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1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Objective ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

2 Capacity Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................ 7

2.1 Graphic Profile................................................................................................................................................. 9

2.1.1 Operations/Work Center .................................................................................................................. 10

2.1.2 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 12

2.1.3 Standard Overview ........................................................................................................................... 13

2.1.4 Detailed Capacity List ........................................................................................................................ 14

2.1.5 Sort Sequence ................................................................................................................................... 15

2.2 Options Profile .............................................................................................................................................. 16

2.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 18

2.2.2 Hierarchy .......................................................................................................................................... 19

2.2.3 Interval ............................................................................................................................................. 20

2.2.4 Distribution ....................................................................................................................................... 24

2.2.5 Goto .................................................................................................................................................. 28

2.3 List Profile ..................................................................................................................................................... 29

2.3.1 Detailed Capacity List ........................................................................................................................ 30 Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 31 Changes ................................................................................................................................................... 32 Column .................................................................................................................................................... 32 Subprofiles .............................................................................................................................................. 33

2.3.2 Default List ........................................................................................................................................ 35

2.3.3 Excel interface control ...................................................................................................................... 37

2.3.4 Excel interface file name ................................................................................................................... 37

2.4 Selection Profile ............................................................................................................................................ 38

2.4.1 Sets ................................................................................................................................................... 39

2.4.2 Interval Selected ............................................................................................................................... 41

2.4.3 Selection of capacity requirements and available capacity ............................................................... 42

2.5 Overall Profile ............................................................................................................................................... 43

3 Capacity Leveling (CM21/CM25)....................................................................................................................... 44

3.1 Overall Profile ............................................................................................................................................... 46

3.2 Selection profile ............................................................................................................................................ 47

3.2.1 Business Example – limit the selection by production order system status or user status ................. 50

3.2.2 Business Example – limit the selection by production scheduler ....................................................... 52

3.2.3 Business Example – add selection field to CM21 selection ................................................................ 54

3.2.4 Business Example – only select production orders ............................................................................ 58

3.2.5 Business Example – change selection/highlighted fields inside CM21 ............................................... 59

3.3 Control Profile ............................................................................................................................................... 65

3.4 Time Profile ................................................................................................................................................... 68

3.5 Evaluation Profile .......................................................................................................................................... 69

3.6 Strategy Profile .............................................................................................................................................. 74

3.6.1 Scheduling Control ............................................................................................................................ 74

3.6.2 Further control options ..................................................................................................................... 77

Overall capacity load ........................................................................................................................................... 77

Reschedule with production version ................................................................................................................... 77 Dispatching Sequence .............................................................................................................................. 80 Finite Scheduling indicator not set........................................................................................................... 85 Dispatch at earliest point in time ............................................................................................................. 86 Date entry when dispatching ................................................................................................................... 88 Plan. direction forwards .......................................................................................................................... 90 Change planning direction ....................................................................................................................... 90 Considering setup time when dispatching ............................................................................................... 92

1. Changing the Standard Value for Setup Manually........................................................................................ 92

2. Adjust the setup time automatically ............................................................................................................ 93

3. Dispatching at the Best Time for Setup ........................................................................................................ 94

4. Setup time optimization .............................................................................................................................. 95

5. Setup matrix ................................................................................................................................................ 97

6. Setup Group Category and Setup Group Key ............................................................................................... 98 Adjust the setup time automatically ........................................................................................................ 99 Setup time optimization ........................................................................................................................ 104

3.6.3 Period Split ..................................................................................................................................... 106

3.6.4 Checks............................................................................................................................................. 109

3.7 Hierarchies .................................................................................................................................................. 112

3.7.1 Business example (Resources grouped by production type)............................................................ 112

3.7.2 Hierarchies Master Data ................................................................................................................. 113

3.7.3 Hierarchies and Capacity Evaluation ............................................................................................... 115 Overall profile defined in user own data settings .................................................................................. 115 Overall profile hierarchy assignment customizing ................................................................................. 115 Units of measure resource conversion setup ......................................................................................... 119

3.7.4 Hierarchies and Capacity Leveling ................................................................................................... 122 Leveling with hierarchies ....................................................................................................................... 122 Hierarchies Customizing for Capacity Leveling ....................................................................................... 126

3.8 Capacity Planning Table Profile ................................................................................................................... 128

3.8.1 Layout ID......................................................................................................................................... 131

3.8.2 Graphics Profile............................................................................................................................... 140 Define Colors for Bars ............................................................................................................................ 142 Define Colors for Lines ........................................................................................................................... 155 Define Texts........................................................................................................................................... 160 Define Geometric Forms ........................................................................................................................ 164

4 Capacity planning table navigation ................................................................................................................. 166

1 Introduction
Imagine you are running a manufacturing company and aim to deliver orders received by the
dates promised. You therefore want to provide sufficient, but not excessive, available capacity
at the Work Center to cover capacity requirements generated by orders. You use capacity
planning to, for example, spot overloads in time, to carry out capacity leveling for the
requirements dates using the resources available, and to fix these capacity requirements.

A capacity availability check is not performed with Material Requirements Planning (MRP).

Capacity Planning must be executed separately in a second step as you see depicted bellow.

Master data, planned orders and production orders provide data that can be used to represent
available capacities and capacity requirements.
The available capacity is a measure of the work that a capacity can perform per workday.
The capacity requirement is a measure of the work required by the individual orders at a capacity
at a certain point in time (load). To calculate the capacity requirements, the system uses formulas
that you assign in the Work Center capacity tab, containing the dates and quantities for
production requirements.

Scheduling is used to determine the times of the capacity requirements. Where the capacity
requirements will fall in the time axis.
In the capacity evaluations, capacity requirements can be compared with the available
capacities. It gives you an overview of the load and the production requirements.

In capacity leveling, capacity shortfalls and overloads can be levelled. You can use alternative
suitable resources for processing or you can use the sort criteria to plan optimal loading.

Capacity reduction occurs when operations are confirmed or order quantities are reduced or

Capacity planning uses several display types. It uses evaluation lists, block diagrams, bar charts,
line charts and Gantt charts. You can also use the tabular capacity planning table or the graphical
capacity planning table (also known as the capacity planning table) to carry out simulations.

1.1 Objective
The goal of this document is to detail the following concepts:

1. Carry out capacity evaluations

2. Level capacity requirements and available capacities
3. Use the planning tables and the tools in the machine loading planner
4. Make system settings for capacity evaluations, available capacities, and the planning tables
2 Capacity Evaluation
The capacity evaluation allows to evaluate the load (required quantity / theoretical quantity)
of each resource.

In SAP, the capacity evaluation, is visualized in the following transactions:

In SAP, the configuration of profiles, that are used in the transactions are in the following

Each transaction have a profile associated. For example, the transaction CM01 has
associated the overall profile:
In configuration, this profile contains another profiles:

In SAP evaluation each transaction perform a different function. You can evaluate the
capacity requirements and available capacity:

 Load
 Orders
 Pool
 Backlog
 Overload

And in the configuration exist one profile for each transaction:

 SAPX911 Work Center load

 SAPX912 Orders at a Work Center
 SAPX913 Pool of orders/operations for work cntr.
 SAPX914 Backlog at a Work Center
 SAPX915 Work Center overload

By default, each transaction has associated an overall profile. Though, it may be necessary
to make further analysis using other parameters. For that, you can select a profile that suit
your needs. As an example, the transaction CM07 asks for a profile:

Depending on the transaction, you may use different profiles. In SU01, in the user parameters
you can define which profile a transaction calls by default:
 For transaction CM01 – CY1
 For transaction CM02 – CY2
 For transaction CM03 – CY3
 For transaction CM04 – CY4
 For transaction CM05 – CY5
 For transaction CM07 – CY7

However, when you enter in the transaction, it’s possible to select a profile manually. When
you enter in the transaction, go to Planning -> Profiles, and select the profile that you want.

2.1 Graphic Profile

To configure the graphic profile, do the following:
After enter in the transaction you should select “New Entries” and insert a “Code” and
“Description” to the new graphic profile.

The graphic profile has the following configuration:

2.1.1 Operations/Work Center

This parameters affects the graphic Operations/Work Center. In CM01 enter in the graphic:

In this option is possible to define what type of dates appear in the graphic. Depending on
the choice made, the graph appears with different colors.

If the option is Earliest Dates in graphic:

If your option is Latest Dates in graphic:

With all options marked:

When you click in the bar, we can see the detail:

2.1.2 Operations

The indicator “Segments” is used to specify in the graphic "Operations per Work Center", the
operation segments: "setup", "processing" and "teardown" are displayed as differently
hatched bars. If the indicator is not set, then a bar is displayed for an operation over the
whole duration of the operation.

Without Segments:
With Segments:

2.1.3 Standard Overview

In this section is possible to configure the display form for the standard overview graphic with
bars (vertical or horizontal) or lines.

For example, if you select the standard overview, in the graphic:

You can see the load and the available capacity:

2.1.4 Detailed Capacity List

With this setting the detailed capacity graphic will be displayed as a percentage. This option is
visible in the detailed capacity list:

Without Display Percentages:

With Display Percentages:

2.1.5 Sort Sequence

Here is possible to configure the sort sequence represented in the Operation/Work Center
graphic. It is possible to define up to six sequences. For example, if the configuration is:

The orders will appear sorted first by order type and second by material number.
In the CM01 inside the Operation/Work Center graphic, there several options to configure
the graphic:

For the standard overview is possible to configure too:

2.2 Options Profile

To configure the options profile, follow this path:
After entering in the transaction you should select “New Entries” and insert a “Code” and
“Description” to the new option profile.

The option profile has the following configuration:

2.2.1 General

Cumulate over periods

If this field is marked, you will get a cumulated display of capacity requirements, available
capacities and capacity loads.

