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Table of Contents

THE MUMMY RETURNS .......................................................................................................................... 4

THE TOMB OF THE DRAGON EMPEROR.................................................................................................. 7
ABRAHAM LINCOLN VAMPIRE HUNTER ............................................................................................... 10
ALICE IN WONDERLAND ........................................................................................................................ 14
A WRINKLE IN TIME............................................................................................................................... 17
THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ................................................................................................................ 20
THE CLASH OF THE TITANS.................................................................................................................... 22
BRAVE.................................................................................................................................................... 25
DOCTOR STRANGE ................................................................................................................................ 27
FANTASTIC BEASTS................................................................................................................................ 29
JOHN CARTER ........................................................................................................................................ 32
JACK THE GIANT SLAYER ....................................................................................................................... 34
MIDNIGHT IN PARIS .............................................................................................................................. 37
PRINCE OF PERSIA ................................................................................................................................. 40
In 3067 BC, the Scorpion King leads his army to conquer the world. However, his army is defeated
and exiled to the desert of Ahm Shere, where his men die of heat exhaustion. After vowing to give
Anubis his soul for the power to defeat his enemies, an oasis and pyramid magically form, and the
Scorpion King is given a legion of jackal-like warriors. The Army of Anubis sweeps across Egypt, but
once their task is finished, Anubis claims the Scorpion King's soul and the army returns to the

In 1933, Rick O'Connell and his wife Evelyn explore ancient ruins with their son, Alex, where they
find the Bracelet of Anubis. In London, the bracelet locks onto Alex, showing him a vision directing
him to Ahm Shere.

Evelyn is captured by an Egyptian cult who resurrect Imhotep with the Book of the Dead; they wish
to use his power to defeat the Scorpion King, giving him command of Anubis' army to conquer the
world. The cult, led by Baltus Hafez, includes enforcer Lock-Nah and Meela Nais, the reincarnation of
Imhotep's love Anck-su-namun. The O'Connells set out to rescue Evelyn, accompanied by her
brother Jonathan and the Medjai Ardeth Bay. Jonathan gets his hands on a mysterious golden
Scepter of Osiris.

Rick frees Evelyn and flees, but Alex is subsequently kidnapped by Lock-Nah, and forced to travel to
Egypt along with the cult. The O'Connells pursue them, along with help from Rick's associate Izzy, a
pilot who provides the group with transportation.

The bracelet gives Alex directions to Ahm Shere that Imhotep and the cult follow. At each location,
Alex leaves clues for his parents, who follow in Izzy's dirigible. Imhotep uses the Book of the Dead to
give Meela the soul of Anck-su-namun, but by doing so he allows Evelyn to unlock the memories of
her previous life as Princess Nefertiri, the bracelet's keeper and Pharaoh Seti I's daughter.

At the edge of the Oasis, Imhotep uses his magic to crash the dirigible; Izzy stays behind in hopes of
repairing it. By nightfall, the O'Connells infiltrate the cult, but both groups are attacked by pygmy
mummies. Rick retrieves Alex while Ardeth Bay kills Lock-Nah. They escape the pygmies, who kill all
the cult members except for Baltus, Imhotep and Anck-su-namun.

Rick and Alex eventually make it to the pyramid at dawn, and the bracelet detaches from Alex. Anck-
su-namun arrives and kills Evelyn, escaping into the pyramid with Imhotep and Baltus. Rick pursues
them. Inside the pyramid, Baltus puts on the bracelet and revives the army. Anubis takes Imhotep's
powers, wanting Imhotep to fight as a mortal.

Rick finds Imhotep summoning the Scorpion King and fights him. The Scorpion King, now an
enormous monster, interrupts the fight and attacks Rick. At the same time, Ardeth and the Medjai
battle Anubis's resurrected army outside. While Rick and the Scorpion King fight, Baltus is killed.
Jonathan and Alex steal the "Book of the Dead" from Anck-su-namun and use it to resurrect Evelyn,
who confronts Anck-su-namun while Alex and Jonathan go to help Rick.

Rick discovers Jonathan’s scepter is actually a weapon, a spear that can kill the Scorpion King. The
Medjai seem to defeat Anubis' army, but realize it was only the vanguard; the full army appears and
charges toward them. Rick gets the scepter/spear from Jonathan and kills the Scorpion King, sending
him and his army back into the Underworld, which causes the Oasis to begin to destroy itself.

Rick and Imhotep are thrown back and hang above a pit that leads to the underworld. Evelyn risks
her life to save Rick, but Anck-su-namun abandons Imhotep, who chooses to let go and fall into the
pit, heartbroken. While trying to escape, Anck-su-namun falls into a pit of scorpions and dies. The
O'Connells reach the top of the pyramid. Izzy arrives with a modified dirigible and rescues the
O'Connells just before the oasis and the pyramid are totally destroyed. They depart into the sunset,
with Ardeth Bay saluting them before riding off.
In ancient China, a brutal and tyrannical warlord unites the country's kingdoms into an empire and
becomes the Dragon Emperor. He orders the construction of the Great Wall of China to bury and
curse his dead enemies, eventually learning power over the traditional Chinese Wu Xing elements of
fire, water, earth, wood and metal. The Emperor soon grows fearful that his death will end all he has
accomplished and summons Zi Yuan, a sorceress who is said to know the secret of immortality. She
seemingly casts a spell on him in Sanskrit, before he executes General Ming, his trusted friend and Zi
Yuan's secret lover. He stabs Zi Yuan with a dagger, but having foreseen this event, she immolates
and imprisons the Emperor and his soldiers in clay, turning them into the Terracotta Army, and flees.

In 1946, Alex O'Connell, Rick and Evelyn O'Connell's son, and his archaeology professor Roger Wilson
locate the Emperor's tomb. Though attacked by a mysterious woman, they succeed in bringing the
coffin to Shanghai. Meanwhile, the British government entrusts the O'Connells to take the Eye of
Shangri-La (a huge pear-shaped gemstone) back to China. However, they learn that Wilson works for
a rogue military faction led by General Yang, who had provided the financial backing of Alex's
expedition. Yang believes that the Dragon Emperor is the one who can lead China out of the chaos
following World War II and plans to resurrect him using the Eye, which contains the Elixir of Life.
They open it, but it accidentally lands on the statue of the carriage driver, which is revealed to
actually be the Emperor's mummified body. He accepts Yang's service but kills Wilson and escapes,
despite the O'Connells' attempt to stop him in a pursuit.

Along with Evelyn's brother Jonathan Carnahan, the O'Connells and the mysterious woman, Lin,
travel to a stupa in the Himalayas that will reveal the path to Shangri-La when the Eye is placed on
top of it. With the help of Yetis summoned by Lin, the group hold off Yang's soldiers but the Emperor
discovers Shangri-La's location. Alex attempts to trigger an avalanche. The Emperor throws a sword
at him, but Rick shoves Alex aside and is stabbed instead. Lin takes the group to Shangri-La, where Zi
Yuan still lives and heals Rick's wound. The group discovers that Lin is Zi Yuan's daughter, both
rendered immortal due to the power of Shangri-La's waters. As Rick heals, Alex and Lin have grown
attached to each other, but Lin refuses due to her immortality, unable to bear falling in love with
Alex only to watch him grow old and die, just as Zi Yuan mourned for General Ming.

