Wed September 9 2020 - General Body Meeting - Notes

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Events for the Week

❏ Lick Spirit Now: 10% of Proceeds

❏ Snap Raise: Sep 14th-Oct 12
❏ Volleyball travels to AC Flora Thursday

Unfinished/Old Business
❏ Upload Spirit Week picture to the website
❏ Class Dojo: keeps track of points; end of 9 weeks everyone will get a report card of their
❏ Meetings every Wednesday @8:45 (unless gc says otherwise); if can’t attend, fill out
excused absence form

Committee Reports
❏ Outreach/Community Service: Humans of Northeast (Sep 18th); will be on instagram
and twitter; snap raise; drive (Pastor Thigpen)
❏ RecreationSchool Spirit and Service: Spirit Week this week; plans for homecoming
❏ Publicity/Scrapbook: working on flyers for welcome back week; flyers for supplies drive
❏ Leadership: creating first lesson; parliamentary procedure

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