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Structural Steel Design for Office Building


Abdifatah Aweis Munye

Zamzam Shuaib Osman

Anisa Alawi Salah

A Thesis Submitted in the Partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering

Abrar University


This thesis is our original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other



Abdifatah Aweis Munye Signature:

Zamzam Shuaib Osman Signature:

Anisa Alawi Salah Signature:

This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as the University


Engineer Muktar Ebei Omar Signature:

College of Engineering and Technology

Abrar University

Examiners Committee:

i) External Examiner: Engineer Abdirizak Wali abdulle Signature:

ii) Internal Examiner: Engineer Abdimalik Abukar Isse Signature:

iii) Main Supervisor: Engineer Muktar Ebei Omar Signature:

College Dean: Engineer Ahmed Abdi Ali (Matan) Signature:

First, we would like to thank Allah for guiding us to the right path, giving us

good health and intellectual capacity to carry out this project work

successfully. We also would like to thank Eng. Muktar Ebei Omar, the

lecturer of the department of civil engineering for his dedication to supervise

our work, and the diligence he showed all the time we sought his support and

advice. We are obliged to acknowledge our great lecturer Eng. Abdirahman

Hussein (Saaska) for helping us in the architectural designing and

perfections. We gratefully extend our gratitude to our senior Eng. Mohamed

Abubakar Culusow for the continues support he gave us during our project


In addition to the above, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude and

appreciation to the Dean of the faculty of Engineering, Eng. Ahmed Abdi

Ali (Matan) for his tireless support throughout our course, especially during

the preparation of the thesis. We would like to recall our friends and

classmates for their responsive support.

The last and not the least, our special appreciation goes to our parents, whom

we are greatly indebted for providing us unconditional love, endless prayers,

and constant encouragement and support, that assisted us to reach our life

goals, may ALLAH (S.W.A) bless them with his unlimited mercy.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................1

1.2 Background Study..........................................................................................1

1.3 Advantages of Steel as a Structural Material ..........................................................6

1.3.1 High Strength and Light Weight Nature ..........................................................6

1.3.2 Uniformity & Permanence..........................................................................6

1.3.3 Ductility.................................................................................................6

1.3.4 Additions to Existing Structures....................................................................6

1.3.5 Quick in Construction................................................................................7

1.4 Disadvantages of Steel as a Structural Material ......................................................7

1.4.1 Corrosion...............................................................................................7

1.4.2 High Fireproofing Cost...............................................................................7

1.4.3 Fatigue..................................................................................................7

1.5 Problem Statement........................................................................................8

1.6 Research Objectives........................................................................................8

1.6.1 Overall Objectives:....................................................................................8

1.6.2 Specific Objectives:...................................................................................8

1.7 Scope of the study..........................................................................................8

1.8 Building Description........................................................................................9

Chapter 2 Literature Review...................................................................................10

2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................10

2.2 History of Structural Steel...............................................................................10

2.3 Structural design..........................................................................................11

2.4 Building Codes and Specifications.....................................................................13

2.5 Design of loads............................................................................................14

2.5.1 Dead Loads...........................................................................................15

2.5.2 Live Loads.............................................................................................15

2.6 Design Philosophy........................................................................................16

2.7 Office Building.............................................................................................17

2.8 Requirements for an Office Building ..................................................................18

Chapter 3 : Materials and Methods...........................................................................20

3.1 Planning Data..............................................................................................20

3.2 Design code................................................................................................20

3.3 Flexure design.............................................................................................21

3.4 Shear Design...............................................................................................21

3.5 Axial Design................................................................................................22

3.6 Tool Use for Planning....................................................................................22

Chapter 4 : Results...............................................................................................23

4.1 Design and Analysis of Slab.............................................................................23

4.1.1 Design of Slab (S1 & S3)............................................................................25

4.1.2 Design of slab (S3 and S4).........................................................................30

4.2 Analysis and Design of beam...........................................................................35

4.2.1 Design of secondary Beam 2......................................................................36

4.2.2 Design secondary beam (4).......................................................................39

4.2.3 Design of secondary beam (9)....................................................................41

4.2.4 Design of secondary beam (11)..................................................................43

4.2.5 Analyse and Design of Primary Beam...........................................................46


4.3 Design of Stairs: -.........................................................................................54

4.3 Design of column.........................................................................................60

4.3.1 Base plate.............................................................................................62

4.3.2 E-TABS RESSULT FOR CHECKING OF DESIGN OFCOLUMN ..................................63

4.4 Design of footing..........................................................................................67

Chapter 5 : Conclusion and Recommendations............................................................71

5.1 CONCULUSION............................................................................................71

5.2 Recommendations:.......................................................................................72

List of Tables
Table 4-1 Reinforcement details of slab 1&2....................................................................29
Table 4-2: Reinforcement details of slab 3&4...................................................................34
Table 4-3 summary of the beam.........................................................................................45
Table 4-4 moment distribution...........................................................................................48
Table 4-5: checking of the beams......................................................................................52
Table 4-6: bolt check..........................................................................................................53
Table 4-7: Material Properties...........................................................................................54
Table 4-8: Geometric Properties........................................................................................54
Table 4-9: data to design....................................................................................................56
Table 4-10: Summary of results.........................................................................................66
Table 4-11: Material Properties.........................................................................................66
Table 4-12: Geometric Properties......................................................................................66
Table 4-13: summary of footing........................................................................................70

List of Figure

Figure: 4-1: Naming of slab...............................................................................................24
Figure 4-2: panels of slab 1&2...........................................................................................25
Figure 4-3: Moment Coefficient for S1&S2......................................................................26
Figure 4-4: Panels of slab3 &4...........................................................................................30
Figure 4-5: Moment coefficient of S3&4...........................................................................31
Figure 4-6: Reinforcing detail of slab................................................................................35
Fig 4-7: Naming of the Beam.............................................................................................36
Fig 4-8 a: Tributary with of beam 2...................................................................................36
Fig 4-8 b: section beam 2...................................................................................................36
Fig 4-9: load of beam2.......................................................................................................37
Fig 4-10: tributary width of beam 4...................................................................................39
Fig 4-11: load of beam 4....................................................................................................40
Fig 4-12 b: section of beam 9.............................................................................................41
Fig 4-12 b: section of beam 9.............................................................................................41
Fig 4-13: load of beam 9....................................................................................................42
Fig 4-14: tributary width of beam 11.................................................................................43
Fig 4-15: load of interior primary beam.............................................................................46
Fig 4-16: input beam of E-tab............................................................................................49
Fig 4.18 shear of beams in E-tab........................................................................................50
Fig 4-17: moments of beams in E-tabs..............................................................................50
Fig 4-19: result checked E-tab...........................................................................................51
Fig 4-20: Beam-Beam Connection.....................................................................................52
Fig 4-21: plan of stair.........................................................................................................54
Fig 4-22: vertical section of stair.......................................................................................55
Fig 4-23: dimensions of stair..............................................................................................55
Fig 4-24: reinforcement stair..............................................................................................59
Fig 4-25: connection between stair and beam....................................................................59
Fig 4-26: tributary area of the column...............................................................................60
Fig-4.27: effective area......................................................................................................62
Fig 4-28: input of column in E-tab.....................................................................................63
Fig 4-29 b: result of column...............................................................................................64
Fig 4-29 a: result of column in E-tab.................................................................................64
Fig 4-30: Beam-Column Connection.................................................................................65

List of Abbreviations
AISC =American institute steel construction

ACI =American code institute

ASCE =American society of civil engineering

Auto-CAD =Software application for computer-aided

design and drafting.