Capacity unit

Unit of measure that appears in the list.

For example if is defined the unit TO:

Unit of measure from capacity

If this field is activated, the unit that appears in the list is the unit base of capacity defined
in the Work Center:

And in the list:

Requirements type

Determines which requirements appears (scheduled requirements or remaining Requirements)

Minimum load and maximum load

Define the minimum percentage starting from which the system is to display the capacity load.
Define the maximum value in percent up to which the system is to display the capacity load.

2.2.2 Hierarchy

Cumulation of requirements

Specifies that the capacity requirements for a Work Center are determined by cumulating the
capacity requirements for subordinate Work Centers in the Work Center hierarchy specified.

Dynamic capacity cumulation

Specifies that during capacity planning the available capacity of a hierarchy Work Center is
determined by cumulating the available capacities of the subordinate Work Centers in the given
Work Center hierarchy.


The name of hierarchy that we want to analyse

The code of plant

2.2.3 Interval

Start date

Date of the first day of the period for which the data is evaluated and displayed.

If we configure for the start date the value 10, the system will load the data stating from 10
days of the current date:

Finish date

Date of the last day of the period for which the data is evaluated and displayed.
If you configure for the finish date the value 50, in the layout:


The system determines the date the backlog (capacity requirements that lie in the past) is
dispatched using the entry in this field and the value in the field for the type of date entry.

If we insert the value 10, in the layout:

The values from week 23 are transferred to week 24.

If the value is 20:

The values are transferred to week 26, because in the 25 there’s no requirements.

Period type

Key used to specify the period type (day, week, month, etc)

Period duration

Number of units of a period type comprised in one period. For example, if this value is 1, the
values are returned week by week:

If value is 2, the values of two weeks are aggregated in one week:

Entry type (start date)

Key with which you can set the type of entry to be used when limiting the time period for
capacity planning.

If value is G (Number of calendar days):

If is I (Number of calendar weeks):

Entry type (BacklogDispDate)

Key you use to specify in which date type (for example calendar day or "three days before today")
you want to enter the date for the dispatching of the backlog.

When you modify any value in the above fields, you should be aware you may need to change
others, because the fields are all interrelated.


The code of plant.

Planning calendar

Three character number (numeric or using letters) that specifically identifies a PPS-planning

2.2.4 Distribution

Form Work Center/operation

If this field is marked, capacity requirements are distributed using the distribution key maintained
for this Work Center. In the case of networks and maintenance orders the system will first look
for a distribution key in the activity. If no key has been maintained here, the system will use the
distribution key "internal processing" in the Work Center.


Determines how capacity requirements for an operation are distibuted over the periods of the
operation duration for the following orders:

 production order
 planned order

The capacity requirement of an operation for these orders is the sum of the capacity
requirements in the operation segments setup, processing and teardown.

To configure the distribution key follow this path:

However, before you configure the distribution key, is necessary to configure the stategy and

The distribution funtion specify what percentage of the capacity should be used after what
percent of the operation's duration.

After entering the option Define distribution function, click in “New Entries” and insert the
name and description to funcion.

After save, select the funcion and select “Function definition”:

Here we have two fields:

Duration: Indicates what percentage of the capacity requirements should be dispatched (used)
based on how much of the operation segment has elapsed (for example, processing).

The percentage duration is independent of the available capacity.

Requirements: This field determines what percentage of the total capacity rqmts.should be
dispatched after a certain percentage of the operation duration (for example, processing) has

The percentage requirements are independent of the available capacity.

In this configuration is made the relationship between duration and requirements, so, how
much the duration in percentage represents the requirements in percentage.

In this configuration is possible to create portions.

Now we go create the “Distribution stategy”.

This configuration defines the:

 Earliest or latest dates of capacity requirements.

 Distribution type.
 Time basis.

Click in “New Entries” and insert the name of the strategy, description and the values for the
three parameters referenced.

The parameter Earliest or latest dates of capacity requirements, determines whether the
capacity requirements are to be distributed between the earliest or the latest dates.

For parameter distribution type determines how the basic values of the distribution unction
are interpreted.

 With discrete distribution the basic values define the periods for distribution.
 With continuous distribution the requirements to be reduced are evenly distributed over
the periods between consecutive basic values.

The parameter time basis specifies the basis (calendar type, working/operating time, etc) on
which capacity requirements are to be distributed.

In the final:

Now he can define the distribution key.

Select “New Entries” and insert the name and description of the distribution key and insert the
stategy and the funcion.

Int. distr

This parameter defines the distribution of the capacity requirements of an operation over the
periods of the operation duration of the following orders:

 networks (internally processed activities)

 process orders
 maintenance orders

Activities in these orders are not made up of operation segments.

To configure this value, the process is the same as the Distribution.

2.2.5 Goto

In this configuration, we can define if is possible to modify or change the Work Center, planned
order and production order from CM01.

We have the options:

For example, in CM01 you can only diplay the Work Center:

If we change the value to 1:

Now you can change the settings of the Work Center:


2.3 List Profile

To create a list profile select the option “New Entries” and insert the name and a description.

The list profile has the following configuration:

2.3.1 Detailed Capacity List

To configure:

After enter click in “New Entries” and insert the name and description of the new profile. Settings

Percent values

With this indicator you can determine whether the values of the objects will be displayed as
percentages in the information system. If it is defined in the detailed capacity list, the column
requirements appears in percentage.

Sort descending

Define the sort is in descending order

Original With

Defines if width of the column is original or not


With this indicator you determine whether you want to make a paragraph in the list when
there is a control break. Changes

Last Changed By

Show the user which held the last modify.


If you set this indicator, you will protect the profile based on the last person to change it.

In the schedule information system, changes to this profile can only be carried out by this

Not Changeable

You can use this indicator to determine that changes to the profiles in the information system
can only be carried out using the configuration menu. Column

Column With

Width of all field columns in the schedule information system. Subprofiles

Dispalyed fields

This controls the fields displayed in the columns.

To create new:


In displayed fields insert the new parameter and in the copy from, the original parameter
(create by copy).

Choose the fields and click “OK”:

And select if is protected or not changeable.


The sort criteria and grouping criteria is the same procedure.

After creating the parameter, is possible to change the fields:

Select the fields you want to display

After the changes in the configuration the fields displayed are:

2.3.2 Default List

Detailed capacity list

Determining the evaluation to be selected when you press <Enter> on the initial screen or on
the selection list.

The following options exists:

Variable Overview

List version of the variable overview.

To configure:

First it is necessary to define the columns. For this enter in Define columns. After defining the
column, it is necessary to define the column definitions.

Now Define list versions of variable overview.

After define the list version:

It is necessary to select the version and select Definition-list version. There insert the column
names necessary.

2.3.3 Excel interface control

Query for file name

If is selected, the system will request a file name for the downloading of EXCEL data to your PC.

Query before overwriting

If is selected, this means that the system will ask again whether an existing file is really to be
overwritten when downloading EXCEL data.

Detailed capacity list

It was already referenced in the above chapters.

2.3.4 Excel interface file name

Standard overview
Name of the EXCEL file on your PC under which the data for the standard overview is to be

Variable overview

Name of the EXCEL file on your PC under which the data for the variable overview is to be

Cap. Det.

The name of the EXCEL file on your PC to which the capacity detail list data is to be saved.


Path for the transfer of data to or from a PC

In the final, the list Profile:

2.4 Selection Profile

To create select the option “New Entries” and insert the name and a description.
The selection profile have the following configuration:

2.4.1 Sets

Sets contain criteria for selecting specific capacity requirements information. They are required
to define various selection screens.

To define sets:

Before creating a Set, it is necessary to create the variables.

In variables we have the options:

To create, select create.

For example to Work Center:

After define all variables, we can define the set:

For this set, it is possible to add other sets. For example the set 5KARBPLV.

If we see this set:

Is composed by variable set 5KARBPL.

The process is the same for all sets. All of this configuration is covered in the capacity leveling
chapter in more detail.

2.4.2 Interval Selected

Type of date

Specifies the type of date (e.g. calendar day or calendar week) you use to enter the limits of
the period for which the system can read data from the database.

Exists the following options:

Start Date

Date of the first day of the period for which the data is read from the database.
Finish Date

The system determines the last day of the period for which data is read from the database
using the entry in this field and the value in the field for the type of date entry.

2.4.3 Selection of capacity requirements and available capacity

Sheduling level

Is used to instruct the system to select and display a certain capacity requirement.

Exists the following options:

Work Orders and Planned Orders

If is selected, the work orders and planned orders are considered.

Cap. Version

Version of available capacity that is to be taken into account when determining the available
capacity for the selected capacities.

Exists the following options:

2.5 Overall Profile
An Overall profile contains the following individual profiles:

 Selection profile
 Options profile
 List profile
 Graphics profile

To configure the overall profile, follow the path:

After enter in the transaction select “New Entries” and insert a “Code” and “Description” to
new profile. Next you have to insert the profiles.
3 Capacity Leveling (CM21/CM25)
The main function of capacity leveling is to dispatch operations. Operations are dispatched in
order to fix them at a point in time when there is sufficient capacity for them to be carried out.

If necessary, you can specify a different Work Center during dispatching. These Work Center must
have been selected when you called the planning table.

The capacity planning table enables you to carry out detailed planning of capacity requirements
continuously over time.

The capacity planning table consists of several charts arranged horizontally in which the available
capacity (operating time) and the capacity requirements (operation duration) are grouped
according to various criteria and can be displayed on the same axis. For example, all the capacity
requirements for one order, or all the capacity requirements that have been scheduled on one
capacity, can be grouped together.

