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MARTIN NYARELA (820410300)


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Hall et al. (2003), defined reliability as the trustworthiness of an equipment and how the
equipment effectively performs to achieve what it was intended to, and within the specified
timeframes. The key points and concepts that will be addressed from each of these case
studies include the strategies employed, the processes, training requirements, and
performance management of reliability management in ensuring that the equipment
performs as per design specifications. This document summarizes five case studies, to seek
to understand the key concepts and application of the reliability management principles, and
at the end of all the case study analyses, a matrix was formulated to determine which of
these scored more, and the reason for such assumptions.

The first case study focuses on the reliability assessment of a repairable item called the
load haul dumper (LHD). The maintainability of this equipment is critical to the mining
mechanized environment, as failure to achieve higher availabilities could lead to production
losses and reduction in the economic service life of the equipment.

The second case study is about making use of the reliability, availability and maintainability
(RAM) tool to improve the productivity of a repairable item called the dragline, which is used
for loading broken tons from the floor to the dump trucks.

The third case study is about the analysis of the human factors as causes in the
maintenance of the machines, whereby tools such as the cause-effect analysis are used to
determine the aspects influencing the mining equipment maintenance.

The fourth case study is about the analysis of mining equipment considering the operational
environment, whereby the focus is on factoring reliability of mining equipment in
geographical areas where the temperatures drop below zero degrees. In this study it was
outlined that temperatures should also be factored in the maintenance plan design.

The last case study is about the application of algorithms to predict maintainability for
mining equipment.

Each of the five case studies will be analyzed in the format described below:
• Case study summary
• Overview of key issues extracted, study analysis: key concepts, and tools used
• Alternative solutions to the proposed methods

1. Case 1: Reliability modeling and performance analyses of an LHD

1.1 Reliability Strategy and Management Practices

This case study presented the work carried out by Samanta et al. (2004) aimed to improve
the uptime for the laud haul dumper (LHD) with key focus on the reliability, availability and
maintainability (RAM) of the system and its subsystems, as well as the analysis of different
measures of failures. The results would thus be used as recommendation for improvement
in the future predictions of the same or related equipment.

LHD’s are mining equipment used for the transportation of blasted material from the
workplace to the tips, trucks or silos, from which trains or other conveyances could haul
further. The product was designed for the ease of cleaning the work places on time and
improved safety. The LHD is a repairable item, and by definition, a repairable item is, “a
system which, after failing to perform one or more of its functions satisfactorily, can be
restored to fully satisfactory performance by a method other than replacement of the entire
system” Ascher & Feingold 1984 (cited in Lindqvist 2006), and for this purpose the mean
time before failure (MTBF) data was analyzed to obtain probabilistic factors for low

1.2 Failure rate, reliability, and maintainability measurement

The LHD system was subdivided into six different elements, such as the drive(d),
transmission(t), hydraulic(h), brake(b), tyre(tr), and bucket(bt) system. A reliability,
availability and maintainability (RAM) analysis of the LHD was conducted using the Markov
model which was determined using the Reliability block diagram (RBD). This diagram was
also used for performance measurement of the machine.

To determine the probability of each subsystem’s failure, if all were mutually exclusive, the
following equation would be used:
(Pd or Pt or Ph or Pb or Ptr or Pbt) = ………………………………..……….…………….…… (1)

But, these subsystems, can also be dependent variables, as such, it becomes challenging
to predict precisely as these depend largely on experience and operating conditions;
therefore, the reliability of each subsystem needs to be outlined, and these were calculated
by making use of the following equation:

Rn(t)=e-t…………………………………………………………………………………….…… (2)

Where n denotes the subsystem,  for the constant failure rate and t>0

It is worth noting that these subsystems were connected in series, therefore the following
would apply:

The maintainability of these subsystems is the reliability function, which are:

Mn(t)=1-e-t………………………………………………………………………………….…… (4)

1.3 Causes of the low availability

The external factors which caused the low availability included the water presence,
environmental conditions such as temperatures and dust, as well as the articulation, and the
gear box factors. These factors are both environmental as well as technical, which affect the
product design and the reliability thereof.

The analysis was concluded by means of the Markov model, which demonstrated that out of
the six subsystems, the hydraulic, transmission and drive units were high, as such the
maintenance strategy should also be able to factor the environmental conditions to ensure
that these are prioritised and the proper resource allocation should be a point of
consideration for the design maintenance strategy.