E-tabs =Extended three-dimensional analysis of building


Mu =required moment strength by the controlling load


Mn =nominal moment strength of member.

ϕb =resistance factor for bending (flexure).

Vu =required shear strength by the controlling load


Vn =nominal shear strength of member.

Φv =resistance factor for shear.

Pu =required axial strength by the controlling load


Pn =nominal axial strength of member.

Φa =resistance factor for axial.

Ag =Gross Area

As =Area of steel

d =effective depth length

Ρ =Rho’ratio tension of steel &concrete

Es =Modulus of elasticity

f'c =Concrete compressive strength

fy =yielding strength of steel

Wu =factored Load

H =Height

K =Stiffness

L =Long size span of slab

S =Short size span of slab

En =compressive strength forceof concrete

Et =minimum net tensile strain of steel

Fcr =Critical stress of column

Pn =Design strength

ρmax =Rho’ maximum

RC =Reinforcement concrete

A =Width of the column

B =base of the column

B Width of footing

γa =Average of Unit weight between concrete and soil

γc =Unit weight of concrete

qna =Net allowable bearing capacity

qall =Allowable bearing capacity

Ф =Strength reduction factor

ẞ =Ratio of long to short dimensions: clear spans for

two-way slabs,

Rn =Concrete footing design ratio = mu/ᴓbd

Ψe =Factor used to modify development length based

on reinforcement coating

Ψs =Factor used to modify development length based

on reinforcement size.

Abstract in English
Knowing that the public buildings are the most challenging projects, we have

chosen a project titled “the structural steel design for office building”.

The main objective of this project is to analyse and design steel framed

structure, the design of slabs, beams, columns, footings, shear wall and

staircase. We used hand calculations according to the American Standard

Codes (ASCE, AISC and ACI) for designing buildings, therefore software

ETABS 2018, to cross check the correctness of the hand calculations, and

also Auto-CAD to find the details of all reinforcements.

To establish the architectural and structural design for this project, we

deployed Archicad 20 programs to shape the profile of an office building

made of four floors, and structured with steel frames. The landscapes of the

ground floor contain a restaurant, a bank with ATM, and offices, therefore it

is different from the rest of the floors. In each of the other three floors the

features are: offices, halls, group workers, meeting rooms and service

rooms. The process of the structural planning and design requires

professional knowledge including, science of structural engineering, updated

practicality, structural codes and related by-laws. The purpose of applying

the above mentioned knowledge and experience is to ensuring acceptable

standards and increase safety, while balancing between economy and safety.

Annagoo og in dhismayaasha dadweynuhu ay yihiin mashaariicda ugu adag,
ayaa waxa aan dooranay mashruuc aan cinwaan uga dhignay “dhismo
xafiiseed nashqadiisu ay tahay bir”.
Ujeedada ugu weyn ee mashruucan ayaa ah in aan baaritaan ku sameyno oo
aan dejino qaab dhismeed isku xirxiran oo biro ah iyo in aan nashqadayno
salooto, taraawe, tiirar, bilindi, iyo jaranjarooyinka. Waxa aan u adeegsanay
xisaabinta gacanta annaga oo aan u tixraaceyno Heerarka Mareykanka u
deggan (ASCE, AISC iyo ACI) ee naqshadeynta dhismayaasha, ka dib waxa
aan ku hubinay barnaamijka II-TAAB 2018, si aan u xaqiijino saxnaanta
gacan ku xisaabinta, iyo sidoo kale AWTU-KAAD ka si aan u helno xogta
qaabka biraha loo dhigaayo.
Si aan u hirgelino naqshadda iyo qaab Dhismeedka mashruucan, waxaan
diyaarinay barnaamijka ARKIKAAD 20 si aan ugu qaabeyno muuqaalka
dhisme xafiis oo ka kooban afar dabaq, oo lagana sameeyay biro isku
xirxiran. Muuqaalka qeybta ugu hooseysa ee dhulka waxa uu ka
koobanyahay maqaayad, bangi leh mashiin ATM, iyo xafiisyo, sidaa
daraadeed way ka duwan tahay dabaqadaha kale. Mid kasta oo ka mid ah
saddexda dabaq ee kale waxa ay ka kooban yihiin: xafiisyo, hoolal,
shaqaalo-kooxdeed, qolalka shirarka iyo qolalka adeegga. Habka qorshaynta
qaab-dhismeedka iyo qaabeynta waxa uu u baahan yahay aqoon xirfadeed oo
ay ka mid yihiin, sayniska injineernimada qaab-dhismeedka, cusbooneysiin
joogto ah, xeerarka dhismaha iyo sharciyada la xiriira. Ujeedada loo
adeegsan karo aqoonta kor ku xusan iyo waaya aragnimada ayaa ah in la
hubiyo heerar la aqbali karo lana kordhiyo amniga (badqabka guriga), iyada
la isku dheelli-tirayo dhaqaalaha iyo amniga (badqabka guriga).

Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Introduction

In recent years, Mogadishu city has been growing rapidly; more and more

people decide to work Commercial building design (CBD). Therefore, there

is a need to construct more office buildings. Our project is to design four-

story structural steel building in Mogadishu, the area of this building will be

= 40*40(m2), The building will be used for various purposes and will

contain offices, halls, meeting rooms group workers and other services.

1.2 Background Study

A structure is an assemblage of components which are connected in such a

way that the structure can withstand the action of loads that are applied to it.

These loads may be due to gravity, wind, ground shaking, impact,

temperature, or other environmental sources. Examples of structures

employed in civil infrastructure are buildings, bridges, dams, tunnels, storage

tanks, and transmission line towers. Non-civil applications include aerospace

structures such as airplane fuselages, missiles; naval structures such as ships,

offshore platforms; and automotive structures such as cars and trucks

(Hibbeler, 2012; Connor & Faraji, 2013).

Structural engineering is the discipline which is concerned with identifying

the loads that a structure may experience over its expected life, determining

a suitable arrangement of structural members, selecting the material and

dimensions of the members, defining the assembly process, and lastly

monitoring the structure as it is being assembled and possibly also over its

life. Structural engineers must have knowledge about the techniques

of structural analysis to apply them successfully. Structural engineers need to

understand and visualize the stability and strength of the structure (Connor

& Faraji, 2013).

When designing a structure to serve a specified function for public use, the

engineer must account for its safety, aesthetics, and serviceability, while

taking into consideration economic and environmental constraints. Often this

requires several independent studies of different solutions before final

judgment can be made as to which structural form is most appropriate. This

design process is both creative and technical and requires a fundamental

knowledge of material properties and the laws of mechanics which govern

material response (Hibbeler, 2012).

Once the structure is constructed, it is expected that the structure looks

stylish, attractive and most important is structurally correct. Therefore,

currently there are many civil and structural engineering projects using hand

calculation and computer software to analyze and design the structure for the

purpose of maintaining the strength and stability.

