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Note: Ignore the numbers at the end of each scene.

They were used as

markers to help time a full 60 minute episode w/comms. Also, this was
written before the news that flashbacks and forwards won't be used
anymore. Somehow, I doubt they won't be used anymore, but in my future
episodes I plan on doing something a little different as well. I have written 4
so far and i don't want to change the content. I have a total of 17. I hope
you enjoy and please leave comments!

Season 5 Episode 1


Mass chaos has already ensued and everything is going massively crazy much like it did
before the hatch imploded. We see many of the same things that we saw almost exactly the
same when the Swan Station was imploding in Season 2. (a trick on the viewer to think
they are re-watching what they already saw). Then, we see several Dharma Employees
running around trying to contain the incident, but it is getting out of control. The difference
in the setting from what has been seen before is that the computer room isn't built and
there is a massive machine in the middle of the room. It appears to be a reactor that is
spilling out mass quantities of light and attracting metallic objects including computers. The
lights are flickering and a rabbit is seen in the corner followed by a second rabbit. Unknown
man comes in, mid 30's Male Dark Hair British Accent, the room from the door:

Unknown Man:

What the hell is going on?!


Someone changed the setting on the valve and now the charge isn't regulating itself!

Unknown Man:

So, what does that mean? What is going to happen??


I don't think you want to kn.....

Before she can finish her statement a washing machine hits her in the head and she is
knocked to the ground dead.

Unknown Man:

Holy! Casey! Casey!

He holds Casey in his arms as various objects are flying around him endangering his life.
Just then a man comes in:

Dr. Marvin Candle:

Get out of here now! NOW!

Unknown Man:

But Casey!

Dr. Marvin Candle:

Now, now! Man, get out of here!

A metal pipe flies past Marvin and as it does it takes his arm off that he is using to wave
the unknown man to get out of there. The unknown man sees this and runs out of the room
and out of the Swan and into the jungle. He continues to run until he comes across a
young Ben in the jungle wearing some kind of protective suit.


Unknown Man:

Ben, bloody hell. What are you doing out here? Don't you see what is going on?

Young Ben:

I'm sorry.

Unknown Man:

For what?! Did you have something to do with this?

Young Ben:

Charles, no matter what happens, it was the only way.

Someone screams in the background and as Charles looks then turns back to Ben, Ben is
gone. There is an immense bright light in the background and then the camera pans
upwards and then the entire view of the island. The light is much larger than before and the
sound is incredibly amazing. The flash stops for a second then an even bigger flash happens
and then stops -flash ends-.
(4:30 including 'previously')

--Commercial Break--


The camera begins on Charles' left eye and slowly pans out to where we can see his
whole face, and then we see the angle of him watching Sun walk away. He looks down at
her card and then looks back up at her. He briskly walks towards her.

Charles Widmore:
Ms. Paik... wait a moment.


Kwon. It's Kwon.

Charles Widmore:

My apologies. What, in regards to this business, are you referring to?


Why, Mr. Widmore, don't play coy with me. You know exactly what I am referring to. We
both have a common interest even if the reasons behind it are very different.

Charles Widmore:

Please, let's talk somewhere more private. Meet me at this address at 4 o'clock.


How can I trust that this isn't a trick?

Charles Widmore:

I am a gentleman, Ms. Kwon. And British, (small chuckle) we hold our word.

Sun takes the card out of his hand.

Charles Widmore:

Oh, and Sun, please, come alone.

Sun gives a somewhat startled look that he used her first name. She turns and walks
off. Charles watches her for a slight second then walks back to the restaurant where he just
came from.

Charles Widmore:

Gentlemen, I am very sorry, but I am going to have to miss the theatre with you tonight.
Something has come up and I need to take care of it.

Charles waves them off and signals for a woman to follow him outside of the restaurant
and they walk a few feet. The woman has reddish brown hair and is dressed very business
with glasses and a conservative look about her. She is American and is in her mid-30's.

