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AET 3190 Audio Engineering II


Study Guide 4 - NEVE Chapters 2, 3, 5 & 8

1. In an analog mixer, audio signal is a representation of sound using a level of mic level.

2. The Neve VR Legend is an example of an 48 - track routing, meaning the monitor section
is located under the channel fader within the channel strip.

3. In general, a mixer can be divided into three sections; left, right and center.

4. Another name for an input module is a multitrack routing matrix.

5. Signal flow from microphone input to the multi-track recorder is referred to as the
channel path.

6. Signal flow from the multi-track output to the stereo mix output is referred to as the
monitor path.

7. The master section of the Neve console is able to change input and output of the
channel and monitor signal paths by use of the status switches.

8. On the Neve console, output of the channel path in MIC status is routed to the multi-
track routing matrix.

9. On the Neve console, what switch connects the output of a channel to the multi-track
send of the connected multi-track recorder of the same number? direct

10. Console status for tracking on the Neve console is mic.

11. Individual selection of MIC or LINE on the channel path on the Neve console. C/O

12. EQ, dynamics, aux sends, and insert sends/returns default to which signal path? monitor

13. Push buttons next to the small fader reassign the function of the channel EQ, dynamics,
aux sends and inserts and affect the monitor signal path.

14. When tracking or overdubbing, what signal path is used to generate the headphone cue
mix? monitor
Rev 091520
© 2020 Belmont University, Nashville, TN
AET 3190 Audio Engineering II

15. On the Neve, what push buttons beside the small fader assign signal to the headphone
path? (not numbers) aux

16. To assure the small fader signal assigned to the headphone path is being monitored
from the multi-track, what status should the Neve master section multi-track monitor be
in? O/P

17. On the Neve patch bay, combined signals from various tracks sent to the input of an EFX
device are patched from an Mix ins O/P.

18. In regard to the Neve patch bay, the only instance where a send is an input rather than
an output is in the patch point of the multi-track send.

19. On the Neve, what is the monitor path routed to in MIX status? Multitrack routing

20. On the Neve, to use the large faders as a stereo EFX return in MIX status, outputs of the
EFX device are patched into line inputs on the patch bay.

21. During MIX status on the Neve, monitor inputs patch points are used to connect EFX
return outputs to the small fader.

22. Generally speaking, even if an EFX device is properly patched to the small fader in MIX
status on the Neve, signal will NOT be heard until it is assigned to the mix buss output
push buttons located directly below the multi-track routing matrix at the top of the

23. The swap push button on a Neve channel strip exchanges the individual channel strip
function of the large fader with that of the small fader.

24. On the Neve, the global master status switch that exchanges the function of the small
and large faders is performed by the fader swap switch.

25. The buttons [x], [y], and [z] in the master section of the Neve allow selection of three
different loudspeaker systems (in order from left to right). Large/small/mini

26. The Neve console microphone preamp OFF position is in what direction? up

27. Auxiliary sends operate pre or post channel path unless otherwise selected.

Rev 091520
© 2020 Belmont University, Nashville, TN
AET 3190 Audio Engineering II

28. The auxiliary section of the Neve can be configured as either eight (8) mono aux sends
with [a] control, or four (4) stereo pairs with [b] AND [c] control. Level/level/pan

29. Two sets of multi-track returns found on the Neve patch bay accommodate [a] (or
RECORD) and [b] statuses of the consoles. Mic/mix

30. Name the following speaker assignment with the push button as it appears on the NEVE
console. Large: PMC Small: Genelec Mini: NS10

31. Both the high-pass and the low-pass filters on the Neve are in the "OFF", or zeroed
position when they are in the up position.

32. Disables any other channels routed to that channel via the multi-track routing matrix.

33. The high-pass filter on the Neve has a frequency range of [a] Hz (lowest value) to [b] Hz
(highest value). 31.5 Hz, 315 Hz

34. The low-pass filter on the Neve has a frequency range of [a] kHz (lowest value) to [b]
kHz (highest value). 7.5Hz, 18Hz

35. The slope of either the HPF or the LPF on the Neve is: 12dB per octave

36. In MIX status, the monitor path may be used as an EFX return or an EFX send.

37. Final signal level to the multi-track send when using direct, or the multi-track routing
matrix is controlled by the gain knob.

38. The 1, 2, 3 and 4 buttons located below the multi-track routing matrix allow signal to be
fed to either one, or both of the stereo outputs during mix status via the monitor inputs.
(no hyphen necessary)

39. The swap button, located below the 1, 2, 3 & 4 buttons of the multi-track routing matrix
allows signal to be sent between left and right (or anywhere in between) of the assigned
MTK matrix or the selected stereo mix outputs.

40. In MIC status, selecting the [x] button on any of the 1-48 channel strips picks up the
channel path multi-track bus allowing EQ's, filters, inserts and dynamics to be used on
the signal as if it were a channel path signal input.  The channel fader acts as a [y] fader
and the signal is routed to the associated multi-track send using the [z] button (button
abbreviation on console). aux/flying/

Rev 091520
© 2020 Belmont University, Nashville, TN
AET 3190 Audio Engineering II

41. Sends a preset level to the oscillator output. mix

42. Assigns the oscillator to the group outputs. MTK

43. Oscillator signal output is assigned to the stereo mix bus. false

44. The two (2) pushbuttons [a] and [b] found on the side of the small fader (in order from
top to bottom) can individually change the mode of the channel strip (use CAPS and
symbols according to the manual). C/O & swap

45. The CUT button, used to mute channel outputs, can operate independently or grouped
by the master [x] and [y] buttons (use CAPS). CUT A, CUT B

46. The FOLLOW MON button in the master section allows metering to follow the multi-
track monitor section (use CAPS).

47. In mix status on the Neve, the CUT pushbutton removes the channel strip from the solo
logic when the track is soloed (use CAPS). 

48. If two aux sends, such as 3 and 4, are used in dual mono to send a stereo cue, levels sent
from both need to be set at the [a] level to be perceived in the center of the image.
Assuming the cue amp is on and inputs and outputs are correct, the headphone box is
operational, and the headphones are placed on the correct ears, send [b] controls what
is heard in the left ear and send [c] controls what is heard in the right.  stero/left/right

49. True or false: The auxiliary master send section functions exactly the same as the aux
section found on a channel strip of the Neve console. true

50. If individual auxiliary outputs 1-8 are fed to Cue Mix 1 or 2, the signal in stereo
headphones will be ____, regardless of channel strip aux send settings, or use of a
stereo amplifier for the cue system. (use CAPS) . MONO

Rev 091520
© 2020 Belmont University, Nashville, TN

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