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Volume 8, Number 55 July 8, 2010

F o r A l l Yo u r O n l i n e &
Print Hispanic I look forward to seeing many of you in the next few days in
San Antonio at the 2010 NCLR Convention - a must attend
Adver tising Needs event for everyone in community service or concerned with
We are the Experts the issues effecting the Latino community. We're in booth
125. Stop by and say 'Hi'.

In this issue

US Hispanic Use of Telecommunications Services: Spending

Patterns for Wireless and Wireline Services 2010-1015
Free Workshops & Town Halls at the 2010 NCLR Conference
History in the Making: The 13th Annual Los Angeles Latino Book
& Family Festival will feature 100 Latino Authors & Artistsy
Latino Print Network works with Statement by WCVI President Antonio Gonzalez on President
over 625 Hispanic publications in Obama's Immigration Speech
Immigration Insights: Twice Weekly Insights Into This Important
180 markets nationwide with a
combined circulation of 19 million. CALIFORNIA HISPANIC CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE TO
Click here for the LPN website THE BILTMORE HOTEL IN LOS ANGELES
You can also phone Haitian Population Set to Rebound After Earthquake According to
760-434-7474 x171 or x177 U.S. Census Bureau
or email More Books for your consideration
Issue quote
with your needs.
"The nice part about being a pessimist is that you
are constantly being either proven right or
Latino Books Into pleasantly surprised." ~George F. Will, The
Leveling Wind
Movie Awards If you find a quote you like let me know. I will be happy to send to our
8,800 plus Hispanic advertising and media executives & give you a plug for
sending it!
Click Here for More Info
Our Goal
This is a GREAT new awards Latino Print Network's goal with each issue is for you to say at
designed to help more Latino least once "Glad I learned that".
themed movies be produced
and distributed. Please share Hispanic Marketing Podcasts
this information with others. Use and download free HM101 Podcasts. These are good for
sales staff, editorial writers, and fiscal officers. The podcasts
cover short insightful aspects of Hispanic marketing and the
Latino Books Into American Hispanic community. Over 50 national media,
marketing and community leaders provide you with their
Movie Awards personal insights. These are good for staff meetings, bringing
new staff up to speed, and to relearn old ideas to better
Click Here for More Info manage our current businesses.

Dear Readers & Writers,


We are also pleased to announce a new

awards competition to be held under the Kirk Whisler
auspices of the International Latino Book Executive Editor
Awards: The Latino Books into Movies 760-434-1223
Awards. Many of us would love to see
more movies being produced that star
Latinos and feature Latino themes.
Realizing that many movies start with a
great book, Latino Literacy Now has
created a second competition within the
framework of its International Latino Book
Awards: the Latino Books Into Movies

The awards will be presented on the U.S. Hispanic Use of

weekend of October 9-10, 2010 during the
Los Angeles Latino Book & Family
Telecommunications Services:
Festival (, another Latino Spending Patterns for Wireless and
Literacy Now program, that takes place Wireline Services 2010-1015
annually at California State University, Los
Nearly one out of every three dollars spent on residential
Judges for these awards will include telecommunications services in 2009 came from US ethnic
communities, so the spending power of the Hispanic-
screenwriters, producers, and other
American, African American, and Asian-American communities
entertainment industry professionals.
have become crucial to the survival of telecommunications
Winning books will be distributed to
providers. This market report takes a close look at the
pertinent Motion Picture Studios, purchasing habits and telecom usage patterns of the
Producers, and Agents, depending on burgeoning Hispanic segment of the US population. In the last
genre. census, Hispanics surpassed the African-American population
as the largest minority group in the US. US Hispanic
purchasing power is now growing at nearly twice the rate of
These awards are now officially open.
the general population, fueled by continued population growth
Information is attached. You may also find
and increasing Hispanic employment and income levels.
the information online at: US Hispanics are heavy users of local, long-distance,
international, and wireless calling. Prepaid services have also
Sincerely, experienced explosive growth in the US Hispanic market. In
this report, Insight examines spending by US Hispanics on
Jim Sullivan local, long-distance, wireless, and pre-paid services, and
Executive Director, Latino Literacy Now compares these spending patterns to the general population
and to other minority segments including Asian Americans
and African Americans.

For more on this study please click here.

