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Getting Inked!
Your One-Stop Guide To Getting Your
First Tattoo!

Written by Kimberly Enders

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This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
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Table of Contents
Note from the Compiler 3
Distribution Notice 4
Photography Credits 5
Introduction 6
Picking out a Tattoo Studio 6
Choosing the Artist 8
Picking out the Right Image For You! 9
Common Types of Tattoos People Get 9
Some Examples 10
Tattoo Galleries and Resources for Your Perusal 11
Alas, Where to Put It... 14
Is It Going to Cost Me An Arm and A Leg? 14
The Tattoo Process In A Nutshell 16
After Care 16
One Last Piece of Advice and Some Closing

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Compiler’s Note
Greetings, Reader!

I hope this Ebook finds you doing well!

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Kim Enders

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This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
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Photography Credits

Photo Created by and Copyrighted to:
Photo of woman in Ecover
Lise Gagne
cover shot
‘Tattoo Wall Art’ Deon Staffelbach Pg. 6
Tattoo Artist Kat Kotrla Pg. 8
‘Seven Virtues’ Sarah Avayou Pg. 9
Indian Chief with
Fritz Beck Pg. 10
Flower Tattoo Ligia Fascioni Pg. 10
‘Kame Hame Haa’ Matias Cisi Pg. 10
Stop Sign Davide Guglielmo Pg. 11
‘Tatoo’ Constanten Schneider Pg. 14
‘Loud’ Gilbert Tremblay Pg. 15
‘Tatoo’ w-greedy Pg. 16

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
So, you want to get 'inked' huh? Well before you jump in head first, there are some
things you need to deeply consider before the first needle touches your skin.
Getting a tattoo is an important decision. It involves more than just picking a cool
picture from a wall, book, or website. What you put on your body will be there for
a LONG time. Your ENTIRE life. So, it’s absolutely vital that you choose wisely
and take into consideration every single aspect of the whole tattooing process
including examining your motivation for getting a tattoo!

We are going to cover some other important points to ponder before having your
body permanently etched with that perfect little image you've been wanting so
badly. I warn you, this is NOT like getting a bad hair cut. Hair will grow back, but
you’re stuck with your skin all your life!

Picking a Tattoo Studio

Choosing the best tattoo
studio, or parlor :-) that fits
your specific needs is a very
important first step to getting
RIGHT. Your health and
safety MUST be the prime
concern of any reputable shop.
And it should be to you also.
With crippling diseases like
HIV and Hepatitis, one can
NEVER be too safe! You
shouldn't be willing to gamble
with your health. And neither should a responsible tattoo studio.

There are several ways to find just the right tattoo studio that fits the bill. Let's talk
about the most obvious, and the best form of advertising, WORD OF MOUTH.
Do you have any friends or relatives that have had a tat done that looks good? Ask
them who and where they went to for their tattoo. Then investigate this place for
your self just to be 100% positive.

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Keep in mind that you don't always have to go with the first studio you visit! Look
around. Be choosy. There's plenty of time to get your first tattoo, so DON'T
RUSH IT! Take your time and make the best choice based on your findings.

Here's a short checklist you can use to begin filtering out the good from the bad so
that you can make the best decision you can.


 Is the studio in a clean and orderly manner?

 Are the employees and artists friendly or responsive to assisting you if they
aren't too busy?
 How busy is the studio?
 What are present customer's reactions to the studio's procedures? Do they
seem happy or satisfied?



 Can you take a look at the studio's credibility to run their business?

 Have they received a 'clean bill' from the appropriate state health officials
reinforcing that the studio operates and offers their services according to
stringent practices put in place?

 Are they using all the required sterilization equipment necessary to make
sure that each Customer's health is protected as best they can?

 Do they have an age requirement and how do they ensure that this is not

 What types of legal documentation or consent forms must each customer

sign BEFORE a tattoo is given?



 Are there portfolio folders (usually photo books or 3 ring binders) that you
can look through to view a particular artist's work?

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
 Are there pictures posted about the studio of past customers' tattoos? What
do they look like? Do you see any of these past works that look similar to
something you are interested in getting?

 Is there a pretty good range of tattoo sizes? Colors? Styles?

While this isn't the 'end all, be all' guide of things you should look for and consider
when deciding on your tattoo studio of choice, it is certainly a good place to start!