The Dragon Emperor and General Yang eventually arrive and attack them in Shangri-La and the
Emperor bathes in the mystical waters, which not only restores his human form and youth, but also
allows him to shapeshift. Transforming into a dragon, he kidnaps Lin and flies back to the tomb,
raising his Terracota Army, and gives a speech declaring his intention to conquer the world before
sending his soldiers to go past the Great Wall, after which they will be invincible. The O'Connells and
Zi Yuan pursue their foe to the Great Wall where Zi Yuan sacrifices her and Lin's immortality to
create an undead army from beneath The Great Wall, led by a revived General Ming. As Alex rescues
Lin, Zi Yuan fights the Emperor and is mortally wounded, but secures the dagger. Zi Yuan gives the
dagger to the group before dying. Meanwhile, the Emperor goes into the Great Wall to use his
elemental powers to negate the undead spell. Rick and Alex attack him while Evelyn and Lin fight
and kill Yang and Choi. The Dragon Emperor gains the upper hand over Rick, but Rick and Alex
manage to stab him in his heart with the broken dagger, killing him and defeating the Terracotta
Army. Ming's army briefly celebrates before turning into dust and disappearing into the air to rest in

The O'Connells and Lin return to Shanghai, where Lin and Alex start a relationship, while Jonathan
decides to move to Peru with the Eye of Shangri-La, as he wants to go somewhere with no mummies,
only for credits on the screen to reveal that mummies were recently discovered there.
In 1818, Abraham Lincoln lives in Indiana with his parents, Nancy and Thomas, who works at a
plantation owned by Jack Barts. There, Lincoln befriends a young African American boy, William
Johnson[citation needed], and intervenes when he sees Johnson being beaten by a slaver. Because
of his son's actions, Thomas is fired. That night, Lincoln sees Barts break into his house and attack
Nancy. She falls ill the following day, and dies shortly afterwards. Thomas tells Lincoln that Barts
poisoned Nancy.

Nine years later, Lincoln decides to get revenge against Barts. He attacks Barts at the docks, but
Barts, who is actually a vampire, overpowers him. However, before Barts can kill him, Lincoln is
rescued by Henry Sturgess. Sturgess explains that vampires exist, and offers to teach Lincoln to be a
vampire hunter. Lincoln accepts and, after a decade of training, travels to Springfield, Illinois. During
his training, Sturgess tells Lincoln that the vampires in America descend from Adam, a vampire who
owns a plantation in New Orleans with his sister, Vadoma. Sturgess also tells Lincoln of the vampires'
weakness, silver, and presents him with a silver pocket watch.

In Springfield, Lincoln befriends shopkeeper Joshua Speed, and meets Mary Todd. Though Sturgess
warned him not to form any close relationships, Lincoln develops romantic feelings for Mary.

Lincoln successfully finds and defeats Barts. Before dying, Barts reveals that Sturgess is also a
vampire. Lincoln confronts Sturgess, who reveals that, several years ago, he was attacked and bitten
by Adam. Because Sturgess' soul was impure, he became a vampire, and that prevented him from
harming Adam or any other vampire (since "Only the living can kill the dead"). Sturgess has since
been training vampire hunters, hoping to destroy Adam.

Disappointed, Lincoln decides to abandon his mission. However, Adam learns of his activities and
kidnaps Johnson to lure Lincoln into a trap at his plantation. Adam captures Lincoln and tries to
recruit him, revealing his plans to turn the United States into a nation of the undead. Speed rescues
his friends, and they escape to Ohio.

Lincoln marries Mary and begins his political career, campaigning to abolish slavery. Sturgess warns
Lincoln that the slave trade keeps vampires under control, as vampires use slaves for food, and if
Lincoln interferes, the vampires will retaliate. After Lincoln's election as President of the United
States of America, he moves to the White House with Mary, where they have a son, William Wallace
Lincoln. William is later bitten by Vadoma and dies.
Confederate President Jefferson Davis convinces Adam to deploy his vampires on the front lines.
Lincoln orders the confiscation of all the silverware in the area and has it melted to produce silver
weapons. Speed, believing that Lincoln is tearing the nation apart, defects and informs Adam that
Lincoln will transport the silver by train.

On the train, Adam and Vadoma, who have set fire to the upcoming trestle, attack Lincoln, Sturgess,
and Johnson. During the fight, in which Speed is killed, Adam learns that the train holds only rocks.
Lincoln reveals that Speed's betrayal was a ruse to lure Adam into a trap. Lincoln uses his watch to
stab Adam, killing him, and the three escape the train before it explodes. Meanwhile, Mary and the
ex-slaves have transported the silver to Gettysburg through the Underground Railroad.

The now leaderless Confederate vampires stage a final, massive assault and are met head on by the
Union. Armed with their silver weapons, the Union soldiers destroy the vampires and eventually win
the war. During one battle, Mary recognizes Vadoma and avenges her son by shooting Vadoma in
the head with the silver necklace William wore when he was alive.

Nearly two years later, on April 14, 1865, Sturgess tells Lincoln that the remaining vampires have fled
the country. Sturgess tries to convince Lincoln to allow him to turn Lincoln into a vampire, so that he
can become immortal and continue to fight vampires, but Lincoln declines.

In modern times, Sturgess approaches a man at a bar in Washington, D.C. as he once approached
In 1871, troubled by a strange recurring dream and mourning the loss of her father, 19-year-old Alice
Kingsleigh attends a garden party at Lord Ascot's estate. There, she is confronted with an unwanted
marriage proposal by Lord Ascot's son, Hamish, and the stifling expectations of the society in which
she lives. Unsure of how to proceed, she pursues a rabbit wearing a blue waistcoat and carrying a
pocketwatch and accidentally falls into a large rabbit hole under a tree. She enters a small door by
drinking from a bottle labeled 'Drink Me' (called Pishsalver) and emerges to a forest in a magical
place called Wonderland where she is greeted by a White Rabbit, a Dormouse, a Dodo, Talking
Flowers, and identical twins named Tweedledee and Tweedledum who all apparently know her.
Alice suggests that it is all a dream while the others argue over whether Alice is "the right Alice" who
must slay the Red Queen's Jabberwocky on Frabjous Day and restore the White Queen (who is the
Red Queen's sister) to power, as foretold by Absolem the Blue Caterpillar and his Oraculum (a scroll-
like calendar which tells Wonderland's history and future). The group is then ambushed by a
ravenous beast called a Bandersnatch and an army of playing-cards called Red Knights led by the
Knave of Hearts (the Red Queen's tall general and lover). Alice and the Tweedles escape into the
woods. The Knave steals the Caterpillar's Oraculum. The Dormouse leaves the others behind with
one of the Bandersnatch's eyes in her possession. The Tweedles are then captured by the Red
Queen's large Jubjub bird.

