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J. Volavka1 Update on the biological treatment

L. Citrome2
D. Huertas3 of aggression

1 New York University 2 Clinical

Research and Evaluation Facility 3 University
of Alcalá
Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric New York University Madrid (Spain)
Research Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research Guadalajara University Hospital
USA USA Department of Psychiatry
Guadalajara (Spain)

This review is focused on aggressive behavior in adult trastornos mentales severos. Se definen los comporta-
patients with major mental disorders. Aggression, agitation, mientos de agresión, agitación y hostilidad. Se exponen
and hostility are defined. The roles of intramuscular forms las indicaciones de las formulaciones intramusculares
of ziprasidone and olanzapine in the treatment of acute de ziprasidona y olanzapina en el tratamiento de la
agitation and aggression are discussed. We review general agitación y la agresión agudas. Se efectúa una revisión
considerations pertaining to persistent aggression in inpa- general del comportamiento agresivo persistente en los
tients and outpatients, including comorbidity of major pacientes hospitalizados y ambulatorios, incluyendo la
mental disorders with substance use disorders and personal- comorbilidad de los trastornos mentales graves con los
ity disorders. The role of clozapine as an antiaggressive trastornos relacionados con sustancias y con los tras-
agent is well-established, particularly in inpatients. Evidence tornos de la personalidad. La función de clozapina co-
also exists for the efficacy of risperidone, olanzapine, que- mo agente antiagresivo queda bien establecida, espe-
tiapine, and aripiprazole. Anticonvulsants and lithium are cialmente en los pacientes hospitalizados. También se
widely used with the intent to control aggression, but their presenta evidencia de la eficacia de risperidona, olan-
efficacy lacks strong evidential support. Benzodiazepines zapina, quetiapina y aripiprazol. Los antiepilépticos y
have a role in controlling acute agitation, but their long- el litio se utilizan con frecuencia para controlar la
term use for persistent aggression is not recommended. agresión, pero su eficacia no está fundamentada en
There is evidence for antiaggressive effects of SSRIs and pruebas sólidas. Las benzodiazepinas tienen cierta utili-
hormonal agents with antiandrogenic properties. Beta- dad en el control de la agitación aguda, pero no se re-
adrenergic blockers and electroconvulstive treatment are comienda su administración a largo plazo en cuadros
rarely used in clinical practice to control aggression, but de agresión persistente. Hay pruebas que demuestran
they may be effective. The heterogeneity of aggressive be- los efectos antiagresivos de los inhibidores selectivos
havior is a challenge for developing rational treatments. de la recaptación de serotonina y de diversos agentes
Emerging genetic findings hold a promise of future treat- hormonales con acción antiandrogénica. Los bloquea-
ments of aggressive behavior developed on the basis of in- dores betaadrenérgicos y el tratamiento electroconvul-
dividual patients’ genotypes. sivo no se suelen utilizar en la práctica clínica para el
Key words: control de la agresión, aunque pueden ser abordajes te-
Aggression. Violence. Biological Treatment. Hormonal Treatment. rapéuticos eficaces. La heterogeneidad del comporta-
Actas Esp Psiquiatr 2006;34(2):123-135 miento agresivo representa una dificultad para el des-
arrollo de tratamientos con eficacia razonable. Los
nuevos hallazgos genéticos son prometedores respecto
Actualización del tratamiento biológico a la posibilidad de desarrollar tratamientos futuros
de la agresión frente al comportamiento agresivo en función del ge-
notipo individual de cada paciente.
Esta revisión está centrada en el comportamiento Palabras clave:
agresivo que presentan los pacientes adultos que sufren Agresión. Violencia. Tratamiento biológico. Tratamiento hormonal.

Correspondence: INTRODUCTION
David Huertas
Servicio de Psiquiatría
Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara Aggression is all around us, and historical record indica-
Donantes de Sangre, s/n
19002 Guadalajara (Spain)
tes that it has always been that way. Most of the aggressive
E-mail: behavior in today’s world is committed by people who have

