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Letters to the Editor

Combined Transcranial Magnetic At the start of treatments, her Hamilton 9. Figiel GS, Epstein C, McDonald WM,
Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Beck Amazon-Leece J, Figiel L, Saldivia A, and others.
Stimulation and Right Unilateral The use of rapid-rate transcranial magnetic
Depression Inventory (BDI) scores were 35
Electroconvulsive Therapy in and 55, respectively. On Mondays,
stimulation (rTMS) in refractory depressed patients.
J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 1998;10:20 –5.
Patients With Treatment- Wednesdays, and Fridays, she received 10 10. Triggs WJ, McCoy KJ, Greer R, Rossi F, Bowers
Refractory Depression ECTs (RUL placement, pulse width 1.0 ms, D, Kortenkamp S, and others. Effects of left frontal
transcranial magnetic stimulation on depressed
Dear Editor: Treating patients with 60 to 90 Hz, 3 to 4 seconds, and 800 mamp mood, cognition, and corticomotor threshold. Biol
refractory depression is a common chal- with Mecta [Tualatin, Oregon: Customs Psychiatry 1999;45:1440–6.
lenge for psychiatrists. There are several Systems Associates]). On Tuesdays and 11. Pascual Leone A, Rubio B, Pallardo F, Catala MD.
Thursdays, she received high-frequency Rapid-rate transcranial magnetic stimulation of left
reasons for this. First, a substantial portion dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in drug-resistant
of patients starting pharmacologic treatment TMS (that is, 20 trains of 12 Hz stimulation depression. Lancet 1996; 348:233–7.
either fail to respond or cannot tolerate the with a train of 8 seconds at 110% of motor 12. Klein E, Kreinin I, Chistyakov A, Koren D, Mecz
drug (1,2). Even among responders to anti- threshold) over the left prefrontal cortex L, Marmur S, and others. Therapeutic efficacy of
and low frequency (that is, 2 trains of 1 Hz right prefrontal slow repetitive transcranial
depressants, residual symptoms are com- magnetic stimulation in major depression: a
mon (3) and have been shown to be stimulation with a train duration of 60 sec- double-blind controlled study. Arch Gen Psychiatry
associated with a greater likelihood of onds and an intertrain interval of 3 minutes) 1999;56:315–20.
relapse and a poorer prognosis (4). over the right cortex. At the end of our 13. Pridmore S. Substitution of rapid transcranial
course, her depression remitted, with HDRS magnetic stimulation treatments for
electroconvulsive therapy treatments in a course of
Although combination and augmentation and BDI scores dropping to 4 and 11, electroconvulsive therapy. Depress Anxiety
treatments are useful in patients with resis- respectively. She was discharged home. Her 2000;12:118–23.
tant depression (5,6), over one-third do not Mini-Mental Status Exam Score was 28 out
benefit from multiple combination. The of 30. G Abraham, MD, FRCPC
addition of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Kingston, Ontario
still considered to be the treatment of choice Discussion
for severe depression, alone or with other
Despite the advances in treatment of depres-
pharmacologic agents, leaves 40% of
patients with marked depressive
sion, 10% to 30% of all depression patients Re: Treatment Noncompliance
remain refractory to treatment. Although With Orally Disintegrating
symptomatology (7,8).
ECT is still considered the treatment of
choice for severe depression, there is no con- Olanzapine Tablets
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
has been shown to improve depressive sensus or guideline suggesting the next steps
Dear Editor: Dr Freudenreich reported on
symptoms both in uncontrolled (9,10) and for patients who do not tolerate or do not
the case of a woman, aged 52 years, with
in sham-controlled studies (11,12). respond to a course of ECT. We are there-
chronic schizophrenia and covert noncom-
Pridmore substituted rapid TMS treat- fore describing a treatment-refractory patient
pliance with the orally disintegrating for-
ments for right unilateral (RUL) ECTs, with depression who obtained full remission
mulation of olanzapine (1). The patient was
showing that the TMS-substituted group for the first time with a combined treatment
able to “cheek” the medication wafer
did as well as the group that continued to of ECT and TMS. The combined treatments
behind her front teeth near the gum line.
receive ECT (13). were well tolerated.
Consequently, no clinical improvement was
We describe below the first successful use observed. Once this was discovered, the
of combined RUL ECT and bilateral TMS. References patient was placed on haloperidol
decanoate. Dr Freudenreich concluded that
1. Fava M, Davidson KG. Definition and epidemiolgy fast-dissolving medication is no substitute
Case Report of treatment-resistant depression. Psychiatr Clin N for parenteral medication.
Am 1996;19:179–200.
The patient is a woman, aged 39 years, Although adherence to medication is an
2. Fawcet J, Barkin RL. Efficacy issues with
referred to the mood disorders service for antidepressants. J Clin Psychiatry 1997;58(Suppl important concern, parenteral medication is
treatment resistance. Under our care, she 6):32–9. not always the answer. Treatment compli-
received adequate trials with serzone; 3. Nierenberg AA, Keefe BR, Leslie VC, Alpert JE,
ance to haloperidol decanoate is not guaran-
clomipramine augmented by cytomel, lith- Pava JA, Worthington JJ, and others. Residual
symptoms in depressed patients who respond teed if the patient fails to attend clinic
ium, and risperidone; phenelzine; parnate acutely to Fluoxetine. J Clin Psychiatry appointments. Moreover, haloperidol is
up to 100 mg daily augmented by quetia- 1999;60:221–5. inferior in terms of effects on negative
pine; mirtazapine with topiramate and 4. Fava M, Kaji J. Continuation and maintenance
symptoms, cognition, and mood, compared
lithium; fluoxetine and tryptophan; nortrip- treatment of major depressive disorder. Psychiatr
Ann 1994;42:281–90. with atypical antipsychotics (2). It is possi-
tyline; and citalopram augmented by 5. Nelson JC. Augmentation strategies in depression. ble that, by persisting with a treatment
lamotrigine. A full course of bifrontal ECT J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61(Suppl 2):13–9. course of an atypical antipsychotic,
was associated with severe cognitive distur- 6. Delgado PL, Price LH, Charney DS, Heninger GL. improvements in overall well-being, includ-
bances and only partial response. Efficacy of Fluvoxamine in treatment refractory
depression. J Affect Disord 1998;15:55– 60.
ing cognition and mood, may lead to
7. Thase ME. Treatment of severe depression. J Clin improved insight and a better functional
Our patient, who had shown a partial
Psychiatry 2000;61(Suppl1);17–25. outcome.
response when participating in a bilateral 8. McCall WV. Electroconvulsive therapy in the era of
TMS study, was offered an open trial of modern psychopharmacology. Int J We have also observed the “cheeking” of
RUL ECT and bilateral TMS. Neuropsychopharmacol 2001;4:315–24. olanzapine wafers in a small minority of

