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Useful phrases for Toefl Independent Writing

1. It may indeed be true to say that ….(statement from the

question); what, however, are the factors involved?

2. It may indeed be the case that……(statement from the question);

this subject, however, requires further analysis.

3. …Noun…. has/have been….verb+ing for many years now. Has

this had generally beneficial efects, or have they been largely
e.g. Governments have been sending criminals to prison etc……

You can also use a passive structure:

Noun has/have been + past participle for many years now. Has this
had generaly beneficial efects, or have they been largely negative?
e.g. Criminals have been sent to prison etc….

4. At first sight, noun/verb+ing appear/ appears to be entirely

However,further analysis reveals drawbacks to this way of thinking.

5. When alis said and done, there are no clear solutions to this
problem and it is for governments/ individuals/ the public/
students/etc to weighup both sides of the case and come to their
own conclusions.

6. Noun/verb+ing is one of the most controversial isues of our

times. What are the arguments that need to be considered?

7. Noun/Verb+ing, as is the case with many isues,has both negative

and positive aspects.

8. On balance, it is my ownpersonal viewthat the advantages of

noun/verb+ing far/ heavily/ slightly outweigh the disadvantages.

9. Over recent years, atitudes to noun/verb+ing have changed

considerably. What are the reasons for this change, and what are
the implications for the future?

10. Noun/verb+ing has/have been an important part of many

cultures/ Western cultures/ developing countries/ school-life/
working life/etc. for many years now. What are the reasons for this,
and what changes are likely or posible in the future?

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