Iron is one of the elements highlighted in the Qur'an. In Surat al-Hadid,(Holy

Quran chapter 57:24)

ِ ‫ص ُرهُ َو ُر ُسلَهُ بِ ْال َغ ْي‬ ْ

ِ ‫ب ۚ إِ َّن هَّللا َ قَ ِويٌّ ع‬
ُ ‫َزي ٌز‬ ِ َّ‫َوأَ ْن َز ْلنَا~ ْال َح ِدي َد فِي ِه بَأسٌ َش ِدي ٌد َو َمنَافِ ُع لِلن‬
ُ ‫اس َولِيَ ْعلَ َم اللَّه َم ْن يَ ْن‬

“And We sent down iron, wherein is mighty power and benefits for the

people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His

messenger’s unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might’’

Allah (‫ )ﷻ‬is saying that Iron was sent down (Madinainstitute).

Steel is widely used as a building material. Steel is one of the principal

materials used in structural design. The steel structure is used in many civil

engineering applications such as industrial building, high-rise building,

equipment support system, infrastructure, Commercial buildings, bridge,

tower, airport terminal, heavy industrial plant, pipe rack, etc. Steel can be

produced with a variety of properties to suit different requirements. The

principle requirements are strength, ductility, weldability, and corrosion

resistance (Williiams, 2011).

Steel is a common building material used throughout the construction

industry. Its primary purpose is to form a skeleton for building or structure

essentially the part of the structure that holds everything up and together.

Steel structures are assembly of structural steel shapes joined together by

means of riveted / bolted or welded connections Steel has many advantages

when compared to other structural materials such as concrete, timber,

plastics and the newer composite materials. Steel is one of the friendliest

environmental building materials.

Steel is the most recycled material. Steel, unlike wood, doesn’t warp or twist

and does not substantially expand and contract with the weather. Unlike

concrete, steel does not need time to cure and is immediately at full strength.

Steel is versatile, has most strength with less weight, has an attractive

appearance, can be erected in most weather condition, is of uniform quality,

has proven durability, and has low life cycle cost. These advantages make

steel the building material of choice (Berman, 2018).

The steel structures ideally meet the construction industry’s need which is to

build stronger and safer buildings. Structural steel is an important

construction material instead of concrete, masonry and wood.

A structural member can be a rolled shape or can be built up from two or

more rolled shapes or plates, connected by welds or bolts. Available rolled

shapes are catalogued in Part 1 of the AISC Manual. Those most commonly

used in building construction include wide flange (or W), angle (or L),

channel (or C), and tee (or WT).

Steel-framed solutions have proven to be the superior sustainability choice

for commercial buildings of all types for many years, thanks partly to the

inherent sustainability advantages of steel as a construction material, but also

because of its flexibility which allows designers to generate new

sustainability enhancing ideas. Steel can fully justify its claims to be the

ultimate sustainable construction material. Its adaptability means that rather

than being demolished to make way for a new building with changed use, a

steel-framed building can often be reconfigured for a new use, and given a

whole new look by changing its cladding. The long span capabilities of steel

construction provide clear spaces that can be easily reconfigured, offering

the prospect of extending a building’s useful life (ROKACH, A. J. 2014).

The office building is a type of building that used as a business center, which

contains many spaces called offices. The main reason for our thinking is that

the functionality of the office buildings that providing services in our

country doesn’t offer the aims for which it was designed.

There are many possible ways of designing and constructing an office

building. Office buildings, in particular, are type refer to a variety including

meeting spaces integrated into the office environment, reception, office

support spaces such as workrooms, storage rooms, and telephone and

communications equipment rooms. An office building must be able to

accommodate the specific spaces and equipment needs of the tenant (Alswad

et al., n.d.).

1.3 Advantages of Steel as a Structural Material

1.3.1 High Strength and Light Weight Nature

The high strength of steel per unit of weight means that the weight of

structures will be small. High strength of steel /unit weight (e.g. 77kN/m3&

conc. 23.6 kN/m3) will mean that dead load will become lesser. These loads

are the bigger part of the total load of the structure.

1.3.2 Uniformity & Permanence

The properties of steel do not change appreciably with time, as do those of a

reinforced-concrete structure. If properly maintained by painting, etc., the

properties of steel do not change appreciably with time.

1.3.3 Ductility
The property of a material by which it can withstand extensive deformation

without failure under high tensile stresses is its ductility. When a mild or

low-carbon structural steel member is being tested in tension, a considerable

reduction in cross section and a large amount of elongation will occur at the

point of failure before the actual fracture occurs.

1.3.4 Additions to Existing Structures

Additions to existing steel structures are very easy to be made. Connections

between new and existing structures can be employed very effectively. New

bays or even entire new wings of buildings can be added to existing steel

frame buildings, and steel bridges may often be widened.

1.3.5 Quick in Construction

Rolled steel as well as cold formed section are available in the market. The

cutting of member section is done in factories and assembling is partially

made in the factory and partially at site by rivets, bolts or welds, as the case

may be. The construction time of the steel building is comparatively much

less as compared to concrete structure whose construction is made in site or

by prefabricated units (McCormac & Brown, 2014).

1.4 Disadvantages of Steel as a Structural Material

In general, steel has the following disadvantages:

1.4.1 Corrosion
Most steels are susceptible to corrosion when freely exposed to air and

water, and therefore must be painted periodically. The use of weathering

steels, however, in suitable applications tends to eliminate this cost.

1.4.2 High Fireproofing Cost

Steel is an excellent conductor of heat and may transmit enough heat from a

burning compartment of a building to start fire in other parts of the building.

Extra cost is required to properly fire proof the building.

1.4.3 Fatigue
Another undesirable property of steel is that its strength may be reduced if it

is subjected to a large number of stress reversals or even to a large number of

variations of tensile stress. (Fatigue problems occur only when tension is


1.5 Problem Statement

There is a challenge in Somalia especially Mogadishu, they require office

building because of the increasing organizations, companies and business

workers and they use their residential buildings as an office. Therefore, it is

necessary to invent new and different designs of buildings. This study

desired to reach the following research objectives:

1.6 Research Objectives

1.6.1 Overall Objectives:

The main objective is to achieve a practical knowledge of architectural and

structural steel analysis, design and detailing of structural components

especially office building.

1.6.2 Specific Objectives:

 To get a suitable position for workers.

 To analyze structural elements for office building by using hand

calculation and programs

 To study the structural system for an office building.

1.7 Scope of the study

The main focus of this project was the design of an office building. This

office building will be designed by using Load and resistance factor design

(LRFD) with Steel Construction Manual (AISC, 2011) with 14th edition.

This office building project will be based on in Mogadishu.

1.8 Building Description

Utility of building: Commercial buildings

No. of stories G+3

Shape of the building Office building

No of Staircases 2 staircases

Type of construction Steel framed structure

Floor to floor height 3.6m

Type of slab One-way slab

Types of foundation isolated foundation

Method of analysis manual calculation

Live load given by ASCE/SEI 7-10

Design philosophy Load and resistance factor design

1.9 Material Properties

Concrete Grade C25

All steel grades ASTM A501 Grade

Bearing Capacity of Soil: 280kN/m2

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The primary aim of all structural design is to ensure that the structure will

perform satisfactorily during its design life. Specifically, the designer must

check that the structure is capable of carrying the loads safely and that it will

not deform excessively due to the applied loads. This requires the designer to

make realistic estimates of the strengths of the materials composing the

structure and the loading to which it may be subject during its design life.

