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I. Why have you applied for this university?

State the reasons of your choice.

II. What are medical students`

 duties
 responsibilities
 challenges
 expectations.

III. Word association. What words associate with the word Medicine?


IV. Analyze the tag cloud. What words are relevant to Medicine, what words
should be ruled out:

V. Vocabulary:
Did you know?

Medicine, noun
1. any drug or remedy for use in treating,
preventing, or alleviating the symptoms
of disease;
2. the science of preventing, diagnosing,
alleviating, or curing disease;
3. any nonsurgical branch of medical

To medicine, verb =
to administer medicine to.

to give someone a dose /taste of his /her own

to repay or punish a person for an injury by use of the
offender's own methods.

to take one's medicine,

to undergo or accept punishment, especially deserved

e.g. He took his medicine like a man.

VI. Symbols of Medicine.

a. Read the article about the main symbols of medicine.

b. Speak about the relevance and significance of the main elements of the
symbols of medicine.

Today, two serpent motifs are commonly used to symbolize the practice and
profession of medicine. Internationally, the most popular symbol of medicine is the
single serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios (Latin, Aesculapius), the ancient Greco-
Roman god of medicine.
In Greek mythology, the Rod of Asclepius (sometimes also spelled Asklepios or
Aesculapius), also known as the asklepian, is a serpent-entwined rod wielded by
the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine. The symbol
has continued to be used in modern times, where it is associated with medicine
and health care.
However, in the United States, the staff of Asklepios (the Asklepian) and a
double serpent-entwined staff with surmounting wings (the caduceus) are both
popular medical symbols. The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and
features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often mistakenly
used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius. The two-snake
caduceus design has ancient and consistent associations with trade, eloquence,
trickery, and negotiation. Tangential association of the caduceus with medicine has
occurred through the ages, where it was sometimes associated with alchemy and
wisdom. The modern use of the caduceus as a symbol of medicine became
established in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century as a result
of documented mistakes, misunderstandings and confusion.

I. Read the text. Answer the following questions:

 What is doctors` job like?
 How do students get ready?
 What subjects do students study?

Doctors make people healthier. When people get sick, doctors figure out why.
They examine people, listen to them describe their health problems, and do tests to
see what is wrong. They give people medicine and other kinds of treatment. They
also give advice about diet, exercise, and sleep.
There are many kinds of doctors. Many doctors work long hours, at all times of
day and night. About 3 out of 10 physicians worked more than 60 hours a week in
2013. But doctors who work in small offices often have more time off. Doctors
sometimes have to rush to the hospital to deal with emergencies.
Becoming a doctor requires more training than most other jobs. It usually takes at
least 11 years to become a doctor: 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and
3 years working in a hospital. For some specialties, doctors may have to work in a
hospital for up to 8 years before they are fully trained.
To become a doctor, you should study Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy, and
Physiology. It is not easy to get into medical school. You have to do very well in
college and on medical school entrance tests.
Students spend most of the first 2 years of medical school in labs and classrooms.
They take lots of science courses. They also learn to ask patients the right questions
and how to examine them. They learn how to tell what sickness a patient has. In the
last 2 years, students work with patients and doctors in hospitals and clinics. After
medical school, doctors go to work in a hospital for a few years. They are called
residents. To be a resident, you must pass a test.
If you want to be a doctor, you should like to help people. You should also be willing
to study a lot.
You have to know how to talk to sick people. And you should be able to make
decisions and handle emergencies.

1. Doctors` job involves

2. Students ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. The main subjects ……………………………………………………………………………………………

II. Match the subjects and definitions:

Histology, Physiology, Anatomy, Chemistry, Physics, Biology

1. The science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially
with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and
behavior. /........................................../
2. The science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and
various elementary forms of matter. /..................................../
3. The science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and
force. /................................../
4. The branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living
organisms and their parts, including all physical and chemical
processes. /....................................../
5. The science dealing with the structure of animals and
plants. /................................/
6. The branch of biology dealing with the study of tissues. /........................................../

III. What are the most

essential qualities a doctor
should be endowed with?
Look at the adjectives below
and choose the most
important ones. Add up some
of your own.

Sociable, sly, gifted, wise, erudite, sharp-witted, clever, capable, intelligent,

ignorant, diligent, negligent, distracted, careless, industrious, skillful,
clumsy, deft, inexperienced, accurate, non-discriminative, agreeable, noble,
indecent, sincere, fair, honest, friendly, rude, hostile, hasty, bashful, brave,
respectful, impulsive.

