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BIO104 - Study Guide For Zoology Exam 2

1. Mollusks belong to the Phylum _____________. (Mollusca)

2. Snails and slugs belong the Class _____________. (Gastropoda)
3. Clams and oysters belong to the Class _____________. (Bilvalvia)
4. Octopus and squid belong to the Class _________________. (Cephalopoda)
5. Gastropoda literally means ______________+ _______________. (stomach + foot)
6. Bivalvia literally means _______________+______________. (2 + valves)
7. Cephalopoda literally means ______________ + _______________. (head + foot)
8. List the 2 major body parts of a mollusk. (head/foot + visceral mass)
9. Do mollusk have a body cavity? (yes)
10. What mollusk body part is used for locomotion? (foot)
11. Which mollusk body part secretes its shell? (mantle)
12. What is contained inside the mantle cavity? (gills/lungs)
13. The "file" in the mouth is called the _______________ and is used for scraping food
items. (radula)
14. List mollusk food items. (algae, flesh from other animals, detritus)
15. List 3 senses that mollusks have that are considered advanced? (smell, vision, taste)
16. Which mollusks have a closed circulatory system? (cephalopods)
17. Which mollusks have an open circulatory system? (bilvalves and gastropods)
18. Which system has a heart, large vessels but no small vessels? (open circulatory system)
19. Be able to identify the parts of the snail diagram presented in lecture.
20. Snail shells were coiled to make the shells more _______________. (compact)
21. In snails, the mantle cavity has been shifted from posterior to anterior. This feature is
called ___________________. (torsion)
22. List 3 reasons why torsion has occurred. (clean water for gills, protects the head, points
sensory organs toward the anterior)
23. How do snails show a mutual interest in each other? (shoot each other with love darts)
24. What do certain nudibrachs have for protection? (nematocysts)
25. How do clams get their food? (filter feeding)
26. Which clam muscles are used to close their shells? (adductor)
27. Be able to identify the parts of the clam diagram presented in lecture.
28. Scallops served in a restaurant are really __________________. (adductor muscles from
bivalves called “scallops”)
29. Clam strips served in a restaurant are really ___________________. (foot from a clam)
30. Mother of pearl is used to make __________________. (jewelry)
31. Pearls are made of what chemical substance? (calcium carbonate)
32. How are pearls formed? (a broken piece of glass or shell is placed between the mantle
and the shell)
