Abstract and Bibliography As Retrieval Devices AND Students Utilisation OF Information Resources in University of Calabar Library

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(Received 22, August2014; Revision Accepted 19, September 2014)


The study investigates the relationship between students’ utilisation of information resources through
the consultation of information retrieval devices: Abstracts and bibliographies in university of calabar
library. The survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised
library-registered students of university of calabar. The sample size used for the study consisted of 1523
library-registered students. In order to carry out the investigation successfully, two hypotheses were
formulated to guide the study. The instrument captioned, “Retrieval Devices and Students’ Utilization of
Information Resources Questionnaire (RDSUIRQ)” was used for data collection. The instrument was
ensured to be valid and reliable. Copies of the questionnaire were administered to the subjects and data
were collected and analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The result showed significant
positive relationships between information retrieval devices of Abstracts and Bibliographies and
students’ utilization of information resources in university of calabar library. It therefore follows from this
finding that abstracts and bibliographies play a significant role in the utilization of library resources.
Based on the findings, recommendations were made, one of which was that librarians should ensure
that retrieval devices in their libraries are properly managed for optimum utilization of information
resources by students.

KEYWORD: Abstracts and Bibliographies, Retrieval Devices, Students Utilization of Information

Resources in University of Calabar Library.

INTRODUCTION development. The wealth of information

resources in existence in university libraries
From the origin, man has displayed high today is tremendous. The retrieval and utilisation
quest for knowledge and information. This of these information resources are very important
informed the establishment of schools and at for the achievement of academic goals of the
various levels in our society. Universities universities. Therefore, retrieval devices such as
particularly are primarily established to train abstracts and bibliographies should be treated
manpower for the industrial and managerial with the seriousness they deserve in order to
development of the nations. The achievement of attract students use of information resources in
this intention is highly dependent upon the our university libraries.
provision of information resources. However, Pampam (1998) affirms that a nation that
Meadow (1992) observed that it is not enough to can provide better information service to its
provide these resources without making them people, will be in a position to cope with the
useful to those who need them. problems of everyday life, improve human
Information is widely recognized as a relationship in her own community and between
catalyst for both national and personal diverse cultures and traditions, and thus
Fidelis E. Inyokwe, The University Library, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Juliana Agunobi, The University Library, University of Calabar, Nigeria
contribute to better understanding and world of information resources by users. The author
cooperation. Utilisation of information resources states that abstract makes the retrieval of
must be considered a major feature in the information easy for students, researchers, and
improvement of the quality of life for each other lovers of knowledge. The author stresses
individual. that abstract is an essential retrieval device for
Igbo (2000) asserts that all living species persons seeking to use information resources on
survive by using their senses to gather a particular subject. This will enable users to
information about their environment. This search a large number of information resources
information appears in two forms- print and non- within a short time.
print. The print form may be book, journal or Librarians as mediators between the
periodical, while the non-print form may be students and their information resources are
compact disc (CD), diskette, cassette, slide, tape expected to design retrieval devices that are
or flash drive. This information gathered is compatible with the needs of the students and
translated into actions which are advantageous to their quest to satisfy such needs. The efforts
their well-being and survival. McHale (2005) made at creating retrieval devices worldwide
therefore, warns that any obstacles from any according to Harvey (1992) is to promote use of
quarter to deprive them of this vital ingredient, the world’s accumulation of knowledge. Equally,
shall render them impotent of the knowledge that most universities in developing countries
they are supposed to have. This is why including those in Nigeria have taken queue to