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J. Volavka, et al. Update on the biological treatment of aggresion

no diagnosable mental disorder and are motivated by fac- shorter period of time than oral administration. These phar-
tors such as ideology, revenge, greed, or jealousy. Biological macokinetic properties result in an earlier onset of action
psychiatry should not be expected to offer insights into and this advantage is highly desirable in acutely agitated
train bombings, kidnappings, or «honor killings». There is, and aggressive patients.
however, a fraction of aggressive events (eg, murders) that
is attributable to major mental disorders. The size of that Up until recently the choices of intramuscular agents for
fraction varies among different societies and across differ- these behavioral emergencies have been limited. In the Uni-
ent points in time1. In most current Western societies that ted States, haloperidol 5 mg i.m. plus lorazepam 2 mg i.m.
fraction is probably not greater than 10 %. It is this fraction has been the typical emergency treatment. The release of
that biological psychiatry can address. intramuscular formulations of ziprasidone and olanzapine
represents a major advance in the treatment of acute agita-
The literature on the treatment of aggression has been tion and aggression. These atypical antipsychotics have a
reviewed extensively over the past several years1-5. Basic fea- much lower propensity to cause extra-pyramidal symptoms
tures of these reviews are included here in order to intro- (EPS) such as acute dystonia compared with haloperidol.
duce the topics. However, the overview presented here is focus- Risk of iatrogenic akathisia (common with haloperidol) is al-
ing primarily on the more recent findings and on problems so diminished, which is very important since this condition
addressed by the present and future research. causes irritability and worsens agitation. These new formu-
lations of atypical antipsychotics also provide the opportu-
Before reviewing the literature, we need to define the nity for a seamless transition to oral dosing of the same
basic concepts used therein. The term agitation primarily agent, obviating the need to switch from i.m. haloperidol to
denotes excessive motor or verbal activity. Other compon- an atypical antipsychotic which is usually the drug of choice
ents of agitation may include overwhelming fear or an- for long-term oral treatment.
xiety, irritability, assaultiveness, poor impulse control, im-
paired judgment, decreased sleep, rapid fluctuation of
symptoms over time, and personal distress. Ziprasidone
Aggression is defined as overt behavior involving in- The recommended dose is 10 to 20 mg administered as
tent to deliver noxious stimulation or to behave destruc- required up to a maximum dose of 40 mg per day. Doses of
tively. The term is used to describe behavior in human and 10 mg may be administered every two hours; doses of 20 mg
non-human species. Humans demonstrate three main may be administered every 4 hours. The practice of co-ad-
subtypes of outwards aggression: verbal aggression, ministration of oral and intramuscular ziprasidone is not re-
physical aggression against other people, and physical ag- commended.
gression against objects. Violence denotes physical ag-
gression against other people and thus can be seen as a
Results from two studies in healthy volunteers indicated
subtype of aggression. The term tends to be used by po-
that absorption of i.m.ziprasidone was rapid (Tmax < 1 hour).
pular press and in the criminal justice system. Hostility is
The mean i.m. elimination t(1/2) was short (approximately
ill-defined in the psychiatric literature. Hostility may in-
2.5 hours). The mean bioavailability for the 5-mg i.m. zipra-
clude agitation, aggression, irritability, suspicion, and un-
sidone dose was approximately 100 %7.
cooperativeness. Thus, the term may connote merely an
attitude, but also a physical expression of that attitude.
When hostility is used when describing results from a rat- In a 6-week, flexibly dosed study, patients with schi-
ing scale such as the Positive and Negative Syndrome zophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were randomized to
Rating Scale (PANNS)6, the definition includes verbal and ziprasidone (i.m. up to 3 days, then oral 40-80 mg, b.i.d.)
physical behavior. The PANSS definition for the hostility or haloperidol (i.m. up to 3 days, then oral 5-20 mg/day)8.
item reads: «Verbal and nonverbal expressions of anger At the end of i.m. treatment, patients receiving ziprasi-
and resentment, including sarcasm, passive-aggressive done (n = 427) showed significantly improved Brief Psychia-
behavior, verbal abuse and assaultiveness.» Ratings range tric Rating Scale Total (BPRS total) scores compared with
from 1 («hostility absent») to 7 («extreme hostility that in- those receiving haloperidol (n = 138). Haloperidol-treated
cludes marked anger resulting in extreme uncooperative- patients exhibited significantly greater increases in ex-
ness, precluding other interactions, or in episode(s) of trapyramidal symptoms and akathisia at end of i.m. treat-
physical assault toward others»)6. ment8. Another naturalistic study showed that ziprasidone
20 mg i.m. reduced agitation in emergency room patients
including those intoxicated by alcohol or other substan-
TREATMENT OF ACUTE AGITATION ces9. The onset of action was as early as 15 minutes after
AND AGGRESSION the injection.