33. What layer of the oyster shell forms pearls? (mother of pearl)
34. Some bivalves have a parasitic larval stage called a __________________. (glochidium)
35. Who is the host for the glochidium? (fish)
36. List 3 examples of cephalopods. (octopus, squid, and Nautilus)
37. Be able to identify the parts of the squid diagram presented in lecture.
38. The foot of a squid has been modified into __________ and ____________.(arms and
39. Which cephalopod structure produces jet propulsion?(siphon or funnel)
40. The shell of a squid is called a ____________. (pen)
41. Does the Octopus have a shell? (no)
42. Which cephalopod has a chambered shell? (Nautilus)
43. What are the chambers filled with? (gas)
44. Another name for squid ink or octopus ink is called ___________. (sepia)
45. A squid releases ink for what purpose? (defense/smoke screen)
46. How do you know that cephalopods are predatory? What do they have that clues you in?
(a beak)
47. Who has the largest eyes in the world? (giant squid)
48. How big are squid eyes? (10 inches)
49. What is largest invertebrate? (giant squid)
50. How big is giant squid? (around 30 feet)
51. Which cephalopod has a deadly bite? (blue-ringed octopus)
52. Where is the blue-ringed octopus found? (Australian waters)
53. How does reproducton/fertilization occur in cephalopods? (male places a spermatophore
into the mantle of the female)
54. Is parental care advanced compared to other invertebrate animals? (yes)
55. Which Phylum contains the highest number of named species? (Arthropoda)
56. List 3 subphyla found in Phylum Arthropoda. (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Uniramia)
57. Horseshoe crabs belong to the Class ______________. (Merostomata)
58. Spiders belong to the Class _________________. (Arachnida)
59. Crabs belong to which Subphylum? (Crustacea)
60. Centipedes belong to Class ______________. (Chilopoda)
61. Millipedes belong to Class _______________. (Diplopoda)
62. Insects belong to Class _________________. (Insecta)
63. Who belongs to Subphylum Chelicerata? (spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, horseshoe
64. Who belongs to Subphylum Crustacea? (lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, pillbugs)
65. Who belongs to Subphylum Uniramia? (insecst, millipedes, centipedes)
66. Specialization of body segments is called ____________________. (tagmatization)
67. A segmented body is also called ____________________. (metamerization)
68. List 2 examples of metamerization and the body segments found in each. (head + thorax
+ abdomen or cephalothorax + abdomen)
69. Crustaceans/insect larva respire by _____________. (gills)
70. Spiders respire by ______________. (book lungs)
71. Insects respire by _______________. (trachea)
72. Arthropods have an exoskeleton made of ______________. (chitin)
73. The chitinous exoskeleton provides ___________________ and
_________________________ for the arthropod. (protection and strength)
74. The arthropod circulatory system is _________________ (open or closed). (open)
75. The arthropods have a blood cavity called a _________________. (hemocoel)
76. Arthropods shed their exoskeleton and this is called ______________. (ecdysis)
77. Why do arthropods shed their exoskeleton? (to grow)
78. Some arthropods have stages that undergo major change. This is called
__________________. (metamorphosis)
79. Which arthropod group has no antennae? (Chelicerata – spider group)
80. Spiders have fangs called ________________. (chelicerae)
81. Spiders also have little hands that hold food items. These little hands are called
______________. (pedipalps)
82. If pedipalps are enlarged like boxing gloves this indicates a _________________ (male
or female). (male)
83. Chelicerates have ________ pairs of walking legs? (4)
84. Comment on the metamerism of Chelicerates. (cephalothorax + abdomen)
85. Class Merostomata contains the __________________. (horseshoe crabs)
86. Class Arachnida contains the __________________. (spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions)
87. Silk in spiders is produced by ____________________ and is released from the spider's
body through ______________________. (spinnerets)
88. Spiders used silk to produce what? (webs and burrows)
89. How is silk drawn out of the spiders body? (by gravity-as the spider falls or by the hind
90. How strong is silk? (stronger than steel of the same diameter)
91. Can it stretch? (yes – 1/5 of its length)
92. List several different types of spiders. (tarantulas, wolf, crab, jumping, fishing etc)
93. Which spider has 6 eyes and a fiddle on its back? (brown recluse or fiddleback)
94. What type of venom does the fiddleback have? (hemolytic)
95. What is the genus for the fiddleback? (Loxosceles)
96. How do you identify a fiddleback? (3 pairs of eyes and a fiddle-like design on its dorsal
97. Comment on complications from a fiddleback bite. (mild to severe to occasionally fatal-
cavitation of tissue may result along with secondary infection)
98. Where do you find these spiders? (in older structures – houses where human activity is
infrequent such as a pantry, linen closet, or other closet)
99. Which spider has a black body and a red hour glass on the abdomen? (black widow)
100. What is the genus for the black widow? (Latrodectus)
101. Which type of venom does the black widow have? (neurotoxic)
102. What does the venom affect in your body? (causes smooth muscle of the
bronchioles to constrict = respiratory complications)
103. Comment on the black widow bite, statistics, etc. (4-5 bites in 1000 are fatal)
104. Scorpions pinchers are really modified ________________. (pedipalps)
105. In the U.S., where are the dangerous scorpions found? (Southwest deserts)
106. Which ones are found in the Southwest? (deadly sculptured scorpions and
slender-tailed scorpion)
107. Is their sting deadly? (it can be)
108. What is the rule of thumb for scorpion pincher size/venom strength relationship?
(large/strong pincher = less dangerous venom and small/weak or frail pincher = deadly
