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Sri Gurubhyo Namaha

A beginner’s course to

Appreciating and Understanding Temple Architecture

Given below is the course syllabus, milestones and expected timeframes for the
online material, assignment submission and online evaluation. Detailed schedule
would be communicated with the students at a later point in time.

Course Syllabus:

1. Key Note: Temple Architecture – by Dr. Nagaswamy

2. Temples based on Kshetra Mahima – by Dr. Ramadevi
3. Temples built by Kings - by Dr. Ramadevi
4. Cave Temples - by Dr. Ramadevi
5. Padal Petra Sthalams - by Dr. Ramadevi
6. Temples by Alwars Mangalasasanam - by Dr. Ramadevi
7. Depiction of Birds and Animals in our Temples – by Smt. Kala
8. Itihasas in our Temples – by Smt. Kala
9. Role of Temples in festivals – by Smt. Kala
10. Highlights of difference of Temple architecture across India – by Smt. Kala
11. Elements of Epigraphy – by Dr. Ramadevi
12. Conclusion – by Dr. Nagaswamy

The sessions would be followed by tests/worksheets with one final online

evaluation to assess the performance and understanding of the participants.

Project Co-ordination:

Brahmana Sabha Pancha Dravida – Heritage and Agraharam Team

About the Faculty:

This section aims to provide an overview of our speakers. A detailed note about
each speaker is attached separately for the reference of participants.

Smt. Kala: A full time Diploma holder(4 years) in Painting as the main subject with
Flute as the ancillary subject. A professional guide for the last 34 years have
accompanied numerous tourists to various temples and monuments in South
India and gathered most precious information and memories in the process.

Dr. Ramadevi: Post Doctoral fellow under the auspices of Dr. Nagaswamy. Ph.D
in Sanskrit. Worked as lecturer of Sanskrit in reputed college in Chennai.

Schedule of Course Material and Assignments:

Every first Saturday of the month the course material, video would be mailed to
you on your registered email ID. Associated notes would also be sent across. You
will have one week to go through it and ask any questions or doubts that you
may have by way of mail to the same mail ID. Every third Saturday, you would
receive an assignment, which you would complete and send us an
acknowledgement back, as it is mentioned in the assignment.
Due to the overwhelming response, all communications with the team strictly to
be only through mail.


In order to foster team-spirit and also for the sake of convenience, we have
logically divided all the participants into 4 groups. Each participant’s
contribution and active participation in asking doubts and completing
assignments on-time would help not only their individual performance but also
give leverage to the entire team and place it in an advantageous position
relative to the other groups. Each group will have a dedicated co-ordinator to
guide the participants or to answer any clarifications that my crop up from time
to time.

Scores and Marks:

Continuous assessments would be made by way of grading your assignment

completion. You have to have a certain score in order to successfully complete
the course.
Unique ID:

Every student would be receiving a unique ID, that he/she is supposed to use, in
all communications with the team, in the subject line of the mail.
The Unique ID would be TA – Temple Architecture G1 – Group One and your

So when you have a doubt or a question, your mail should have the subject
<TAG1_20> Doubt

When you are submitting an assignment your mail subject should be

<TAG1_20> Assignment_1

Online Evaluation

One online evaluation would be conducted at the end of the session to test the
understanding and the competence of the students. The modalities would be
shared in detail with the students later.
Thank you again for your interest and your enthusiasm.

Best Wishes,

Heritage and Agraharam Team


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