IV. Make the profile of a good doctor using as many adjectives as possible.

Doctor`s Profile
I. Read the information about Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of
Medicine and Pharmacy.
II. Focus on the most important information and make an account of the
main achievements of Nicolae Testemiţanu SUMPh.

Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy is one of the

most important higher education establishments in the Republic of Moldova. It was
founded on the basis of Sankt-Petersburg Medical Institute nr. 2, evacuated during the
Second World War in Kislovodsk and then transferred to Chişină u with all the students
and academic staff under the name of State Medical Institute.
The Institute started its activity in October 1945 having just one faculty – the
Faculty of General Medicine, which had 13 departments with 996 students. The
educational process was accomplished by 130 teachers, including 15 Professors and 19
The foundation of Chişină u Medical Institute served as an impulse for
development of the medical higher education in Moldova as well as for the
consolidation of the health system in the republic.
In 1954 the Faculty of Pediatrics was founded, in 1959 – the Faculty of
Stomatology, in 1963 – the Faculty of Preventive Medicine and in 1964 – the Faculty of
Pharmacy. The necessity of training medical specialists after graduation contributed to
the appearance of the Faculty of Continuous Medical Training in 1962. In order to
create adequate conditions to carry out the scientific activity in a proper way, the
Central Laboratory of Scientific Research was founded the same year.
In 1965 the Institute ranked among other first–category higher education
institutions, and in 1967 it started to use differential training of medical specialists by
means of internship and residency.
From 1990 the Institute is named after Nicolae Testemiţanu (1927-1986) –
outstanding scientist, talented pedagogue and educator, chairman, good organizer and
leader in the field of public health, the person who highly contributed to the
development and organization of the health system in our country. He promoted the
ideas of sovereignty and independence of our republic.
In July 1991 Nicolae Testemiţanu State Medical Institute in Chişină u was
reorganized into University. In 1995 the establishment became Nicolae Testemiţanu
University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
In 1992, passing onto a higher level of training – postgraduate education of
medical and pharmaceutical specialists within residency programs, the Faculty of
Residency was founded. Due to the conscientious work of the academic staff and the
rich scientific experience, the academic system has been in a continuous change and
improvement. This qualitative development and great success obtained internationally
place the University among the 50 best medical shools in Europe. The diploma of
Nicolae Testemiţanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy is recognized throughout
the world.
At present, Nicolae Testemiţanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy is a higher
education establishment of international prestige, which trains medical specialists
taking into consideration modern concepts and complying with international
requirements of training future medical specialists. Within the framework of the
undergraduate education there are the following faculties: the Faculty of General
Medicine (including the speciality of Pediatrics), the Faculty of Stomatology, the Faculty
of Preventive Medicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Department of Pre-university
training (for foreign students); at the level of the postgraduate education: the Faculty of
Residency, Improvement of Medical Specialists (On-going Training) and Master’s
Degree, Doctorate and Post-doctorate programs.
The training is accomplished according to the modern curricula, emphasizing
effectively the values, methodology and didactic elements: tradition, advanced
concepts, analysis and synthesis skills, discipline and highly motivated attitude; the
conditions for prodigious and creative ways of education.
The noble mission of preparing young academicians belongs to the academic staff
of the university remarked by their intellectual potential. Within 79 departments and
16 scientific laboratories there are 1000 specialists, including 15 academicians and
corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova,
honorary members of academies of other countries, 150 professors and 584 PhDs in
medicine, 21 Laureates of the State Prize in the field of science and technique. Along
with the educational and academic activity this potential allows to maintain
collaborative relations in the field of medical science and practice with more than 140
clinics and universities.
At the present moment Nicolae Testemiţanu MPhU has a well-equipped
technical-material base, a rich collection of scientific medical literature and up-to-date
informational sources, respected and valuable traditions meant for education of the
young generation.
During the 75 years of its activity the university has trained over 32 thousand
doctors and pharmacists. Now more than 5500 students from Moldova and other 26
countries are pursuing their medical studies at the departments located in 35 modern
hospitals and clinics.
Today the university, through its activity, confirms the prestige of the national
medicine and contributes greatly to the development of the national health system and
universal medicine, being one of the outstanding medical establishments in Europe and
the whole world.

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