Intramuscular administration of a medication typically The magnitude of QTc increases with IM ziprasidone is
results in a higher maximum plasma concentration in a comparable to that described for oral ziprasidone. At the

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J. Volavka, et al. Update on the biological treatment of aggresion

time when ziprasidone was launched, the QT increase was a PERSISTENT AGGRESSION: GENERAL
matter of some concern. However, subsequent clinical ex- CONSIDERATIONS
perience suggests that the cardiac risk is not as serious as
originally suspected10. Aggression in inpatients

Once the acute episode of agitation is appropriately man-

Olanzapine aged, most patients calm down and their aggressive beha-
vior stops. However, there is a subset of patients whose ag-
The efficacy of intramuscular olanzapine in controlling gressive behavior will continue. In an early study, it was
agitation in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar mania found that 5 % of the patients in a long-term psychiatric
disorders was demonstrated in a dose range of 2.5 mg to hospital were responsible for more than 50 % of aggressive
10 mg. The recommended dose in these patients is 10 mg. incidents18. Treating these persistently aggressive patients is
Maximal daily recommended dose is 30 mg (given in 3 in- a major challenge.
jections 2-4 hours apart); orthostatic hypotension may
occur. One of the reasons for the difficulty is that although ag-
gressive behavior is generally acknowledged to be hetero-
Olanzapine i.m. results in rapid absorption with peak geneous in its origins, very little is known about those heter-
plasma concentrations occurring within 15 to 45 minutes ogeneous underlying mechanisms in psychiatric patients.
(compared with approximately 6 hours after an oral dose). Intuitively, clinicians recognize that the patient who as-
Based upon pharmacokinetic studies, a 5 mg dose of intra- saults someone because voices told him to do so (command
muscular olanzapine for injection produces, on average, a hallucinations) will not have the same underlying mecha-
maximum plasma concentration approximately 5 times nism of aggression as another patient who hits someone in
higher than the maximum plasma concentration produced revenge because of a disagreement about a borrowed ciga-
by a 5 mg dose of oral olanzapine. rette. Unplanned, impulsive outbursts of aggression against
staff members who ask the patients to do something appear
to represent another underlying mechanism.
Clinical trials demonstrated efficacy of olanzapine in reduc-
ing acute agitation in patients with schizophrenia and schi- Guided by such intuitive understanding, we attempted to
zoaffective disorder11-15. Onset of efficacy of intramuscular formally classify physical assaults among psychiatric inpa-
olanzapine (10 mg) is rapid, occurring as early as 15 minutes, tients19. We hypothesized that psychosis, disordered impulse
and superior to intramuscular haloperidol (7.5 mg) among pa- control, and psychopathy contribute to assaults. We used a
tients with schizophrenia11. An analogous study with bipolar semistructured interview to elicit reasons for assaults from
mania revealed similar findings with onset of efficacy seen as assailants and their victims on an inpatient research ward.
early as 30 minutes, with superiority to intramuscular loraze- Video monitoring provided supplemental information. We
pam (2 mg)15. Intramuscular olanzapine exhibited less ex- found that approximately 20 percent of the assaults in this
trapyramidal side effects compared with intramuscular halo- sample were directly related to positive psychotic
peridol. No adverse event was significantly more frequent for symptoms. Factor analysis revealed two psychosis-related
intramuscular olanzapine than intramuscular haloperidol or factors, one related to positive psychotic symptoms and the
intramuscular lorazepam. A critical review of the studies of other to psychotic confusion and disorganization, as well as
i.m. olanzapine has been published16. a third factor that differentiated impulsive from psychopa-
thic assaults. Since the publication of this study,19, we have
Oral olanzapine has also been used in the treatment of replicated its results in a different sample (Nolan et al.,
agitation using a loading-dose strategy in a double-blind 2005, in preparation).
multi-center study whereby patients with schizophrenia,
schizoaffective, schizophreniform disorder, or bipolar I dis- This information could be useful in the selection of ration-
order were randomized to receive either a minimum of al antiaggressive treatment strategies. It is possible to hypo-
20 mg/day (up to 40 mg on days 1 and 2, and up to 30 mg thesize that psychotic assaultive behavior may respond to
on days 3 and 4) or 10 mg/day (with lorazepam as needed)17. better antipsychotic treatment, that impulsive aggression
Although improvement on measures of excitement oc- could improve with adjunctive mood stabilizers, and that
curred in both groups, higher olanzapine dosing was signi- aggression in schizophrenia patients stemming from co-
ficantly more effective, and this difference was first signi- morbid psychopathy would not be particularly responsive to
ficant at the 24-hour rating. No statistically significant psychopharmacological treatment. No formal research at-
differences between groups existed in treatment-emer- tempting to test this hypothesis has been published.
gent adverse events or potentially clinically significant la-
boratory abnormalities. Although the difference did not Psychopathy as defined by Hare and his colleagues20,21
reach statistical significance, the patients in the high dose is prevalent among persistently aggressive patients diag-
group were twice as likely to experience headache and nosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder22. It
dizziness. is becoming clear that aggressive behavior in patients with