Charles Widmore:

Listen, Christine, I need you to follow that woman and report back to me every 15 minutes
with whom she speaks with and where she goes.

Yes sir. If you don't mind me asking, who is she?

Charles Widmore:

Trouble. Now go!

Christine takes off in a hurry towards Sun in the distance. Charles walks over and gets
into his chauffeured car. As the car drives off we hear the flash sound and:



Pan down from the trees to Two Dharma Workers 1) Young Charles Widmore 2) Casey
the Gemologist coming out of the Swan Hatch Doors... ---Subtitles show "Earlier That Day

Young Charles Widmore:

So, did you manage to stabilize the metal... the Hol..holym...?


(Giggles) The Holmium. And yes, it shouldn't be giving us any more troubles.

Young Charles Widmore:

So then it's not dangerous?


It depends. It isn't very toxic, but to get the reaction we need, well, if not handled correctly
then yeah... yeah... it can be dangerous.

Young Charles Widmore:

All is well in the world of Gemology then?


For now. (looks at watch) I've got to run to the ferry, but why don't you stop by tonight and
we can listen to the new Geronimo Jackson album.

Young Charles Widmore:

It's a date, my dear.


Ta! (and she runs off)

Young Charles Widmore:

It's ok now, come on out.

As Casey distances off into the jungle we see a 17 year old Ben Linus come out from
behind the trees as the man motions to him to come out.

Young Charles Widmore:

Young Ben, it is excellent to see you!

The two give an awkward embrace.

Young Charles Widmore:

So what news do you bring from the hostiles today? (he says hostiles in a ghost-like way)

Young Ben:

Not good news.

Young Charles Widmore:

What do you mean?

Young Ben:

Well, they don't agree with the plan. They don't think we should... act just yet.

Young Charles Widmore:

Why, is this what your master, Richard the insane says?

Young Ben:

He is not crazy! He is a good man.

Young Charles Widmore:

I think it's time that I meet your secret friend. In fact, I don't even believe that he exists.

Young Ben:

He exists. He just wants to make sure it is perfect, that it is the right time.

Young Charles Widmore:

Ben, my boy, the time is ripe. I got the information I needed to get. I held up my end of the
bargain. Now it is your turn. We need the manpower of your, hostile, friends.

Young Ben:

I'll ask tomorrow. I don't think that Richard thinks this is the right way to go.

Young Charles Widmore:

Ben, just think. In a years time we can be the richest, most power men in the world. And
you, you will be just turning 18 years old. The richest 18 year old in the world.

Young Ben:

Money isn't everything, you know.

Young Charles Widmore:

With the information we have of this place, your 'special' status, and the know how to get
back and forth from the real world... no one can stop us!

Young Ben:

What about Dharma off the island?

Young Charles Widmore:

We've been over this. I will take care of them, they will come begging to me with their
checkbooks in hand.

Young Ben:

I don't know Mr. Widmore.

Young Charles Widmore:

Charles, Ben, call me Charles. We're best friends now. Go on. Tell Richard it is time.

Ben gives Charles a very uneasy look. He turns and runs off into the jungle. The camera
pans to Charles' face as he turns and goes into the Swan Doors as they shut:



The doorbell rings and Widmore goes to answer it. He opens the door and it is Christine.

Charles Widmore:

You didn't call me or answer my calls, why?


Because she didn't meet with anyone and she didn't go anywhere. She sat in a coffee shop
for 3 hours. I think she is safe.

Charles Widmore:

Where is she now?

The doorbell rings.


I think that answers your question.

Christine walks off into the back hallway somewhere. Charles answers the door and
greets Sun.

Charles Widmore:

I am glad you found the place all-right.


Please. Don't pretend to care. What is it you want to speak with me about?

Charles Widmore:

Come. Would you want something to drink?

He walks with Sun into his study and he offers Sun a drink. She shakes her head and
declines. He pours himself a MacCutcheon. He sits down and motions for her to sit across
from him.
Charles Widmore:

I am not a bad person despite what you may think.


