabulary and
expressions from the formal register, and few, if any, from the informal. This entails avoiding
colloquial (everyday) or slang expressions in your writing assignments.

Formal and Informal Words

Here are possible words that can be used in formal manner and informal manners

List List

Informal Words vs. Formal Words Informal Words vs. Formal Words

1. Ask >>——-<< Enquire 34. Hungry >>——-<< Famished

2. Ask for >>——-<< Request 35. Childish >>——-<< Immature
3. Book >>——-<< Reserve 36. Maybe >>——-<< Perhaps
4. Check >>——-<< Verify 37. Good >>——-<< Positive
5. Get >>——-<< Receive 38. Give >>——-<< Provide
6. Help >>——-<< Assist 39. Buy >>——-<< Purchase
7. Need >>——-<< Request 40. Say no >>——-<< Reject
8. Say sorry >>——-<< Apologies 41. Free >>——-<< Release
9. Start/ Begin >>——-<< Commence 42. Look for >>——-<< Seek
10. End >>——-<< Terminate/ Finish 43. Choose >>——-<< Select
11. Try >>——-<< Endeavour 44. Get by >>——-<< Survive
12. Deal with >>——-<< Handle 45. So >>——-<< Therefore
13. Tell >>——-<< Inform 46. Put up with >>——-<< Tolerate
14. Wait for >>——-<< Await 47. Block >>——-<< Undermine
15. Fight >>——-<< Combat 48. Catch up >>——-<< Understand
16. Use/Eat >>——-<< Consume 49. Sight >>——-<< Vision
17. Go >>——-<< Depart 50. Young >>——-<< Youthful
18. Tough >>——-<< Difficult 51. Get >>——-<< Obtain
19. Small >>——-<< Diminutive 52. Need >>——-<< Require
20. Explain >>——-<< Disclose 53. Pay back >>——-<< Repay
21. Set out >>——-<< Display 54. Live >>——-<< Reside
22. Throw out >>——-<< Eject 55. Point out >>——-<< Indicate
23. Old >>——-<< Elderly 56. Find out >>——-<< Learn/Discover
24. Say >>——-<< Express 57. Get away >>——-<< Elude
25. Afraid >>——-<< Fearful 58. Come in >>——-<< Enter
26. In the end >>——-<< Finally 59. Lively >>——-<< Energetic
27. Lucky >>——-<< Fortunate 60. Clear >>——-<< Transparent
28. But >>——-<< However 61. Whole >>——-<< Entire/Complete
29. Wrong >>——-<< Incorrect 62. Blow up >>——-<< Explode
30. Go up >>——-<< Increase 63. Break down >>——-<< Fail/Collapse
31. Cheap >>——-<< Inexpensive 64. Hopeless >>——-<< Futile
32. At first >>——-<< Initially
33. Mad >>——-<< Insane

Active and Passive voice

(i) Our technician repaired the fault on 12th June. Now it‘s your turn to pay us.
(f) Although the fault was repaired on 12th June, payment for this intervention has still not
been received.

Phrasal verbs and Latina

(i) The company laid him off because he didn‘t work much.
(f) His insufficient production conducted to his dismissal.

Direct and Formulaic

(i) I‘m sorry but …
(i) I‘m happy to say that …
(f) We regret to inform you that …
(f) We have pleasure in announcing that …

Use of Slang
(i) He had to get some money out of a hole in the wall …
(f) He withdrew the amount from an ATM.

Personal form & nominators

(i) If you lose it, then please contact us as soon as possible.
(f) Any loss of this document should be reported immediately …

Linking words
(i) The bank can‘t find the payment you say you‘ve made.
(f) Notwithstanding that the payment has been sent the bank fails to acknowledge it.

Revitalized Sentences
(i) Anybody or any company.
(f) … any natural person who and any legal entity which …
Modal usage
(i) If you need any help give us a call.
(f) Should you require any assistance, please feel free to contact us …

Singular & Plural Person

(i) I can help you to solve this problem. Call me!
(f) We can assist in the resolution of this matter. Contact us on our toll-free number.

Formal Sentence Informal Sentence

1. They did an experiment 1. The experiment was carried out /
2. Then the Drive Manager goes through 2. The Drive Manager then performs /
some steps to install the programme executes a series of functions / operations
in order to install the programme

3. One after the other 3. At regular intervals

4. They found out what the important things 4. They determined / discovered /
were established / identified the important
properties / characteristics / issues
5. We think you should discuss the research 5. It is recommended that The research
findings at the next departmental meeting findings are discussed at the next
departmental meeting
6. Doctors have come up with a new
6. Doctors have created / established a new
method of....
method of....
7. Safety officers are investigating the
7. Safety officers are looking into the
8. The cost of cleaning services has risen by
8. The cost of cleaning services has gone up
25% over the Last three years
25% over the last three years
9. It is suggested that no action should be
9. We do not think it is a good idea to do
taken at this stage
anything at the moment
10. Thanks are extended to the staff at
10. Many thanks to the staff at "Computers R
"Computers R Us" for their technical
Us" for their help on the technical side
(Slightly less formal: We would like to thank
11. You need to get the patient's help when 11. When conducting these audiological tests,
doing these hearing tests the active participation of the patient
being tested is required.
12. Lot of 12. Many / much / a great deal of

Whether to use formal or informal English will depend on the register, i.e. when, where and
whom you are communicating with. Just like a dress code. Without doubt, most of the times
in our speech we use contractions. Apart from making our speech faster and easier, using
contractions we also make it more natural and friendly. On the other side, contractions are not
acceptable in formal writing where friendly and informal tones are not suitable.

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