Chapter-1 Theoretical Framework: Master Plan-Ajnala

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Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16




Urban areas are the centers of growth in a country. Today the world stands on the brink of a historic
Landmark. In a few years from now, a majority of the world’s population will live in cities. Urban
living is rapidly becoming a norm for the members of our species 1.Due to rapid urbanization
especially in the bigger cities of India, the existing infrastructural facilities are failing. Thus, it has
become important to reduce the burden of urbanization on larger cities and approach towards a
balanced growth by developing small and medium towns. It is thus a compelling reason to plan
smaller towns and to prepare master plans for them. A Town is any human settlement, larger than a
village but smaller than a city. According to the Census of India, a town has a minimum population
of 5000.


The exercise “Master plan” is the requirement of the course and has been undertaken in a group of
eight. The exercise is required to learn how various problems of smaller towns can be solved
through comprehensive master planning and how their potentials can be exploited to make them
more sustainable. The study of a small town, Ajnala, has been undertaken and the master plan for
the same is being prepared.

Master plan will lead to development plans based upon then priorities. The development plans are
of five years covering specific proposals & projects for physical development for the city based
upon the phasing of the Master plan in the context of power & authority and resources of planning
& implementing authority.


Ajnala is a small town located in Amritsar district in the state of Punjab. It is located in western
Punjab near the International border with Pakistan. The presence of border has influenced its
character in multiple ways especially during the independence period. The river ravi flows about
12 kms away from the town which also has had a big impact in the development of the town. As
per the 2011 census, the population of the town is 21107 . Males contribute about 55 percent and

Source:- Cities and Urban Life, John J. Macionis & Vincent N. Parrillo,, William Patterson University, 2010

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

females contribute 45 percent to the population. The town has an average literacy rate of 68%. The
distance of Ajnala from Amritsar town is about 26.5 kms which increases its potential as a satellite
town. Ajnala has a character of an agro based town.

Figure 1 Punjab Figure 2 Ajnala


The exercise is needed to understand the revival of smaller towns and generation of good living
conditions in these areas to reduce the need for migration from these areas. Through this exercise,
the tactics and solutions to various problems of smaller towns will be discovered and their
requirements will be better understood. The exercise is required to understand the concept of master
planning and various considerations while preparing a master plan.

Need Of Master Plans2

1. To provide a vision for systematic development, relieving problems such as congestion
2. To provide a guiding document for short term plans
3. To cater to the possible & current problems, issues of the area
4. Development of strategies to solve problems of that area.
5. Avoiding incompatible land use conflicts and guiding the future course of development.


The scope of the exercise includes:-

G.K. Hiraskar , Fundamentals of Town Planning
Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

a) Outlining of problems of the town based on the town study.

b) Theoretical framework
i) Definitions, need and limitations of master planning.
ii) Concepts
iii) Sustainable planning practices for each aspect.
iv) Various government policies and programs set by the government for India for the
development of various aspects.
c) Working out the requirements for various aspects and population projections
d) Setting of a vision which is intended to be achieved through master planning, general objectives
and specific objectives through which the vision is to be achieved.
e) Preparation of conceptual plan
f) Preparation of proposals based on the requirements
g) Preparation of detailed report.


The objective of the exercise is to plan a small town, i.e. Ajnala for sustainability and efficiency
through the study of various sustainable planning practices which are feasible to be adopted in the



1. Master plan3is a general plan of the various proposals that are intended to improve the existing
conditions and to control the future growth of the town in a co-ordinated manner. Such a plan
must be realistic, idea to be aimed at. Preserving the individuality of the town. Since the
development of the town is length process, the plan must not be rigid and elastic at the same
time so as to amend it from time to time to satisfy the changing needs of the town”
2. A Masterplan4 is an official public document adopted by a local government as policy guide to
decisions about the physical development of community. It indicates in a general way how the
community will develop in the next 15- 20 years.

G.K. Hiraskar , Fundamentals of Town Planning
William Goodman, Principles & Practices of Urban Planning
Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

3. A Masterplan5 is a development plan which comprises of written statements, maps and

diagrams prepared by the authority responsible. It is based upon surveys and analysis and
ideally should be revised periodically from trends observed in the monitoring of survey

Derived Definition :-

Master plan is a detailed document which guides the development of the city or town. It has
strategies to protect the identity of the town and increase the economic development while having a
healthy social and environmental relationship. Master plans are important for planned and
sustainable development of urban areas.


