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ENGLISH FILE Upper-intermediate Workbook with key Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden with Jane Hudson OXFORD Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden with Jane Hudson ENGLISH FILE Upper-intermediate Workbook with key ANN EE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 4 A. Questions and answers 43 A Don't argue! 7B Doyoubelieve init? 10 COLLOQUIALENGLISH Talking about... nterviows LL A Callthe doctor? 14 B Older and wiser? 17 A Thetruth about airtravel 20 B Incredibly short stories 23 GOLLOOUIAL ENGLISH Talking about... chlsren's books 24 A Beorguilt 27 B Areyouarisk taker? 33 B itdrivesmemadt 36 COLLOQUIALENGLISH Talking about...waste 37 A Music and emotion 40 B Sleeping Beauty 46 B Actors acting 49 COLLOQUIALENGLISH Talking about...acting 55 A Tuthand ties 59 B Megacities 62 COLLOQUIALENGLISH Talking about...advertising 63 A. Thedarksideof the moon 66 B Thepowerofwords So [MNS ichecker ‘Audio: when you see this symbol goto the Tutor dise in the back of your Student's Book. Load the disc in your computer. > Ss Choose the File. Then select the audia track fram on Aor 8 ‘You can tranef audio to.@ mobile device, e.g. your Pod, from ‘he ‘mobile learning’ folder on the disc File test: At the end of every File, theresa test. To do the test, "Test'from the’ile menu, Dictation: At the end of every Filo, there isa dictation exercie. Todo the dictation, select Dictation’ from the Fi Thereis also more practice available on the English File website wwrn.oup.comvelt/englishfve No copying or file sharing This digital resource is protected by international capyright laws. You must not modify, adapt, copy, store, transferor circulate the contents ofthis resource under any other branding or as part of any other product. You may nat print out material for any commercial purpose or resale. \\ uest PF 1)1'\ GRAMMAR «uestion formation Right (/) or wrong (X)? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases 1A Youhave ever bee: B Yes, -ouple Why cid't yo Because thi ime the truth?_¥ you'd be angry. Where you usually go on holiday? havent, tm sorry. with his best friend's sister 7 -& How long time have youbeen learning Engl 8 A Whose jacket did you borrow for the wedding? it was abit big for me emo, Can ell me where are the tollets? Bim waiting for my brothe’ Write indirect questions. ‘Where does Natalie live?’ wonder where Natalie lives 2 ‘Whereis the lift?’ we park the car? 4 ‘Are there any tickets left for the concert tonight Do you know 5 ‘Whattime does the match start? Canyoutell me 6 ‘When's Sally's birthday? Can you remember ce? X Have-you ever been Judge a man by his questions rather than by hi -entury French author, humanist, ratio Write the questions. when / your brother j pas who { cook | in your family 3 how n Br 6 what make | you angr 7 who drink J the milk j 1/ in the fridgy 2 READING & VOCABULARY a Read the article quickly and match b Look at the highlighted words and phrases in the text and try co work out the titles to the paragraphs, their meaning. Then match them to definitions 1-10. A Crticizing past employers 1 thaccannot be forgiven B Talking too much 2 connected with what is being discussed C Doubts about your CV 3, making you very nervous or worried z D Bringing a drink with you 4 stupid miscakes E_ Ignorance of the company 5 be unable to answera question 6 from memory 7 start calking abou something less imporcane 8 drinking a very small amount of liquid at atime 9 dislike very much 10 play with someching because you are nervous the best of times, so it’s important to prepare for it well. Arriving late is sure to ruin your chances, as is dressing inappropriately. And do not dream of answering your phone during the interview. Read on for five more common blunders and how to avoid making them. 1 Thisisa highly unprofessional habit as it suggests a serious inability to manage your time. Surely you could have planned your schedule better to include a coffee beforehand? Having a cup in your hand creates the opportunity for cstraction: you might fide with itor miss a question while taking a sip of coffee. Worse stilts contents may end up on the des which wil result inthe interviewer remembering you forall the wrong reasons. 2 In this age of technology, itis inexcusable not to know anything about your prospective employer. Most company websites these days have an ‘About Us’ section giving company history, locations, divisions and a mission statement. Do some research before the Big Day and you won't be stumped ifthe interviewer asks you a question about the place where you, theoretically, want to work. 3 An interview is @ professional situation, not a personal one, so the interviewer will nt want to hear your lite story. While you need to answer al the questions you are asked, your responses should be focused and to the point. Don’t get sidetracked and talk about your home life, ‘your partner and any children you may have - save this for the first day in your new job when you are getting to know your colleague’, A job interview is a nerve-racking experience at 4 Itis important to maintain a positive attitude throughout the interview, even when discussing things that have gone wrong. Don't let the interviewer know that you ‘want to leave your current job because you can't stand your boss. Saying unpleasant things about your colleagues is not a good idea, because the interviewer might know them. Also, you will be showing him haw you will speak about his ‘company if you leave on bad terms in the future, 5 Not being familiar with your past history of ‘employment creates a very bad impression. It suggests that either you have a very bad memory, or you made up some o' the facts. Make sure you know the basic information by heart because the interviewer is sure to ask you about it. Ifyou really do have a bad memory, take a copy to refer to, but do not appear to be reading It oUt lous. w PRONUNCIATION friendly intonation a ]D Listen and complete the questions. 