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Title Instruction
To "water fall" each player starts drinking their beverage, depending on
the direction of the game (whether you are picking cards clockwise or
counter clockwise). No player can stop drinking until the player before
Ace "Waterfall" them has stopped. Vessels do not have to be fully consumed. The
exception is the player who drew the ace, who may stop whenever they
please. Waterfall is only recommended with beer and the like. For
higher % drinks use the "Social" rule. See Variations below.
2 "You" The player who drew the card assigns someone to drink.
3 "Me" The player who drew the card drinks.
4 "Floor" Everyone must touch the floor. The last player to do so must drink.
5 "Guys" All participating men drink.
6 "Chicks" All participating women drink.
7 "Heaven" All players must point upwards, the last player to do so must drink.
The player who drew the "8" chooses another player as a partner and both
players must drink. A common variation of this rule is that from this
"Mate / Crazy point in the game, the player who has been picked as the "mate" must
8" drink whenever the player who drew the "8" drinks. This is only
recommended for larger groups. Crazy 8 - 8's are wild. They can be any
card of the player's choosing.
The player who drew the 9 says a phrase, then the players go around in
the circle saying phrases that rhyme with the original. No phrase may be
9 "Rhyme"
said twice, the first player who can not come up with a phrase, or says a
phrase that doesn't rhyme must drink.
The player who drew the 10 picks a category such as "sports teams" or
"bands from the '90s," the players then go around in the circle saying
10 "Categories" items from that category, the first player who can not think of an item or
says something not in the category (or if all items have been exhausted)
must drink.
All players hold up three fingers (five in larger groups). The player who
drew the Jack says something he has never done in his life, beginning
"Never have I
Jack with the phrase "never have I ever" (eg. Never have I ever been to Asia).
Anybody who has done what the player says must lower one finger. Play
continues clockwise until one person is out of fingers, and drinks.
The player who drew the Queen keeps it until some one answers any
question asked. The player who answers must drink or, depending on the
house rules, all players must go around the circle asking questions (some
variations require that the question be contextually sensible) or the player
Queen "Questions" with whom the asker made eye contact with must ask a question to
another player (in some circles asking to the same person loses the game).
No question may be said twice (or repackaged in some versions), the first
player who can not come up with a question, or says something that is not
a question must drink.
King "Rule" When a player draws a King that person makes a rule that has to be
followed the rest of the game, such as: No Cursing, Green Man (you have
to pretend to take a tiny man off your cup before you drink then put him
back on when you're done. If you do not follow the rule you must take
another drink. It is considered unsporting to make rules which affect a
particular person or group of people, rather than target everyone.
(Compare "John cannot speak English" vs "The next one to draw a club
cannot speak english").

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