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Louise de Marillac College of Bogo

Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History



Course Code: GEC 2

Class Instructor: March Irene A. Pagobo, LPT

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The St.
St. Louise deLouise
de Marillac
chosen delivery
of Bogo
operates on the principle
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac of constructivism
of Bogo employs FLEx (Flexible Learning Experience) Delivery Mode for SY 2020 –
wherein exploration as described by Corpuz and
System (DC-SLMES)
Salandanan (2015) is a favored approach in order to encourage students to seek knowledge independently and to manage
Readings in Philippine History
pursuit of their goals. Moreover, this also unfolds the principles of f 1) Principle of Individuality and Creativity, (2) Princip
Autonomy and Responsible Freedom, and the 3) Principle of Openness (Social and Communication) and (4) Principle
Activity that are in consonance with the essence of Christian-Vincentian Education and are to a great extent; facilitative to
realization of the Vision-Mission and Core Values of SLMCB

Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filipino People

This module is a collection of primary sources that significantly contributed to the

shaping of Philippine history. There are nine (9) sections in this module 2 and we
will just tackle Section 1 and 2. The entire module analyzes the significance of
primary sources to the grand narrative of the history of the Filipino people by providing concrete facts and details
coming from first-hand witnesses of the country’s specific historic events. These primary sources are arranged in a
way that they chronologically narrate past events. Each source is analyzed by its content and context. The historical
significance of the texts is likewise determined and the purpose and objective of the author are also studied.
Section 1, Customs of the Tagalogs, Juan de Plasencia: This section shows the different practices and
customs noted down by Fray Juan de Plasencia in his account, Customs of the Tagalogs. The Tagalogs had long
been practicing these even prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. Such practices only prove that Filipinos already lived
with political, economic, and cultural systems prior to the Spanish colonization of the Philippines.
Section 2, Raiders of the Sulu Sea, Documentary Film: This section focuses on the documentary, Raiders of
the Sulu Sea, produced by Oak3 films. The documentary depicts how the raiders, known as pirates of the Sulu seas,
went along with their trade before the arrival of the Spaniards in Zamboanga. It narrates how slave raiding was done
by indigenous people of the region to retaliate against the colonizers.
The instructional material is designed for a two-week of independent and guided learning where the instructor
shall be communicated to further clarify concepts wherein parents or guardians can facilitate to fill the gap. Further, it
utilizes a mixed modality of learning from time to time, the instructor set classes via alternative learning platforms.

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module (section), the learners are expected to

1. determine practices and customs of the Tagalogs and visualize the type of community that Filipinos had
prior to the arrival of the Spaniards;
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St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History

2. determine the different points presented in the documentary in understanding the long-standing peace
problem in Southern Philippines;
3. compare and contrast the pre-hispanic customs of the Filipinos to the practices that the Spaniards
4. identify the possible causes of the persisting cultural and religious issues that contribute to the tension
between Islam and Christianity in the Philippines;
5. explain the importance of the Customs of the Tagalogs to the grand narrative of Philippine history;
6. explain the importance of the Raiders of the Sulu Sea to the grand narrative of Philippine history
7. evaluate the relevance of the document to the present time.

II. Preliminary Activities

A. Instructions: Based on your assumptions, describe the community of the Tagalogs prior to the arrival of the
Spaniards and Christianization of Filipinos in terms of the following:
1. Religious practices
2. Concepts of marriage and family
3. Community mores, values and beliefs
4. Community laws and political system
5. Economic system
6. Socialization practices

B. Instructions: Southern Philippines has long been plagued with conflict rooted to religious discrimination and
prejudices. Moro Muslims have been fighting for self determination for them to have a voice and be

This learning kit is owned by and intended for students of St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo. ------------------------------------------------------
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St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History

recognized in a country where Christianity is the norm. Using a Venn Diagram, identify cultural traits,
practices, or philosophies by each religion and their possible point of interaction or commonality.

Islam Christianity

III. Assigned Reading, Discussion and Checking Comprehension

Reading # 1

Fray Juan de Plasencia, also known by his real name, Joan de Portocarrero, was one of the
seven children of Pedro Portocarrero. He was born and raised in Extremadura, Spain in the 16 th century during the
country’s Golden Age (Siglo de Oro).
As a friar of the Franciscan order, de Plasencia performed missionary and sacerdotal duties in numerous
towns in Luzon. He was also credited with foundation of many towns in Quezon, Laguna, Rizal and Bulacan. His
interaction with Tagalog converts to Christianity influenced him in writing the book Relacion de las Costumbres de Los
Tagalos (Customs of the Tagalogs, 1589). The book identifies the political, social, economic and cultural systems that
were already in place among Filipino communities prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. He was dedicated to lead a
lifestyle devoid of luxury and to be in constant contact with people he wanted to convert to Christianity. He wanted
people to easily understand the Catholic Church for them to willingly accept the Catholic faith. As such, he was
honored by the Franciscan Order with the title “Venerable.” He died in Liliw, Laguna in 1590.

