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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering
Catbalogan City

Activity 1: Problem Identification

Name: _Leader: Ronnie O. Orale; Members: Christian V. Martinez, Lemar B. Rapanan, Elmar Rapanan,
Harold Martin, Francis Arben Romar Almaden __ Course: _BSCE – 5A_______________
Topic of Interest/Field(s): __ENVIRONMENTAL ____________________________

Problem 1: The effect of waste cracked-glass as an alternative aggregate in concrete mixture.

Sand and aggregate mining has a great impact to our environment, for thousands of year sand
and gravel have been used in constructing a structure, today demand of sand and gravel continue to
increase. The problem is; it causes undercutting and collapse of river banks, loss of adjacent land and
great disturbance of water habitats (Fred Pearce, 2019).

In Southeast Asia (Indonesia) around 400 million cubic metres are thought to be illegally
exported each year (Kaliptra, 2001) (
community-resources). Waste management is becoming a major issue for communities worldwide,
population levels around the world are increasing rapidly, resulting in unprecedented levels of waste
material (e.g. cracked glass bottles) (M. Adaway & Y. Wang, (2015).

Many attempts have been made to try to use mixed waste glass as an aggregates in concretes,
but have been plague by cracking problems (Schmidt and Saia, 2005). The addition of waste cracked
glass in concrete mix has been found to decrease concrete slump, yet the workability was still deemed
sufficient adequate without the need of admixtures at for replacement levels up to 50% (Taha and
Nounu, 2008).

There is a possible way to lessen the consumption of gravel or sand through recycling some
other materials like waste cracked-glass of bottles as a substitute or add mixture to aggregates (Sadoon
Abdallah, 2011). In order to study of waste cracked glass as partial replacement for aggregates it is
needed to make three different concrete mixture samples to being use for the 7 and 28 day compressive
strength test, respectively (M. Adaway & Y. Wang, 2015).

By analyzing the effect of waste cracked-glass in using as a concrete mixture if it is applicable as

a substitute for aggregates if it can carry applicable strength, Tomas U. Ganiron (2014). This study
sought to identify the effect of implementing waste glass as partial replacement for aggregates in
structural grade concrete. This would result in a twofold benefit for the environment, reducing the
consumption of raw materials and diverting additional waste form land fill, (M. Adaway & Y. Wang,
Problem 2: The remodelling and management of water distribution network in urban areas

Modern water distribution networks (WDN) are complex and difficult to manage due to
increased level of urbanization, varying consumer demands, ageing infrastructure operational cost, and
inadequate water resources (Oladipupo Bello et al., 2019).
Water distribution networks is important component of any water supply system accounting up
to 80% of total cost of the system (kleiner and Rajani, 2000) and as a result operation and maintenance
cost may soar higher if they are poorly designed, hence the need to have a well planned, designed and
constructed water distribution network cannot be over emphasized especially because of its importance
to industrial growth and water’s crucial role in society for health, fire fighting and quality of life
(Taigbenu and llemobade, 2006).

The available water sources throughout the world are becoming depleted and this problem is
aggravated by the rate at which population is increasing, especially in developing countries. Currently,
some 30 countries are considered to be water stressed, of which 20 are absolutely water scarce. It is
predicted that by this year, the number of water scarce countries will be likely approach 35 (Rosegrant
et, al., 2002). It has been eliminated that, one third of the population of the developing world will face
severe water shortages by 2025 (Seckler et al,. 1998). In addition to limited water resources, the lack of
safe drinking water and sanitation are the most serious challenges of the twenty-first century. Over 1
billion people lack access to clean water, nearly all of them live in developing countries. Yet, 2.6 billion
people, 40% of the world population, half the developing world lack even a simple improve latrine
(Elimelech, 2006; UNICEF/WHO, 2004).
The prevailing water stress in many developing countries is not only due to source limitation
but other factors such as poor distribution efficiency through the city networks and inequalities in
service provision between the rich and poor (UN-HABITAT,1999). One of the main reasons is the high
rate of water losses form the distribution systems. In many cases the water loss reflect the inefficiency
of the management of the water supply systems. Any reduction in water losses, requires coherent
action to address not only technical and operational issues bur also institutional, planning, financial and
administrative issues (WHO, 2000).