The Knave informs the Red Queen that Alice threatens her reign, which makes her order him, the
Red Knights and a Bloodhound (who has a wife and children imprisoned) to find Alice immediately.
Meanwhile, Alice enters the Tulgey Woods where she is greeted by a grinning vanishing Cheshire Cat
who guides her to the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse's tea party. The Hatter
explains to Alice that he joined the resistance because the Red Queen destroyed his entire village
and killed his family when she first ruled Wonderland. He later helps Alice to avoid capture by
allowing himself to be seized instead. Later, Alice is found by the Bloodhound, but Alice insists upon
helping the Hatter. At Salazen Grum castle, the Red Queen notices Alice when she ate Upelkuchen (a
cake labeled 'Eat Me' which makes the consumer grow) during a game of Croquet with flamingos
and hedgehogs, but is unaware of her true identity because Alice pretended to be called "Um" and
therefore welcomes her as a guest. Alice learns that the vorpal sword, the only weapon capable of
killing the Jabberwocky, is locked inside the den of the Bandersnatch. The Knave attempts to seduce
Alice, but she rebuffs him, causing the jealous Red Queen demanding for Alice to be beheaded. Alice
obtains the sword and befriends the Bandersnatch by returning its eye. She then escapes on the
back of the grateful Bandersnatch and delivers the sword to the White Queen. The White Queen
gives Alice a potion that returns her normal size and rewards her with a suit of armor when she
battles the Jabberwocky. The Cheshire Cat saves the Mad Hatter from the executioner by disguising
himself as him in exchange for borrowing his beloved hat. The Hatter calls for rebellion against the
Red Queen, which all her subjects agree to by starting to shout out "Down with Bloody Big Head."
The rebellion is quickly put down when the Jubjub bird begins to kill the disloyal subjects, but the
resistance manages to free the Bloodhound's family and flees to the White Queen's castle; both
armies prepare for battle on Frabjous Day. The Caterpillar finally gets Alice to remember that she has
been to Wonderland when she was a little girl, and advises her to fight the Jabberwocky just before
completing his transformation into a pupa.
On Frabjous Day, the Queens gather their armies on a chessboard-like battlefield and send Alice and
the Jabberwocky to decide the battle in single combat. Encouraged by the advice of her late father,
Alice fights the Jabberwocky among a demolished spiraling tower surrounding the battlefield. During
this fight, a catapult stone kills the Jubjub bird; Alice finally defeats the Jabberwocky by jumping
from the top of the tower onto its neck and beheads it. Frabjous Day has finally ended and the Red
Knights turn against their ruler. As punishment for their crimes, the White Queen banishes her sister
and the Knave into exile together. The Knave attempts to kill the Red Queen because he grew sick of
her affections, yet the Mad Hatter protects the Red Queen from his attack. After the Hatter
performs a celebration dance called Futterwacken, the White Queen gives Alice a vial of the
Jabberwocky's purple blood whose power will bring her whatever she wishes. She decides to rejoin
the everyday world after saying farewell to her friends. Back in England, Alice refuses Hamish's
proposal and impresses Lord Ascot with her idea of establishing oceanic trade routes to Hong Kong,
inspiring him to take her as his apprentice. As Alice prepares to set off on a trading ship, a light-blue
butterfly with dark vein markings lands on her shoulder, and Alice recognizes him as the former
Thirteen-year-old middle school student Meg Murry struggles to adjust to her school and home life
since her father Alex, a renowned scientist, mysteriously disappeared while studying astrophysics
when she was very young. Both Meg and her mother Kate believed he had solved the question of
humanity's existence and was teleported to another world.

One evening, Meg's younger brother Charles Wallace welcomes Mrs. Whatsit, a red-haired stranger
in an extravagant white dress, into the Murry family house. Mrs. Whatsit claims that the tesseract, a
type of space travel Alex was working on, is real. The next day, while walking their dog, they meet
one of Meg's classmates, Calvin O'Keefe. He joins them to go to the house of Mrs. Who, a friend of
Charles who speaks only in quotations.

Meg and Charles invite Calvin to dinner. Afterwards Meg and Calvin go into her backyard where Mrs.
Whatsit appears with Mrs. Who and another woman, Mrs. Which. The three reveal themselves as
astral travelers and lead Meg, Calvin, and Charles through a tesseract, transporting them to a distant
planet named Uriel, third planet from the star Malak in Messier 101.

After learning from the flowers that Alex has been to Uriel and since departed, Mrs. Whatsit
transforms into a large flying creature and takes the children into the atmosphere where they see a
dark shadow called The IT. After gaining the women's trust, Meg and the others tesser to another
planet called Orion in the 'belt' of the namesake constellation to meet with a seer, the Happy
Medium, to seek his help to find Alex.

Happy Medium shows them that Meg's father tessered to Uriel, then Ixchel, and got trapped when
he tessered to the planet Camazotz, The IT's homeworld. After Mrs. Which explains that The IT
represents all greed, anger, pride, selfishness, and low self-esteem in the world, she shows the
children personal examples of these characteristics, including an elderly friend and neighbor of
Charles getting mugged at a bus stop, Meg's school bully Veronica's extreme self-consciousness
about her weight, and that Calvin, despite being popular at school, is forced and abused by his father
to be a perfectionist. Given the news that Alex is in danger on Camazotz, the three Misses insist that
they all travel back to Earth to regroup and make a plan, but Meg's strong will not to leave without
her father overrides the tesseract, and she unintentionally redirects them to Camazotz.

Upon arriving on Camazotz, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Who find they are unable to stay
because Camazotz's evil is stronger than their light. Before they depart, they bestow gifts: Mrs. Who
gives Meg her glasses which can see what is really there, Mrs. Whatsit gives Meg the knowledge of
her faults, and Mrs. Which gives the command to never separate.
After the Misses leave, trees sprout up out of the ground and a forest appears. Meg and Calvin get
separated from Charles by the wild forest. They desperately race to get to the wall to prevent a
tornado-earthquake storm called the Land Monster that is destroying the forest. Once creatively
getting past the wall by using the Land Monster, they reunite with Charles and find themselves in a
look-alike neighborhood where all the children are bouncing balls in perfect sync. After calling their
children inside, one woman invites them to come inside her house for a meal, but Meg declines the
offer and reminds Calvin and Charles not to trust anyone.

The surroundings change again and the three children find themselves on a beach where they meet
The IT in its bodyguard form, Red. He offers the starving children food and tells them that Alex is
safe and happy. He says there is nothing to worry about, but Calvin and Meg realize something is
wrong when Charles says that the food tastes like sand. When Red starts repeating a times table,
Charles is hypnotized by the rhythm, enabling The IT to take control of his mind.

Meg and Calvin pursue Red and Charles, forcing their way through the beachgoing crowds. They find
themselves trapped in a seemingly empty, white spherical room in "CENTRAL Central Intelligence".
Charles's personality is different and he insults Meg and Calvin as Red shuts down and disappears.
Using Mrs. Who's glasses, Meg discovers and climbs an invisible staircase to a room where her father
is imprisoned. After a tearful reunion, Meg brings Alex out of captivity, but Charles, under the
influence of The IT's power, forcefully drags them to meet his master. As Calvin and Meg fall under
The IT's power, Alex opens another tesser and prepares to escape with the two of them, abandoning
Charles. Meg refuses and projects herself out of the tesser. When she confronts Charles, she realizes
The IT uses deception and hatred only to fuel its power. Expressing her love for her brother and
using the knowledge that she is imperfect, Meg frees Charles as well as lifting the IT's control over
Camazotz. The three Misses reappear and congratulate Meg's victory. Mrs. Which says that she and
Charles became true warriors, and they tesser back home.