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comorbid psychopathy requires a considerable amount of presents a difficult challenge. It is difficult to predict its
non-pharmacological treatment. Standard psychiatric treat- efficacy in individual patients, Nevertheless, the pharma-
ment programs have limited success in reducing recidi- cological treatments outlined below may be useful for a
vistic aggressive and criminal behavior in patients with variety of diagnoses, including schizophrenia, bipolar dis-
persistent mental illness. A specialized, cognitive behavior- order, and dementia.
al treatment program has been developed for such a po-
pulation23. This is a long-term inpatient program; prelimi-
nary data suggest that it may reduce the rate of recidivism Atypical antipsychotics
after discharge24.
In addition to their use in patients with schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder, atypical an-
Aggression in outpatients tipsychotics have also been used to manage aggression and
behavioral dyscontrol among patients with dementia and
Community setting is more complex than the structured among adolescents.
environment of an inpatient ward. There are two factors
that substantially elevate the risk of aggressive behavior of
discharged psychiatric patients in the community: sub- Clozapine
stance use and non-adherence to antipsychotic treatment. The
combination of medication non-adherence and substance Early uncontrolled studies indicated reduction in the
abuse predicts serious aggressive acts. Patients with both number of violent incidents and/or a decrease in the use of
alcohol and drug abuse appear to be at a particular risk for seclusion or restraint among inpatients after they began
aggressive behavior25. The evidence for the elevated risk in clozapine treatment; these studies are reviewed else-
major mental disorders comorbid with alcohol abuse is where1-3. Additional uncontrolled studies indicating antiaggres-
overwhelming26-28. It has even been reported that the dis- sive efficacy of clozapine in adults, adolescents and children
charged patients with major mental disorders are not at an have been published35,36. The reductions of hostility37 and
elevated risk for aggressive behavior unless they use alcohol aggression38 after clozapine treatment were selective in the
or drugs29. The report has been criticized on methodological sense that they were (statistically) independent of the gen-
grounds30, and birth cohort studies have firmly established eral antipsychotic effects of clozapine.
that the risk for aggressive behavior in schizophrenia is ele-
vated even without comorbid substance use disorders31,32. These uncontrolled studies suggested efficacy of cloza-
Nevertheless, it is very clear that reducing aggression risk pine in the management of persistent aggressive behavior.
among persons with major mental disorders requires an in- A randomized double-blind clinical trial39 supported this
tegration of mental health and substance abuse treatment conclusion. In that trial, hostility was assessed using the
as well as a systematic approach to improving adherence to PANSS scale (see above), and overt physical aggression
antipsychotic treatment. was recorded using the Overt Aggression Scale40,41. This
14-week study compared the specific anti-hostility effects
and antiaggressive effects of clozapine, olanzapine, rispe-
BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF PERSISTENT ridone, and haloperidol in 157 inpatients with schizophre-
AGGRESSION nia or schizoaffective disorder. Clozapine had significantly
greater anti-hostility effect than haloperidol or risperido-
Ideally, one would like to have tests that would identify ne42. This effect on hostility was specific: it was indepen-
the cause or causes of aggressive behavior in each mentally dent of antipsychotic effect on delusional thinking, formal
ill individual, and then tailor the treatment to the specific thought disorder, or hallucinations, and independent of
case. One of the potential avenues towards that ultimate sedation. Additional analyses of data from this study using
goal was outlined above19. However, such tests are not yet the Overt Aggression Scale43 demonstrated that patients
available and the treatment of persistent aggression is there- exhibiting overt aggression showed less overall improve-
fore difficult to individualize. In general, medications ment of psychopathology, but that antipsychotic efficacy
should be targeted to the underlying diagnosis. However, of clozapine was greatest in aggressive patients, whereas
persistently aggressive patients tend to have multiple the opposite was true for risperidone and olanzapine. A
psychiatric disorders; in fact, the risk of aggressive behavior key finding was that a therapeutic dose of clozapine was
increases with the number of psychiatric diagnoses for necessary to achieve in order to achieve superior effects
which patients meet diagnostic criteria33. Furthermore, per- on the likelihood and the severity of overt aggression. Since
sistent aggression appears to be associated with treatment it can take many days to titrate clozapine to a therapeutic
resistance in schizophrenia34. Accordingly, monotherapy dose, it is important not to terminate a clozapine trial pre-
fails to relieve aggressive behavior in many cases. maturely43.