You sent a team of men to the island that we were deserted on to kill us. The worst part
was that we had hope you were there to save us.

Charles Widmore:

Ms. Kwon, I had no way of knowing that you or your friends were on that island. Ben
Linus had someone on my boat to destroy the communication systems.


From what I'm told, you are the one who planted the false plane in the ocean.

Charles Widmore:

(letting out a very hardy laugh) Let me explain something to you. You do not take a single
word of what that man tells you seriously. Everything out of his mouth is a lie. It was him
who planted that plane to ensure they would stop looking for your plane. He is just as
powerful a man as I am, if not more powerful.


And why should I trust you?

Charles Widmore:
Have you ever heard of the Vela Incident of 1979 off the South Coast of South Africa?

Charles gets up and goes to a map with several pin-marks on it and points to the spot of
the Vela Incident.


Yes. They suspect that South Africa and Israel detonated a nuclear bomb in that area. What

Charles Widmore:

Wrong, Ms. Kwon. That is where the island was, your island. Our island. You see, I was a
worker in the Swan Station. Ben, well, he made something go horribly wrong so that the
electromagnetism would .... explode... making the island visible to the known world. He
then went on to frame me for it.

Charles looks rather distant and takes a sip of his scotch. We then hear the flash sound



Horace and Olivia Goodspeed are sitting in chairs with Charles standing in front of them
looking very nervous and shaken up.


Charles, I assume you know why you are here.

Young Charles Widmore:

Because of the... incident.



Young Charles Widmore:

How is Casey?


She's dead. And Dr. Candle has lost an arm.

Charles begins to tear up, but composes himself.


Charles. How could you do this?

Young Charles Widmore:

Me? I ran to help! I had no idea what was going on until Casey told me.


We found your notes and we found the tools you used to manipulate the valve. You could
have killed us all.

Young Charles Widmore:

I didn't do anything wrong! I swear to you!


You compromised the entire Dharma Initiative! You put all of our lives in Danger! You made
our island visible to the outside world because of what you did!

Young Charles Widmore:

I don't understand.


We have information that the US government has a satellite called the Vela Satellite. It is
used to observe nuclear testing from other countries around the world. They are
investigating this area because the discharge was seen from space. Sure enough, they will
find us.


You understand what we have to do Charles.

Young Charles Widmore:

.....You mean, kill me?


No, Charles, we don't kill people. We have to make you leave the island.

Young Charles Widmore:

You have it all wrong!


If you didn't do it, then who?

Young Charles Widmore:

Ben Linus did.


I've heard enough.

Olivia walks out.

Young Charles Widmore:

He did, I swear to you. He has an alliance with the hostiles.


Charles, I am done with your lies. You understand that we have to remove you and relocate
the island..... Yes, we can do that, it isn't pleasant, but we can do it.

Young Charles Widmore:

I really don't...


As a favor to your brother we allowed you into our program despite our objection. You
proved our point.

Young Charles Widmore:

My brother... he is the reason I was approved for this mission?


Yeah... you will be removed from the island in two hours and are to never return. If you
attempt to return, if you find the island again, you will become very ill and most likely die if
you step another foot here. Do I make myself clear?

Young Charles Widmore:

This is all too much to understand.


Well, Charles, you brought this on yourself. On the other hand, Dr. Candle has already
devised a more efficient plan to control the properties of the Swan. It will be manned with
someone who pushes a button to release the charge. Also, you can get back to London and
raise your daughter. It is important for a child to grow up with a father. This isn't a total

Young Charles Widmore:

I assure you Mr. Goodspeed, I didn't have anything to do with what happened and I will
prove it to you and Dharma one day.


I hope you are right Charles. Have a safe trip. Namaste.

Young Charles Widmore:


Charles walks out the door and looks totally shocked. He begins to look around and beings
to walk towards the outskirts of the village, but a guard steps up and stops him. Charles
turns and begins walking towards the houses. As he does this, he seens Ben standing
outside on his porch.