Expo Comida Latina is the

Free Workshops & Town Hall Meetings
leading food industry event At The 2010 NCLR Conference
of it's type. To register
FOR FREE: All workshops and town halls are free and open to the public
Click Here For More Info at the 2010 NCLR Annual Conference, July 10-13 in San
August 14-16, 2010 Antonio, TX at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center!
Los Angeles Take a peek at the intriguing town hall topics that will be
addressed by local and national newsmakers and leaders such
Convention Center
as: Hon. Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development; Julie Stav, Financial
Expert and Best-Selling Author; Hon. Ciro Rodriguez, Texas
State Representative (D-23rd District); Dr. Michael Lomax,
President and CEO, United Negro College Fund; Dr. Ricardo
Romo, President, University of Texas at San Antonio; Hon.
Julián Castro, Mayor of San Antonio; and more! Share your
thoughts and take part in this year's national discussion about
the issues that matter most.

Saturday, July 10, 3:00-4:30 p.m.

The California Hispanic Educating Our Way Out of the Economic Crisis:
Chambers of Commerce Everyone College-Ready
One of the most pressing challenges facing our community
31st Annual Convention to
today is college-readiness. Only 10% of all undergraduate
take place August 11-13, students are Hispanic, so it is imperative that educators,
2010 at the Millennium parents, and other concerned stakeholders learn more about
what can be done to move this trend in a positive direction.
Biltmore Hotel in This town hall offers an opportunity for participants to discuss
Los Angeles, CA. promising program and policy strategies for making sure that
For more information go Latino students are college-ready and how our success in
meeting this challenge will impact the country's economic

Sunday, July 11, 9:00-10:30 a.m.

Líderes Town Hall
The Online Generation: Limited or Limitless?
We have seen the power of new media in advocacy,
organizing, and action in the Latino community. Our youth
are more connected and empowered than ever before, but
how is technology affecting this generation? There are many
benefits to the growth in technology: immediate access and
connection, boundless networking possibilities, and the ability
to download news and entertainment instantly-even while on
the go. However, there are limitations to what can be
Sales solutions that have secured accomplished solely through technology, as it must be
millions of dollars $$$ in business complemented by personal and community engagement that
for Hispanic publications! inspires and advances our community. Join this interactive
Líderes Town Hall to hear about the opportunities and
Profit from Mike Cano's challenges of using web-based platforms to mobilize youth
unprecedented 25+ years of networks and energize communities, and explore how youth
successful Spanish Language can maintain a healthy balance of web-focused efforts and
publishing experience which has community engagement as members of the Millennial
resulted into the leading Hispanic
Leadership Consulting and Sales Sunday, July 11, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Training firm in the country. Childhood Obesity: A Call for Action Prompt action must be taken to eliminate the soaring
Call today for more information incidence of childhood obesity in this country. Its links to
health complications, chronic diseases, and poor achievement
(214) 223-7791
in school undoubtedly have a negative impact on the quality
of life for all children. Moreover, the prevalence of child
obesity is greater among Latino children than other American
children. Panelists will offer insight into the profound effects
of childhood obesity on our society and share information
about initiatives that are responding to the urgent need for
improving the well-being of present and future generations of
Latino children and adults.

Monday, July 12, 3:00-4:30 p.m.

What's the Holdup? Strategies to Jump-Start a Stalled
Experts say that the economy has turned a corner: Wall
Street is profiting, GDP is rising, and America is well on its
way out of the recession. Yet, is it a true recovery when 15
million Americans who want to work cannot find a job and 4.5
million families are still at risk of losing their homes to
foreclosure? This signature town hall brings together major
national figures to report on the status of economic recovery
in Latino communities.

Please note: All town halls will take place in the Grand
Ballroom, Section C1 of the Henry B. Gonzalez
Convention Center.