Thus, in summary, the treatment of persistent aggres- New data from a 12-week randomized clinical trial com-
sive behavior in patients with major mental disorders paring clozapine, olanzapine, and haloperidol among 101 pa-

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J. Volavka, et al. Update on the biological treatment of aggresion

tients with schizophrenia specifically selected because of or more significantly lowered aggression, but no signifi-
prior aggressive behavior demonstrated the superiority of cant antiaggressive effect was found for subjects remain-
clozapine over both olanzapine and haloperidol in reducing ing on risperidone for 1 year or more. Thus, long-term
the frequency and severity of both physical and verbal as- treatment with olanzapine confers some advantage over
saults44. This anti-aggressive effect was independent of any risperidone in reducing aggression. Treatment compliance
effect on psychotic symptoms. mediated the association between olanzapine treatment
and reduced aggressive behavior51.
However, there is at least one large study that does not
support clozapine’s superiority as antiaggressive agent.
The Intercontinental Schizophrenia Outpatient Health Quetiapine
Outcomes (IC-SOHO) study compares the effectiveness of
antipsychotic treatments in practice setting using a non- Quetiapine was superior to placebo in the measures of
interventional, observational study design. The presence aggression and hostility as determined by a post-hoc analy-
or absence of verbal or physical hostility/aggression was sis of a phase III randomized clinical registration trial52. This
assessed retrospectively for the period of 6 months before is supported by a case report describing a dramatic response
enrollment, and prospectively in the period of 6 months to quetiapine monotherapy in a persistently aggressive pa-
after enrollment. At baseline, patients in five monotherapy tient with schizoaffective disorder who had failed to re-
treatment groups (combined n = 3135) were prescribed one spond to numerous other medications53. It is possible that
of the treatments: clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, rispe- doses above the recommended range may have superior an-
ridone, or haloperidol. Hostile/aggressive behavior was tiaggressive properties. A clinical trial testing the efficacy
reduced after enrollment. As monotherapy, both olanza- and safety of quetiapine 600 mg/day vs 1200 mg/day is in
pine and risperidone were superior to haloperidol and progress at the Nathan Kline Institute.
clozapine in reducing aggression. The relative lack of
effectiveness of clozapine is surprising; it may be specific
to this study population45. Aripiprazole

Several double-blind, randomized studies comparing the

Risperidone efficacy of aripiprazole with placebo and with haloperidol
used PANSS ratings, and the PANSS «hostility« item was
In a post-hoc analysis of a randomized, double-blind trial available for post-hoc analyses. The analyses showed signi-
using schizophrenia patients, risperidone demonstrated a ficant superiority of aripiprazole in comparison with place-
selective effect on hostility that was superior to haloperi- bo, and no significant differences between aripiprazole and
dol46. Several uncontrolled studies of antiaggressive effects haloperidol54. Since aripiprazole showed a better safety
of risperidone in schizophrenia showed mixed results. The profile than haloperidol in the same studies55, aripiprazole
antiaggressive effectiveness of risperidone in the IC-SOHO appears to be the preferred medication to control hostility.
study was mentioned above45

Risperidone in low doses shows promise in the control of Anticonvulsants and lithium
aggressive behavior in dementia47-49 and in boys with oppo-
sitional disorder or conduct disorder50. Mood stabilizers such as lithium and anticonvulsants are
used in almost 50 % inpatients (including those with schi-
zophrenia) in New York State psychiatric facilities56 and in
Olanzapine approximately 30 % inpatients in a British psychiatric hos-
pital57. Impulsive aggressive behavior is a principal intended
As mentioned above, olanzapine showed a superior an- target of these adjunctive treatments1,57. Expert consensus
tiaggressive effectiveness in comparison with clozapine and guidelines suggesting the use of adjunctive mood stabilizers
haloperidol in the IC-SOHO study45. In that study, olanza- in patients with schizophrenia with agitation, excitement,
pine and risperidone appeared to have very similar antiag- aggression, or violence58, but the supporting evidence for
gressive effects. this indication is based largely on uncontrolled studies and
case reports. A recent small double-blind placebo-controlled
However, in another observational study51, olanzapine study suggested antiaggressive effects of valproate and car-
showed antiaggressive effects that risperidone lacked. bamazepine59.
This study prospectively examined the effectiveness of
olanzapine versus risperidone in reducing aggressive be-
havior in 124 patients with schizophrenia in the commu- Valproate
nity. The patients were followed for 3 years in with inter-
views at 6-month intervals to assess aggressive behavior. The most commonly used mood stabilizer is valproate56.
The study found that remaining on olanzapine for 1 year There are few controlled trials studying the antiaggressive