Charles takes another drink from his scotch.

Charles Widmore:

So you understand, Sun. Ben framed me for his own benefit and ruined my passion and my
life. They moved the island much like Ben moved it when you and your friends were going
to be rescued. And I assume, that is why you are here. You want my help to find it again.


Why would he frame you and risk the island being seen?

Charles Widmore:

Because Linus is a very selfish person who only looks out for himself. I was a threat to him I


How did you find it?

Charles Widmore:

After 24 years of determination and piecing together small clues as to it's current, previous,
whereabouts. Give me another 24 years and maybe I can help you.


I don't have 24 years. I believe my husband may be alive on that island and I intend to find
it. It has almost been 3 years and he is missing his daughter's childhood.

Charles Widmore:

It is very important for a child to grow up with a father. I will help you Ms. Kwon. And I
promise you that I will find it again... as long as it takes.

They get up and he shows Sun to the door.

Charles Widmore:
I will be sure to call you as soon as I find something. As we both know, he's off the island
and I fully intend on finding him and beating the truth out of him if I have to.


I don't trust you Mr. Widmore, but I do know your desire is very strong. As much as mine.
Don't hesitate to call me.

Sun walks out and Charles closes the door. Christine comes out from a door down the


What was that all about, what does an O6er want with you?

Charles Widmore:

None of your concern, but she is contained... for now. I have to make sure she doesn't
talk. Find out where she is staying.


Isn't she Paik's daughter? You can't just... silence her.

Charles Widmore:

Ah, Ms. DeVries, I know... I know...

Charles looks out the window pondering his next move just as his cell phone rings.

Charles Widmore:

Hello?... Where? ... Give me 30 minutes...


Sun turns the corner from the doors and opens her phone. She dials a number and waits
for someone to answer.


Hello. I made contact. He has no idea.

Sun hangs up. Just as she does her phone rings again. She answers.


Hello? Oh, hi Hurley!


Hurley is on the other end of the phone on a payphone in the hallway. The camera
shows the location of each as the conversation plays out.

Hey Sun. What you doin'?


Oh, not much I am in London on business. How are you doing Hurley? (in an apathetic


I am ok. I was just sitting here painting.

He holds up the painting and it is similar, but not the same as the igloo and a penguin
that we saw in "The Beginning of the End."


That sounds nice.


Hey, are you planning on a trip somewhere?


Not that I know of.


Oh, well, Shannon told me to tell you to buy the wool hounds-tooth from Dolce... whatever
that is. She said it's going to be cold and that you will look cute in that.


Uh, ok Hurley. Well, tell Shannon that I said thank you. I really have to go now, I will give
you a call in a few days. Ok?


Ok, I will talk to you later then Sun. Oh, Sun. Shannon told me to tell you to tell Sayid that
she loves him.


Hurley, I really have to get going. Bye.

Sun hangs up the phone and looks very weirded out. She turns and sees a Dolce coat in
a window of a department store.



(Total Time is 23:15) (W/ 3 Comm. 33:00)


Widmore is talking within a group of gentlemen and a woman (seen in "The Constant" in
the front row of the auction wearing a black and white dress and she is wearing the same
dress at this time). It appears he is having a good time until he feels a tap on his shoulder
and Widmore turns and looks at the gentleman as if he is bothering him. The camera pans
and it is Ben.

Charles Widmore:

May I help you?


Hello Charles, you don't remember me?

Charles Widmore:

No, I'm sorry. Should I?


Let's just say that we go way back.

Charles is obviously studying Ben's face trying to place him.


Can we talk in a little more private please.

Charles follows Ben and motions to his group that he will be right back. He follows Ben
into an outside hallway.

Charles Widmore:

I'm very sorry, but I can't place your face with anyone that I know.


So, word is you are here to bid on the Black Rock item.

Charles Widmore:

How would you know that? No-one knows that.


You can't come back to the island Charles.

Charles Widmore:

What?! Who are you!