W Can J Psychiatry, Vol 49, No 6, June 2004
Letters to the Editor

patients. One patient placed the wafer on top Quetiapine in the Management of general psychopathology scales, at a
of a rear molar, allowing for the surrepti- quetiapine dosage of 500 mg daily. At 8
tious removal of the agent a few minutes Psychosis Secondary to Huntington’s weeks, the ESRS score was 12. Serum
later. Another method is to place a small Disease: A Case Report quetiapine levels at the end of our study were
piece of tissue or paper towel in the mouth, 384 nmol/L. Despite the increase in EPS, Mr
placing the wafer on top of this barrier. All Dear Editor: Psychiatric disorders are A felt subjectively better during quetiapine
methods can be easily managed by having common in patients with Huntington’s dis- therapy, compared with olanzapine therapy.
the patient swish and swallow water after ease (HD) and include mood disorders, Quetiapine appears to be effective in treating
administering the medication. The character- anxiety, sexual dysfunction, and psychosis the positive symptoms of HD psychosis, with
istics of the wafer make it impossible for (1–3). Although up to 23% of patients with little effect on negative symptomatology. The
“cheeking” to occur, compared with regular HD have psychotic symptoms (3), the liter- potential worsening of EPS during quetiapine
pills or capsules. ature regarding management of psychosis therapy in HD patients warrants caution in its
secondary to HD is limited to case reports use, and we suggest careful monitoring for
or series. Agents reported to be effective in EPS to minimize the impact of these side
References the management of HD psychosis include effects while treating psychotic symptoms.
clozapine (4), risperidone (5), and olan- Further large-scale studies are required to
1. Freudenreich O. Treatment noncompliance with zapine (6,7). Recent reports indicate that evaluate the efficacy of quetiapine in the
orally disintegrating olanzapine tablets. Can J olanzapine (7) and quetiapine (8) may also management of psychosis in HD.
Psychiatry 2003;48:353– 4.
improve the motor symptoms of HD.
2. Citrome L, Volavka J. Atypical antipsychotics—
revolutionary or incremental advance? Expert
However, to our knowledge, no reports
Review of Neurotherapeutics 2002;2(1):69– 88. exist describing the efficacy of quetiapine References
in managing psychotic symptoms associ-
ated with HD. We describe the first report 1. Leroi I, Michalon M. Treatment of the psychiatric
Leslie Citrome, MD, MPH manifestations of Huntington’s disease: a review of
Orangeburg, New York of quetiapine in the management of psy- the literature. Can J Psychiatry 1998;43:933– 40.
chosis caused by HD. 2. Naarding P, Kremer HPH, Zitman FG. Huntington’s
disease: a review of the literature on prevalence and
Mr A, aged 43 years, has a history of HD treatment of neuropsychiatric phenomena. Eur
Reply: Treatment and psychosis and was admitted to hospital Psychiatry 2001;16:439– 45.
for management of a psychotic episode. 3. Shiwach R. Psychopathology in Huntington’s disease
Noncompliance With Orally patients. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1994;90:241– 6.
Prior to admission, the patient’s commu-
Disintegrating Olanzapine Tablets nity treatment team observed that he was 4. Sajatovic M, Verbanac P, Ramirez LF, Meltzer HY.
Clozapine treatment of psychiatric symptoms resistant
not eating, was unable to care for himself, to neuroleptic treatment in patients with Huntington ’s
My letter describing a patient with and was experiencing paranoid delusions. chorea. Neurology 1991;41:156.
olanzapine wafer noncompliance had one He was diagnosed with HD 16 years prior, 5. Madhusoodanan S, Brenner R. Use of risperidone in