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J. Volavka, et al. Update on the biological treatment of aggresion

effects of adjunctive valproate. A recent experiment com- tients who failed clozapine monotherapy (n = 34) demon-
pared the effects of antipsychotic monotherapy (olanzapi- strated improvement in the positive symptoms of schizophre-
ne or risperidone) with that of combination treatment nia63. This report raised hopes for potential antiaggressive
with divalproex sodium among patients with schizophre- effects of lamotrigine.
nia experiencing an acute psychotic episode60. Inpatients
with schizophrenia (n = 249) were randomly assigned to However, a recently completed large multicenter trial
receive olanzapine plus placebo, olanzapine plus divalproex, using schizophrenia patients has not replicated Tiihonen´s
risperidone plus placebo, or risperidone plus divalproex results (report in preparation). A small randomized placebo-
in a double-blind, 28-day trial. The hostility item of the controlled double-blind clinical trial has shown that lamo-
PANSS was the principal outcome measure. Covariates in- trigine reduced anger in women with borderline personality
cluded the PANSS items reflecting positive symptoms of disorder64.
schizophrenia. Combination therapy had a significantly
greater antihostility effect at days 3 and 7 than monother-
apy. This result was not seen beyond the first week of treat- Lithium
ment. The effect on hostility appeared to be statistically
independent of antipsychotic effect on other positive Lithium may reduce manic symptoms, including aggressi-
PANSS items reflecting delusional thinking, a formal ve behavior, in bipolar or schizoaffective disorder. An expert
thought disorder, or hallucinations. Thus, divalproex so- consensus statement recommends lithium as a second line
dium may be useful as an adjunctive agent in specifically adjunctive treatment of persistent aggressive behavior in
reducing hostility in the first week of treatment with ris- psychotic patients58. A recent double-blind study demon-
peridone or olanzapine among patients with schizophrenia strated antiaggressive effects of lithium in manic adoles-
experiencing an acute psychotic episode60. In a recent cents65. There is very limited evidence supporting the an-
study, 52 outpatients with DSM-IV borderline personality tiaggressive efficacy of lithium in patients who are not
disorder were randomly assigned to receive divalproex manic.
(n = 20) or placebo (n = 32), double-blind, for 12 weeks61.
Trait impulsivity symptoms were determined by using the
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, and state aggression OTHER TREATMENTS
symptoms were determined by using the Overt Aggression
Scale. Divalproex was superior to placebo in reducing im- Benzodiazepines
pulsive aggression. Divalproex-treated patients responded
better than placebo-treated patients among those with The experts participating in the Consensus Survey68 disa-
higher baseline trait impulsivity symptoms and state ag- greed with each other regarding the long-term use of ben-
gression symptoms61. zodiazepines as adjunctive antiaggressive treatment in
psychotic patients. Such long-term use can elicit physiolo-
gical tolerance. Abrupt discontinuation of a benzodiazepine
Carbamazepine (for example, by missing scheduled doses) may elicit with-
drawal symptoms that can lead to aggressive behavior. The-
The utilization rate of carbamazepine as an adjunctive re is little evidence supporting the safety and efficacy of
treatment in schizophrenia has been decreasing, perhaps long-term benzodiazepine use to control aggression. On the
because alternatives such as valproate are easier to manage contrary, a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of adjunc-
because carbamazepine induces its own metabolism. The tive clonazepam in 13 schizophrenic patients receiving an-
evidence for its antipsychotic efficacy is not persuasive62. tipsychotics showed no additional therapeutic benefit and
Nonetheless, an expert consensus statement recommended four patients developed aggressive behavior during the
carbamazepine as a second line adjunctive treatment for course of clonazepam treatment66.
the management of persistent aggressive behavior in
psychotic patients58. A recent double-blind study indicated
beneficial effects of carbamazepine in seven patients with Antidepressants
impulsive aggression59. Other evidence for efficacy comes
from older small trials or case reports. In these studies, plas- Central serotoninergic dysfunction is involved in the pa-
ma levels of concomitant antipsychotics were generally not thogenesis of impulsive aggression. Although the link be-
assayed, leaving open the possibility for undetected phar- tween such dysfunction and aggressive behavior has not been
macokinetic interactions. confirmed in all populations studied, the evidence for this is
quite persuasive1. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
(SSRI) are therefore candidate treatments of impulsive ag-
Lamotrigine gressive behavior. Citalopram, an SSRI, was tested for an-
tiaggressive effects in 15 chronically violent hospitalized
A report of a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover schizophrenic patients67. This was a double-blind, placebo-
trial of adjunctive lamotrigine in treatment refractory pa- controlled, crossover study that lasted 48 weeks (24 weeks