I truly am sorry that I framed you for the...incident... but you have to understand that...

Charles Widmore:

Benjamin Linus?


The island didn't want it to happen just yet Charles. Richard made me do what I did
because it wasn't time.

Charles Widmore:

You little bastard. You ruined my life and my plans!


Well, Charles, to be honest with you... you look like you are doing pretty well for yourself.

Charles Widmore:

I should kill you right now you sniveling rat.


Not wise. If you do ever actually return. You need me. Because of the incident you are...
carrying a virus. A virus that requires you to have a constant on both the island and out
here in the outside world. Charles, I am your only possible constant. If you kill me, then you
will die the second you touch the island. You need me to get to the island.

Charles Widmore:

What is this? Some sort of game? I don't play games, boy.


Not a game, a reality. I am here to tell you that you should just give up your search
because you will never find it.

Charles Widmore:

I will find it, I swear to you, and when I do... and if what you say is true... you better hope
to God that you are hiding.

Ben turns to walk out. As he goes, he turns back for one last word.

I did it you know. About 4 years ago. Dharma is gone, they are all gone. It is time to use
the island for a greater good. Goodbye Charles.

Ben turns and finally walks out. Charles is just standing there stunned. He then looks
around the room and motions for someone to come over. A woman walks over, but we can
only see the back of her head.

Charles Widmore:

I need you to do something very important. I want you to follow that man that just walked
out. And you do NOT let him out of your sight. At any times. Do you understand Elizabeth?

The camera finally pans around to her face and we see who it is. It is Libby!


Yes Mr. Widmore, I understand.

Libby turns and hurries out. Just as she walks away another woman walks up to Charles
and we see her from the back. She is older and has a British accent.


I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but overhear. Are you bidding on the Black Rock Ledger?

Charles Widmore:

Why yes, I am. And who are you?

Widmore looks very annoyed at the woman. The woman's face is revealed and we see
that it is Ms. Hawking!

Ms. Hawking:

Oh, I own an antique shop downtown. I am here to look after a few things.

Charles Widmore:

That is very nice, but I am very busy, so I am sorry to cut you short.

Charles turns and begins to walk away.

Ms. Hawking:

Mr. Widmore. If you want to get back to the island you have to do something very

Charles turns and hurries back to her as if he is going to kill her.

Charles Widmore:

What did you say old woman?

Ms. Hawking:
Old... that is almost a compliment (loses thought for a second, but quickly regains). You
need to give Desmond Penny's address.

Charles Widmore:

You have no idea what you are talking about. You are just an old fool.

Ms. Hawking:

You have to give Desmond Penny's address. He has to push the button.

Charles Widmore:

Are you mad? What button, what are you talking about?!

Ms. Hawking:

Think about it Charles. Desmond has to press THE button.

Auctioneer (in background):

Ladies and Gentleman, the auction is about to continue. We will start with lot number 2342,
The Black Rock Journal.

As the auctioneer is saying this, Widmore looks towards the room and then he turns back
to see Ms. Hawking walking out the door. He then turns and walks to his seat. We now see
the same scene from "The Constant" starting with the painting of the Black Rock, but this
time the frame is solid gold. Next we see the auctioneer and instead of a bow tie he is
wearing a long straight tie. The camera pans to the woman sitting in the front row who was
wearing the black and white dress, but now the dress is blue and white polka-dots. Lastly,
when Widmore beings bidding on the item his number is no longer 755 it is now 815.



Widmore walks into his office that is very dark. The camera pans around to his paintings
and the things we remember from when Desmond asked for a job. There are a few new
ones that depict a boat that closely resembles the Elizabeth with an island in the
background. Widmore walks closer to his desk as the chair spins around and someone turns
on a light. It is revealed that it is Ben.

Charles Widmore:

Good Lord, Linus, could you possibly be any more dramatic?


Pleasure to see you again Charles.

Charles Widmore:

If this has anything to do with murdering my daughter, save it and just leave now.

Charles, I promise you, this is much more important than that.