Choosing the Artist

Choosing a credible tattoo artist is like selecting
a dentist. Each artist has their own unique style
of inking and of course their own incredible
array of artwork. Almost every experienced
tattoo artist will be able to provide you with a
'custom piece' of artwork. A 'custom piece' is a
term that refers to an original tattoo creation that
was designed specifically, and only for YOU.

And, you wouldn't trust your neighbor to

perform a root canal would you? Well, not
unless your next door neighbor just happened to
be a dentist :-) Still, you wouldn't want to get a 'garage root canal'!! You'd want to
go inside a clean, sterile environment with certified professionals with the right
tools to perform the delicate work that needed to be done. In all seriousness, this is
the only body you have. So you must care for it as such.

Take some time to look through the artist's portfolio, which most pro artists have,
and take a look at the work they have done. Ask them questions that are important
to you, no matter how silly you might think they are. Believe me; a professional
tattoo artist will give you any answer you seek with regards to tattooing. If you are
unsure of anything, ask! The tattoo artist you select should be receptive to your
questions and be as helpful as possible. However, don't expect to act like an ass
and then have the artist kissing yours! Be respectful AND tactful.


This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Picking out the Right Image for You!
Selecting just the right tattoo really depends on YOU. What you like,
what you don't like. If a specific image has meaning for you, it doesn't
matter what others think about your selection. This is an outward form
of self-expressionism. A word of caution though. Don't choose a
tattoo that might purposely offend another person. Even though your
tattoo will still draw attention to you, it might not be the kind of
attention you want!

There are many places to look at pictures of tattoos freely. Looking

does NOT mean copying! Remember that there is such a thing as
intellectual property laws. However, there is nothing wrong with
finding an image you like, printing it out, taking it in to your tattoo
artist and asking them to create an original variation from the design
you provided them.

And with that in mind, I’ve compiled several pages worth of online
resources to aid you in finding that perfect tattoo!

Common Types of Tattoos People Get:

• Cartoon & Movie
• Tribal, Celtic, barbwire Characters (IE Dragonball Z
and Star Wars characters)

• Skulls, Skeletons, Grim • Patriotic tats (IE Flags and

Bald American Eagles)
Reaper, Monsters, etc.

• Fantasy-themed (fairies, • Portraits (of a loved one

or idol)
dragons, wizards, etc.)

• Hearts, Lovers Names & • Dolphins, frogs and

water-based creatures
Love-related tats
• Sexy, sassy & scantily- • Original Art (Created by
clad (or even nude) The Person Getting The Tat)

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Some examples:

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Tattoo Galleries and Resources
for Your Perusal


Many of the images contained in these galleries will have some nudity, just so you
know ahead of time. It will be present in both the artwork of the tattoos themselves
and the people that sport them.


Tattoo Flash is a bit different from just standard images of tattoos on flesh. These
are artwork images that can be applied to the skin. You will see once you view
them :-)


(links are in the middle of the page towards the bottom for the flash)



This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!





TATTOOS-GALLERY FREE TATTOO FLASH (categories are on the left)


Now these are the galleries that have real, ink-to-skin tattoo pictures available for
you to look at to get a better idea of what it looks like to have a tattoo.



THE VANISHING TATTOO (lots of fascinating stuff here!)


This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Many of these websites will offer lots of interesting freebies you can sort through
to get more information about the art of tattooing.






Again, these are excellent resources for learning more about the art of tattooing,
and from the comfort of anywhere you choose :-) Instead of putting EXACT titles
of the books here, I thought it would be better to post some links to places where
you can purchase books at a discounted rate. This way, you can get the book you
want. Oh, and don't forget your local library. That's a fantastic, and free, resource
to preview the books before you buy them :-)




This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Alas, Where To Put It...
Okay, you have the perfect image all picked out.
Now your only problem is where to put it! Well,
that's a bit more difficult than just choosing an
image. You may have an employer that frowns upon
this type of artistic expressionism on their dime. If
that is the case, you may want to place your tattoo
somewhere it can be concealed while at work under
your clothing.

If that's not an issue for you, then virtually anywhere

you have skin can be a good place for a tattoo!
Understand that some areas of the body will hurt
more when tattooed there than others.

For instance, getting a tattoo on your upper back shoulder will hurt much less than
getting one on the back of your neck! In my experience, it seems that wherever
you have more 'padding', or fat cells, it hurts much less than where there are places
that consist mainly of skin and bone, such as a wrist or foot. However, this is not
always the case. Mostly, pain is dependent on how much it bothers you.