1.4 Key Performance Indicators

An improved LHD availability yields an improved maintenance cost, increased MTBF,

quality of the machines and better predictability of regular breakdown components, thus by
being more predictive and proactive with maintenance, the production losses were

1.5 Process improvement

The recommendation for the improvement of the reliability and availability of these
equipment were outlined that the transmission, drive, and hydraulic subsystems were
biggest causes of the low availabilities, as such, by putting more effort on the maintenance
to predict and prevent issues which might arise from these, there would be significant
improvements with the time to repair, as well as reduction in the failure rates. It was also
recommended for management to consider possible modifications and design alternatives
to the LHD. By reducing the maintenance interval, the reliability would also improve.

Case 2: improving productivity of dragline through enhancement of reliability
inherent availability and maintainability.

2.1 Reliability strategy and management practices

This case study presented the work carried out by Muhammadi et al. (2016), aimed to
improve the availability and maintainability of the dragline subsystem at the Northern
Coalfields Ltd. The reliability strategy was aimed to improve the production and productivity
of the dragline subsystems as well as the reduction of the shutdowns and breakdowns, to
increase the equipment reliability.

The draglines are large open cast mining equipment used for loading broken ground into the
dump trucks. The space and size limitations and production pressure for such equipment
warrants higher reliability and maintainability to ensure that targets are met.

2.2 Tools used for analysis and key performance indicators

• The inherent availability

Arputharaj (2015) stated that an equipment is available when it is fit to perform its intended
design duties. The availability of the equipment is also a tool for measuring its performance
and its reliability. There are two types of availabilities outlined in the case study, namely the
operational and inherent availability. The formula below was used for the inherent
Ai= MTTF+MTTR……………………………………………………………………………….……(5)

Ai is the inherent availability
MTTF is the mean time to failure, which is the average time lapsed after the item has been
MTTR is the mean time to repair, which is represents the mean time takes to repair an item,
but excludes maintenance time such as waiting

• The operational availability

Ao= TT ………………………….…………………………………………………………….……(6)

Ao is the operational availability
AT is the available time
TT is the total time or planned operating time

The failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) was used to critically understand at which
point during the design would the machine fail, thus incorporate the preventive maintenance
strategy in the design phase. This tool also enabled the spare parts management and
optimal replacement strategies to be in place.

The dragline system was broken down into seven subsystems, to understand which
subsystems were the highest contributors to the low availability and increase in the MTTR.
The seven elements outlined were, the bucket, ropes, MG-set electrical and mechanical,
structure, and other electrical and mechanical parts.

2.3 Testing the system

The system was tested using different statistical models, such as the non-homogenous
Poisson process, whereby the data was tested for the serial correlation of the time to failure
(TTF) for different subsystems to determine the relationship between two or more variables
or elements. The data was plotted on the scatter diagram and the trends projected. The
assumptions were tested to determine whether the system was independent and identically
distributed (IID). According to Wikipedia (n.d) each variable is identically distributed if it has
the same “probability distribution as the others and all are mutually independent”.

2.4 Process improvement

The analysis showed that the top contributors were the structural and bucket subsystems
had the lowest availability, thus this correlates to the low maintainability of each, due to the
frequency of the breakdowns.

The maintenance strategy should focus on addressing these critical subsystems to improve
reliability and maintainability thereof, and this should be aligned with the proper allocation of
resources, such as the critical spares, and human factor considerations. This RAM study
also highlighted a basis for designing and planning for a preventive maintenance strategy
and optimal replacement of all critical subsystems.

Case 3: The analysis of human error as causes in the maintenance of machine: A
Case study in mining companies

3.1 Reliability Strategy and Management Practices

This case study presented the work carried out by Kovacevic et al. (2016) aimed to analyze
human factors during mining machinery maintenance. It outlined two methods, namely the
cause-effect analysis and the group fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for this analysis. The
aim of the study was to determine which factors contributed to the causes in human errors
on mining companies in Serbia. The study was conducted at Kosovo Obilic coal mining

3.2 Tools used for analysis and performance indicators

• Analysis factors
The study outlined eight aspects when analyzing human errors during maintenance, such as the
psychology and perception, training, reliability analysis, safety and regulations, organization of
maintenance, working conditions, and hours, and mining machine maintainability (Kovacevic et al.

• Cause-effect

Ishikawa 1982 (cited in White et al. 2004) stated that the cause-effect analysis portrays the
interrelationship between an “adverse events with its contributing factors”. The importance
of maintenance was considered, and the human factors which have potential to improve or
worsen the reliability were outlined. These human factors have a cost element as well as
safety considerations to factor. The Ishikawa diagram was used to depict two levels; the first
being the cause-effect, and the second level, being the factor level.