Furthermore, the designer will need a basic understanding of structural


2.2 History of Structural Steel

The history of steel construction is relatively short and at the beginning steel

was used in connections of wood- and stone structures. For example, nails

and dowels were made from steel. In 16th century opportunities started to

improve because forging of steel bars and steel plates was invented. First

bigger iron structure was the Ironbridge made from cast iron. Ironbridge was

built in England 1776-1779 and it is still standing. Ironbridge’s span is 30

meters and its arching technology was copied from stone bridges of that era.

Cast iron is not suitable for use if tensile stress is high, so arching was a

reasonable structural choice for Ironbridge. The Ironbridge was so unique

that the community around the bridge was named after it.

The most famous steel structure in the world must be the Eiffel tower, which

was built in1889. It took 17 months to build this over 300 meters’ tall truss

structure masterpiece. Until early 1900, riveted joints were the most popular

type of connection for steel parts, so they were also used as steel part

connections in Eiffel tower. Foundation for modern steel construction was

created in the early 20th century when at the same time, welding was

invented and rolling technology developed into a whole new level. I-beam

rolling was patented in 1895 and due to I-profile implementation, high-rise

buildings became more common in United States. Nowadays, steel is a

natural choice when designing high-rise buildings (Seppälä, J. 2018).

During the 19th century the improved scientific principles and model testing

on which structural design was based resulted in the extensive use of

prefabricated units in structures such as the Crystal Palace in London,

designed by Joseph Paxton, and the 1000- bed hospital, designed by

Isambard Kingdom Brunel and shipped out to Crimea. Steel had become a

very important construction material by the end of the 19th century (Arya,


2.3 Structural design

Structural design is the methodical investigation of the stability, strength and

rigidity of structures. The basic objective in structural analysis and design is

to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied loads without failure

during its intended life. The primary purpose of a structure is to transmit or

support loads. If the structure is improperly designed or fabricated, or if the

actual applied loads exceed the design specifications, the device will

probably fail to perform its intended function, with possible serious

consequences. A well-engineered structure greatly minimizes the possibility

of costly failures.

The structural design of buildings, whether of structural steel or reinforced

concrete, requires the determination of the overall proportions and

dimensions of the supporting framework and the selection of the cross

sections of individual members. In most cases the functional design,

including the establishment of the number of stories and the floor plan, will

have been done by an architect, and the structural engineer must work within

the constraints imposed by this design. Ideally, the engineer and architect

will collaborate throughout the design process to complete the project in an

efficient manner. In effect, however, the design can be summed up as

follows: The architect decides how the building should look; the engineer

must make sure that it doesn’t fall down. Although this distinction is an

oversimplification, it affirms the first priority of the structural engineer:

safety. Other important considerations include serviceability (how well the

structure performs in terms of appearance and deflection) and economy

(Segui, 2014).

The selection of the structural material to be used for a particular building

depends on the height and span of the structure, the material market,

foundation conditions, local building codes, and architectural considerations.

For buildings of less than 4 stories, reinforced concrete, structural steel, and

wall-bearing construction are competitive. From 4 to about 20 stories,

reinforced concrete and structural steel are economically competitive, with

steel having been used in most of the jobs above 20 stories in the past

(McCormac & Brown, 2014). Steel is excellent for framing long span

office floors; it is lightweight, can be easily modified by tenants and can be

quickly erected (Baker, 2001).

2.4 Building Codes and Specifications

A building code has the force of law and is administered by a governmental

entity such as a city, a county, or, for some large metropolitan areas, a

consolidated government. Building codes do not give design procedures, but

they do specify the design requirements and constraints that must be

satisfied. Of particular importance to the structural engineer is the

prescription of minimum live loads for buildings. Although the engineers

encouraged to investigate the actual loading conditions and attempt to

determine realistic values, the structure must be able to support these

specified minimum loads (Segui, 2014).

2.5 Design of loads

Loads are a primary consideration in any building design because they

define the nature and magnitude of hazards or external forces that a building

must resist to provide reasonable performance (i.e., safety and serviceability)

throughout the structure’s useful life ultimately, the type and magnitude of

design loads affect critical decisions such as material selection, construction

details, and architectural configuration. The design of a structure must take

into consideration the different combinations of loads that may be applied to

the structure and also the variable nature of each load. To allow for this, load

factors are applied to the nominal loads and several different combinations

are checked. In each combination one variable load is taken at its maximum

lifetime value and the other variable loads assume arbitrary point-in-time


Assessment of their effects is carried out by the methods of structural

analysis. Excess load or overloading may cause structural failure, and hence

such possibility should be either considered in the design or strictly

controlled. Mechanical structures, such as aircraft, satellites, rockets, space

stations, ships and submarines, have their own particular structural loads and

actions. Engineers often evaluate structural loads based upon published

regulations, contracts, or specifications. Accepted technical standards are

used for acceptance testing and inspection.

2.5.1 Dead Loads
Dead loads are static forces that are relatively constant for an extended time.

They can be in tension or compression. The term can refer to a laboratory

test method or to the normal usage of a material or structure.

The dead load of a structure comprises its completed weight, usually

measured in pounds per square foot, before it goes into service. The floors,

walls, roof, columns, stairs, permanent equipment and any fixed decor

constitute a static load that normally doesn’t change over the life of the

building. Therefore, calculations for the dead load before a building takes on

the additional loads from occupancy or use, the weight of its components

and the pressures applied in downward direction to the ground must include

the concrete for the foundation system, planned building materials plus any

service equipment such as elevators, plumbing, fixed manufacturing

equipment, etc.

2.5.2 Live Loads

Live loads are usually unstable or moving loads. These dynamic loads may

involve considerations such as impact, momentum, vibration, slosh

dynamics of fluids, etc.

There are assumed to be produced by the intended use or occupancy of the

building including weights of movable partitions or furniture etc. The floor

slabs have to be designed to carry either uniformly distributed loads or

concentrated loads whichever produce greater stresses in the part under

consideration. Since it is unlikely that any one particular time all floors will

not be simultaneously carrying maximum loading, the code permits some

reduction in imposed loads in designing columns, load bearing walls, piers

supports and foundations. Live loads include any temporary or transient

forces that Acton a building or structural element. Typically, they include

people, furniture, vehicles, and almost everything else that can be moved

throughout a building, we measure uniform live loads as

KN/m2(Aldeensaad et al., 2018).

2.6 Design Philosophy

Conventional structural design philosophy is based on satisfying two

requirements namely safety and serviceability. Safety relates to extreme

loadings, which have very low probability of occurrence, on the order of 2

%, during a structure’s life, and is concerned with the collapse of the

structure, major damage to the structure and its contents, and loss of life.

The most important priority is ensuring sufficient structural integrity so that

sudden collapse is avoided. Serviceability pertains to medium to large

loadings, which may occur during the structure’s lifetime.

For service loadings, the structure should remain operational. It should suffer

minimal damage, and furthermore, the motion experienced by the structure

should not exceed specified comfort levels for humans and motion-sensitive

equipment mounted on the structure (Connor & Faraji, 2013).

The design of the structure must fulfil the requirements stated in the

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) steel design code, to

produce safe and economic structure. The nature of forces, length and cross

section of the members and the magnitude of yield strength are factors that

must be taken into account when designing steel structures. After the

analysis is completed, the design of the structures must be done. The analysis

of the structure is necessary before the structure can be constructed.