Hurry and register now for the 2010 NCLR Annual

Conference! Prices rise to the maximum on-site rate after
July 7, so register now and save big. Click here to access the
latest schedule, workshop offerings, online registration, and

History in the Making: The 13th Annual

Los Angeles Latino Book & Family Festival
will feature 100 Latino Authors & Artists

By Reyna Grande
The upcoming Los Angeles Latino Book & Family Festival, to
be held at Greenlee Plaza on the campus of California State
University, Los Angeles (CSULA) on the weekend of October
09-10, will feature an outstanding lineup of 100 Latino
authors & artists from different genres: Journalists such as
Pulitzer-prize winner Sonia Nazario and L.A. Times staff writer
Sam Quiñores; poets such as Juan Felipe Herrera and Luis J.
Rodriguez; contemporary writers such as Alisa Valdes-
Rodriguez, who was named "The Godmother of Chica Lit" by
Time Magazine and Crafty Chica Kathy Cano-Murillo and
Michele Serros; Literary writers such as Stella Pope Duarte
Hispanic Business and Patricia Santana; film and TV writers/producers such as
Showcase Ligiah Villalobos (Under the Same Moon), Javier Grillo-
September 10-11, 2010 Marxuach (LOST) and Nely Galan (The Swan); emerging
authors such as Daniel Chacón and Alex Espinoza; and
San Diego Convention
children's book authors such as Rene Colato Lainez, Amada
Center Irma Perez, and Jose Luis Orozco.
Special events taking place at this year's festival include 36
Produced by the panels/sessions, such as: Mixing it Up: Writers who Write in
Hispanic Chamber of Multiple Genres; The Children's Hour: Writing & Publishing
e-Commerce Books for Kids; In Focus: The Immigrant Experience in
Literature; It's Nothing Personal: Agents & Editors Tell it Like
it is; Fade In: Latinos in Tinseltown; Diáspora & Exile: Writers
Get Your Booth NOW from Latin America; How to Stay Alive in a Dying Industry;
and Chicano/Latino Mural Art, among others.

The festival will have a children's area and stage, featuring

several children's book authors and celebrities for story-time
as well as arts & crafts activities. The Main Stage will feature
Folklórico dance performances, singers, plays, poetry jams,
and much more.

In addition, there will be a dinner reception, "Evening with the

Authors", which includes music and dance performances, and
an award ceremony on Saturday October 9th at the Golden
Eagle Ballroom (CSULA), featuring dancing, music, and a
keynote by Father Greg Boyle.

Edward James Olmos, actor and community activist, is the

Co-Producer of the Latino Book & Family Festival, a weekend
Need Great Artwork For event that promotes literacy, culture and education in a fun
Your Marketing Efforts? environment for the whole family. Launched in 1997 in Los
Angeles and organized by the non-profit organization Latino
Ignacio Gomez has created
Literacy Now, the LBFF has provided people of all ages and
150+ magazine covers; 700+ backgrounds the opportunity to celebrate the beauty and
illustrations for marketing diversity of the multicultural communities of the United
campaigns; 40+ movie and States.
theater posters; and
hundreds of other images.

HACU's Annual Conference provides a unique forum for

Call Ignacio Gomez at the sharing of information and ideas for the best and
818-243-2838 most promising practices in the education of Hispanics.
Visit for more information and to register.
Statement by WCVI President Antonio
Gonzalez on President Obama's
Immigration Speech

President Obama repeated themes he has enunciated before

on the need for immigration reform. In that regard that was
little new: there was much to agree as well as disagree with
in his words. But this has already been stated before by
Latino leadership.

However in the following passage the President appeared to

For you to learn more about tacitly endorse elements of a "down payment" on immigration
the values of Hispanic reform approach, namely AgJobs and he explicitly endorsed
the Dream Act. He said "...We need to provide farms a legal
Publications Latino Print
way to hire the workers they rely on, and a path for those
Network has done an 80
workers to earn legal status. And we should stop punishing
page study entitled The innocent young people for the actions of their parents by
Strengths of Hispanic denying them the chance to stay here and earn an education
Owned Publications and contribute their talents to build the country where they've
The study details through interviews and grown up. The DREAM Act would do this, and that's why I
research the 29 key values Hispanic supported this bill as a state legislator and as a U.S. senator
Publications offer to those wanting to reach -- and why I continue to support it as president."
the Latino community.
This represents a path to success in the near term and a
Click Here For The needed addition to the President's views. The President
FREE 80 Page Study should promptly call on the Senate to enact both measures in
2010 as building blocks towards eventual thoroughgoing
(New link)
reform of our broken immigration system. Both measures
have bipartisan support and could relatively easily be
approved if the President deploys his political capital in that