Charles Widmore:

I tend to disagree, but let's hear it Linus.


I need you to get back to the island.

Charles Widmore:

Am I in the Time Out London book for my tours to the magic island?


Humor doesn't suit you well... I need your contacts. I need to find Alvar Hanso. All of my
attempts have been unsuccessful.

Charles Widmore:

What do you mean you don't know where he is?


I know where he is, I just don't know how to get to him.

Charles Widmore:

Well, you would have to go through Thomas...


I am not using the economist, we can't use him. Use your head, Charles. If we use him he
would stop us before we stepped outside his office.

Charles Widmore:

What are you suggesting then?


I have an idea of who you could use, but first, there is something else you need to know.

Charles Widmore:

Is it that you need me to go back with you? You placed yourself in a predicament now didn't
you? Moving the island yourself, what were you thinking boy?

I wasn't. My daughter had just been killed in-front of my eyes. That is something I am
willing to spare you of ever feeling if you help me.

Charles Widmore:

How the tables have turned... Tell me something, why didn't you use a bear to move it like
they did in '79?

Ben glances around at Widmore's paintings and notices the painting of the polar bears.


We were fresh out. How do you...

Charles Widmore:

When a polar bear winds up in Tunisia with a Dharma collar on it you put two and two

Ben looks at Widmore as if he didn't know about this bear being found.

Charles Widmore:

We have a deal then. Isn't it a bit peculiar that you ask me for help the same day that one
of your fellow island escapees visits me?


Nothing is a coincidence. I think you, of all people, should know that by now. I will be in
contact with you soon. Good working with you again Charles.

Charles Widmore:

I'm sorry that I can't say the same.

Ben puts his hand out and a reluctant Widmore takes his hand. The two men shake hands.
Ben walks out of the office and Widmore walks over to the bar to pour himself a whiskey.
He pours it then he glances up looking into the mirror. Behind him is standing Ms. Hawking.
Charles drops his scotch onto the floor where the glass breaks and he turns around and
shows pure fear in his face. Something we have never seen from Charles Widmore before.
It is revealed that no-one is actually there behind him.



(Total Time is 33:43) (W/ 4 Comm. 46:43)


Charles Widmore is standing in Penny's house looking around. The Christmas
decorations and the tree are still up from 3 years ago showing that she hasn't been home
since she darted off to find Desmond. He stops at a picture of a woman and a little girl. He
stops to look at it for a few seconds then puts it back in the exact place he found it. He then
walks over to the picture that Penny has of her and Desmond that was taken in "Flashes
Before Your Eyes" and picks up the picture. He takes a long look at it and:

Charles Widmore:

I'm so sorry that you are involved with this Penelope.

Charles takes the picture and sits down in an armchair. He looks at it with intensity as
the flash sound plays and:



Charles Widmore is walking through a park when he walks up to a woman sitting on a

bench. He sits down next to her. The woman looks up and we see that it is Naomi Dorrit.

Charles Widmore:

Mrs. Dorrit?


Mr. Widmore.

Charles Widmore:

Glad you should come on such short notice.


Like I had much of a choice.

Charles Widmore:

This will all be over shortly. Your husband has gotten you into this mess, not me.


Somehow, I doubt that.

Charles Widmore:

So, I assume that you have been in contact with my associates?

Naomi shakes her head yes.

Charles Widmore:

Then, I suppose that you have all the information that you need. Have you any questions?

Who are these people? Why do we need so much protection?

Charles Widmore:

This information would be more beneficial to you if you didn't know details. All you need to
know is that you will go to the island to scout out Benjamin Linus. I want you to go first,
without anyone knowing. I understand you can fly a helicopter so I arranged for an extra to
be placed on the ship. If you can find him and secure him yourself then the mission is
over... everyone can go home.


And if not?

Charles Widmore:

If not, then, you will need this.

Widmore hands her an envelope and Naomi begins to open the envelope as Widmore

Charles Widmore:

There is a chance you may come across other people. These people may, or may not, be
dangerous. You will have to use your judgement. What you have there in your hand will be
your alibi.