purpose: to alert clinicians to the possibility psychosis associated with Huntington’s disease. Am J
and his family history was positive for HD. Ger Psychiatry 1998;6:347–9.
of “cheeking” wafers. Dr Citrome describes Past treatment of his psychosis included 6. Paleacu D, Anca M, Giladi N. Olanzapine in
2 more “cheeking” techniques and offers an chlorpromazine, haloperidol, lithium, Huntington’s disease. Acta Neurol Scand
easy remedy. I did not suggest that paren- olanzapine, and benzodiazepines. We 2002;105:441– 4.
teral drug administration is always (or even 7. Bonelli RM, Mahnert FA, Niederweiser G. Olanzapine
began treatment with olanzapine, titrating
for Huntington’s disease: an open label study. Clin
usually) the answer to medication non- to 20 mg daily. Neuropharmacol 2002;25:263–5.
adherence. I agree with Dr Citrome that 8. Bonelli RM, Niederwieser G. Quetiapine in
Olanzapine blood levels were 91 nmol/L at
persistence with oral atypical antipsychotics Huntington’s disease: a first case report. J Neurol
15 mg daily. Unfortunately, Mr A experi- 2002;249:1114 –5.
(ensuring swishing and swallowing) is pref-
enced side effects while taking olanzapine, 9. Chouinard G, Ross-Chouinard A, Annable L, Jones
erable to forced parenteral haloperidol, BD. Extrapyramidal rating scale. Can J Neurol Sci
and his psychosis was poorly controlled. It
particularly if it leads to a better outcome. 1980;7:233.
was decided to discontinue olanzapine, and
In some cases, however, benefit might never quetiapine was titrated up to 300 mg daily,
materialize from the patient’s perspective, while the dosage of olanzapine was tapered Dallas P Seitz, MD, BSc
regardless of the medication administered or over the course of 1 week. We evaluated Richard C Millson, MD, FRCPC
the route of administration and regardless of baseline psychiatric symptomatology, Kingston, Ontario
clinical response by objective criteria. How using the Positive and Negative Syndrome
prudent and promising is it to insist on Scale (PANSS), on the first day of
repeating daily the drama of drug adminis- quetiapine-only therapy and at 8 weeks of Ziprasidone-Induced Lupus
tration with its checks and obvious coercive quetiapine-only therapy. We evaluated Erythematosus
element? I would argue that a fail-safe route extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) initially
of infrequent drug administration (for exam- and at 8 weeks, using the Extrapyramidal
Dear Editor: Ziprasidone is a novel atypical
ple, with intramuscular haloperidol Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS) (9).
antipsychotic medication that presumably
decanoate) should remain an option to stabi- Initially, the total PANSS score was 68, exerts its antipsychotic effects through antag-
lize patients who have little insight into drug with subsection scores of 19, 12, and 37 on onism of 5-HT2A and D2 receptors (1).
benefit. There is no question that these the positive, negative, and general Drug-induced lupus erythematosus (DILE)
patients present us with complex issues psychopathology subscales, respectively, at has been documented to occur with the
regarding competency, civil rights, and our a quetiapine dosage of 300 mg daily. At administration of several medications (2). To
duties as physicians. the start of our study period, the ESRS our knowledge, there have been no reported
score was 6. At 8 weeks, the total PANSS cases of DILE associated with ziprasidone.
Oliver Freudenreich, MD score was 53, with subsection scores of 12, Here, we report a case of DILE in an individ-
Boston, Massachusetts 12, and 29 on the positive, negative, and ual receiving ziprasidone.

Can J Psychiatry, Vol 49, No 6, June 2004 W 413

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