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on active citalopram (20-60 mg/day), 24 weeks on citalo- aggressivogenic properties of testosterone and its metaboli-
pram placebo). Citalopram was added to the concurrent an- tes is variable in different cerebral regions and between in-
tipsychotic treatment. The frequency of aggressive incidents dividuals, being determined by the density and affinity of
decreased during the active citalopram treatment. This re- androgenic receptors in the cytoplasma of each neural po-
sult is consistent with the reduction of aggressive behavior pulation, which in his turn depends on the genomic de-
in an open-label study of citalopram in patients diagnosed coding program for synthesizing such receptorial proteins.
with a DSM-IV cluster B personality disorder or intermittent Thus, environmental modulation of aggression could be ex-
explosive disorder68. Several older studies of fluoxetine in plained by postnatal genomic changes in response to life
patients with schizophrenia or personality disorders sugges- events and previous confrontation experiences73,83-85.
ted antiaggressive effects. Thus, antidepressants may have a
role in decreasing aggressive behavior in patients with vary- Several studies have found in humans a significant rela-
ing diagnoses. tionship between elevated plasma, saliva and cerebrospinal fluid
levels of testosterone and aggression, both in males76,86-96
Reports in the lay press have indicated that anti-depres- and females97,98. Also in children, a positive correlation bet-
sants may play a role in causing aggression. Fluoxetine has ween high salivary levels of testosterone and aggression
been blamed for inducing homicidal behavior and has been during free play social behavior has been found99.
used as a legal defense and as a plaintiff’s argument in seek-
ing damages in a variety of court cases. The existing scien-
tific literature does not support this link. However, recent Other investigations have examined the effect of exoge-
evidence appears to support a link between SSRIs and suici- nous androgens on aggression. Reinish100 found in a cohort
dality in children and adolescents. In the United States, the of children exposed to synthetic androgens during the pre-
Food and Drug Administration has issued a strong warning natal period that after birth both females and males sho-
about this adverse effect; a similar warning was issued by wed a clear predisposition to violence. Van Goozen et al.101
Canadian authorities69. The use of several antidepressants in studied the effect of cross-sex hormones on psychological
children and adolescents was banned in the United King- parameters in a group of transsexuals. The administration of
dom. androgens to females was clearly associated with an increa-
se in aggression proneness and a decrease in verbal fluency
tasks, while deprivation of androgens in males exerted the
Beta-adrenergic blockers opposite effect. Different researchers have confirmed a po-
sitive association between the administration of high doses
General overreactivity to the environment, specifically of testosterone102,103 OR anabolizers104-107 and predisposi-
irritability, is mediated through noradrenergic mechanisms. tion to extreme violence, including homicide.
Beta-adrenergic blocking agents are therefore candidate
treatments for irritable aggression. Propranolol and nadolol Some emerging hypoyhesis propose the so-called testos-
are the most extensively studied beta-adrenergic blockers in terone-serotonin link108,109. According to these authors, an-
the context of managing persistent irritable and aggressive drogenic neuromodulators tend to inhibit the serotonergic
behavior, particularly in brain injured patients. This research control over aggression in the prefrontal brain.
started in the 1970s70, flourished through the 1980s71, and
some limited work continued in the 1990s72. Side effects Antiandrogens have been mainly used in psychiatry to
such as hypotension and bradycardia, as well as the wide control hypersexual or paraphilic aggression110,-116. How-
availability of atypical antipsychotics, have limited clinical ever, few studies have been published testing these com-
use of beta blockers in the treatment of aggression. pounds in non-sexual aggression or in specific psychiatric
disorders, like OCD117,118, bulimia nervosa119 or Tourette´s
Hormonal treatment
Hormonal agents with antiandrogenic action modify the
Investigation in animals and humans has revealed an as-
cytoplasmatic androgenic receptors affinity and block their
sociation between androgens and aggression73-79. In our
regulatory effect on the cellular genomic expression121.
species, androgens modulate sexual and aggressive beha-
They may also reduce the synthesis and liberation of gona-
vior. They do not cause direct behavioral reactions, but in-
dotrophins (FSH, LH) and decrease the production of testos-
crease the probablility of response to specific stimuli77. Hor-
terone and 5-α-dihydrotestosterone122.
monal influence on aggression appears to be stronger in
lower animal evolutive levels. In primates and humans, so-
ciocultural factors significatily interact with biological fac- In 1978, Itil sustained that existing evidence for an an-
tors to regulate behavior1,80,81. tiaggressive effect of cyproterone acetate (CPA) in sexual
violence could be extended to the general treatment of pa-
Androgenic modulation of human aggression appears to thological aggression123. A number of investigations support
be strongly related to genotype expression82. Sensitivity to this hypothesis, and show promise in the control of agressi-