The AISC Specification provides two acceptable methods for designing

structural steel members and their connections. These are Load and

Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Strength Design (ASD).

2.7 Office Building

Office buildings in particular are type refer to variety including: meeting

spaces integrated into the office environment, reception, office support

spaces such as workrooms, storage rooms, and telephone and

communications equipment rooms. The office space type is typically flexible

environment that integrates technology, comfort and safety, and energy

efficiency to provide a productive, cost effective, and aesthetically pleasing

working environment.

The office unit must have an enough space for its use, and depend on the

furniture and equipment contain. Thus, the furniture, equipment, movement

areas, and the people, will control the space areas. Also, we must take into

consideration the flexibility of the spaces this principle fewer barriers to

change, less distribution when change does occur, and lower costs

in money and time can be accomplished by using open spaces and use

flexible materials for construct portions (Alswad et al., n.d.).

2.8 Requirements for an Office Building

Requirements for an office building can vary from time to time. The most

common term, regarding the requirements is flexibility. Office concepts,

such as group office, modular office, combination office, and business club

should all be considered in the planning. This depends on the company

requirements but it is important that changes in the use of the area are

possible. Architectural requirements are often complex in office buildings.

The architectural solution must utilize and exploit the structure to the fullest

extent. When a structure is expressed, it is expected to look elegant,

appealing, and above all structurally correct. Harmony between structure

and architectural form is the most important factor in the success of

expression. Aesthetics is another important term which relates to structure

through efficiency, lightness, elegance, and the principles of minimizing

weight and the use of materials to control cost, among other factors.

Open office planning was developed as a means of providing organizational

flexibility, encouraging interactions between people in different units, and

supporting the team concept. Conventional office layouts typically contain

perimeter offices for professional staff at the middle and upper management

levels with support staff located directly outside the offices. Removable

panels are often used to define workspaces and provide privacy.

Construction of steel framed structures includes construction of its

foundations, columns, beams and floors systems (Helgadóttir, 2006).

Chapter 3 : Materials and Methods
3.1 Planning Data

Planning data use in this final project as follows:

1. The building is office 4 stories with steel construction in Mogadishu.

2. The calculation for steel (column, beam, connection and stairs) and for

concrete structure (slab, isolated foundation, and shear wall).

3. Floor use reinforced concrete.

4. Isolated foundation in the design with use soil properties in site.

5. Reviewing the implementation of the method is only related to the

calculation of structures only.

6. Standard use in the design in this final project is American Standard.

7. Structural Analysis for building use hand calculation and software (E-Tab


8.The material used in this project are steel sections and reinforced concrete


3.2 Design code

The structural design is controlled by building code and design specification;

therefore, we used American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and ACI

specification. The AISC Specification provides two acceptable methods for

designing structural steel members and their connections. These are Load

and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Strength Design

(ASD). The method used to design all structural members is Load and

resistance factor design (LRFD).

3.3 Flexure design

For flexure, the required and available strengths are moments.

For load and resistance factor design (LRFD) Equation can be written as:

M ub M n


M u= required moment strength by the controlling load combination.

M n= nominal moment strength of member.

ϕb = resistance factor for bending (flexure).

3.4 Shear Design

For shear, the required and available strengths are shear. Forload and

resistance factor design (LRFD) Equation can be written as



Vu = required shear strength by the controlling load combination.

Vn = nominal shear strength of member.

Φv = resistance factor for shear.

3.5 Axial Design

For axial, the required and available strengths are compression.

For load and resistance factor design (LRFD) Equation can be written as



Pu = required axial strength by the controlling load combination.

Pn = nominal axial strength of member.

Φa = resistance factor for axial.

3.6 Tool Use for Planning

1) Archicad 20

This software used for complete architectural drawings.

2) Software AutoCAD 2016

This software use for design the building will planning and draw the building

detail in the planning.

3) Software ETABS 2018 and STAAD pro V8i

This software’s use for calculation in structural analysis the building.

4) Software Microsoft Office 2016. This software uses for make report, flow

chart, data analysis, calculation and tables.

Chapter 4 : Results
4.1 Design and Analysis of Slab

Slab is a common term used to describe the structural elements such as

floors and roofs where the thickness of the element is very small compared

to the length and width.

Rectangular Slabs are mainly two types: one-way and two-way.

One-way slab means the load is transferred in one direction, therefore, the

bending occurs in one direction only. When a rectangular slab is supported

on all four sides, but the ratio of longer side, L, to shorter side, S, is two or

more, L/S ≥ 2.0.

Two-way slab means the load is transferred in two directions, therefore, the

bending occurs in two directions. In this case, L/S is less than 2.0.

The building is official building with dimensions shown in the figure and

consist with columns and beams and slabs with thickness of 4.5 in and

analyze of slab depend on ACI-Code. The building consists of four story

ground floor, first floor, second floor and third floor.

Figure: 4-1: Naming of slab

4.1.1 Design of Slab (S1 & S3)

Check one way or two way

longsize 21
= 8.53 = 2.5

This slab is one-way slab

Figure 4-2: panels of slab 1&2

Design of one-way slab

Minimum thickness ln/28 = 8.53 X 12/24 = 4.26 in.≈ 4.50 in.

Self-weight of slab = 150 X 4.50/12 = 56.25 psf [unit weight of concrete 150


Weight of tiles with mortar = 110*2/12 = 18.33 psf

Total dead load = 56.25+18.33= 74.6 psf

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 74.58× 1.2 = 89.5 psf

Live load = 50 × 1.6 = 80 psf

Total load = 169.5 psf

Using ACI moment coefficient,

Figure 43: Moment Coefficient for S1&S2

At support: -M = 1/9 X 0.1695 X 8.532 = 1.370 ft-kip

At mid-span: +M = 1/14 X 0.1695 X 8.532 = 0.881 ft-kip

At exterior support: -M = 1/24 X 0.1695 X 8.532 = 0.5139 ft-kip

ρmax= 0.85 β1 f’c/fy En+ Et En=compressive strength force

Et = min net tensile strain

4 0.003
ρmax =0.85 x0.85x 50 x 0.003+0.004 = 0.024

Check the depth d=H-1=4.5-1= 3.5in

mu 1.37 x 12
d2= Φ pfyb ¿ ¿ = 0.9 x 0.024 x 50 x 12¿ ¿ = 1.29 in

d=1.3<3.5 so d is ok

Assume, stress block depth a = 1 in.

The area of steel required per foot width in the top of the slab is

MU 1.37 x 12
¿ =
AS Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50(3.5−0.5) = 0.12 in2

Check a

Asfy 0.12 x 50
a = 0.85 fcb = 0.85 x 4 x 12 =0.147 in

Trail 2:

a = 0.2 in.

1.37 x 12
As= 0.9 x 50(3.5−0.0735) =¿ 0.11 in2

Again checking a,

0.11 x 50
a= 0.85 x 4 x 12 =0.135∈¿

1.37 X 12
AS= 0.9 X 50 (3.5−0.0675) =¿ 0.11 in2.ok

Minimum rebar for temperature and shrinkage, As, min = 0.002*12*4.5

= 0.108 in2/ft

Negative steel required,

MU 1.37 x 12
As negative for interior support. As = Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.0675) = 0.11

in2 /ft >As, min, OK

MU 0.5139 x 12
As negative at exterior support, As = Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.0675)

=0.00399 in2/ft. <As, min, use As, min

MU 0.881 x 12
Positive As, at mid span, As = Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.0675) = 0.068 in2/ft.