custodians of information resources must create encourage the use of retrieval devices to utilise
retrieval devices like Abstracts and information resources in their libraries through
Bibliographies, to give opportunities to users to orientation, public lectures and course work. The
effectively utilize the resources provided by their extent to which library users make use of these
libraries. devices needs to be understood and encouraged
Nigeria with an estimated population of as the case may be.
150 million (National Population Commission,
2006), is said to be the most populous African Statement of the problem
country and with the largest number of
universities, which require ready access to It is common knowledge in Nigeria that
recorded information to carry out instructional there are many students who are almost
and or research duties effectively. One of the graduating or may have graduated from the
major agencies to carry out these bibliographical university who did not have adequate knowledge
services in the country is the university library. of the library or who even did not use it. This on
As the volume of information resources the whole, questions the essence of setting up
continues to grow, the problem of how to retrieve libraries in the institutions of learning as
them for use increases. Aguolu and Aguolu academic achievement has become a shadow of
(2002) attribute these problems to: what it is supposed to be.
(a) Users’ inability to articulate their needs to To state succinctly, the university library
the library staff. plays important role in furnishing students with
(b) Inadequacy of bibliographic access to the information that results in the holistic
content of the library, owing to poor development of the society. It is expected that
indexing system of the catalogue. learners make maximum use of information
(c) Inadequacy of circulation policy, poor resources provided by this library to excel in
shelving method and lack of guides to various fields of study. But this seems not to be
the library organization. so. In the face of this scenario of poor use of
(d) Unnecessary physical and administrative library with resultant poor academic achievement
barriers imposed upon the use of library as observed for some time now, (Cochrane,
collections by the library management (P. 1991; Okon, 2007), it raises the doubt of attaining
67). The authors conclude that the more the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as
accessible library materials are, the more anchored by the present Nigerian leaders. The
likely the number of students that would need to explore the root causes of this ugly trend
patronise the resources provided. with the view to increasing learners’ use of the
The usefulness of abstract in any library library resources should be explored. This would
was identified by Okafor (2006). The research be in line with the common assertion that “only
looks at abstract as veritable tool in the retrieval
good readers of today can be good leaders of minimal time but have higher achievement
tomorrow”. from their efforts in the use of libraries. This will
The contemporary poor utilisation of on the whole lead to higher academic
library resources is known to cause many ills, achievement among our learners.
prominent among which is poor academic Librarians should on their part benefit
achievement among students (Aguolu & Aguolu, from this study as their jobs in the libraries stand
2002). The quality of university education is to be simplified. In other words, if library users
usually determined by the performance of have proper understanding on how to access
graduates produced therein. Poor academic what materials and at what point in the library,
achievement among students as a result of poor librarians may definitely have less work to do in
utilisation of library resources as observed by our libraries.
Aguolu and Aguolu (2002) and the researcher The society at large may not be left out
presently, is a serious threat to the quality of from benefiting from this study. For instance, if
graduates produced in Nigerian universities. This librarians have less work to do, their energies
situation needs to be urgently addressed. It is can be channelled into other productive
only by addressing this that the quality of ventures to the benefit of the larger society. In
graduates produced could be improved. Thus, addition, if higher academic achievement is
this study was designed to address questions recorded by our students as a result of the ease
such as: what relationship exist between retrieval in the use of the library, there will be no denying
devices such as abstract and bibliographies, and the fact that our society will be closer towards
students’ utilisation of information resources? attaining the Millennium Development Goals
What can be done to enhance students’ (MDGs) and Vision 20: 2020 of the federal
utilisation of information resources in this library? government.

