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Quizizz: Simple past tense interrogative form

Quiz started on: Mon 31, Aug 02:41 PM Total Attendance: 16 Average Score: 5986

Class Level
# Correct

(A) Did your brothers travel last year? (B) No, they ….

(A) … you know the answer? (B) No, I ….


(A) Did you … breakfast? (B) Yes, I did.


(A) … you … TV? (B) Yes, I did.


(A) Did you like the movie? (B) Yes, I ….


____________ (I/see) you last week?


____________ (we/go) to Spain in July?


______________ (you/have) fun at the party?


___________ (Sally and Victoria/go) to a cafe at lunchtime?


___________ (you/feel) okay on the first day of your new job?


Total 102
Player level data in next Sheet!!

Time is represented in GMT+000

rogative form
Average Score: 5986

Class Level

leonardo sernaque
# Incorrect # Unattempted
( leonardo sernaque )

b) didn’t
3 1

b) Did / didn’t
7 0

a) eat
3 0

c) Did / watch
2 1

a) did
2 1

Did I see
6 1

Did we go
6 0

Did you have

6 1

Did Sally and Victoria go

10 0

Did you feel

8 0

53 5 10380
ISABELLA D(IS Fabrizio Moran

b) didn’t b) didn’t b) didn’t

b) Did / didn’t b) Did / didn’t b) Did / didn’t

a) eat b) eating a) eat

c) Did / watch c) Did / watch c) Did / watch

a) did a) did a) did

did i see Did i see Did I see

did we go Did we go Did we go

did you have Did you have Did you have

did Sally and Victoria go Did Sally and Victoria go They did go

did you feel Did you feel You did feel

10480 8490 7330

Danicaty_ g ( Danicaty_ Höľî şøý Vēřô uwu
Marcelo V ( Marcelo V )
g) ( Perrunita_28 V )

b) didn’t c) don't b) didn’t

b) Did / didn’t a) Did / don’t b) Did / didn’t

a) eat a) eat a) eat

c) Did / watch c) Did / watch c) Did / watch

a) did a) did a) did

Did I see I did see Yes, i see did

Did we go Did we go Did we go

Did you have Did you have Did you have

Did Sally and Victoria Did Sally and Victoria go did they go to a cafe at

Did you feel Did you feel Did you fel

9200 6990 6420

Player Level

Jessica Vargas Maria Fernanda S

JaiME v @ ( JaIMe V )
( Jessica V ) ( Maria Fernanda S )

b) didn’t a) weren’t b) didn’t

a) Did / don’t a) Did / don’t b) Did / didn’t

b) eating a) eat a) eat

c) Did / watch a) Was / watch c) Did / watch

a) did a) did a) did

did i see did i see i

did we go did we go go

did you havr did you have you

did go saly and victoria did sally and victoria go go

did you feel did tou feel feel

5060 5490 4610

꧁༒✞Jaime ✞༒꧂ FABRIZIO M
Camila P ( Camila P )
( JaIMe V ) ( FABRIZIO M )

c) don't b) didn’t b) didn’t

c) Were / wasn’t b) Did / didn’t a) Did / don’t

a) eat a) eat b) eating

b) Did / watched c) Did / watch c) Did / watch

c) was a) did c) was

did i see The Did i see

i we go We go Did we go

did you have And Did you

did sally and victoria go Go Did Sally and victoria

did you feel The Did you feel

4260 4370 3420

Maria Fernanda
Zergio Soto S ( Zergio
Salazar c ( Maria Jessica V ( Jessica V )
Soto S )
Fernanda S )

b) didn’t b) didn’t No response

b) Did / didn’t a) Did / don’t a) Did / don’t

a) eat a) eat a) eat

c) Did / watch c) Did / watch No response

a) did a) did No response

i did I No response

we did Did go We

you did you No response

sally and victoria go did Did you sally and vistoria You sallu and victoria go

you did did we feel You a feel

4750 3590 940

Quizizz: Simple past tense interrogative form
Quiz started on: Mon 31, Aug 02:41 PM Total Attendance: 16 Average Score: 5986

Players Score Accuracy Started At

leonardo sernaque
( leonardo sernaque )
10380 100% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

BELLA D) 10480 100% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

Fabrizio Moran
8490 90% Mon 31, Aug 03:02 PM
( JESUSVILLAVERDE 7330 80% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM
Danicaty_ g
( Danicaty_ g )
9200 90% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

Marcelo V ( Marcelo
6990 70% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

Höľî şøý Vēřô uwu

( Perrunita_28 V ) 6420 70% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

Jessica Vargas
( Jessica V )
5060 60% Mon 31, Aug 03:00 PM

JaiME v @ ( JaIMe V ) 5490 60% Mon 31, Aug 03:02 PM

Maria Fernanda S
( Maria Fernanda S )
4610 50% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

꧁༒✞Jaime ✞༒꧂
( JaIMe V )
4260 50% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

Camila P ( Camila P ) 4370 50% Mon 31, Aug 03:01 PM

3420 50% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM
Maria Fernanda
Salazar c ( Maria 4750 50% Mon 31, Aug 03:00 PM
Fernanda S )
Jessica V ( Jessica V ) 3590 40% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM
Zergio Soto S ( Zergio
Soto S )
940 10% Mon 31, Aug 02:55 PM

Time is represented in GMT+000

gative form
erage Score: 5986


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