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6 Ciapponi A, Pizarro R, Harrison J. the inflammatory process in patients betes and ischaemic cardiomyopathy.
Trimatazidine for stable angina with ischaemic dilated cardiomyopa- Am Heart J 2003; 146: E1–8.
(review). The Cochrane Collaboration: thy. Heart 2005; 91: 161–5. 11 El-Kady T, El-Sabban K, Gabaly M
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7 Brottier L, Barat L, Combe C et al. et al. Trimetazidine improves left ven- myocardial perfusion and contractile
Therapeutic value of a cardio protect- tricular function and quality of life in response of electronically dysfunctional
ive agent in patients with severe isch- elderly patients with coronary artery myocardium in ischaemic cardiomyop-
aemic cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J disease. Eur Heart J 2004; 25: 1814– athy. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2005; 5:
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8 Di Napoli P, Taccardi AA, Barsotti A. 10 Fragasso G, Piatti PM, Monti L et al.
Long term cardioprotective action of Short and long term beneficial effects
trimetazidine and potential effects on of trimetazidine in patients with dia-

CATIE for clinicians

The paper by Citrome and Stroup ever, many pharmaceutical companies turers are very concerned to help doc-
published in this issue is a very inter- have used very heavy-handed market- tors understand what may be the
esting contribution to the field of clin- ing strategies for their antipsychotic optimal dose for their drug. However,
ical psychopharmacology (1). products and this has created tension this is alluded to as a possible source
First, I would like to explain the generated by doctors who are sceptical of error in the ‘Discussion’ section of
rationale of the CATIE study (Effect- about the activities of the pharmaceu- the CATIE study.
iveness of Antipsychotic Drugs in tical industry. The overall conclusion of the CA-
Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia) The CATIE study was conceived to TIE study is that olanzapine is the
(2). overcome this tension and to provide most favourable drug with regard to
Schizophrenia is the most serious a definitive view of which antipsychot- discontinuation rates but that it was
and enduring of mental illnesses but ic might be the most useful in schizo- least favourable with regard to meta-
all current treatments provide only phrenia. bolic syndromes. Phase II of the CA-
partial relief from symptoms. There The CATIE study is therefore an TIE study involved re-randomisation
are now a large number of second- independently funded NIH study to the same group of drugs but also
generation antipsychotics which offer which compared modern second-gen- including clozapine.
many advantages but their similarities eration antipsychotics to each other One of the imponderables of CA-
are greater than their differences and and to a first-generation antipsychotic TIE is that it does not have a top line
there is a great deal of commercially perphenazine. It was a multicentre with regard to the ranking of anti-
led activity to establish advantages of prospective study at 57 US sites con- psychotics and their relative risk–bene-
one over another. In response to this ducted over an 18-month period. The fit ratios. The Citrome paper helps in
there have been a number of inde- study is fully explained in the current this regard. The current paper by
pendent studies, usually in the form paper by Citrome et al. A total of Citrome et al. adds a further level of
of meta-analyses, that have tried to 1493 patients were recruited. The sophistication to this work in two
provide an unbiased view of this field. study was blind and randomised to ways. It therefore explains the concept
A good example of this is the study either olanzapine (7.5–30 mg/day), of numbers needed to treat (NNT) vs.
by Davis et al. (3). perphenazine (8–32 mg/day), queitia- numbers needed to harm (NNH).
Schizophrenia is a disease that pine (200–800 mg/day) or risperidone Traditional clinical pharmacologists
attacks young people, is a relatively (1.5–6 mg/day). Ziprasidone was were trained in the concepts of thera-
untreatable condition and is of life- included later in the study at 40– peutic ratios and therapeutic indices
long duration. Therefore pharmaceuti- 160 mg per day following its approval which were arcane and complicated
cal companies see this disease as an during the course of the study by the and required knowledge of logarithmic
important opportunity for revenue FDA. mathematics. NNT/NNH is a much
generation. My own view is that this The choice of dosing was interest- more understandable index of efficacy
is laudable if it generates more fund- ing as it was driven by manufacturer vs. safety analysis and gives us a much
ing for schizophrenia research. How- input to the protocol. Many manufac- more clearer view of the overall