The problem of water scarcity in urban areas of the developing countries is a major concern. It is
estimated that by 2050, half of the India’s population will be living in urban areas and will face acute
water problems (Singh, 2000). It was reported in 2002 that about 1.1 billion people were still using
water from unimproved sources, and two thirds of these people lived in Asia. The number of people
without improved water sources in China alone is equal to the number of un-served in all of Africa
In developing countries, rapid population growth and urbanization is creating an added
demand for housing, infrastructure services including sanitation services. Providing sanitation services
especially for the poor who are living outside the designated residential areas like illegal settlements or
slums is a challenge. The World Bank estimates that almost 26% of the global urban population, over
400 million people, lack access to the simplest latrines (World Bank, 2000).

Several studies have been carried out on water distribution networks, but there is no study that
has clearly presented the review of management problems in water distribution network as well as
mathematical models and approaches to solve them, (Oladipupo Bello et al., 2019).
The threat to water resources has brought into focus the urgent need for planned action to
manage water resources effectively as it is widely acknowledged that water is a major limiting factor in
the socio- economic development.

By conducting a study like they did in the foreign country, perhaps it needed to be more to be
pressurize in order to prevent the backflow of water by designing the suitable best materials(Yoshioka,
1989) capable supplying water at all the intended places with sufficient pressure head. Also by
optimization in order to control the pressure so that the water leakage may reduce.
For a water distribution system to satisfactorily meet the above intended purposes, its
hydraulics and design must be adequate and should be constructed and operated that the chances for
contamination of the water after it has entered the system are reduced to a minimum(Camp and
Tawler, 1969). A hydraulic analysis of a water distribution network is required to determined the
pressured contours and flow pattern of the system(Sincero and Sincero, 1996) and it involves
determining the flow rate and head loss in each pipe and pressure at critical points in the system under
the different demand conditions (Quasim and others, 2000).
In order to meet future challenges, there needs to be a shift in the way for managing of urban
water systems. This paradigm shift must be based on several key concepts of urban water management,
namely that: water is a cycle and hence consider water interventions over the entire urban water cycle;
consider the way water is used and reused; promote greater application of natural systems for water
and wastewater treatment.

During the recent years, the scientific community has produced a large number of innovative
methods which can offer significant improvements in the design of water distribution system. Apart
from the improvements of well known solvers for the analysis of WDSs (Jeppson, 1976; Larock et al.,
2000; Lancey and Mays, 2000; Tsakiris and Spiliotis, 2010), a more realistic description of the conditions
of nodal demands and roughnesses of pipes and their variability can also add significantly to the
accuracy of the derived results (Xu and Goulter, 1996; Spiliotis and Tsakiris, 2012. With the sufficient
pressure and better pipe networking, water can be equally distributed to the community, O. Oyedele
Adeosun, Obafemi Awolo University (2014).
Problem 3: Design and development of household wastewater (grey water) treatment using lava rock

Waste water can be harmful to society and also to the environment, it can cause illness like
diarrhea or stomach pain to human, and can harm the living species in the water (e.g. fish), M W.
Watermark, L.L.C. (2019).

As a population rising, the growth of household waste water is also rising, due to it, many river
here in the Philippines (e.g. Pasig River) become polluted, Helen Fitzgerald (2019). “Today, our rivers are
facing threats and challenges that we, as stewards of mother nature’s assets must address,” Senator
Drillion said.

Yes the past studied showed that using two step crushed lava rock for reducing the
contaminated water is effective to reduce the pollution in grey water by Niwagaba F. et al. (2014).
Decentralized grey water treatment in urban slums using low-cost and robust technologies offers
opportunities to minimize public risks caused by the highly polluted grey water, however there has been
very limited action research to reduced the pollution load from uncontrolled grey water discharge by
household in urban slums.

By improvising the lava rock as a purifier of wastewater with constant HLR (hydraulic loading
rate), to absorb the unwanted waste chemicals and bacteria present in the water, (A. Y. Katokiza, 2014).
Reduction of gray water pollution load into environment by the low technology crushed lava rock results
in reduced to public health, (Isunju et al., 2011; Okun, 1998)

By designing and improvising this material (lava rock), it can be expected that the filtration
process increased the pollutant removal efficiencies according to the study in Makere University in 2014.
To determine the main filter design and operation parameters and the effect of intermittent flow on the
grey water pollution load using a lava rock filter, (A. Y. Katokiza, 2014).

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