When you call up capacity leveling and capacity evaluations, all the necessary settings are taken
from an overall profile. This overall profile can be a profile provided by SAP or a user-specific
profile. The overall profile comprises the “sub profiles” depicted bellow:
For capacity leveling, the relevant overall profiles are tied to a menu option (CM25) but you can
access them using the appropriate USER parameters (CM21). To set an overall profile as a user
parameter follow this path:

1. Access t-code CM21

2. System
3. User Profile
4. Own Data
5. Parameters Tab
6. Parameter ID: CYA
7. Parameter Value: The overall profile you’ve defined

The result of the above steps should result in the following image:
The capacity planning table allows you to dispatch operations and to schedule them. You can:

- Manually enter the dates of the operation in the Production Order

- You can drag and drop the operations using the mouse

- You can sort them according to a predefined sequence.

Before going to the next chapter you should be familiar with the following concepts:

1. Lead time scheduling calculates the concrete production dates. The system uses the
times in the routing to carry out lead time scheduling.
2. Finite scheduling is a special type of lead time scheduling with a capacity availability
check. Finite scheduling is only carried out for operations whose Work Centers have the
Relevant for finite scheduling indicator.
3. Midpoint scheduling is always required if, for example, an operation is moved from its
original scheduled date during capacity leveling because of an overload situation at the
Work Center. As a result, the dates for the operations that precede or follow this
operation have to be adjusted to the new date.

In the next chapter we will discuss how to configure the overall profile and the subprofiles
attached to it.

3.1 Overall Profile

CM21 transaction, is assigned to an overall profile that can be configured in transaction OPD0.
Bellow the configuration layout for the overall profile:
The overall profile is a group of different subprofiles. Each subprofile has a specific role in the
planning table. The next chapters will cover each of these subprofiles.

3.2 Selection profile

In this step you define selection profiles for capacity leveling and for the extended evaluation.

In a selection profile you define all the parameters for selecting and displaying object for which
you want to see the capacity requirements and the available capacities. You can make the
following individual settings in the selection profile:

The object set and the filter set define which selection criteria are grouped on the selection
screens for capacity leveling and the extended evaluation. On these selection screens you select
the objects when you access capacity leveling or the extended evaluation.

The object set defines the selection criteria on the initial screen where you make the first
selection of objects. The filter set defines the selection criteria on the filter screen where you can
further restrict the selection made on the initial screen.

The requirements grouping defines all the capacity requirements groups that are assigned to
the planning table or the extended evaluation. A requirements group contains, for example, the
capacity requirements for a Work Center or planned orders not yet dispatched and is assigned
to a chart in the planning table. It is advisable not to change the configuration settings of the
requirements grouping. You can use other requirements grouping, for example, display more
graphics, but you need to make coherent configurations in the planning table profile as well, (in
the chart sequence and in layout ID of the table section). It is convenient to check other standard
overall profiles and check the configurations in the fields mentioned, and then do them to your
own selection/overall profile. Check for example the profile used in CM27 transaction.
The selection key defines the selection criteria used to select mark or highlight operations online
on the planning table. A selection key is created under the same menu option as a sort
key: Define sort key.

The order categories and the scheduling level define which capacity requirements are read from
the database. These entries are only taken into account if you do not use the field TYPKZ (order
type) as a selection field on a selection screen or if when you access capacity leveling or the
extended evaluation you do not specify a value for this field on the selection screen.

In the screen section capacity requirements types you specify which capacity requirements types
can appear in the capacity evaluation. (Target-, Remaining- or Actual capacity req.). If you do not
select any of the capacity requirements types the system automatically displays the remaining
capacity requirements in the extended evaluation. You cannot display other capacity
requirements types.

In the screen section Selection of available capacities you specify that all the hierarchy Work
Center are automatically selected if you select a hierarchy Work Center on a selection screen that
in addition to the Work Centers and capacities all the individual capacities for each capacity
(persons, individual machines) are automatically selected. Thus you can also plan individual
capacities in capacity leveling or display them in the extended evaluation which version of
available capacity forms the basis of capacity planning (for example, normal/maximum available

Tcode: OPD1
Object set

The Object set will define the setup for all the fields that will be used to select the capacity
requirements like shown in the CM21 Layout.

CM21 Layout

Tcode: CES1/2/3

Filter set (Button )

The Filter set will define the setup for all the fields that will be used as a filter like shown in
the CM21 Layout.

3.2.1 Business Example – limit the selection by production order system status or user status

You can limit the objects the selection may catch. For example, you only want to select the
capacity requirements of the production orders that are released and without a material

In Define Selection Profiles, you can configure the scenario above:

Create a Status selection schema

Define the selection conditions:

For more information on selection conditions please read the IMG activity documentation.

Create a Set:
Choose the field name, this field contains the name of the table field to which the set or variable

Go to define selection profile. In the object set or filter set you have to apply the created set.

Next time you run CM21, it will only show released production orders withou MPST status.

3.2.2 Business Example – limit the selection by production scheduler

For example, you wish to pick only the requirements from the production scheduler Z01 to Z02,
all other requirements must be left out.

1. Create a Set with the required field name (t-code - CE01)

Make the relevant configuration stating that you only want to pick up requirements form
production scheduler Z01 and Z02.

Now assign the set you’ve created to one of the sets from your selection profile. (t-code: OPD1)
In this example i’ve added the set to the Object set, but you could have added to the Filter set.

Next time you run CM21 it will only be selected the capacity requirements from production
schedulers Z01 and Z02.

Hint, it’s better to assign those kind of filters to filter set instead to the object set. In our opinion
is better to reserve the object set only for selection fields when you access CM21.

3.2.3 Business Example – add selection field to CM21 selection

Add a selection field to CM21. In this exemple we add capacity category as a selection field in
If you don’t want to filter certain values but you want to select them in the selection fields in
CM21, you have to create a variable.

Give variable Name as ZZCAPC, and search for the field.

Then create a Set. (T-code: CE01)

In From Value click in the field depicted and select the cariable you’ve created in the step before.
Assign the set you’ve created to the object set in the selection profile. (T-code: OPD1)
Next time you run CM21 “capacity category” will be a selection field:

3.2.4 Business Example – only select production orders

You only want to pick work orders capacity requirements.

Go to selection Profile (T-code: OPD1), and tick Work Orders.

3.2.5 Business Example – change selection/highlighted fields inside CM21

When you want to select certain fields inside CM21 you can do it by defining a selection Key in
your selection profile:

The configuration for the selection key is exactly the same as for the strategy profile. Here are
the steps:
For example, we want to highlight/select the orders with a target quantity, or the operatoions
with the latest start date, or by material number.

T-code: CY39

Create a new layout key:

Edit you layout Key:

Select structures:

You are changing fields that belong to different tables, in the structures (you can add your own
structures by using an user exit) you have to define the tables where you’re getting the fields:
Use the binocular to search for the fields you want:

After selecting the fields you will notice that they appear highlighted in the top of the selection:

Now, in sequence/heading you can sort them according to your preferences:

You can decide, if you want to make the selection in descending order, in the D column you can
put a X if you want that field in descending order, or you can change the sequence by using the
select option.

The next step is to define the sort of the objects you’ve selected before:

T-code: CY40

Name your sort key:

Click New Entries:

Put the item as 1, and assign your previous created layout key to your sort key. You can have
several sort keys depending on your selection and layout keys. For the same Sort Key you can
have different layout keys. One for production orders and other for planned orders. In this
example, only production orders are relevant.

Now assign your sort key to your selection key from your selection profile:

Next time you run CM21 and in Menu bar “Edit”, in the options “Select” or “Highlight” you can
choose from the fields you’ve defined in the steps above.
3.3 Control Profile
A control profile contains settings that define the type of display and the layout of the data as
well as the locking properties of the system. You can maintain the following data:
Since you’re using the planning table in graphical mode makes sense to configure the
presentation for this objective. By default this settings come pre-configured for planning table in
graphical format. So it is advisable not to change the default configuration.

Restrict. Plan. : If you set this indicator then the capacity planning table is called up in a session
in which you can temporarily save the results of your planning without leaving the planning table.
This way you avoid to cal CM21 again when you save the results.

The setup standard value is useful to specify which of the standard values refer to the setup time.
I tis special useful when you are optimizing the setup time during dispatch. Remember you have
to define a setup group category (OP43) and a setup matrix (OPDA) for setup optimization take

Change mode: If this indicator is set, capacity leveling is called up in change mode and you can
change the objects. If you have not set the indicator then capacity leveling is called up in display
mode. You cannot make changes to objects.

Lock. Properties: This indicator determines when orders are locked if you call up the planning
table in Change mode. Other users cannot change the orders that you have locked. You can:

Only lock orders on changing them

The orders are only locked when you change them, for example, when you dispatch an operation.
Only lock orders in pool

The orders in the pool are locked when they are read in. The dispatched orders, on the other
hand, are only locked when you change them. Special case: If one operation belonging to an
order is in the pool and another has been dispatched then the order is not locked.

Lock all orders

All orders are already locked when the system reads them in.

GUI status for change mode: define how the menu is set up for the planning tables for display

GUI status for display mode: define how the menu is set up for the planning tables for display
mode. The figure bellow shows a standard GUI for display status. You can change how the menu

Always sort : You use this indicator to specify that the lines in the capacity planning table are to
be sorted after every change (for example, after deallocating a requirement) when the systems
puts the orders deallocated back to the pool it sorts them again to appear in the correct order
you’ve defined in Define layout (OPDJ) and then in the Planning table Profile (OPG0). If the
indicator is not set then new lines are added to existing ones on the planning table, the
deallocated orders appear at the end of the pool. Do not use this function if you are dealing with
a lot of requirements. This function is performance intensive.