The Results of the 2010 Hispanic Zip Profile USA offers you a totally different
way to market to Latinos. Not merely the number of
International Latino Book
Latinos in a zip code and a few basic characteristics,
Awards - the 12th such
but over a thousand pieces of GREAT data. For example
awards, held May 25, 2010 target Hispanics by five comprehensive levels of
at the Jacob Javits language skills with the detailed LPN Spanish Index.
Call Kirk at 760-434-1223 for more information.
Convention Center in New
Click Here For The Results
Immigration Update: Twice Weekly
Insights Into This Important Issue


Time for Congress to address the crisis
If you are interested in the
Entertainment Industry, consider
Calling President Barack Obama's speech on immigration "a
joining the National Association of
necessary step in the right direction," Janet Murguía,
Latino Independent Producers. For
10 year NALIP has helped thousands President and CEO of NCLR (National Council of La Raza), the
of Latinos gain access and power largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization
within the Entertainment Industry. in the United States, today urged Congress to take action and
The organizations serves producers, move forward on comprehensive immigration reform.
directors, writers, and all other behind
the camera professions. For more "The president's speech comes at a crucial moment-we have a
information about becoming a civil rights crisis in our hands due to federal inaction on
member click here. Regular immigration. He understands that the solution to our broken
memberships are as low as $50 and immigration system lies in Washington, not in Phoenix,"
student memberships only $20.
Murguía said. "But a speech alone is not enough, and it will
not make a difference if the president does not follow through
and push both parties in Congress to move a bill forward. It is
time to see who stands for solutions and who wants to
continue playing politics with people's lives and America's

The speech comes on the heels of Arizona's controversial new

immigration law, which essentially codifies racial profiling and
has led to copycat proposals across the country. Such
TransEdita approaches could create an unworkable patchwork of state
The All-in-One and local measures that undermine national immigration laws
and procedures and open the door to racial profiling.
Translation, Editing &
Design Service.
"It's time for Washington to stop pretending that we can
Get the quality & price you secure the border without fixing our legal immigration
need from a professional system. It's time for politicians to stop the dangerous and
service provider to book, divisive rhetoric that fans the flames of intolerance in our
newspaper and government country, just to score cheap political points," continued
Murguía. "It's time for Republicans to stop railing against the
entities. Contact problem while blocking every attempt to fix it. And it's time to
stop defrauding American taxpayers with the fantasy that we
can massively deport 12 million people."
or go to "America needs an answer. Comprehensive immigration
reform is the solution, and the time to act is now. Politicians
who stand in the way or sit on the sidelines will be held
accountable on Election Day," concluded Murguía.

For more information, please visit



The CHCC's Annual Statewide Convention is the largest

Need A regional gathering of Hispanic chamber leaders and business
owners in the country. The goal of the CHCC's Annual
Quality Portrait for your
Convention is to elevate discussion and participation among
business, restaurant or Hispanic business owners, corporate business leaders,
community leaders, and government officials to address
issues of relevance to the Hispanic business community.
Ignacio Gomez has over 250
satisfied clients. Call Ignacio The Convention offers participants the opportunity to learn
Gomez at 818-243-2838 the latest trends in business development, network with
outstanding business professionals, and gain insights into
growing and maintaining a successful business. Throughout
the convention, participants have the opportunity to celebrate
the educational, political, and economic success of the
Hispanic community. Convention participants will be exposed
to some of the most dynamic, enterprising and informative
speakers discussing current issues pertinent to the economic
growth and development of California.

The Annual Convention features a variety of workshops, which

include topics such as: Procurement, Wealth Creation, Access
to Capital, Latina Business Development, and Supplier
Development. Throughout the three-day event, the CHCC
hosts chamber and organizational training as well as business
sessions focused on building business relationships and
creating opportunities for Hispanic business owners. The
Convention will also feature matchmaking sessions, bringing
together hundreds of Hispanic suppliers with corporate and
The National Association of government buyers.
Hispanic Publication's José
Martí Awards are the largest The CHCC is the premier and largest regional ethnic business
Latino Media Awards organization in the nation that promotes the economic growth
and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs and California's
Click here for the 2010 Emerging Businesses. The California Hispanic Chambers of
Award Winners Commerce (CHCC) has a network of over 65 Hispanic
chambers and business associations throughout the State of
The State of Hispanic California. Through its network of Hispanic chambers and
business associations, the CHCC represents the interest of
Print 2010 over 720,000 Hispanic businesses in California.