1 What kind of musi do did you goo? work experience? for the furure? broad? do you speak? 4 LISTENING a Ri interview for the job. Is the applicant successful or unsuccessful? J the job advert and listen toan Completedobs < eae Employer: Park Hotel, London Post: Receptionist Contract: Temporary Hours: Ful-Time Salary: £1,000 per month like listening co? b Listen again and look atthe list ofcommon interview mistakes Circld the mistake that the applicant makes. drink 00 much 3 criticizing past employers 4 ignorance of the compan} 5. doubrs about his CV Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Stephen Bridges went to the interview by and 2. He wants a temporary job because he's going 3. Stephen hasa de He worked in a He can speak _ Mostof the Asian gi 7. Tn hia previons job, Stephen dide’+have'ta 8 Stephen thinks he has the job. Listen again with the audio seript on p.69 and ery to guess the meaning of any words you don’t know: Then checkin your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. approach (a) oipro job candidate tgp crush (sb or sth) demanding ustered (adj) job-seekers dsr ather than /'ra:o deer think on your feet “Ox a Here's something to think about: How come you never see a headline like ‘Psychic Wins Lottery"? lay Leno, American comedian & television host 1 B=06 you believe in it? 1 READING a Read the text. Which topic is not mentioned? politics The dream destination for astrology addicts ‘While in Britain the general bliin astrology is tmited to glancing at horoscopes in newspapers and magazines, in India people take their star signs very seriously indeed Astoloyy piuymnes ave sown on ay uf Tis 320 television channels, and at least a dozen stations are devoted entirely to astrology 24 hours a day Kolkata housewife Lata Banerji aways starts her day by turning on the astrology channel Sis, to Find out what the éay holds for her and whether she wil have to face any kind of domestic criss. She also receives information on what fod she should eat to avoid illness." gives ie the confidence I need to face the day she says. Americane 40 toa therapist every week to cope with fe I get my sense oF wellbeing fom the advice I get from astrologers, Astrology is important in Inca in all walks of life, but especially when it comes to choosing a mariage partner. Some astrological combinations ate considered unfavourable, for example wien the planet ars isin a certain postion ona persons birth chart. In this cae, people believe tht the coupe will nl get on and that their marriage wil end badly. The only way around this is forthe person withthe unlucky combination to ‘marry’ something symbolic before their eal wedding, This s exactly what Bollywood actress and former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai did some years ago when she imaried'a banana tree in the hope of avoiding problems in her imatiage with the actor Abhishek Bachchan, "et, its not ony inthe field of love that Indians seek astrological advice. There are Telationships business food sport i b whe b_ Read the text again and choose the right answer. I ...radio stations are only about astrology. 2320 bi2 © 24 2 Lata Banerji watches an astrology channel a. tohelp herin her daily life b because she is very worried about getting il. © because she can't afford a therapist. 3 The actress Aishwarya Rai married a tree. a to make sure it produced a lot of bananas, b cobring her luck in the search fora husband. © toensure her marriage was successful 4 According to the rext, Indians ask astrologers. how they should vote in the election they can get a good job, © foradvice about many things. Sunita Menon works as, ie a. anadviser for a well-known company: by acaroc card reader. © aflight attendant. Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do youthink they mean? Use your dictionary to Jook up their meaning and pronunciation. some programmes on TV that specialize in medical astrology, with callers asking about health issues. Others provide investment and business advice. Astrology is even important in politics with prime ministers asking their astrolo announcing a general election. Nowadays itis almost obligatory for Indian parents to have a horoscope drawn up when a baby is barn. Two people taking advantage of the boom in business are Kalidas Sriram and Vishi Babu, wo have put up thelr tents complete with laptap computer and printer, right outside Kolkata’s main hospital. They either visit the maternity wards or wait outside until new parents leave to offer their services. For the equivalent of €3 they use the baby’s time and date of birth to print out a horoscope for the delighted parents. Many Indians have na doubt that astrology can change people’ tives for the better. The glamorous Sunita Menon, India’s most famous fortune-teller, was an air hostess until 2 tarot reader predicted that she would ‘change jobs. Now she is the presenter of a hugely popular television programme and was recently hited by India’s most famous music company to advise on investment and business decisions for a ‘promising’ date before Sunita Menon 2 VOCABULARY compound adjectives ‘Complete the sentences with compound adjectives formed from the words in brackets. grandmother is always for absent-minded . (mind) ‘ng her keys. She's very Oliver's new girlfriend isn't as mad as he is, She seems quite ea (balance) 3 Our English teacher doesn’t get angry easily. She's extremely (comper) 4 My parents are quite toother people's opinions. (mind) They won't listen 5. Grace never thinks of anyone else because she's so ___. (centre) 6 My siseer-in-law is very thing and does another. face) She says one 7 Since he went abroad, Jack h about other culeures. (mind) 8 You won't be able to change her mind ~ she's very Gilly 9 When we go out my friend Jack never offers to buy the drinks. wich he wasn’t 0. (Gs) 10 ‘The new manager thinks alot of himself. He's very (head) MINIGRAMMAR the... the.. + comparatives mmplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 thes (worry alot, bad) 