Set event and parameters: You use this setting to determine that on leaving the planning table
other actions are automatically triggered. You use the indicator Set event to set the trigger
CY_PLANNING_TABLE_END. On leaving the planning table the job is automatically triggered. You
can use transaction CM40 to schedule a job for automatic dispatching as well.
3.4 Time Profile
A time profile contains date specifications and instructions as to how you can enter date
specifications. In the time profile, you specify the database read period, the evaluation period,
the planning period and the date for dispatching the backlog.

Please consider the following points:

The system accesses all requirements lying completely or partially within the database read

The evaluation period must be smaller than or equal to the database read period. The evaluation
period is the period on which capacity requirements read from the database are evaluated. In
this period there is a confrontation between capacity requirements and available capacity.

The planning period must be smaller than or equal to the evaluation period. The planning period
is the period that appears in the planning table graphic. For example, if today is 28/5/2015 with
a planning period from -60 + 60, the planning table will start on 29/3/2015 and it will end on
27/07/2015. The system only looks for capacity requirements and available capacity in the
planning period when dispatching.
Backlog capacity requirements are capacity requirements that lie in the past. All the backlogged
capacity requirements up to the date for dispatching the backlog are dispatched. This gives you
a summarized overview of backlogged operations.

You use the entry type to specify how you want to enter the limits for the periods or the date for
dispatching the backlog. Typical entry types are calendar day or calendar month.

There are two different ways of entering the start and finish dates for the periods or the date for
dispatching the backlog:

Entry with firm date: In this case, you can enter the start or the end of the period directly. Typical
entries for the month would be 03/95 and 05/95.

Relative to the current date: Depending on the type of entry, you can refer to the current date.
For example, if the type of entry is calendar days and the current date is 05/01/95, by entering
-10 and 10 you specify a period of 10 calendar days before and after the current date.

3.5 Evaluation Profile

An evaluation profile contains settings that are important for evaluating data.
This includes the capacity unit used by the system to display available capacities and capacity
requirements. You can also use the indicator Unit of measure from capacity to specify that the
available capacities and capacity requirements on the planning tables are to be displayed in the
unit of measure maintained in the capacity.

You can use the indicator Cumul. indiv. cap. to specify that the system is to calculate the available
capacity by cumulating the available capacities of the individual capacities that belong to the
capacity category. The following pictures describe the results of the Cumul.ind. cap.:

Work Center WC02 as 6 individual capacities:

From individual capacity 001 to 004 we have maintained a working period, capacity 005 and 006
assume the capacity of the parent Work Center WC02. Depicted bellow you can see that capacity
number 005 it’s not maintained but has na available capacity of 1 hour that comes from WC02.
You can see as well in the picture above, from CM28, that the the available capacity at Work
Center WC02 is 42 hours, this value is the cumulation of the individual capacities maintained -
001 to 004 at this Work Center. This happens because the tick cumulation of individual capacities
is ticked in the evaluation profile.

Now lets uncheck and show the result in the next picture. As you see, the capacity of Work Center
WC02 is no longer the cumulation, but the capacity maintained in the header.
In addition, you can use the indicator Hierarchy cumulation to specify that the capacity
requirements are to be calculated by cumulating them using a Work Center hierarchy. When you
set the indicator Dyn. capacity cumul., the system cumulates available capacity dynamically using
a hierarchy, You can only carry out a dynamic cumulation in those parts of capacity planning
where capacity requirements and available capacities are represented per period, for example in
the capacity evaluation or in the tabular version of the planning table in capacity leveling. For
this purpose you should enter the name of the hierarchy. For further info please read SAP HELP
on hierarchy cumulation.

The settings in the section Distribution are used everywhere in capacity leveling where period
splits are used. You use a distribution to specify how the capacity requirements of an operation
that stretches over several days is to be distributed over this period, that is, how much of the
capacity requirements are to be loaded onto the capacity at the Work Center every day. For more
information on distribution function and strategies read the attached file:

Distribution of
Capacity Requirements.docx
In evaluation profile you can maintain the following data, regarding distribution:

The indicator From Work Center/operation specifies that the distribution keys maintained in the
Work Center are used to distribute the capacity requirements. If the indicator is not set, the
system uses a distribution key maintained in this profile.

3.6 Strategy Profile

You specify data in the strategy profile that controls how operations are dispatched on the
planning tables. This is one of the most important profile in capacity leveling.

3.6.1 Scheduling Control

The following settings are important for dispatching operations on both types of planning table:

Finite scheduling

If you set this indicator then finite scheduling is carried out during dispatching. In lead time
scheduling the system does not take into account the capacity load of the Work Center affected.
In finite scheduling, by contrast, the system schedules the operations taking into account the
current capacity loads generated by operations at Work Center. This takes place as follows:
For every operation to be scheduled, the system checks whether there is enough remaining
available capacity at the date determined. If the operation has sub-operations that are relevant
for scheduling, then the system also looks for remaining available capacity for these.

If you fo not set this indicator, the system will consider that you have infinite capacity.

Dispatch at earliest point in time

If you have set this indicator then the system tries to dispatch operations as early as possible in
the planning period without taking preceding operations in the order into account. If this
indicator is set, then the system switches automatically to planning direction forwards.

Dispatching at best time for setup

If you set this indicator, the system dispatches operations into existing commitments in such a
way that the setup times of the commitments increase as little as possible. You must also set the
indicator Insert Operation.

This function is not available for capacity leveling in the process industry (PP-PI) that is, for
capacity leveling of process orders and planned orders that refer to master recipes.

Date entry when dispatching

If you set this indicator, the system does not dispatch operations automatically on the planning
tables. Dispatching is only possible manually. If you have set the indicator, you reach a dialog box
once you have selected the planning table function Dispatch. You have to enter a start time or
finish time and/or a target Work Center in this dialog box depending on the planning time that
has been set. This entry is then valid for all operations that you have selected.

Plan. direction forwards

If you set this indicator, during automatic dispatching, the system looks to the "future" for a
possible date to dispatch operations within the planning period. If you do not set the indicator,
the system looks to the "past".

Change planning direction

If you set this indicator then when operations are dispatched the system searches for remaining
available capacity in the whole of the planning period (defined in the time profile) and not just in
the planning direction that is defined in the strategy profile.

The system first searches for remaining available capacity in the planning direction specified. If it
does not find any here then it searches in the opposite direction.
The indicator Insert operation should not be set. If it is set then the indicator Change planning
direction is not taken into account and the system only searches for remaining available capacity
in the direction specified in the strategy profile.

Planning in non-work periods:

This indicator specifies that operations can be dispatched to non-work periods without you
having to change the available capacities in the Work Centers. During dispatching, the calendar,
operating times and available capacities in the Work Centers are ignored and instead the
following data is used:

Operating time 00:00 to 24:00

Efficiency rate 100%

Insert operation

If this indicator is set, you can dispatch operations at a particular time. If the time to which it is
dispatched clashes with an already existing commitment, then the system dispatches the
operation before or after the commitment depending on the planning direction. Other
operations that have already been dispatched are shifted in the planning direction.

Close gaps

Specifies how the system is to deal with the situation where a gap arises in capacity commitment.
This occurs within capacity leveling when an operation is deallocated.

There are the following options:

 The gap in the capacity commitment is left as it is.

 All the operations are shifted to the next gap in the capacity commitment in the planning
direction so as to close the gap.
 All the operations are shifted to the end of the planning period in the planning direction so
as to close the gap.

Now that we have introduced each entry in the scheduling control, it is time to explore the
potential of each of the entries and the effects they cause in dispatching, but first let’s create a
dispatching sequence and assign it to the strategy profile. A dispatching sequence for the
automatic/manual dispatching/rescheduling of a group of selected operations allows the system
to perform the dispatching/rescheduling of the operations according to a certain rule, for
example, order priority, and if it finds a match of priorities it will sort the operations according to
another field you define.

3.6.2 Further control options

Overall capacity load

Indicator used in capacity leveling (if data is displayed per period) to specify that when an
operation is dispatched the overall load within the planning period is taken into account.

This means that when an operation is dispatched at a particular time using finite scheduling the
system looks for a date where there is sufficient capacity available. The system also takes into
account any overload in previous periods in the planning period and so any backlog when
dispatching the operation.

Reschedule with production version

Specifies that when an operation is rescheduled the production version is copied to the planned
order in which the new work center is entered as the production line. The planned order is
scheduled with the new routing and dispatched to the new production line. The condition for
copying the new production version is that the old work center is a production line in a
production version.

The conditions for this function are:

 the old and the new work centers are specified in the production versions of the material
as production lines.
 the old and the new work centers in the routings of these production versions are not
assigned to more than one operation.

Production Version and Capacity Leveling

During the capacity leveling if the planned resource don’t have available capacity and the planner
have a resource that can produce de product even if the machines are different, then this means
that we need to change the production version inside the planned order/Production Order.

This check normally is done during the Capacity Evaluation were the planner will decide what will
be the orders list that will be available for schedule in a certain period, but can also change in the
Capacity Leveling, for example when we have a rush requirement what will be included in a
production order already created.

Do manage the production version changes SAP offers the bellow functionality defined in the
production versions master data and in the Strategy Profile.


This functionality just works for planned order, production orders are assumed by SAP as already
revised by the planner and for that reason the change needs to be executed manually.

Production Version Master Data Requirements

For this functionality to work, it will be necessary to assign a production line/resource for each
of the production version lines of the material in C223 transaction.

This will be the way SAP will know that when we change the operation to other resource classified
as production line, we need also to change the order production version linked to the destination
production line.

Strategy Profile for production version change Requirements


Before the change the production version is

By drag and drop the planned order into production line TANK0003

We can already see the bar have change because the TANK0003 line can produce the same
quantity in less time.