After returning home, Meg and Charles are reunited with their parents and they assure each other
that they love each other. Calvin leaves Meg to confront his father after saying a few words to Meg.
She stares at the sky, thanking the Misses.
An enchantress disguised as an old beggar woman arrives at a castle during a ball and offers the
host, a cruel and selfish prince, a rose in return for shelter from a storm. When he refuses, she
reveals her identity. As punishment for the prince's lack of compassion, the enchantress
transforms him into a beast and his servants into household objects, then erases the castle,
himself, and his servants from the memories of their loved ones and everyone else in the town.
She casts a spell on the rose and warns the prince that the spell will only be broken if he learns
to love another, and be loved in return before the last petal falls, or he will remain a beast forever.
Some years later, in the small town of Villeneuve, Belle, the book-loving daughter of an inventor
named Maurice, dreams of adventure. She constantly brushes off advances from Gaston, an
arrogant former soldier, as he is not the type of man Belle wishes to marry. On Maurice's way to
a convention and lost in the forest, he seeks refuge in the Beast's castle, but the Beast imprisons
him for stealing a rose from his garden as a gift to Belle. When Maurice's horse returns without
him, Belle ventures out in search of him, and finds him locked in the castle dungeon. Belle tricks
both her father and the Beast by asking for a simple hug goodbye from her father, she pushes
him out and locks herself in the dungeon. The Beast agrees to let her take her father's place and
forces Maurice to leave immediately.
Belle befriends the castle's servants; candelabra footman Lumiere, clock majordomo Cogsworth,
feather-duster maid Plumette, teapot housekeeper Mrs. Potts, and her teacup son Chip. They
invite her to a spectacular dinner. When she wanders into the forbidden west wing and finds the
rose, the Beast scares her into the woods. Belle is ambushed by a pack of wolves, but the Beast
rescues her, becoming injured in the process. As Belle nurses his wounds, a spark develops
between them. The Beast shows Belle a gift from the enchantress, a book that transports
readers wherever they want. Belle uses the book to visit her childhood home in Paris, where she
discovers a plague-doctor's mask and realizes that she and her father were forced to leave when
her mother succumbed to the plague.
In Villeneuve, Maurice fails to convince the other villagers of the Beast and Belle's imprisonment.
Gaston, seeing rescuing Belle as an opportunity to win her hand in marriage, agrees to help
Maurice. When Maurice learns of his ulterior motive and rejects him, Gaston abandons him to be
eaten by the wolves. Maurice is rescued by the town hermit Agathe, but when he tells the
townsfolk of Gaston's crime and is unable to provide solid evidence, Gaston convinces them to
send Maurice to an insane asylum.
After sharing a romantic dance with the Beast, Belle discovers her father's predicament using a
magic mirror. The Beast releases her to save Maurice, giving her the mirror to remember him
with. At Villeneuve, Belle reveals the Beast in the mirror to the townsfolk, proving her father's
sanity. Realizing that Belle loves the Beast, a jealous Gaston claims she has been charmed by
dark magic and has her thrown into the asylum carriage with her father. He rallies the villagers to
follow him to the castle to slay the Beast before he curses the whole village. Inside the asylum
carriage, Belle tells her father that she knows what happened to her mother and showed him the
rose rattle she took from her magical visit to their old, abandoned home. Maurice and Belle
escape, and Belle rushes back to the castle.
During the battle, Gaston abandons his companion LeFou, who then sides with the servants to
fend off the villagers. He attacks the Beast in his tower, who is too depressed to fight back, but
regains his spirit upon seeing Belle return. He defeats Gaston, but spares his life before reuniting
with Belle. However, Gaston ungratefully shoots the Beast from a bridge, which then collapses
as the castle began to crumble, leading Gaston to fall to his death. The Beast then dies as the
last petal falls, and the servants become inanimate.
As Belle tearfully professes her love to the Beast, Agathe reveals herself as the enchantress and
undoes the spell, repairing the crumbling castle, restoring the Beast and servants to their human
forms and to the villagers' memories. The Prince and Belle host a ball for the kingdom, where
they dance happily.