2 The (locof gadgets, lazy) aboutit, the worse you'll fel lore you worry 3 The__ (ate, angry) 4 The (practise lot, good) __youare, the he'll be my English, the Vil speak 5 The (cold, lor of elo 6 The alot of exercise, fit) _you do, the you'll get. 4 GRAMMAR auxiliary verbs Complete the dialogues with a question tag or an auxiliary and the subject if necessary 1A Itexted you lastnight, but you didr't reply B Yes, {did reply. |texted you straight 2. A Idortt feel ike cooking t. ight. | B Neither Shall we go out for } dinner? Fd love a curry. Aso. Come on. Let's go. | 3. A Iveseen this film before, B wel, | Ba ‘A Do you mind f change channels? B mind! want to see the end. 4. A Youare going to Sam's party, 2 B No, tmnt. ‘A Why not? You haven't argued with him again, 7 B Yos. And we aren't going out together any more, A Illbe back a bt late tonight. pes you? Where are you going? A Toaconcert with some friends, B 0h, OK. Youtlbe back before 12 ? A Of course 5 A Pete, you couldnt lend me B No, sorry. Why? ‘A lve spent all my salary this month, B So __ That's why cary fe money you any! 7 A Ididn't go out lastnight. B Neither Iwas too tired, A S0_ 8A Youarer't fram round here, Im from Australia, haven't been here ong ‘A I don't suppose you lke the British weather. B Actually, lice it. prefer coo weather to hot weather 5 PRONUNCIATION intonation and sentence rhythm Listen and repeat the conversations. Copy the rhythm, stressing the bold auxiliaries. © 1 A Youdon't ike the soup, do you? 4 A You didn’t bring any money, did you? B | do lkeit. t's just that it's very hot B Idid bring some money. I's just that rve spent it all 2. A Youhaven’t bought me a present, have you? ‘A Youwon’t ever wear those trousers | gave you, will you? B [have bought you one. I's just that Ive left it at home. B Iwill wear them, t's just that | prefer wearing jeans, 3. A Youaren’t enjoying this film, are you? 6 A Youcan't play tennis, can you? B lam enjoying it. ts just that rve seen it before, B Ican play tennis. t's just that Im not very good at it, 6 LISTENING a GGISETP Listen to a radio programme about superstitions and complete the chart. Superstition When or where? Why? Originated in the nought black cats Middle evil? Originated in ancient People thought it broke the of the triangle Originated in the People knacked on toccall the good spirits The Pope passed a law obi Originated at the time e ee | i peopletobiess the person who | b_ Listen again with the audio script on p.69 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don't know. Then check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these word: binoculars /brnnkjoloz s breeze rivz estate agent /is'ter carry on doing sth) kseri glide ‘gla curtains Pkeaxtnz hallucinate /hallussine! | MIE) GH FILE 1 2 b LOOKING AT LANGUAGE March the words in the box 10 with the informal ormal words in sentences 1 ‘answer begin buy check fillin finish follow say see show 1 My colleague was dismissed because she didn't adhere to the terms follow 2. Please state your preference for a telephone or face-to-face of her contract 3. The next training course will commence on Ist june The receptionist acke te.an applicatinn firm These figures demonstrate the problems facing the company. Customers are advised to retain their receipt when they purchase 1 he was asked about his The candidate mace no response why experience 8 My coneract will terminate at the end of the year They called the candidate's referee to verify his story. 10. We view your prospects of promotion as very high. ae READING Read the article. Mark the sentences T (erue) or F (false), Guy Goma was invited to the BBC because he had applied for ajob. 2 Mr Goma was hoping to be taken on cleaner: 3. MrGoma was interviewed as soon as he arrived. 4 ITexpert, Guy Kewney, was at the BBC atthe same time as uy Goma 5 Guy Kewney had been invited to appear on a news pro; 6 Both men were waiting at the same reception ar The producer collected the wrong man for the news programme. 8 MrGoma became au prepa 9. Mr Goma admitted that he wasn’t Mr Kewney on live television, sare of the mistake while he was being sl for the interview 10 Inthe end, Mr Goma was not offered a job at the BBC Look at che highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. The wrong man for the job! Mix up at BBC leads to job applicant appearing onlive TV. E All sorts of things can. gowrong tobe collected for his TV appearance in nether rection area, The micup occured when a procucer went to get the technology expert from the wrong reception aes The producer approached Me Gama and asked hie he was Guy. Hearing his fst name, Mr Goma said that he vas and he was taken tothe News 24 suo. After haying ‘make-up put on he wa sated in ron ofthe cameras and ‘wed with 2 microphone. Athough Mr Gome thought al the preparations very unusual, he prepared to de his bes for what he balay would be hie ob inter Goma on ve television a5 technology’ expert Guy Keeney | ted dt happen agtin, Mr Goma became a ninor celebrity focavhle, and he appeared on several TV shows Doctors are great ~ as long as you don't need them, Edward E Rosenbaum, dactor, professor and author 2A—Call the doctor? 1 READING a. Read che article. Complee it with the missing b_ Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or sentences. There is one sentence you don't need to nse. ‘A Making an effort to focus on the page means that we blink less often, B Each ofits functions happens ina particular area, and different regions are used for different tasks This is because the flow of blood to the brain decret vile the body digests it. D Furthermore, existing studies suggest that adequate fluid intake is usvally met through our daily consumption of juice, milk and caffeinated drinks. F (false) 1 Doctors spend lot of time investigating myths. _E Acthe beginning of che 1900s, people believed that we only used a small pare oF our brains. 