If we check the planned order we can see that the production version have change to 0007

This functionality just work if the planned order operation resource and the production line are
align, otherwise the system will ignore the production line association. Dispatching Sequence

Imagine that you want to dispatch a set of orders according to a certain sequence. The sequence
defined for this example in ascending order, will be:

Basic Finish Processing User field User field

Priority Quantity Setup goup setup key
date Time text 1 indicator

In this dispatching sequence if you find two or more production orders with a draw in any of the
fields above, the dispatch sequence will search for the next field that will undrawn. For example
imagine two orders with the same basic finish date and same priority. The system will search for
the next field to undrawn, it will be the quantity field. You can define up to 8 fields.

To create a dispatching sequence you need to customize a Layout/Sort Key and then a Sort Key.

Access transaction OPDR and click New:

Then click “New entries” and name your layout Key:


Access transaction OPDR again and call the layout key you’ve just created:

Click in the pencil – modify, and then go to structures. You have to know to which structures the
fields in the dispatching you have created belong. You can access the tables to discover.
You can add a user defined structure by using the appropriate enhancement - CYPP0002/

For our example we will need the following structures:

Select the fields according to the dispatching sequence you want to form:


Now we have to define the sorting

Access transaction CY40, and name your sort key:

Click OK:

Select new entries, and call your layout key previously created and name the item.

In the picture above it is possible to define other sorting criteria, but it’s not possible to have two
types of sorting for the same object, for example production orders. But you can do another
sorting with the same sort key, but for a different object – planned orders.

Assign the layout key you have created to your strategy profile:

Access transaction OPDB, and call your strategy profile:

Now assign this strategy profile to your overall profile:

Access transaction OPD0, call up your profile and assign the strategy profile:

Call CM21 transaction:

See the strategy:

After dispatching a set of orders, they will appear according to the sequence defined:

Basic Finish Processing User field User field

Priority Quantity Setup goup setup key
date Time text 1 indicator Finite Scheduling indicator not set

If this indicator is not set the system considers that the Work Center as infinite capacity and will
dispatch the orders exactly to the operation times they appear in the pool:

Starting Point:

Strategy profile:
Result of the dispatching:

When you select the three operations to dispatch the system dispatched them as you can see
depicted above. The operations were the dispatched exactly the way they were in the pool. The
start and finish date are exactly the same because the system is considering infinite capacity.
Makes no sense to use the capacity planning table without this indicator. Dispatch at earliest point in time

It’s 31 May, and almost midnight. The system will dispatch the operations according to the
strategy defined to the current time if it has available capacity. It will do forward scheduling
searching for the next portion of capacity available, to dispatch the next operation.

Current situation:
In the current situation we already have an operation dispatched for the current day, so with this
indicator set the system must start looking for the next available capacity. And the next available
capacity is on the 5th of June at 11:30:
Let’s dispatch an operation, and you will notice that it will start at 11:30: Date entry when dispatching

If you set this indicator the system will prompt you to enter the date of the dispatch of the first
operation, the other operations in the set of selected operations will follow according to the
strategy defined and to the planning direction if you do not have enough capacity at the Work
We will dispatch 3 orders:

The system asks when to dispatch them:

And the result:

If you look at the picture above you will notice that the system is using backward scheduling. Plan. direction forwards

If you set this indicator, during automatic dispatching, the system looks to the "future" for a
possible date to dispatch operations within the planning period. If you do not set the indicator,
the system looks to the "past". Change planning direction

If you set this indicator then when operations are dispatched the system searches for remaining
available capacity in the whole of the planning period (defined in the time profile) and not just in
the planning direction that is defined in the strategy profile.

The system first searches for remaining available capacity in the planning direction specified. If it
does not find any here then it searches in the opposite direction.

The indicator Insert operation should not be set. If it is set then the indicator Change planning
direction is not taken into account and the system only searches for remaining available capacity
in the direction specified in the strategy profile.

For this example I’ve changed the planning period between 7 days counting from the current
time and fill it up with dispatched orders, in other words, there is no capacity available in the
future, only in the past, let’s see the result.

In the current situation the system is configured to do backward scheduling, so the order
1002124 should go back, but there is no capacity available in the planning period. So this order
has to change its planning direction.

This is the current situation:

When we try to dispatch just with the finite scheduling indicator the system issues the error:

Now if we say the system to change the planning direction:

The result will be: Considering setup time when dispatching

Before doing anything regarding this function please read carefully the information that follows
taken from SAP HELP. Remember! None of this functions are available for process industries.

1. Changing the Standard Value for Setup Manually

You can manually change the setup times of selected operations in the planning tables.

Use only standard value keys for which the setup standard values are located at the same place
(that is, for which the setup standard values have the same standard value number) for the
Work Centers relevant for capacity leveling.

the operations for which you want to adjust the setup times.

In the capacity planning table (graphic) Functions

® Adjust setup time ® Manual

the setup standard value for each operation with which the setup time should be

The system reschedules the relevant orders, although it takes the new setup standard values
into account.
2. Adjust the setup time automatically

You can use the function "automatic adjustment of setup time" on both types of planning table
to adjust the setup times of all the operations in a commitment. The automatic adjustment of
the setup time recalculates the new setup time of every operation depending on the operation
preceding the operation in question. The operations are rescheduled accordingly.

must activate the following functions in the strategy profile:
 Plan. direction forwards
 Insert operation
 To calculate the setup time of the operation, the function uses the value stored in the setup
matrix for the transition between the predecessor of the operation and the operation itself.
This value serves as the standard value for setup. It is here that you specify which standard
value of the operation is used as the setup standard value.
If you do not maintain the setup matrix or if a setup transition is not specified in the
setup matrix, then the setup standard value in the operation is used. In the control
profile, you specify globally for all operations which standard value is to be treated as
the setup standard value.
 In the setup matrix, a setup transition is identified by setup states that are defined in the
preceding and subsequent operations for the Work Center. Setup states are defined in
terms of setup group categories and setup group keys. These must be maintained in the
 The function identifies setup transitions that you have identified as forbidden in the setup
matrix and highlights them.

Procedure and results of setup time adjustment

To adjust the setup times of all the Work Centers you have selected choose Functions ® Adjust
setup time ®Automatic (capacity planning table). Even if you select only one capacity, the
system adjusts the setup time for the whole Work Center.
The system recalculates the setup times of operations and reschedules the operations
accordingly. If the setup times are reduced in a commitment where there were previously no
gaps, then the gaps close automatically as long as you have activated the indicator Close gaps in
the strategy profile.
After the setup time adjustment the original setup standard values in the operations are
overwritten with the setup standard values from the setup matrix. If you deallocate a
dispatched operation after setup time adjustment has taken place then the setup standard
value that it had before the automatic standard value adjustment took place is reassigned to it.

If you change a Work Center commitment for which the setup time has been adjusted (for
example, by deallocating an operation) then you have to carry out setup time adjustment

Adjustment of setup time of the first operation in the planning period

If the first operation in the commitment in the planning period does not have a predecessor in
the evaluation period then the initial setup state of the Work Center is not defined by an

You can define the initial setup state by entering an Initial setup state in the strategy profile.
The setup time of the first operation is calculated using the standard value saved in the setup
time matrix for the transition between the initial setup state and the setup state given for the
operation. If you do not specify an initial setup state in the strategy profile then the setup time
of the operation is calculated using the setup standard value in the operation.

Forbidden setup transitions

If the function finds forbidden transitions during setup time adjustment then the operations
concerned are highlighted.

3. Dispatching at the Best Time for Setup

With automatic dispatching at the best time for setup you can dispatch one or more operations
on one of the planning tables in already existing commitments to Work Centers in such a way
that the overall setup time increases as little as possible.


 the dispatching function Dispatching at the best time for setup

 Insert operation
 The function Setup time Optimization must be deactivated because it overrides Dispatch at
best time for setup.
 To calculate the setup time of the operation, the function uses the value stored in the setup
matrix for the transition between the predecessor of the operation and the operation itself.
This value serves as the standard value for setup. It is here that you specify which standard
value of the operation is used as the setup standard value.
If you do not maintain the setup matrix or if a setup transition is not specified in the
setup matrix, then the setup standard value in the operation is used. In the control
profile, you specify globally for all operations which standard value is to be treated as
the setup standard value.
 In the setup matrix, a setup transition is identified by setup states that are defined in the
preceding and subsequent operations for the Work Center. Setup states are defined in
terms of setup group categories and setup group keys. These must be maintained in the

Procedure and results of setup time adjustment
With automatic dispatching, the system looks for an optimal point for dispatching one
operation after the other to the target Work Center. Once it finds the optimal time, it
dispatches the operation there. If there are several equally good transitions for an operation to
be dispatched, then the operation is dispatched at the latest date. The newly dispatched
operation retains its original value for the setup standard value, as does its successor. To adjust
the setup times of the new commitment, you have to carry out an automatic setup time

Dispatching sequence

The operations are dispatched one after the other in the sequence you have specified in the
strategy profile. Note that the result of dispatching depends on this sequence.

Forbidden setup transitions

When determining the optimal time, the system takes into account whether the setup
transitions are forbidden. If dispatching leads to a forbidden transition, then the operation is
not dispatched at this time. If all possible times lead to forbidden transitions, then the
operation is dispatched at the end of the capacity commitment even if this transition is

Specification of the initial setup state of a Work Center

A special situation concerning setup time can be when the operation to be dispatched is before
the first operation.
If there is no operation before it in the evaluation period, then the setup state of the Work
Center is not defined by an operation.
You can define the initial setup state by entering an Initial setup state in the strategy profile.
The setup time of the first operation is calculated using the standard value saved in the setup
time matrix for the transition between the initial setup state and the setup state given for the
operation. If you do not specify an initial setup state in the strategy profile, the setup time of
the operation is calculated using the setup standard value in the operation.