Purpose of the study Hypotheses

Two hypotheses were postulated and
The purpose of this study is to determine tested at .05 level of significance. They
the relationship between retrieval devices and are:
students’ utilisation of information resources in HO1: There is no significant relationship
University of Calabar library. In specific terms, between the use of abstract and
the objectives of the study are to determine the students’ utilization of information
relationship between. resources in university of Calabar library.
1. The use of abstract and students’ HO2: There is no significant relationship
utilisation of information resources in between the use of bibliographies and
university of Calabar library. students’ utilization of information
2. The use of bibliographies and students’ resources in University of Calabar.
utilisation of information resources in
university of Calabar library. CONCEPTUAL CONSIDERATIONS

Significance of the study Abstracts and students utilization of

Scholars, librarians and the society at information resources
large stand to benefit from this study. This is Abstract is one of the retrieval devices
because learning shall be made simple for the identified in this study. Manzer (2002) defines
students through awareness on the use of abstract as a summary of a publication or article
retrieval devices; librarians' job stress shall be that is accompanied by an adequate
reduced and Nigeria could achieve the bibliographical description, to enable the student
objectives of setting up the universities. have access to the utilisation of publications or
This study should be of benefit to articles at ease. This service is intended to give
scholars as it will help simplify their laborious opportunity to students to consider from a mass
tasks of searching, retrieving and utilising of publications whether a particular item is good
information resources in our libraries. Stated enough to solve his information problem.
differently, if library users get proper Bernier (2002) points out nine reasons
understanding of the retrieval devices, how to why abstracts are useful to students’ utilisation of
use them and actually put them to use (which is information resources in university libraries.
the thrust of this work), they will likely spend
1. Due to large volumes of published items information resources in university libraries, aid
yearly, it is difficultand sometimes in the selection of document as well as help to
impossible for a student to locate them. avoid delay in student’s research activity.
Abstracts therefore facilitate their use. The role of abstract is to help the
2. Documents are written in many students to quickly ascertain the subject matter of
languages, abstracts help to translate the library resources. Weihs (2004) submits that an
document to their (students) own abstract is a brief summary of a work in a
language. particular subject or discipline. Abstract, the
3. Abstracts in many cases substitute for author continues, always appears at the
the original literature. beginning of an article. This would help the
4. Abstracts save the time of the student in student in the selection of topics for research.
searching for literature through reading Abstract allows a student to sift through large
or scanning the abstract. quantities of information resources that would
5. Classified abstracts in published journals enable him to decide which one would be
bring together guides to large volumes of relevant to his research needs.
knowledge. Weihs (2004) also identifies the standard
6. Retrospective searches are greatly aided for writing an abstract about an article to be
by classified abstracts. between 100 to 500 words. This implies that a
7. Abstracts help in accuracy and selection particular abstract considered for an article
of literature to be read more than that of should not exceed a page. Weihs (2004) added
selection from titles of annotations. that an abstract may or may not have the section
8. Abstracts facilitate indexing processes. title “abstract” explicitly listed as part of the
9. Abstracts facilitate the organisation of material context. However, they are sectioned
articles, bibliographies, reviews and logically as an overview of what appears in the
talks. document. The author concludes that an abstract
Document analysis makes a significant is a short summary of a work placed prior to the
contribution to communication and information introduction and often set apart from the body of
flow (Rowley, 1988). The author identifies the paper which is sometimes with a different line
abstracts as one of those vital components that justification from the rest of the article.
facilitate such communication link between the Lehner (1998) agrees with the role
student and the library resources. Abstract abstract plays in the use of information
organises the literature so that students can resources. He had used an asbtract to discover a
locate and use information documents in libraries solution to the construction of new detectors in
more quickly. gravitational radiation in the United States,
Round (1986) decides to embark upon Europe and Japan. The author gave an example
the preparation of abstracts in the topic “solid- of the abstract used to discover solution to the
liquid flow”. The author’s intention of embarking problem as “the science abstracts”.
upon this was to bring together in a
comprehensive fashion all the reported Bibliographies and Students Utilisation of
theoretical and experimental work in the field of Information Resources
solid liquid flow with specific emphasis on the Bibliographies are systematic listing of
flow in pipes, tubes and capillaries. This action is information resources on a given subject and or
as a result of the yearly increases of literature in by a given author. University of Calabar library
the field which makes it difficult for students to information guide, (unpublished), identifies
use any material on the topic. The preparation of information resources to include books,
these abstracts has, in no small measure created periodicals, pictures, maps, manuscripts and any
an avenue for students to select and use other media of communication that exist.
interested material bothering on the topic. Bibliographies are not only valuable, but also
Tyckoson (1991) asserts that abstracts essential, in that they provide direction to
have served as the primary access point to students to embark on their research needs.
library based information resources. The author Aquolu and Aguolu (2002) maintained
further stressed that abstract principal role has that the primary users of information resources in
been to assist students to know the contents of a University libraries are students of the
document and their potential relevance. Abstract universities. And that any realistic bibliographic
as a retrieval device helps in the use of organisation designed to provide direction to the
effective use of library resources must depend on Bibliographic works differ in the amount
the librarian’s knowledge of the needs of these of details, depending on the purpose, (Harris,
diversified users (students). The authors agree 2004) establishes. This is categorized into