109. Our most common scorpion species is the ___________________ scorpion.
(Southern devil scorpion)
110. Is the sting dangerous? (no)
111. Harvestmen are also called _______________________. (daddy longlegs)
112. Demodex in dogs causes ___________________. (demodectic mange)
113. Red bugs are really ___________________. (chiggers or larval mites)
114. Another name for red bugs is ___________________. (chigger)
115. Scabies is caused by __________________ tunneling under the skin. (female
116. Is scabies contagious? (yes)
117. Ticks can cause ________________________ in dogs. (tick paralysis)
118. Where do you check your dog for tick paralysis? (along the spine)
119. Can ticks vector disease? (yes – rocky mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease)
120. In crustaceans, the first pair of walking legs are really _________________.
(chelipeds or pinchers)
121. Crustaceans have ____________ pairs of walking legs. (5)
122. Many of the crustacean appendages are biramous meaning they are
_____________. (forked or split)
123. Know the external and internal anatomy of the crayfish and be able to identify
these on the diagrams presented in lecture.
124. How do you determine if you have a male or female crayfish? (males have the
first pair of swimmerets hardened)
125. Which crustaceans are terrestrial? (isopods or pill bugs)
126. List several examples of crustaceans. (crayfish, lobster, blue crabs, barnacles,
127. Centipede literally means ________________ + _________________. (100 +
128. How many pairs of legs does a centipede have per body segment? (1)
129. How many pairs of legs does a millipede have per body segment? (2)
130. Are centipedes poisonous? (yes)
131. Are millipedes poisonous? (no)
132. Centipedes are __________________ (carnivorous or herbivorous).
133. Millipedes are __________________ (carnivorous or herbivorous). (herbivorous)
134. What are poison claws or who has them? (centipedes have them to inject
135. Insects have _________ pairs of walking legs and _________ pairs of wings. (3
and 2)
136. Diagram the metamerism of an insect and label the parts.
137. Insect exoskeleton provides 3 advantages. List them. (protection/strength,
=attachment point for muscles, covers the epidermis to prevent water loss, and location
for sensory structures)
138. Protection, levers, covering of epidermis, and sensory functions are all
associated with the _________________. (exoskeleton)
139. How does the exoskeleton store energy? (through torque/distortion)
140. How is this stored energy used? (to allow some insects to jump or fly)
141. Comment of the variety of mouthparts seen in insects - why is this an advantage.
(decreases competition)
142. Flies have __________________ mouthparts. (sponging)
143. Mosquitoes have ____________________ mouthparts.(piercing/sucking)
144. Butterflies have _____________________ mouthparts. (siphoning)
145. Grasshoppers have _____________________ mouthparts. (chewing)
146. The tracheal system may be used to conserve ____________ in a terrestrial
environment. (water)
147. Insect kidneys are called _____________________ tubules. (Malpighian tubules)
148. List the 3 stages of incomplete metamorphosis. (egg, nymph, adult)
149. Give an example of an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis.
150. List the 4 stages of complete metamorphosis. (egg, larva, pupa, adult)
151. Give an example of an insect that undergoes complete metamorphosis.
152. Nymphs are associated with which type of metamorphosis? (incomplete)
153. Pupa and larva are associated with which type of metamorphosis? (complete)
154. How are insects used in Forensic Entomology? (determine the amount of time a
body has been decomposing or possibly the cause of death – based on chemicals found
the larva)
155. What stage is typically used? (larva – maggot)
156. Starfish and their relatives belong to the Phylum ____________________.
157. Sea stars belong to Class ____________________. (Asteroidea)
158. Serpent stars, basket stars and brittle stars belong to Class
____________________. (Ophiuroidea)
159. Sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea biscuits belong to Class
____________________. (Echinoidea)
160. Sea cucumbers belong to Class ___________________. (Holothuroidea)
161. Starfish larva have ___________________ symmetry but adults have
_________________ symmetry. (bilateral, radial)
162. Echinoderm skeletons are made of ____________________ and
_____________. (spines and boney plates)
163. The echinoderm hydraulic system is called the _______________________
system. (water vascular system)
164. Echinoderms move around by using _________________. (tube feet)
165. Echinoderms develop by the ______________________ development pattern.
166. Echinoderms have ____________________ digestive system. (a complete)
167. If the mouth develops from the blastopore, this illustrates a ________________
development pattern. (protostomate)
168. Give 3 examples of groups that develop from the protostomate development
pattern. (worms, arthropods, mollusks)
169. If the anus develops from the blastopore, this illustrates a __________________
development pattern. (deuterostomate)
170. Give 2 examples of groups that develop from the deuterostomate development
pattern. (echinoderms and chordates)
