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Test Paper
1. Read this article by an American singer and answer the questions below it.

A. I’ve been singing almost all my life. When I was at junior school I sang in the church choir
and the school choir. My mum plays the piano so I could practice at home as well as with the
choir master. When you sing a lot of different kinds of songs you get to know which ones
you like more, which ones are easier to sing and which ones audiences appreciate more.
B. But I never thought of music as my vocation. I wanted to make aeroplanes. I studied
technical drawing at school and went on to study aeronautical engineering at college. There
was a band at college, of course, and we did gigs for the dances and parties and things. I went
on with voice lessons but when my teacher wanted me to sing Mozart and Wagner I found I
lost interest.
C. Then one day I came home for the vacation and found an old college friend of my mum’s
was staying. He heard me singing in the shower and asked if I sang a lot. He owns a
recording company so he wanted me to do a demo disc and we chatted about what a kind of
song and contracts and so on. When we made the disk and I took home a copy, my dad heard
it and liked it. That was a surprise because he never talked about my singing or offered an
opinion on it. But that day he liked what he heard and he called his brother, who runs a radio
station, and that was that. I was on the radio over and over again that week and the song
began to get known. It was amazing.
D. So parents can be quite useful, sometimes. But I’m still planning to build the aircraft of the
21st century….

Mark these sentences about the passage with T (true) or F (false):

a. This singer stopped singing for a long time after junior school.
b. The singer’s mother played the piano while he sang.
c. The singer only thought of singing as a hobby.
d. The singer took lessons in singing Mozart when he was at school.
e. An old college friend of his mother’s came to stay and then the singer arrived home on
f. His dad was always telling people what he thought about his son’s music.
g. It was thanks to a television station that the singer’s first song became a success.
h. The singer has decided not to go on singing.
2. Match the words to form job titles:
1. make-up a. artist
2. bus b.pilot
3. airline c. driver
4. shop d. agent
5. computer e. assistant
f. programmer

3. Choose the correct modal verb:

a) Daniel can/could ride a bike when he was 7.
b) May/Might I use your phone, please?
c) You should/shouldn’t eat fast food.
d) You must/mustn’t have 18 years old to have a driving licence.
e) You should/might drink a lot of water every day.

4. Write the sentences with must, mustn’t or can, plus the verb given:
a. No food in here! (eat)
b. Sandwiches are OK in the library. (eat)
c. Do not walk on the grass! (walk)
d. Always look before you cross the road. (look)
e. Drinks are OK in the bedrooms. (drink)

5. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t or don’t/doesn’t have to:
a. When planning a trip by plane for the first time you ………………. listen to the advice of
b. Superman ……………………… travel by plane. He can fly himself.
c. When you travel by plane you ………………….. forget your ticket.
d. You ………………… also have your passport with you.
e. When you are on the plane you…………………… ignore the cabin crew’s instruction.
6. Circle the correct answer:
 EXAMINATION RULES : 1.No dictionaries 2. Cans/Bottles of cold drinks are OK. 3.No
hot food or drinks.4.Remember your pen.
a) You must/mustn’t take a dictionary in the examination.
b) You must/mustn’t take any food to the examination.
c) You can/ mustn’t have a cup of coffee in the examination.
d) You must/can take your pen to the examination.
e) You can/can’t eat anything in the examination.

7. Match the two parts and write sentences using should(n’t) or ought(n’t) to:
Go to the disco tonight (should) C

You shouldn’t go to the disco tonight. You’ve got an important examination at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
1. Leave now (ought to)
2. Eat some fruit every day (should)
3. Eat a lot of chocolate (ought to)
4. Phone your grandmother (ought to)
5. Wear your old jeans to the party (should)
6. Go to the disco tonight (should)
a. They’re dirty.
b. The last bus goes in ten minutes.
c. You’ve got an important examination at 9 a.m. tomorrow
d. It’s not good for you.
e. It’s good for you.
f. It’s her birthday today.

8. Fill in the correct comparatives and superlatives of the adjectives:

Good Bad
Beautiful Hot
Crowded Tall
Expensive Useful
Dry Slow
9. Choose the correct comparative form:
a. Those earrings are nicer/more nice than these ones.
b. Ann is more beautiful/beautifuler than Mary.
c. Today is hotter/more hot than yestarday.
d. Kelly is popularer/more popular than Jill.
e. I’m taller/more tall than my brother.

10. Complete using the correct form of the adjective in brackets:

a) I am ________________________ than I used to be. (AMBITIOUS)
b) Clouds float in the sky because they are ________________________ than air. (LIGHT)
c) Jay is the ________________________ footballer in my team and he plays very fair.
d) China is the ________________________ country in the world. (POPULATED)
e) Fossil hunters have found bones from the ________________________ dinosaur ever to be
discovered in the UK. (BIG)
f) Antarctica is the ________________________ place in the world. (COLD)
g) The students ask ________________________ questions than they did before.

11. Complete the sentences with the correct word: turn (x2), open, plug, press (x3), put,
push, close:
a. First of all, you ……………….. it in.
b. You ………………. it on, of course.
c. ……………….. the power button on the top of the machine.
d. ……………….. the CD tray.
e. ………………….. the lid gently.
f. When you’ve done that, ……………….. your CD in.
g. Then ……………… the tray. Just …………….. the lid down.
h. ………………. the play button.
i. ……………….. the volume control to the right.

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