Historical Background of the Document

Filipinos were allowed to hold the position of gobernadorcillo of pueblos. Friars assigned in the parishes
performed administrative duties in the local level by supervising and monitoring the activities of the gobernadorcillo.
The friars became the most influential and knowledgeable figure in the pueblo. Some duties of friars were to
periodically inform their superiors of what was happening in their respective parishes; and to report the number of their
converts, the people’s practices, their socio-economic situations, and the problems they encountered. Short letters
were submitted by some friars while others who were good observers and gifted in writing wrote longer dispatches.
Fray Juan de Plasencia’s Relacion de las Costumbres de Los Tagalos (Customs of the Tagalogs, 1589) is an example
of such work. It contains extensive information reconstructing the political and socio-cultural history of the Tagalog
region. Plasencia’s work is a primary source because it is a first-hand account of his experiences and observations.
The work of Palsencia is considered by many historians as an example of a friar account. The original text of
Plasencia’s Customs of the Tagalogs is currently kept in Archivo General de Indias (A.G.I.) in Serville, Spain. There is
also a duplicate copy in the Archivo Franciscano Ibero-Oriental (A.F.I.O.) in Madrid, Spain. In the Philippines, an
This learning kit is owned by and intended for students of St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo. ------------------------------------------------------
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St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History

English version appeared in Volume VII of Blair and Robertson’s collection of Spanish documents. Another English
translation was published as part of the volume for pre-Hispanic Philippines of the Filipiniana Book Guild series. Other
friars and colonial officials who wrote about the Philippines during the early Spanish colonial period include Miguel de
Loarca, who arrived in the Philippines in 1576 and became an encomendero of Panay. He wrote Relacion de las Islas
Filipinas (1582) that describes the way of life of Filipinos living in Western Visayas area. Antonio de Morga, who came
to the Philippines in 1595 as Asesor and Teniente General, wrote Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas which provides
valuable information about the Philippines at the latter part of the 16th century.
Many of what Filipinos know about Philippine history during the first century of the Spanish period were
derived from the accounts of the Spanish friars and colonial officials.

Reading # 2
Raiders of the Sulu Sea is a historical documentary produced by Oak3 Films. Established in 1996, Oak3
Films was founded by Zaihirat Banu Codelli (CEO) along with Lim Suat Yen (COO) and Jason Lai (Director of
Content). It became popular because they co-produced a documentary with Discovery Asia titled “The Gods Must Be
Hungry,” which earned Discovery Asia’s highest viewership in 110 years.
The documentary was the product of a co-production agreement between the Media Authority of Singapore
and the Korean Broadcasting Commission in 2007 for Q Channel Korea. It was distributed internationally by Looking
Glass International through Discovery Channel and Channel (for Asia) in 2008. It was directed by Idzwan Othman.

Historical Background of the Documentary

Raiders of the Sulu Sea (2008) depicts the slave-raiding activities perpetrated by the Balangingi Samal and
the Ilanun people under the command of the Sultanate of Sulu. Key informants of the documentary were Icelle D.
Borja; Samuel K. Tan, PhD; Barbara W. Andaya, PhD; Julius Bautista, PhD; Margarita D. Cojuangco, PhD; and
Halman Abubakar (Councilor, Jolo, Sulu).
The documentary shows the Moro resistance to the Spanish and American colonial governments in Southern
Philippines. The raids were facilitated by different indigenous groups of the Sulu region including the Ilanuns,
Balangingi Samals, and Tausugs. Such raids on the coastal areas of the Spanish settlements were sanctioned by the
Sultans to retaliate against the colonizers. The sophisticated ancient maritime vessels were launched to raid the
coasts of the Philippines and capture the natives to be later sold to slavery.
Throughout the hundreds of years that he Philippines was ruled by colonizers, the armed struggle against the
Spanish, American, and Japanese colonial governments are considered by Moro leaders as part of the four-century
long “national liberation movement.” The long-standing Moro-conflict is rooted in the Spanish and American wars
against the Moros. Under the Spanish rule, the propagation of Christianity heightened the prejudice against the Moros.
In addition, Spain’s efforts to control maritime trade caused Moros to lose sources of livelihood, putting many of them
in poverty. Under the American rule, thousands of Moros were killed by American soldiers in the Moro Crater

