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Day 2

1. Sequence
2. Compare and contrast
3. Chronological
4. Cause and effect
5. Problem solution
6. Chronological
7. Sequence
8. Cause and effect
9. Problem and solution
Day 3


Patriots were Both Loyalist were

Americans who patriots Americans
supported the and loyalist remained loyal to
struggle for lived in the crown
independence America

2. This victory convinced

other countries especially
France, that Americans
could win the war

The Americans captured The result of the battles

British general Burgoyne’s shifted the momentum of
army during the battles of the war toward the
Saratoga Americans

Not only did France declare

war on England, but other
nations also began openly
supporting the fight for

Problem Solution
The British were better trained, The Americans had to use what
better armed, and more advantage they had, so they
experience. The American developed what are now known
soldiers attempted to match the as Guerrilla Warfare tactics
British, they suffered heavy


First mix flour Form it into a Put this doughy Bake it until it is
with water until cake and in your lump on a brown.
you get thick, palms. greased cookie
damp dough. sheet


The Americans
would receive
additional help.
When the Spanish
The French joined
assisted the June of 1779
American cause.

The Americans
declared February 6th 1778,

July 4th 1776

Day 4


A. the passage’s main idea is about the process on how to release fireworks

B. sequence chronological sequence


Second, a fuse that A fuse on the firework is lit

First, the firework is When the fuse ignites
at the same time as the
stuffed into a tube leads to the mortar the gunpowder in the
mortar fuse, but this fuse
mortar, an explosion
loaded with is lit. burns slower, allowing the
launches the firework firework to get into the air
gunpowder. into the air. before it explodes.

After it has risen to its

peak, the firework
should explode,
causing tiny pieces


A. The main idea explains the danger of fireworks when you misuse it

B. cause and effect


Cause 1
The operators may be using
poorly manufactured
products, such as fireworks
with fuses that burn too
Misusing fireworks can
result in property damage,
injury, and even the loss of
Cause 2 life.

The operator may be

unskilled or distracted and
make a mistake, such as
setting up an explosion
sequence improperly or not
accounting for conditions in
the environment, like
soundproof foaming.

A. The main idea is about how the fireworks became popular and its history

B. chronological order Nowadays people

around the world
C. celebrate with
fireworks. Whether at
a sporting event,
concert, or public
Chinese fireworks
gathering, fireworks
were popularized in
Europe. After
becoming popular with
Chinese merchants the British, fireworks
developed rocket spread all over their
propulsion. This vast empire.
allowed fireworks to
17th century
travel great distances,
much like they do
Fireworks were today.
commonly sold in
Chinese markets as a 13th century
way to get rid of evil

10th – 12th centuries


A. the main idea is about what are the possible solutions to prevent the increasing firework accidents.

B. problem and solution


Problem Solutions
Emergency rooms around the If you remember that accidents
If you see someone who is
city become filled with children happen, you can keep them from
not a professional playing happening to you. Stay away
and adults suffering from
wounds and burns inflicted by with fireworks, take that as from amateur firework displays.
fireworks. your cue to leave.

A. the main idea is about what he experienced and what fireworks display looks like.

B. chronological order


They started the show. It was a beautiful show.

The explosions were timed to music and it
lasted for about half an hour, but we snuck out
People began gathering on the beach. The local during the grand finale, so that we
radio station was playing music and restaurants
wouldn’t get stuck in traffic.
were selling food. My friends and I played along Around 8:30 PM
the tree line while we waited until dark.

Around 5:30 PM


A. the main idea explains on why fireworks are being used on various countries.

B. cause and effect


Fireworks are Set off on November

launched in India to 5th in Great Britain to
celebrate Diwali, commemorate Guy
Fawkes Night.
the festival of lights.
Fireworks are used
Cause 2
all over the world
Cause 1
for a variety of
In the United States of Fireworks are even set different reasons.
America, fireworks are off in North Korea. This
launched on the 4th of July usually happens on April
to celebrate America’s
8th to celebrate
Buddha’s birthday.

Cause 4

A. the text compares the old and new system of firework when it comes to shipping

B. compare and contrast


1. There were three groups 1. Broken into groups with

of explosives: A, B, and names such as: 1.1G,
C. 1.2G, and 1.4S.
2. The old classes were 2. This new system not
American and were only restricts fireworks
helpful in restricting the Both restricts shipments within the
shipping of fireworks international nation, like the old
within the country, but Shipments. classes, but it also
they did not work well restricts international
when people tried to shipments.
import or export
3. Created by the United
explosives to and from
Nations, so many
different countries.
nations use it.
3. Only used by America.


A. the main idea is about what will be the consequence when they bring fireworks in school

B. problem and solution


Problem Solutions
Any student Will receive a ten-
caught with day suspension.

A. in this text the speaker suggested an idea to solve their budget problem

B. problem solution


Problem Solutions
You can help by donating your
There will be no fireworks
old knickknacks. If you do not
show this year, unless we
have any knickknacks, we will
can raise the $20,000 to pay
also accept money, printer
for the show.
cartridges, and old cell phones.


A. in this text the speaker talks about the differences of smoke bombs and sparklers

B. compare and contrast


 You should put it on

 create bright lights the ground and run.
They are both
and sparks when
fun but smoke
 Smoke bombs
you light them create smoke in
bombs and
 When you light a different colours.
sparklers are
sparkler, you
both extremely
continue to hold it
dangerous and
until it is done
should only by
use by

A. the main idea is how to get a good spot at fireworks display

B. sequence


First and most Once you have found your spot, Lastly, sit in lawn chairs. Many people
importantly, show up spread out a blanket. If you do not will walk by you during the show. Since
early. I’m talking hours have a blanket, your space will it will be dark and since most of people
rapidly disappear as people start will be looking up, you might get
early. The earlier you
showing up. If you do have a stepped on if you are low to the ground.
show up, the greater blanket, you will mark your territory By sitting in a lawn chair, you’ll raise
chance that you will find and most people will be respectful yourself off of the ground and protect
a good spot. of your blanket. yourself from getting trampled.
1 2 3


A. in the text describe what happen when the rodeo clown protect when cowboys dismount

B. cause and effect

Cause Effect

When cowboys dismount or are bucked

off of bulls at riding competitions, rodeo
clowns jump in front of the bulls and In this way rodeo clowns provide an
alternate target, and in doing so protect
motion wildly to get their attention.
the rider.

A. in the text they discuss why other animals and wolverines have so many conflicts

B. cause and effect


The wolverine’s preferred

hunting style. Rather than
Wolverines have so many
chasing down or tricking its prey
like most hunters, the wolverine conflicts with other animals
prefers to take its meals directly
from other hunters.


A. the text explains how the basketball invented by Dr James Naismith

B. chronological


Sometime in After rejecting a few Naismith’s Dribbling wasn’t a

December of 1891, other ideas because students played part of the original
Dr James Naismith, a they were too rough against one game, and it took a
gym teacher at the or not suited for the another, passing while to realize that
YMCA College in walled-in gym, the ball around the game would run
Springfield, Naismith wrote out and shooting it more smoothly if the
Massachusetts was the rules for a game into the peach bottoms of the
trying to keep his with peach baskets baskets. baskets were
gym class active on a fixed to ten-foot removed,
rainy day. elevated tracks.

A. the text is about how hummingbirds distinguish them from other birds by their flight habits.

B. compare and contrast


 The hummingbird  Most birds flap

moves its wings their wings up and
forward and down to fly.
backward very
 other birds have to
rapidly in a figure
They are both push off with their
eight pattern.
flying feet to begin flying.
 The hummingbird
can both start
flying at maximum
speed and stop

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