In America, Cities began to focus on the provision of basic services during the 1840s at a time
known as the Sanitary Reform Movement. Frederick Law Olmsted was a firm believer in the
relationship between the physical environment and sanitation, which helped lead to the
development of grand parks and open spaces in communities to bring not only recreation, but
sanitation as well. The Sanitary Reform Movement is seen by many as the first attempt at
comprehensive planning, however it failed to be completely comprehensive because it focused on
only one aspect of the city and did not consider the city as a whole. In 1898, Ebenezer Howard
published his book entitled "Tomorrow, a Peaceful Path to Reform," in which he developed the idea
of a Garden City. This city was a planned development which included different land uses and
community services. The communities were to be surrounded by a green belt and included many
open spaces and parks within the city. These cities were designed to be completely self-sufficient
and focused on decreasing the negative impacts traditional cities had on people's lives. After the
turn of the Twentieth Century, American cities began to see the need for local development and
growth plans. Influential in this planning was Daniel Hudson Burnham who re-created the city plan
for Washington, D.C.In 1903, Burnham helped create the city growth plan for the city of Cleveland,
Ohio and in 1906 he created the city plan for San Francisco, California. Although these were all city
development plans it was not until 1909 when Burnham created the city plan for Chicago that his
plans were comprehensive. The plan of Chicago is known today as the first comprehensive plan and
it began a movement of comprehensive planning that emphasized planning as a way to not only
make cities more beautiful, but to function better as well.

Arnold Whittick, Encyclopedia of Urban Planning
6 accessed on 2/1/2016, 2:54 P.M.
Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16


1. Preserving the individuality of the town

2. Improve the existing conditions of the town.
3. Optimum utilization of land as a resource


1. Population :- Population is projected for next 25-30 years and various requirements are worked
out for the projected population
2. Density: - Determination of density as per standards & requirements, vision and concept plan.
3. Requirement of land :- Working out of additional land required for the projected increase in
4. Allocation of land :- Distribution of land into various land uses , with view of compatibility of
land uses and functionality of the town.


1. The projected increase in population is based on various assumptions, thus the accrual case
scenario may differ in due course of time, which makes the projected not very accurate.
2. Master plan is prepared for a longer time duration, i.e. 20 – 25 years ,thus, the requirements of
the town may change within 25 years.
3. Master plan is prepared at a macro level thus it does not contain micro level details
Procedure for making Master plan
The preparation of master plan in the whole state is has become one of the key objectives of this
legislative framework. The Punjab state legislative assembly perhaps is the last one to enact the
comprehensive law on the subject of urban and regional planning. The procedure for the
formulation of Master Plan is as following:-

• Existing Scenario of Town: it includes the study of town’s existing conditions which help
to identify the critical issues of development. Surveys are conducted to collect data
regarding various aspects like Landuse, housing, trade, transportation, heritage, environment
etc. various surveys and studies have been conducted from different sources to analyze
existing health of towns and cities.
K. Hiraskar , Fundamentals of Town Planning
K. Hiraskar , Fundamentals of Town Planning

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

• Vision: after analysis the vision of city has been identified for 20-25 years. Objectives &
strategies have been formulated in lieu with social, physical growth to promote faster
development & to define future pattern of city.

• Projections & Requirement: Assessment of the existing conditions and project the future
population is the primary objective. It is very vital stage which helps in proposals for
different aspects like Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Parks & Open Spaces etc.

• Demarcation of Local Planning Area: Under PRTPDA, 1995 (Amendment in 2006)state

government can declare any area in the state as LPA on the basis of certain parameters.
These parameters are as follows:-

1. Administrative Boundary Limits

2. Geographical Features

3. Means of Communication & Transportation

4. Distribution of Population that is Present & Future

5. Industrial Location & Growth Trend

6. Economic Base & Commercial Activities

7. Preservation of Historical & Cultural Heritage

8. Urban Expansion & Periphery Management

9. Ecological & Environmental Balance

10. Balance Regional Development of the State

11. Dispersal of Economic Activities to alleviate pressure on large cities

• Preparation of Draft Plan: After demarcation of LPA, on the foot of vision, projections
and objectives, draft plan of the city is prepared including proposals.

• Public notice for modifications: after the preparation of Draft Master Plan of the city, the
state government invites any objections from any person in written within 30 days of the
publication & it is necessary for the competent authority.

• Final Master Plan: State government after considering the objections & consultation of
competent authority modify master plan or approve without modification. It is than
published in official gazette after 30 days from the date of approval from state government.