that librarians as mediators between students enumerative and analytical bibliographies.
and the information environment require special Enumerative bibliography is a list of writings that
skills to design bibliographic systems that will link share a common factor which may be by topic,
students to the use of information resources of language, period, or some other theme.
their needs. Analytical bibliography is therefore the close
The chief concern of a university library examination of a book as a physical object,
is to make the materials instruction and research recording its size, format binding and so on. A
bibliographically and physically useful (Brough, bibliography, the author concludes, may be
1983). The author however argues that location arranged by author’s name, topic, subject, year
of records through bibliographies are not and place of publication. All these are designed
synonymous with use of the content of the to assist the students to use their information
resources. That subject bibliographies are resources easily.
intellectual channel to recorded knowledge. A International Federation of Library
student’s inability to understand the content of a Associations and Institutions (IFLA’s) objectives
book may have nothing to do with the intellectual in promoting Universal Availability of Publications
accessibility of the book per se, but may be due (UAP) in libraries is for the utilisation of
to the student’s limited powers of comprehension. information resources by readers generally and
The major responsibility of a librarian is university students in particular (Nweke, 1991).
to ensure effective utilisation of his library Bibliography as one of the retrieval devices so
holding. However, Greg (2002) argues that the promoted by IFLA is to provide students with the
responsibility of a librarian extends beyond maximum opportunities to use the available
providing effective bibliographic access to the information resources globally. Maximum access
use of his library, but also to the resources of to information resources through bibliographies
other libraries within the country to promote the author stressed, is the only panacea to better
library cooperation as well as providing unlimited utilisation of information resources by students in
opportunities to students who may not find all university libraries.
they need in their university libraries. The author Iwuji (2005) takes a historical look at
explains that the reason for the uncontrolled bibliographic control of these and dissertations in
proliferation of departmental, faculty and institute Nigeria. The research is aimed at creating
libraries in our university setting in Nigeria and effective retrieval devices for coping with the ever
the failure of the universities librarians to create increasing nature of these knowledge
and promote union catalogues have made it documents. The research applauds efforts of
difficult for students to have access to the use of individuals, institutions and organisations in the
other universities libraries holdings. past to promote bibliography of information
However, Aguolu (2002) advises that resources. These early attempts failed woefully
bibliographies should not be compiled for the because they attempted a comprehensive control
sake of doing so. But that only materials that of world literature without realising the national
have relevance to the needs of students should and international agencies with a co-ordinating
be selected. He admitted that some documents centre that constitute a total system. Research
which may be ignored may be relevant to the output of Nigerian universities is a hidden
needs of students, and further advised that treasure, unknown and therefore underutilised.
librarians should take out time to study the needs The author imagines the amount of unconscious
of students before embarking on such duplication that is going on in the expensive
compilation. It is by so doing that a bibliography enterprise and the extent of undue use owing to
compiled can be said to be comprehensive. lack of bibliography. The research recommends
Belanger (2003) traces the origin of that the national library of Nigeria should
bibliography to the Greek word bibliographic, resuscitate the abandoned National Information
which means book writing. Accordingly, and Documentation Centre (NIDOC) established
bibliography is the systematic list of books and for this purpose so that the problem encountered
other works such as journal articles, which in this regard would be a thing of the past.
enables a student to access them easily.
METHODOLOGY Strongly Agree, A represents Agree, U
represents Undecided, D represents Disagree
The study adopted the survey research and SD represents Strongly Disagree.
design. Tools such as questionnaire, observation The items in the questionnaire were in a
and interview were used in data collection. A statement form. Respondents were required to
sample of 1523 respondents was selected, data indicate by placing a tick (√) at the appropriate
was collected from them and inferences made to column their extent of use of the corresponding
cover the entire population involved in the study. retrieval device or information resources as
They were selected using accidental sampling conveyed by the response options. The
technique. This approach is applicable since the instrument was ensured to be both valid and
number of respondents is large, coupled with the reliable.
fact that not all of them could be in the library at
the time the researcher would visit the library. In Data Analysis
other words, the library users met by the Copies of the instrument administered
researcher in the library at the time of data were collected, scored and coded by the
collection were used. However, ten per cent researcher for statistical analysis. The mean (x)
(10%) of the registered library users were and Standard Deviation (SD) of the respondents
investigated on the variables involved in the hypotheses were
Instrumentation Pearson correlation analysis was carried
out to measure the relationship between the two
A structured questionnaire designed by variables in each hypothesis.
the researcher was used to collect the needed
data in this study. This is titled “Retrieval Devices Hypothesis One
and Students Utilisation of Information Resources There is no significant relationship between the
Questionnaire (RDSUIRQ)”. It is a 5 point Likert use of abstract and students’ utilisation of
scale questionnaire made up of 28 items for the information resources in University of Calabar
independent variables and 24 items for the Library. Pearson product Moment Correlation
dependent variable. The response options fall statistics was employed to test this hypothesis.
between figure SA to SD, where SA represents The result of the analysis is shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis of the relationship between the use of abstract
and students’ utilisation of information resources in university of calabar library
Variable X SD ∑x ∑x ∑xy rxy
∑y ∑y
Use of abstract 83.67 10.73 130301 14904545
13005565 0.532*
Information resources
utilisation 81.11 11.31 128780 14604908