ª 2006 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, August 2006, 60, 8, 891–895

effectiveness in broad and easily under- drugs in patients with chronic schizo-
standable terms. This is an ideal article phrenia. N Engl J Med 2005; 353:
for a general readership that may not 1 Citrome L, Stroup TS. Schizophrenia, 1209–23.
want to plough through the original clinical antipsychotic trials of interven- 3 Davis JM, Chen N, Glick ID. A meta
tion effectiveness and number needed analysis of the efficacy of second gen-
iterations of the CATIE study.
to treat: how can CATIE inform clini- eration antipsychotics. Arch Gen Psychi-
cians? Int J Clin Pract 2006; 60: 933– atry 2003; 60: 553–64.
R. Kerwin
Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2 Lieberman JA, Stroup TS, Joseph P
Institute of Psychiatry, et al. Effectiveness of antipsychotic
London, UK

PDE-5 inhibitors: spoilt for choice

The introduction of oral agents for greater extent and provide better data of efficacy and harm were carried out
the treatment of erectile dysfunction for physicians and their patients. for each treatment and the results
(ED) has changed the lives of many Sildenafil has been available on the compared where there was a common
men around the world and revolution- world market since 1998 and was comparator and consistency about
ised the treatment of men with erec- joined in 2003 by tadalafil and varde- outcome reporting using equivalent
tion problems of all severities and nafil. They are all effective, safe and doses. It is concluded that there were
aetiologies. ED affects up to 50% of reliable oral agents. All three drugs differences between the trials in out-
men between 40 and 70 years of age, share the same mode of action and all comes reported, limiting conclusions
with age being the variable most are contraindicated with nitrate medi- and the most useful outcomes were
strongly associated with ED (1). cations. There are significant differ- not reported. For common outcomes
Erectile dysfunction and coronary ences between the three agents. there was similar efficacy between the
artery disease overlap in risk factors, Sildenafil has the longest and most three PDE5 inhibitors (5).
aetiology and clinical outcomes. It has comprehensive trial experience in In clinical practice, discontinuation
become clear that ED is an important patients and the most robust safety rates beyond a year are relatively high.
marker of vascular disease throughout and tolerability data, and there has Factors such as spontaneity, natural-
the arterial tree, including coronary been much interest in whether or not ness, and onset and duration of action
artery disease, stroke and diabetes. Epi- the two newer agents offer significant may all influence preferences. And cer-
demiological studies have demonstrated advantages over sildenafil. tainly in some studies men have shown
a close association between ED and vas- Comparing different interventions preferences for particular oral PDE-5
cular disease. The shared aetiological for the same condition is problematic. inhibitors over others. This may well be
factor is endothelial dysfunction, which This is because large direct compari- important in determining whether or
occurs in hypertension, smoking, sons are uncommon and provide us not patients continue treatment in the
abnormal lipid profiles and diabetes. with only a very small proportion of medium and long term. There is no
The beneficial effects of phosphodiest- the large numbers of randomised trials doubt that providing patients with full
erase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors on comparing different interventions with information on the pros and cons of
endothelial function have been the sub- the same or similar comparators. treatment options can ensure that
ject of much interest and debate (2). Designing a trial which is randomised patients are treated with a therapy that
Wright’s paper reviews the struc- and properly blinded that directly fits more closely with their wishes, and
ture, selectivity, pharmacokinetics and compares one PDE-5 inhibitor with this will lead to continuation of therapy
the onset and duration of effect of the another in a normal home setting is for optimal efficacy (6).
three agents, together with tolerability fraught with problems. At the end of the day the old saying
and patient preference (3). A number Moore et al. tackled the problem ‘It it is not what you give, but how
of preference studies have been con- by reviewing published randomised, you give it’ remains very important. A
ducted with PDE-5 inhibitors and double-blind trials of all oral PDE-5 dedicated, and well educated physi-
they have demonstrated inconsistent inhibitors for erectile dysfunction. cian, who can set realistic expectations
findings (4). This led to a recommen- There are no randomised and properly and encourage couples to comply with
dation for the special design of such blinded trials comparing the PDE-5 treatment, will make the true differ-
trials that can minimise bias to a inhibitors in a home setting. Analyses ence (7).

ª 2006 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, August 2006, 60, 8, 891–895

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