65 Actas Esp Psiquiatr 2006;34(2):123-135 129

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J. Volavka, et al. Update on the biological treatment of aggresion

ve behavior with antiandrogens124-129. Case reports on the is rarely studied in the context of antiaggressive treatment.
specific antiaggressive action on cyproterone in mental re- In typical studies, the aggressive incidents are considered as
tardation and psychosis have been published by Thibaut et a unitary phenomenon, and the treatment efficacy analyses
al, using doses of 200-300 mg per day74,130. assume that there are no subgroups of incidents or of disor-
ders that could differ in their response to treatment. We
Orengo et al.131 found that physical aggression in elderly made an initial effort to classify incidents19, but so far we
men with dementia showed a strong positive correlation have not been able to use this classification in the context
with elevated free testosterone in plasma, while estrogen of a treatment trial. This is one of the challenges for future
levels showed significant negative correlations with mea- research.
sures of aggression. According to their findings, the authors
recommend the use of antiandrogens (CPA, leuprolide ace- Pharmacogenetics has the potential for developing indi-
tate) in these patients, highlighting their superior tolerance vidualized rational treatments of aggression. Polymorphism
in comparison to antipsychotics, that should be reserved to of the catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene (specifi-
control aggression secondary to paranoid symptoms. Other cally, the MET allele) appears to be associated with aggres-
studies have confirmed decreased aggression in patients sion in various psychiatric populations150,153, and similar
with dementia under treatment with antiandrogens132,133 or evidence is emerging for the serotonin transporter gene153
estrogens134-137. and monoamine oxidase (MAO) gene154.

Along 1993-98, our group conducted a pilot, randomiz- The application of these developing pharmacogenetic
ed, triple-blind, head-to-head, parallel-group clinical trial, findings to future research in the treatment of aggression is
to examine the effectiveness and safety of cyproterone the next challenge to the field. Looking back at the original
against haloperidol in the treatment of aggression associa- data on propranolol and aggression published in the 1980s,
ted with Alzheimer’s dementia5. Cyproterone proved to be one is struck by the type of variation of the treatment re-
significantly more effective and better tolerated than halo- sponse: some patients responded very well, but others showed
peridol as a specific antiaggressive treatment in this popu- no effect at all. Is it possible that this type of variability
lation (report in preparation). was due, for example, to the COMT polymorphism? Could it
be that the responders were those whose COMT enzymatic
The use of hormonal agents to control aggression is limi- activity was low (due to the presence of a MET allele that
ted by their potential side effects. Estrogenic compounds confers low activity), and who therefore benefited most
produce feminization in males, and may cause liver abnor- from the beta-adrenergic block? Similar questions can be
malities and increased risk of endometrium carcinoma with asked by future experiments. Some of these issues were dis-
sustained administration. Several case reports suggest he- cussed in more detail elsewhere155,156.
patotoxicity of cyproterone acetate138-140 and liver genoto-
xicity141,142, especially when administered in high doses or
Similar to other areas of psychiatry, the future lies in tai-
combined with estrogens143. Nonetheless, the association
loring antiaggressive treatments to fit individual patients’
has not been conclusive. Systematic reviews of the clinical
genetic equipment, disease state, and personality. We hope
experience with CPA have not found significant evidence of
that better understanding of neurobiological and psycholo-
liver damage or mutagenic effect113,144-148. Luteinizing hor-
gical mechanisms regulating aggressive behavior in indivi-
mone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists, like leuprolide,
duals will lead to the replacement of the currently employ-
may produce hot flushes secondary to acute elevations in
ed trial-and-error treatment paradigm by a more effective,
plasma testosterone at the beginning of treatment.
individual data-driven approach.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Future research should also confirm specific antiaggres-
sive effect of antiandrogens, and open the road to the syn-
Although ECT is used largely as a treatment for mood dis- thesis of new non-feminizing compounds with improved
orders, adjunctive ECT may be helpful in patients with per- tolerance.
sistent aggressive behavior. An open trial of ECT in combi-
nation with risperidone in males with schizophrenia and
aggression resulted in a reduction in aggressive behavior for REFERENCES
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