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16


i. PrespectivePlan

A prespective plan is a written document, supported by illustrations and maps, containing spatio-
economic development plans, startegies and general programmes of the local authority. This plan
presents to the state government and people the intentions of the local authority regarding
development of the urban centre in the next 20-25 years. The scope of this plan covers social,
economic and spatial development goals, policies and priorities relating to all those urban activities
that have spatial implications or, in other words, that require land for their location and desired
functioning. it also covers long term policies regarding development of infrastructure and resource
mobilisation that are necessary to promote these urban activities. The basic purpose of a prespective
plan is to provide a policy framework for further detailing and it serves as a guide for urban local
authority in preparation of the development plan.

ii. Development plan

Development plan prepared within the framework of the approved prespective plan is a medium
term (5year) comprehensive plan of spatio-economic development of the urban centre. The
objective of development plan is to provide further necessary details and intended actions in the
form of strategies and physical proposals for various policies given in the prespective plan
depending upon the economic and social needs and apiration of the people, available resources. The
scope of this plan covers an assessment of current issuses, prospects, priorities and proposals for
development of the urban centre including employment generation, economic base, transportation
and land use, housing and other infrastructure and matter like environment, conservation and
ecology. A development plan is a statutory plan, and adopted by the local authority for
implementation with the help of schemes and projects. Its proposals are precise and definite.

iii. Local Area Plan

A thrust of micro-planning should shift to local area plans, which could encourage decentralization
and improve implementation of Development plans. In view of 73rd and 74th CCA, planning
decisions and implementation of plans should be disaggreggated in order to bring the process closer
to the local people. Local area plans are to be prepared to guide the development or re-development

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

of land, conservation of buildings and physical features, providing improvements, in the physical
layout making the infrastructure and ammenities available and managing the area to enhance
healthy and safety of the residents to support economic development as well as to enhance quality
of living, environment. Local area plan need to specify the implementation details to comply with
the government policies, such as housing, hi-tech townships, rain water harvesting energy, disaster
management etc. The plan should provide the framework for recovery of the associated costs for
public projects, by mechanisms like levy of betterment charges, charges on additional development
rights, and appropriate user charge.

iv. Annual Plan

An Annual Plan would contain the details of the new and ongoing projects that the local authority
intends to implement during each financial year for necessary financial resource mobilisation and
monitoring its performance. The annual plan is to be prepared by the local authority in each
financial year to identify the new projects, which the authority will undertake for implementation
during the year, taking into account the physical and fiscal performance of the preceding year, the
priorities, the policies and proposals contained in the approved Regional Plan, Development Plan or
Local Area Plan. The annual plan is intended to provide the resource requirement during the year
and sources of funds including those mobilised by the local authority, grants, aids and
project/scheme funds by the State and Central Governments. It is thus an important document for
the resource mobilisation as on the basis of this, the plan funds are to be allocated by the funding
body. This plan, therefore, serves as an important link with the budgetary process. Annual plans
also provide a mechanism to monitor progress of development plan and various projects.

v. Inter-relationsip among various plans:

Taking into account the entire planning process and also incorporating the suggested planning
system, the inter‐relationship of the different plans is directly or indirectly related to the land
development, at various levels ranging from national to a transitional urban area.
A Perspective Plan is formulation of development strategy generally at the State level or at the
regional level. This is detailed further in Regional Plan or Sub Regional Plan as the case may be and
in Development Plan. Perspective Plan should be a guiding document for planning. It could also
specify the regional planning and those responsible for preparing plan at various levels. The State
Urbanisation Plan shall give a stock of the urbanisation, planning status and especially of the land

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

Regional Plans are to be prepared at district and metropolitan region level, and where economic
regions are formulated. This is the linkage for aggregation of plan proposals for consolidation and
integration of physical and fiscal planning efforts at District, Metropolitan area, State and also at
National level (in case of inter‐state regions).
Development Plan and Mobility Plan need to be integrated to ensure transportation oriented spatial
planning. It needs to be emphasised here that urban plans should not be considered in isolation from
its region as each urban centre is part of a regional system of the settlement which in turn play their
respective roles in the process of development of the region as a whole. The Development Plan
shall provide policies and development proposals, which are detailed in the local area plan to a
greater scale. This interrelationship between planning system is the key to
implementation; hence Development Plan and Local Area Plan should be prepared in close


1. Network cities

When two cities, potentially complimentary in function achieve

development through high speed corridors connecting the two
cities, the concept is said to be of network cities. The
accessibility between the two cities increases and their
complimentary function helps them to mutually build and share
infrastructure that can support the mutual development of both
the cities. Network cities involve the development of roads or Figure 3 Network Cities

railway links for increased ease of transportation between the

two cities.