<As, min, use As, min

Spacing= As

Smax for main reinforcement

ACI 10.5.4: S max ≤ smaller of (3 h or 18 in.) =3*4.5 or 18, 18 inches


Shrinkage and temperature,

ACI Smax (S&T) = min (5h or 18 in.), so 18 inches governs

Spacing, Let # 4 bar, (Area of steel 0.173 in2)

area of one bar= 4 ( 0.47 )2=0.173

+ve Main rebar in short direction, Smain = 0.173 *12/0.108 = 22.2 in, use 16

inches<Smax, OK

Shrinkage and temperature, Spacing needed = SS&T = 0.2 *12/0.108 = 22.2,

use 16 inches<Smax, OK

0.173 x 12
Spacing = =18.9 ≈16

Position Bar size Spacing (inches)

Main rebar- As positive short direction positive Moment- #4 16

Bottom Bars
Main rebar As negative at exterior support -Top Bars #4 16
Main rebar As negative for interior support-Top Bars #4 12

Shrinkage and temperature (S&T) reinforcement. Long #4 16


Note that the depth within the slab is not critical for S&T

steel. However, these are placed on top of main bottom

bars below top

Table 4- bars.
Reinforcement details of slab &2

Shear Check:

Vu = (1.15×wu×Ln)/2 = (1.15×0.1695×8.53)/2 =1.388 kip

φVc = 0.85*2*(4000^0.5) *12*3.5/1000 =4.51 kip

φVc ≥ Vu, therefore OK.

4.1.2 Design of slab (S3 and S4)

Check one way or two way

longsize 21
= 9.2
= 2.3

This slab is one-way slab

Design of one-way slab Figure 4-4: Panels of slab3 &4

Minimum thickness ln/28 = 9.2 X 12/28 = 3.9 in.≈ 4.50 in.

Self-weight of slab = 150 X 4.50/12 = 56.25 psf [unit weight of concrete 150


Weight of tiles with mortar = 110*2/12 = 18.33 psf

Total dead load = 56.25+18.33= 74.6 psf

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 74.58× 1.2 = 89.5 psf

Live load = 50 × 1.6 = 80 psf

Total load = 169.5 psf

Using ACI Moment Coefficient,

Figure 4-5: Moment coefficient of S3&4

At support: -M = 1/10 X 0.1695 X 9.22 = 1.44 ft-kip

At mid-span: +M = 1/14 X 0.1695 X 9.22 = 1.025 ft-kip

At mid-span B: +M = 1/16 X 0.1695 X 9.22 = 0.897 ft-kip

At exterior support: -M = 1/24 X 0.1695 X 9.22 = 0.598 ft-kip

ρmax= 0.85 β1 f’c/fy En+ Et En=compressive strength force

Et = min net tensile strain

4 0.003
ρmax =0.85x0.85x 50 x 0.003+0.004 = 0.024

Check the depth d=H-1=4.5-1= 3.5in

mu 1.44 x 12
d2= Φ pfyb ¿ ¿ = 0.9 x 0.024 x 50 x 12¿ ¿ = 1.88 in

d=1.9<3.5 so d is ok

Assume, stress block depth a = 1 in.

The area of steel required per foot width in the top of the slab is

MU 1.44 x 12
¿ =
AS Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50(3.5−0.5) = 0.13 in2

check a

Asfy 0.13 x 50
a = 0.85 fcb = 0.85 x 4 x 12 =0.2 in

Trail 2:

a = 0.2 in.

1.44 x 12
As = 0.9 x 50(3.5−0.1) =¿ 0.11 in2

Again, checking a,

0.11 x 50
a= 0.85 x 4 x 12 =0.14∈¿

1.44 X 12
AS= 0.9 X 50 (3.5−0.07) =¿ 0.11 in2.ok

Minimum rebar for temperature and shrinkage, As, min = 0.002*12*4.5

= 0.108 in2/ft

Negative steel required,

MU 1.44 x 12
As negative for interior support left. As = Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.07) =

0.112 in2 /ft >As, min, OK

MU 1.304 x 12
As negative for interior support right. As = Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.07) =

0.101 in2 /ft >As, min, use As, min

MU 0.598 x 12
As negative at exterior support, As = Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.07) =0.0469

in2/ft. <As, min, use As, min

MU 1.025 x 12
Positive As, at mid span, As = Φ fy (d− a ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.07) = 0.068 in2/ft.

<As, min, use As, min

MU 0.881 x 12
Positive As, at mid span B, As = Φ fy (d− ) 0.9 x 50 (3.5−0.0675) = 0.068

in2/ft. <As, min, use As, min

Spacing= As

Smax for main reinforcement

ACI 10.5.4: S max ≤ smaller of (3 h or 18 in.) =3*4.5 or 18, 18 inches


Shrinkage and temperature,

ACI Smax (S&T) = min (5h or 18 in.), so 18 inches governs

Spacing, Let # 4 bar, (Area of steel 0.2 in2)

As negative for interior support

S =0.2 *12/0.112 = 14.4 in, use 12 inches<Smax, OK

+ve Main rebar in short direction, Smain = 0.2 *12/0.1404 = 17.09 in, use 16

inches<Smax, OK

Shrinkage and temperature, Spacing needed = SS&T = 0.2 *12/0.14= 17.1,

use 16 inches<Smax, OK

Position Bar size Spacing (inches)

Main rebar- As positive short direction positive Moment- #4 16

Bottom Bars
Main rebar- As positive long direction positive Moment- #4 16

Bottom Bars
Main rebar As negative at exterior support -Top Bars #4 16

Main rebar As negative for interior support-Top Bars #4 12

Shrinkage and temperature (S&T) reinforcement. Long #4 16


Note that the depth within the slab is not critical for S&T

steel. However, these are placed on top of main bottom

Table 4-:
bars below topReinforcement
bars. details of slab 3&4

Figure 4-6: Reinforcing detail of slab

4.2 Analysis and Design of beam

Beam is one of the most important structural parts of a building. Beams are

divided primary beams and secondary beam

primary beam is directly connected to column and form column -beam joint

The depth of the primary beams is always greater than secondary beams.

primary beam act as a medium between column and secondary beam

Secondary beam is directly connected to primary beam and form primary

-secondary beam joint. Secondary beam has shorter span than primary beam.

Fig 4-7: Naming of the Beam

4.2.1 Design of secondary Beam 2

Fig 4-8 a: Tributary with of beam 2 Fig 4-8 b: section beam 2

Weight of slab = 150*8.53(4.50/12) = 479.8 Ib/ft [unit weight of concrete

150 Ib/ft3]

Weight of tiles with mortar = 110*8.53(2/12) = 156.4 Ib/ft.

Total dead load = 479.8 + 156.4 = 636.2 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*8.53 = 426.5 Ib/ft.

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 636.2 × 1.2 = 763.5 Ib/ft.

Live load = 426.5× 1.6 = 682.4 Ib/ft

Total load = 1445.84 Ib/ft.