Click here for The State Haitian Population Set to Rebound After
of Hispanic Print power
point presentation that
Earthquake According to U.S. Census
Kirk Whisler gave at the Bureau
2010 NAHP Convention in
The population of Haiti is projected to increase from 9.6
million in 2010 to 13.4 million by 2050, according to new data
released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. This future growth
For more indepth research please
follows an estimated population decline during the past year
call Kirk Whisler, Latino Print
caused by the January 2010 earthquake.
Network, 760-434-1223,
The Dominican Republic, which shares the island of
Hispaniola with Haiti, has nearly the same total population --
9.8 million in 2010 -- and also is expected to grow to a
comparable size in 2050 -- 13.7 million.

These figures come from the Census Bureau's International

Data Base, a compilation of population estimates and
projections for 227 countries and areas. This release includes
revisions for 28 countries, including Haiti and the Dominican

For Haiti, the new demographic figures incorporate the

Be sure to mark your effects of the January earthquake, which resulted in 230,000
calendar for the NAHP 2011 deaths -- nearly three times the estimated deaths in all of
Convention: 2009 -- according to the Haitian government. These two
countries have been close in population for many years, and
indeed, Haiti surpassed the Dominican Republic in 2004, but
Orlando, Florida the earthquake pushed Haiti's population below that of the
October 12-15, 2011 Dominican Republic again by midyear 2010. This relationship
is projected to remain the same for the next few decades
because of similar levels of projected growth rates.

In 2009, both countries had population growth rates of 1.4

percent and had similar levels of net migration and natural
Hispanic Zip Profile USA offers increase (births minus deaths), but the composition of natural
you a totally different way to increase differed. The 2009 death rate estimate in the
market to Latinos. Not merely the Dominican Republic averaged 4.3 deaths per 1,000
number of Latinos in a zip code population, while in Haiti it was twice that level. In 2009, the
and a few basic characteristics, birth rate in the Dominican Republic was an estimated 20.2
but over a thousand pieces of births per 1,000 population and in Haiti 25.7 births per 1,000
GREAT data. For example target
Hispanics by five comprehensive
levels of language skills with the
"Up-to-date estimates of population characteristics will
detailed LPN Spanish Index. Call
Kirk at 760-434-1223 for more assist in both the immediate recovery effort in Haiti, as well
information. as the long-term rebuilding of the country's basic
infrastructure," said Peter Johnson, a senior demographer in
the Census Bureau's Population Division.

NEED PRINTING? The island of Hispaniola has a high population density with
Wholesale printing and mailing greater density in Haiti -- about 350 people per square
services. kilometer -- than in the Dominican Republic -- about 200
people per square kilometer.
Great prices!
Great Quality! The Census Bureau's International Data Base includes
Fast Turn-a-round! projections by sex and age to 100 years and older for
Give us a call: countries and other areas with populations of 5,000 or more
and provides information on population size and growth,
951-677-0017 or email:
mortality, fertility and net migration.

More Books For Your Consideration

Click here to see a quick

video of some of the Movies
& Shows Edward James
Olmos has been in

Expo Comida Latina is the

leading food industry event
of it's type. To register
Click Here For More Info
August 14-16, 2010
Los Angeles
Convention Center

Sign up for Hispanic Marketing 101


The Big Winner

at the 2008 Tony's is now
slated to be a movie
The 2009 Hispanic Print
Trends & Analysis
Click here for the most
comprehensive annual
analysis of Hispanic Print
For more indepth research please
call Kirk Whisler, Latino Print
Network, 760-434-1223,

Join Our List

August 19-25, 2010

Chinese 6 Mann Cinemas, Hollywood, CA

Important Events
To Plan For?
e-mail info about your Media, Marketing or Latino event to

Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to others who

may find it useful. Please unsubscribe if you no longer wish to
receive it. Trouble vewing this e-mail? Read it on the web.
HM101 Thank you.

Kirk Whisler
Hispanic Marketing 101

voice: (760) 434-1223
Latino Print Network overall: 760-434-7474

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