Naomi looks at the picture of Desmond and Penny.


Who is he?

Charles Widmore:

His name is Desmond Hume. I have a feeling he is on the island you will be infiltrating.
Penelope has a search party out for him and you will pose as part of the search party she
has devised. This will help you gain trust with whomever you may cross. Keep it on your
person and don't let anyone else see it. I mean, absolutely no-one.


Why me? There are thousands of other people out there more qualified.

Charles Widmore:

None as qualified as you who I know will keep their mouth shut about what they are doing.

As Widmore says this he opens his briefcase and reveals a portable DVD player.

Charles Widmore:
Need I remind you of him?

Widmore pushes play and the video begins. It is the same video from "The Other
Woman" that Ben showed John, except this one is taken from a different angle. It shows the
blindfolded man being forced into Widmore's car and it also shows Widmore looking
upwards towards what is apparently Ben's spy who is also videotaping. Naomi covers her
eyes and beings to cry.

Charles Widmore:

You will have him back shortly. I will let him explain to you why he got you into this mess.


I have your word?

Charles Widmore:

You have my word. Just remember, Desmond Hume is your alibi. Keep the photo close to
you. Good luck Mrs. Dorrit.

Charles gets up and walks towards the camera with Naomi in the background sitting on the
bench watching him walk away looking very upset. Widmore has a slight smile on his face.


The doorbell rings and Widmore answers it to see Sun standing there. He motions her to
come in then looks outside to make sure she wasn't followed.


Who's place is this?

Charles Widmore:

This is the home of my daughter Penelope. She went missing around the time that you
made your way back to the civilized world. I have reason to believe that Benjamin Linus has
kidnapped her because he thinks that I killed his daughter.


Why did you bring me here?

Charles Widmore:

I wanted to show you that, I too, have a daughter. I wanted you to see that there is more
to me than the cold exterior of a businessman. There is more riding on me getting to the
island than you may know. You want to get back to save your husband, well, I want to get
back to save my daughter.

Why do you think she is on the island?

Charles Widmore:

Linus would put her there knowing very well that I would never find her. I want to rescue
her before he blackmails me into doing something I will regret.


I understand. I am sorry for your loss.

Charles Widmore:

Thank you. Now down to business. I need you to get on this plane, rent a car, then travel
north. There, you will find this man.

Charles shows Sun a picture, but the viewer will not see it.

Charles Widmore:

Inside is an itinerary that you should follow closely. In here, you will find instructions on
how to gain his trust once you meet him. Once you do, it should be clear sailing from there.


What is it you want me to do once I meet him?

Charles Widmore:

I need for you to get a copy of this book.


A copy of a book? How is that supposed to help us to get back to the island?

Charles Widmore:

The less you know, the more beneficial it will be for you.


Why not go to a bookstore?

Charles Widmore:

Well, Ms. Kwon, obviously I would do that if the book were still in print or if there was a
known copy of the book in the public circulation, but there isn't.

Sun gives him a disapproving look for his tone. Widmore looks down and then back up at
her sincerely.

Charles Widmore:
Sun, I am sorry. I just want to get my daughter back. Here are your plane tickets. I am
sorry for the carrier, I know it probably isn't your first choice.

Sun looks at the tickets and they are Oceanic.


You didn't have to get me tickets, I have a Golden Pass.

Charles Widmore:

Ah, a perk to being in a fatal plane crash, the ability to fly thousands of more times for


Ironic isn't it.

Charles Widmore:

Yes, well, you best get going if you want to make that flight. Call me once you get what we
need. From there, the search may become a lot less difficult. Good luck Ms. Kwon. Oh, and
Sun, take a warm coat. You will need it.

Sun gives another weirded out look and walks outside and Widmore walks back into
Penny's house and closes the door.


Sun turns the corner and sits down on a bench next to a woman reading the newspaper.


He has my trust and has no idea.

