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Knowledge: I can take in various Comprehension: I can give Application: I can use the skill I have

types of knowledge and recall it when I need to meaning to information learned in a new situation
What are the names of the
Why do we need to digest our food? Someone says to you ‘I only need my teeth
parts of the digestive Write a story of what happens to your to digest my food’
Explain to them why they are wrong. Can you
system? food when you eat it. Include the
use what you know about enzymes in your
parts of the digestive system in your
What is digestion? answer?

Analysis: I can break down information Synthesis: I can use what I have learned Evaluation: I make judgements about
into parts and link it to the whole to create something new things
Write the story of your last meal. How would you go about explaining
A footballer eats a lot of sweets before a
Include your knowledge of the digestion to someone who didn’t know
match to give him energy, but he finds that
digestive system and enzymes and anything about it? the energy runs out very quickly.
how they work. Enzymes are used in washing powders-
Can you suggest why? His team-mate suggests that he eats
Use what you have learnt this lesson starchy foods like pasta instead. These will
to try and explain the results of the make the energy last longer.

experiment from the beginning.

Using your knowledge of enzymes and
digestion, can you explain why?

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