After defeating the Titans, the gods divided the world among themselves; Zeus took the
skies, Poseidon the seas, and Hades, deceived by Zeus, was left with the Underworld. The gods
created the mortals, whose worship maintained the god's immortality. Over time, however, the
mortals began to blaspheme and defy their creators. The demigod Perseus was born to the
mortal queen Danae who was conceived by Zeus during the siege of King Acrisius at Mount
Olympus. Upon discovering her conception, an enraged Acrisius orders the queen's execution
and locks the child in a chest with her corpse. In Zeus' retaliation, a lightning bolt strikes the king
and severely deforms him. The king then throws the chest into the sea. Thereafter, Perseus is
found and raised by the fisherman Spyros and his wife Marmara.
13 years later, Perseus and his family watch as soldiers from the city of Argos destroy the statue
of Zeus, declaring war on the gods. The Furies are then unleashed and slaughter the soldiers.
Hades appears and destroys the family's fishing vessel; Spyros and his family drown, with
Perseus as the only survivor. Found by another group of soldiers, Perseus is brought before
King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. They are celebrating their campaign against the gods,
while their daughter Princess Andromeda disapproves of her parents leading the city's rebellion.
When Cassiopeia begins boasting of her daughter to the gods, the revelry is interrupted by
Hades, who exposes Perseus' lineage to Zeus and rapidly ages Cassiopeia. He threatens to
unleash his monster, the Kraken, against Argos, unless Andromeda is offered as a sacrifice.
Perseus meets Io, a mysterious woman cursed with immortality, who confirms his origin.
Perseus, Io, and the King's Guard led by Draco journey to the Stygian Witches, seeking a way to
defeat the Kraken. To help his son, Zeus tries to give Perseus a sword forged on Olympus, which
he refuses. Soon after, they are attacked by a decrepit Acrisius, now known as Calibos, who was
corrupted by Hades, and sent to kill Perseus. During the fight, Draco severs Calibos' hand,
forcing him to retreat to a desert where his blood from the hand stump conjures
giant scorpions which attack the group. They are rescued by a band of Djinn, desert sorcerers
who tame the remaining scorpions and lend their aid to Perseus and his group. They arrive at the
lair of the Stygian Witches who are forced to reveal a weapon to defeat the Kraken and that is to
obtain the head of the gorgon Medusa, who resides in the Underworld. Upon arrival, Perseus
and his remaining companions enter Medusa's temple lair, while Io remains outside. Medusa kills
everyone except Perseus, who finally manages to behead her by using the underside of his
shield to see her with his back turned. As he leaves the temple, Calibos appears and fatally stabs
Io. Perseus and Calibos fight, ending the battle after Perseus picks up the Olympian sword and
kills Calibos, restoring his human form at the last moment. As Io lies dying, she urges Perseus to
save Andromeda and Argos.
The winged horse Pegasus arrives and takes Perseus back to Argos as Hades, having
manipulated Zeus and the gods in earning their trust, releases the Kraken. Perseus arrives and
exposes Medusa's head to the Kraken, who gradually petrifies and crumbles. Prokopion, a cult
leader who worships Hades, attempts to kill Perseus, but Cepheus intervenes and both of them
are then crushed by the Kraken's falling claw. Hades confronts Perseus, but the latter, invoking
Zeus, hurls his sword at Hades, forcing him back to the Underworld. Perseus rescues
Andromeda, who asks Perseus to rule Argos by her side as King, but he declines. Perseus later
refuses another offer of godhood from Zeus; instead, Zeus revives Io, reuniting her and Perseus.
In Medieval Scotland, Princess Merida of the clan Dunbroch is given a bow and arrow by her
father, King Fergus, for her sixth birthday to the dismay of her mother, Queen Elinor. While
venturing into the woods to fetch a stray arrow, Merida encounters a will-o'-the-wisp. Soon
afterward, Mor'du, a huge demon bear, attacks the family. Merida flees on horseback with Elinor,
while Fergus and his men fend off Mor'du, though the fight costs him one of his legs.
Ten years later, Merida, now a free-spirited and fiery young woman who dislikes her princess
duties and is now big sister to identical triplets—Harris, Hubert, and Hamish, discovers that she
is to be betrothed to the son of one of her father's allies. Elinor explains that failure to consent to
the betrothal could harm Dunbroch, reminding Merida of a legend of a prince whose pride and
refusal to follow his father's wishes destroyed his kingdom.
The allied clan chieftains and their first-born sons arrive to compete in the Highland games for
Merida's hand in marriage. Merida twists the rules, announcing that as her own clan's firstborn
she is eligible to compete for her own hand. She easily bests her suitors in an archery contest,
shaming the other clans, and runs away into the forest after a heated disagreement with Elinor.
Wisps appear, leading her to the hut of an elderly witch. Merida bargains for a spell to change
her fate, and the witch gives her an enchanted cake.
When Merida gives Elinor the cake, it transforms her into a bear, unable to speak but still
retaining her human consciousness. Merida returns to the witch's cottage with Elinor, only to find
it deserted, and discovers a message from the witch: unless Merida is able to "mend the bond
torn by pride" before the second sunrise, the spell will become permanent. Merida once again
tries to look for an answer, but ends up destroying the witch’s cottage. She then spends the night
with her mother and teaches the queen what she knows about wilderness survival, bonding with
her as a result. However, Merida soon discovers that Elinor is slowly losing her human
consciousness, turning more and more into a real bear. Merida and Elinor are then led by the
wisps to ancient ruins, where they encounter Mor'du. Realizing that Mor'du was the prince in the
legend her mother told her, Merida vows that she will not let the same thing happen to her
mother. She soon concludes that by repairing Elinor's tapestry she damaged during her
disagreement with Elinor, she can reverse the curse, so she decides to sneak back into the
castle in search of the tapestry.
They return to the castle to find the clans on the verge of war, who are arguing about who shall
have Merida’s hand. Merida intends to relent and declare herself ready to choose a suitor as
tradition demands, but Elinor, having a change of heart, prompts her instead to insist that the
firstborns should be allowed to marry in their own time to whomever they choose, and live their
own lives before they feel ready to settle down. This leads to Merida conducting a beautiful
speech which moves the hearts of the clans. The clans agree, breaking tradition but renewing
and strengthening their alliance.
Merida sneaks into the tapestry room with Elinor. Elinor, however, begins to slip in and out of her
humanity and attacks Fergus, but suddenly regains her composure and flees the castle.
Mistaking the queen for Mor'du and unable to listen to Merida, Fergus pursues the bear with the
other clans, locking Merida in the castle. Merida escapes with the assistance of her brothers,
who have also eaten the enchanted cake and have been transformed into bear cubs. Merida
repairs the tapestry and rides out after her father. Fergus and the clans capture Elinor, but
Merida intervenes and stops her father before Mor'du arrives. Mor'du batters the clan warriors
and targets Merida, but Elinor intercedes, holding off Mor'du and causing him to be crushed by a
falling menhir. This releases the spirit of the prince, who silently thanks Merida for freeing him.
Merida covers her mother in the repaired tapestry, but she remains a bear. As the sun rises for
the second time, Merida realizes the mistakes she has made and reconciles with Elinor,
unknowingly fulfilling the true meaning of the witch's message; to mend the bond between her
and her mother, therefore successfully reversing the spell's effects on her mother and brothers.
With Mor'du gone, Merida and Elinor work together on a new tapestry when they are called to the
docks to bid farewell to the other clans, and ride their horses together.
In Kathmandu, the sorcerer Kaecilius and his zealots enter the secret compound Kamar-Taj and
behead its librarian. They steal a few pages from an ancient, mystical text belonging to
the Ancient One, a long-lived sorcerer who has taught every student at Kamar-Taj, including
Kaecilius, in the mystic arts. The Ancient One pursues the traitors, but Kaecilius and his followers
In New York City, Stephen Strange, a wealthy, acclaimed, and arrogant neurosurgeon, severely
injures his hands in a car crash, leaving him unable to operate. Fellow surgeon Christine
Palmer tries to help him move on, but Strange vainly pursues experimental surgeries to heal his
hands. Strange learns about Jonathan Pangborn, a paraplegic who mysteriously regained use of
his legs. Pangborn directs Strange to Kamar-Taj, where he is taken in by Mordo, a sorcerer
under the Ancient One. The Ancient One demonstrates her power to Strange, revealing
the astral plane and other dimensions such as the Mirror Dimension. She reluctantly agrees to
train Strange, whose arrogance and ambition remind her of Kaecilius.
Strange studies under the Ancient One and Mordo, and from ancient books in the library that is
now guarded by Master Wong. Strange learns that Earth is protected from threats from other
dimensions by a shield generated from three buildings called Sanctums, in New York
City, London, and Hong Kong, which are all directly accessible from Kamar-Taj. The sorcerers'
task is to protect the Sanctums, though Pangborn instead chose to channel mystical energy only
into walking again. Strange progresses quickly, and secretly reads the text from which Kaecilius
stole pages, learning to bend time with the mystical Eye of Agamotto. Mordo and Wong warn
Strange against breaking the laws of nature, drawing a comparison to Kaecilius' desire for
eternal life.
Kaecilius uses the stolen pages to contact Dormammu of the Dark Dimension, where time is
non-existent. Kaecilius destroys the London Sanctum to weaken Earth's protection. The zealots
then attack the New York Sanctum, killing its guardian, but Strange holds them off with the help
of the Cloak of Levitation, only to be critically injured during a skirmish. He teleports himself back
to the hospital where Palmer saves him. Upon returning to the Sanctum, Strange reveals to
Mordo that the Ancient One has been drawing power from the Dark Dimension to sustain her
long life, and Mordo becomes disillusioned with the Ancient One. After a fight in the Mirror
Dimension of New York, Kaecilius mortally wounds the Ancient One and escapes to Hong Kong.
Before dying, she tells Strange that he too will have to bend the rules to complement Mordo's
steadfast nature in order to defeat Kaecilius. Strange and Mordo arrive in Hong Kong to find
Wong dead, the Sanctum destroyed, and the Dark Dimension engulfing Earth. Strange uses the
Eye to reverse time and save Wong, then enters the Dark Dimension and creates a time
loop around himself and Dormammu. After repeatedly killing Strange to no avail, Dormammu
finally gives in to Strange's demand that he permanently leave Earth alone and take Kaecilius
and his zealots with him in return for Strange breaking the loop.
Disillusioned by Strange and the Ancient One defying nature's laws, Mordo renounces his
sorcerer career and departs. Strange returns the Eye to Kamar-Taj and takes up residence in the
New York Sanctum to continue his studies with Wong. In a mid-credits scene, Strange decides to
help Thor, who has brought his brother Loki to Earth to search for their father, Odin.[N 1] In a post-
credits scene, Mordo confronts Pangborn and steals the mystical energy he uses to walk, telling
him that Earth has "too many sorcerers".