4. Setup time optimization

With automatic dispatching with setup time optimization, you can dispatch a group of
operations on the capacity planning table without leaving any gaps while minimizing the setup
time at the target Work Centers. This dispatching procedure is especially suitable for the initial
commitment of resources.
Setup time optimization in the strategy profile. This automatically activates
or deactivates the following functions:

Planning direction forwards is activated

Dispatch at best time for setup is deactivated
Dispatch at earliest point in time is deactivated
Date entry when dispatching is deactivated
 To calculate the setup time of the operation, the function uses the value stored in the setup
matrix for the transition between the predecessor of the operation and the operation itself.
This value serves as the standard value for setup. It is here that you specify which standard
value of the operation is used as the setup standard value.
If you do not maintain the setup matrix or if a setup transition is not specified in the
setup matrix, then the setup standard value in the operation is used. In the control
profile, you specify globally for all operations which standard value is to be treated as
the setup standard value.
 In the setup matrix, a setup transition is identified by setup states that are defined in the
preceding and subsequent operations for the Work Center. Setup states are defined in
terms of setup group categories and setup group keys. These must be maintained in the

Procedure and results of setup time optimization

For every target Work Center, the operations to be dispatched are first of all automatically
arranged in the sequence with the smallest total setup time. The system takes the initial setup
state of the Work Center into account. It also takes account of forbidden setup transitions.
Then the operations are dispatched to the Work Center in this sequence without any gaps and
with the new setup times. The setup standard values in the operations dispatched are
overwritten with the setup standard values from the setup matrix.
If you deallocate the operations again, they are given back their original setup values so long as
you have not saved your planning.

Dispatching date

There are the following options for the dispatching date:

 If there is already a commitment at the Work Center, then the operations to be dispatched
are dispatched directly after the last operation at the end of the commitment without any
 If there is no commitment in the evaluation period at the Work Center, then the operations
are dispatched at today’s date.

Specification of the initial setup state of a Work Center.

If there is no commitment at the Work Center in the evaluation period, then the setup state at
the Work Center is not defined by an operation.
You can define the initial setup state by entering an Initial setup state in the strategy profile.
The setup time of the first operation is calculated using the standard value saved in the setup
time matrix for the transition between the initial setup state and the setup state given for the
operation. If you do not specify an initial setup state in the strategy profile, the setup time of
the operation is calculated using the setup standard value in the operation.

5. Setup matrix

In the setup matrix you save setup values for operations that depend on the setup state of the
Work Center.

The setup time of an operation can depend on which operation was processed at the Work
Center previously; that is, it depends on the setup state of the Work Center.
This is taken into account with the following functions:
 Automatic setup time adjustment
 dispatching at the best possible setup time
 Setup time optimization
To calculate setup times of operations these functions do not use the setup standard values
that are in the operations but the setup standard values from the setup matrix.
You define the setup matrix in Customizing for capacity planning using Define transition matrix.

In the setup matrix, the dependency of the setup standard value of an operation on the setup
status of the Work Center is as follows:
 The setup state of a Work Center is defined in terms of the setup group category and the
setup group key of the operation that is processed at the Work Center.
 A setup transition is a sequence of two operations - a predecessor and a successor - that are
processed consecutively at the Work Center.
 A setup standard value for the successor is assigned to the setup transition.
 You specify for each setup transition which standard value for the successor is to be
interpreted as a setup standard value.

Initial setup states

If an operation in the planning period does not have a predecessor in the evaluation period
then the setup state of the Work Center is not defined. You can define the initial setup state of
the Work Center using an initial setup statethat you enter in the strategy profile.
To deal with such situations you define special transitions in the setup matrix between initial
setup states and setup states that are given by operations. You assign these transitions, as with
normal transitions, setup standard values for the following operation, in this case for the first
Initial setup states are characterized as follows in the setup matrix:
 Maximum three-figure key for the predecessor group
 No entry for the predecessor subgroup
Use of wildcard characters
You can use the wildcard character * in the setup matrix for the setup group key. The following
example shows how this wildcard character is interpreted in the setup group key.

The system looks for a transition containing the setup group key AB for the
preceding operation. However, there is only an entry for the setup group key A*.
If the other entries for the transition are correct then the system uses the value
for this entry.

Blue and white colour is filled up in a filling station. You maintain the following setup transitions
in the setup matrix.

Predecessor Successor Setup standard value Standard value number

Tank blue Tank blue 1 hr 1
Tank white Tank white 2 hr 1
Tank white Tank blue 4 hr 1
Tank blue Tank white 8 hr 1
IS1 Tank blue 16 hr 1
IS2 Tank white 32 hr 1

Two setup transitions with the initial setup states IS1 and IS2 are defined for processing filling
operations after a long idle period.

The following abbreviations are used:

SGC Setup group category

SGK Setup group key
Setup standard Value assigned to the setup standard value
Standard value Number of the standard value in the operation that is
number interpreted as the setup standard value

6. Setup Group Category and Setup Group Key

The setup group category and setup group key characterize the setup state of a Work Center
that is necessary for processing an operation.
The setup group key and setup group category are maintained in the operation. The setup
states in the operations are evaluated in capacity leveling for setup time adjustment when
dispatching to the best possible time for setup and for setup time optimization.

Several setup group keys can be combined to form a setup group category. Adjust the setup time automatically

In some of the production processes, the setup time depends on the sequence in which the
product is produced or the physical state of the machine left behind after an operation. The
example used to describe this process is described as follows: Imagine a paint shop that paints
cars in white, yellow, blue and black. Passing from a brighter colour to a darker one may not seem
critical, and you can use the standard setup time. But passing from a darker colour to a brighter
one, the setup time will increase for sure.

You can configure the dependency of setup work on a processing sequence by assigning the setup
groups in respective operation of the routing. The assignment takes place at two levels: the setup
group category and the setup group key. For our example a setup group category can be colour
and the setup group key will be: white, yellow, blue and black.

To configure a setup group category and keys access transaction OP43.

The setup group keys will be the colours:

Then you need to maintain a setup matrix in transaction OPDA, to maintain the new setup values
that result in passing from one colour to another. Please read the above subchapter for more

From the image above you can notice that passing from one operation that uses colour White to
another that uses the same colour, the setup time will be 0 min. But passing from black,
represented in the setup group key by number 4, to a white, represented by 1, will be 30 min.

You can add new entries and the screen appears:

In the fields filled above you are specifying:

Scheduling a operation from a setup group Z1, setup group Key 2, to a setup group Z1, setup
group Key 4, the setup will take 30 minutes.. Using our example you are saying that if an
operation uses yellow ink is a predecessor of an operation that uses black ink the setup will be
30 minutes.

In transition you specify if this sequence is allowed or not, if you put a 01 there you are saying
that this transition from yellow to black is not allowed. The system won’t let you schedule an
operation that uses black ink after an operation that uses yellow ink.

In number of standard value you are saying to which standard value defined in the Work Centers
corresponds to the setup. Generally is the first one.

Now you have to assign in the operation details of the routing the setup group category and the
setup group key.

For our example, material 100831 is black.

And material 100833 is white.

To adjust the setup time in the planning table you have to configure the strategy as follows:

You can only dispatch one operation at a time with this strategy.
The insert operation will close all the gaps between operations in the planning direction

The sort key is not taken into consideration in this strategy. The aim is to reduce the setup times,
so the dispatch sequence is overridden by adjust best time for setup. So the action Sort
operations to be dispatched can be unchecked.

Let’s adjust the operations to be dispatched:

Initial situation of the planning table:

The last operation dispatched was for material 10833

Now when we dispatch an operation for material 100831:

Now we have to adjust the setup times according to the setup matrix:
To adjust setup time select: Functions -> Reduce Setup Time -> Automatically.

The result:

This strategy only allows you to dispatch one operation at a time. The next chapter describes
how to dispatch a set of operations. Setup time optimization

For every target Work Center, the operations to be dispatched are first of all automatically
arranged in the sequence with the smallest total setup time. The system takes the initial setup
state of the Work Center into account. It also takes account of forbidden setup transitions. Then
the operations are dispatched to the Work Center in this sequence without any gaps and with
the new setup times. The setup standard values in the operations dispatched are overwritten
with the setup standard values from the setup matrix.

If an operation in the planning period does not have a predecessor in the evaluation period then
the setup state of the Work Center is not defined. You can define the initial setup state of the
Work Center using an initial setup state that you enter in the strategy profile.

This strategy, opposed to the last one, allows you to dispatch several operations at a time.
The dispatching strategy for this setup time optimization must be configured as follows:
The initial state of the planning table is the same as the last picture in the previous subchapter:

After setup time optimization all operations were dispatched in order to reduce its setup time

3.6.3 Period Split

 PerSplit
Specifies the period split for dispatching operations on the capacity planning table (for
example, shift split).
Selection options

You need a period split for example if you want to specify that operations are always
included in a shift, and cannot be shared by other shifts.

Ex.: By shift

As we can see the operation is inside the shift 1, this means that when the planner
dispatch order the system never dispatch orders that start and ends in different shifts.
The bar in green is not possible because is between shift 1 and 2.

 Start search in plan. direct.

Specifies for dispatching to the period split from which point the system should start the
search for remaining available capacity.

 If the indicator is set then the system starts the search at the first point in the period
split in the planning and continues searching in the planning direction.
 If the indicator is not set then the system starts the search at the first point in the
period split in the opposite direction from the planning direction and continues to
search in the planning direction.