3. Unshaven hairis exactly the same colour as hair under the surface of the skin. 4 Inthe past, people's eyesight was worse because they read by candlelight 5 Turkey contains less tryptophan than cheese. E When the dead part above the surface ofthe skin is © Lookat the highlighted words and phrases, What do removed the living section underneath is not affected. ee eillghtes o oe heed you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. Medical 22 «2s ae anys earning new tings, vary fw of them question esting medical myths. The British Medical Journal recently examined the most common of | myths these to see if there is any evidence that they are true. This is what they discovered. | ee sw Myth: Shaving hair causes it to sow back thicker light ruins your eyesight Tris belts often reinforced by People tnd oti this the medi, cso the fact thet becouse ofthe comfort they Blea tlm 1928 snowed experience when the hae that stewing hes na etfect on been reading fra when hairgrwth.?—Thismakesit dimight "= Ts cases unity forte arto grow back oe to yout and fel ary citferent thant wa before. unconetabl, Fortunately the Te reason opears tickers effect sony tmporary and that cart staves hai acks mest ephthaologs" apee and minced eet hove nea the thefiner pot seen atthe enés Gat it eoesntcamage our eyes sare amount of yptonan es of urshavn hain In acaton fo permanent, Sometting ele that_turey, ee ood, sth as pork ths theron a hs not Seen Spore the my stat he or chese contan even mar lighenes bythe su, wnien seme shortage pecple The tthe that ary ag, sod Imes i lok darker ran the har today han the pat when eal can rake you fel le. that sake grown, reading condone were wore, whether contanstarkey or not. | Bore the ieton of eteccy, Itt the rte in your let ae te 90% that We, people eled on candles or rcastdaner tat sends you fo oppose lates to read, ye ewer peple sien is he quay of asd | needed gasses tht a et Myth: Reading in insufficient Myth: We only use about 10% of our brains Myth: Eating turkey makes people feel especially tired Some foods contain a natural sical called tryptophan, which is known to cause drowsiness. The myth is the idea that eonsurning turkey (and the ‘tryptophan it contains) might ‘make someone more likely to fall asleep. Actually, both chicken his myth appeared in the early twentieth century, when the | concept of selF-improvement was bor, The idea was that there are many abilities buit into our brains, but if we do nat develop them, we never learn haw to do them. This led to the belief that there ae parts of our brains that we co not use. However, scientific evidence shows that this is not the case. Brain scans hhave ravealad that there is no area of the brain that s silent or inactive. _Nobody who has examined the brain has been VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. illness and treatment besick burn choke cough cut faint hurt sneeze 1 The smoke from the fire made everybody — cough 2 Vm feeling a bit dizzy. think I'm going 3. 'mallergic to cats, They make me 4 Be careful! You'll your back ifyou try td Tife up thae wardrol 5. That knife is very sharp. Please don't Be careful! You mi yourself. The coven's really hot 8 Some people don't like eating fish because they're worried that they'll on the fish bones. Complete the dialogues between the patients and he doctor LP I'vegot a temperature and my body aches. D Ithink you've got fli 2. P Imtired and "ve got no energy. D It sounds lke you have low 1 P There's arash all over my bod You've probably to something 4. B thurt my wrist playing tennis and it's very swolle D You might have sor it 5 P Ithurts when talk and when! D You've gots th think you have f wo Clues across—> I Ifyou sprain your ankle, the best thing is to put one of 5 Youcan cake these tablets for an allergy ‘You can put this on a small cuton your fi Clues down 2. The doctor will give you these if you have an infection, 3 You can take these when you have a headache 4 Ifyou have a deep cut, you will probably need these to GRAMMAR present perfect simple and continuous Underline the correct form, are your parents | have your parents been married? 2 Nathan got the job, but h isn't yet started { hasn't 1eyou had ever | Have you ever had an op Kate has had a cold for {since last weekend. My son is las been late for school three times so far this week, 8 They only know [ hav only known each other fora week but they're already great friends. b_ Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect simple or continuous, Sor written_(not write) for ages, but | have) alat of work recently and | (be) to0 ‘exhausted to do anything in the evenings once | get home, Today is a bank holiday though, sal *__ (write) emails all day to try to catch up with all my fiends. Suses what! (move out) of my parents ousel (lve) in my new flat for a wack unpack) all ny beginning to Feel ike h me. You must come The bad newsis that | (split up) with sebastian. (travel) so much recently that we? (not manage) to see each other much and _ (meet) someone else. He's called Carl and he's a colleague frarn work. We " each other since the beginning of the summer. We (have) three’ 128 so fer andl really like him! Anyway, must go. lease wi Love soon and tell me all your news. 4 PRONUNCIATION iff, ki, ids/ and Aff; word stress ID the word with a different sound. pressure rash infection(chest) shower ache sick specialist chnlestern| allergic finger emergency injury choke temperature stitche: stomach uch consciousness operation shock bondage injection negative surgery b scen and check, Then the words, © Underline the stress in the words, 1 antibiotic 6 medicine eric 7 swollen 3 diarthoela 8 temperature 4 dizzy 9 5 headache 10 u a Listen and check. Then listen and repeat te words. LISTENING a Listen and complete the Emergency column of the & hat was the What was the emergency? treatment? Speaker 1 | aseriouscuton the head peaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 b Listen again and complete the Treatment column ofthe table Listen again with the tapescript on p.70 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don’t 1w. Then check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. alternative remedies brain (cumour) chest infection | heart rate hypochondriac | life-thr atening illness open heart surgery (mouth) ulcer under the weather Sa i sllcissuaes GRAMMAR adjectives as nouns, adjective order a. Complete the sentences with 1a The Chinese__won the most gold medals at the 2012 Olympics 3 Ireland >>>999>9999PP>PIIIDDDIIDDIIIDDIDDIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) mein my choice of career. 