In 1927, the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) is transferring
the powerful dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) to Europe to be tried for his crimes.
Grindelwald escapes, aided by MACUSA employee Abernathy (Kevin Guthrie).
Three months later in London, Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) is at the Ministry of Magic to
appeal his international travel ban. While there, he runs into Leta Lestrange (Zoë Kravitz), an
old Hogwarts classmate and the fiancée of his auror brother Theseus (Callum Turner). The
ministry agree to grant Newt's request if he aids Theseus in locating Credence Barebone (Ezra
Miller) in Paris. Newt declines after learning he must work with the ruthless bounty hunter Gunnar
Grimmson. Later, after being reprimanded by the Ministry for his recent actions, Albus
Dumbledore (Jude Law) meets with Newt and is revealed to have indirectly sent him to America
to release Frank the Thunderbird. Dumbledore requests that Newt travel to Paris and save
Credence from Grindelwald and the Ministry; he believes he is Leta's long-lost half-brother,
Corvus Lestrange.
Later, Newt is unexpectedly visited by his American friends Queenie Goldstein (Alison Sudol)
and Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler). Jacob, a Muggle, has regained his memories that were erased
the previous year. Newt is disappointed that Queenie's sister Tina is not with them; Queenie tells
him that Tina is seeing someone after reading in Spellbound magazine that Newt and Leta were
engaged. Newt explains that Leta is marrying Theseus, not him. Newt deduces from Jacob's
strange behaviour that Queenie enchanted him into eloping to circumvent MACUSA's marriage
ban between wizards and non-magical humans. After Newt lifts the enchantment, Jacob refuses
to marry Queenie, fearing the consequences she would face. Upset, Queenie leaves to find Tina.
Newt and Jacob follow her to Paris where Tina is looking for Credence.
In Paris, Tina searches for Credence at the Circus Arcanus. Credence and a captive circus
performer named Nagini escape after causing a distraction. While searching for Credence's birth
mother, they locate a half-elf servant named Irma Dugard, who brought him to America for
adoption. However, Grimmson, revealed to be a follower of Grindelwald, arrives and kills Irma.
Meanwhile, Tina meets Yusuf Kama, who is also hunting Credence. Newt and Jacob follow
Yusuf to Tina, only to find her being held hostage. Yusuf disarms Newt and imprisons him and
Jacob along with her, explaining that he made an Unbreakable Vow to kill his half-brother, whom
he believes to be Credence. Meanwhile, unable to find Tina, a distraught Queenie is found by a
Grindelwald devotee and brought to him. Knowing Queenie's abilities, Grindelwald allows her to
leave while manipulating her into joining him using her desire to marry Jacob.
Newt and Tina infiltrate the French Ministry of Magic for documents to confirm Credence's
identity, but Leta and Theseus discover them. Newt and Tina reconcile after he explains he was
never engaged to Leta. Their search for information about Credence leads them to the Lestrange
family tomb, where they find Yusuf. He reveals that he is carrying out his father Mustafa's
request to avenge his mother Laurena's death. She was kidnapped by Corvus Lestrange IV
using the Imperius Curse, and later died giving birth to Yusuf's half-sister, Leta. Leta reveals that
Credence cannot be Corvus as she unintentionally caused his death; while aboard a ship to
America, Leta, unable to stand his constant crying, switched her baby brother with another infant
(Credence) shortly before the ship sank. Corvus drowned while Credence survived.
The group follow a trail to a rally for Grindelwald's followers, where Queenie is among the
attendants and Jacob is looking for her. There, Grindelwald shows images of a future global war,
and rails against the laws prohibiting them from preventing such a tragedy. As Theseus and the
Aurors surround the rally, Grindelwald prompts his followers to spread his message across
Europe, and conjures a ring of blue fire that kills the retreating Aurors and that only his most loyal
followers can safely cross. Queenie and Credence both cross the fire. Leta sacrifices herself to
hold off Grindelwald so Newt, Tina, Jacob, Yusuf, Nagini, and Theseus can escape. As
Grindelwald leaves, the remaining heroes unite alongside the immortal alchemist Nicolas
Flamel to subdue and extinguish the fire. Newt realises he is now embroiled in a conflict with
Grindelwald, and chooses to fight.
At Hogwarts, Newt presents Dumbledore with a vial stolen from Grindelwald, by his niffler. It
contains a blood pact Grindelwald and Dumbledore made during their youth that prevents them
dueling each other. Dumbledore believes it can be destroyed. At his base in Austria, Nurmengard,
Grindelwald tells Credence that his true identity is Aurelius Dumbledore, Albus' long-lost brother,
and presents him with a wand and narrating the legend saying that a phoenix will appear to any
Dumbledore in time of need, which then comes to Credence. Grindelwald tells Credence/Aurelius
that he is the only person powerful enough to defeat Albus Dumbledore. Credence then
proceeds to demonstrate magic with his first wand.
In 1881, Edgar Rice Burroughs attends the funeral of his uncle, John Carter, a former American
Civil War Confederate Army captain who died suddenly. Per Carter's instructions, the body is put
in a tomb that can be unlocked only from the inside. His attorney gives Carter's personal journal
for Burroughs to read, in the hope of finding clues explaining Carter's cause of death.
In a flashback to 1868 in the Arizona Territory, Union Colonel Powell arrests Carter. Powell,
knowing about Carter's military background, seeks his help in fighting the Apache. Carter
escapes his holding cell, but fails to get far with U.S. cavalry soldiers in close pursuit. After a run-
in with a band of Apaches, Carter and a wounded Powell are chased until they take to hiding in a
cave that turns out to be the object of Carter's earlier searching, the 'Spider Cave of Gold'.
A Thern appears in the cave at that moment and, surprised by the two men, attacks them with a
knife; Carter kills him but accidentally activates the Thern's powerful medallion, and is unwittingly
transported to a ruined and dying planet, Barsoom. Because of his different bone density and the
planet's low gravity, Carter is able to jump high and perform feats of incredible strength. He is
captured by the Green Martian Tharks and their Jeddak Tars Tarkas.
Elsewhere on Barsoom, the Red Martian cities of Helium and Zodanga have been at war for a
thousand years. Sab Than, Jeddak of Zodanga, armed with a special weapon obtained from the
Thern leader Matai Shang, proposes a cease-fire and an end to the war by marrying the Princess
of Helium, Dejah Thoris. The Princess escapes and is rescued by Carter. Carter, Dejah, and
Tarkas' daughter Sola, embark on a quest to get to the end of a sacred river to find a way for
Carter to get back home. They obtain information about the "ninth ray", a means of using infinite
energy and also the key to understanding how the medallion works. But they are later attacked
by Shang's minions, the Green Martians of Warhoon. After the attack, Carter is captured and
taken back with Dejah while Sola is able to escape. The demoralized Dejah grudgingly agrees to
marry Sab Than, then gives Carter his medallion and tells him to go back to Earth. Carter
decides to stay and is captured by Shang, who explains to him the purpose of Therns and how
they manipulate the civilizations of different worlds to their doom, feeding off the planet's
resources in the process. Carter is able to make an escape as he and Sola go back to the Tharks
requesting their help. There they discover Tarkas has been overthrown by a ruthless brute, Tal
Hajus. Tarkas, Carter and Sola are put on trial in a colosseum battle with two enormous vicious