There are eight elements used to define the human factors, such as the manpower,
methods, machines, materials, measurements, milieu, management and maintenance, and
these have been outlined, and a qualitative analysis was used to determine the corrective
action that could be taken to prevent recurrence and early detection.

Different forms of analysis were used, such as a brainstorming session, whereby different
experts outlined five main causes such as the lack of training, inappropriate information,
lack of experience, carelessness and neglect of danger as factor with the highest degree of
risk. Once these causes had been determined, they were then further investigated in more

detail for the second level cause, and pairwise comparison matrix was used for the

The pairwise comparison matrices were used, which evaluated alternatives with regards to
a criteria (Bozoki et al 2011). The figure below shows three levels, with the first outlining the
goal that the analysis aimed to achieve, and the level below shows the five factors causing
the human errors during maintenance, and the last level defines the key aspects to each

Figure 1: Hierarchy for ranking cause of human errors.

3.3 Testing the system

The results from this analysis shows that the further examination of the key aspects
revealed that under training, the poor organization of the training process and the poor
training curricula, were key; and under the neglect of danger factor, the failure to follow
technical maintenance instruction was key; and under the lack of experience, the insufficient
years of service were key. All these aspects enable the strategy to improve and eliminate
some human errors during maintenance.

3.4 Process improvement

An understanding of the key aspects informs the basis on factors to consider during
maintenance, as well as formulating strategies to eliminate.

Case 4: Reliability analysis of mining equipment considering operational
environments- A Case study

4.1 Reliability Strategy

This case study presented the work carried out by Furuly et al. (2013), aimed to analyze the
effects of the climate changes to several mining equipment, with key focus on a conveyor
belt. This was done to improve the belt’s reliability through the quantification from a
Proportional Hazard Model (PHM). The results from the study would thus be used in the
maintenance plan of the mine.

4.2 Key concepts and tools used

The PHM was used to determine covariates, which are the influence factors on reliability and the
hazard of experiencing an event (Thomas & Reyes 2014). This tool was used to quantify the effects
of the climate change on the conveyor belt (Stacker) at Svea coal mine.

h(t,z)=h0(t)(z)………………………………………………………………………….…… (7)

h0(t) is the baseline hazard rate, which is time dependent only and the(z)describes how
hazard rate changes as a result of the climate change.

The flexibility of the mine enables adaptability to take oil sample, use of infrared camera and conduct
vibration as well shift configurations to postpone maintenance and only perform it during the
maintenance shift. This was done to optimise time spent on ensuring optimal production, with very
few interruptions. The PHM has more application compared to the Homogenous Poisson Process and
the Renewal process, because it considers TBF as not the only variable of interest.

4.3 The process of analysis

The study had three production areas for consideration, but for the purpose of the climate conditions,
only the section where the Stacker was situated was considered, as it was the only one exposed to
such conditions. The process followed was firstly to collect TBF data for the Stacker, by means of
daily reports, discussions, and maintenance cards. The Stacker was not further broken down to
determine the aspects to such breakdowns, but was considered a separate component, with its own
TBF. An assumption was made that this is a repairable system, and that once repaired, the
components are as good as new.
The climate conditions influence the mobility of certain components in the Stacker, such as the cold
lubricant influence on the moving parts, as well as ice blocking the belts from moving.

The binary code were assigned for each month; Z01=1 for January, and Z12=12 for December. This
code could be adjusted to accommodate for the shift configuration, to narrow down not only the
month, but also the shift in which frequent failures occur. Based on the data from the code, a log
minus log survival plot (LML) was created to measure the time-dependency of each covariate, as
shown in the figures below:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

4.4 Additional tools used

The cost benefit analysis was also outlined to determine the benefit over disbenefit of having more
spares in winter, to achieve the same reliability as in summer.

Case 5: Maintainability analysis of underground mining equipment using genetic

algorithms: Case studies with LHD vehicle

5.1 Reliability Strategy and Management Practices

This case study presented the work carried out by Peng & Vayenas (2014), aimed to
analyze maintainability prediction for mining machinery, through the use of the GenRel
software, which simulated failure occurrences during a time period using genetic algorithms.

An LHD was analyzed in three and six month intervals for its maintainability and to
determine similarities between the predicted data with the real-life data within the same
period. The management’s reason for instituting this analysis was to maximize profit, reduce
cost, and for improving workplace safety.