8 Harry wears shortsall the time _____ how bad the weather is. D>>>>>>D>dddD>D>>dddD>DDdddD>>>DDDDDdDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (1c With statistics tke these, itis hardly surprising that insurance companies are reconsidering the poticies they offer. And they are being backed by the EU. The European Court of Justice has recently passed a measure that prohibits insurance companies from taking gender into account when calculating the cost ofan insurance policy. The change serves to make one thing very clear a distracted driver isa dangerous driver, no matter what sex they are, [ID Asurveyoftwo thousand young AFiversinto the risks thay take onthe road revealed some suprising figures, Moe than athird of the girls who took partadmitted that they regularly read text messages from fiends and fais wile diving Nore tana quarter ofthese girls admitted answering the texts while they were behind the whet. In contrast, the boys did not seem so concerned about wi was trying tocontactthem. Amichsmallerrumber admitted to reading texts onthe road, and ny ten per cent sate that they would try to respond tothe message before stopping thecar 2 VOCABULARY expressions with take ‘Complete the My mother takes good care__of herself and still oc Katie believes in women’s rights. She takes gendler equality very s 3 My son loves drama so he always takes p school play 4 My husband takes his father ~ they're be passionate about football 5 My giel s very sensible. She doesn't ike taking 6 You don't have to fini can take your Vm taking w yoga because I need to learn relax 8 Ler'stake ad barbecue ofthe lovely weather and ha 9 We didn't take the rush hour traffic into ace 10 The Glastonbury Festival usually takes p the last weekend in june 3 GRAMMAR zero and first conditionals and future time clauses n't) form of the verbs in the box. be cook not rain 2 Plants die ifthey enough water 31 and see the doctor if I don’t fee! bette 4 fie will bs 5 Some dogs bite if they scared. 6 If wedon'tsell our house, we 7 ffustin 1, Karen will bi 8 My sist h this today. There's no hurry. You watching a film b_ Complete the sentences with the correct form o} the verbs. 1 Br bir Don’t call them now. They laneh: have) i if those people don't stop talking. (complain) 4 Ifyou tell me what's wrong, | anything. (not say) everything goes to plan, we work carly today. (finish) 6 Twon'tbe able to talk to youifl when youcall. (drive) 7 Ifyou Dan Brown's new book yet Tl buy you a copy for your birthday. (not read) 8 You'll ger werif you ‘an umbrella with you, (not take) © Complete the gapped sentence so that it means the same as the sentence (or sentences) before. Use a time expression from the box and no more than two other words. af before until when 1 T'll goto New York and I'll stay with some friends. T'lstay with some Friends when go to New York, 2 My boyfriend will arrive a his hotel, He'll call me immediately. My boyfriend will call me at Well arrive in time for lunch ifthe eraffieisn't bad. Well arrive in ime for lunch sbad. 4 'm going to call my husband. He might forget his doctor's appointment, F'm going to call my husband his doctor's appointment She's going to pack her suitcase. Then she'll go tobed She's to bed. oing to pack her suitease 6 They'll get married and then they'll ive together They won't live together married, 7 Vildo my Pilaces and then Tl have a shower 4 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stress in the words. I accident 3 advantage. 5 control 7 insurance 9 risky 2 account 4 altitude 6 decision 8 nightmare 10 sefety b STEVE Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. Copy the rhythm. 5 LISTENING 2 §@IEPAY Listen to part ofa radio programme where Andy Evans talks about bungee jumping and complete the sentences. You sometimes have to write more than one word. 1. The irst bungee jurnps originated on the island of Vanuatu, which is inthe 2 Young men called ‘and divers’ used to jump off platforms with vines tied to _ a 3 In 1979 Chris Baker and three friends jumped Clifton Suspension Bridge in the city off of _ alled a Be 4 Immediats ly after the team had jumped, they by police 5 However, people cartied on doing bungee jumps, especially in os 6 Many people did jumps from the us in San Francisco, 7 Some of the jumps were sponsored by 8 Fatalities sometimes occur when people use a bungee whichis 9 Calculations and fittings should be -checked before each jump. b Listen agai with the audio script on p.72 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don’t know. Then check in your dictionary. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these wordsand phrase | addicted to /sidiktid to fatal (accident) in advance asense of /o sens 0 for charity (I>: potentially atthe last minute (ct 00 fasst ‘main get caught (by the police) ‘get k risk break the speed limit got straight to the point takea GED GIP rie 4 READING Read the story quickly, How did Nicholas Joy survive the freezing conditions of Sugarloaf Mountain? Read the story again and choose the right answer. 