Fig 4-9: load of beam2

WL 2 1.445 X 212
MU= = =79.7 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Use W10×19 ( ΦbMpx = 81 ft-k ˃ 79. ft-k)

Take beam weight 19 and reanalysis the beam with adding its own weight

Total dead load = 479.8 + 156.4 + 19 = 655.2 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*8.53 = 426.5

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 655.2× 1.2 = 786.24 Ib/ft.

Live load = 426.5× 1.6 = 682.4 Ib/ft

Total load = 1468.64 Ib/ft.

WL 2 1.4681 X 212
MU= = =80.9 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Take W12×19 ( ΦbMpx = 92.6 ft-k ˃ 80.9 ft-k) oki

Check shear

wuL 1.46× 21
Vu = 2 = 2
= 15.3 k

From AISC Table 3-2 ΦvVn = 86 k oki

4.2.2 Design secondary beam (4)

Fig 4-10: tributary width of beam 4

Weight of slab = 150*9.2(4.50/12) = 517.5 Ib/ft [unit weight of concrete

150 Ib/ft3]

Weight of tiles with mortar = 110*9.2(2/12) = 168.67 Ib/ft.

Total dead load = 517.5 + 168.67 = 686.17 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*9.2 = 460

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 685.17 × 1.2 = 823.4 Ib/ft.

Live load = 460 × 1.6 = 736 Ib/ft

Total load = 1559.4 Ib/ft.

WL 2 1.559 X 212
MU= = =85.94 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Use W12×19 ( ΦbMpx = 92.6 ft-k ˃ 85.94 ft-k)

Take beam weight 19 and reanalysis the beam with adding its own weight

dead load = 685.17 + 19 = 704.17 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*8.53 = 426.5

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 704.17× 1.2 = 845 Ib/ft.

Live load = 460× 1.6 = 736 Ib/ft

Total load = 1581 Ib/ft.

Fig 4-11: load of beam 4

WL 2 1.581 X 212
MU= = =87.2 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Use W12×19 ( ΦbMpx = 92.6 ft-k ˃ 87.2 ft-k) oki

Check shear

wuL 1.58× 21
Vu = 2 = 2
= 16.6 k

From AISC Table 3-2 ΦvVn = 86 k oki

4.2.3 Design of secondary beam (9)

Fig 4-12 b: section of beam 9 Fig 4-12 b: section of beam 9

Weight of slab = 150*8.53(4.50/12) = 479.8 Ib/ft [unit weight of concrete

150 Ib/ft3]

Weight of tiles with mortar = 110*8.53(2/12) = 156.4 Ib/ft.

Total dead load = 479.8 + 156.4 = 636.2 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*8.53 = 426.5

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 636.2 × 1.2 = 763.5 Ib/ft.

Live load = 426.5× 1.6 = 682.4 Ib/ft

Total load = 1445.84 Ib/ft.

WL 2 1.445 X 17.06 2
MU= = =52.6 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Use W12×14 ( ΦbMpx = 65.3 ft-k ˃ 52.6 ft-k)

Take beam weight 14 and reanalysis the beam with adding its own weight

Total dead load = 636.2 + 14 = 650.2 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*8.53 = 426.5 Ib/ft.

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 650.2× 1.2 = 786.24 Ib/ft.

Live load = 426.5× 1.6 = 682.4 Ib/ft

Total load = 1462.64 Ib/f

Fig 4-13: load of beam 9

WL 2 1.4621 X 17.062
MU= = =53.2 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Take W12×14 ( ΦbMpx = 65.3 ft-k ˃ 53.3 ft-k) oki

Check shear

wuL 1.46× 17.06

Vu = 2 = 2
= 12.5 k

From AISC Table 3-2 ΦvVn = 64.3 k oki

4.2.4 Design of secondary beam (11)

Fig 4-14: tributary width of beam 11

Weight of slab = 150*9.2(4.50/12) = 517.5 Ib/ft [unit weight of concrete

150 Ib/ft3]

Weight of tiles with mortar = 110*9.2(2/12) = 168.67 Ib/ft.

Total dead load = 517.5 + 168.67 = 686.17 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*9.2 = 460

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 685.17 × 1.2 = 823.4 Ib/ft.

Live load = 460 × 1.6 = 736 Ib/ft

Total load = 1559.4 Ib/ft.

WL 2 1.559 X 17.06 2
MU= = =56.72 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Use W12×14 ( ΦbMpx = 65.3 ft-k ˃ 56.72ft-k)

Take beam weight 14

Total dead load = 685.17 + 14 = 699.17 Ib/ft.

Live load = 50*9.2 = 460

The specified live load and computed dead load are multiplied by the Load


Dead load = 699.17 × 1.2 = 845 Ib/ft.

Live load = 460× 1.6 = 736 Ib/ft

Total load = 1575 Ib/ft.

WL 2 1.571 X 17.062
MU= = =57.3 k . ft
8 8

From AISC Table 3-2

Use W12×14 ( ΦbMpx = 65.3 ft-k ˃ 57.3 ft-k) oki

Check shear

wuL 1.575× 17.06

Vu = 2 = 2
= 13.43 k

From AISC Table 3-2 ΦvVn = 64.3 k oki

Concluding of primary beams

Name of beam Section

Primary beam 2 W12×19
Primary beam 4 W12×19← use this section
Primary beam 9 W12×14
Primary beam 11 W12×14
Table 4- summary of the beam

Check the deflection (W12×19 m=85.94 k.ft I=130)

Maximum permissible ∆ = 360 (12x21) =0.7 in

M L2
Actual ∆ = C I
1 X

Values of constant C1 for use in deflection expression. (Figure 3-2 in AISC


∆= = 1.8 in ˃ 0.7 in N.G

Min Ix required to limit

∆ = 0.7 × 130 = 334.2 in4.

From AISC Table 3-3

We used this section for all primary beams W14×34. (Ix=340 in4).

4.2.5 Analyse and Design of Primary Beam

Fig 4-15: load of interior primary beam

Fixed end moment

PL 28× 17.06
MAB = 8 8

MAB = -59.7 k.ft MBA = 59.7 k.ft

2 PL 2× 30× 27.6
MBC = 9 9

MBC = -184 k.ft MCB = 184 k.ft

PL 24 ×15.1
MAB = 8 8

MCD = -45.3 k.ft MDC = 45.3 k.ft


4 EI 4 EI 3 EI 3 EI
KAB = L 17.06
= 0.23EI KBC = L 27.6
= 0.11EI

4 EI 4 EI
KCD = L 15.1
= 0.26EI

KA = ∞ KD = ∞

KB = 0.23 + 0.11 = 0.34 KC = 0.11 + 0.26 = 0.37 Distribution


K mem

K AB 0.23 K BC 0.11
DFBA = k 0.34
= 0.68 DFBC = k 0.34
= 0.32

K CB 0.11 K CD 0.26
DFCB = k 0.37
= 0.29 DFCD = k 0.37
= 0.7

joint A B C D
DF 0 0.68 0.32 0.29 0.7 0
FEM -59.7 59.7 -184 184 -45.3 45.3
COF 0 84.5 39.8 -97.1 -40.2 0
DISTRIB 42.25 0 -48.55 19.9 0 -20.1
COF 0 33.01 15.54 -13.9 -5.77 0
DISTRIB 16.51 0 -6.95 7.77 0 -2.89
COF 0 4.73 2.2 -5.44 -2.25 0
DISTRIB 2.4 0 -2.72 1.1 0 -1.125
COF 0 1.85 0.87 -0.77 -0.32 0
DISTRIB 0.925 0 -0.39 0.44 0 -0.16
COF 0 0.27 0.12 -0.31 -0.13 0

DISTRIB 0.14 0 -0.16 0.06 0 -0.07
COF 0 0.11 0.05 -0.04 -0.02 0
DISTRIB 0.055 0 -0.02 0.025 0 -0.01
TOTAL 2.58ft.k 184.2ft.k -184.2ft.k 95.7ft.k 94ft.k 21ft.k
Table 4- moment distribution

From AISC Table 3-2

Use W16×31 ( ΦbMpx = 203 ft-k ˃ 184.2 ft-k)

Check deflection

Maximum permissible ∆ = 360 (12x27.6) =0.92 in

M L2
Actual ∆ = C I
1 X

Values of constant C1 for use in deflection expression. (Figure 3-2 in

AISC Manual.)