171. In the Asteroidea, is the central disc clearly marked? (no)
172. The starfish "cleaning pinchers" are called _____________________.
173. What does the starfish used to apply a suction to a clam? (by using a water-
vascular system)
174. What does the clam used to keep its shell closed? (adductor muscles)
175. How does the starfish overpower the clam? (the starfish uses its water-vascular
system to fatigue the adductor muscles)
176. How does the starfish digest the clam's visceral mass (inside of the shell)? (by
inserting its cardiac stomach)
177. Can starfish reproduce asexually? (yes)
178. Can starfish regenerate lost arms? (yes)
179. ________________ is the ability to break off body parts and then regrow them?
180. Be able to label all diagrams presented in lecture on the starfish.
181. Which stomach has digestive secretions (pyloric or cardiac)? (pyloric)
182. What groove contains the tube feet? (ambulacral groove)
183. Is the starfish mouth on the oral or aboral side? (oral)
184. What is the drain plate for water vascular system? (madreporite)
185. In the Class Ophiuroidea, is the central disc clearly marked? (yes)
186. Which Class of Echinoderms has the highest number of species? (Ophiuroidea)
187. The Class Echinoidea contains which echinoderms? (sea urchins, sand dollars,
sea biscuits)
188. Sand dollars and Sea Urchins have 5 structures that may be shaped like doves
and are found on the oral side. What are they? (teeth)
189. What do sea urchins and sand dollars feed on? (algae, detritus, and some prey
190. Sea cucumbers belong to Class ____________________. (Holothuroidea)
191. Sea cucumbers resemble _______________________. (cucumbers)
192. The tentacles of a sea cucumber are associated with the __________ end (oral
or aboral). (oral)
193. What defense tactic does a sea cucumber have or use? (expel its guts)
194. Specifically, what does the sea cucumber evert or expel? (Cuverian tubules)
195. Why would Cuverian tubules be a threat to a potential predator? (they are sticky
and contain toxins or poisons)
196. What Phylum contains the Chordates? (Chordata)
197. Tunicates belong to Subphylum ______________. (Urochordata)
198. Lancelets belong to Subphylum _______________. (Cephalochordata)
199. Vertebrates belong to Subphylum ______________. (Vertebrata)
200. List the 4 Chordate characteristics. (notochord, dorsal tubular nerve cord,
pharyngeal gill slits, and postanal tail)
201. Which chordate characteristic is the support structure? (notochord)
202. What structure does our notochord develop into? (vertebral column)
203. What chordate structure does our spinal cord originate from? (dorsal tubular
nerve cord)
204. What chordate structure is seen in the neck region of adult sharks? (pharyngeal
gill slits)
205. What chordate structure develops into the tail of the shark? (postanal tail
206. Subphylum Urochordata contains __________________________. (sea squirts
or tunicates)
207. Are tunicates are sessile or free swimming? (adults are sessile)
208. Urochordata literally means _______________ + ______________. (tail + cord)
209. Tunicates or sea squirts have a protective adaptation. What is it? (tunic = tough
outer covering)
210. The only chordate characteristic found in adult sea squirts is
_____________________________. (pharyngeal gill slits)
211. Subphylum Cephalochordata contains _________________________.
212. Cephalochordata literally means ______________+_____________. (head +
213. Be able to label diagrams of tunicates and lancelets presented in lecture
214. Where are lancelets found? (in what type of environment would you go to find
them) (sandy bottoms along marine coastlines)
215. Fish belong to Subphylum ___________________. (Vertebrata)
216. Agnathans are _________________ fish. (jawless)
217. Gnathostomes are __________________ fish. (jawed)
218. Hagfish belong to Class _____________________. (Myxini)
219. Lampreys belong to Class _____________________. (Cephalospidomorphii)
220. Fish with a cartilaginous skeleton belong to 3 classes. Name them. (Myxini,
Cephalospidomorphii, and Chondrichthyes)