1 Sugarloaf Mountai popular with skiers because, b itis freeat the weekend. ¢ itisina beautiful arca J because Nicholas 2. Nicholas and his father separ a goa different way. b sicdown and have rest nds. at che car park, Nicholas knew how to make snow cave because. a his father had taughe him b hehad seen someone doit on TV © he had been on a survival course, 4 ‘The first thing Joseph Paul did when he found Nicholas was to a call his parents, b givehim some food. take him back to the resort ‘Skiers who go missing at Sugarloaf have usually left the official eral 1b usually make their own snow caver. © usually have good survival skills extto match Find the words and phrases in the: def nitions 1-8, 1 people who are very interested in an activiey (paragraph 1) 1 somewhere (paragraph 2) 3 told everybody there wasan emergency (paragraph 2) 4 asmall river (paragraph 3) path through the country (paragraph 4) 6 ina position where the arms, legs and head are close to the body (paragraph 4) aaphrase meaning you aren't allowed to go there (paragraph 5) survive (paragraph S) ‘Adventure is just bad planning Explorer Roald Amundson, frst man ta reach the South Pole 41. Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine, USA, isone ofthe best ski resorts inthe county Thousands of winter sports ethusiasts head for the area during weekends and holidays to enjoy the breathtaking scenery [Mest of them go home exhausted but happy at the end ofa great day's sking. But notin the case of 17-year-old Nicholas Joy fem Massachusetts 2 Nicholas had gone skiing with his father in Sugarloat. Ie vasa Sunday, and they were on thelr way back down the mountain when Nicholas saw a shortcut. He decided to take the shortcut while his father continued onthe official path, They arranged to met back at the car park forthe drive home. ‘And that was the last his Father saw of him that day because Nicholas did't torn up a the car park. After walting for what he considered to be a reasonable time, Nichola's worred father ralzcd the alarm. A macsive search party was launched but itsoon began to snow heavily. Eventual, the search was called off 3 Meanwhile, Nicholas was desperate. He had got hopelessly lst, anc he realized that he was going to have to spend the night onthe mountain. Fortunately he fsa big fan of survival shows and so he kt hhow to make a snow cave. He founda sae place to bud his cave an riade a huge pile of snow with his skis, Then, he made a tunnel into the snow and dug outa hole to sit in, He covered the bottom with fallen pine branches and lay down inside. Whenever he was thirsty, he let the cave and drank water from a nearby stream, Then he returmed to his cave and waited tobe Found, 4 Rescue came two days later inthe form af snawmabiler Joseph Paul Me Paul was riding along a trail about six kilometres from the resort when he spoted Nicholas’ snow cave, He got of his snowmobile, inspected the cave and found Nichola cured up inige, After suing the hungry teenager some cheese crackers and peanuts, he tok Nicholas back tothe resort tobe reunited with is relieved parents '5 A warden at Sugarioaf confemtd that two or three groups of skiers, ‘90 missing on the mountain cach year. Like Nicholas, they are usualy found in areas that ae out of bounds. However, few of the rescued skiers are in such good shape because they lacks knowledge of survival sll ‘Tragically, some of them da not make ie through the night. 2 VOCABULARY feelings a How would you feel in these situations? Complete the ross => 1 Your daughter has ju Clues won a painting competition a friend o 4 IPs pouri 6 Youhavean exam tomorrow. ts that you didn't do well in 7 You've just told your p: Clues down 2 You weren't offered the job after you went for an 3. Someone told you that your new hairstyle makes you b_ Replace the underlined words with a suitable adjective from the box 1 Weare very excited to be 2 My mum was very confused by the touch sereen on he new phone 3 Pe h 4 And -ople were extremely shocked and disgusted when heard about the terr surprised she couldn'treact when she saw he Fire damage 6 Olivia was incredibly pleased when she got promoted 7 My brother was extremely upset when his wife left 3 GRAMMAR unreal conditionals (Complete the sentences with the words in the box, down gobsmacked scaredstiff shattered sick of 20 kilom nhe when I didn't get a place message at university. lcried for weeks. more popular ifhe didn’t take 2 would have gor cold if didh' take {hadn't takew a 4 Tdreally miss fou went f wo a 5 Matehad have more friends ifhe didn't complain all the time 6 Thad b i have been really disappointed ifL hadn't 7 You di wouldn't get blisters if you were wearing walkir 8 We wouldn't have come to Bangkok ifwe knew j had Emma wouldn't be so stressed if she didn’t have | ld’ hay ) Weswouldn't h stayed on the path, 0 much work a Write second and third conditional sentences. 1 Wedon't go walking because wedon't have much free time, fwe _haid_more free time, weil go walling more often, There wasn't much snow so we didn’t make We a snowman ifthere I didn’t know the water was $0 cold so I jumped in. 1 into the water if socold. 4 He doesn’t pass his driving test because he gers so Ithe sonervous, he his 5 Wegot lost because we didn't follow the path Ifwe the pa 6 Youger sunburnt by hey hadn't read the book so they didn't understand the film. They the film ifthey the book 8 [don't earn lot of money, so I can't buy my own flat. PRONUNCIATION word stress Complete the table with the words according to the stressed syllable, Then underline the words where “ed” adds another syllable to the word. astonished belwildered delighted devastated disapeointed hotrified offenided olverwhelmed stress on stress on stress on Ist syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable (RIG. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm UG} Listen and Gircla)the word where -edis pronounced diffe 1 usted confused 1d not fay 2 depressed exhausted gutted 3 shocked gobsmacked surprised 4 roleved frustrated tered 5 disgusted imitated shatter Listen and repeat the words. LISTENING GD Listen toa firefighter giving a ralk on house fires ata community centre and complete the notes. House fires. ™ Fires usually bresk out when people are Precautions. = Install 2? ‘and make an escape plan, = Don't smoke in the = Putt _ and where children can't get them, ® Don't leave cooking food unattended, especialy If there isa fire = Ifyou get trapped in your home, doors. = Put smoke out. "= Hold a damp cloth over your ® and __to protect your lungs. ® If you try to escape, itis best to crawl because the nearer you are to the floor the: ® Get out as soon as possible, don't try to save : or allthe or clothing under the doors to keep the airis Listen again with the audioseript on p./2 and try to sues the meaning of any words that you don't know ‘Then check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the: ewordsand phrases. challenge /tfielind keep calm /kizp kar life or death situation /a wef panie pen remote /t' set off (ona journey) ‘set of survival /so!var cask \ » SB It drives me mad! _ GRAMMAR wish + would Use the words to write sentences with wish + would. 