The planning direction is defined in the Schedule control area in the Strategy Profile
So if we have this option selected the system will assume that we are dispatching with
forward direction. If the direction should be backward then this checkbox should be

 Always adhere to period split

Specifies when planning using a period split, depending on the planning direction either
the start or finish dates of operations always lie on the points of the period split:
 With planning direction forwards the operations start on points in the period split.
 With planning direction backwards the operations finish on points in the period

Assuming that the plan direction is forward)

Assuming that the plan direction is backward)

 Op. Compl. In period split

Specifies that when dispatching on the period split the start and finish date of the
operation must lie within the period split interval for example, a shift.
When you have set the indicator and the operation is longer than a period interval then
the operation is dispatched at the next-possible date.


 if you have entered a period split

 if the indicator always keep to period split is inactive

3.6.4 Checks

 Cancel dispatching due to error

Specifies that the system cancels the dispatching of an operation, if it discovers an error
during the date check or the availability check or during scheduling.
 Term. Resched. with prod. version
If you have not set the indicator and the system discovers an error during the date or
availability check or during scheduling then the operation will be dispatched but there
will be an entry in the dispatching log.

If this indicator is set then rescheduling of a planned order from one line to another is
 If the original line or the target line has not been specified as a production line in
a production version for the material.
 If the original line or the target line in the routings for these production versions
are assigned to more than one operation
 Use operation floats
Specifies that when an operation is dispatched the planning result only counts as error-
free if the operation lies within the operation float.
If the operation floats have been used up because the dates of the operation have been
shifted and if the indicator Cancel dispatching due to error has been set then the system
terminates dispatching of the operation.
As a requirement the next check should be set in the Strategy Profile

Operation floats location in the routing master data

 Use float before/after production

Specifies that when dispatching an operation in addition to the operation floats the float
before production for the order can be used as well.

If the float before production has been used up by shifting the date of the operation and
if the indicator Cancel dispatching due to error then the system terminates the
dispatching of the operation.

As a requirement the next checks should be set in the Strategy Profile

Orders floats location in the production order


The floats are set in the materials master data MRP2

3.7 Hierarchies
A resource hierarchy consists of several hierarchically structured resources. One resource can be
part of several different resource hierarchies. Except for the top of the hierarchy - the hierarchy
root - each resource is subordinate to another resource in the resource hierarchy.

A Resource hierarchy cumulates available capacity and capacity requirements in capacity

planning. Available capacities of subordinate resources in one hierarchy level are cumulated to a
superior resource. A resource hierarchy can be created for the whole plant.

3.7.1 Business example (Resources grouped by production type)

For industries that produce different kinds of production, for example liquids and flavors,
grouping the machines/resources by hierarchies is frequent.

This happens because normally the planners will not plan the sections together, and also for big
companies the planners are normally split by de different production/sections.


For this example we can see tree hierarchies created, PLANT_H, TANKS_H and BLEND_H.

Each of this hierarchies can give to the planner a different view of capacity occupation when the
capacity evaluation is performed by him.

PLANT_H hierarchy can give the global view capacity of the site and it can be used for a rough
cut Capacity check, all the other hierarchies are being used for the sections capacity occupation.

The other two hierarchies in the example, will be more used in detail capacity and will allow to
the planner to check the global capacity of the production section.
The hierarchies can use different types of measure units, for example the TANKS_H should be
measure by Liters and BLEND_H will be measure by Kilograms.

3.7.2 Hierarchies Master Data

Create resource group like below in CR01 or CRC1 transaction

This resource category just have 2 views, basic date and capacity like shown below

All the fields assign to this views are available set as a normal resource.

Create Global Hierarchy in CR21 transaction

Assign resources/hierarchies to GLOBAL_H hierarchy


Select the filter for the resource selection list. Select the resources like shown in the list below

Click on the button to assign the resources. The following screen will appear
Procedure for connect resources/hierarchy:

 Click the connect resource button

 Click the high level resource a drag the line into the low resource/hierarchy


All the other button work by selecting the resource/hierarchy

3.7.3 Hierarchies and Capacity Evaluation

Hierarchies are normally used for the capacity Evaluation transaction in SAP. The usage are
normally assign to an evaluation Option Profile that is inside an Overall Profile defined in the
transaction OPA6. Overall profile defined in user own data settings

The overall profile defined as default is assign by user and can be inserted like shown below as a
parameter in the user own data: Overall profile hierarchy assignment customizing

Like describe above the hierarchy is defined by Option Profile that is assign to a global profile
called Overall Profile.
The customizing of the Option Profile is defined in the below IMG path:

Mandatory fields for Hierarchy capacity evaluation

 Accumulation of reqmts

Specifies that the capacity requirements for a Work Center are determined by cumulating
the capacity requirements for subordinate Work Centers in the Work Center hierarchy
This indicator is only relevant where the capacity requirements are displayed per period,
for example for the capacity evaluation and the tabular version of the planning table.

Cumulating capacity requirements only make sense if the available capacity is cumulated
at the same time.

 Dyn. Capacity cumul.

Specifies that during capacity planning the available capacity of a hierarchy Work Center
is determined by cumulating the available capacities of the subordinate Work Centers in
the given Work Center hierarchy.

This indicator is only relevant for the periodic display of requirements, for example for
the capacity evaluation and the tabular version of the planning table.

You can determine the available capacity of a hierarchy Work Center in Work Center
maintenance using "static" accumulation.

Dynamic accumulation in capacity planning is more current that static accumulation in

Work Center maintenance. However, on performance grounds, it is preferable to
determine the available capacity of hierarchy Work Centers in Work Center maintenance
using static accumulation and in capacity planning to cumulate only the capacity

 Hierarchy
Hierarchy assign to be used, for example we can set hierarchy PLANT_H, in this way all
the lower hierarchies will be consider for the analyses.
Transaction CM01:
Hierarchy data manual change menu
After execution

 Plant
As a hierarchy can be assign to more than one plant, it will be necessary to define the
plant that will be assign to the Overall Profile selected.
Ex. of shared hierarchies by plants: Units of measure resource conversion setup

For each of the resources/hierarchies it will be necessary to define what will be the unit of
measure that will be consider for the capacity analyses.

The setup of the unit of measure conversion rules are defined in the resource master data
(CR01/CR02 for PP-PI CRC1/CRC2) like shown below:
For this case we can look into the capacity of the resource/hierarchy by weight and time unit of

This option can be changed in the evaluation capacity transaction and set as a default in the
Option Profile already referred.

CM01 Option profile manual change:

If the capacity unit cannot be covered by the measure conversion rule, an information message
will appear


EA is not a unit of measure included in the resource conversion rule

Execute the CM01 report

Information message


Units of measure conversion should be align between high hierarchy element and the
resource/hierarchy low level.
3.7.4 Hierarchies and Capacity Leveling

Like for the Capacity Evaluation, hierarchies are used to group resource and organize the way the
planner will schedule the production orders.

Normally are defined based on the way the shopfloor is organized and at a level that can be
measure by the planners. Leveling with hierarchies

Selection of the following hierarchy in CM21 for a graphic capacity leveling

Selection screen in CM21


For avoiding that the TANKS_H resource is not displayed in the output report table, it was set in
the Selection Profile “Object set”, a filter for the resource category like shown below:
Z5KVERWE filter definition

Just 0001 (Machine) and 0003 (Labor) WorkCentre category are considered

Report output

In this way the planner have a monitor to check the available capacity and operation already
dispatch for each of the low resources (TANK0001, TANK0002 and TANK0003)

Drag and drop dispatch


Manual dispatch (date/hour/resource/plant)

For manual dispatch it is required to have the Strategy Profile defined with “Date entry
with dispatching” set like below
When clicking in the dispatch button, the following popup will appear

Here the planner will be able to define the date/hour and Resource/Plant were the operation
will be dispatch


All the dispatch functionalities are limited to the strategy profile definition. The auto dispatch
will be executed agreeing with the actual resource in the production order. Hierarchies Customizing for Capacity Leveling

The hierarchy functionality for Capacity Leveling needs to be activated in the IMG customizing in
order to be used in the reports.

Evaluation Profile Activation


Evaluation Profile for capacity evaluation and leveling are maintained in different
transaction. This can cause some confusion as both transaction have similar layouts

Like in the evaluation this profile is assign to an Overall Profile that can be defined by user
with the parameter CYA

Selection Profile Activation

Fields mandatory for Hierarchy leveling

 Explode Hierarchy
Specifies that all the Work Centers that are beneath the selected resource in the
hierarchy must also be selected.
 Planning for indiv. Caps.
Indicator used to specify that you can plan at the level of the individual capacities
which are allocated to a selected capacity.
 Cap.version
This field will decide what will be the capacity version defined in the resource that will
be consider for leveling.

The setup of the capacity versions are defined in the resource master data like bellow:
The definition of different cap. versions are set on the button “intervals and shifts” or

on the button .

3.8 Capacity Planning Table Profile

The profile for the planning table contains settings that determine how the planning table is set
up and what it looks like.
The key Chart sequence which determines how many charts are displayed and in what sequence.

The Layout ID that determines how information is displayed in the table section.
The layout is linked to the requirements grouping in the selection profile. For every group in the
requirements grouping there has to be a layout key in the layout used.

The key LineRepreSelec that defines the line representation selection used to determine how a
line is graphically displayed in the table section.

The key Time scale that defines the scale to be displayed in the diagram section. This definition
contains the data for representing the pre-evaluation period, the planning period and the post-
evaluation period.

The key Graphical object selection that defines the graphical object type selection used to
determine what data for an application object (for example, operation) is to be graphically
displayed in the diagram section depending on its status.
For an operation in the pool, the queue time, setup time, processing time, teardown time and
wait time are displayed. However, for an operation that has been dispatched, only the setup
time, processing time and teardown time are displayed.

The keys AxisReprSelec and CurvRepresSelec specify the graphical properties of the material
stock curves in the chart that can be displayed on the capacity planning table.

The graphics profile that represents the overall basis for the graphical display. The graphics
profile is defined using the following three entries:


: Profile group you use to define the application area for the graphics profile.