5.2 Maintainability analysis

Not only does maintenance increase cost, but it also “reduces the utilization rate of
equipment”, Hao et al. 2004(cited in Tu et al. 2016). Some of the benefits of maintainability
outlined include lower maintenance cost, and the reduction in the man hours taken for
repairs and breakdowns.

5.3 Maintainability concepts

One of the concepts employed in this case study was maintainability and reliability.
M(T)= ∫0 .fr(t)dt)………………………………………………………………..………….…… (8)

M(T)= 𝐹 r(tT)………………………………………………………………………………...……….… (9)

Where T it the repair completion time, M(T) is the maintainability function, fr(t) is the repair
time probability density function. This analysis yields data about time spent repairing.

5.4 Performance measurements

The GenRel is software developed for predicting reliability/maintainability in mining

equipment, more in particular, the LHD as a point of interest for the study. It makes use of
genetic algorithms, which Carr (2014) stated that they are used to find the maximum or
minimum of a function; A fitness function, which is mathematically expressed is used as a
measure to differentiate between a good and bad genetic evolutions, which are non-
conventional mathematical models for historical data computations, as well as for searching
purposes. The figure below portrays the data flow in the GenRel model:

Figure 4: GenRel data flow

The figure above demonstrates how data is collected and processed using the GenRel
model. Raw data is collects by means of historical data collected through variable of interest
such as TTR, for measuring reliability, and the TBF for measuring maintainability. The data
collected was used to populate the GenRel model, and used for probabilistic distribution, as
shown by the equation below:

F (x)=1- e-(x-)…………………………………………………………………………….…… (10)

X is the TTR, is the mean, and  is the location parameter.

From these distributions, the generated data is used for testing the system, by the
preparation of data, testing the trends, verification and data prediction of the period. The
distribution will match the mates by performing crossover for selection, and the system will
be tested for checking whether the criteria has been met, and the final probability of the
actual prediction will be verified.


The matrix below was formulated to determine which of the five case studies employed the
correct reliability management tools, and the reasons for such assumptions.
Description Rating (0-5) Weight

Case Study 1 Strategy 4 80%

Case Study 2 concept 5 100%
Case Study 3 People 1 20%
Case Study 4 Performance 3 60%
Case Study 5 Processes, Products & Services 2 40%
Total 5
(Scale: 10 = excellent, 0 = poor)

Case studies matrix


Case Case Case Case Case
Study 1 Study 2 Study 3 Study 4 Study 5
Rating (0-5) 80% 100% 20% 60% 40%

Based on the findings from the case studies, the matrix above was formulated. The second
case study utilised a lot of reliability engineering concepts, thus it was rated high, then
followed by the first, for its applications of the concept, as well as the strategy.

Reference list

Samanta, B., Sarkar, B., & Mukherjee, S.K., 2004, Reliability modelling and performance
analyses of an LHD system in mining, The journal of the South African Institute of Mining
and Metallurgy,2004

Mohammadi, M., Rai, P., & Gupta, S., 2016, Improving productivity of dragline through
enhancement of reliability, inherent availability and maintainability, Acta Montanistica
Slovea, Vol 21, No 1, p1-8

Kovacevic, S., papic, L., & Janackovic, G.L., Savic, S., 2016, The analysis of human error
as causes in the maintenance of machines: A case study in mining companies, South
African journal of industrial engineering, Vol 27(4),p 193-202

Furuly, S., Barabadi, A., &Barabady.,J., 2013, Reliability analysis of mining equipment
considering operational environments_ A case Study, international journal of performability
engineering, vol 9, No3, p287-294

Peng, S., & Vayenas, N., 2014, maintainability analysis of underground mining equipment
using genetic algorithms: Casestudies with an LHD vehicle, Hindawi publishing corporation

Hall, R.A., & Daneshmend, L.K., 2003,Reliability modelling ofsurface mining equipment:
Data gathering and analysis methodologies, International Journal ofSurface Mining,
Reclamation and Environment, 17:3, p139-155

Lindqvist, H., 2006,the Statistical Modelling and Analysisof Repairable Systems, Institute of
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Arputharaj, M.E., 2015, Studies on availability and utilisation of mining equipment- an

overview ,international Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology
(IJARET), Vol 6, Issue 3, , pp. 14-21

Wikipedia, n.d, independent and identically distributed (IID),Read 12 Sep 2018, from :

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