*P<0.05, df = 1521, critical r = 0.060

From Table 1, the calculated r-value is 0.532. This was found to be greater than the critical r-
value of 0.060 at 0.05 level of significance with 1521 degrees of freedom. On the basis of this, the null
hypothesis was rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between the use of abstract
and the utilisation of information resources.

Hypothesis Two library.

There is no significant relationship between the This was tested using Pearson Product Moment
use of bibliographies and the utilisation of Correlation statistics as shown in Table 2.
information resources in university of Calabar
Table 2
Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis of the relationship between the use of
bibliographies and students’ utilization of information resources in University of Calabar library.
Variable X SD ∑x ∑x ∑xy rxy
∑y ∑y
Use of bibliographies 83.39 10.82 130904 14784362
13101846 0.561*
Information resources
utilization 81.11 11.31 128780 14604908

* P<0.05, df = 1521, critical r = 0.060

In Table 2, the calculated r-value is 0.561 which is greater than the critical r-value of 0.060 at
0.05 level of significance with 1521 degrees of freedom. On this basis, the null hypothesis is rejected.
This means that a significant relationship exists between the use of bibliographies and students’
utilisation of information resources in university of Calabar library.

DISCUSSION OF RESULTS determines the rate of a library user’s utilisation

of information in the library. The higher the use,
The analysis of the data collected on the the more the indirect utilisation of information
first hypothesis of the study showed that a resources.
significant positive relationship exists between The second hypothesis of the study, was
the use of abstract by students and the utilisation also analysed using Pearson Product Moment
of information resources in university of Calabar statistics at 0.05 level of significance. Result of
library. Consequently, the higher the measure of the analysis was that a significant positive
use of abstract, the more information resources relationship exists between the use of
in the library are utilised. The implication of this bibliographies by library users and the utilisation
finding is that the utilisation of information of information resources in university of Calabar
resources in the library is determined by the use library. Specifically, the test showed that a
of abstract. The higher the use of abstract, the positive correlation exists between the use of
better the utilisation of information resources and bibliographies by students and the utilisation of
vice versa. information resources.
This finding lends credence to the work The implication of this finding is that the
of Tyckoson (1991) who asserted that abstracts utilisation of information resources in the
have served overtime as the primary access university of Calabar library is significantly
point to library based information resources. dependent on the use of bibliography. The more
According to him, the measure of a researcher’s students make use of the device, the more
use of abstract in the library determines the access they have to information resources in our
success they would record in meeting their library libraries.
need. Similarly, this finding is supportive of the This aspect of the finding lends support
works of Manzer (2002) and Weihs (2004) who to Belanger (2003) who states that bibliography is
both saw abstract and its usage in accessing the systematic list of books and other works such
information resources in the libraries to be very as journal articles in such a way that it increases
indispensable. The two scholars both described students chances of having access to such
abstracts as summaries of publications that are materials. He notes that when the retrieval device
accompanied by adequate bibliographical is available and library users make high use of it,
descriptions with the potentials to enable it affords them the opportunity to utilise more
students have access to publications at ease and information resources in the library than the
quickly too. device. This position was also held by Harris
From the findings of this study, it can be (2004) which further lends supports to the
seen that abstracts play important role as present finding that the use of bibliographies
retrieval devices. Thus, there is no denying the influences the utilization of information resources
fact as observed in this study that the usage
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