: Profile name that, together with the profile group and the profile index, identifies the graphics


: Profile index that can be used to distinguish between modes such as change and display.

For every graphical profile that was defined using these three entries the following are defined
in Customizing for capacity leveling under Technical settings:

Chart group

: Chart group includes data concerning whether the chart contains a title bar, time scale, table
heading, table section and diagram section and what background colors these sections have.

Graphical element group

: It combines graphical element categories which determine what the graphical elements look

Color category

: Color group combines color categories that specify the color and pattern or table lines, time
strips and time fences as well as graphical objects in the diagram section.

Form group

: It combines form types that define the formatting of texts (for example, in a table line).

Options profile
: It contains default values for displaying the planning table (for example, height and width) as
well as data concerning technical properties (for example, whether or not a double-click has a

3.8.1 Layout ID

The Layout ID determines how information is displayed in the table section.

The layout is linked to the requirements grouping in the selection profile. For every group in
the requirements grouping there has to be a layout key in the layout used. Please take into
consideration the requirements grouping defined in the selection profile, you must do an effort
to understand the match between the requirements grouping in the selection profile and the
configurations explained in this subchapter.

Let’s first organize the table section of the pool in ascending order as follows:

By default it’s not organized the way we want:

To configure the fields you want to be displayed in the table section of the planning table follow
the configuration:
Although this configuration is in the tabular form section of the planning table, you can configure
the graphical table section here.

Access transaction OPDJ and copy the layout currently being used by the capacity planning table:

Go to settings, display profiles and click check:

The current layout for the table section being used is in the capacity planning table profile and
In transaction OPDJ do a copy of this layout and name your own layout:

As you see the fields displayed in the table section are organized according to a sort and a
grouping. Let’s define our own sorting and grouping:

To do your own sorting access transaction CY38 and click structures. In this entry we define the
structures where we will get the required fields:
Click OK, and search for the fields you want to display in the table section, use the search button
for this. If you doubts about the fields you want to select go to the tables and search for the name
of the field. The fields you select will appear on the top of the selection marked as you see in the
image bellow:

Click in Sequence/Heading and organize the fields you have chosen in the previous step in the
manner you want them to appear (use the select and move function)
You can change the description of the field and the length.

Your layout key is created.

The next step is to choose the sequence how the fields should be organized.

Access transaction CY39 and select your fields the same way you have done in the definition of
the layout/sort Key:

Click in Sequence/Heading and define the priority of the fields, the first fields have always priority
over the next fields, in the example shown in the picture bellow latest start has priority over the
material number, so in the planning table – table section, in the pool will appear first the orders
with shorter latest start and if it finds to orders with the same latest start will search for shorter
material number and so on:

You can sort in descending order, in D = Descending, put an X and the field will be sorted in
descending order. You can use the function select and then move to arrange the fields the way
you want.

The next step is to create a sort Key. Here you will define the formal sequence how the fields will
be organized.

Access transaction CY40, and name the sort key with a name at your choice.

Click new entries, put a number in the item, 001, and call the layout/sort key defined before and
name the sort:

In the next step we will apply all of the above configurations to the table section of the pool

Access transaction OPDJ and in the layout you have created in the beginning do the following
Apply your layout key:

And in the sort names select the sort from the definition of charts:
In sort definitions apply the sort you have created:

Now we have to apply the Layout id ZAPSFCLA24 to the planning table profile, in transaction
And you have to apply this planning table profile to your overall profile – transaction OPD0:

The result of this configuration will be the fields organized for the orders (pool) the way we’ve
defined in the beginning of this subchapter:
You can do this whole procedure to the order table sections, Work centres and orders
(dispatched – Gantt chart).

3.8.2 Graphics Profile

In this step you define the colors that you want to apply at the bars, lines and texts. You can also
configure the various geometric forms that you want for the bars.
For the configuration in the first step you want to know which planning table profile is used. For
this after enter in the transaction CM21 you must to go at Settings in the menu and select the
option Display Profiles.

Now you can see the Planning Table Profile that is assigned.

The next step is select the option "Check" to see the configuration inside the profile.

In the profile open the line Define Colors for Bars

Depending to layout used in CM21, the profile is adapted to the transaction. In this example,
the layout configured in CM21 is:

The screen is divided in three parts:

 Orders (Pool)
 Orders (Dispatched-GANTT Chart)
 Work Centers

Is possible to configure standard operations, planned orders, operation partially confirmed and
operation finally confirmed.

The parameters to configure the layout Orders (Pool) are:

The parameters to configure the layout Orders (Dispatched-GANTT Chart) and Work Centers

The configuration to configure the different parameters are the same (standard operation,
planned orders, etc.)

The example we going to see is for standard operation. We going configure the colors to the bars
for example by order type.

For configure, access to SPRO.

Select the option Define Overall Profile and select the profile that you can configure.

Select the button associated at the Planning Table Profile and is open the following:

Put the cursor in field GraphObjectSele and click F1 to go at the configuration:

For each bar we have configure various colors. If an order have setup time , machine time and
labour time, the bar have three colors.
Before that configuration go the transaction OPD0, to view the Graph. Element Group:

NOTE: To see the color group, should enter in the group associated at the Planning Table

The colors should belong at the group color PLT000.

First we go configure the colors that we want. In SPRO:

Select the option Define Graphical Element:

To create a new color, select the option “New Entries” and insert the name of group (PLT000 –
because this group is associated at the profile) and insert the type. The type can be a “Z”

After create the group/type, Inside the group, you define the color that you want:
After creating all colors you need, go to the option:

Select Graphical Object Type option and select the graphical object SAP004:

Select Object Representation:

Click “New Entries” and insert a “name” and a description for the new Object Representation.

Now select the Object Representation and select Graphical Element:

In this screenselect “New Entries” and insert the Graphic Element Type. This parameter is the
parameter type associated at group when you defined the color.

You enter the parameters necessary to the representation to the bar. For example if exists four
capacities that you want to see in the bar, you must define four parameters. In this case is
defined only three parameters (setup time, machine time and labour time).

Now select the option Object representation:


In the profile if you select the object representation, the value associated at SAP004 in the is

To associate one graphical object type at object representation:

Select the option Define graphical object type selection, and select the graphic object
selection. The graobjsele in the profile (you can see this in the profile) is:

In the configuration again, select the parameter SAP_0A11:

And select Representation Profile:

Select the representation profile (SAP_0R01) and select representation profile:

We can see that SAP004 is associated at SAP_ORA0.

Now going back (*) and select SAP_ORA0 and select Decision steps:

We go to the decision steps (screen original, before configuration):

We will go insert two new entries:

In these entries, we will configure the colors by order type.

For example, to order type PP01:

If order type is PP01 the color is the color configured in parameter ZMAN. The object
representation contain the colors.

Now we have different colors by order type:

Is possible configure different colors by different selection parameters.

If you want only modify the color already exists, for example in the profile:

We have the colors defined (blue, red and blue). In the CM21:

10 11 12

In SPRO associated at SAP004 at SAPR01:

Now we going delete and insert new values. For example:

In CM21:

The process that saw is only for “Orders (Pool)”. For the:

 Orders (Dispatched-GANTT Chart)

 Work Centers

The parameter is SAP000:

When we defined the colors:

These appear according to the capacities defined in Work Center.

X1 represents the Setup, X2 represents the Machine and X3 represents the Labor.

This configuration is necessary to maintain the same colors to the layout Orders (Pool). Can be
a different color. Define Colors for Lines

Beyond to the bars, the lines can be configured. In this example we will go configure with the
same colors, colors by order type.

The lines can be configured. In the SPRO:

In the profile we have:

The layout the Orders (Pool) and Dispatch, is the DStat 0003 (SAP standard).


Select Define Line Representation:

In this transaction, we will go insert the color type. The form type represents the size, font,
font style, etc.

Before define the table (table up), is necessary view the following:

In the profile we can see the group the lines:

The group of lines is color group PLT001.

In SPRO define the color:

Select Assign colors:

Create the color group PLT001 and the color type (all value, can be a “Z” value) and assign the

After this, in transaction define line representation assign the colors. Select “New Entries” and
insert the value for Line representation and assign the color.

In the option:
The line representation is associated to the profile:

Select the line representation associated in the profile and click in decision steps:

In the DStat 3 is associated the colors to the lines by order type:

For the layout Work Centers, is defined the DStat 0 with color by Work Center:

After this configuration, in CM21:

If necessary have one color, must modify the existing color profile. Define Texts

Is possible to change the colors to the texts beside the bars. For this should be view the

For example for the order in layout Orders (Pool) in the Form Type (03 – Text):

Enter in Define Form:

And change de color:

However exist two entries. Select entry b:

We can change the font, font style, size, etc.

To define the layout dispatched and work orders:

Form type PLT002:

This example is only operations orders. Is possible configure to confirmed orders and others.

To change the title colors:

In SPRO change Define field and PLTT02 (a).

By default, the texts that appears in the “bar”:

Is the material description.

To modify this text to another text, is possible with the enhancement PLAT0001. Inside this
enhancement exist the function exit EXIT_SAPLPLAT_001. Define Geometric Forms

To change the geometric forms that you want in the layout, should modify in the group/type.

For example in the CM21 have the following:

As we saw earlier, the group/profile in use is:

Now if can see inside the group/type:

We have the element type R that represents “rectangle”

We go modify to S and in the field Predef.Symbol change the geometric form.

This configuration is executed in:

Now change the group/type and change S, and select the geometric form:

For example type 21-Suare in circle.

After change the geometric form, in the CM21:

We can have different geometric forms by order type.

4 Capacity planning table navigation
The best way to learn the capacity planning table navigation and functions is to read SAP HELP
about this subject. It has detailed descriptions of the functionalities of the capacity planning

The internet link for this is:

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