creatures, the four-armed Great White-Apes. After defeating them and killing Hajus, Carter
becomes the leader of the Tharks.
The Thark army charges on Helium and defeats the Zodangan army by killing Sab Than, while
Shang is forced to escape and leave Mars for good. Carter becomes prince of Helium by
marrying Dejah. On their first night, Carter decides to stay forever on Mars and throws away his
medallion. Seizing this opportunity, Shang briefly reappears and sends him back to Earth. Carter
then embarks on a long quest, looking for clues of the Therns' presence on Earth and hoping to
find one of their medallions; after several years he appears to die suddenly and asks for unusual
funeral arrangements—consistent with his having found a medallion, since his return to Mars
would leave his Earth body in a coma-like state. He makes Burroughs his protector, giving him
clues about how to open the tomb.
Back in the present, Burroughs runs back to Carter's tomb and opens it, finding it empty. Shang,
disguised as a man with a bowler hat who has been observing Carter, suddenly appears, having
followed Burroughs. As Shang prepares to attack, Carter appears and kills Shang. Carter then
tells Burroughs that he never found a medallion. Instead, he devised a scheme to lure a Thern
into revealing himself. Carter takes Shang's medallion, whispers the code, and is then
transported back to Barsoom.
In the Kingdom of Cloister, Jack, a young farm boy, is fascinated by the legend of Erik, an
ancient king who defeated an army of invading giants from a realm in the sky by controlling them
with a magical crown. At the same time, Princess Isabelle becomes fascinated with the same
Ten years later, Jack goes into town to sell his horse to support his uncle's farm. There, Jack
spots Isabelle and becomes enamored with her after defending her honor from a group of
hooligans. Meanwhile, Lord Roderick returns to his study, only to find that a monk has robbed
him. The monk offers Jack some magic beans he stole from Roderick as collateral for Jack's
horse. Back at the castle, Isabelle quarrels with her father King Brahmwell as she wants to
explore the kingdom, but he wants her to stay and marry Roderick. Likewise, Jack's uncle scolds
him for being foolish before throwing the beans on the floor and leaving the house.
Determined to be free, Isabelle sneaks out of the castle and seeks shelter from the rain in Jack's
house. As it rains, one of the beans takes root and grows into a massive beanstalk that carries
the house and Isabelle into the sky as Jack falls to the ground.
Jack, Roderick, and Roderick's attendant Wicke volunteer to join the king's knights, led by
Elmont and his second in-command, Crawe, and climb the beanstalk in search of Isabelle. As
they climb, Roderick and Wicke cut the safety rope, intentionally killing some of the knights. At
the top, they discover the giants' realm and decide to split into two groups: one with Jack, Elmont,
and Crawe, and the other including Roderick and Wicke, but not before Roderick forcibly takes
the remaining beans from Jack (although Jack manages to save one for himself).
Jack's group is trapped by a giant, who takes Elmont and Crawe prisoner while Jack escapes.
Meanwhile, Roderick's group encounters two other giants; one eats Wicke, but before the other
can do the same to Roderick, Roderick dons the magical crown.
Jack follows the giant to their stronghold, where the two-headed giant leader, Fallon, has killed
Crawe. Jack finds Isabelle and Elmont imprisoned there. As the giants prepare to kill their
remaining prisoners, Roderick walks in and enslaves the giants with the crown. He tells the
giants they will attack Cloister at dawn and gives them permission to eat Isabelle and Elmont.
Jack rescues Isabelle and Elmont as one of the giants prepares to cook Elmont as a pig-in-a-
blanket. The trio makes for the beanstalk, where Jack causes the giant guarding the beanstalk to
fall off the realm's edge. Seeing the giant's body, Brahmwell orders the beanstalk cut down to
avoid an invasion by the giants.
Jack and Isabelle head down the beanstalk, while Elmont stays to confront Roderick. Elmont kills
Roderick, but Fallon takes the crown before Elmont can claim it, and Elmont is forced to escape
down the beanstalk. Jack, Isabelle, and Elmont all survive the fall after the beanstalk is cut down.
As everyone returns home, Jack warns that the giants are using Roderick's beans to create
beanstalks to descend down to Earth and attack Cloister.
The giants chase Jack, Isabelle, and Brahmwell into the castle, where Elmont fills the moat with
oil and sets it on fire. Fallon falls in the moat and breaks into the castle from below. As the siege
continues, Fallon captures Jack and Isabelle, but Jack throws the final bean down Fallon's throat,
before the giant can eat the princess, causing a beanstalk to rip apart his body. Jack takes the
crown and sends the giants back to their realm.
Jack and Isabelle marry, and tell the story of the giants to their children. As time passes, the
magic crown is crafted into St Edward's Crown and is secured in the Tower of London.
In 2011, Gil Pender, a successful but creatively unfulfilled Hollywood screenwriter, and his
fiancée Inez, are in Paris vacationing with Inez's wealthy, conservative parents. Gil is struggling
to finish his first novel, centered on a man who works in a nostalgia shop. Inez dismisses his
ambition as a romantic daydream, and encourages him to stick with lucrative screenwriting. Gil is
considering moving to Paris (which he notes, much to the dismay of his fiancée, is at its most
beautiful in the rain). Inez is intent on living in Malibu. By chance, they are joined by Inez's friend
Paul, who is described as both pedantic and a pseudo-intellectual, and his wife Carol. Paul
speaks with great authority but questionable accuracy on the highlights of Paris up to the point of
even contradicting a tour guide at the Musée Rodin, and insisting that his knowledge
of Rodin's relationships is more accurate than that of the guide. Inez admires him; Gil finds him
A night of wine tasting gets Gil drunk and he decides to walk the streets of Paris to get back to
the hotel; Inez goes off with Paul and Carol by taxi. He stops to reconnoiter his location. At
midnight, a 1920s car pulls up beside him, and the passengers, dressed in 1920s wardrobe, urge
him to join them. They hit a party for Jean Cocteau attended by notable people of 1920s
Paris: Cole Porter and his wife Linda Lee Porter, Zelda, and Scott Fitzgerald. Zelda gets bored at
the party and encourages Scott and Gil to leave with her. They head first to Bricktops where they
see Josephine Baker dancing, and then to a cafe, where they run into Ernest
Hemingway and Juan Belmonte. Zelda gets upset when Hemingway says her novel was weak,
and she heads with Belmonte to St. Germain, followed shortly thereafter by Scott, who doesn't
like the thought of his wife and the toreador. After discussing writing, Hemingway offers to show
Gil's novel to Gertrude Stein. As Gil exits the building to fetch his manuscript from his hotel, he
finds he has returned to 2011; the bar where the 1920s literati were drinking is now a laundromat.
The next night, Gil wants to share with Inez his time travel experience. She ditches Gil before the
clock strikes midnight. Before long, the same car returns; Gil joins Hemingway on his way to visit
a friend. Gil is introduced to Gertrude Stein and other friends at her apartment: Pablo
Picasso and his lover Adriana. Adriana and Gil are instantly attracted to each other. Stein reads
aloud the novel's first line:[6]
'Out of the Past' was the name of the store, and its products consisted of memories: what was
prosaic and even vulgar to one generation had been transmuted by the mere passing of years to
a status at once magical and also camp.
Adriana says that she is hooked by these few lines and has always had a longing for the past,