1. With development of transportation links, roads, railway linkages

etc, transportation becomes easy and cheap.
2. The size of the two cities does not increase as they are
complimentary in function.
Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16


1. The transportation networks within the city experience increased pressure as the development of
roads between the two cities takes place while intra city infrastructure does not develop at the
same pace. Thus all the traffic entering into the city puts additional pressure on the existing city
Figure 4 Kansai, Japan; network city

Example :- Two cities, one a medical hub and another a pharma hub ,
can achieve mutual development through high speed corridors connecting the two cities.

2. Landuse and Transport Integration

Land use and Transport Integration may also be termed as

Transit Oriented Development. In this concept, development
focused on transit nodes, providing facilities along these Figure 5 Transit Oriented Development
nodes & complete ease of access to the transit facility, thus
encouraging walking and cycling & public transportation over
personal vehicles.Transit oriented development disperses high traffic volumes over multiple parallel
streets rather than concentrating traffic on few major arterial roads. Create a fine network of streets
through urban design that provides choice of routes for all modes, reducing distances between
places as well as journey times


1. Encourages use of public transportation as it becomes easily accessible.

2. Increases accessibility to activity centers as traffic generation activities are located along the
roads, railways etc, hence, they become easily accessible through public transportation vehicles.

1. Transit oriented development encourages clustering of similar activities as planning for routing
of vehicles becomes easier , hence mix use development is discouraged.

3. Multifunctional City

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

The cities which have multiple activity nuclei within a city where a diversity of landuses and
activities are visible in a region are called multifunctional cities. These cities have cultural as well
as occupational diversity. These become the “parent cities” with time for the various surrounding
small and medium towns.


1. A multifunctional city promotes Urban diversity, and hence leads to the formation of
Harmonious cities
2. A particular area of the city does not become congested as multifunctional cities create
polycentric urban regions
3. There is a greater infrastructure development as various activities need infrastructure to flourish.

1. Multifunctional cities have higher densities due to greater variation in employment

2. They lead to Urban Sprawl as the surrounding small and medium towns depend on them for
3. The dependence of the smaller towns on these cities is increased and there is no development of
these small towns.

4. Harmonious Cities

These are inclusive cities in which every culture feels at home.

Environment is given its due importance and the aim is towards the
development of a green city. Thus, this concept includes the harmony
between humans and environment. Harmonious cities aim at the
provision of all basic services such as water supply and sanitation as
Figure 6 Harmonious City
well as smooth transportation facilities.


1. This concept has a special focus on ecology, thus they are environmentally sustainable cities.
2. Harmonious cities have a regional approach, relates small towns to big cities.

5. Urban Realms Concept

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16

Urban Realms Concept is used for peripheral development or development of satellite towns.. Each
satellite town is an independent realm with a separate economic, social and political identity. The
smaller town is linked to the larger city through an efficient public transportation system.


1. Development of surrounding smaller towns as suburban Figure 7 Satellite development

2. Decongestion of central core of the larger town as the population
moves to the suburbs where there is availability of land and lower
prices. Figure 8 Concept of Urban Realms


1. Ultimate merging with the parent city, thus increasing its size of the larger towns, ultimately
forming conurbations.
2. Increased pressure on transportation nodes as the suburban population is dependent on the
central city for various needs and the need for travel increases due to greater distance.

6. Sustainability

In urban context, the concept of sustainability deals with social,

environmental & economic sustainability. Environmental sustainability
deals with protection of environment, air, water, soil and biodiversity.
Economic sustainability deals with generation of employment
opportunities, resource and energy efficiency. Social sustainability
deals with employment, promotion of social interaction and reduction Figure 9 Sustainability

of caste rigidness through planning.

7. Underground Development

Underground development has been proposed in Gujrat International Financial Techcity .The
surface of underground cities gas only has 0 emission modes, such as cycles tracks and pedestrian
pathways, while all motorized vehicles operate under the ground.Entire vehicular transportation is
underground, connected to parking areas and hierarchy of roads is maintained.

Master Plan-Ajnala 2015-16


1. Optimum utilization of land and multipurpose of the same piece of land, under and above the
2. Underground development segregates pedestrian and vehicular traffic, thus increasing safety on


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