221. Which Class name means "Cartilaginous fish"? (Chondrichthyes)
222. Sharks, skates, and rays belong to Subclass _______________.
223. Ratfish and ghostfish belong to Subclass ________________. (Holocephali)
224. Fish with a bony skeleton belong to Class _________________. (Osteichthyes)
225. Ray-finned fish belong to Subclass ________________. (Actinopterygii)
226. Flesh-finned fish belong to Subclass __________________. (Sarcopterygii)
227. Agnathans have a body that resembles an ______________. (eel)
228. Do Agnathans have stomachs? (no)
229. Fish have hearts with ___________ chambers. (2)
230. Name the chambers found in a fish's heart. (auricle and ventricle)
231. The most primitive vertebrates are probably __________________. (hagfish)
232. Hagfish feed on _______________________ and therefore are called
scavengers. (dead fish)
233. Eelskin which is used in wallets is really ___________________ skin. (hagfish
234. What does hagfish skin contain that may demagnitize ATM cards? (heavy
235. Which Agnathans are parasitic? (lampreys)
236. The scientific name for the marine lamprey is _____________________.
(Petromyzon marinus)
237. What body of freshwater contains marine lampreys? (great lakes)
238. Where do lampreys spawn? (fresh water)
239. Where do lampreys develop as adults? (ocean or great lakes)
240. Be able to label diagrams of hagfish and lampreys that were presented in lecture.
241. Class Chondrichthyes contains ___________________ fishes. (cartilaginous)
242. Sharks contain an endoskeleton made of ___________________. (cartilage)
243. Sharks have a ______________________ tail. (heterocercal)
244. Do sharks have a swim bladder? (no)
245. What type of scales do sharks have? (placoid)
246. Placoid scales are made of 2 components. Name them. (dentin and enamel)
247. The Polynesians used shark skin as _________________. (sand paper)
248. Placoid scales resemble ________________. (teeth)
249. Be able to label shark diagrams presented in lecture.
250. Which cartilaginous fish has the ability to deliver electric shocks? (electric ray)
251. Which cartilaginous fish has a barbed spine at the base of the tail? (sting ray)
252. Osteichthyes have a ___________ skeleton. (boney)
253. List the 3 types of scales found in bony fishes. (ganoid = on gar, cycloid = on
bowfin, and ctenoid = on bass),
254. Which scale is found in gar? (ganoid)
255. Which scale type is found in bowfin? (cycloid)
256. Which scale type is found in bass, crappie, etc? (ctenoid)
257. A shark has a ________________ mouth? (terminal or subterminal)
258. A bony fish has a ________________ mouth (terminal or subterminal) (terminal)
259. Bony fish have a ___________________ tail. (homocercal)
260. Bony fish have a _____________________ to cover and protect their gills.
261. Do bony fish have swim bladders? (yes)
262. Be able to label bony fish diagram presented in lecture.
263. Ray-finned fish belong to Subclass _____________________. (Actinopterygii)
264. List several examples of ray-finned fish. (bass, crappie, tuna, salmon, catfish,
paddle fish, sturgeon, minnows etc)
265. Fleshy-finned fish belong to Subclass _____________________. (Sarcopterygii)
266. Give an example of a flesh-finned fish. (coelacanth, lung fish)
267. Where was the coelacanth first discovered? (off the coast of Madagascar)
268. Give the genus of the coelacanth. (Latimeria)
269. Which fish possess lungs and gills? (lung fish)
270. What do lung fish produce to survive long periods of drought? (slime cocoon)
271. Evolutionary biologists think that lobe-finned fish are thought to be a link between
___________ and _____________. (fish and amphibians)
272. ___________________ is a freshwater species that migrates to the ocean to
spawn. (catadromous)
273. Give an example of a catadromous species. (eel)
274. ___________________ is a saltwater species that migrates to freshwater to
spawn. (anadromous)
275. Give an example of a anadromous species. (salmon)
276. _________________ are animals that lay eggs. (oviparous)
277. Give an example of a oviparous animal. (fish)
278. _________________ are animals that bear live young because the young hatch
from eggs inside the mother's body and emerge. (ovoviviparous)
279. Give an example of a ovoviviparous animal. (guppies)
280. _________________ are animals that bear live young with the young developing
from a placenta. (viviparous)
281. Give an example of a viviparous animal. (some sharks)

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