especially the Belle Époque.
Gil continues with his time travel for the next couple of nights. Inez is annoyed at the boulevards
and bistros and Gil's wanderings. Her father is suspicious and hires a private detective to follow
him. Adriana has her time with Picasso and Hemingway, and eventually Gil, although he is
conflicted by his attraction to her. Gil confides his predicament to Salvador Dalí, Man Ray,
and Luis Buñuel, but being surrealists they see nothing strange about his claim to have come
from the future, finding it to be perfectly normal.
Each discusses the impossibility of Gil's relationship with Adriana, and as artists, what work of art
from each could come of the romance. Gil suggests the plot of the film The Exterminating
Angel to Buñuel, which he doesn't understand.
Inez and her parents are traveling to Mont Saint Michel while Gil meets Gabrielle, an antique
dealer and fellow admirer of the Lost Generation. He buys a Cole Porter gramophone
record from her, and later finds Adriana's diary from the 1920s at a book stall by the Seine, which
reveals that she was in love with him. Reading that she dreamed of receiving a gift of earrings
from him and then making love to him, Gil attempts to take a pair of Inez's earrings to give to
Adriana, but is thwarted by Inez's early return to the hotel room.
Gil buys earrings for Adriana. Returning to the past, he finds her at a party and tells her, "I sense
there are some complicated feelings you have for me." He takes her for a walk, they kiss, and he
gives her the earrings. While she's putting them on, a horse-drawn carriage comes down the
street, and a richly dressed couple inside the carriage invite Gil and Adriana for a ride. The
carriage transports the passengers to the Belle Époque, an era Adriana considers Paris's Golden
Age. Gil and Adriana go first to Maxim's Paris, then to the Moulin Rouge where they meet Henri
de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Gauguin, and Edgar Degas. Gil asks what they thought the best era
was, and the three determine that the greatest era was the Renaissance. The enthralled Adriana
is offered a job designing ballet costumes and proposes to Gil that they stay, but Gil, upon
observing that different people long for different "golden ages", has an epiphany and realizes that
despite the allure of nostalgia, any time can eventually become a dull "present", so it's best to
embrace your actual present. Adriana, however, elects to stay in the 1890s, and they part.
Gil rewrites the first two chapters of his novel and retrieves his draft from Stein, who praises his
progress as a writer and tells him that Hemingway likes it, but questions why the main character
has not realized that his fiancée (based on Inez) is having an affair with a pedantic character
(based on Paul).
Gil returns to 2011 and confronts Inez. She admits to having slept with Paul, but dismisses it as a
meaningless fling. Gil breaks up with her and decides to move to Paris. Amid Inez's pique, Gil
calmly leaves, after which Inez's father tells her and her mother that he had Gil followed, though
the detective has mysteriously disappeared. It is revealed that the detective found himself in
the Versailles of Louis XIV, and is last seen fleeing from the palace guards amid threats of "Off
with his head!"
Walking by the Seine at midnight, Gil bumps into Gabrielle, and, after it starts to rain, he offers to
walk her home and they learn that they share the love of Paris in the rain.
The film seems to be set in ancient Persia, as the film starts with a map portending to show the
expanse of the Persian Empire 2500 years ago. The film set design appears to be based on
Persian empire after the islamic conquest. Islamic era architecture, with intricate use of
geometric shapes and domes, is shown. The cities in the film all appear to have minarets. The
Allied Kingdom of Alamut, shown in the movie, was not established until the 9th century (after
the Islamic Conquest of Persia).[4] (see the Alamut State)
Dastan, a street urchin in Persia, is adopted by King Sharaman after showing courage. Fifteen
years later, the king's brother Nizam relays evidence to the princes—Dastan, along with the
king's biological sons Tus and Garsiv—that the holy city of Alamut is forging weapons for
Persia's enemies. Tus directs the Persian army to capture Alamut. Dastan and his friends breach
the city and open a gate for the siege. During the attack, Dastan defeats a royal guard and takes
from him a sacred dagger.
Alamut falls to the Persians, but Princess Tamina denies that the city has any weapon forges.
Tus asks her to marry him to unite the two nations, and she only accepts after seeing the dagger
in Dastan's possession. At their celebratory banquet, Tus has Dastan give their father an
embroidered robe. However, the robe is poisoned, fatally burning Sharaman. Garsiv accuses
Dastan of the king's murder, but Dastan escapes with Tamina. Tus is appointed king and a
bounty on Dastan’s head is set.
While in hiding, Tamina attempts to kill Dastan and steal the dagger, and in the struggle Dastan
discovers the dagger enables the wielder to travel back in time. Dastan concludes that Tus
invaded Alamut for the dagger, and decides to confront his brother at the funeral of the king in
Avrat. On the way, the two are captured by merchant-bandits led by Sheik Amar who seeks the
reward money, but they manage to escape. After arriving in Avrat, Dastan tries to convince
Nizam of his innocence. Seeing burns on Nizam's hands, Dastan realizes that Nizam
orchestrated the king's murder. Furthermore, Nizam has set up an ambush for Dastan along the
Persian streets, but after a conflict with Garsiv, Dastan escapes. Nizam sends a group of covert
warriors, the Hassansins, to kill Dastan and find the dagger.
During a sandstorm, Tamina tells Dastan that long ago, the gods unleashed a great sandstorm to
destroy humanity but were moved by a young girl's offer to sacrifice herself in humanity's place
and trapped the Sands of Time in a large sandglass. Tamina is the latest guardian of the dagger,
given to the young girl by the gods, which can pierce the sandglass and potentially destroy the
world but also enable the dagger's wielder to travel further back in time than the one minute's
worth of sand the dagger holds. Dastan realizes that Nizam intends to travel back to his
childhood, prevent himself from saving Sharaman from a lion attack, and grow up to become
King of Persia in Sharaman's place. Amar captures the two again, but Dastan saves Amar's men
from a Hassansin attack using the dagger. This convinces Amar to escort them to a sanctuary
near Hindu Kush, where Tamina will seal the dagger within the stone it first came from. At the
sanctuary, they are found by Garsiv, whom Dastan convinces of his innocence, but the
Hassansins ambush them, killing Garsiv and stealing the dagger.
Dastan's group travels back to Alamut to retrieve the dagger from Nizam and warn Tus of Nizam.
Amar's right-hand man Seso dies retrieving the dagger for Dastan, who demonstrates the
dagger's powers to Tus to convince him of the truth. Afterwards, Nizam interrupts them, kills Tus,
and takes the dagger back. Tamina saves Dastan from being killed and the two head for the
secret tunnels beneath the city that lead to the sandglass. When they reach Nizam, he stabs the
sandglass and throws them both off a cliff. Tamina sacrifices herself, releasing Dastan's hand
and falling to her death to allow him to fight Nizam.
When Dastan removes the dagger from the sandglass, time rewinds to the moment he found the
dagger. Dastan finds Tus and Garsiv and exposes Nizam's treachery. Nizam attempts to kill
Dastan, but is subdued and killed by Tus. Tus apologizes to Tamina for the siege and proposes
to strengthen the two nations' bond by marrying her to Dastan. Dastan returns the dagger to
Tamina as an engagement gift and tells her he looks forward to their future together.

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