∆= = 2.4 in ˃ 0.92 in N.G
158 ×375

Min Ix required to limit

∆ = 0.92 ×375 = 978.3 in4.

From AISC Table 3-3

Use W21×55. (Ix=1140 in4).




All input steel beam sections in E-tab are the results of hand calculations,

after conducting the analysis and design of steel beams. Therefore, we used

E-tab for checking whether the selected sections are safe or not. The steel

beams are categorized into two type: primary and secondary beams. The

selected section for primary beams were W14×34 and then selected section

for secondary beams were W21×55, We will check these sections in E-tabs

to find the beams are safe or not.

Fig 4-16: input beam of E-tab

Fig 4-17: moments of beams in E-tabs

49 Beam Analysis Result

Fig 4.18 shear of beams in E-tab Beam Design Results (Section Checking)

Definition of D/C: It is an index that gives an

overall relationship between effects of load and

ability of member to resists those affects

Fig 4-19: result checked E-tab

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Load Check
Deflection Value Limit Location
Ratio Combo Status
Type in In In in
Dead Load 0.172 2.7559 0.062 DStlD2 165.3543 OK
Super DL + Live 330.708
0.2933 2.7559 0.106 DStlD2 165.3543 OK
Load 7
Live Load 0.2541 0.9186 0.277 DStlD2 165.3543 OK
Total Load 0.4262 1.378 0.309 DStlD2 165.3543 OK
Total - Camber 0.4262 1.378 0.309 DStlD2 165.3543 OK
Table 4-: checking of the beams

All beam sections are safe

Connection Design: B87-CJ

Units: kip-in

Story: ground floor

Design Code: AISC 360-10

Fig 4-20: Beam-Beam Connection

Summary of results

Design Check Type D/C Ratio Result Reference

1 Bolt strength in single shear 0.085 Passed J3-1
2 Bolt bearing on web plate 0.487 Passed J3-6a
3 Shear yielding of web plate 0.267 Passed J4-3
4 Shear rupture of web plate 0.609 Passed J4-4
Block shear rupture strength of web
5 0.78 Passed J4-5
6 Design strength of weld 0.158 Passed J2-3
7 Bolt bearing on beam web 0.547 Passed J3-6a
Block shear rupture strength of beam
8 0.713 Passed J4-5
9 Flexural yielding of the coped section 0.223 Passed Manual Part 9
10 Local web buckling on coped section 0.103 Passed Manual Part 9
11 Shear rupture of girder web 0.743 Passed Manual Eq 9-2
Table 4-: bolt check

Beam W14X34 A992 Fy= 50 ksi Fu = 65 ksi

Column W21X55 A992 Fy= 50 ksi Fu = 65 ksi
Web Plate A992 Fy= 50 ksi Fu = 65 ksi
Table 4-: Material Properties

Beam tw = 0.285 in d= 14 in tf= 0.455 in bf = 6.75 in


Column tw= 0.375 in d= 20.8 in tf = 0.522 in bf= 7.53 in

Preferences S = 2.56 in Lev= 1.28 in Leh = 1.16 in
Table 4-: Geometric Properties
4.3 Design of Stairs: -

Fig 4-21: plan of stair

Given: -

Floor height = 3.6 m

Assume: -

Rise …R = 150mm R≤

190 mm (ok)

Going ...G = 300mm G≥ Fig 4-22: vertical section of stair

220 mm (ok)

Number of riser's NR = 0.15 = 24

Number of risers in first flight NR1 =1.2/0.15=8

Number of risers in second flight NR2=1.2/0.15= 8

Number of risers in second flight NR3=1.2/0.15=8

Number of going's NG = NR-1 = 24-1 = 23


570 ≤ 2R+G ≤ 630

570 ≤ 2(150) +300 ≤ 630

570 ≤ 600 ≤ 630 ok

Check for angle Fig 4-23: dimensions of stair

tan α = 300 = 0.5 α = 26.5

25≤ α ≤ 40 ok

Live Load WLL = 4 kN/m2

Height of story H = 3.6m
Yield stress Fy = 420 MPa
Compressive strength of concrete Fc = 25 MPa
Concrete Cover C.C = 25 mm
Diameter of main steel db = 14mm
Diameter of secondary steel dst = 12mm
Table 4-: data to design

No of steps for each flight

Flight (No.1):

Height = height of one riser × NO of flight

= 0.15 × 8 = 1.2m

No rise in flight (1) = 1200/150= 8 no rise

No of going in flight = 8-1 = 7

2- Flight (No.2): 3- Flight (No.2):

H2=1.2m H2=1.2m

G=7 G=7

R= 7+1= 8 R= 7+1= 8


sum of risers height = 8*0.15+8*0.15+8*0.15=3.6m story height

=3.6m ok

Steps of Design :-

1. - Design for flexure: -

∅ 14
d = h- c - 2 = 300 – 25 - 2 = 268 mm

Wlanding = 1.2(0.3*25) + 1.6(4) = 15.4Kn/m

Wflight = 1.2( cos 26.5 +0.5 ( 0.3 ) )×25 +(1.6×4)

Wflight = 21Kn/m

Mu =20.58 KN/M

Mu 20.58 ×106
ku = ϕ=0.9 = 0.01
∅ × fc × b× d 2 0.9× 25 ×1200 ×2682

1−√ 1−2.36 ku 1−√ 1−2.36( 0.01)

ω= = 0.01
1.18 1.18

fc 25
ρreq = ω × fy 0.01 420 =0.00059

1.4 1.4
ρmin ≥ fy 420
= 0.003

ρmin ≥ ρreq

main reinforcement

As = ρ × b × d

As = 0.003 × 1200 × 268 = 965mm2

A St
N= = (π × 142 ) = 6.3 = 6

Use 6ϕ14

Sreg = ¿ ¿ ≤ {450mm or 5h}

(153 . 8 ×1200)
Sreg = = 191.3mm

Use ϕ14/190mm

Temperature and shrinkage

dst= 12mm

As = ρ × b × d

As = 0.002 × 1000 × 268 = 536mm2

(113 × 1000)
Sreg = = 210mm

Use ϕ14/200mm

A St
N= = (π × 122 ) = 5 = 6

Use 6ϕ14

Fig 4-24: reinforcement stair


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