1 1 that man /stop coughing wish that man would stop coughing. you J do the washing my sister | not borrow | my clothes ‘our neighbours / not park / outside our house my granny j get a hearing aid I the bus / come Write sentences with wish + would. 6 My boss really annoys me. She shouts all the time. Iwish_my boss wouldn't shout all th I'm fed up with my brother using my computer wish I'm really angry. You never help with the housework Lwish sometimes. Ican’t stand ic when my son stays in bed all day wish My ex-boyfriend is driving me mad! He calls me every day. Thate ie when you leave the bathroom in a mess, Never look back unless you are planning to go that way. Henry David Thoreau, author, poet and philosopher 2 VOCABULARY -ed /-ing adjectives and related verbs (Complete the made from the word in bold. rences with an adjective or a verb I These dark, winter days are very depressing depress Looking after my sister’s three small children is, for my parents. exhaust atthe moment because 3 She'sa bie ’s got too much work, stress ly me when people talk loudly on their mobile phones. infuriate Ethan was so driving cest. disappoine when he failed his I can't find my passport, which is bit 7 My gitlfriend is scared of flying. The idea of ting ona plane her. terrify 8 Wewere surprise visit from some old friends. delight when we received a 9. My son isa terrible loser. Not winning something really him. frustrate 10 Iwasso. when [called your boyfriend by the wrong name. embarrass Wi where his clothes are, annoy me when my husband asks me 12. His first visi eo the theatre him to cake up acting. inspire 3 READING a Read the article. Complete it with the missing, A- When. American journalist Kathryn Schule. was 29, she decided to-geta-attoo B Since then, Ms Schulz has found two ways of dealing with her C Apart from these four components, Ms Schulz also fle pain D Despite not having the effect that she had incended, Ms Schule’ tattoo has served to remind her of something else E_ Ms Schulz experienced all four components of regret that nighe IMs Schule’ eattoo is a compass b_ Read the whole text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false), 1 Kathryn Schulz had had no regrets until she got arattoo. T 2. The first emotion Ms Schule fele hat night wwasa kind of confusion, 3 By the time she got home, her wrist had stopped hurtis 4 Ms Schulz isn't the only American who regrets having a tattoo 5 In Ms Schulz’s opinion, regret usually disappears over time. 6 When Ms Schulz shows people her tattoo, they are usually horrified. 7 Ms Schultz, wanted a tattoo that reminded her ofthe places she travelled to. 8. She thinks regrets teach us to accept our mistakes. © Look atthe highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning, Then match them to definitions 1-10, the text 1 happening many times 2 a refusal co accepe that something unpleasant has happened é 3 witha mistake which means that itis not perfect 4 happening at exactly che same time as something else 9 confusion and surprise 10 abasic general idea regrets A. Unforcunately she regretced getting it as oon as she left the tattoo shop. Until then, she had been proud ofleading a life without regrets, She had gone through life working on the principle that you should always look forward and never look back. Burt that might, she remember ‘The frst one was denial and she spent the ist few hours saying to herself ‘Make it go away!’ The second was feeling of bewilderment in which she kept on asking herself How could I have done that” Te third was a desice to punish herself something along the lines of I could kick myself. The fourth is ‘something that psychologists call perseveration. This the hab ‘of focussing obsessively and repeatedly on the ‘A person whois Feeling regret has the fist three components going around in their head again and again, not only the physical pain of her tattooed wrist, but the emotional pain of knowing that she had done something incredibly stupa, «The firsts to take comforc in che fac chat she is noe alone. Figures show that around 17% of Americans regret geting rattoos at some poincin their ives. The second isto learn co laugh at herselt Humour and black humour play fundamental role in helping us come to terms with our regret. Apart from that, Ms Schule recognizes the value of sitting back and waiting for the pain cof regret ta go away. Time heal all wounds as the saying goes, anc in the case of regret this is most cercainly true, ‘Most people who see itare disappointed, because they don’ chink is that bac the problem is that she doesnt lke it She got the tattoo when she was of traveling an she was worried that she would forgee some of the lessons that she hhad learnt during that time. tis lesson that she wants to share \with other people. For her, the compass represented the ewo ideas in one image. Ic reminds her how import and simultaneously how important itis to know where you'e heading in life Me Schl lieves that f we have gras and dreams and if we love people, we should feel pain when things go wrong, Inher view, we need to learn to lave the flawed things that we create and tobe able co forgive ourselves fr creating them, Ms Schulz says that her experience has caught her that regret doesn't exist to remind us chat we did badly instead i i there to remind us that we know that we can do better. Feeling regret forthe very first