The woman lowers the paper and it is Christine DeVries.


Did he give you all the information you need?


Yes. He also reserved me a seat on a plane.


I suggest you take another flight. We know what happened the last time he put someone on
a plane.


Call this number and tell her to meet me in two days in New York.
Sun gets up and begins to walk off.


Widmore walks into an office type room where there are maps and notes all over the
walls. We see pictures of the Elizabeth, pinpoints all over the South Pacific and Indian
Ocean, Australia and one in Antarctica. There is also a picture of the two men from the
listen station. One is obviously Naomi's husband from the video, but the audience will have
to have a trained eye to realize it. Widmore sits down on a chair and looks at the map on
the wall.

Charles Widmore:

Where are you hiding this time?


A quick shot to an island with palm trees and the camera pulls back to reveal that snow
is flying around it and steam is rising off of the island creating a sort of fog. The camera
keeps pulling back to reveal icebergs floating around the island. It is the island, relocated to
the arctic, or antarctic. Music build up when the icebergs are revealed and:


(43:26) + :49 for credits (44:15) (59:30: w/ 5 commercials)
(60:00) extra :30 for incidentals and previews for next week)

On The Next LOST:

Voice Over: There has been a change in leadership:

1) Locke telling Sawyer that with Ben gone, he is the new leader. Saywer telling Locke he
doesn't trust him.

Voice Over: Enemies must become friends:

2) Locke: We have a common mission right now and that is survival and a way to figure out
how to deal with wherever we have been moved.

Voice Over: Old friends may become enemies:

3) A clip of Juliet and Harper fighting.

Voice Over: And old enemies return....with a vengance:

4) A black screen with the moster sound. Then a shot of everyone in Locke's camp looking
around for Cindy. The look of worry on Charlotte and Miles' face.

Next Week on LOST.

Cast (in order of appearance)

Eric Dane -Young Charles Widmore (maybe used)

Jenn Boneza -Casey
Francois Chau -Dr. Marvin Candle
Sterling Beaumon -Young Ben Linus
Alan Dale -Charles Widmore
Yunjin Kim -Sun Kwon
Danielle Hudoch -Christine DeVries
Doug Hutchinson -Horace Goodspeed
Samantha Mathis -Olivia Goodspeed
Jorge Garcia -Hugo Reyes
Michael Emerson -Ben Linus
Cynthia Waltros -(Elizabeth) Libby
Fionnuala Flanagan -Ms. Hawking
Edward Conery -Auctioneer
Marsha Thomason -Naomi Dorrit

Previously On Lost Clips:

The 06 Rescue on Membata.

Casey, Horace and Olivia welcoming Ben to the island.
A clip of Marvin Candle explaining in the orientation video explaining the incident.
Richard Telling Ben to be Patient.
Ben Moving The Island with the disappearance of it while dudes are on the helicopter.
Widmore bidding on Black Rock then meeting with Desmond.
Naomi crashing helicopter and telling the castaways she is there for Desmond Hume.
Sun telling father she took control.
Widmore's Meeting w/Sun.

Questions Answered:

1) What the incident was.

2) Why the polar bear was in the desert.
3) Widmore's connection to the island.
4) Why Naomi had the picture of Desmond.
5) Who the man is in the Widmore video.
6) Why Marvin Candle has a missing arm.
7) Why he gave Desmond Penny's address.
8) Why Ben can't kill Widmore. They are each other's constants.

Questions Posed:

1) Why was Libby working for Widmore?

2) What is Widmore's connection with Ms. Hawking and why is he so scared of her?
3) Hurley obviously does speak to dead people, but why and how?
4) Who is Christine DeVries and why is she being a double agent?
5) What did Christine mean by her comment about Widmore's plane ticket?
6) What did Naomi's husband do to Widmore?
7) Who is the woman in the picture with Penny?
8) What was up with the changes in the details in Widmore's flashback?
9) The Economist's name is Thomas something.
10) Who is Widmore's brother?

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