If you're still unsure, ask your tattoo artist! He or she will undoubtedly have some
suggestions for you :-)

‘Is It Going To Cost Me An Arm and A

This is also dependent on a combination of factors. Such as, the studio's pricing
scale for artwork done, if it is an original custom design, the size of the tattoo, and
how many colors are used. All these things, among a few others will determine
how much you will pay.

One thing, tattoos that are done professionally are NOT CHEAP. They will cost
you. But consider the cost an investment since it will be something that will be
with you throughout your lifetime.

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
Realistically, plan on spending anywhere from $65 to $500+ for your new tattoo.
Speak with your selected tattoo studio about this and what options they have
available for payment, i.e. - do they accept major credit cards, debit cards, cash,

‘That Looks Like It Hurts!’

Lots of people who have never experienced
receiving a tattoo often ask, "Does It Hurt?". Well,
if you enjoy getting poked with a needle, then YES!
But, if you are a bit needle shy, then you may want
to ask the artist the best way to deal with the pain.
But don't get antsy. It's not so bad. If it were, do you
really believe so many people would be flocking to
the nearest 'inkery' to get their next tattoo after their

Honestly, your body has built in mechanisms to combat pain. In one word:
Endorphins. YAY! These little guys kick in and will lessen the feelings of pain for
you. Of course, it won't take away ALL the pain; it will just get you used to it.

And every last person in the world has their own level of pain tolerance. With that
in mind, everyone’s tattoo experience will be different. It may not hurt you as
much as it would your Aunt Sally. But then again, Aunt Sally may have had a
pretty tough life and built up a better natural resistance to pain than you. It all
depends on the person.

A good saying to remember when getting a tattoo is: GRIT YOUR TEETH AND

You are allowing someone to poke you with a needle underneath your skin over
hundreds of times in a row. Of course it hurts! So if you are a total wimp, stick
with something small and in a place that won't be as painful.

What EXACTLY does it feel like? Well, I can tell you only from my own
experience that it feels like being poked with a needle a bunch of times over and
over again! I don't generally like pain, but I LOVE my tattoo and plan on adding
more to it. So, even if you are the worst cry-baby in the world, you can still get a
tattoo if you really want it.

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
The Tattoo Process in a Nutshell
1) First, you’ll complete paperwork, age verification and payment.
2) You’ll be directed to a bench, a regular chair or a chair just like the
one you’d sit in at the dentist’s.
3) The site of your tattoo will be cleaned and shaved.
4) A stencil of your tattoo will be made and applied to your skin.
5) The line work of the tattoo will be done, followed by the coloring and
6) Your tat will be bandaged and your tattoo artist will bring you up to
speed on how to take care of the tattoo (commonly referred to as ‘after
care.’ Voila, you have a tattoo!

After Care

It’s normal for your tattoo to be red for the first few days and scab over!

Once all the tears are over (^_^) and your new tattoo is a part of you, it's time to
find out what's involved in taking good care of it.

This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!
You need to give your tattoo time to breathe. This will allow your body to
naturally heal the freshly tattooed skin. So, try not to cover it up too much in the
first few days if it isn't necessary for you to do so. Whenever you can, uncover it
and let the air get to it.

If you must cover it up, be sure to use clean, sterile gauze dressings that can be
secured with some type of medical tape to hold it in place around the edges of the
gauze. Try not to use things like liquid bandages or things that will be extra sticky
or hard to remove. Your tattoo will need to scab over so that it heals properly.
AND DON'T PICK AT IT!! It could possibly create scars on your new tat. And
you don't want that. Let the natural healing process run its course on it's own
without any outside help.

Also, you should avoid the sun and swimming as much as possible during this
healing time as it could firstly fade your tattoo, or worse, cause a painful infection
depending on where you plan on swimming at.

One Last Piece of Advice and Some

Closing Thoughts...
The best time to get your tattoo would be in the colder months of the year. This way,
there's no temptation to do certain summer activities that might be harmful to your health
and your tattoo.

Getting your first tattoo will definitely be an unforgettable experience! And provided that
you get it done right the first time, it may even become an experience that you decide to

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this Ebook and found it useful! ;)

Good luck on your first tattoo!


This Ebook is Copyright 2005 Kim Enders. For details on how to get transferable resell rights to this Ebook
and other unique Ebooks like it, please visit!

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