time. ace same thing, nis to keep on exploring, 4 GRAMMAR wish + past simple or past perfect ‘Complete the sentences with the past simple or past perfect form of verb from the box. notbe can noteat getup have ive offer _notspent not work wea 1 Public transport is terrible around here, wish 4 Thardly ever see my boyfriend. wish he 5. I'm really disappointed. I wish they me 6 Tdlovetolive in Paris, wish] speak French, 7 T'mbroke. I wish | all my money 8 The weekend has flown by. I wish it_ Monday tomorrow 9 feel sick. I wish I that seafood last night 10 Pmeold. wish ajumpe 5 PRONUNCIATION -ed adjective ending: a Listen and write the adjectives in the ‘orrect column according to the pronunciation ‘amazed astonished confused disappointed embarrassed frustrated infuriated inspired ‘offended shocked stressed terrified d t Ad/ dog tie b Listen and repeat the adjectives paying attention to the pronunciation of the -ed endings. LISTENING Listen toa couple, Max and Blla, discussing the characteristics of different members of families. Write M (Max’s mum) or D (Max’ There are two adjectives which you don't need to use. Whois...2 C1 unwen 1 stubborn (7) helpfut | selfish n. What examples does Ella give of Max's behaviour? n with the audio seript on p.72and try to yeaning of any words that you don’t know check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn dese words and plirases. fall out (with sb) learn from (ami make up (aft It drives me mad love life (doing sth) regrets (n) ake up (an activity eg. yoga) FILES ny A How do yourecyle your organic waste? _ Je dont. ideally / Obviously /Cnfertunatelp t's impossible to do that where we live. 2. A Who'sin charge of emptying the bins in your house? B Amazingly / Gradually / Sadly, my teenage son always takes the rubbish out. 3. A How do you dispose of old electrical devices? B Actually / Eventually / Unfortunately i's nat usually a problem because | rarely buy new ones. 4. A What sort of things do you recycle? B Amazingly / Apparently / Basically, we try to recycle ‘as much as we can. 5. A Can you see any problems with recycling? B Actually / Anyway / Obviously, you need four different from tha bins in the kitchen, but apai itseasy, 6 A What happened to that beautiful ald vase you had? B Generally / Sadly / Strangely it broke, sa we had throw it away. 7 & Have they come to empty the recycling bins yet? B No, they haven't. They always core on Mondays, but basicaly /in fact / strangely they haven't been today READING Read the article about the zero waste policy in San Francisco. Complete it with the missing sentences, here is one sentence you lo not need A. Then there is the question of penalties. 34, it was discovered that was leftover food B When recycling was fist introduce he largest remaining kind of trash CC All kinds of trash can be found in these places from broken toys to unwanted CDs, and a lot af items that could have been recycled. 1D One of the few things that people are warned against putting here are plastic bags, which are nat biodegradable at al E He wants the city ta achieve 106 F The most commonly recycled items are glass bottle. et0 waste Glossary {gorbage, trash AmE: forrubbish Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. San Francisco: Zero Waste City Each year, Americans throw away about 250 milion tons of garbage. That’s roughly two kilos per person pec day, most of which ends up ing landfil site. *___ As well as being an eyesora, landfils create environmental damage and emit harmful greenhouse gases, whi have been shown to contribute to climate change. These concerns have prompted San Francisco and a handful af other cities to aim for 2 once-unthinkable goal: oro wast. In 2009, San Francisco became the fist city in the country to requite that residonts and businesses alike separate from their trash biodegradabie items, like food scraps, and recyclable goods, ike paper, metas, and plastic, into separate bins. And that has led toa big reduction in the amount of garbage headed to the endfill. The city’s new laws have helped to keen 80% of its waste away from lanfils, when the national average is 35%, However, the city mayo, Ed Lee, wants to go even further. San Francisco's 80-year-old private garbage company has recently invented a new name for itself: Recology. *___ This can be used to make a substance called compost, which can be added to sail to help plants glow. Su, Rewolayy sel abut building & ew composting facility on an enormous complex to the northeast of San Francisco, Here they tun al ofthe city's organic waste into rich compost that 's used by sore of the nation’s best vineyards. In the rest ofthe country, where composting is @ rarity, 97% of food waste is dsp of in landfills Surprisingly, it ist only food that residents are told to put into their cornpost bins; they are encouraged to putin all sorts of other {garbage 2 wal. This includes packaging whore meat has been sold food wrappings, paper napkins, tissues, used paper plates, and even milk cartons. In the right conditions, paper will biadegrade in two to four weoks. Compost bins provide these conditions beceuse they 2 warm and moist.“ However, Ed Lee has found a solution to this problem, too: he has banned them from the city. jot all San Franciscans are enthusiastic about Ed Lee's policy because they say itis costing them more. Since last year, residents have had to nay for ter reryeling an crmpsthins, as wel as their tresh bins. "___ Those who refuse to sort their garbag can face fines ranging from $100 to $1,000. Teams of workers from the city go round knocking on doots of rescents who, without realizing it, have had their garbage cans inspected by auditors early in the morning. The idea is to educate people on composting and recycling and answer any questions they may have, So fat, no fines have been imposed and only warnings have been given out, And city officials say thatthe more people know about zero wasta, the keener they ae to support the policy

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