Topic-18: Static Electricity: Electrostatic Phenomena

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Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity

Topic-18: Static Electricity

Static electricity is the buildup of an electrical charge on the surface of an object. it is called “static
charge” because charges remain in one area until it is able to move away from the surface of object.
Electrostatic Phenomena:
When two objects rubbed together, they get ability to attract small pieces of paper. Due to friction
electrons transferred from one object to another and become charged. This is called electrostatic
 The object which lose electrons, become positively charged
 The object which gain electrons, become negatively charged

Electrostatic experiments:


The pith ball moved toward

glass rod after rubbed with


 Like charges always repel each other

 Unlike charges always attract each other
 Only two kinds of charges exist

(Topic 18)1 Compiled by Shehzad Ehsan
Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity
Explanation of charging in term of electron movement:
Matter is made up of atoms. Each atom has negatively charged electrons orbiting around nucleus which
consists of positively charged particles called protons and neutral particles called neutrons.
When two objects rubbed together, electrons transferred from one object to another. The object which
lose electrons becomes positively charged. The object which gain electrons becomes negatively charged.
Measurement of Charge:
Electric charge is measured in coulombs. SI unit of charge is coulomb (c) Q = charge

Q =It I = current

T = time
 Coulomb is defined as the quantity of electric charge that passes
through given section in circuit when a steady current of one ampere flows for one second.
 The charge of electron is 1.6 x 10-19 coulombs
 6.25 x 1018 electrons are required to make up one coulomb
Electric Field:
An electric field exists in a region of space where a small positive charge experiences an electric force.
 Strength of electric field is defined as the number of field lines per unit positive charge
Representation of electric field:
Lines of force are used to represent the direction of an electric field.

(Topic 18)2 Compiled by Shehzad Ehsan
Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity
Separation of charge by Induction (To charge two conductors by induction):
Induction is the process of charging a conductor without any contact with the charging body.
Step-1: The two conductors (metal spheres) on insulator stands are brought into contact with one
another as shown below.

Step-2: A negatively charged rod is brought near to sphere A. This causes the electrons from A to be
repelled to the farthest side of sphere B. Under this condition sphere A get excess positive charge due
electron loss, while B has excess negative charge due to gain of electrons as shown below.

Step-3: Keeping charged rod in place, the metal spheres A and B are separated using insulated stand.

Step-4: The sphere A will now have positive charges and B will have equal negative charges

 The charge of rod will remain unchanged.

(Topic 18)3 Compiled by Shehzad Ehsan
Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity
To charge a single conductor:
Step-1: Bring a positively charged rod close to conductor held by an insulating stand as shown below

Step-2: The free electrons in conductor will be moved toward end of conductor where positively charged
rod placed leaving the other end to have excess positive charge.

Earthing mean connect a device to ground.

It is used to prevent electric shock and

discharge an object

Step-3: Keeping rod still in place, the conductor is earthed. Electrons move from earth to conductor and
neutralize the excess positive charge. Now conductor will carry an excess negative charge.

Step-4: Remove earth from conductor by keeping rod in place. And then remove the rod. Negative charge
will redistribute evenly on the surface of conductor.

Conductors conduct electrical current very easily because of their free electrons.
Most metals are considered to be good conductors of electrical current. Copper is just one of the more
popular materials that is used for conductors.

(Topic 18)4 Compiled by Shehzad Ehsan
Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity

Insulators are materials that have just the opposite effect on the flow of electrons. They do not let
electrons flow very easily from one atom to another. Insulators are materials whose atoms have tightly
bound electrons. These electrons are not free to travel around and be shared by neighboring atoms.
Some common insulator materials are glass, plastic, rubber, air, and wood.

The electroscope:
Dear students recall that we studied how two objects become charged by rubbing due to friction, To
check that weather object is charged or not, To check that object is positively charged or not and To check
that object is negatively charged or not, a device is used is called electroscope.
Detection of charge.
Initially electroscope is neutral, when charged rod brought near to the brass cap the free electrons from
brass cap and gold leaves are attracted to brass cap leaving the excess positive charge on gold leaves. This
causes the gold leaf to diverge. In this way we conclude that rod is charged.

(Topic 18)5 Compiled by Shehzad Ehsan
Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity
Positive or not?
Initially electroscope is positively charged, when charged rod brought near to the brass cap the
divergence of gold leaf increases, we conclude that the charge on rod is positive.

Negative or not?
Initially electroscope is negatively charged, when charged rod brought near to the brass cap the
divergence of gold leaf increases, we conclude that the charge on rod is negative.

Applications of electrostatic:
It is used in Flue ash removal (electrostatic precipitator)
It is used in High voltage generator
It is used in spray painting
It is used in photocopier
Hazards of electrostatic:
Fire and explosion

(Topic 18)6 Compiled by Shehzad Ehsan
Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity

Formulas used in this topic are:

Q = It Charge = Current x Time

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Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity

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Physics 5054 /O level /Handouts/ Topic-18/Static Electricity

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