IV. Post-assessment
Test I.
Exercise # 1
Breaking down the Customs of the Tagalogs

Instructions: Identify the practices mentioned by Plasencia on the following aspect:

1. Community
A. Ruled by chieftan or datu
B. Unit of government in the community called barangay
2. Property
A. People have ornaments as decorative objects
B. Citizens shelter or house are typically made of wood, bamboo, and nipa palm

This learning kit is owned by and intended for students of St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo. ------------------------------------------------------
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St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History

3. Marriage
A. Fixed Marriage
B. Marriage are typically bound with the same social classes
4. Religion
A. Worship God and Goddesses such as Bathala, Agni, Idiyanle, Sidarapa, Balangaw, Mandarangan and
B. Believes in sacred tree animals
5. Superstitions
A. Believes in Aswang
B. Believes in magical power of amulet such as “anting-anting”
6. Burial or Death
A. Burry the dead in trees
B. Honor dead through prayers and rituals
Exercise # 2
Comparing your Customs to the Tagalogs’

1. Identify at least five distinct or unique practices, customs, and traditions in your province or community.
a. ______________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________
2. In 300 to 500 words, compare those practices to the observations discussed by Plasencia in his article.

Exercise # 3
Anyare? Assessing the Changes to the Customs of the Tagalogs

Instructions: Choose one custom of the Tagalogs form Plasencia’s account. Compare it to the contemporary practices
in Philippine society. Note the changes and explain in 300 to 500 words the factors that can account for these changes
(e.g. slavery, concept of marriage, concept of death, and burial practices).


Exercise # 4

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St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History

Assessing the Importance of the Primary Sources in Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine History

Instructions: Give three (3) reasons why Plasencia’s Customs of the Tagalogs is important to the grand narrative of
Philippine history.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________
Test II.

Exercise # 1
It’s Time to Know Them Better

Instructions: Identify five (5) examples of material culture of Moros as presented in the documentary, and explain their
significance to the Moro population.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise # 2
Understanding the Bangsamoro Peace Problem and the Bangsamoro Organic Law

Instructions: In July 2018, the historical signing into law of the long-awaited Bangsamoro Organic Law finally took
place. It has always been the goal to every administration to put an end to the Moro conflict which has its origins in the
country’s colonial period. In a 500-word essay, look into the identified causes of Moro conflict in the country in relation
to the documentary, Raiders of the Sulu Sea, and analyze how the Bangsamoro Organic Law can possibly address
the issue.

This learning kit is owned by and intended for students of St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo. ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- Any unauthorized use and duplication is deemed subject to the violation of Copyright Laws.
St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History


Exercise # 3
Assessing the Importancce of the Primary Sources in Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine History

Instructions: Give (3) three reasons why the documentary, Raiders of the Sulu Sea, is important to the grand narrative
of Philippine history.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

Raise your questions or difficulties through any of these media:

~ 09359758398

~ Ma Irene Pagobo

This learning kit is owned by and intended for students of St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo. ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- Any unauthorized use and duplication is deemed subject to the violation of Copyright Laws.
St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Readings in Philippine History

~ GEC 2 Class

Asuncion, N. and Cruz, G. (2019). Readings in Philippine History. C & E Publishing, Inc.

Blair, E. H. & Robertson, J. A. (2004). Juan de Plasencia, Customs of the Tagalogs. In The Philippine Islands, 1493-
1898 (Vol. 7) (pp. 165-187). Retrieved from

Abinales, P. N. (2004). “The good imperialist? American military presence in the Southern Philippines in historical
perspective. Philippine studies, 52 (2), pp. 179-207. Retrieved from

Borja, I. G. (n.d.). IcelleARTicles: Raiders of the Sulu Sea. Retrieved from

Concepcion, H. A. (2016). Southern Philippines under Spanish rule. In Reexamining the history of Philippine-Spanish
relations. Manila, Philippines: National Historical Commission of the Philippines.

Majul, C. A. (1973). Muslims in the Philippines (3rd ed.). Quezon City, Philippines: University of the Philippines Press.

Non, D. (1993). Moro piracy during the Spanish period and its impact. Southeast Asian studies, 4(4). Retrieved from

Singapore Government Press Center. (2008, December 10). Retrieved from

Warren, J. F. (1985). The Sulu zone, 1768-1898. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day Publishers.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher Dean

This learning kit is owned by and intended for students of St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo. ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- Any unauthorized use and duplication is deemed subject to the violation of Copyright Laws.

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